Example – performing OCR with SVMs

Image processing is a difficult task for many types of machine learning algorithms. The relationships linking patterns of pixels to higher concepts are extremely complex and hard to define. For instance, it's easy for a human being to recognize a face, a cat, or the letter "A", but defining these patterns in strict rules is difficult. Furthermore, image data is often noisy. There can be many slight variations in how the image was captured depending on the lighting, orientation, and positioning of the subject.

SVMs are well suited to tackle the challenges of image data. Capable of learning complex patterns without being overly sensitive to noise, they are able to recognize visual patterns with a high degree of accuracy. Moreover, the key weakness of SVMs—the black box model representation—is less critical for image processing. If an SVM can differentiate a cat from a dog, it does not matter much how it is doing so.

In this section, we will develop a model similar to those used at the core of the optical character recognition (OCR) software often bundled with desktop document scanners or in smartphone applications. The purpose of such software is to process paper-based documents by converting printed or handwritten text into an electronic form to be saved in a database.

Of course, this is a difficult problem due to the many variants in handwriting style and printed fonts. Even so, software users expect perfection, as errors or typos can result in embarrassing or costly mistakes in a business environment. Let's see whether our SVM is up to the task.

Step 1 – collecting data

When OCR software first processes a document, it divides the paper into a matrix such that each cell in the grid contains a single glyph, which is a term referring to a letter, symbol, or number. Next, for each cell, the software will attempt to match the glyph to a set of all characters it recognizes. Finally, the individual characters can be combined into words, which optionally could be spell-checked against a dictionary in the document's language.

In this exercise, we'll assume that we have already developed the algorithm to partition the document into rectangular regions each consisting of a single glyph. We will also assume the document contains only alphabetic characters in English. Therefore, we'll simulate a process that involves matching glyphs to one of the 26 letters, A to Z.

To this end, we'll use a dataset donated to the UCI Machine Learning Repository (http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml) by W. Frey and D. J. Slate. The dataset contains 20,000 examples of 26 English alphabet capital letters as printed using 20 different randomly reshaped and distorted black-and-white fonts.


For more information about these data, refer to Letter Recognition Using Holland-Style Adaptive Classifiers, Slate, DJ and Frey, PW, Machine Learning, 1991, Vol. 6, pp. 161-182.

The following figure, published by Frey and Slate, provides an example of some of the printed glyphs. Distorted in this way, the letters are challenging for a computer to identify, yet are easily recognized by a human being:

Step 1 – collecting data

Figure 7.21: Examples of glyphs the SVM algorithm will attempt to identify

Step 2 – exploring and preparing the data

According to the documentation provided by Frey and Slate, when the glyphs are scanned into the computer, they are converted into pixels and 16 statistical attributes are recorded.

The attributes measure such characteristics as the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the glyph; the proportion of black (versus white) pixels; and the average horizontal and vertical position of the pixels. Presumably, differences in the concentration of black pixels across various areas of the box should provide a way to differentiate among the 26 letters of the alphabet.


To follow along with this example, download the letterdata.csv file from the Packt Publishing website and save it to your R working directory.

Reading the data into R, we confirm that we have received the data with the 16 features that define each example of the letter class. As expected, it has 26 levels:

> letters <- read.csv("letterdata.csv")
> str(letters)
'data.frame':    20000 obs. of 17 variables:
 $ letter: Factor w/ 26 levels "A","B","C","D",..
 $ xbox  : int  2 5 4 7 2 4 4 1 2 11 ...
 $ ybox  : int  8 12 11 11 1 11 2 1 2 15 ...
 $ width : int  3 3 6 6 3 5 5 3 4 13 ...
 $ height: int  5 7 8 6 1 8 4 2 4 9 ...
 $ onpix : int  1 2 6 3 1 3 4 1 2 7 ...
 $ xbar  : int  8 10 10 5 8 8 8 8 10 13 ...
 $ ybar  : int  13 5 6 9 6 8 7 2 6 2 ...
 $ x2bar : int  0 5 2 4 6 6 6 2 2 6 ...
 $ y2bar : int  6 4 6 6 6 9 6 2 6 2 ...
 $ xybar : int  6 13 10 4 6 5 7 8 12 12 ...
 $ x2ybar: int  10 3 3 4 5 6 6 2 4 1 ...
 $ xy2bar: int  8 9 7 10 9 6 6 8 8 9 ...
 $ xedge : int  0 2 3 6 1 0 2 1 1 8 ...
 $ xedgey: int  8 8 7 10 7 8 8 6 6 1 ...
 $ yedge : int  0 4 3 2 5 9 7 2 1 1 ...
 $ yedgex: int  8 10 9 8 10 7 10 7 7 8 ...

SVM learners require all features to be numeric, and moreover, that each feature is scaled to a fairly small interval. In this case, every feature is an integer, so we do not need to convert any factors into numbers. On the other hand, some of the ranges for these integer variables appear fairly wide. This indicates that we need to normalize or standardize the data. However, we can skip this step for now, because the R package that we will use for fitting the SVM model will perform the rescaling automatically.

Given that there is no data preparation left to perform, we can move directly to the training and testing phases of the machine learning process. In previous analyses, we randomly divided the data between the training and testing sets. Although we could do so here, Frey and Slate have already randomized the data and therefore suggest using the first 16,000 records (80 percent) for building the model and the next 4,000 records (20 percent) for testing. Following their advice, we can create training and testing data frames as follows:

> letters_train <- letters[1:16000, ]
> letters_test  <- letters[16001:20000, ]

With our data ready to go, let's start building our classifier.

Step 3 – training a model on the data

When it comes to fitting an SVM model in R, there are several outstanding packages to choose from. The e1071 package from the Department of Statistics at the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) provides an R interface to the award-winning LIBSVM library, a widely used open-source SVM program written in C++. If you are already familiar with LIBSVM, you may want to start here.


For more information on LIBSVM, refer to the authors' website at http://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~cjlin/libsvm/.

Similarly, if you're already invested in the SVMlight algorithm, the klaR package from the Department of Statistics at the Dortmund University of Technology (TU Dortmund) provides functions to work with this SVM implementation directly from R.


For information on SVMlight, see http://svmlight.joachims.org/.

Finally, if you are starting from scratch, it is perhaps best to begin with the SVM functions in the kernlab package. An interesting advantage of this package is that it was developed natively in R rather than C or C++, which allows it to be easily customized; none of the internals are hidden behind the scenes. Perhaps even more importantly, unlike the other options, kernlab can be used with the caret package, which allows SVM models to be trained and evaluated using a variety of automated methods (covered in Chapter 11, Improving Model Performance).


For a more thorough introduction to kernlab, please refer to the authors' paper at http://www.jstatsoft.org/v11/i09/.

The syntax for training SVM classifiers with kernlab is as follows. If you do happen to be using one of the other packages, the commands are largely similar. By default, the ksvm() function uses the Gaussian RBF kernel, but a number of other options are provided:

Step 3 – training a model on the data

To provide a baseline measure of SVM performance, let's begin by training a simple linear SVM classifier. If you haven't already, install the kernlab package to your library using the install.packages("kernlab") command. Then, we can call the ksvm() function on the training data and specify the linear (that is, "vanilla") kernel using the vanilladot option, as follows:

> library(kernlab)
> letter_classifier <- ksvm(letter ~ ., data = letters_train,
                            kernel = "vanilladot")

Depending on the performance of your computer, this operation may take some time to complete. When it finishes, type the name of the stored model to see some basic information about the training parameters and the fit of the model:

> letter_classifier
Support Vector Machine object of class "ksvm"

SV type: C-svc  (classification)
 parameter : cost C = 1

Linear (vanilla) kernel function.

Number of Support Vectors : 7037

Objective Function Value : -14.1746 -20.0072 -23.5628 -6.2009 -7.5524 -32.7694 -49.9786 -18.1824 -62.1111 -32.7284 -16.2209...

Training error : 0.130062

This information tells us very little about how well the model will perform in the real world. We'll need to examine its performance on the testing dataset to know whether it generalizes well to unseen data.

Step 4 – evaluating model performance

The predict() function allows us to use the letter classification model to make predictions on the testing dataset:

> letter_predictions <- predict(letter_classifier, letters_test)

Because we didn't specify the type parameter, the default type = "response" was used. This returns a vector containing a predicted letter for each row of values in the testing data. Using the head() function, we can see that the first six predicted letters were U, N, V, X, N, and H:

> head(letter_predictions)
[1] U N V X N H
Levels: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

To examine how well our classifier performed, we need to compare the predicted letter to the true letter in the testing dataset. We'll use the table() function for this purpose (only a portion of the full table is shown here):

> table(letter_predictions, letters_test$letter)
letter_predictions   A   B   C   D   E
                 A 144   0   0   0   0
                 B   0 121   0   5   2
                 C   0   0 120   0   4
                 D   2   2   0 156   0
                 E   0   0   5   0 127

The diagonal values of 144, 121, 120, 156, and 127 indicate the total number of records where the predicted letter matches the true value. Similarly, the number of mistakes is also listed. For example, the value of 5 in row B and column D indicates that there were five cases where the letter D was misidentified as a B.

Looking at each type of mistake individually may reveal some interesting patterns about the specific types of letters the model has trouble with, but this is time consuming. We can simplify our evaluation by instead calculating the overall accuracy. This considers only whether the prediction was correct or incorrect, and ignores the type of error.

The following command returns a vector of TRUE or FALSE values indicating whether the model's predicted letter agrees with (that is, matches) the actual letter in the test dataset:

> agreement <- letter_predictions == letters_test$letter

Using the table() function, we see that the classifier correctly identified the letter in 3,357 out of the 4,000 test records:

> table(agreement)
643 3357

In percentage terms, the accuracy is about 84 percent:

> prop.table(table(agreement))
0.16075 0.83925

Note that when Frey and Slate published the dataset in 1991, they reported a recognition accuracy of about 80 percent. Using just a few lines of R code, we were able to surpass their result, although we also have the benefit of decades of additional machine learning research. With that in mind, it is likely that we are able to do even better.

Step 5 – improving model performance

Let's take a moment to contextualize the performance of the SVM model we trained to identify letters of the alphabet from image data. With one line of R code, the model was able to achieve an accuracy of nearly 84 percent, which slightly surpassed the benchmark percent published by academic researchers in 1991. Although an accuracy of 84 percent is not nearly high enough to be useful for OCR software, the fact that a relatively simple model can reach this level is a remarkable accomplishment in itself. Keep in mind that the probability the model's prediction would match the actual value by dumb luck alone is quite small at under four percent. This implies that our model performs over 20 times better than random chance. As remarkable as this is, perhaps by adjusting the SVM function parameters to train a slightly more complex model, we can also find that the model is useful in the real world.


To calculate the probability of the SVM model's predictions matching the actual values by chance alone, apply the joint probability rule for independent events covered in Chapter 4, Probabilistic Learning – Classification Using Naive Bayes. Because there are 26 letters, each appearing at approximately the same rate in the test set, the chance that any one letter is predicted correctly is (1 / 26) * (1 / 26). Since there are 26 different letters, the total probability of agreement is 26 * (1 / 26) * (1 / 26) = 0.0384, or 3.84 percent.

Changing the SVM kernel function

Our previous SVM model used the simple linear kernel function. By using a more complex kernel function, we can map the data into a higher dimensional space, and potentially obtain a better model fit.

It can be challenging, however, to choose from the many different kernel functions. A popular convention is to begin with the Gaussian RBF kernel, which has been shown to perform well for many types of data. We can train an RBF-based SVM using the ksvm() function as shown here:

> letter_classifier_rbf <- ksvm(letter ~ ., data = letters_train,
                                kernel = "rbfdot")
Next, we make predictions as before:
> letter_predictions_rbf <- predict(letter_classifier_rbf,
Finally, we'll compare the accuracy to our linear SVM:
> agreement_rbf <- letter_predictions_rbf == letters_test$letter
> table(agreement_rbf)
  275  3725
> prop.table(table(agreement_rbf))
0.06875 0.93125


Your results may differ from those shown here due to randomness in the ksvm RBF kernel. If you'd like them to match exactly, use RNGversion("3.5.2") and set.seed(12345) prior to running the ksvm() function.

Simply by changing the kernel function, we were able to increase the accuracy of our character recognition model from 84 percent to 93 percent.

Identifying the best SVM cost parameter

If this level of performance is still unsatisfactory for the OCR program, it is certainly possible to test additional kernels. However, another fruitful approach is to vary the cost parameter, which modifies the width of the SVM decision boundary. This governs the model's balance between overfitting and underfitting the training data—the larger the cost value, the harder the learner will try to perfectly classify every training instance, as there is a higher penalty for each mistake. On the one hand, a high cost can lead the learner to overfit the training data. On the other hand, a cost parameter set too small can cause the learner to miss important, subtle patterns in the training data and underfit the true pattern.

There is no rule of thumb to know the ideal value beforehand, so instead we will examine how the model performs for various values of C, the cost parameter. Rather than repeating the training and evaluation process repeatedly, we can use the sapply() function to apply a custom function to a vector of potential cost values. We begin by using the seq() function to generate this vector as a sequence counting from five to 40 by five. Then, as shown in the following code, the custom function trains the model as before, each time using the cost value and making predictions on the test dataset. Each model's accuracy is computed as the number of predictions that match the actual values divided by the total number of predictions. The result is visualized using the plot() function:

> cost_values <- c(1, seq(from = 5, to = 40, by = 5))
> accuracy_values <- sapply(cost_values, function(x) {
    m <- ksvm(letter ~ ., data = letters_train,
              kernel = "rbfdot", C = x)
    pred <- predict(m, letters_test)
    agree <- ifelse(pred == letters_test$letter, 1, 0)
    accuracy <- sum(agree) / nrow(letters_test)
    return (accuracy)

> plot(cost_values, accuracy_values, type = "b")
Identifying the best SVM cost parameter

Figure 7.22: Mapping accuracy against SVM cost for the RBF kernel

As depicted in the visualization, with an accuracy of 93 percent, the default SVM cost parameter of C = 1 resulted in by far the least accurate model among the nine models evaluated. Instead, setting C to a value of 10 or higher results in an accuracy of around 97 percent, which is quite an improvement in performance! Perhaps this is close enough to perfect for the model to be deployed in a real-world environment, though it may still be worth experimenting further with various kernels to see if it is possible to get even closer to 100 percent accuracy. Each additional improvement in accuracy will result in fewer mistakes for the OCR software and a better overall experience for the end user.

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