Mel Vallero, Adobe Stock - Vjom, Wicked Makers, Caleb Kraft
begin, and you can make one quick battery
change in the middle of the night using the
cutout and flap at the bottom of the trash can.
You’ll also have to refill the air tank once or
twice, so have your compressor and hose ready.
Designate someone else to hand out candy at
the front door while you walk around discreetly
outside with the R/C transmitter. This way you
can roll your prop up and down the sidewalk or
street to meet your unsuspecting victims where
they won’t expect a scare.
There’s a potential pinch point between the
rear garbage can handle and the pneumatic
cylinder piston rod when it deploys, so never
activate the zombie when anyone is holding
this handle. Also, the zombie and lid can
deploy quickly depending on air pressure and
valve settings so avoid popping the prop when
faces or hands are nearby.
Avoid scaring very young kids (kids shorter
than the garbage can should usually be off
limits) or the very old. Your prop should only
be used for good. My favorite targets are
teenagers trying to look brave with their
friends, or big “tough looking” guys holding a
beverage or two.
Your prop will look like a real garbage can, so
be careful of those wanting to use it as such.
However, these people also make some of
the best victims ... Just pop the zombie before
they toss the candy wrapper in the can and all
is good.
Avoid handing your R/C controller over to
others during your haunt. You will likely not
get it back!
Before storing the prop, make sure all batteries
are disconnected and removed, and all pressure
is released from the compressed air tank. Store
the garbage can so that it doesn’t rest on the
wheels, which could cause the axles to angle
upward during long storage.
Have a safe, happy, and noisy Halloween!
Written by Jaimie and Jay of Wicked Makers
Using simple box fans and orange lights to
make hanging sheets flap like a raging fire,
we turned our home into a Disney-esque
Halloween attraction —for the neighbors
and fire department alike. Here’s how:
1. Hang a smooth sheet from a curtain rod
and, from below, point a box fan upward
to give the sheet a billowing effect.
2. Put an orange and yellow LED light bulb
on either side of the fan to shine light
upward onto the sheets.
3. Adjust sheet tension to get maximum
flapping; when viewed from outside it’s
almost indistinguishable from real fire!
This simple special effect was inspired
by the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at
Disneyland. See the full DIY video and
details at
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