Virtually Maker Faire was a global, 24-hour online
event in May, consisting of live video sessions and
curated maker projects. See page 22 of this issue
and watch session highlights at makerfaire.com.
I have had Virtually Maker Faire on all day playing
in sync on three different monitors! Forgot how
much Maker Faire feels like the maker equivalent
of a Super-Bowl-nerdy-convention. So many
interesting talks and interactive discussions. I’m
really liking the online platform because I can take
better notes. Thank you for making this happen!
—Liz Chavarria, Atlanta, Georgia, via Twitter
This new digital Maker Faire is an awesome idea.
I have always wanted to attend one, but traveling
makes it unrealistic for me. Thanks Make:!
—Kevin Hanes, via makeprojects.com
I thought the same thing. And no matter how many
people are in a session, there’s always space!
—Stu Schwadron, via makeprojects.com
A heartfelt note of appreciation for the Virtually
Maker Faire event. It was a gamble to put
on something that would approximate the
excitement and energy of creativity that physical
Maker Fairesoffer. The first two Maker Faires I
attended left me elated and feeling like magic still
existed in the world. And that’s exactly what I felt
after Virtually Maker Faire. Thanks to all the staff
of Make: who clearly put in an incredible effort to
rock the event!I’m so impressed with the quality
of execution; it was a joy to watch it happen.
Dr. Matthew Wettergreen, Rice University,
Houston, Texas
Virtually Maker Faire helped with the sense of
connection across the world, especially the rolling
24-hour nature of it — physical Maker Faires tend
to be localised to one country.
Tanya Fish, VMF presenter, England, UK
I am Camila and together with my brother Diego,
we participated in Virtually Maker Faire as
MoonMakers. We are a community makerspace
Ken Murphy’s installation photographed by Mark Madeo
6 make.co
Maker Faire
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