
AICPA Code of Ethics. See American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Code of Ethics

Altruism, 78

American Bar Association Model Rules of Professional Conduct, 83

American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) Code of Ethics, 83

American Nurses Association Code of Ethics, 83

Apple’s FaceTime, 121

Arbitration, 116

Attractive conflict, 98

Avoidance style, for conflict management, 105

Baby Boomers, 4045

Barnard, Chester I., 3

Barriers, for MC

educational levels, 40

gender, 3940

generational differences, 4045

language, 39

physical or psychological, 3839

Bell Telephone Company, 35

Blogs, 122

Bridgegate scandal, 111

Business communication, 6

Business meetings, 129

decision making and follow-up, 132

multicultural, 132133

participation, 131132

preparation, 129131

virtual, 133134

Certified public accountant (CPA), 84

Chick-fil-A, 73

Chromatics, 34

Chronemics, 3132

Cisco’s Telepresence, 134

CMM. See Communicate to Motivate Model

CNN, 121

Codes of ethics, 72, 8384

Coercive power, 5556

Communicate to Motivate Model (CMM), 712


barriers. See Barriers

competency, 14, 25

context, 5051

definition of, 2, 34

e-mail, 111

in formal networks, 6465

group, 26, 27

in informal networks, 6568

intercultural, 26, 28

interpersonal, 2627

intrapersonal, 26

organizational, 27

policies, 1617

process improvement, 4647

supportive, 58

in teams, 1722

technology. See Communication technology

types of, 67

Communication technology

beneficial uses of, 120124, 128

for business meetings. See Business meetings

defined, 119

improper uses of, 124128

Compaq, 59

Competency, for managers, 1415

Conflict, 97. See also Conflict resolution

attractive, 98

personal, 98

procedural, 100

psychological, 98101

social, 98101

substantive, 98

unattractive, 98

Conflict resolution, 101104

cultural elements in, 107116

in FedEx, 107

influence strategies, 104105

steps to successful, 117

styles, 105107

Consequentialism, 72

Context, defined, 49

Controlling, managerial function, 7

Corporate communication, 6

Corporate culture, 50. See also Organizational culture

CPA. See Certified public accountant

Cultural appropriation, 2931

Culture, definition of, 50

Customer service, 12

Cyber bullying, 124

Damore, James, 125126

Decision making, 61, 91, 132

Decision theory, 72, 8586

Deming, W. Edwards, 3

Deontology, 73

Devil’s advocacy, 103

Dialectic inquiry, 103

Distributive style, for conflict management, 105106

Downward communication, 65

Drucker, Peter F., 4

E-mail communication, 111

ECPA. See Electronic Communications Privacy Act

Egoism, 7778

Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA), 124

Empire approach, for ethics, 8081

Epistemology, 78

Ethical decision-making model, 91

Ethical issues, in MC

consequentialism, 72

decision theory, 72

deontology, 73

guidelines, 9094

Hobby Lobby, SCOTUS rules in favor of, 7475

Loving versus Virginia, 76

moral philosophy, 7780

teleology, 7374

utilitarianism, 7577

whistleblowing, appropriate time for, 8490

Ethics, 78. See also Ethical issues

codes of, 8384

far right versus far left, 8182

international, approaches for, 8081

personal, 8083

societal, 8083

Evergreen State College, groupthink at, 102103

Expert power, 5455

Facebook, 120122

Facial expressions, 34

“Fake news,” 121

Far left versus far right, 8182

Far right versus far left, 8182

Fayol, Henri, 3

Federal Arbitration Act, 116

Federal Bureau of Investigation, 93

Federal Wiretap Act, 124

FedEx, conflict management in, 107

Feedback, 4546, 56

Follett, Mary Parker, 3, 4

Foreign-country approach, for ethics, 8081

Formal networks, 6465

Gen Xers, 4045

Gen Zers, 4145

General Motors (GM), 66, 113

Global approach, for ethics, 8081

Global mindset, 108

GM. See General Motors

Google, 125126

Group communication, 26, 27

Groupthink, 20, 101

devil’s advocacy for, 103

dialectic inquiry for, 103

at Evergreen State College, 102103

Hacking, 125

Haptics, 3334

Hewlett-Packard (HP), 59

Hidden hierarchy, cultural network of, 6668

Hobby Lobby, SCOTUS rules in favor of, 7475

Horizontal communication, 65

HP. See Hewlett-Packard

Hypernorms, 79

IBM, 16

jamming at, 122

Informal networks, 6568

Information overload, 15

Information sharing and retrieval, generational difference in, 44

Instagram, 121

Integrative style, for conflict management, 106

Interconnection approach, for ethics, 8081

Intercultural communication, 26, 28


abuse, 127

for job search process, 122123

Interpersonal communication, 2627

Interpretable consequences, and negotiation errors, 114

Intrapersonal communication, 26

Jamming, 122

JAMS program, 16

Jonestown Massacre, 51

Lateral communication. See Horizontal communication

Leaders power, 51

coercive, 5556

expert, 5455

legitimate, 55

referent, 5154

reward, 55

Leadership, defined, 51

Leading, managerial function, 7

Legitimate power, 55

LinkedIn, 121, 123

Locus of control, 9192

Loving versus Virginia, 76

Machiavellianism, 9192

Macroenvironment components, in MC process

organizational culture, 3537

situational context, 37

Mainstream media (MSM), 52, 121


definition of, 2

theories, 23

Managerial communication (MC). See also Communication; Managers

communication technology, 119135

conflict resolution, 97118

decision making by tier, 1215

definition of, 2

ethical issues, 7195

formal networks, 6465

informal networks, 6568

leaders power. See Leaders power

levels of, 2634

macroenvironment components, 3537

microenvironment components, 3746

nature of, 123

nonverbal barriers, 3134

organization communication climate, 5660

organizational culture. See Organizational culture

origins of, 27

role of, 56

Managerial leadership, 51


competency for, 14

as effective communicators, 45

interpersonal communication skills, 911

Machiavellianism for, 9192

media richness, 103104

Mayo, Elton, 3

MC. See Managerial communication

Mediation, 113116

Metaphysics, 78

Microenvironment components, in MC process

barriers, 3845

channel, 38

decoding, 38

destination, 38

encoding, 37

feedback, 4546

information source, 37

Microsoft, 66

Millennials, 4045

Monochromic culture, 3133

Moral philosophy, 7780

Motivation, 912

MSM. See Main stream media

Multicultural business meetings, 132133

National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc. Code of Ethics, 83

National Security Agency (NSA), 90

National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) Code of Ethics for Engineers, 83

Negotiation, 111113

errors and interpretable consequences, 114

at General Motors, 113

Nonverbal barriers, for MC, 3134

NSA. See National Security Agency

NSPE Code of Ethics for Engineers. See National Society of Professional Engineers Code of Ethics for Engineers

Obama, Barack, 121

OCC. See Organization communication climate

Oculesics, 33

Olfactics, 33

Organization communication climate (OCC), 5660

Organizational communication, 6, 27

Organizational culture, 3537, 6061

layers of, 6163

Organizational rules, for conflict resolution, 110111

Organizing, managerial function, 7

Ouchi, William, 3

Pentagon, 126

Personal conflicts, 98

Personal ethics, 80

versus societal ethics, 8182

Personal values, 80

Personality traits, 115

Philosophy, 77

Pinterest, 121

Planning, managerial function, 7

Polychronic culture, 3233

Procedural conflict, 100

Proxemics, 33

Psychological conflict, 98101

challenges of, 99100

Referent power, 5152

and rhetorical skills, 5254

Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), 74

Reward power, 55

RFRA. See Religious Freedom Restoration Act

Rhetorical skills, and referent power, 5254

Science, technology, engineering and math (STEM), 125126

Scientific management, 2, 3

SCOTUS. See Supreme Court of the United States

Sears, 122

Shannon, Claude E., 35

Simon, Herbert, 3

Skype, 121, 134

Smartphones, 122, 123

“Sniff test,” 72

Social conflict, 98101, 115

Social justice warriors (SJWs), 2930, 81

Social media, 17, 120121

Societal ethics, 80

versus personal ethics, 8182

Societal values, 80

Stakeholders, 60

STEM. See Science, technology, engineering and math

Strategic ambiguity, 94

Substantive conflicts, 98

Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS), 7475

Taylor, Frederick W., 23


communication in, 1719

defined, 18

development phases, 1922

formal, 18

informal, 18

Team-based management approach, 18

Technology abuses, 125127

Teleology, 7374

Texting, 119, 126

Theory X, 2

Theory Y, 23

Theory Z, 3

Titan, rise and fall of, 59

Traditionalist, 4045

Trump, Donald, 5254, 121

Trust, 19, 56, 57, 80, 104, 115, 116

Twitter, 66, 120122

Unattractive conflict, 98

Unethical behavior, reasons for, 8485

Unethical decisions, 7172

Unified diversity, 94

Upward communication, 64

U.S. Department of Transportation, 119

Utilitarianism theory, 7577

Virtual business meetings, 133134

Virtual teams, 2122

Voice-over-Internet-Protocol (VoIP), 121

VoIP. See Voice-over-Internet-Protocol

Weber, Max, 3

Western philosophy, 78

Whistleblower, 8690

Whistleblowing, appropriate time for

bribery, 8586

ethical dilemmas, 8485

kickbacks, 8586

whistleblower, 8690

WorldCom, 89

WikiLeaks, 126

Wimba, 134

Woodward, Joan, 3

WorldCom, whistleblower at, 89

YouTube, 121

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