

Chapter 1 Introducing Logic Pro X

What Is Logic Pro?

A Brief History of Logic

Will This Book Help You with Your Version of Logic?

A Brief Overview of MIDI

What MIDI Really Transmits

MIDI Connections and Signal Flow

A Brief Overview of Digital Audio

The Differences Between Analog and Digital Sound

What’s Meant by Sampling Frequency and Bit Depth

Audio and MIDI in Logic Pro

A Brief Primer on Hardware

How Fast Does Your Computer Need to Be?

Different Types of Storage Drives

Do You Need a Separate Storage Drive for Audio Files?

MIDI Interfaces

Audio Interfaces

Chapter 2 A Quick Tour of Logic Pro

Terminology in Logic

The Logic Pro Main Window

The Mixer

The Project Audio Browser

The Audio Editors

The Event List

The Piano Roll Editor

The Step Editor

The Score Editor

The Loop Browser

The Browsers

The Library

The Marker, Tempo, and Signature Lists

Smart Controls

Track Stacks


The Environment

Environment Layers

The Environment Mixer Layer

The MIDI Transform Window

The Key Commands Window

Right–Mouse Button Preferences


Chapter 3 The Logic Project

Visualizing Your Workspace

Creating Your Template

Adding Audio Tracks

Adding Software Instrument Tracks

Adding External MIDI Tracks

Adding Drummer Tracks

Adding ReWire Tracks

Adding Auxiliary Tracks

Setting Up Your Main Window

Setting Up Tracks

Setting Up Screensets

Defining Key Commands

Setting Up Your Hardware

Interfaces and Drivers

Configuring Your Audio Device

Setting Up Your MIDI Hardware

Logic Pro and Surround

Setting Up Your Control Surface

Saving Your Template

Chapter 4 Global Elements of Logic

The Global Menus

The Logic Pro X Menu

The File Menu

The Edit Menu

The Track Menu

The Navigate Menu

The Record Menu

The Mix Menu

The View Menu

The Window Menu

The Screenset Menu

The Help Menu

Global Tracks

Common Features of Global Tracks

The Arrangement Track

The Marker Track

The Signature Track

The Transposition Track

The Tempo Track

The Beat Mapping Track

The Movie Track

Chapter 5 Transport Controls and Recording

The Transport Buttons

Mode Buttons

The Solo Button

The Count In and Metronome Buttons


The Positions Display


The Tempo/Project End Display

The Signature/Division Display

The MIDI Activity Display

The Load Meters

The Master Level Slider

Customizing the Transport

The Sync Button

The Sample Rate or Punch Locators

The Varispeed Display and Button

Hiding the Transport

Opening the Transport Window

Resizing the Transport Window


The Record Button Shortcut Menu

The Recording Settings Window

The Record Menu

Recording Using Key Commands

Recording, Software Monitoring, and Latency

Recording Takes

The Play Button Shortcut Menu

The Stop Button Shortcut Menu

Using Varispeed

Chapter 6 The Logic Pro Main Window

An Overview of the Main Window

Local Menus

The Edit Menu

The Functions Menu

The View Menu

The Tracks Area Tool Menu

Global Menu Commands for the Main Window

The Track Menu

The Navigate Menu

The View Menu

Track Classes

The Control Bar

Accessing and Customizing the Toolbar

Adding Tracks to the Main Window Track List

The Main Window Inspector

Region Playback Parameters

Advanced Region Parameters

The Audio Region Inspector

The Inspector Channel Strips

Configuring the Track Header

Track Icons

Hide Tracks

Freezing Tracks

What Is Freeze?

How to Freeze Tracks

Cycle Mode

Combining Cycle Mode and Recording

Defining the Cycle Region

Using Skip Cycle

Looping Regions in the Tracks Area

Looping Regions with the Loop Tool

Creating Regions

Editing in the Tracks Area

Making Selections

The Tracks Area Grid

Zooming in the Tracks Area

Splitting and Resizing Regions

Splitting and Resizing Regions Using the Marquee Tool

Moving and Copying Regions

Editing Multiple Regions

Comping in Logic

The Snap and Drag Menus

Using Flex Time and Pitch

Enabling Flex View

Flex Time Editing Basics

Creating New Flex Markers

Moving and Deleting Flex Markers

Flex Pitch Editing Basics

Flex Mode Parameters

Using the Flex Tool

Adding Files to the Tracks Area

Bouncing in Place

Bouncing Tracks in Place

Bouncing Regions in Place

Bouncing All Tracks in Place

Other Transient-Related Functions in the Main Window

Replacing and Doubling Drum Tracks

Converting Regions to Sampler Tracks

Slicing Audio Regions at Transient Markers

Track Stacks

Creating Track Stacks

Flattening Track Stacks

Working with Patches

Creating and Saving Patches

Loading Patches

Merging Patches

Reverting and Deleting Patches

Smart Controls

Editing Smart Controls


Creating Drummer Regions

Resizing, Looping, Splitting, and Joining Drummer Regions

The Drummer Editor


Track-Based Automation

Region-Based Automation (MIDI Draw)

Musical Typing

Chapter 7 Working with Audio and Apple Loops

Types of Channel Strips

Channel Strip Components

The Project Audio Browser

The Project Audio Browser Local Menus

The Project Audio Browser Buttons

Cursor Modes in the Project Audio Browser Window

Protecting Regions in the Project Audio Browser

The Prelisten Channel Strip

Adding Audio Files to the Project Audio Browser

Exporting Audio from the Project Audio Browser

Using Strip Silence

Using Cycling in the Project Audio Browser

Project Audio Browser Groups

Adding Audio to the Tracks Area

The Logic Audio Editors

The Audio Track Editor

The Audio File Editor

Audio Fades and Crossfades

Creating Audio Fades

Fade Files

Adjusting Audio Fades

Apple Loops

Audio Apple Loops

Software Instrument Apple Loops

The Loop Browser

Creating Your Own Apple Loops

Adding ACID Loops to the Loop Browser

Using ReCycle Files in Logic

Chapter 8 Working with MIDI

MIDI Editors and MIDI Regions

The Piano Roll Editor

Local Menus

Piano Roll Editor Buttons

The Piano Roll Editor Inspector

Inserting and Deleting Notes in the Piano Roll Editor

Resizing and Moving Notes in the Piano Roll Editor

Editing Multiple Regions in the Piano Roll Editor

The Event List

Event List Local Menus

Event List Buttons

Inserting and Deleting MIDI Messages in the Event List

Moving and Adjusting the Values of MIDI Messages in the Event List

The Step Editor

Step Editor Local Menus

The Step Editor Buttons

The Lane Inspector

Lane Sets

Editing MIDI Control Messages Using the Step Editor

Editing MIDI Notes (Drums) Using the Step Editor

Setting Up the Step Editor as a Drum Editor

The Score Editor

Score Editor Local Menus

The Score Editor Buttons

The Score Editor Inspector

Staff Styles

Text Styles

A Brief Primer on Working in the Score Editor

The MIDI Transform Window

How the MIDI Transform Window Works

Setting the Transform Mode

Setting Up Transform Conditions

Setting Up Transform Operations

Action Buttons of the MIDI Transform Window

MIDI Transform Sets

Chapter 9 Working with Software Instruments

Logic and Software Instruments

Accessing Logic Software Instruments

Using the Instrument Slot Buttons

Loading Instruments and Settings Using the Library

Installing and Accessing Non-Logic Software Instruments

Plug-in Window Controls

Plug-in Window Buttons

Plug-in Window Menus

Extended Parameters

Software Instruments and the Environment

Using Multi-Output Software Instruments

Using Multitimbral Software Instruments


Using ReWire 2 Instruments

Working with ReWire 2 Applications

Creating ReWire Instruments for MIDI Transmission

Setting Up ReWire Objects for Audio Transmission

Chapter 10 Using Automation in Logic

Types of Automation

Using Track-Based Automation

Manipulating Automation Data

Using the Pointer Tool

Using the Automation Tools

Expert Automation Editing

Automation Quick Access

Chapter 11 Mixing in Logic

Mixer or Mixer Layer?

The Mixer

The Mixer Layer of the Environment

Adding Input Channel Strips

The Mixer Local Menus

The Edit Menu

The Options Menu

The View Menu

Mixer Buttons

Recording Audio from the Mixer

Basic Mixing: Summing Volume and Panorama

Volume Summing


The Direction Mixer Plug-In

The Binaural Panner

Busing Tracks in Logic

Using Aux Channel Strips

Output Channel Strips

Using Effects

Logic Effects

Logic Effects with Channel Strip Components

Effects Side Chains

Audio Units Effects

Using Audio FX

Saving or Loading Channel Strip Settings

Using Send Effects

Plug-In Delay and Logic’s Plug-In Delay Compensation

Final Notes on Using Effects

Muting Channels

Soloing Channels

Solo Safe Mode

Mixer Groups

Assigning Channels to Groups

Group Settings

Creating Temporary Groups by Selecting Multiple Channel Strips

Bouncing Your Mix

The Bounce Dialog Box

Surround Mixing

The Surround Panner Window

Assigning Surround Channels to Audio Outputs

Applying Surround Effects

Bouncing in Surround

Mixing Using Control Surfaces

Chapter 12 Working with and Sharing Files

Creating New Projects


Using the New Command to Create New Songs

Saving Logic Projects

The Save Dialog Box

Saving Backups of Your Project

Saving Alternatives of Your Project

Configuring Logic’s Startup Action

The Project Management Menu

Clean Up



Show in Finder

The Project Settings Menu

Opening or Importing Projects and Files

Importing Files into Logic

Exporting Files from Logic

Sharing Audio to iTunes, the Media Browser, and SoundCloud

Sharing to iTunes

Sharing to the Media Browser

Sharing to SoundCloud

Chapter 13 Advanced Tempo Operations

The Tempo Display

Recording and Editing Tempo

Programming Tempo Changes on the Tempo Track

Recording Tempo Changes

Tempo List Editor

Tempo Operations

Matching the Project Tempo to an Audio Region

Using Beat Detection to Adjust the Project Tempo

Detecting the Tempo of an Audio Region

Working with Tempo Data in Audio Files

Chapter 14 Working with Video

Opening Movies

Movie Options

Movie Scene Markers

Movie Project Settings

Movie Preferences

Importing Audio from a QuickTime Movie

Exporting Audio to a QuickTime Movie


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