Adirondack Mountains, 186191, 229, 234

aging, 241242

Agnew, Spiro, 142

Alaska pipeline as abstraction, 136

Alyeska case, 98, 103, 111

Brower and, 9295

CLASP and, 92101, 105, 141

court of appeals and, 100101, 137

design of, 100101, 141

Exxon Valdez disaster and, 142, 201

hearing on, 9598

Kramer and, 103

Siu on, 107, 111

U.S. Supreme Court and, 137138

Allen, Woody, 112, 185, 193

“The Shallowest Man,” 237

Allis-Chalmers, 3637, 4041

Alpert, Richard. See Ram Dass Alyeska case. See Alaska pipeline American Bar Association, 149, 173, 193

American Council of Learned

Societies, 227, 251

Amsterdam, Tony, 74

Angels in America (Kushner), 241

antiapartheid struggle, 102

Armies of the Night, The (Mailer), 44

Arnold, Thurman, 2930, 38, 46, 47, 78

Arnold & Porter

Folklore of Capitalism, The, 29

founding of, 1112

hiring committee of, 3738, 86

norms of, 3839, 83

politically controversial clients of, 2728, 55

pro bono work of, 23, 4142, 47, 49

Raskin case and, 46, 47

routine business of, 1112, 2526, 3334, 41, 50, 54, 64


art censorship, 215216

Nathan Cummings Foundation and, 213, 215216

Aspen Institute, 105

assertiveness workshops, 119120

Asylums (Goffman), 17

authority challenging of, 76, 115116

CUNY Law School and, 171172, 177

lawyer humor and, 177


Baez, Joan, 182

balanced life celebrating success and, 100

CLASP and, 85

CUNY Law School and, 178

family life and, 34, 3536, 85

meditation and, 227

practice of wisdom and, 6, 7, 258, 259

Balancing the Scales of Justice, 137

Bazelon, David, 1213, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21

Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law, 267n.3. See also Mental Health Law Project

Berkeley Repertory Theater, 239

Bok, Derek, 6465, 69

Boudin, Leonard, 45

Brooklyn Museum of Art, 216

Brower, David, 9195, 97, 109, 111


Joseph Goldstein on, 229230

Goleman on, 222

Hood and, 178182

Jewish spirituality and, 220221

retreats, 202207

right livelihood and, 6

Burger, Warren, 73, 143144

Burnett, Grove, 229

Burns, Haywood, 200

Bush, George H. W., 105, 201

Bush, George W., 105, 201, 246

Bush, Mirabai, 226

Compassion in Action, 223


California, subculture of, 113114, 126

Campaign GM, 101


CLASP retreats and, 123

exploring with, 253

lessons in, 130132

meditation compared to, 182

reading currents and, 131132, 147148

releasing tension with, 177, 183

serenity in, 45, 124125

Canoe in the Rapids (Homer), 182

Cardozo, Benjamin, 246

Caroline or Change (Kushner), 239

Carson, Rachel, 101

Silent Spring, 58

Center for Contemplative Mind in Society, 226-227, 241, 251, 259

Center for Law and Social Policy. See CLASP (Center for Law and Social Policy)

change, constancy of. See also impermanence practice of wisdom and, 6

rivers and, 130

Chayes, Abe, 69, 143144

Children’s Defense Fund, 90

Chinese baseball, 161162

Choate Club, 67, 68

Christo’s gates, 252, 253

Cincinnati Museum of Contemporary Arts, 215

civil liberties, defense of, 57

civil rights

CLASP students and, 87

foundations’ support for, 71

mental illness and. See mental health and illness for racial minorities, 14

Civil Rights Act of 1964, 47

civil rights movement, 3032, 44, 53, 57, 83, 212, 218

clarity of vision cultivation of, 136

meditation and, 227

paradoxes and, 68

practice of wisdom and, 6

vision quest and, 194

Clark, Ramsey, 72, 73, 108

CLASP (Center for Law and Social Policy)

assessment of, 105

board of trustees, 6264, 72, 7374, 77

clinical legal education, 6465, 6770, 7477, 86, 87, 8890, 113115

consciousness, community and, 78, 120, 122127

corporate responsibility issues and, 101102

development of, 5361, 253

dispersal of lawyers from, 136137

environmental issues and, 72, 84, 91, 92101, 105, 141, 218

feminists and, 87, 121

foundations and, 55, 5859, 61, 62, 64, 7072, 77, 104, 210

Arthur Goldberg and, 6364, 72, 95

identity of, 82, 115

interconnection and, 111

mental health issues and, 8384, 89, 91

naming of, 6162

nonhierarchical approach of, 87, 103, 112, 115, 119120

paradoxes of, 68

polarized thinking and, 107, 111, 120, 236

press and, 58, 104105

retreats of, 122125, 129

salaries and, 85

student program, 6465, 6770, 72, 7477, 8591, 113115, 126127, 145

successes of, 99100, 107, 110, 245

weekly seminars of, 8891

yoga classes and, 126127, 234

clinical legal education (CLASP) evaluation of, 7576

experimental nature of, 8990, 114115

innovation of, 76, 86, 87

law schools’ interest in, 6465, 6770, 7477, 8889, 113

Coffin, William Sloan, 45, 46

Cohen, Saul challenge to autonomy of CUNY

Law School, 162165

commitments of, 158

official residence of, 155

relationship with, 160, 161, 176177, 182

search for CUNY Law School dean and, 144145

vision for CUNY Law School, 158, 163


CLASP and, 78, 120, 122127

CUNY Law School and, 151, 171, 172, 174, 176

meditation and, 202, 224225


Buddhism and, 205, 223

in legal analysis, 27

meditation and, 223, 227

practice of wisdom and, 7, 232, 256, 259

social justice and, 207

Compassionate Action Working Group. See Wisdom Party consciousness, 112, 113, 227. See also meditation consciousness-raising workshops, 119120

CORE (Congress of Racial

Equality), 31, 46, 57

corporate law practice legal education and, 24, 5758, 76

meaningful work in, 3233

norms of, 3839

pressures of, 244, 245246

pro bono matters and, 33, 4143, 4647

public interest law contrasted with, 103

routine business of, 1112, 2526, 3334, 50

corporate responsibility issues, 55, 101102

Cosmos Club, 92, 108109, 160

Council for Public Interest Law, 137

counterculture, 113115

Cowan, Geoffrey, 60, 81, 86, 137

Cowan, Rachel, 218220

Crown-Zellerbach Corporation, 31, 4647

culture wars, 215

Cummings, Herb, 211, 236

Cummings, Nathan, 209, 214. See also Nathan Cummings Foundation Cummings family, 209, 210214, 215, 218, 220, 233

CUNY Law School accreditation of, 173, 193

challenges of leadership, 160162, 173, 175180, 191192, 198199, 211, 214, 245, 253

community and, 151, 171, 172, 174, 176

curriculum of, 164, 172, 174

facilities for, 145, 158, 168, 179, 186, 213

faculty of, 149150, 163164, 168, 171, 172, 175, 176, 177, 185, 191, 193, 201

first graduation of, 173174

honorary degree recipients and, 173174, 191

innovations of, 150152, 200

location in Queens, 154157

public interest law and, 143149, 151152, 153, 156, 158, 163, 165166, 167, 170, 171, 176, 245

students of, 152, 159, 165, 166171, 174, 175, 176, 177, 183, 185, 191, 193, 199200

Cuomo, Mario, 157, 191


Dalai Lama, 13, 207, 220, 238

dancing, 4445

DDT litigation, 101, 105

death and dying, 223, 236

Democratic Convention of 1968, 53

Demos, 216

draft law. See Selective Service Law Reporter

Dred Scott decision, 170

Dubos, René, 101


Earthjustice, 136137

emotional intelligence, 119, 222

Emotional Intelligence (Goleman), 222

Encounters with the Archdruid (McPhee), 91

environmental advocacy and law Alaska pipeline and, 92101, 105, 141, 201

CLASP and, 72, 84, 91, 92101, 105, 141, 218

DDT and, 101, 105

global warming and, 216217

meditation and, 227232

Nathan Cummings Foundation and, 213, 216218, 219, 222, 227232, 234, 235

as new field, 55, 59

Environmental Defense Fund, 90, 101, 141

Etiquette of Illness, The (Susan)

Halpern), 255

ex-great-man syndrome, 72, 240

Exxon Valdez disaster, 142, 201


family life, 34, 3536, 85

Fanghetto, Italy, 127129, 190191

Farmer, James, 3132

fears, acknowledging of, 188189

feminism, 44, 87, 121, 169, 219

Fetzer Institute, 225226

First Amendment, 45, 215

Fischer, Norman, 242243

Folklore of Capitalism, The (Arnold), 29

Ford Foundation, 56, 71, 212, 213

Fortas, Abe, 28, 29, 30, 78

foundations. See also philanthro-phy; Nathan Cummings Foundation Brooklyn Museum of Art and, 216

CLASP and, 55, 5859, 61, 62, 64, 7072, 77, 104, 210

corporate model for, 234

entrepreneurial ability and, 24

flattery and money, 213, 214, 217, 224, 239240

interconnections and, 216

Nielson on, 213

public interest law and, 137

social justice and, 55, 71, 77, 90, 210211

types of, 7071

types of work styles and, 210

Frank, Barney, 6566, 6970

Free Southern Theater, 31

Freud, Anna, 1415

Friedman, Gary, 248

Friends of the Earth, 95

Furness, Betty, 101


Gandhi, Mohandis, 207

Gay Men’s Health Crisis, 171

Georgetown Law School, 138

Gestalt therapy, 176177, 183

Giuliani, Rudy, 216

global warming, 216217, 227

Goffman, Erving

Asylums, 17

Rouse case and, 18

Goldberg, Arthur, 6364, 72, 95

Goldstein, Joseph, 223, 229231, 232

Goleman, Daniel, 222223, 225

Emotional Intelligence, 222

Goodman, Paul, 44

Gorman, Paul, 252253

How Can I Help?, 223

Greening of America, The (Reich), 50

guided visualizations, 140141


Hair (musical), 3940, 268n.5

Halifax, Joan, 223, 228

Halpern, Bob (son), 186, 190, 191

Halpern, Hon. Philip (father)

2627, 84

Halpern, Susan (wife) Asian trip, 200201

California and, 253254

on career turning point, 49, 50, 51

on CUNY Law School, 160

dancing and, 4445

Etiquette of Illness, The, 255

European trip, 127129

family life and, 34, 3536

feminism and, 121122

meditation and, 182, 202205, 238, 255

New York trip, 3940

Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and, 236238, 239, 254256

Ontario camp and, 5, 124

social work career of, 148

West Virginia cabin and, 129130

Hardwick, Michael, 173, 174

Harvard Law School, 6465, 6770, 71

Harvard College, 6566

Hawaii Law School, 178179

Healing and the Mind (Moyers), 226

health system. See also mental health and illness human subjects and, 102, 247

Nathan Cummings Foundation and, 213214, 222223, 225226, 234, 236237

stem cell research and, 246249

Healy, Tim (President, Georgetown University), 146148, 167, 175, 176

Higginbotham, Hon. Leon, 173174

Holtzoff, Alexander, 19, 20, 2122, 23

Homer, Winslow, Canoe in the Rapids, 182

Hood, David, 178180, 203

How Can I Help? (Ram Dass & Gorman), 223

humanistic psychology seminar

(Devil’s Thumb), 138140


Illich, Ivan, 44


Buddhism and, 205, 230

Chinese baseball and, 161162

practice of wisdom and, 6, 232

inner explorations. See also meditation medicine wheel, 194196, 198199, 241, 254255

Nathan Cummings Foundation and, 222, 233234

practice of wisdom and, 5

process of, 4

skeptical voice, 193, 194, 196

sweat lodge, 196198, 199

vision quest, 193198

visit to Dalai Lama and, 13

Winter Quest, 186192

inner knowing, 36

Insight Meditation Society, 223

insights sharing of, 5

solitude and, 135

taking wider view and, 109

Winter Quest and, 187

Institute for Policy Studies, 4345, 71

Institute for Public Representation, 138

Institute of Medicine, 247

interbeing, 228


Buddhism and, 205

children and, 3435

CLASP and, 111

environmental advocacy and, 227228, 230, 231

foundations and, 216

natural world and, 45, 191, 192, 193, 203, 228230

practice of wisdom and, 6, 232

Interior Department, 93, 95, 9798, 99, 100, 141142


Jastrab, Joseph, 186190, 193198

Jew in the Lotus, The (Kamenetz), 220

Jewish Healing Center, 219

Jewish life program, Nathan

Cummings Foundation, 213, 218219, 221

Jewish meditation, 219, 233, 242

Jewish philanthropy, 218, 219, 221

Jewish Renewal communities, 219

Jewish spirituality, 213, 219222

Johnson, Lyndon, 29, 30, 45, 46, 71, 83


Kamenetz, Rodger, The Jew in the Lotus, 220

Katz, Stan, 167

Kennedy, John F., 53, 92, 159

Kennedy, Robert, 14, 53, 159

Kesey, Ken, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, 10, 17

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 48, 53, 202, 207

Klein, Bob, 248250

Kolleck, Teddy, 214

Kornfield, Jack, 223

Kramer, Victor, 2728, 37, 103104, 138

Kushner, Tony, 239240

Angels in America, 241

Caroline or Change, 239


Laing, R. D., 10

lawyer humor, 38, 123, 177

Lawyers Constitutional Defense

Committee, 3032


CLASP and, 76, 78, 84, 85, 115116

CUNY Law School and, 185

development of, 84

new generation of, 105

Tavistock conference on, 116119

Lederman, Janet, 138140

legal analysis compassion in, 27

legal education and, 5657

rationalism in, 2627

legal education. See also clinical legal education; CUNY Law School; and other specific law schools corporate law practice and, 24, 5758, 76

elite edge of, 8586

Ford Foundation and, 71

innovations in, 140141

legal analysis and, 5657

mental health and illness issues and, 1415

personal/professional integration and, 112

public interest law and, 75, 143144

social justice and, 24, 56, 65

Legal Services program, 58

Lehman, Rob, 225226

L’Enfant, Pierre, 5051

Lerner, Michael, 219

Lesnick, Howard, 150151

limousine liberals, 4849

Long Island Expressway, 153154, 191

Lowell, Robert, 44

Lyons, Oren, 173, 174


Mailer, Norman, 44

The Armies of the Night, 44

Mandela, Nelson, 207

Manes, Donald, 155157, 160, 164, 165

Mapplethorpe, Robert, 215

marriage balanced life and, 3536

feminist movement and, 121122

levels of, 255256

Marshall, Thurgood, 14, 23, 54

Mathiessen, Peter, 228

Mayer, Buddy, 209, 212, 233

Mayer, Rob, 211, 222, 235236

McPhee, John, Encounters with the Archdruid, 91

medicine wheel, 194196, 198199, 241, 254255

meditation. See also inner exploration beginning meditation, 181183, 231

community and, 202, 224225

cultivation of wisdom and, 4, 6

daily practice, 4, 189, 192, 199, 202, 203, 206, 227, 231, 253

environmental advocacy and, 227232

general benefits of, 226227

Goleman on, 222

in higher education, 251252

interbeing and, 228

Jewish meditation, 219, 233, 242

Jewish spirituality and, 220

for lawyers, 227, 241, 242245, 246

Nathan Cummings Foundation and, 231, 232233, 234

Qi Gong, 243244, 257

retreats, 202207, 228, 229232, 241, 242245, 246, 253

teachers, 204, 224

mental health and illness Bazelon’s work on, 1214

legal advocacy and, 911, 1516, 17, 2224, 89, 91, 102103, 247

legal education and, 1415

rights of mentally ill, 23, 55

right to treatment litigation and, 24

treatment for, 10, 13, 15, 16, 1718, 21, 22

Mental Health Law Project (Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law), 102, 179

mental hospitals, conditions of, 10, 13, 14, 1618, 19, 102, 247

mental institutions, constitutional protections and, 22, 24

mental retardation right to public education and, 91

right to treatment and, 24, 102

scientific experiments and, 102, 247

Merton, Thomas, 257

mind-body approaches, 223, 225226, 234

mindfulness, 202, 203

Mineral Leasing Act of 1926, 97, 98

Mississippi Freedom Summer, 30

Moore, James William, 56

Moorman, Jim, 59, 9192, 94, 9698, 99, 136137

Moyers, Bill, 225226

Healing and the Mind, 226

Muir, John, 91

Murphy, Joe, 155, 159160, 162, 164

music improvisation workshop, 183185



NAACP Legal Defense and

Education Fund, 23, 54, 58

Nader, Ralph, 54, 100, 141

Nathan Cummings Foundation. See also foundations; philosophy arts and, 209, 213, 215216

Dalai Lama meeting and, 2

environmental advocacy and, 209, 213, 216218, 219, 222, 227232, 234, 235

health system and, 209, 213214, 222223, 225226, 234, 236237

inner exploration and, 222, 233234

Jewish life and, 209, 213, 218219, 221

Jewish spirituality and, 213, 219222

meditation and, 231, 232233, 234

program areas of, 209, 211, 213214

program development, 215216, 221, 252253

program evaluation and, 235236

social justice and, 210211, 212, 221, 236, 253

National Environmental Policy

Act, 84, 97, 98

National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, 108

National Religious Partnership for the Environment, 222

National Women’s Law Center, 120

National Women’s Liberation

Front, 121

Native American traditions, 193198, 199

Natural Resources Defense

Council, 90, 141

natural world, connection to, 45, 191, 192, 193, 203, 228230

Nelson, Marilyn, 251252

New Deal, 11, 28, 30, 77, 78

New Republic, The, 10, 23

New World Foundation, 71

New York Central Park, 252

New York City, 153154, 252253

New York Times, 149, 214, 222

New York University Law School, 150, 154

Nhat Hanh, Thich, 202207, 228, 238

Nielson, Waldemar, 213

Nixon, Richard, 5758, 71, 83, 84, 85, 91, 95, 99, 123, 149

nonadversarial dispute resolution, 248

nonjudgmental attention, 184

northwesters, 242

northwest passage, 241242, 254255


oil companies, 92101, 105, 107, 110111, 142, 244245

oil spills, 93

old-boy network, 68

Old Farts Club, 177, 183

Omega Institute, 183185, 202203

Omer-Man, Jonathan, 219

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (Kesey), 10, 17


peacemaking, 251252

philanthropy. See also foundations; Nathan Cummings Foundation corporate sector distinguished from, 235

philanthropy (continued)

corporate-type decision processes and, 234

exchange relationship and, 212

foundations and, 70, 212, 234

Jewish philanthropy, 218, 219, 221

Philip Morris, 33, 54

Phillips, Channing, 101

Porter, Paul, 25, 28, 2930, 38, 48, 7778, 79

poverty law, 57, 137, 144, 171

practice of wisdom activist engagement integrated with, 56, 7, 206207, 248250

balanced life and, 6, 7, 258, 259

children and, 35

compassion and, 7, 232, 256, 259

CUNY Law School and, 172

essential nature of, 1

law practice and, 246, 258

northwest passage and, 241, 242

as ongoing process, 236

public interest law and, 258259

social transformation and, 214

transformative potential of, 259

visit to Dalai Lama and, 23

yoga classes and, 127

present moment, 230

pro bono matters, 23, 33, 4143, 4647, 49

Project on Corporate Responsibility, 101

public interest law. See also environmental advocacy and law; mental health and illness Asian trip and, 200201

backlash and, 142

Carnegie Foundation programs, 179

CLASP and, 56, 75, 86, 88, 145

corporate law practice contrasted with, 103

creativity of, 90

CUNY Law School and, 143149, 151152, 153, 156, 158, 163, 165166, 167, 170, 171, 176, 245

establishment of, 141

expansion of, 137

framework of, 104

health system and, 247249

legal education and, 75, 143144

practice of wisdom and, 258259

public interest law firms awarding attorney’s fees for, 137138

balanced advocacy and, 73

CLASP as, 58, 68, 99, 104

coalition of, 137

conservatives’ network of, 142, 149

establishment of, 104

membership organizations and, 141


Qi Gong, 243244, 257


Rabbi Michael Lerner, 219

rachmunes, 1314

Ram Dass, 223224

Compassion in Action, 223

How Can I Help?, 223

Raskin, Marc, 43, 44, 45

Raskin case, 46

Reagan, Ronald, 16, 105, 142, 149, 201

Redford, Robert, 216217

Reich, Charles, 50

The Greening of America, 50

Reinglas, Fred, 3940

retirement, northwest passage, 241242


CLASP and, 122125, 129

environmental advocacy and, 228, 229232

for lawyers, 241, 242245, 246

Thich Nhat Hanh and, 202207

Ridgeway, Jim, 10, 23

right livelihood, 6

Rockefeller Brothers Fund, 77

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 29, 78

Rouse, Charles, 11, 13, 1519, 21, 22

Rouse case

court of appeals and, 22

follow up on, 8384, 89, 91

hearing before Holtzoff, 1922

practices of mental hospitals, 1517, 18, 1920, 22

public policy challenges and, 25

public service and, 49

social justice and, 24

treatment of patients and, 1617, 18, 21, 22, 247

Russian Jews, 219


sabbatical, 199200

Sacks, Al, 6869

St. Elizabeths Hospital, 1518

Salzberg, Sharon, 223

Salzburg Seminar in American

Studies, 105

San Francisco Zen Center, 242

Schachter, Zalman, 219

Schlesinger, Arthur, 66

Scott, Winfield, 127128

Selective Service Law Reporter, 4243, 54, 71

Selective Service System, 4143

“Shallowest Man, The” (Allen), 237

shallowness crisis, 132135, 256

shareholder activism, 102

Silent Spring (Carson), 58

Simplicity Manufacturing, 3637

Siu, Ralph

on Alaska pipeline, 107, 111

appearance of, 107108

Chinese baseball and, 161162

connection with totality, 178, 192

conversations with, 183, 205

CUNY Law School and, 160162, 177178

natural rhythms and, 110

Thich Nhat Hanh compared to, 206

nonconfrontational style of, 108

on outcome measures, 235

preconceptions and, 120121

reflection on stages of life, 195

on taking wider view, 109, 178

as teacher, 111112

visualization of mind as still pond, 110, 111, 194

Sky Farm Hermitage, 257

Sobol, Dick, 83

social entrepreneurs abilities of, 24, 85

identification of, 84

values of, 84

social justice activist lawyers and, 53, 5455

CUNY Law School and, 149, 166

Demos and, 216

legal education and, 24, 56, 65

Nathan Cummings Foundation and, 210211, 212, 221, 236, 253

rationalism and, 2627

wisdom and, 207, 224

work for, 4, 24

social transformation, 207, 214

Society of American Law Teachers, 174

solitude, 132133, 134, 135

Sorensen, Ruth Cummings, 211

South Africa, 102, 104, 179

Spirit Rock Meditation Center, 242245, 246

spirituality. See also inner exploration; meditation Jewish spirituality, 213, 219222

Nathan Cummings Foundation and, 221222, 236

spiritual quest and, 54

Spock, Benjamin, 45

Stanford Law School, 74, 113114, 126, 138

stem cell research, 246250

Stendl-Rast, Brother David, 257

Stern, Phil, 47

Stern Family Fund, 71

success trap, 184

Sullivan, Leon, 102

Sullivan & Cromwell, 27

Sullivan Principles, 102

Surface Transportation Policy

Project, 218

sweat lodge, 196198, 199

Szasz, Thomas, 10


Tavistock Conference, 116119

Terris, Bruce

CLASP and, 59, 61, 63, 65, 6768, 69

environmental law firm of, 137

Tikkun (magazine), 219

Tobacco Institute, 33

transportation policy, 217218, 235


UCLA Law School, 74, 85, 113

Udall, Stuart, 72

understanding, limits of, 6

United States Information Agency, 200201

University of California, Berkeley,

School of Law, 241, 246

University of Michigan Law

School, 74, 75, 76

University of Pennsylvania Law

School, 74, 150

U.S. Constitution, 22, 24

U.S. Supreme Court

Alaska pipeline and, 137138

draft law and, 42


Vallecitos Mountain Refuge, 229231, 243


CUNY Law School and, 151

environmental challenges and, 227

of social entrepreneurs, 84

work aligned with, 6, 78, 85

Vietnam War

Thurman Arnold and, 46

CLASP students and, 87

Institute for Policy Studies and, 44, 45

legal support for draft resistance, 4143

Nixon and, 71, 85

perspective on, 123

resistance to, 53

Thich Nhat Hanh and, 202, 204

Yale Law School and, 76

vision quest, 193198

Voice of America, 137


War on Poverty, 83

Warren, Earl, 73

Washington Post, 44, 104-105

Watt, James, 149

Weathermen, 5354, 85

Weil, Simone, 257

white male advantage, 172

Williams, Barbara, 92

Winter, Paul, 183185

Winter Quest, 186192

wisdom. See also practice of wisdom cultivation of, 23, 6, 35, 68, 112, 136, 232

expression of, 206

lack of academic interest in, 267n.1

medicine wheel and, 198

qualities of, 3, 206

social justice and, 207, 224

social transformation and, 207, 214

Wisdom Party, 224225, 226, 228

Women’s Law Project, 120

women’s liberation movement, 119, 121122

work, meaning in, 3233, 85, 133

Wyatt case, 102, 247


Yale Law School

Bazelon and, 12

CLASP and, 74

corporate law practice and, 24, 5758

Goldstein and, 76

legal education and, 5658

paradox of, 5758

sabbatical and, 200

yoga classes, 125126


Zwerling, Israel, 2021

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