

  1. Ad networks

  2. AdRank

  3. AdWords

    1. AdRank

    2. advantages

    3. competitiveness

    4. constant competition, retailers

    5. conversion pixel

    6. drawbacks

    7. fit into budget

    8. functions

    9. Google AdWords

    10. Google’s official advertising program

    11. launching

      1. Ad extensions

      2. Ad groups

      3. Ads

      4. Advanced Settings

      5. bidding and budget

      6. billing information

      7. campaign name

      8. create an account

      9. create, new campaign

      10. devices

      11. locations and languages

      12. networks

      13. settings

      14. type

    12. placement

    13. resources

    14. shopping campaign

    15. structure, ad campaign

  4. Affiliate and referral modules

  5. Affiliate marketing

  6. Alpenite

  7. Amazon Product Advertising

  8. Anchor

  9. API framework

    1. HTTP

    2. Magento 2 REST

    3. OAuth

    4. opportunities

    5. REST API

    6. SOAP API Reference

    7. and Swagger

    8. system/integration


  1. Banner Ads

    1. Ad networks

    2. contacts

    3. creativity

    4. F-shaped view pattern

    5. individual publishers

    6. landing pages

    7. tests before submitting

    8. traffic-driving techniques

    9. web sites

  2. Behavior-based rules

  3. Beta Merchants

  4. BlogAds

  5. Blogging platforms

    1. Anchor

    2. Magento 2 modules

      1. aheadWorks

      2. Blog Pro by Magenest

      3. disadvantages

      4. MageArray

      5. MageFan

    3. Movable Type


    5. Squarespace

    6. Tumblr

    7. Typepad

    8. Weebly

    9. WordPress

  6. Blog Pro by Magenest

  7. Briteskies

  8. BuySellAds


  1. Cart-based rules

  2. CE project composer.json package

  3. Certified partners

    1. Magento 2 Trained Solution Partner

  4. Clicksor

  5. Code Migration Toolkit

  6. Composer

    1. features

    2. GitHub and Packagist

    3. installation

    4. json packages

    5. Magento 2 CE

    6. Magento 2 repository

    7. metapackages

    8. naming conventions

    9. package and publish

    10. package module

    11. package types

    12. private repositories

  7. Composer create-project

  8. Composer installation

  9. composer.json files

  10. Converto

  11. Cost-per-click (CPC) options

  12. Cost-per-mille (CPM) options


  1. Direct traffic source


  1. Earning rules

  2. E-commerce

  3. E-mail designer

  4. E-mail marketing

    1. accounts

    2. appropriate quality of e-mail content

    3. frequent e-mail delivery

    4. independent research

    5. MailChimp

    6. sufficient database volume

    7. testing opportunities

  5. E-mail templates

  6. Enhanced cost-per-click (ECPC)

  7. Entrepreneur package

  8. ExactSeek


  1. Facebook

    1. Custom Audiences

    2. Dynamic Product Ads

    3. family and friends into customers

    4. Friend-to-friend Payments

    5. Lookalike Audiences

    6. modules for Magento 2

    7. Multi-Product Ads

    8. official store page creation

    9. online advertising, social media

  2. Facebook Paid Ads


  4. Forix

  5. F-shaped view pattern


  1. GitHub

  2. Google AdWords

    1. BlogAds

    2. BuySellAds

    3. Clicksor

    4. ExactSeek

    5. Facebook Paid Ads

    6. Partner Promotion

    7. Pay-Per-Click management service

    8. Rivalry

    9. StumbleUpon Ads

    10. Time wasting

    11. Vague bidding system

    12. Yahoo! Bing

    13. Yahoo! Gemini Ads

  3. Google Analytics

  4. Google-owned properties

  5. Google’s official advertising program

  6. Google’s partner sites

  7. Growing Business plan

  8. Gulp


  1. High Volume Seller package

  2. Hosting requirements

    1. e-commerce platform

    2. service

  3. HTML5


  1. IBNAB

  2. Inchoo

  3. Individual publishers

  4. Instagram

  5. Installation/download

    1. Admin

    2. Admin Account

    3. CentOS

    4. Composer and Magento

    5. database

    6. dependencies

    7. File System Permissions & Ownership

    8. guide

    9. installation log

    10. metapackage

    11. own server

    12. PHP 7 Docker image

    13. repository

    14. sample data

    15. Setup Verification

    16. Setup Wizard

    17. shared hosting

    18. system requirements

    19. types

    20. Ubuntu

    21. Virtual Machine (VM)

    22. Web Configuration


  1. JQuery

  2. json packages


  1. Ketty Magento 2 Beta

  2. KISSmetrics


  1. Licensing model

  2. Localhost installation


  1. MageArray

  2. MageFan

  3. Magento

    1. safest e-commerce platform

    2. security tricks. Security

  4. Magento 2

    1. community

    2. composer file

    3. courses

    4. Dev Docs

    5. Developer Documentation

    6. development

    7. extensions

    8. merchants

    9. migration

    10. modules

    11. Nginx

    12. projects

    13. resources and blogs

    14. system requirements

    15. Vagrant Box

  5. Magento GitHub Repository Cloning

  6. Magento Software Installation

  7. Magento 2 Trained Solution Partners

    1. Alpenite

    2. Briteskies

    3. Forix

    4. Inchoo

    5. Session Digital

    6. Space 48

  8. Mage2.PRO blog

  9. MailChimp

    1. account

    2. e-mail designer

    3. e-mail templates

    4. entrepreneur package

    5. Growing Business plan

    6. high-end e-mail content

    7. High Volume Seller package

    8. integration with e-commerce platforms

    9. Smart Reports

  10. Marketing campaign

    1. e-commerce industry

    2. identify metrics

    3. implement comfortable metrics tracking

    4. original with media representation of your site

    5. planning, implementing and evaluating

    6. preparation

    7. results

    8. tests before publishing your ads

    9. understand your aims

    10. UTM links

  11. Meerkat

  12. Metapackage file

  13. Movable Type

  14. MySQL statement-based replication


  1. Nathan McBride

  2. Nginx



  1. Official Magento 2 CE User Gide

  2. Omnichannel shopping experiences

  3. Organic search engine results

P, Q

  1. Packagist

  2. Paid search results

    1. affiliate and referral modules

    2. affiliate marketing

    3. online marketing campaigns

    4. Pay Per Click advertising

    5. SEO

  3. Partner Promotion

  4. Pay Per Click advertising

  5. Pay-Per-Click management service


  7. Periscope

  8. PhpStorm Magento 2 Plugin

  9. Pinterest

  10. Product-based rules


  1. Real Magento Community

  2. Real time social experience

    1. Meerkat

    2. Periscope

  3. Reddit

  4. RequireJS

  5. Revamped shopping experience

  6. Rivalry

  7. ROI


  1. Sales generation

    1. AdWords

    2. Amazon Product Advertising

    3. banner ads

    4. blogging platforms

    5. Google AdWords

    6. marketing campaign

    7. real time social experience

      1. Meerkat

      2. Periscope

    8. social influencers

    9. social media advertising and SMM campaigns

    10. traffic-driving techniques

    11. traffic sources

  2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

  3. Secure shell (SSH)

  4. Security

    1. antivirus software updation

    2. backup storage

    3. block unwanted countries

    4. change passwords, outside developers

    5. check web server logs, errors/suspicious activities

    6. custom path, admin panel

    7. directory listing

    8. Disable Magento Connect Manager

    9. e-mail loopholes

    10. encrypted (HTTPS/SSL) connection

    11. file upload with secure FTP

    12. hosting provider

    13. local.xml file

    14. malicious PHP functions

    15. MySQL injections

    16. Name & Password

    17. predefined IP addresses, administrators

    18. two-factor authentication

    19. upgrade your OS

  5. Serving Frontend Files

  6. Session Digital

  7. Shero

  8. Smart advertising on Reddit

  9. SMM campaigns

    1. avoid self-serving

    2. budget

    3. design your ads

    4. objectives

    5. platforms

    6. promoted posts

    7. reward, social followers

    8. right type

    9. shopping

    10. social media ecosystems

    11. social media strategy

    12. and SoLoMo

    13. strategy and visual content

    14. target audience

    15. think of target ads

  10. Social influencers

  11. Social-local-mobile technology (SoLoMo)

  12. Social media advertising

    1. e-commerce retail promotion

    2. Facebook

    3. Instagram

    4. Pinterest

    5. Twitter

    6. and sales boost

    7. and SMM campaigns

  13. Space 48

  14. Squarespace

  15. StumbleUpon Ads

  16. Swagger

  17. Symfony


  1. Technology stack

    1. Apache 2.2

    2. Composer

    3. CSS3

    4. Gulp

    5. HTML5

    6. JQuery

    7. MySQL

    8. Nginx

    9. PHP

    10. PSR-1

    11. PSR-3

    12. PSR-4

    13. RequireJS

    14. Symfony

    15. Twig

    16. Zend Framework

  2. TemplateMonster

  3. Templates

    1. crafts

    2. DCKAP

    3. Developer Documentation

    4. Grunt

    5. Handlebars

    6. knockout

    7. principles

    8. and RequireJS

    9. Serving Frontend Files

    10. Shero

    11. themeforest

    12. and themes

  4. Time wasting

  5. Traffic-driving techniques

    1. use on your web site

      1. feedback opportunities

      2. full shipping information

      3. giveaways

      4. mobile-friendly environment

      5. reviews and recommendations

      6. simplified checkout

      7. zero returns from e-mail campaigns

    2. use outside of your web site

      1. banner ads

      2. business, e-commerce platforms

      3. entertain your customers

      4. offline events

      5. traditional advertising

  6. Traffic Program

  7. Traffic sources

    1. direct traffic

    2. e-mail marketing

    3. organic search engine results

    4. paid search results

  8. Tumblr

  9. Twitter

  10. Typepad


  1. UTM links


  1. Vagrant

  2. Vague bidding system

  3. VirtualBox

  4. Virtual Machine (VM)

W, X

  1. Weebly

  2. WordPress

Y, Z

  1. Yahoo! Bing

  2. Yahoo! Gemini Ads

  3. YouTube vloggers, bloggers and press

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