Chapter 13. Exploring .Mac Services

<feature><title>What You’ll Do</title> </feature>


Apple’s .Mac services are not new to the Macintosh, but as technology advances and bandwidths expand, the number of services offered gets better and better. The genesis of .Mac services was born from the fact that Apple controls both ends of the connection (they own the Apple Web site, and they make the computers). The developers at Apple decided to come up with some really great proprietary services, and then make them available to Macintosh users.

For example, Macintosh users should be able to communicate easily with other Macintosh users, so iChat was invented. In addition, Macintosh users should be able to have a virtual hard drive (iDisk) to store their stuff, and they should be able to open it and use that stuff on any other computer; even a Windows machine. And that’s not all, faithful Mac users should have sophisticated e-mail services, video conferencing abilities, and the ability to build and maintain a Web site; plus you should have access to programs to backup your important documents. In truth, there are dozens of .Mac features, and more being added all the time.

You can join the .Mac community for free, and receive some limited features; however, if you want to utilize the full power of a .Mac subscription you’ll pay over one hundred dollars a year. While that may seem like a substantial chunk of change, the benefits of the services are great and if you do the math, it breaks down to about eight dollars a month.

Joining the .Mac Community

When you join the .Mac community, you’re immediately connected with thousands of other happy Macintosh users. Not only does a subscription to .Mac give you access to all kinds of cool stuff, it also gives you access to stable e-mail, communications software, and a Help system geared specifically to the Macintosh operating system. Joining the .Mac community is quick and simple; however, there are system requirements you should check before you begin the process. If you meet all of the requirements, you’ll need a credit card to complete the online purchase.

Join the .Mac Community

  1. Open your browser, and then point to

    Join the .Mac Community


    Before you continue, make sure your computer meets the following systems requirements: Mac OS X v10.4.3 or later, 256MB of RAM, Safari 1.3 or later, Firefox 1.0.4 or later; Windows XP or Vista, Safari 3 or later, Firefox 1.0.4 or later, or Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 or later.

  2. Click the Free Trial or Join Now button.

  3. Fill out the 3 registration information screens.

  4. Click Submit, and then follow any additional online instructions.

Accessing Your .Mac Account

Once you’ve filled out all the information on the 3-screen registration form, and then clicked Submit, you now have instant access to the full power of the Apple .Mac community and the Web. The good news is that you can access your account from any computer, anywhere, at any time of the day or night. You might say that the .Mac community never sleeps. Your .Mac account is not measured by time spent online. Once you pay your subscription fee, you can use the account as often as you want. The process of signing on is simple and painless; in fact, you could create a bookmark for the Macintosh in your browser, and automate the entire process.

Access Your .Mac Account

  1. Open your browser, and then point to

    Access Your .Mac Account
  2. Click the Login link.

  3. Type your .Mac member name and password.

    Access Your .Mac Account
  4. Click Login.

  5. A message appears asking you if you’d like to save your password. Click an option:

    • Never For This Website

    • Not Now

    • Yes

    You are now signed in and ready to begin.

Changing .Mac Account Preferences

Once you’re registered as a user, all of the advantages of the .Mac site become instantly available; including the ability to read and send e-mail from your new mail account, store and share your photos online, create a custom Web site, work with groups and teams online, synchronize .Mac content across multiple Mac computers, and manage and backup files online. A .Mac account gives you access to a centralized online site you can use to work with and synchronize your bookmarks, contacts, and calendars with all of your Macs. When you login in to your online .Mac account, you can set account preferences for personal information, password and storage settings, and .Mac mail.

Change .Mac Account Preferences

  1. Click the System Preferences icon in the Dock, and then click the .Mac icon.

    1. If prompted, type your .Mac member name and password, and then click Sign In.

  2. Click Account tab.

    Change .Mac Account Preferences
  3. Click Account Details.

    The .Mac Web site opens, displaying the .Mac home page.

  4. Type your .Mac member name and password, and then click Login.

  5. Select from the following online .Mac account options:.

    • Personal Info

    • Password Settings

    • Storage Settings

    • Mail Preferences

    Change .Mac Account Preferences
  6. Click Submit or Save.

    Your .Mac account and computer are now updated.

Managing .Mac Mail

The .Mac Mail service gives you a way to keep in touch with friends, family, and clients at home, or wherever you travel. And you don’t even have to have your own computer. You can access, read, and save your e-mail using a Web browser on any computer, anywhere, through the Web site. After you setup a .Mac account, you are now ready to receive and send e-mail to other .Mac members, or to anyone with an Internet e-mail address.

Manage .Mac Mail

  1. Open your browser, and sign onto your .Mac account, and then click the Mail link.

  2. Click Get Mail to check for e-mail.

    Manage .Mac Mail
  3. Click on an e-mail in your Inbox to open and read it.

  4. If necessary, respond to an e-mail.

  5. Click the Back button on your browser to return to the main .Mac Mail screen or click the Inbox link.

  6. Click New to write an e-mail, and then click Send.

  7. Click Preferences.

  8. Select from the following options, and then click Save (located in the lower right-hand corner of the window).

    • General

    • Viewing

    • Composing

    • Account

    • Aliases

    • Other

    Manage .Mac Mail
  9. Click Home to return to the .Mac home page.

Sending an iCards Message

The iCards service is an exclusive .Mac area designed to let you send personalized electronic postcards to your .Mac friends, or anyone that has an e-mail account anywhere in the world. You can select from an abundance of cards, all organized into logical categories such as: Holidays, At The Office, and Just Because to name a few. New categories are being added all the time, in fact, if you’re a budding photographer, you can even submit your images. The designers of the iCards service have a contest, and once a month they select a winner from the submitted artists. If you win, your images are displayed in the Featured Artist section of the iCards page.

Send a .Mac iCards Message

  1. Open your browser, and sign onto your .Mac account.

    Send a .Mac iCards Message
  2. Click the iCards link.

  3. Click to select from the available categories.

  4. Click on a card.

    Send a .Mac iCards Message
  5. Type your message into the text field.

    You don’t have to win the Featured Artist spot to add a personal touch to your iCards.
  6. Select a font from the available options.

  7. Click Continue.

  8. Type your name and .Mac E-mail address (defaults to .Mac account).

    You don’t have to win the Featured Artist spot to add a personal touch to your iCards.
  9. Type the recipients e-mail address.

  10. To send the card to more than one person, click Address Book.

  11. To remove someone from the list, select the address from the list, and the press Delete.

  12. Select or clear the check box to send a copy to yourself or to hide the distribution list (the recipient does not see the address of the other people receiving the card).

  13. Click Send Card.

    A Thank You note appears, informing you that your card has been sent.

  14. Select an option: Return To iCards Main, Return To Category, or Send Same Card.

  15. Click Home to return to the .Mac home page.


Since you’re essentially running the iCards interface through your browser, if you setup the auto-fill options, such as name and e-mail address, it saves you time when filling out the sending information on an iCard. Check the Preferences for your browser, and then activate the auto-fill fields. Click the Safari menu, click Preferences, and then click the AutoFill option to activate this time-saving feature.

Creating a .Mac Address Book

Your .Mac Address Book lets you store personal and business information on all your friends, relatives, and contacts, in one safe place. In truth, you might actually have two or three other places where this same information is stored, maybe Safari, the Address Book application that comes bundled with the Leopard operating system, or even your iPod. The .Mac address book is used to maintain your mailing lists and e-mail contacts. However, before you despair of having to type in all those contacts again, Macintosh gives you a way to Sync all of the contacts and keep them up-to-date, no matter what application performed the changes.

Create a .Mac Address Book

  1. Open your browser and sign on to your .Mac account.

  2. Click the Address Book link.

    Create a .Mac Address Book


    For security reasons, the first time you enter the Address Book application, you’ll be asked to reenter your password.

  3. You’ll see one contact, your .Mac account name, click the contact name to open the contact information.

  4. To modify the contact info, click Edit, and then click Save.

  5. To create a new contact, click New, and then click Save.

  6. To remove a contact from the list, click Delete, and then click OK.

  7. To generate an e-mail for the selected contact, click Email Contact.

  8. To return to the Address Book main page, click Return To Address Book.

  9. Click Home to return to the .Mac home page.


Change .Mac Address Book Preferences

  1. Open your browser and sign on to your .Mac account.

    Change .Mac Address Book Preferences
  2. Click the Address Book link.

  3. Click Preferences.

  4. Select from the following .Mac Address Book options:

    • Use keyboard shortcuts. Select to navigate, compose, and view your e-mail using keyboard shortcuts.

    • Contact List. Specify the number of contacts you want to display per page.

    • Show contact names like this. Select the option you want: First name Last name or Last name, First name.

    • Sort contacts by. Click the pop-up, and then select the option you want.

    • Preferred email address. Displays this e-mail address when you browse contacts.

    • Preferred phone number. Displays this phone number first when you browse contacts.

  5. Click Save.

  6. To return to the Address Book main page, click Return To Address Book.

  7. Click Home to return to the .Mac home page.

Working with .Mac Bookmarks

Bookmarks are just another place to store the addresses of all the fantastic Web sites that you are constantly going back to, time and time again. As the years roll by, you’ve probably generated quite a collection of bookmarks, and you need access to them. Since these great bookmarks are located within your browser, why would you need them in two places? What if you’re on the road, you don’t have your computer, and you need information on that great restaurant... but you don’t remember their Web site? All you have to do is sign into your .Mac account (on any computer), and access your bookmarks. With the amount of traveling some people do, that can turn out to be a lifesaver.

Access .Mac Bookmarks

  1. Open your browser and sign on to your .Mac account.

    Access .Mac Bookmarks
  2. Click the Bookmarks link.

    A welcome screen appears.


    If you’ve previously activated synchronization within your Address Book, your Safari bookmarks will be synchronized.

  3. Click Open Bookmarks.

    The Bookmarks dialog appears with a list of folders such as News, Kids, Sports, Shopping, Travel, and any other folders you have added.

  4. Click on a folder, and then click a bookmark to access the site.

  5. When you’re done, close any open windows.

Add a Folder or Bookmark

  1. Open your browser and sign on to your .Mac account.

  2. Click the Bookmarks link.

  3. Click Open Bookmarks.

    The Bookmarks dialog appears.

  4. Click the Add Folder button.

    Add a Folder or Bookmark
  5. Type the Folder Name, select a location, and then click Add.

  6. Click the Add Bookmark button.

  7. Type the Bookmark Name, and then type the Bookmark URL (be sure to include www.)

  8. Click the Add Bookmark To pop-up, select a folder, and then click Add.

  9. Click Log Out to return to the .Mac home page.

Change Bookmark Settings

  1. Open your browser and sign on to your .Mac account.

  2. Click the Bookmarks link.

  3. Click Open Bookmarks.

  4. Click Preferences, and then select between the following options:

    1. Always Open Pages In A New Browser Window or In The Same Browser Window.

    2. Select or clear the Save My Password check box.

    3. Select or clear the Synchronization check box.

    Change Bookmark Settings
  5. Click Save.

  6. Click Log Out to return to the .Mac home page.

Creating Web Pages with HomePage

Most of us would like to have our own customized Web site; however, many lack the experience to build the site, or don’t know a Web designer who would do a good job for the least amount of money and maintenance. If you want to create a Web site that shows off pictures of your family, or you want to create an online resume, there’s no need to hold back any longer, because having a .Mac account gives you the ability to create a Web site. By following step-by-step instructions using an application called HomePage. As a matter of fact, if you’re a Web designer, you can create the site using programs such as Macromedia Dreamweaver, or Adobe GoLive, and upload the site. Your .Mac account lets you create a Web site, based on your level of experience, and helps you tailor the site to your specific needs.

Create .Mac Web Pages with HomePage

  1. Open your browser and sign on to your .Mac account.

    Create .Mac Web Pages with HomePage
  2. Click the HomePage link.

  3. Select from the various themes.

  4. Follow the step-by-step instructions (if you’re creating a Pushpin Album, you’ll be prompted as to the location of the images.)

    Create .Mac Web Pages with HomePage
  5. Click Choose.

  6. Click the Title field, and then type a title for your Web page.

    You can access HomePage in iPhoto.
  7. Click on the block of text field, and then type information about your Web page.

  8. Click the text under the image, and then type a note.

  9. Click Preview.

  10. Click Publish to instantly broadcast your Web site to the world.

    You can access HomePage in iPhoto.


    When you create a Web site that requires assets such as images or text documents, the assets need to be stored within your iDisk.

  11. Click the Close button.

Editing Web Pages with HomePage

Web sites don’t remain the same, they’re fluid. For example, you’ve created a Web site containing pictures of your family, and your daughter just had a baby. You had better get that picture of the new addition to the family out there double-quick. Possibly you created a resume page, and you need to add (or subtract) some of the information. Regardless of the situation, once you create a Web site, as sure as the sun rises, you’ll want to change it. Editing a Web site is actually easier than creating the site. All you have to do is select a page, make changes, and then click Publish. And, if making too many changes to your Web site has you spinning in circles, simply delete all of the pages in the old Web site, and .Mac lets you start all over.

Edit .Mac Web Pages

  1. Open your browser and sign on to your .Mac account.

    Edit .Mac Web Pages
  2. Click the HomePage link.

  3. Select a page from the Pages window.

  4. Select from the following options:

    • Add. Adds a page for you to insert additional images on.

    • Delete. Deletes a selected page.

    • Edit. Allows you to Edit a selected page.

  5. Make any text changes to the page.

    You can have more than one Web site.
  6. To show a counter on the page to count the number of hits to your site, select the Show check box.

  7. To show a Send Me A Message link on the page, select the Show check box.

  8. To change a layout, click the 2 Columns or 3 Columns option.

  9. To change the theme, click Themes.

  10. To preview your changes, click Preview.

  11. Click Publish to record the changes.

  12. Click Home to return to the .Mac home page.

Backing Up Your Files Using .Mac

Backing up your files is one of those things that most of us talk about, but seldom do on a regular basis. However, if you’ve ever experienced a catastrophic failure of your hard drive, a current backup can mean the difference between a simple restoration process, or the permanent loss of all your precious information. In addition, backups are not enough; they should be “off site” backups. In other words, your backup disks should not be in the same location as your computer (what if there were a fire). The good news is that owning a .Mac account makes backing up and restoring files easy (they supply you with the software), and you can create off-site backups using a CD/DVD or your iDisk. You can choose backup options to make it easy. For example, you can select options to backup your Home folder, personal data & settings, iLife data files, purchased music and video from iTunes, or custom to select your own files.

Download and Install Backup

  1. Open your browser and sign on to your .Mac account.

    Download and Install Backup
  2. Click the Backup link.

  3. Click Download Backup 3.

  4. Click the Backup 3 link to download the latest version of the Backup software.

  5. Double-click Backup.pkg on the Backup 3 Finder window, and then follow the onscreen instructions for installing the software.

    Download and Install Backup
  6. If requested, type the Administrator name and password.

  7. When you’re done, close any open windows.

Back Up Your Files

  1. Open the Applications folder, and then double-click the Backup icon.

  2. The first time you start Backup, select the check boxes, and then click Continue for the backup options you want:

    • Home Folder

    • Personal Data & Settings

    • iLife

    • Purchased Music and Video

    Back Up Your Files
  3. Use the following options.

    1. Add to the Backup. Click the Add (+) button to include additional files and folders to the backup list, and then click Choose Plan.

    2. Modify a Backup. Click the Action button to create, edit, rename, or remove a backup. On the edit page, you can click the Add (+) button to schedule backup on a regular basis.

    Back Up Your Files
  4. Click Back Up to start a backup or click Back Up Now to begin a modified backup.

    Back Up Your Files
  5. To restore backed up information, click Restore, select the item you want to restore, and then click Restore Selection.

  6. Click the Close button.

Managing Files with iDisk

Probably one of the coolest, and most-used features of a .Mac account is iDisk. The iDisk service is like having a 10GB hard drive available to you anytime and anywhere you can plug into the Internet. The iDisk is perfect for performing off-site backups, or for storing large files for later use. For example, you could place large files in your iDisk (files that are too big to e-mail), and then download them when you get to your destination. Or if you have a high-speed Internet connection, you could simply use it as a secondary storage device. In addition, if you need more room, you can always upgrade and purchase more space. The good news is that once iDisk is open, you can treat it just like any other storage device on your computer. In fact, the Public folder located in your iDisk can be accessed by anyone owning a .Mac account. This is the perfect place for placing a document that needs to be distributed to co-workers, or as a place to store photos for other .Mac users to see.

Manage Files with iDisk

  1. Click the Go menu, point to iDisk, and then click My iDisk (it is not necessary to be logged into your iMac account.)

    Manage Files with iDisk
  2. If necessary, double-click on a folder to display its contents.

  3. Drag items, files, or folders into any of the existing folders.

    Manage Files with iDisk
  4. Click the Close button to close the iDisk window.

Display Files from iDisk

  1. Open your browser and sign on to your .Mac account.

  2. Click the iDisk link.

    The .Mac - iDisk window opens, displaying a file hierarchy of the iDisk hard disk online.

  3. Click the triangle (pointing right) next to a folder in the list.

    All the files you copied into the iDisk folders on your Mac now appear in the .Mac - iDisk window.

    Display Files from iDisk
  4. To create a new folder, select a folder location, click the New Folder button, type a name, and then click OK.

  5. To upload a file from your computer to iDisk (say from another computer), click the Upload button, select the file, and then click Choose.

  6. To download a file to the Downloads folder on your computer, click the Downloads icon to the right of the file you want.

  7. Click the Close button to close the .Mac - iDisk window.

  8. Click Home to return to the .Mac home page.

Setting iDisk Preferences

If you’re not connected to the Internet, you can create a local copy of your iDisk on your computer, so you can make changes to it at any time. The next time you connect to the Internet, the local changes you made on your computer are synchronized with your iDisk online. If you need more iDisk space online, you can upgrade to 1GB of combined .Mac mail and iDisk storage. You can find out current iDisk storage usage information on the iDisk tab in .Mac Preferences. If you change the size of your iDisk storage, your local iDisk storage is automatically changed. If you are away from your computer, you can access your iDisk public folder online. The Web address is similar to accountname-Public. The public folder is available to anyone who knows how to access it unless you add password protection, which you can set in the .Mac Preferences.

Create a Local iDisk Copy

  1. Click the System Preferences icon in the Dock, and then click the .Mac icon.

  2. Click the iDisk tab.

    Create a Local iDisk Copy
  3. Click Start.

  4. Click the Automatically or Manually option to sync the content the next time you get online.

    Create a Local iDisk Copy
  5. To stop the iDisk local sync, click Stop.

  6. Click the Close button.

Change iDisk Public Folder Permissions

  1. Click the System Preferences icon in the Dock, and then click the .Mac icon.

    Change iDisk Public Folder Permissions
  2. Click the iDisk tab.

  3. Click the Read only or Read and Write option.

    If you selected the Read and Write option, it’s important to set a password.

  4. Select the Password-protect your public folder check box.

  5. Type a password 6 to 8 characters, and then type it again to confirm it.

    Change iDisk Public Folder Permissions
  6. Click OK.

  7. To change the password, click Set Password, type a new password, confirm it, and then click OK.

  8. Click the Close button.

You can connect to your iDisk public folder in .Mac preferences.

Getting .Mac Online Support

Having difficulty running your virus software? When you perform a backup, should you include application files? And what about the problems you’re having loading and playing your favorite Mac game? Don’t worry, help is on the way in the form of the .Mac community of users, as well as, the full support of the Apple Exchange. Apple’s support system is constantly being updated to reflect the state of the current Macintosh software and hardware. If you have a question, and you need an answer, the .Mac online support system is the place to be.

Get .Mac Online Support

  1. Open your browser and sign on to your .Mac account.

    Get .Mac Online Support
  2. Click the Support link.

  3. If you want to find specific information, click in the Search Support field, type what you want, and then press Return.

  4. Click the specific Help links for information on: Billing & Support, Mail, Sync, Sharing Files with iDisk, Groups, Photo, Movies, Sites, Sharing Calendars, and Backup.

  5. Click a link under the following headings:

    • User Discussions. Access a community of fellow users, and Macintosh gurus all ready and willing to answer your questions.

    • Troubleshooting. Access to some of the more common problems facing Mac users, and (hopefully) the answers to your problem.

  6. Click the Back button to get back to the .Mac main page.

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