
As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are hyperlinked for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.


access control

implementing 125-127

Account Takeover (ATO) attack 243

ACK (acknowledge) 136

adaptive authentication 127

advanced persistent threat (APT) 366

adversarial attacks 17

seeing, in action 77, 78

adversarial malware examples (AMEs) 362

GAN problems, mitigating 362, 363

mitigation technique, defining based on 364

used, by hackers 364, 365

adversarial ML 52

attack vectors, categorizing 52

hacker mindset, examining 53, 54

Adversarial Robustness Toolbox 81

adware 198

agent 10

aggregate location data 34

air-gapped computers

accessing, methods 360, 361

problems with security, defining through 360, 361


reference link 55

algorithmic bias

defining 397

algorithm modification 270

Amazon Fraud Detector

reference link 241

Amazon Web Services (AWS) 93

Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3 41

anomaly 163

defining 164

need for 170

novelties 164

outliers 164

anomaly detection

art 164

causes and effects, specifying 164, 165

combining 171, 172

engineering 164

science 164

using 171

using, in machine learning (ML) 193, 194

versus supervised learning 171

anomaly sources

concept drift 165

considering 165-170

dataset damage 165

environmental change 165

man-in-the-middle (MITM) 166

source data change 165

user error 166

antiknowledge 65

anti-malware tools, features

behavior analysis 206

boot activation 206

content filtering 206

offsite backups 206

sandboxing 206

signature analysis 206

stronger firewalls 206

suspicious link tagging 206

API access token

reference link 108

application data

collecting 210

executable file sections, checking 211-213

imported libraries, examining 213-216

PE file, checking 210, 211

Windows PE file, loading 211

application features

list, generating 219

Application Programming Interface (API) 92

ArcBomb 202

Area Under the Curve (AUC)

calculating 260-262

artificial intelligence

in spear-phishing 365

atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability (ACID) 41


types 78

attacker motivations 54

attack techniques

adversarial attacks, in action 77, 78

backdoor (neural) attacks 74-76

characteristics 66

describing 65, 66

evasion attack 67, 68

membership inference attacks 71, 72

model poisoning 69, 70

Trojan attack 73

attack vectors

categorizing 52


ensuring 127

working with 107, 108

autocorrelation 188

autoencoder 312, 313

building 319-321

decoder, building 318

defining 313, 314

example 314, 315

fashion-MNIST dataset 315-318

graphics model statistics, obtaining 322, 323

model, creating from encoder and decoder 321, 322

model, testing 324

model, training from encoder and decoder 321, 322

automate and personalize attacks

creating 355, 356

automated attack 359

data, retrieving methods that hackers use 359-361

AWS Nitro Enclaves

reference link 99

Azure confidential computing

reference link 99


backdoor attack 74

backdoor (neural) attacks 74, 75

detecting and mitigating 86, 87

triggerless approach, using 76, 77

visible triggers, using 75, 76

backdoors 7

background fraud 231, 242

considering 242

detecting 242

background fraud detection application

building 243

backtesting 83

Basic Iterative Method (BIM) 70

behavioral datasets

locating 297

reference link 297

behavior detection, example

data, obtaining 272, 273

datasets, combining 273-278

datasets, importing 273-278

different-sized neighborhood, using with kNN 283-286

kNN model, building 280, 281

model, testing with KNN 281-283

random forest regressor, building with 286-288

random forest regressor, testing with 286-288

testing datasets, creating 278, 279

training datasets, creating 278, 279

behavior monitoring

using 298


URL 186

black-box attacks 34, 71

black hat hackers 52

Black Swan Paradox 64

Black Swan Theory 64

blue hat hackers 52

botnet attack and propagation models 130

botnets 129, 130

bots 360

Business Email Compromise (BEC) 368

business threats 93

consumer sites, protecting 94-97

dealing, with web APIs 99, 100

hype cycle, dealing with 100

malware 97, 98

network attacks 98

small issues, observing 98, 99


California housing dataset

reference link 175

Canadian Institute For Advanced Research (CIFAR) 78

CAPTCHA bypass techniques

employing 55

carding 97


performing 154, 155

CleverHans 81

clicker 201

Command and Control (C2) server 205

Common Trace Format (CTF) 135

company insiders

considering 237, 238

Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart (CAPTCHA) 55

forms 356, 357

unauthorized access bypassing, obtaining 356-359

confidence level

approaches, 59

confidence trick (con) 245

Confidential Computing

reference link 100

Confidential Computing Consortium

reference link 100

constructor 203

consumer sites

protecting 94-97

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) 73, 326

bad data effect 325, 326

Correctional Offender Management Profiling for Alternative Sanctions (COMPAS) 397

Correlation Coefficient method 222

Correlation Coefficient technique

using 224, 225

Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) 199

customers 238, 267

considering 238-241


dark launch 83


including, in perspective 291-293

obtaining 272, 273

obtaining, for network traffic testing 136, 137

data anomalies

data validity, checking 174, 175

detecting 172-174

example, forecasting 185

prediction, making 190-193

data anomalies, example

airline passengers data, viewing 186-188

autocorrelation, displaying 188-190

data, obtaining 186

partial autocorrelation, displaying 188

database management system (DBMS) 40

data-centric security

using 132, 133

data extraction 34

data generator

building 144

CallData.csv file, generating 148

CreateAPITraffic() function, creating 144-146

SaveDataToCSV() function, creating 147

training dataset, defining 147, 148

data modification 269

data sanitization 380, 389

benefits 381

current dataset, considering 381-383

goals 380

PII, removing 383

traits, adding 386-390

unnecessary features, eliminating 390

dataset corruption 27, 42

example, of recreating dataset 43-46

human factor, in missingness 43

imputer, using 46, 47

missing/corrupted data, handling 47-49

mitigating 42

dataset modification 26

data version control system example, using 40-42

detecting 35, 36

hashes, working with 39, 40

larger files, working with 39, 40

traditional methods, example 36-39


combining 273-278

importing 273-278

dataset threats

data change 31, 32

data corruption 32

defining 26

entities 27

feature manipulation, uncovering 32, 33

privacy attacks, thwarting 33-35

source modification, examining 33

sources, considering 27-31

types 26, 27

data source awareness

defining 391

recognizable datasets, using 392

required third-party permissions, obtaining 393, 394

third-party datasets, verifying 393

user permissions, validating 391

data stealing 269

data validity

checking 174, 175

Cook’s distance, relying on 180-182

interquartile range, relying on 175-177

principle component analysis, relying on 177-180

z-score, relying 182-185

data wedges 124

reference link 241

deep belief networks (DBNs) 128


definition 305

history 307

media, modifying 305

types 306, 307

deepfake computer setup

creating 307

GPU, checking for 309-312

TensorFlow installation, on desktop system 308, 309

deep learning (DL) 66

Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) 61

defense in depth (DiD) 131, 171

Delta Lake 41

reference link 41

Denial of Service (DoS) attack 98, 200

Detection, Analysis, and Mitigation (DAM) 142

detection model

algorithm, selecting 153

classification, performing 153-155

creating 152

detection systems

endpoint 171

filtering 172

monitoring 172

network interface 171

other system 172

verification 171

web application firewall 172

differential privacy

relying on 401

used, for mitigating privacy risks 399


obtaining 208, 209

disassembly 208, 209

goal 209

Disaster Recovery Training (DiRT) 80

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack 55, 129, 200

DNS monitoring 130

DoIt 41

downloader 199

downsampling 335

dropper 200

Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs) 213



fraud, occurring through 234

Email Account Compromise (EAC) 368

embedded methods 220

ensemble 60

environment 92, 93

epoch 347

Espionage 7

evasion 7

evasion attack 67

detecting and mitigating 81, 82

vectors, using 67


images, extracting from 217-219

strings, extracting from 216, 217

executable file

sections, checking 211-213

exploit 203

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) 175


facial recognition 34

fairness by unawareness principle 395, 396

fairness concerns

addressing 397

fake news

need for 370, 371

fake reviews 372

non-bot form, considering 373

False Positive Rate (FPR) 260

Faraday cage 360

Fast-Gradient Sign Method (FGSM) 70

F-beta 255

feature engineering 32

feature manipulation 32, 33


determining 138-141

feature selection 220

federated learning

used, for distribution data and privacy risks 400

used, for mitigating privacy risks 399, 400

federated ML system 34

feedback 25

feedback weaponization 71

filter methods 220

FIN (finalize) 136

fitting 153

Flask example

working with 156-158

flooder 203

fraud 7, 231

fraud detection example

analysis, performing 254-257

AUC, calculating 260-262

building 247

data, obtaining 247

data, splitting into test set 252, 253

data, splitting into train set 252, 253

model, building 253, 254

model, checking 257-259

ROC curve, creating 260-262

setting up 247-252

fraud source

company insiders, considering 237, 238

customers, considering 238-241

defining 235

fraud datasets, obtaining 241, 242

fraudsters, considering 236

hackers, considering 236

organizations, considering 237

fraudsters 236

as customers 238

fraud, types 232, 235

bank account takeover 232

charity and disaster 232

debit and credit card 233

driver’s license 233

elderly people 233

healthcare 233

insurance 234

internet 233

mail 233

phishing 234

stolen tax refund 234

versus fraud source 235

voters 234


GameThief 200

GameThief trojan 200

generative adversarial networks (GANs) 34, 56

AMEs, using by hackerx 364, 365

examples 303

issues, mitigating by AMEs 362, 363

mitigation technique, defining based on AMEs 364

used, for rendering malware less effective 362

generic mean (G-mean) 261

genomic information 34

German Traffic Sign Recognition Benchmark (GTSRB) 78


accessing, with OAuth-type authentication 108, 109


reference link 109

Git Large File Storage (LFS) 41

Google Cloud Storage (GCS) 41

Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) 220

gray hat hackers 52

green hat hackers 52


hacker goals

algorithm modification 270

data modification 269

data stealing 269

defining 268

system damage 270, 271

hacker mindset

examining 53, 54


approaches, using to employ human to break system 57

considering 236

hacker targets

considering 266

hacker targets, consideration

customers 267

hosted systems 266

mobile devices 267

networks 267

public venues and social media 267

HackTool 204

hashes 36

working with 39, 40

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) 31, 61, 391

heatmap plot 225

hoax 203

honeypots 124

working with 131, 132

Host-Based Intrusion Detection Systems (HIDSs) 133

hosted systems 266

Hue, Saturation, Value (HSV) 369

human behavior

predicting 293-297

hybrid methods 220

hype cycle

dealing with 100



reference link 217

identity strategies

using 136

identity theft 102

image datasets

creating, from modified images 332-335

ImageNet 78


extracting, from executable 217-219

IM-Flooder 201

imported libraries

examining 213-216


using 46, 47

Information Gain technique

using 222-224

information leakage

approaches, types eliminating from organization 58, 59

insider attacks 54

Instant Messaging (IM) 199, 201

Integrated Development Environment (IDE) 110

internal smart bot attacks

reducing 373

Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) 368

Internet of Things (IoT) 98, 133, 172

Internet Relay Chat (IRC) 199

Interrupt Descriptor Table (IDT) 202

Intrusion Detection System (IDS) 130


detecting 128, 129


Kaggle dataset

reference link 242, 247

Kaggle, subscription

reference link 247


reference link 106

KERNEL32 Functions

reference link 216

keyloggers 198

k-nearest neighbor (kNN) 279

model, testing with 281-283

odd value, using for k 286

versus random forest regressor 279

versus XGBoost regressor 279

kNN model

building 280, 281


reference link 243



significance, considering 271, 272

lakeFS 41

reference link 41

language generation models 34

larger files

working with 39

LASSO Regularization (L1) 220

Leaky ReLU 337

Least Likely Class Method (LLCM) 70

lemmatization 117

versus stemming 117, 119

localized attacks

defining 129

local system

attacks on 67

log, converting into frequency data table 148

data, manipulating 151, 152

data, reading from disk 150

ReadDataFromCSV() function, creating 149, 150

Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) 73, 159

long-term fraud 236


machine learning (ML) 4

adding 137, 138

anomaly detection, using 193, 194

application security, types 104, 105

classification 5

data 26

employing, in security 104

features, determining 138-141

importance 4, 5

security 26

security, adding 14

security domain, identifying 6, 7

updated security plan, developing 138

using, from development to production 10-14

Machine Learning Repository (Australian Credit Approval)

reference link 241

Machine Learning Repository (German Credit Data)

reference link 241

macro virus 199

MalGAN 364

malware 97

classifying 227

defining 198

goals, determining 207, 208

labels, obtaining 227

samples, obtaining 227

subtleties 204-206

malware detection features

application data, collecting 210

generating 208

images, extracting from executable 217-219

list, generating 219

required disassembler, obtaining 208-210

selecting 219

speed, considering 226

strings, extracting from executable 216, 217

malware detection features, selection techniques

Correlation Coefficient technique, using 224, 225

embedded methods 220

filter methods 220

hybrid methods 220

Information Gain technique, using 222-224

required data, obtaining 221, 222

wrapper methods 220

malware detection scenario

development 228

malware detection toolbox

building 226, 227

malware ,types

rootkit 202

malware types

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) 200

malware, types

ArcBomb 202

backdoor 199

banker 201

clicker 201

constructors 203

downloader 199

dropper 200

GameThief 200

HackTool 204

hoax 203

Instant Messaging (IM) 201

notifier trojan 202

Password Stealing Ware (PSW) 200

proxy 201

ransomware 200

short Message Service (SMS) 201

specifying 199-204

spyware 200

Trojan 199

VirTool 203

virus 199

worm 199

man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack 97

Master Boot Record (MBR) 202

membership inference attack 33, 71, 72

detecting and mitigating 83-85

Mendeley Data site

reference link 297

Meta Neural Trojan Detection (MNTD) 86


reference link 308

missing/corrupted data

handling 47-49

missingness 248

mitigation techniques

considering 194

ML algorithms, security issues

attacker motivations, defining 54

Black Swan Theory 64, 65

CAPTCHA bypass techniques, employing 55

common hacker goals, considering 56

considering 54

ensemble learning, using 60-63

help, avoiding for hacker 58

information leakage, keeping to minimum 58, 59

new research, integrating 63, 64

probing, limiting 59

relying, on trial and error 56, 57

ML application

authentication, developing 106

authentication, working with 107, 108

bad data source, removing 110, 111

customers, validating 239

email filter, creating 114-117

filtered data, manipulating 112-114

GitHub, accessing with OAuth-type authentication 108, 109

human intervention, adding 106

machine, realities considering 105, 106

spam filter, developing 109

stemming versus lemmatization 117, 119

ML application, security measures

attribute-based security 105

group-based security 105

identity-based security 105

resource-based security 105

role-based security 105

ML classifiers 130

ML environment

elements 92

ML environment, mistruths

bias 15

commission 15

frame of reference 16

omission 15

perspective 16

ML fairness 394

mobile devices 267


testing, with KNN 281-283

model extraction 34

model poisoning 69, 70

feedback weaponization 71

methods, using 70

model skewing 70

model poisoning attack

detecting and mitigating 82, 83

model skewing 70

model training 347, 348

fitting function, defining 348, 349

fitting, performing 349, 350

Modified National Institute of Standards and Technology (MNIST) database 77

Momentum Iterative Method (MIM) 70

monitoring and alerting 271

behavioral datasets, locating 297

behavior detection, example 272

data, including in perspective 291-293

human behavior, predicting 293-297

lag significance, considering 271, 272

XGBoost regressor, building 288-290

XGBoost regressor, testing 288-290

multi-factor authentication (MFA) 103, 127, 201

Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) 159

multiple devices

using, effect 246


Neptune 41

reference link 41

network 123, 267

network attacks 98

Network-Based Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDSs) 128

network detection and response (NDR) 195

reference link 195

Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) 171

network threats

access control, implementing 125-127

authentication, ensuring 127

botnets 129, 130

control over chaos, developing 124, 125

defining 124

intrusions, detecting 128, 129

localized attacks, defining 129

Network Traffic Analytics (NTA) 137

Nigerian Fraud Scams

reference link 234

normalization 331

notifier trojan 202


URL 126, 182

NVIDIA driver

reference link 309


OAuth-type authentication

used, for accessing GitHub 108, 109


warning 162

Open Authentication (OAuth)

reference link 108

OpenML (CreditCardFraudDetection)

reference link 241

optical character recognition (OCR) 42


considering 237

outliers 163

outsider attacks 54

overfitted 71

overfitted model 153


Pachyderm 42

URL 42


URL 221


reference link 224

Papers with Code (Amazon-Fraud)

reference link 242

paraphrasing attack 18

partial autocorrelation 189

Password Stealing Ware (PSW) 200

PatchGAN discriminator 341, 342

implementing 342-344

loss function, defining 344, 345

Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) 31

Peer-to-Peer (P2P) 199

PE file

checking 210, 211

PE Format documentation

reference link 213

personal bias

removing 396, 397

personally identifiable information (PII)

non-identifiable 384

personally identifiable 383

re-identifiable 383

removing 379, 385

phishing 57

versus spear-phishing 366-368

phishing attacks

approaches, 57

pickle library 204

reference link 204

Pix2Pix GAN 327

discriminator, creating 341, 342

discriminator, optimizing 345

example 327

generator, optimizing 345

image datasets, developing from modified images 332-335

images, manipulating 329-332

images, obtaining 328

images, viewing 328, 329

model training 347, 348

overview 327

training process, monitoring 345, 346

U-Net generator, creating 335, 336

Platform as a Service (PaaS) 93

Ponzi scheme

reference link 236

pornware 198

Portable Executable File (PEFile) disassembler 209

references 209

PowerShell alternative of Telnet command

reference link 126


human element 160

predictive defenses

developing 158

downsides, of predicting future 160, 161

models, defining 159

realistic network model, creating 161

pretrained models 17

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) 247

probing 59

projected gradient descent (PGD) attack method 84

proxy 201


random forest classifier

advantages 153

disadvantages 153

Random Forest Importance 220

random forest regressor

building with 286-288

testing with 286-288

versus KNN regressor 279

versus XGBoost regressor 279

ransomware 198, 200

realistic network model

creating 161

real-time defenses

creating 141, 142

Flask example, working with 156-158

human intervention requesting 158

subprocess, using in Python example 155, 156

supervised learning example, using 142

real-time fraud 231, 244

considering 244

detecting 245-247

features 246

real-time fraud, types

authentication checks 244

considering 244, 245

email phishing 244

ID document forgery 245

identity theft 245

network-level checks 244

payment fraud 244


reference link 55

recall 255

Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve

creating 260-262

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) 73, 159

red hat hackers 52

reinforcement learning 10

Remote Code Execution (RCE) 126

Residual Network (ResNet) 369

riskware 198

rootkit 202

root-mean-square error (RMSE) 192, 281

RST (reset) 136


sandboxing techniques, on virtual machines

reference link 227

scraping 97


URL 183

SecML 81

Secure Shell (SSH) 126

security, adding to ML 14, 15

goals 18, 19

human element, defining 15, 16

integrity and availability, compromising 16, 17

types of attacks, defining 17, 18

security and reliability

improving 298

security measures

enhancing 361

session hijacking 97

Short Message Service (SMS) 201

shotgun 365

signature detection

combining 171, 172

using 171, 172

simple message service (SMS) 60

Simple Storage Service (S3) buckets 93

Simpson’s paradox 396

issues 396

smart bots

fake news, usage 370, 371

focusing, on fake reviews 372

generating, for fake news and reviews 370

smishing 365

social engineering 57

social threats 100

account takeover 103, 104

considerations 100, 101

identity theft 102

remote storage data loss or corruption 103

spam 102

unwanted tracking 103

spam 102, 109

spam filter

developing 109


artificial intelligence 365

attacks, reducing 369, 370

on security professionals 368

versus phishing 366-368

spoofer 203


approaches, 57

spyware 200

steganography 219

stemming 117

versus lemmatization 117, 119

stem plot 182


extracting, from executable 216, 217

Strings utility for Windows

reference link 216

STRong Intentional Perturbation (STRIP) 85

subprocess 155

using, in Python example 155, 156

subtle intrusion indicators

locating 133-135

supervised learning 8, 9

versus anomaly detection 171

supervised learning, example

data generator, building 144

detection model, creating 152

log, converting into frequency data table 148

overview 142, 143

using 142

Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems 99

support scores 255

Support Vector Machine (SVM) 67

SYN (synchronize) 136

Synthesized (Fraud Detection Project)

reference link 242

system damage 270

System Service Descriptor Table (SSDT) 202


TCP syn (synchronization) scanning 130

reference link 126



URL 321


fairness indicators, computing with 398, 399

installation, on deepfake desktop system 308, 309

URL 308

TensorFlow-constrained optimization

fairness problems, solving with 399

TensorFlow Data Validation (TFDV) 398

test datasets

creating 278, 279

testing process 25

text image 370

There Is No Such Thing As A Free Lunch (TINSTAAFL) 240

reference link 241

thermostat 98

threats, to algorithm

backdoor (neural) attacks, detecting and mitigating 86, 87

evasion attack, detecting 81, 82

evasion attack, mitigating 81, 82

membership inference attack, detecting and mitigating 83-85

mitigating 79

model poisoning attack, detecting and mitigating 82, 83

principles, developing that helps protect against every threat 79, 80

Trojan attack, detecting and mitigating 85, 86

threshold 260

thwarting hackers with behavioral science 268

trace 134

traditional methods, data modification 36

advantages 36

disadvantages 36

example 37-39

traditional protections

alternative identity strategies, using 136

considering 130

data-centric security, using 132, 133

data, obtaining for network traffic testing 136, 137

honeypots, working with 131, 132

subtle intrusion indicators, locating 133-135

train datasets

creating 278, 279

training process 25

transfer learning 17

trigger 73

triggered approach 74

triggerless approach 74

using 76, 77

Trojan 7, 199

Trojan attack 73, 74

detecting and mitigating 85, 86

types 73

Troy in Greek mythology

reference link 199

True Positive Rate (TPR) 260

trust and confidence

undermining 270

Trusted Platform Module (TPM) 99

reference link 100

two-factor authentication (2FA) 60


underfitted model 153

U-Net generator 335, 336

downsampling code, defining 337

implementing 339, 340

loss function, defining 341

upsampling code, defining 338, 339

unintended memorization 34

unsupervised learning 9

updated security plan 138

developing 138

upsampling 335

US Treasury Financial Crimes Enforcement Unit

reference link 242


vaporware 235

VirTool 203


reference link 204

virus 199


reference link 98, 227

vishing 365

Visual Geometry Group-16 layer (VGG-16) 369

Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition

reference link 308


web APIs

dealing with 99, 100

white box access 17

white box attack 34, 76

white hat hackers 52

Windows 10 SSH vs. PuTTY

reference link 126

Windows NT Lan Manager (NTLM)

reference link 108

Windows PE file

loading 211

Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) 217

worms 199

wrapper methods 220


reference link 217


XGBoost regressor

building 288-290

testing 288-290

versus KNN regressor 279

versus random forest regressor 279


zero-day attack 64

zero-day exploits 123

zombie systems 35

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