
Absolut Vodka



of data

of research


Action(s), in changing research paradigm/approach

Adobe Online Marketing Suite

Adoption, of social media listening

Advanced level, in social media listening


competitive versus business, xi

social TV ratings and


in achieving market goals

biometric signals and

in changing research paradigm/approach

competitor risk and

consumer trials and

creating resonant messages for

culture and

fine tuning of

future of

helpful reviews and

improving competitiveness via

listening and, ix, xii, xiii

listening-based targeting strategies in


for marketing Suzuki Hayabusa motorcycle

in MINI case study

in product line extension

product positioning and

in product/service improvement

rebranding and repositioning via


setting budget for

social media conversations versus

social media listening data and

in social media listening’s future

in strategic competition

using Web sites for

in Wired magazine


Advertising Age, on Fiat MIO project

Advertising programs, improving competitiveness via

Advertising Research Foundation (ARF). See also ARF entries

definition of listening by

great recession and

listening organizations and

Advertising schedules, as affecting conversation levels

Advertising-voice share, conversational-voice share versus

Advertising weight, as affecting conversation levels


case study of


as affecting conversation levels

for sales forecasting


word-of-mouth marketing and

Advocate sites, gender, multicultural, and LGBT listening and

Affiliate and Search Marketing


as light purchasers

marketing Hennessy Cognac and

African-American sites, gender, multicultural, and LGBT listening and

African-American themes

Agarwalla, Jayant, in Scrabble case study

Agarwalla, Rajatj, in Scrabble case study



Aggregating content



Almaden Research Center, on using online postings to predict sales

Alterian Techrigy SM2

Always brand


case study of

helpful reviews on

predicting sales and

text mining for product features on

American Airlines (AA), case study of

American Marketing Association, on marketing research

Americans, neo-tribes and. See also United States

American Telephone and Telegraph (AT&T)

case study of

Analyses (analysis)

of consumer trials

in listening

reporting and

in social media listening’s future

in strategic competition

of tweets

Analytic capabilities, of text analytic tools

Analytics, in changing research paradigm/approach

Analytic strategy, for listening

Analyzing competition, listening and

Anderson Cancer Center

case study of

Anticipating issues/concerns, in reputation management


biometric signals and

in changing research paradigm/approach

AOL (America Online), as listening solution

AOL Hot Searches

AOL LLC Network, searches analyzed

API (application programming interface)


in Amazon Kindle case study

in American Telephone and Telegraph case study

case study of


ARF Council. See also Advertising Research Foundation (ARF)

ARF Industry Leader Forum

ARF Morning Coffee

ARF People Council

ARF PowerSearch

ARF Web site

Arm & Hammer

Arnell, Peter

Artificial settings, naturalistic settings versus

Asian-American sites, gender, multicultural, and LGBT listening and

Ask, as listening solution

“Asking” research, listening and

Ask Network, searches analyzed




Attention spans, in changing research paradigm/approach


Attracting new customers

Audience, influence of reviews on

Audience Measurement Conference

Audience viewing intention score

Austin, Manila

on changing research paradigm/approach

on insight relevancy


Authenticity, word-of-mouth marketing and

Authority, in source vetting

Authors, in rethinking media, marketing, and advertising


passage of time and

in product line extension

reviews and

Awesomeness, questions about

“Back room” machinations, in changing research paradigm/approach


improving competitiveness via

in EA Sports case study


Bacon Salt

case study of

Banner, David

Bannister, Roger

Barefoot Wines

Barocci, Bob, ix–x

Basic sales tactics, in increasing sales


Bear Naked

Behavioral change, in food-shopper mind-set

Behavioral listening

picking up new signals by


in changing research paradigm/approach

culture and

in discovering new customers

emotions as driving

in Kraft Foods case study

in listening

in listening-based targeting

in rethinking media, marketing, and advertising

case study of

Benchmarks, in changing research paradigm/approach


in creating resonant messages

of listening’s new mental model

Berger, Jonah

Bernoff, Josh

Berwick, Frances

Best Buy

Best practices, in increasing sales

Better Homes & Gardens (BHG)

new idea fine tuning for

Biases, listening-based targeting strategies and

Bing, as listening solution

Biometric signals


gender, multicultural, and LGBT listening and

in marketing Hennessy Cognac

Blog-centric services, vendors of


as influencers

neo-tribal analytics and

in Old Spice case study


Blogging tools



Blog post



Blogs, xi

in consumer backyard

in conversation footprint

culture and

customer dissatisfaction on

in customer relations

in increasing product loyalty

in JetBlue case study

as listening solution

media and marketing and

in reputation management

Blogs and Social Media


case study of

increasing sales of


Body Wash

case study of

Boldness, in discovering new customers



Boudreaux, Chris

five principles for successful listening by

on listening organizations

on social networking policies

Bought media

Bought/owned/earned (BOE) media environment, in rethinking media, marketing, and advertising

Box office receipts

influence of buzz on

influence of reviews on

Brain, monitoring signals from

Brain Juicer

Brand attributes, listening and

Brand backyard

in EA Sports case study

improving competitiveness in

Branded communities, in product/service improvement

Branding. See also Rebranding

in Ore-Ida case study

Brand loyalty, improving competitiveness via

Brand mentions

by light purchasers

monitoring tools for retrieving

Brand metrics, in creating resonant messages

Brand-name tracking

Brand objectives, of social media listening

Brand page

Brand protection, monitoring tools for

Brand Reputation Management


analyzing postings about

for caregivers

confidence in

connection with

in customer relations

improving competitiveness via

listening and

listening-based targeting strategies and

listening solutions and

in rebranding and repositioning

in rethinking media, marketing, and advertising

sentiment about

in strategic competition

text analytics and

used-desired features in

vendors of

Brand strategy


Bravo network

Brazil, Fiat agency in


in context

text analytics and

Broadband services

Broadcasting, word-of-mouth

Broadcast television, online video versus

Broad questions

BSSP agency


for advertising

in market-share achievement

Bulgrin, Artie, on changing research paradigm/approach

Bulletin board


BusaBeats campaign


in changing research paradigm/approach

culture and

rebranding and repositioning by

social media in

Business advantage

competitive advantage versus, xi

social TV ratings and

Business analytics, in changing research paradigm/approach

Business events

in increasing sales

in strategic competition

Business line expansion, improving competitiveness via

Business models, listening in

Business objectives

social media and

Business outcomes, predicting

Business partners, in reputation management

Business processes, social media and

Business process improvements

Business process investments

Buzz. See also Voices; Word of mouth (WOM)

in changing research paradigm/approach

in creating resonant messages

in EA Sports case study

effect on box office sales

emotional engagement and

in increasing sales

in Old Spice case study

in sales forecasting



in Silk case study

Cable television

Calibration, in changing research paradigm/approach

Campaign for Real Beauty

case study of

Campaign tactics, improving competitiveness via

Campbell’s Cream of Mushroom soup

Campbell Soup Company, case study of

Canada, Scrabble in

Cancer awareness, in MD Anderson Cancer Center case study

Capturing ideas, in product/service improvement

Carat USA

Car companies, customer want lists and

Car culture, in MINI case study

Caregivers, mind-set of

Carney, Heidi

Carson, Rachel

Case analyses. See also Case studies

discovering new customers via

uses of

Case studies



American Airlines

Americans with Disabilities Act

American Telephone and Telegraph


Bacon Salt


Body Wash

Broadband services provider

Campaign for Real Beauty

Campbell Soup Company




condiment manufacturer

consumer packaged goods companies


Crate & Barrel



EA Sports


Fiat MIO

Fusion razor



Harrah’s Casino


Hennessy Cognac

household product


iPhone 4



Kraft Foods

Ladies’ Home Journal

Lion Brand Yarn

Lists (Twitter product)

Lubricant WD-40

MD Anderson Cancer Center

Meredith Corporation

mobile phone companies

Naked Wines



Old Spice


Philadelphia Cream Cheese (Philly)

Portland radio station

Pretzel Crisps

Procter & Gamble

Provo Craft




Silk soy beverage



Steam n’ Mash

Super Bowl commercials

Suzuki Hayabusa

Tassimo pod coffee maker

Trek Light Hammocks

Tropicana Pure Premium Orange Juice

True Citrus



Vitaminwater Connect

WhiteWave Foods

Categories. See also Product categories

in increasing sales

in targeting insights

Categorization errors, in data collection

Category-level conversations, by light purchasers

Category mind-sets, understanding


case study of

increasing sales of

Center of excellence, for social media

Centralized listener



competition and

in listening research

listening to bring about

in mental models

to research paradigm


Changes in demand, in sales strategies

Charitable giving, in food-shopper mind-set


Chat Threads



Choi, Hyunyoung

Civility, in customer care and satisfaction

Clarabridge Content Mining Platform

Clarity, in changing research paradigm/approach


Client brand


CNN, case study of



in changing research paradigm/approach

listening and

of new products

Coded information, processing of


Cold calling, in increasing sales


in changing research paradigm/approach

monitoring tools for

Colleagues, sharing sales predictions with


Collective Intellect

credit-card holders and

social TV ratings and

Columbia Business School

Combining ideas, in creating resonant messages


case study of

Command-and-control marketing

in competitiveness

in NestlÉ case study

in strategic competition

Commentators, in rethinking media, marketing, and advertising

Comment cards, online and offline conversations and


in new idea fine tuning

in reviews

NASCAR improvements from

Commercials, Super Bowl


behavioral listening and

in strategic competition

Communication. See also Communications

in changing research paradigm/approach

culture and

of insights

listening and

of sales predictions


creating resonant messages for

management of

social media and

Communispace Corporation


on caregivers

in CDW case study


in creating resonant messages

in EA Sports case study

in new idea fine tuning

in Scrabble case study

Twitter improvements via

vendors for

Community engagement, of customers about passions

Community guidance, in private communities

Community involvement, in JetBlue case study

Community Marketing, Inc.

Community members, in increasing sales

Community tools

as listening solutions

Companies. See also Organizations

in changing research paradigm/approach

consumer trials and

culture and

customer relations of

customer want lists and

engaging customers by

improving competitiveness of

increasing sales of

key business objectives of

listening-based sales prediction for

in listening-led sales strategy

as listening organizations

mental models for listening and

new product development by

new product uses championed by

online advocacy for

online and offline conversations and

picking up new signals by

private communities run by

product line extension by

product positioning by

product/service improvement by

rebranding and repositioning by

reporting listening research to

reputation management by

sales forecasting by

sharing sales predictions within


social media listening by

in social media listening’s future

social networking policies of

social TV ratings and

sustainability and

word-of-mouth advertising and

Company culture, in customer care and satisfaction

Company protection, monitoring tools for


in market-share achievement

in rethinking media, marketing, and advertising

sensing change and


Competition analysis, listening and

Competitive advantage

business advantage versus, xi

social TV ratings and

Competitor risk, in strategic competition

Competitors, engaging customers by

Complaint department


in changing research paradigm/approach


text analysis and

comScore, searches analyzed by


broad/alternative meanings of

in private communities

Concept testing, listening and

Concerns, in reputation management

Condiment manufacturer, case study of


in brands

in discovering new customers

in sentiment

Conjoint analysis, in product positioning


with brands

with customers

in increasing sales


Connectors, in rethinking media, marketing, and advertising


Consultants, neo-tribes and

Consumer backyard

improving competitiveness via

in EA Sports case study

ConsumerBase, in Kraft Foods case study

Consumer Connection Study (CCS)

Consumer excitement


improving competitiveness via

Consumer-generated requirements, designing new products to

Consumer insights

mental models and


Consumer language, in messaging

Consumer-led methods, researcher-led methods versus

Consumer marketing, effective listening and, ix

Consumer mind-sets




Consumer packaged goods (CPG)

Consumer packaged goods companies

case study of

in rebranding and repositioning

using customer language in messaging by

Consumer perception, combining ideas to address

Consumer processing, in rethinking media, marketing, and advertising

Consumer Product Safety Commission

Consumers. See also Customer entries

category mind-sets of

in changing research paradigm/approach

culture and

mental models and

neo-tribes and

in product/service improvement

reaction to great recession

in rethinking media, marketing, and advertising

in Scrabble case study

Consumer safety, in reputation management

Consumer trials, in increasing sales

Consumption, neo-tribal analytics and



keeping fresh/relevant

in product/service improvement

Content analysis, in product positioning


as affecting conversation

in changing research paradigm/approach

consumers and

culture and

framing products in

in listening-based targeting strategies

listening for language in

monitoring tools for understanding

in new idea fine tuning

in rebranding and repositioning

restriction of

Continuous programs, improving competitiveness via

Contributions to strategy

Conventional wisdom, challenging

Conversational listening

in listening-based targeting strategies

making use of, xi

methods of

Conversational marketing, word-of-mouth marketing and

Conversational voice goals, in market-share achievement

Conversational-voice share

advertising-voice share versus

market share versus

Conversation analysis, for social TV ratings

Conversation collection, for social TV ratings

Conversation levels, in market-share achievement

Conversation Miner

Conversation mining

Conversations. See also Dialogues; Social media conversations in achieving market goals

in changing research paradigm/approach

consumer mind-sets and

consumer trials and

creating resonant messages for

culture and

in discovering new customers

four factors affecting

gauging market interest from

by light purchasers

listening and

in listening-based targeting strategies

media and marketing and

in MINI case study

in NestlÉ case study

in new idea fine tuning

in new product co-creation



picking up new signals from

in product/service improvement

in rebranding and repositioning

in reporting research

reputation management via

in rethinking media, marketing, and advertising

for sales forecasting

in Silk case study

social media listening and

in solving problems

television and

in True Citrus case study

understanding context of

word-of-mouth advertising and

word-of-mouth marketing and

Conversation sources, determining

Conversation top domains


Copyright infringement, in Scrabble case study

Core brand

challenges to

in strategic competition

used-desired features in

Core customers, in rebranding and repositioning

Corporate silos, in increasing sales

Cost advantages, in listening research


case study of

share of voice versus share of market for

Cost-efficiency gains

Costs, in creating resonant messages

Cotignola, Frank


Council for Research Excellence (CRE)

Coupons, in food-shopper mind-set

Courage, in discovering new customers

Course correction, in listening research

CPG Co.. See Consumer packaged goods companies

Crate & Barrel, case study of

Creating messages, listening and

Creation, of new products

Creative input, viewer interest and

Credit-card holders, mind-set of

Cricut, in Provo Craft case study

Crimson Hexagon

in Advil/Tylenol case study

Crispin, Porter + Bogusky

CRM Metrix

marketing Hennessy Cognac and




focusing on

gender, multicultural, and LGBT listening and

listening and

management of

neo-tribes in

social media and

Currency, in source vetting

Customer care

customer satisfaction and


“Customer champions,” in social media

Customer communities, improving competitiveness via

Customer data, in discovering new customers

Customer dissatisfaction

in reputation management

verifying solutions to problems of

Customer expectations, managing

Customer feedback systems

Customer impacts, in increasing product loyalty

Customer innovations, for Twitter

Customer language, using in messages

Customer mind-sets, understanding

Customer passion/advocacy, as affecting conversation

Customer profiling, listening and

Customer recommendations, for NASCAR

Customer relationship management (CRM)

monitoring tools for


behavioral listening and

care and satisfaction of

challenging conventional wisdom about

in changing research paradigm/approach

discovering new

engagement about passions

in increasing sales

as influencers and influenced

in listening-led sales strategy

managing expectations of

media and marketing and

for new products

online and offline conversations by

in product line extension

product positioning and

in product/service improvement


in rebranding and repositioning

relationships to companies

in reputation management

social media listening data and

in social media listening’s future

in strategic competition

sustainability and

using Web sites to find

want lists from

Customer satisfaction

customer care and

in increasing sales

verifying problem solutions in

Customer service

key performance indicators and

mental models and

monitoring tools for

Customer service representatives, in managing expectations

Customer support, in customer care and satisfaction

Cut Red Potatoes


Cycle times

Cymfony. See TNS Cymfony



Dante’s Inferno


Dashboard displays, in monitoring tools


Data. See also Information entries

in changing research paradigm/approach

competitor risk and

in discovering new customers

in increasing sales

in listening research

in market-share achievement

in monitoring tools

in product line extension

quality of

in reputation management

social media listening

in social media listening’s future

social TV ratings and

in spreadsheets

in strategic competition

strategies for analyzing

timeliness and accuracy of


Data analysis

in discovering new customers

in social media listening programs

Data cleaning/cleansing

Data collection, assuring accuracy of

Data integration

Data quality, in changing research paradigm/approach

Data sources, in reputation management

Data structure

Day traders

Deduction, in changing research paradigm/approach

Deen, Paula

Delicious, as listening solution

Delicious Web site


case study of

IdeaStorm and

Dell, Michael

“Dell Hell” period

Demographics. See also Ethnography; Netnography

in changing research paradigm/approach

culture and

neo-tribes and

in rethinking media, marketing, and advertising

social media listening and

Destination Web, in rethinking media, marketing, and advertising

Detractors, word-of-mouth marketing and

Developing messages, listening and

Development costs, in creating resonant messages

Dialogues, in rethinking media, marketing, and advertising. See also Conversations


as listening solution

Digital ethnography. See also Netnography

in listening research

Digital media, in changing research paradigm/approach


Digital usage, gender, multicultural, and LGBT listening and

Digital video recorders (DVRs)

Direct engagement

in customer care and satisfaction

in sales strategies

Direct-mail retailing


Discovering brand attributes, listening and

Discovering new customers

Discovery, listening and

Discussions, in product/service improvement

Discussion threads, in creating resonant messages

Disengagement, emotions in

Dissatisfaction, in reputation management. See also Customer dissatisfaction

Distribution, in product/service improvement

Diversity, gender, multicultural, and LGBT listening and

Domain name

Donation, in food-shopper mind-set


case study of

rebranding and repositioning by

Dove Self-Esteem Fund

Drill-down capabilities, in monitoring tools

Early market shifts, listening and

“Earned” media

in rethinking media, marketing, and advertising

word-of-mouth marketing and

EA Sports. See also Electronic Arts (EA)

case study of



Econometric modeling

Economizing, in food-shopper mind-set


questions about

running financial institutions and

Super Bowl commercials and

Edelman Digital

Editorial content, in new idea fine tuning

Education, in changing research paradigm/approach


Elderly persons, caregivers for

Electronic Arts (EA). See also EA Sports

in Scrabble case study

Eliason, Frank



as affecting conversation

culture and

human behavior and

in increasing sales

language and

in rebranding and repositioning

in sales strategies

“Emotional journey,” in food-shopper mind-set

Empire and Communications (Innis)

End users, in changing research paradigm/approach

Energy, foods that restore


as affecting conversation

in changing research paradigm/approach

creating resonant messages for

culture and

in customer care and satisfaction

of customers about passions

in EA Sports case study

emotions in

in Gatorade ads

improving competitiveness via

in increasing sales

mental models and

monitoring tools for

new product development and

persuasion versus

in reputation management

in sales strategies

word-of-mouth marketing and

Engelbart, Christina


social media and

Enterprise value creation, in social media listening


Entity analysis

Entity extraction


in Bacon Salt case study

new product development and


Environment, listening in

Environmental issues, in reputation management


Esch, Justin


case study of

ESPN Searches

Ethics, in customer care and satisfaction

Ethnography. See also Demographics; Netnography


in listening research


Evaluating brand attributes, listening and


in listening

of listening initiative

of social media listening programs

in strategic competition

Evans, R. Scott

on changing research paradigm/approach

Event blog



Excellence, social media and

Execution, social media and

Executives, social media and

Expectations, of social media

Experience-driven conversations, in rethinking media, marketing, and advertising

Exploration tactic

to determine consumer mind-sets

Eye tracking

Facebook, xi

in Advil/Tylenol case study

in American Telephone and Telegraph case study

Costco on

culture and

customer care and satisfaction via

in Dove case study

in improving competitiveness

as listening solution

marketing Hennessy Cognac and

media and marketing and

in Naked Wines case study

in NestlÉ case study

in Old Spice case study

in product/service improvement

in rethinking media, marketing, and advertising

in sales forecasting

in Scrabble case study

television and

in True Citrus case study

Vitaminwater Connect and

word-of-mouth marketing and

Face-to-face meeting

Fader, Peter, in Scrabble case study

Fan Council, NASCAR improvements from

Fan pages

in rethinking media, marketing, and advertising

Favorable reviews

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)



in changing research paradigm/approach

consumer trials and

in increasing sales

in rethinking media, marketing, and advertising

in reviews

for rollouts

Feedback systems

Feed reader

Fiat MIO

case study of

Fielding, Richard, on rethinking media, marketing, and advertising

Fielding research

“Field” research, in listening

Filtering spam


in monitoring tools

Financial analysis, in customer care and satisfaction

Financial institutions, running

Financial issues, questions about

Financial results, in increasing product loyalty


Findability problem, in Ore-Ida case study

Fine tuning, of new products

Fixed broadband

Flash drivers

“Flavor creator” project

“Flavor creator” tool

Flexibility, in listening research



in changing research paradigm/approach

on culture

in source vetting

text analysis and

Focus groups

listening and

mental models and

in product line extension

in product positioning

in rethinking media, marketing, and advertising

Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Food context, in rebranding and repositioning

Food donation, in food-shopper mind-set

Food Network

Food shoppers, mind-set of

Food trends project

Footprint, of sources

Foresight, in reputation management

Forest Trust, in NestlÉ case study

Forums, xi

media and marketing and

“Four P’s” (product, price, promotion, place)

Frameworks, new product development and


in listening research

in rebranding and repositioning

French Cognac case. See also Hennessy Cognac

Freshness, of Web site content

Friedman, Larry


Friend list

Full service listening platform vendors

Full-service vendors

in listening

as listening solutions

Fundamental level

in product/service improvement

in social media listening

Fusion razor

case study of


of biometric research

of listening

listening organizations in

of marketing research

of media, marketing, and advertising

mental models and

of social media listening

social media listening to predict

FX network, in Hulu case study

Gamers, in EA Sports case study

Gardening, in food-shopper mind-set


case study of

Gaylord Hotels

Gender, in discovering new customers

Gender listening

General search engines

as listening solutions

vendors of

General Sentiment

Generational differences

gender, multicultural, and LGBT listening and

in rebranding and repositioning

social media listening and

Generic brand names, problems with retrieving

Giga Alert


case study of



Goals. See also Market goals

in customer care and satisfaction

in market-share achievement

of rebranding and repositioning

social media and

God Squad

“Going live,” with listening program

Golf, case study of

Goodwill, in managing expectations


as listening solution

predicting sales and

in reputation management

searches analyzed

television and

Google Alerts

Google Insight

Google Insights for Search

data from

in Kraft Foods case study

Google services

Google Trends, ix

data from

Granularity, in rethinking media, marketing, and advertising

Great recession

consumer reactions to

food-shopper mind-set and

running financial institutions during

Super Bowl commercials and

Greenpeace, in NestlÉ case study

Grimes, Seth



Growth over time

Gruhl, Dan, on using online postings to predict sales

Gypsy tool

Hammer, Michael

Handy, Charles

Haney, Hank

Harmon, Butch

Harrah’s Casino, case study of

Harris Interactive

Harty, Jason

on changing research paradigm/approach

on social media listening


case study of

in Scrabble case study

Hashtag See also Suzuki Hayabusa

Health context, in rebranding and repositioning

Heath, Chip, on changing research paradigm/approach

Heath, Dan, on changing research paradigm/approach

Helpful reviews

in sales strategies

Hennessy Cognac

case study of

Hessan, Diane

Hess, Mike, on rethinking media, marketing, and advertising

Hewlett-Packard (HP) Labs, on sales forecasting

Hexagon. See also Crimson Hexagon

High-definition television (HDTV)

High-definition television through broadband

HiS (Hispanic) sites, gender, multicultural, and LGBT listening and

Historical data, in listening research


H.J. Heinz Co.

“Hockey stick” growth, rethinking media, marketing, and advertising and

Hollywood Stock Exchange (HSX), tweet rate versus

Home gardens, in food-shopper mind-set

Home-in tactic

Home storage solutions

hootsuite 2.0

Hot button terms, in sales strategies

Household product, case study of

HP Labs, on sales forecasting

Hsieh, Tony


case study of



as listening organization

on using online postings to predict sales

IBOPE ZOGBY International



combining to address consumer perception

in creating resonant messages

measuring value of

in product/service improvement


Identifying threats to reputation, listening and


in changing research paradigm/approach

of social media research

Improvement, of products and services

Inclusive listening

Industry Leader Forums

Infegy Social Radar


challenging conventional wisdom about

in changing research paradigm/approach

in increasing sales

in market-share achievement

passage of time as diminishing

“Influencer” programs

improving competitiveness via



word-of-mouth marketing and

Infomercials, improving competitiveness via

Information. See also Data entries

in changing research paradigm/approach

mental models and

Information flow, in rethinking media, marketing, and advertising

Information overload, in rethinking media, marketing, and advertising

Information processing

Information technology (IT), listening and, x

Infrastructure, in American Telephone and Telegraph case study


key performance indicators and

In-market products, stimulating product trials for

Innerscope Research, Inc.

Innis, Harold


in changing research paradigm/approach

consumer trials and

in line extension

listening and

in listening-led marketing and media

in listening research

in listening solutions


with Twitter



in changing research paradigm/approach

competitor risk and

culture and

in customer care and satisfaction


effective communication of

on food-shopper mind-set

improving competitiveness via

key performance indicators and

in market-share achievement

in new product co-creation

from new products

from Ore-Ida case study

in product line extension

in product/service improvement

relevancy of

in reputation management

in sensing change to compete in the present

from Silk case study

from social media listening

in social media listening’s future

Insight integration, in changing research paradigm/approach

Insight sharing, in increasing sales

InSites Consulting

Inspiration, in changing research paradigm/approach

Instant messaging (IM)

Institute for the Future

Integration, in social media

Interaction, culture and

Interest-based sites, for gender, multicultural, and LGBT listening

Intermediate level, in social media listening


Internal champions

social media and

International Automobile Fair

Internet. See also Net entries; Online entries; Web entries

advertising spending on

in American Telephone and Telegraph case study

culture and

in increasing product loyalty

neo-tribes and

television on

Internet searches

Internet services, questions about

Interviews, for sales forecasting

Investments, social media and

iPad, in Amazon Kindle case study

IPA/Nielsen, on share of voice versus share of market. See also Nielsen entries


in American Telephone and Telegraph case study

iPhone 4, case study of

iPhone 4 antenna gate


in increasing sales

in product/service improvement

in reputation management

in social media listening

IT buyers, in increasing sales


IT-related enterprises, in CDW case study

It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia

J&D Bacon Salt case

Japanese motorcycle case

J.D. Power and Associates Web Intelligence


case study of

Jive Software

Jobs, Steve

Johansen, Bob

Johnson, William

Johnston, Morgan

in JetBlue case study

Journal of Advertising Research

Judgment, listening-based targeting strategies and

Kantar Media Company

Kanter, Beth, on listening organization

Keller, Ed

Keller Fay Group

on share of voice versus share of market

Keller Fay Talk Track



in Kraft Foods case study

Key, Rob

Key business objectives, via social media listening

Key measures, for listening

Key performance indicators (KPIs)

in reporting research

Keywords, in sales strategies

Kilar, Jason

Killer insight, in changing research paradigm/approach


case study of

Kirkland brand. See also Costco

Kit Kat candy bar, in NestlÉ case study


Knowledge, monopolies of

Knowledge Center at ARF, great recession and

Kozinets, Robert V., on netnography

Kraft Foods

case study of

food-shopper mind-set and

Label design, Vitaminwater

Ladies’ Home Journal (LHJ)

case study of

rebranding and repositioning by

Lang, Kimberly


in changing research paradigm/approach

in context

emotions and

gender, multicultural, and LGBT listening and

in messaging

in positioning/repositioning

of rebranding and repositioning

Language innovation

Lapsed users

in creating resonant messages


Las Vegas

Lead-and-lag relationships

Leadbetter, David

Leadership, in increasing sales

Lefkow, Dave

Left Behinds

Lego, as listening organization

Letters to the editor


Lexicons, in creating resonant messages

Lexus automobiles

LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual) listening




gender, multicultural, and LGBT listening and

social media listening in

Light purchasers, listening to

Line expansion, improving competitiveness via

Line extensions

improving competitiveness via

in product/service improvement


in sales forecasting

word-of-mouth marketing and

Linking, of Web sites

Lion Brand Yarn

case study of

Listen-engage cycle, new product development and

Listeners, centralized

Listening, ix, x

in brand backyard

in changing research paradigm/approach

choosing where

complexity created by

in consumer backyard

in creating resonant messages

culture and


as emerging discipline, xi–xii

five principles for successful

future applications related to, xii

gaining business advantage via, xi–xiii

in increasing sales

to light purchasers

marketing and advertising and, xii

media innovations and, xii

mental models for

new frontiers in

principles for

privacy and

reacting versus

in rebranding and repositioning

reputation management via

as research technique, xii

in rethinking media, marketing, and advertising

to search engines

sensing change via

to signals

steps to, xii

synthesis, simplification, and clarification in

this book and, xii–xiii

timeliness of, xi

Listening-based sales predictions

Listening-based targeting

behavioral listening in

emerging strategies for

gender, multicultural, and LGBT listening in

language-in-context listening in

offline conversation listening in

Listening data

in changing research paradigm/approach

social TV ratings and

Listening initiatives


offline conversations in planning

Listening insights

key performance indicators and

Listening-led advertising/marketing

Listening-led improvements

Listening-led marketing

innovations in

Listening-led media, innovations in

Listening levels

Listening methods, conversational

Listening organizations


Listening-oriented researchers

Listening platform vendors

as listening solutions

Listening professionals, in changing research paradigm/approach

Listening programs, implementing, ix

Listening requirements

matching listening platform vendors to

matching search engines to

Listening research. See also Social research

benefits of

characteristics of

formulating questions in

improving competitiveness via

principles for effective

in product line extension

Listening solutions


five types of

Listening team

Listening technologies, in changing research paradigm/approach

Listening tools

Listening vendors

Listening Workshop, ix

Lists (Twitter product), case study of

Living labs

Loyalty, improving competitiveness via

Lubricant WD-40, case study of



Lynn, Michelle, on rethinking media, marketing, and advertising


Machine translation, in changing research paradigm/approach

Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die (C. Heath & D. Heath)

Maestro Platform

Management, sharing sales predictions with

Managing expectations

Managing reputation

Managing research

Map-and-gap analysis, in strategic competition

Marci, Carl D.

on biometric signals

on emotional engagement

Marketer-controlled advertising, in rethinking media, marketing, and advertising

Market goals, achieving a share of


biometric research in

in changing research paradigm/approach

competitor risk and

consumer trials and

effective listening and, ix

future of

improving competitiveness via

innovations in listening-led

key performance indicators and

listening and, ix, xii, xiii

listening-based targeting strategies in


in product/service improvement


social media listening in

in social media listening’s future

tuning to meet consumer interests


word-of-mouth advertising and

Marketing communications, as affecting conversation levels

Marketing programs, improving competitiveness via

Marketing research, in changing research paradigm/approach

Market interest


in new products

Market-mix models, for sales forecasting

Marketplace analysis, in customer care and satisfaction

Market research

changing paradigm/approach to

listening-based sales prediction and

mental models and

Market research projects, in social media listening

Markets, mosaic nature of

Market share

conversational-voice share versus

emerging plays for achieving

Market shifts, listening and


Marriott, Lynn

Mats, Larissa

Mattel, in Scrabble case study

“MC Battle,”

McDonald, Bob, on social issues

McPike, Shawn

MD Anderson Cancer Center

case study of

Meal planning, in food-shopper mind-set

Meaning, in rebranding and repositioning


in changing research paradigm/approach

of online advocacy

social media and


for listening

for social television

Media. See also Social media entries

biometric research and

future of


in social media listening’s future

social ratings for all

Media buys, social TV ratings and

Media-content analysis

Media context, as affecting conversation

Media innovations, listening and, xii

Media monitoring

as listening solution

Media patterns, in increasing product loyalty

Media placement, in rethinking media, marketing, and advertising

Media planning, social TV ratings and

Media relevance, improving competitiveness and

Media research, changing research paradigm/approach in

Media targeting, social TV ratings and

Media universe

Meltwater Group


in changing research paradigm/approach

in rethinking media, marketing, and advertising

Memory, passage of time and

Men’s Health Month

Mental barriers

Mental models

five aspects of

for listening

in social media listening’s future

Meredith Corporation

case study of

in new idea fine tuning

rebranding and repositioning by

Meredith Research Solutions. See also Research Services group

Message board

Message creation/development, listening and

Message length, in creating resonant messages


in changing research paradigm/approach

creating resonant

improving competitiveness via

in rethinking media, marketing, and advertising

in sales strategies

social TV ratings and

using customer language in

Message strategy, questions related to


for caregivers

in MINI case study


Methodology, in changing research paradigm/approach

“Me Time” products



searches analyzed


competitor risk and

of credit-card holders

of food shoppers

listening and

mental models and

in new product co-creation

new product ideas from

questions related to

in rebranding and repositioning

social media listening in

in strategic competition

understanding consumer


case study of

increasing sales of

MIO project. See Fiat MIO

Mission Control Center, Gatorade

Mission Driven, the

Mobile broadband

Mobile phone companies

case study of



in market-share achievement

search trends and

Modern Mommyhood. See also “Mommy blogger” Web sites; Mommy blogs; Motrin Moms

Modifications, in product/service improvement

“Mommy blogger” Web sites. See also Modern Mommyhood

Mommy blogs

Monitoring. See also Social media monitoring

in changing research paradigm/approach

in creating resonant messages

Monitoring tools

as listening solution

Monopolies, of knowledge

Monthly reports, timeliness and accuracy of

Moral identity, of caregivers

Motivation, culture and


online advocacy measures from

Motrin Moms


forecasting attendance at

influence of reviews on

Movie studios, word-of-mouth advertising and

Moyer, Brian

Mueller, Jon

Multicultural listening


Multiple uses, improving competitiveness via

Multiway listening

Mustafa, Isaiah

“My Dell Hell,”


in Advil/Tylenol case study

in gauging market interest

in reputation management

in rethinking media, marketing, and advertising

television and

Naked Wines

case study of

Napkin Labs

Narrow questions,11


case study of

Nationalism, neo-tribes and

Naturalistic settings, artificial settings versus

Natural language processing (NLP), in changing research paradigm/approach

Near-real-time engagement, in customer care and satisfaction

Near-term future, social media listening to predict

Needs, in product/service improvement

Need state, in social media listening

Need state analysis

Neely, Dan

on listening-based sales prediction

on rethinking media, marketing, and advertising

Negative feelings, taking into account

Negative postings

Negative reviews

challenging conventional wisdom about

passage of time as diminishing

Negative sentiment

in reputation management

in sales forecasting

Negative word of mouth

Neo-tribal analytics



case study of


in Kraft Foods case study

NetBiz, in Dell case study


in changing research paradigm/approach

culture and

in listening research

Net Promoter Score

Networked Insights


Network television

Network television shows, top 20 by social rating

Neutral feelings, taking into account

“Never Ending Friending” study

New Agers

New customers



New formats, in product/service improvement

New product features, improving competitiveness via

New products

designing to consumer-generated requirements

market interest in

stimulating product trials for

News reader

New uses, improving competitiveness via

New York City


on share of voice versus share of market

Nielsen Online, on customer passion/advocacy

Nielsen ratings, social TV ratings versus

Nifty Thrifty

Nillsson, Pia

NM Incite

Nonconventional users

Nonverbal information, mental models and


Nouveau Luddites



for listening

social media and

Objectivity, of reviews

Observation, in changing research paradigm/approach

O’Brien, Tom

on brand-name tracking

on research via social media listening


Offline conversation listening

Offline conversations, word-of-mouth marketing and

Offline strategies, in market-share achievement


Old Spice

case study of

Old Spice Body Wash



On-demand television



Online advocacy, for sales forecasting

Online behaviors, in changing research paradigm/approach

Online communities

improving competitiveness via

as listening solutions

Online conversations/discussions

in predicting sales

word-of-mouth marketing and

Online engagement, improving competitiveness via

Online experiences, culture and

Online post volumes, in predicting sales

Online Promoter Score

Online sources

Online stores, in product/service improvement

Online strategies, in market-share achievement

Online television

Online video, broadcast television versus

Open-ended conversations, in rethinking media, marketing, and advertising

Open-mindedness, in changing research paradigm/approach

Openness, in customer care and satisfaction

Operational issues, in increasing sales


Opinion Observer

Opportunities. See also SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis

in changing research paradigm/approach

in creating resonant messages


finding competitive

in listening research

in reputation management

Optimization, in changing research paradigm/approach


case study of

increasing sales of

Organization, for listening. See also Organizations

Organizations. See also Companies

brand-name tracking by

in changing research paradigm/approach

key performance indicators and


reporting listening research to

in reputation management

social media listening data and

in social media listening’s future



Outreach, monitoring tools for

Outsourcing, improving competitiveness via

Owned media

Ownership, of social media


in Ore-Ida case study

in product/service improvement

in rebranding and repositioning


Palm oil, in NestlÉ case study


Paris Las Vegas hotel


in changing research paradigm/approach

in rethinking media, marketing, and advertising

Partnerships, in rethinking media, marketing, and advertising

Passage of time, for product reviews. See also Timeliness



of advocates

as affecting conversation

in increasing sales

in rebranding and repositioning

Penn, Schoen & Berland, on increasing sales

People, listening to, xi

People-centricity, listening and, x

People-led rebranding/repositioning

People’s Network

People’s positioning, in strategic competition

“People’s words,” expressing positioning in

People targeting/segmentation, listening and


Perception, combining ideas to address

Perception of quality, reviews and

Perceptual mapping, in product positioning

Performance, key performance indicators and

Permission, in customer care and satisfaction

Persistent search. See also Standing search

Personal cars, creating

Personal influence, in increasing sales

Personalization, in increasing sales

Personalized TV programming

Personas, in creating resonant messages

Persuasion, engagement versus

Philadelphia (Philly) Cream Cheese, case study of

Photo sharing


Pivotal insights, in sensing change to compete in the present

PlaneBuzz blog


of data analysis

in market-share achievement

social media and

of social media listening programs

social TV ratings and

Plummer, Joe

on neo-tribes


Polarity of sentiment, in sales forecasting

Politics, neo-tribes and

Polling data, neo-tribal analytics and


in product/service improvement

social TV ratings to measure

Portland radio station, case study of

Positioning. See also Product positioning; Repositioning

expressing in “people’s words,”

finding ways to improve

in reputation management

in strategic competition

Positive feelings, taking into account

Positive postings

Positive reviews

Positive sentiment, in sales forecasting

Positive word of mouth

Postings, analyzing positive and negative

Postman, Joel, in JetBlue case study

Post volumes, for sales forecasting

Pottery Barn Furniture

Power reviewers

Predicting business outcomes

Predicting sales, listening and

Prediction-led strategy

Predictions, sharing

Predictive models, in market-share achievement

Preferences, in product/service improvement

Preparedness, in reputation management

Presence, improving competitiveness via

Presentations, in reporting research

Pretest forms, in Ore-Ida case study

Pretzel Crisps

case study of

increasing sales of

Price, finding ways to improve

Privacy, listening and

Privacy settings

Private communities. See also Private online community

in CDW case study

as listening solutions

in product improvement

Private online community vendors

Private online community

PR Newswire eWatch

Proactiveness, in reputation management

Problem detection, listening and

Processing routines, performance of

Procter & Gamble (P&G)

in case study

in Old Spice case study

social issues and

Product awareness, reviews and

Product categories

for caregivers

in increasing sales

in listening-based sales prediction

Product-centered strategy, in increasing sales

Product coverage, by reviews

Product features

improving competitiveness via

reviews of

Product issues, in increasing sales

Product line extensions, improving competitiveness via

Product loyalty, improving competitiveness via

Product modifications, in product/service improvement

Product needs, for caregivers

Product positioning

customer versus company


in strategic competition

Product reviews, in sales forecasting

Product rollouts, in increasing sales


championing new uses of

finding ways to improve


increasing sales of

matching sales prediction approaches to


rebranding and repositioning

rollouts of

stimulating product trials for

Product safety, in reputation management

Product threats, in reputation management


Profile analysis, new product development and

Profiling, listening and

Profit, in running financial institutions

Profitability enhancement

Program creators, for television

Programs, social TV ratings of

Project focus, text analysis and

Projects, in changing research paradigm/approach

Promotion, improving competitiveness in

Promotion programs, improving competitiveness via

Proof of purchase


in rethinking media, marketing, and advertising

Propper, Julie


behavioral listening and

online and offline conversations by

social media listening data and

using Web sites to find

Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

Provo Craft

case study of

Psychographic profiling

Public relations (PR)

in changing research paradigm/approach

key performance indicators and

monitoring tools for

reputation management in

Pulse Rank

“Push” mentality, in rethinking media, marketing, and advertising


in changing research paradigm/approach

of research data

reviews and product

Quality research, in changing research paradigm/approach

Quality reviews

Quantification, in rethinking media, marketing, and advertising

Queries, predicting sales and



in listening research



Rabinowitz, Ilana

Rabjohns, David

on brand-name tacking

on research via social media listening

Racing fans, NASCAR improvements from


Raffaele, Dave, in JetBlue case study

Ranking, predicting sales and

Rappaport, Stephen D., x

on listening organizations

Rasmussen, Bill


challenging conventional wisdom about

for television

Ratings forecasts, social TV

Ratings systems

Rational messaging, in sales strategies

Reacting, listening versus

Readers, influence of reviews on

RealNetworks, in Scrabble case study

Real-time conversation harvesting, sensing change via

Real-time dashboards, in reporting research

Real-time feedback

in increasing sales

for rollouts

Realtime rankings

Real-time search

Real-time search engines

as listening solutions

vendors of

“Real time” Web sites

Real Women of Philadelphia

Real Women Talking


failure of

of products and services

questions in

Recession-relevant terms, analyzing searches for

Recipe communities, improving competitiveness via

Recipe development

Recognition, in product/service improvement

Recommendations, for NASCAR

Reconceptualization, to compete better

Referrals, in improving competitiveness


Relationship context, in rebranding and repositioning



in changing research paradigm/approach

between company and customer

culture and

in increasing sales


in listening

between market share and share of conversational voice

in reputation management

in rethinking media, marketing, and advertising

with brands


improving competitiveness and

in rebranding and repositioning

of Web site content

Repeat business, in increasing sales


analysis and

in listening

monitoring tools for

in social TV ratings

Repositioning, of products and services

Representativeness, in changing research paradigm/approach

Representatives, in managing expectations

Reputation, questions related to

Reputation management

monitoring tools for

Reputation-threat identification, listening and

Research. See also Listening research; Social media research; Social research



formulating questions in


neo-tribal analytics in

quality of

in rebranding and repositioning

social media listening in

Research and development (R&D)

key performance indicators and

listening and

Research content, harvesting correctly

Researcher-led methods, consumer-led methods versus

Researchers, neo-tribes and

Research paradigm, in social media listening’s future

Research professionals, in changing research paradigm/approach

Research Services group. See also Meredith entries

Research subjects, determining

Reseller businesses, in CDW case study

Respect, in customer care and satisfaction


in reputation management

in strategic competition

Response times

Results, converting potential into meaningful


in increasing sales

reviewer characteristics and

Rethink Convention + Expo

Rethinking, in social media listening’s future

Returned purchases, solving problems with

Return on investment (ROI), in changing research paradigm/approach

Retweets, case study of

Reviewers, characteristics of


challenging conventional wisdom about


product coverage by

in rethinking media, marketing, and advertising

in sales forecasting


Review sites, xi

media and marketing and



“Ripple effect,” in rethinking media, marketing, and advertising

Risk, in strategic competition

Roberts, Brian

Rolfe, Denise


consumer trials and

real-time feedback for

Rosenblum, Jeff

Roth, Tom

RSS (Really Simple Syndication)

RTL Nederland

Rubel, Steve

Rule Breakers

Running, of social media listening programs

Safety, in reputation management


emerging plays to predict changes in

finding ways to increase

key performance indicators and

searching out

Sales Academy, CDW

Sales drivers, listening and

Sales forecasters

Sales managers, in increasing sales

Salespeople, in increasing sales

Sales predictions

leverage of

listening and



Sales ranking, predicting sales and

Sales tactics, in increasing sales

Sample sizes, in listening research


case study of

“Sandwich generation,”

“Sandwich situation” research

SAP Business Objects Text Analysis

SAS Institute

SAS Text Miner

Satisfaction. See Customer dissatisfaction; Customer satisfaction

Scalability, of word-of-mouth broadcasting

Scalable technologies, in changing research paradigm/approach

Scale, in customer care and satisfaction

Scheduling, as affecting conversation

Schlack, Julie Wittes, on insight relevancy

Schuhlich School of Business


Scope, in social media listening

Scoring, of sentiment

Scott, Dagny

on listening to signals

Scout Labs


case study of

Scrabble Beta

Scrabble Worldwide

Scrabulists, in Scrabble case study

Scrabulous, in Scrabble case study

Search analysis, in sales improvement

Search data, in spreadsheets

Search engine listening

Search engines

as listening solutions

in sales strategies

vendors of

Searches, Internet

Search listening

Search queries

analysis of

predicting sales and

Search tactic

Search tools

Search trends, for sales forecasting

Seasonal eating/shopping

in food-shopper mind-set

Secular Idolaters


in listening-based targeting strategies

in rebranding and repositioning

in rethinking media, marketing, and advertising

in social media listening

Segmenting people, listening and

Self-esteem, in Dove case study

Self-identity, tribes in

Self-serve solutions, monitoring tools in


Selling periods

Senior management, sharing sales predictions with


challenging conventional wisdom about

in changing research paradigm/approach

increasing confidence in

managing negative

in MINI case study

in product reviews

in sales forecasting


Sentiment analysis

Sentiment engine

Service interruptions

Service needs, for caregivers

Service-oriented strategy, in increasing sales

Service providers



increasing sales of

rebranding and repositioning

social-media-powered listening


Sharing insights, in increasing sales


Shipping, solving problems with

Shopping, social research and

Short-term listening

improving competitiveness via

predicting sales via


in listening

listening to new

Silent Spring (Carson)

Silk soy beverage

case study of

increasing sales of

Simplification, in changing research paradigm/approach

Sinclair, Upton

Single-product companies


in changing research paradigm/approach

text analysis and


Social action

Social bookmarking

Social bookmarks

as listening solution

Social business platforms

Social channels, media and marketing and

Social CRM, monitoring tools for. See also Customer relationship management (CRM)

Social graph

Social graph data, in rethinking media, marketing, and advertising

Social issues, in reputation management

Social life, television in

Social listening, in rethinking media, marketing, and advertising

Social media

in American Telephone and Telegraph case study

in changing research paradigm/approach

in Comcast case study

consumer trials and

culture and

in increasing sales

innovations in listening-led

in managing expectations

in new product co-creation

organizing for success with

problems with

reputation management via

in rethinking media, marketing, and advertising

searching for resonant topics

tracking buzz in

in verifying solutions to problems

word-of-mouth advertising and

word-of-mouth marketing and

Social media analysis

in changing research paradigm/approach

in rebranding and repositioning

Social media audits, improving competitiveness via

Social media center of excellence

Social media conversations

advertising versus

listening to

media and marketing and

in MINI case study

for sales forecasting

Social media data, in market-share achievement

Social-media-enhanced models, in market-share achievement

Social media KPIs. See also Key performance indicators (KPIs)

Social media listening

in advertising and marketing

in changing research paradigm/approach

characteristics of less successful

characteristics of most successful

competitor risk and

in creating resonant messages

credit-card holders and

customer care and satisfaction via

discovering new customers via

food-shopper mind-set and

improving competitiveness via

in increasing sales

in market-share achievement

measurement of

mental models for

new frontiers in

in new idea fine tuning

in new product co-creation

new product development and

in Old Spice case study

in product/service improvement

in rebranding and repositioning

in reputation management

research using

in sensing change to compete in the present

in strategic competition

strategy for

for understanding consumer mind-sets

Social media listening data

Social media listening metrics

Social media listening research

Social media marketing

improving competitiveness via

in product line extension

word-of-mouth marketing and

Social Media Marketing Group

Social media metrics

in improving competitiveness

in marketing Suzuki Hayabusa motorcycle

in product line extension

Social media monitoring

in changing research paradigm/approach

in creating resonant messages

in customer care and satisfaction

in discovering new customers

in gauging market interest

in generating consumer excitement

improving competitiveness via

in increasing sales

as listening solution

primary role of

in product/service improvement

in reputation management

in sales improvement

in strategic competition

vendors for

Social media monitoring tools

Social media networks, in product line extension

Social media profiles

in Bacon Salt case study

Social media research

changing paradigm/approach in


impacts of

in increasing sales

key performance indicators and

Social media sources, in reputation management

Social media support, in customer care and satisfaction

Social Mention

Social monitoring. See also Social media monitoring

Social networking

policies for

Social networks

consumer trials and

in conversation footprint

in customer care and satisfaction

customer dissatisfaction on

in gauging market interest

as listening solution

in NestlÉ case study

in rethinking media, marketing, and advertising

in sales forecasting

Social news

Social Radar

Social research

on caregivers

in creating resonant messages

on credit-card holders

in discovering new customers

on food-shoppers

improving competitiveness via

increasing product loyalty via

in increasing sales

in product positioning

in product/service improvement

in rebranding and repositioning

“Social sampling”

consumer trials and

in increasing sales

“Social service” movement, traditional customer service and

Social sites

Social television, measurement of

Social TV ratings

conversation collection/analysis for

digital media and

emerging plays for

history of

reporting in

source selection for

traditional ratings versus

Social Web, in rethinking media, marketing, and advertising

Societal shifts


assuring accuracy of

consumer backyard and

in listening research

Software as a Service (SaaS)

Software companies, for text analytics


case study of

Sources, footprint of

Source selection

for listening

for social TV ratings

Southwest Airlines

Spam, filtering

Spectators, in rethinking media, marketing, and advertising


Sponsorship, in new idea fine tuning

SportsNation, case study of

Spreadsheets, search data in

Springer, Don, on credit-card holders

Sprint Cup Series

“Squeeze” campaign

Staffing, of social media

Staff resources, text analysis and


in changing research paradigm/approach

mental models and

in reputation management

Standards, in changing research paradigm/approach

Standing search. See also Persistent search



Status updates

for sales forecasting

Steam n’ Mash

case study of

increasing sales of

Stereotypes, neo-tribal analytics and

Stereotyping, mental models and

Stew Leonard’s

Sthanunathan, Stan

on changing research paradigm/approach

on consumer co-creation

on listening research

Stimulating trials

Stone, Biz

Stories, in changing research paradigm/approach

Storytellers, in changing research paradigm/approach


marketing Hennessy Cognac and

in reporting research

Strategy (strategies)

in changing research paradigm/approach

for listening-based targeting

in market-share achievement


in rethinking media, marketing, and advertising

social media and

for social media listening

social TV ratings and

Strengths, in strategic competition. See also SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis



of reviews

in text mining for product features



Suggestion boxes

online and offline conversations and

Suggestions, in new idea fine tuning

Sullivan, Monica

Super Bowl commercials

case study of

Superficiality, of social media

Super-reviews, on Amazon

Support, in customer care and satisfaction

Supporting evidence, in listening research

Surfing, neo-tribal analytics and

Survey responses


in addressing consumer perception

in changing research paradigm/approach

marketing Hennessy Cognac and

online and offline conversations and

in product positioning


for sales forecasting

social media listening versus

Sustainability, as social issue

Suzuki Hayabusa

case study of

“Sweeteners,” in increasing sales

SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis

Synchronicity, in product/service improvement

Synovate, on food-shopper mind-set

Synthesis, in changing research paradigm/approach


Tag cloud


Taglines, in product/service improvement





social TV ratings and

Targeting insights

Targeting people, listening and

Target market analysis, improving competitiveness via

Tassimo pod coffee maker

case study of

Teams, listening



in changing research paradigm/approach

word-of-mouth marketing and


as listening solution

Technorati authority

Techrigy SM2


Television (TV). See also TV show ratings

advertising spending in

in creating resonant messages

in ESPN case study

measurement of social

social research and

Television programming, listening and

Temis Lucid



Texada, Jennifer

Text analysis, vendors for

Text analytics. See also Text analytic tools

in changing research paradigm/approach

in price improvement

Text analytic services

Text analytic software

Text analytic tools. See also Text analytics

as listening solutions


Text mining

for product features


Third parties, in increasing sales

Thought leadership, in increasing sales


in creating resonant messages

Threats. See SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis

Threats to reputation, listening and

Tiger Woods PGA Tour, in EA Sports case study

Time allocation, in rethinking media, marketing, and advertising

Timeliness. See also Passage of time

of data

in social media listening’s future

Titelman, Ethan, on increasing sales

TNS Cymfony

on food-shopper mind-set

in reputation management

on share of voice versus share of market

Tobaccowala, Rishad

on consumer perception

on rethinking media, marketing, and advertising

Topicality, in source vetting


in private communities

for resonant messages

in social media listening

Top reviewers



Trade-off analysis, in product positioning

Traditional customer service

“social service” movement and

supplementing with social-media-listening customer service


in social media

word-of-mouth marketing and

Transactional analytics, in changing research paradigm/approach


in customer care and satisfaction

customer dissatisfaction and

of suggestion boxes

Travelers, customer care and satisfaction for

Trek Light Gear

Trek Light Hammocks

case study of

Trending words/phrases, consumer mind-sets and. See also Search trends


Trends, in changing research paradigm/approach

Trend Tool

Triangulation, in listening research

Tribal analytics

Tribes. See also Neo-tribes


Tropicana Pure Premium Orange Juice

case study of

rebranding and repositioning by

True Citrus

case study of

True Lemon powder

True Lime powder

True Orange powder

Tuning, of marketing to consumer interests. See also Fine tuning

TV show ratings, influence of reviews on. See also Television entries


Tweet rate, in sales forecasting


in JetBlue case study

for sales forecasting

Twitter, xi

African-Americans on

in American Telephone and Telegraph case study

case study of

in Comcast case study

consumer trials and

customer care and satisfaction via

Fiat MIO project and

hashtags on

in improving competitiveness

in JetBlue case study

as listening solution

in MD Anderson Cancer Center case study

media and marketing and

in Old Spice case study

in product/service improvement

in sales forecasting

television and

in True Citrus case study

word-of-mouth marketing and

Twitter-centric services, vendors of

Twitter Search

Twitter Venn, in Kraft Foods case study



Two-way company-customer listening


case study of

“Tyranny of the installed market research base,” x

Unconscious, the

Unfavorable reviews

passage of time as diminishing


United Kingdom, advertising campaign in

United States. See also African-Americans; American entries; Asian-Americans

advertising spending in

in Kraft Foods case study

Scrabble in

social networking in

television viewing in



Urban cultures

URL (Uniform Resource Locator)

Used-desired features, in core brand

User forums, in EA Sports case study

User-generated content (UGC)

Validation, in changing research paradigm/approach

Vallese, Julie

Value creation, in social media listening

Varian, Hal

Vendor profiles

Vendors, see Appendix

Vendor tools

Verbal information, mental models and


Vetting of sources


“Video Consumer Mapping” study

Video games

in EA Sports case study


in EA Sports case study

improving competitiveness in

in NestlÉ case study

in Old Spice case study

Video sharing

Video streaming

Viewer interest, creative input and

Visible Technologies

Vision 54 program

Vision Council, NASCAR improvements from

Vision Critical

Visualization, in changing research paradigm/approach

Vitaminwater Connect

case study of



Voices. See also Buzz

in achieving market goals


in discovering new customers

hearing changes in

improving competitiveness via

in market-share achievement

in rebranding and repositioning

in reputation management

word-of-mouth marketing and

VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, chaos, ambiguity) world, competing in

Vulnerability, in market-share achievement

Wacker, Watts, on neo-tribes


Want lists, from customers

Ware, Britta C.

on changing research paradigm/approach

Weaknesses. See SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis

Web. See also Internet

in changing research paradigm/approach

in rethinking media, marketing, and advertising

social media and

in social media listening

Web 2.0

Web analytics

Web-based self-service tools, text analytics among

Web browsers, in creating resonant messages

Web server logs, behavioral listening and

Web site redesign, in product/service improvement

Web sites, xi

advertising spending on

in American Telephone and Telegraph case study


behavioral listening and

Campaign for Real Beauty

in creating resonant messages

Fiat MIO

improving competitiveness via

keeping content fresh/relevant


marketing Hennessy Cognac and

for marketing Suzuki Hayabusa motorcycle

offline conversations and

in reputation management

video streaming


Werbach, Kevin, in Scrabble case study

Wharton School

WhiteWave Foods

case study of

increasing sales of

Whole Foods

“Who, what, where,” in social media listening

Wieden + Kennedy


Williams, Evan

Wind, Yoram “Jerry,”

on listening organizations

“Winning plays”

Understand the consumer's mind-set

Discover new customers

Drive new product development and innovation

Create messages that resonate

Improve products and services

Increase sales

Sense change to compete in the present

Rebrand and reposition products and services

Manage reputation

Compete strategically

Provide customer care and increase customer satisfaction

to compete strategically

for customer care and satisfaction

in increasing sales

in product/service improvement

for rebranding/repositioning products/services

for reputation management

in sensing change to compete in the present

in social media listening’s future

Wired infrastructure, in American Telephone and Telegraph case study

Wired magazine, advertising in

Wireless infrastructure, in American Telephone and Telegraph case study


discovering new customers among

in Dove case study

energy-restoring foods for

gender, multicultural, and LGBT listening and

in new idea fine tuning

Woods, Tiger, in EA Sports case study

Word clouds

in Kraft Foods case study

in monitoring tools

Word of mouth (WOM). See also Buzz

in changing research paradigm/approach

in rethinking media, marketing, and advertising

Word-of-mouth advertising

power of

Word of Mouth Marketing Association University

Word-of-mouth reports

listening to

in Ore-Ida case study

in Silk case study


Words. See also Words/phrases

broad/alternative meanings of

in changing research paradigm/approach

in context

mental models and

Wordscraper, in Scrabble case study

Words/phrases, consumer mind-sets and


monitoring tools for

World War II, listening methods since

“Worldwide living room,” television and

X Factor

XML (eXtensible Markup Language)


as listening solution

searches analyzed

Yahoo! Buzz

Yahoo! Index

York University

YouTube, xi

in American Telephone and Telegraph case study

in EA Sports case study

marketing Hennessy Cognac and

in Old Spice case study

in reputation management

television and

Zanger, Doug


Zogby, John

on neo-tribes

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