Time for action – testing a getPixel function

Before getting to useful examples, let's make a getPixel function to obtain the color components of a point in the image and then complete a quick test case. The following steps will help you in this process:

  1. Make a new Mainstack. Click on Save to save it as ImageDataTests.


    We'll use the same stack to illustrate several things and at the end, we may dare to try it on a mobile device!

  2. Set the stack's resolution to the size of your largest test device or just try 1024 x 768 if you'll be using the iPad Simulator.
  3. From the File menu, navigate to Import as Control | Image and select any small image file you have, to place it in the upper-left corner of the card window. The next example, uses a LiveCode logo image that can easily be obtained from any LiveCode web page.
  4. Place a new Graphic object next to the image. It's going to show a single color, so just make it big enough so that you can easily see the color. Name it swatch.
  5. Set graphics to default to show an empty box, so type this in the message box to fill it:
    set the filled of graphic 1 to true
  6. Edit the script of the image and type these lines in:
    on mouseMove pMx,pMy
      --put getPixel(the short name of me,pMx - the left of me,pMy - the top of me) into tPixelColor
      --set the backgroundColor of graphic "swatch" to tPixelColor
    end mouseMove
  7. Note that the two lines are commented out. LiveCode would only complain if we keep asking for getPixel before we create that function!
  8. Edit the stack script. Add the getPixel function, which is very much like the one shown in the Image data format we discussed in the preceding steps:
    function getPixel pImage,pX,pY
      put the imageData of image pImage into tImageData
      put the width of image pImage into tWidth
      put ((pY-1)*tWidth + (pX-1)) * 4 into tStartChar
      put charToNum(char tStartChar+2 of tImageData) into tRed
      put charToNum(char tStartChar+3 of tImageData) into tGreen
      put charToNum(char tStartChar+4 of tImageData) into tBlue
      return tRed,tGreen,tBlue
    end getPixel
  9. Back in the image script, uncomment the two lines. Start pointing at the image and you should see the swatch graphic change color to match the pixel under the cursor.

What just happened?

We made a very simple example case of how to use the color of a pixel in an image; in this case, how to colorize a swatch. As setting backgroundColor of a graphic requires redvalue, greenvalue, and bluevalue, we didn't need to convert the values from the image to a 24-bit number and the getPixel function was able to return tRed,tGreen,tBlue.

Now, there isn't really any advantage to the way we did that compared to the built-in mouseColor function. However, at least we gave the getPixel function a tryout!

Pop quiz – how many bits in a byte?

Bytes was mentioned a few times in this chapter and you may well know about bit depth as we've talked about digital photographs. So tell me, how many bits are there in a byte?

  1. 32
  2. 24
  3. 8
  4. Depends on how hungry you are

Answer: 8

We won't even talk about bits or bytes in the rest of this chapter; however, if only for the interest to mathematicians, it's good to know that a byte is 8 bits. A bit is a binary digit, and when you start to think of bits in those terms, you will see that a byte can store 2 to the power of 8 values in it (binary being Base 2). This comes into play when you look at the length of a Pascal string (2 to the power of 8 is 256, hence the range of characters in a Pascal String is 0-255) and it helps you realize that if a picture is made up of one byte, for each pixel's red, green, and blue values, it's a 24-bit picture. Once you add in another byte of data for the alpha channel, you have a 32-bit picture.

Simulating lots of buttons

In some applications, you need to know exactly which area of an image the user is pointing at. For example, when there is a map and you want to show information related to the region the user has clicked on, this could be done using a lot of rectangular buttons or you could break the regions into graphics and use a mouseEnter handler to detect which region it is. Instead, you could use a single image to represent all the regions.

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