Exploiting Open Innovation and Collaboration

Photograph of a puffer fish.

In Chapter 10, we examined the processes necessary to develop new products and services within the existing corporate environment, based on the strategy and capabilities identified in Chapter 4. In this chapter, we explore how firms use external relationships with suppliers, users, and partners to develop new technologies, products, and businesses in the context of open innovation. Specifically, we will discuss the role and management of a range of external actors in the creation and execution of new technologies, products, and businesses, specifically the following:

  • Joint ventures and alliances
  • Role of supplier innovation
  • Forms and patterns of collaboration
  • Influence of technology and organization
  • Supplier collaboration
  • User-led innovation
  • Extreme users
  • Benefits and limitations of open innovation

11.1 Joint Ventures and Alliances

Almost all innovations demand some form of collaborative arrangement, for development or commercialization, but the failure rate of such alliances remains high. In Chapter 7, we reviewed the central role of innovation networks, and here we examine the more specific issue of bilateral alliances or joint ventures. We discuss the role of collaboration in the development of new technologies, products, and businesses. Specifically, we address the following questions:

  • Why do firms collaborate?
  • What types of collaboration are most appropriate in different circumstances?
  • How do technological and market factors affect the structure of an alliance?
  • What organizational and managerial factors affect the success of an alliance?
  • How can a firm best exploit alliances for learning new technological and market competencies?

Why Collaborate?

Firms collaborate for a number of reasons:

  • To reduce the cost of technological development or market entry
  • To reduce the risk of development or market entry
  • To achieve scale economies in production
  • To reduce the time taken to develop and commercialize new products
  • To promote shared learning

In any specific case, a firm is likely to have multiple motives for an alliance. However, for the sake of analysis, it is useful to group the rationale for collaboration into technological, market, and organizational motives, see Figure 11.1. Technological reasons include the cost, time, and complexity of development. In the current, highly competitive business environment, the R&D function, as all other aspects of business, is forced to achieve greater financial efficiency and to critically examine whether in-house development is the most efficient approach. In addition, there is an increasing recognition that one company’s peripheral technologies are usually another’s core activities and that it often makes sense to source such technologies externally, rather than to incur the risks, costs, and most importantly of all, timescale associated with in-house development.

Schematic illustration of a model for collaboration into technological, market, and organizational motives of innovation.

FIGURE 11.1 A model for collaboration for innovation.

The rate of technological change, together with the increasingly complex nature of many technologies, means that few organizations can now afford to maintain in-house expertise in every potentially relevant technical area. Many products incorporate an increasing range of technologies as they evolve; for example, automobiles now include much computing hardware and software to monitor and control the engine, transmission, brakes, and in some cases, suspension. As a result, most R&D and product managers now recognize that no company, however large, can continue to survive as a technological island. For example, when developing the Jaguar XK, Ford collaborated with Nippondenso in Japan to develop the engine management system and ZF in Germany to develop the transmission system and controls. In addition, there is a greater appreciation of the important role that external technology sources can play in providing a window on emerging or rapidly advancing areas of science. This is particularly true when developments arise from outside a company’s traditional areas of business or from overseas.

Two factors need to be considered when making the decision whether to “make or buy” a technology: the transaction costs and strategic implications [1]. Transaction cost analysis focuses on organizational efficiency, specifically where market transactions involve significant uncertainty. Risk can be estimated and is defined in terms of a probability distribution, whereas uncertainty refers to an unknown outcome. Projects involving technological innovation will feature uncertainties associated with completion, performance, and pre-emption by rivals. Projects involving market entry will feature uncertainties due to lack of geographical or product market knowledge. In such cases, firms are often prepared to trade potentially high financial returns for a reduction in uncertainty.

However, sellers of technological or market know-how may engage in opportunistic behavior, such as high pricing or poor performance. Generally, the fewer potential sources of technology, the lower the bargaining power of the purchaser and the higher the transaction costs. In addition, where the technology is complex, it can be difficult to assess its performance. Therefore, transaction costs are increased where a potential purchaser of technology has little knowledge of the technology. In this respect, the acquisition of technology differs from subcontracting more routine tasks such as production or maintenance work, as it is difficult to specify contractually what must be delivered [2].

As a result, the acquisition of technology tends to require a closer relationship between buyers and sellers than traditional market transactions, resulting in a range of possible acquisition strategies and mechanisms. The optimal technology acquisition strategy in any specific case will depend on the maturity of the technology, the firm’s technological position relative to competitors, and the strategic significance of the technology [3]. Some form of collaboration is normally necessary where the technology is novel, complex, or scarce. Conversely, where the technology is mature, simple, or widely available, market transactions such as subcontracting or licensing are more appropriate. However, the cumulative effect of outsourcing various technologies on the basis of comparative transaction costs may limit future technological options and reduce competitiveness in the long term [4].

In practice, transaction costs are not the most significant factors affecting the decision to acquire external technology. Factors such as competitive advantage, market expansion, and extending product portfolios are more important [5]. Adopting a more strategic perspective focuses attention on long-term organizational effectiveness, rather than short-term efficiency. The early normative strategy literature emphasized the need for technology development to support corporate and business strategies, and therefore, technology acquisition decisions began with an evaluation of company strengths and weaknesses. The more recent resource-based approach emphasizes the process of resource accumulation or learning [6]. Competency development requires a firm to have an explicit policy or intent to use collaboration as an opportunity to learn rather than minimize costs. This suggests that the acquisition of external technology should be used to complement internal R&D, rather than being a substitute for it. In fact, a strategy of technology acquisition is associated with diversification into increasingly complex technologies [7].

Neither transaction costs nor strategic behavior fully explains actual behavior, and to some extent, the approaches are complementary. For example, a survey of top executives found that the two most significant issues considered when evaluating technological collaboration were the strategic importance of the technology and the potential for decreasing development risk [8]. Thus, both strategic and transaction cost factors appear to be significant. Strategic considerations suggest which technologies should be developed internally, and transaction costs influence how the remaining technologies should be acquired. Firms attempt to reduce transaction costs when purchasing external technology by favoring existing trading partners to other sources of technology [9]. In short, for successful technology acquisition, the choice of partner may be as important as the search for the best technology. For both partners, the transaction costs will be lower when dealing with a firm with which they are familiar: they are likely to have some degree of mutual trust, shared technical and business information, and existing personal social links. Research Note 11.1 compares formal and relational governance of innovation partnerships.

There is also a growing realization that exposure to external sources of technology can bring about other important organizational benefits, such as providing an element of “peer review” for the internal R&D function, reducing the “not-invented-here” syndrome, and challenging in-house researchers with new ideas and different perspectives. In addition, many managers realize the tactical value of certain types of externally developed technology. Some of these are increasingly viewed as a means of gaining the goodwill of customers or governments, of providing a united front for the promotion of uniform industry-wide standards, and of influencing future legislation.

A survey carried out by UMIST of more than 100 UK-based alliances confirms the relative importance of market-induced motives for collaboration, as shown in Table 11.1. Specifically, the most common reasons for collaboration for product development are in response to changing customer or market needs. However, these data provide only the motives for collaboration, not the outcomes. The same survey found that although many firms formed alliances to reduce the time, cost, or risk of R&D, they did not necessarily realize these benefits from the relationship. In fact, the study concluded that around half of the respondents believed that collaboration made development more complicated and costly. However, it is important to relate benefits to the objectives of collaboration. For example, firms that formed alliances specifically to reduce the cost or time of development often achieved this, whereas firms that formed alliances for other reasons were more likely to complain that the cost and time of development increased. The study also identified potential risks associated with collaboration:

  • Leakage of information
  • Loss of control or ownership
  • Divergent aims and objectives, resulting in conflict

TABLE 11.1 Motives for Collaboration

Source: Littler, D.A., Risks and rewards of collaboration. 1993, UMIST, Manchester.

Mean Score (n = 106)
In response to key customer needs 4.1
In response to a market need 4.1
In response to technology changes 3.8
To reduce risk of R&D 3.8
To broaden product range 3.7
To reduce R&D costs 3.7
To improve time to market 3.6
In response to competitors 3.5
In response to a management initiative 3.3
To be more innovative in product development 3.3

1 = low, 5 = high.

Around a third of respondents claimed to have experienced such problems. The problem of leakage is the greatest when collaborating with potential competitors, as it is difficult to isolate the joint venture from the rest of the business, and therefore, it is inevitable that partners will gain access to additional knowledge and skills. This additional information may take the form of market intelligence or more tacit skills or knowledge. Consequently, a firm may lose control of the venture, resulting in conflict between partners.

A study of the “make or buy” decisions for sourcing technology in almost 200 firms concluded that product and process technology from external sources often provides immediate advantages, such as lower cost or a shorter time to market, but in the longer term can make it harder for firms to differentiate their offerings and difficult to achieve or maintain any positional advantage in the market [10]. Instead, successful strategies of cost leadership or differentiation (the two polar extremes of Porter’s model, see Chapter 4) are associated with internal development of process and product technologies. However, in highly dynamic environments, characterized by market uncertainty and technological change, sourcing technology externally is a superior strategy to relying entirely on internal capabilities.

For example, high-technology sectors such as information and communications technology and biotechnology are characterized by high levels of collaboration, whereas more mature sectors have lower levels. In the more high-technology sectors, organizations generally seek complementary resources – for example, the many relationships between biotechnology firms (for basic research) and pharmaceutical firms (for clinical trials, production, and marketing and distribution channels). In the pharmaceutical sector, the number of exploration alliances with biotechnology firms is predictive of the number of products in development, which in turn is predictive of the number of exploitation alliances for sales and distribution [11]. In more mature sectors, more often partners’ pool similar resources to share costs or risk or to achieve critical mass or economies of scale. There are also differences in the choice of partner. Firms in higher technology sectors tend to favor horizontal relationships with their peers and competitors, whereas those in more mature sectors more commonly have vertical relations with suppliers and customers [12]. At the firm level, R&D intensity is still associated with the propensity to collaborate, but firms developing products “new to the market” are much more likely to collaborate than those developing products only “new to the firm” [13]. This is because the more novel innovations demand more inputs or novelty of inputs and are associated with greater market uncertainty.

11.2 Forms of Collaboration

Joint ventures, whether formal or informal, typically take the form of an agreement between two or more firms to codevelop a new technology or product. Whereas research consortia tend to focus on more basic research issues, strategic alliances involve near-market development projects. However, unlike more formal joint ventures, a strategic alliance typically has a specific end goal and timetable and does not normally take the form of a separate company. There are two basic types of formal joint venture: a new company formed by two or more separate organizations, which typically allocate ownership based on shares of stock controlled; a simpler contractual basis for collaboration. The critical distinction between the two types of joint venture is that an equity arrangement requires the formation of a separate legal entity. In such cases, management is delegated to the joint venture, which is not the case for other forms of collaboration. Doz and Hamel identify a range of motives for strategic alliances and suggest strategies to exploit each [14]:

  • To build critical mass through co-option
  • To reach new markets by leveraging cospecialized resources
  • To gain new competencies through organizational learning

In a co-option alliance, critical mass is achieved through temporary alliances with competitors, customers, or companies with complementary technology, products, or services. Through co-option, a company seeks to group together other relatively weak companies to challenge a dominant competitor. Co-option is common where scale or network size is important, such as mobile telephony and aerospace (see Case Studies 11.1 and 11.2). For example, Airbus was originally created in response to the dominance of Boeing, and Symbian and Linux in response to Microsoft’s dominance. Greater international reach is a common related motive for co-option alliances. Fujitsu initially used its alliance with ICL to develop a market presence in Europe, as did Honda with Rover. However, co-option alliances may be inherently unstable and transitory. Once the market position has been achieved, one partner may seek to take control through acquisition, as in the case of Fujitsu and ICL, or to go unilateral, as in the case of Honda and Rover [15].

In a co-option alliance, partners are normally drawn from the same industry, whereas in cospecialization, partners are usually from different sectors. In a cospecialized alliance, partners bring together unique competencies to create the opportunity to enter new markets, develop new products, or build new businesses. Such cospecialization is common in systems or complex products and services. However, there is a risk associated with cospecialization. Partners are required to commit to partners’ technology and standards. Where technologies are emerging and uncertain and standards are yet to be established, there is a high risk that a partner’s technology may become redundant. This has a number of implications for cospecialization alliances. First, at the early stages of an emerging market where the dominant technologies are still uncertain, flexible forms of collaboration such as alliances are preferable, and at later stages, when market needs are clearer and the relevant technological configuration better defined, more formal joint ventures become appropriate [16]. Second, restriction of the use of alliances to instances where the technology is tacit, expensive, and time-consuming to develop. If the technology is not tacit, a license is likely to be cheaper and less risky, and if the technology is not expensive or time-consuming to develop, in-house development is preferable [17].

There has been a spectacular growth in strategic alliances, and at the same time, more formal joint ventures have declined as a means of collaboration. In the mid-1980s, less than 1000 new alliances were announced each year, but by the year 2000, this had grown to almost 10,000 per year (based on the data from Thomson Financial). There are a number of reasons for the increase in alliances overall and, more specifically, the switch from formal joint ventures to more transitory alliances [18]:

  • Speed: transitory alliances versus careful planning Under turbulent environmental conditions, speed of response, learning, and lead time are more critical than careful planning, selection, and development of partnerships.
  • Partner fit: network versus dyadic fit Due to the need for speed, partners are often selected from existing members of a network or, alternatively, reputation in the broader market.
  • Partner type: complementarity versus familiarity Transitory alliances increasingly occur across traditional sectors, markets, and technologies, rather than from within. Microsoft and LEGO to develop an Internet-based computer game, Deutsche Bank and Nokia to create mobile financial services.
  • Commitment: aligned objectives versus trust The transitory nature of relationships makes the development of commitment and trust more difficult, and alliances rely more on aligned objectives and mutual goals.
  • Focus: few, specific tasks versus multiple roles To reduce the complexity of managing the relationships, the scope of the interaction is more narrowly defined and focused more on the task than the relationship.

11.3 Patterns of Collaboration

Research on collaborative activity has been plagued by differences in definition and methodology. Essentially, there have been two approaches to studying collaboration. The approach favored by economists and strategists is based on aggregate data and examines patterns within and across different sectors. This type of research provides useful insights into how technological and market characteristics affect the level, type, and success of collaborative activities. The other type of research is based on structured case studies of specific alliances, usually within a specific sector, but sometimes across national boundaries, and provides richer insights into the problems and management of collaboration.

Industry structure and technological and market characteristics result in different opportunities for joint ventures across sectors, but other factors determine the strategy of specific firms within a given sector. At the industry level, high levels of R&D intensity are associated with high levels of technologically oriented joint ventures, probably as a result of increasing technological rivalry. This suggests that technologically oriented joint ventures are perceived to be a viable strategy in industries characterized by high barriers to entry, rapid market growth, and large expenditures on R&D. However, within a specific sector, joint venture activity is not associated with differences in capital expenditure or R&D intensity. A study of joint ventures in the United States found that technologically oriented alliances tend to increase with the size of firm, capital expenditure, and R&D intensity [19]. Similarly, the number of marketing- and distribution-oriented joint ventures increases with firm size and capital expenditure, but is not affected by R&D intensity. At the level of the firm, different factors are more important. For example, there are significant differences in the motives of small and large firms. In general, large firms use joint ventures to acquire technology, while smaller firms place greater emphasis on the acquisition of market knowledge and financial support.

Joint venture activity is high in the chemical, mechanical, and electrical machinery sectors, as firms seek to acquire external technological know-how in order to reduce the inherent technological uncertainty in those sectors. In contrast, joint ventures are much less common in consumer goods industries, where market position is the result of product differentiation, distribution, and support. If obtaining complementary assets or resources is a primary motive for collaboration, we would expect alliances to be concentrated in those sectors in which mutual ignorance of the partner’s technology or markets is likely to be high [20]. Similarly, joint ventures would occur more frequently between partners who are in the industries relatively unrelated to one another, and such alliances are likely to be short-lived as firms learn from each other. Surveys of alliances in the so-called high-technology sectors such as software and automation appear to confirm that access to technology is the most common motive. Market access appears to be a more common motive for collaboration in the computer, microelectronics, consumer electronics, and telecommunications sectors.

However, these data need to be treated with some caution as in many cases, partners exchange market access for technology access or vice versa. For example, Japanese firms rarely sell technology, but are often prepared to exchange technology for access to markets. Conversely, European firms commonly trade market access for technology [21]. In this way, firms limit the potential for paying high-price premiums for market or technologies because of their lack of knowledge.

A breakdown of alliances by region provides some further explanation. Patterns within and between triad regions are very different. Alliances between US firms appear to be common in all fields. Alliances between European firms are concentrated in software development and telecommunications, but there is relatively little collaborative activity within the European automation, microelectronics, and computing industries. Alliances between Japanese firms appear to be much less common than expected. This may reflect the weakness of the database, but is more likely to reflect the rationale for strategic alliances. The most common reason for international alliances is market access, whereas the most common reason for intraregional alliances is technology acquisition.

The patterns of collaboration between the different triad regions provide some support for this argument. The data provide no indication of the direction of technology transfer, but knowledge of national strengths and weaknesses allows some analysis. Alliances between American and European firms are significant in all fields. Alliances between American and Japanese firms are only significant in computers and microelectronics, presumably the former being dominated by the US partners and the latter by the Japanese. There appears to be relatively little collaboration between Japanese and European companies, perhaps reflecting the weakness of the European electronics industry.

Given the problems of management and organization, potential for opportunistic behavior, and the limited success of alliances, it might be expected that the popularity of alliances might decline as firms gain experience of such problems. However, according to the Cooperative Agreements and Technology Indicators (CATI) database, the number of technology alliances increased from fewer than 300 in 1990 to more than 500 by 2000. It is possible to identify a number of significant trends in recent years, as shown in Figure 11.2.

Chart illustration displaying the collaboration by sector and region.

FIGURE 11.2 Collaboration by sector and region.

Source: Derived from Hagedoorn, J. Inter-firm R&D partnerships. Research Policy, 2002. 31, 477–92.

Overall, the number of alliances has increased over time, and networks of collaboration appear to have become more stable, being based around a number of nodal firms in different sectors. These networks are not necessarily closed, but rather represent the dynamic partnering behavior of large, leading firms in each of the sectors. The nodal firms are relatively stable, but their partners change over time. Contrary to the claims of globalization, the number of domestic alliances has increased faster than international ones. As a result, international partnerships fell from around 80% of all new agreements in 1976 to below 50% by 2000. This trend is particularly strong in the United States. Distinct sectoral patterns exist. In the more high-technology sectors such as pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, and information and communications technologies, most of the collaborative activity is confined within each of the triad regions: Europe, Japan, and North America, the exceptions being aerospace and defense. In contrast, most of the activity in the chemical and automotive sectors is across the triad regions. This suggests that the primary motive for collaborating with domestic firms is access to technology, but market access is more important in the case of cross-border alliances. This concentration of high-technology collaboration within regions appears to be more problematic for some regions than others. For example, a study of European electronics firms found that intra-European R&D agreements had no effect on firm patenting, even when sponsored by the EU. However, R&D collaboration with extra-European firms had a positive effect, which in this case means with US partners [22].

The most recent data from the MERIT-CATI database indicate that flexible forms of collaboration such as strategic alliances have become more popular than the more formal arrangements such as joint ventures. In 1970, more than 90% of the relationships were formal equity joint ventures, but this had fallen to 50% by the mid-1980s and is currently only 10%, the balance being contractual joint ventures and more transitory alliances of some type. This trend has been most marked in high-technology sectors where firms seek to retain the flexibility to switch technology. Together, the pharmaceutical (including biotechnology) and information and communications technology sectors account for almost all 80% of the growth in technology collaboration since the mid-1980s. The other most common sectors are aerospace and instrumentation and medical equipment, but collaboration in the aerospace and defense industries has declined. Collaboration in “mid-technology” sectors such as chemicals, automotive, and electronics has shown little or no increase over the same period.

11.4 Influence of Technology and Organization

Our study of how 23 UK and 15 Japanese firms acquired technology externally identified the conditions under which each particular method is most common [23]. It is possible to identify two dimensions that affect companies’ attitudes toward technology acquisition: the characteristics of the technology and the organization’s “inheritance.” Together, the eight factors shown in Table 11.2 determine the knowledge acquisition strategy of a firm. The relevant characteristics of the technology include the following:

  • Competitive significance of the technology
  • Complexity of the technology
  • Codifiability, or how easily the technology is encoded
  • Credibility potential, or political profile of the technology

TABLE 11.2 Technological and Organizational Factors that Influence Acquisition Mechanisms

Source: Adapted from Tidd, J. and M. Trewhella, Organizational and technological antecedents for knowledge acquisition. R&D Management, 1997. 27(4), 359–75.

Organizational and Technological Factors Acquisition Mechanism (Most Favored/Alternative) Rationale for Decision
I. Characteristics of the Organization
Corporate strategy:
Leadership In-house R&D/equity acquisition Differentiation, first-mover, proprietary technology
Follower License/customers and suppliers/contract Low-cost imitation
Fit with competencies:
Strong In-house R&D Options to leverage competencies
Weak Contract/license/consortia Access to external technology
Company culture:
External focus Various Cost-effectiveness of source
Internal focus In-house/joint venture Learning experience
Comfort with new technology:
High In-house corporate/university High risk and potential high reward
Low License/customers and suppliers/consortia Lowest risk option
II. Characteristics of the Technology
Base License/contract/customers/suppliers Cost-effective/secure source
Key In-house R&D/joint venture Maximize competitive advantage
Pacing In-house corporate/university Future position/learning
Emerging University/in-house corporate Watching brief
High Consortia/universities/suppliers Specialization of know-how
Low In-house R&D/contract/suppliers Division of labor
High License/contract/university Cost-effectiveness of source
Low In-house R&D/joint venture Learning/tacit know-how
Credibility potential:
High Consortia/customer/government High-profile source
Low University/contract/license Cost-effectiveness of source

An organization’s inheritance encompasses those characteristics that, at least in the short run, are fixed and therefore represent constraints within which the R&D function develops its strategies for acquiring technology. These include the following:

  • Corporate strategy, for example, a leadership versus follower position
  • Capabilities and existing technical know-how
  • Culture of the firm, including receptivity to external knowledge
  • “Comfort” of management with a given technical area

Competitive Significance

Without doubt, the competitive significance of the technology is the single most important factor influencing companies’ decisions about how best to acquire a given technology.

Strategies for acquiring pacing technologies – that is, those with the potential to become tomorrow’s key technologies – vary. For example, some organizations, such as AEA Technology, seek to develop and maintain at least some in-house expertise in many pacing technologies, so they will not be “wrong-footed” if conditions change or unexpected advances occur. In the past, this policy enabled the company to recognize the importance of finite-element analysis to its modeling of core competence and to acquire the necessary aspects of this technology before its competitors. Other firms, such as Kodak, also recognize the need to monitor developments in a number of pacing technologies, but see universities or joint ventures as the most efficient means of achieving this. The company sponsors a large amount of research in leading universities throughout the world and has also set up a number of joint venture programs with firms in complementary industries. Guinness, for example, identified genetic engineering as a pacing technology and seconded a member of staff to work at a leading university for 3 years. The outcome of this initiative was a new biological product, protected by a confidentiality agreement with the university.

Extensions to existing in-house research typically involve using universities to conduct either fundamental research, aimed at gaining a better understanding of an underlying area of science, or more speculative extensions to existing in-house programs, which cannot be justified internally because of their high risk or because of limited in-house resources. For example, Zeneca has made extensive use of universities to undertake fundamental studies into the molecular biology of plants and the cloning of genes. Although not key technologies, access to state-of-the-art knowledge in these areas is vital to support a number of the organization’s core agricultural activities.

University-funded research can also be used as a window on emerging or rapidly advancing fields of science and technology. Companies view access to such information as being critical in making good decisions about if or when to internalize a new technology. For example, Azko launched a series of university-funded research programs in the United States during the late 1980s. During its first 3 years, these programs yielded 40 patent applications.

Most companies look to acquire base technologies externally or, in the case of noncompetitive technologies, by cooperative efforts. Companies recognize that their base technologies are often the core competencies of other firms. In such cases, the policy is to acquire specific pieces of base technology from these firms, who can almost always provide better technology, at less cost, than could have been obtained from in-house sources. Materials testing, routine analysis, and computing services are common examples of technical services now acquired externally.

Complexity of the Technology

The increasingly interdisciplinary nature of many of today’s technologies and products means that, in many technical fields, it is not practical for any firm to maintain all necessary skills in-house. This increased complexity is leading many organizations to conclude that, to stay at the forefront of their key technologies, they must somehow leverage their in-house competencies with those available externally. For example, the need to acquire external technologies appears to increase as the number of component technologies increases. In extreme cases of complexity, networks of specialist developers may emerge, which serve companies that specialize in systems integration and customization for end users.

Alliances between large pharmaceutical firms and smaller biotechnology firms have received a great deal of management and academic attention over the past few years. On the one hand, pharmaceutical firms have sought to extend their technological capabilities through alliances with and the acquisition of specialist biotechnology firms. Each of the leading drug firms will at any time have about 200 collaborative projects, around half of which are for drug discovery. On the other hand, small biotechnology firms have sought relationships with pharmaceutical firms to seek funding, development, marketing, and distribution. In general, pharmaceutical and biotechnology firms each use alliances to acquire complementary assets, and such alliances are found to contribute significantly to new product development and firm performance [24]. For the pharmaceutical firms, there is a strong positive correlation between the number of alliances and market sales. For the biotechnology firms, the benefits of such relationships are less clear. Two trajectories coexist. The first is based on increasing specification of biological hypotheses. The second is based on platform technologies related to the generation and screening of compounds and molecules, such as combinational chemistry, genomic libraries, bioinformatics, and proteomics. The former type of biotechnology firm remains dependent upon the complementary assets of the pharmaceutical firms, whereas the latter type appears to have the capacity to benefit from a broader range of network relationships [25]. A biotechnology firm’s exploration alliances with pharmaceutical firms is a significant predictor of products in development (along with technological diversity), and in turn, products in development are a predictor of exploitation alliances with pharmaceutical firms, and these exploitation alliances predict a firm’s products in the market [26].

However, different forms of alliance yield different benefits. Research contracts and licenses with biotechnology firms are associated with an increase in biotechnology-based patents by pharmaceutical firms, whereas the acquisition of biotechnology firms is associated with an increase in biotechnology-related products from pharmaceutical firms. This increase in biotechnology-related products includes only those products developed subsequent to the acquisition and does not include those products directly acquired with the biotechnology firms. Interestingly, minority equity interests in biotechnology firms and joint ventures between pharmaceutical and biotechnology firms are associated with a reduction in biotechnology-related patents and products. This may be due to the very high organizational costs of joint ventures or to the fact that joint ventures tend to tackle more complex and risky projects than simpler licensing or research contracts.

Codifiability of the Technology

The more that knowledge about a particular technology can be codified, that is, described in terms of formulae, blueprints, and rules, the easier it is to transfer, and the more speedily and extensively such technologies can be diffused. Knowledge that cannot easily be codified – often termed “tacit” – is, by contrast, much more difficult to acquire, since it can only be transferred effectively by experience and face-to-face interactions. All else being equal, it appears preferable to develop tacit technologies in-house. In the absence of strong intellectual property rights (IPR) or patent protection, tacit technologies provide a more durable source of competitive advantage than those that can easily be codified.

For example, the design skills of many Italian firms have allowed them to remain internationally competitive despite significant weaknesses in other dimensions. The difficulty of maintaining a competitive advantage when technology is easily codifiable is highlighted by Guinness, which developed a small, plastic, gas-filled device that gives canned beer the same creamy head as keg beer. This “widget” initially provided the company with a source of competitive advantage and extra sales, but the innovation was soon copied widely throughout the industry, to the extent that widgets are now almost a requirement for any premium canned beer.

Credibility Potential

The credibility given to the company by a technology, or by the source of the technology, is a significant factor influencing the way companies decide to acquire a technology. Particular value is placed on gaining credibility or goodwill from governments, customers, market analysts, and even from the company’s own top management, academic institutions, and potential recruits. For example, Celltech’s collaboration with a large US chemical firm appears to have enhanced the former’s market credibility. Not only did the collaboration demonstrate the organization’s ability to manage a multimillion-dollar R&D project, but the numerous patents and academic publications that arose from it were also believed to have improved the company’s scientific standing. Similarly, in Japan, the mobile telecommunications services provider DoCoMo worked closely with the national telephone services provider NTT, although it had the depth and range of technologies required to develop telephony equipment and products. The rationale for the relationship was to influence future standards and to increase the credibility of its consumer telephone products in a market in which it was increasingly difficult to differentiate by means of product or service.

Corporate Strategy

One of the most important factors affecting the balance between in-house generated and externally acquired technology is the degree to which company strategy dictates that it should pursue a policy of technological differentiation or leadership (see Chapter 4). For example, Kodak distinguishes between two types of technical core competencies: strategic, that is, those activities in which the company must be a world leader because they represent such an important source of competitive advantage; enabling, that is, skills required for success, but which do not have to be controlled internally. Although all strategic activities are retained in-house, the company is prepared to access enabling technologies externally, if the overall technology is sufficiently complex.

Some companies adopt a policy of intervention in the technology supply market, until the market becomes sufficiently competitive to ensure that reliable sources of technology continue to be available at reasonable prices. For example, the extent to which BP is prepared to rely on external sources of technology depends, among other things, on the nature of the supply market. When only a few suppliers exist, BP will develop key items of technology itself and pass these on to its suppliers in order to ensure their availability. However, once sufficient suppliers have entered the market to make it competitive, its policy is to conduct no further in-house development in that area. Indeed, one of the declared aims of BP’s in-house R&D activities is to “force the pace” at which the industry innovates.

Firm Competencies

An organization’s internal technical capabilities are another factor influencing the way in which it decides to acquire a given technology. Where these are weak, a firm normally has little choice but to acquire from outside, at least in the short run, whereas strong in-house capabilities often favor the internal development of related technologies, because of the greater degree of control afforded by this route. In such cases, the main driving force behind the acquisition strategy is speed to market. For example, speed to market is a critical success factor for many firms in consumer markets. Such firms select the technology acquisition method that provides the fastest means of commercialization. When the required expertise is available in-house, this route is normally preferred because it allows greater control of the development process and is therefore usually quicker. However, where suitable in-house capabilities are lacking, external sourcing is almost always faster than building the required skills internally. Gillette, for example, found that one of its new products required laser spot-welding competencies that the company lacked and, given the limited market window, was forced to go outside to acquire this technology.

Company Culture

Every company has its own culture – that is, “the way we do things around here.” We will discuss culture in more detail in the next chapter, but here we are concerned with the underlying values and beliefs that play an important role in technology acquisition policies. A culture of “we are the best” is likely to contribute to a rather myopic view of external technology developments and limit the potential for learning from external partners. Some organizations, however, consistently reinforce the philosophy that important technical developments can occur almost anywhere in the world. Consequently, staff in these companies are encouraged to identify external developments and to internalize potentially important technologies before the competition. However, in practice, few firms have formal “technology scouting” personnel or functions.

For example, GSK emphasizes that companies need to guard against becoming captives of their own in-house expertise, since this limits the scope of its activities to what can be achieved through internal resources, so the company has expanded its research effort by placing many of its more specialized R&D activities overseas. This, it is claimed, allows its research to benefit from different cultural and scientific approaches and from being brought into intimate contact with the many different markets it serves. Local perspectives are particularly important for product development, but international networks can also be used to acquire access to basic research.

A key role for overseas laboratories is to monitor technology developments in host countries. Local champions from around the world are closely networked so that technical advances made in one geographical location are rapidly disseminated throughout the organization. Such is this company’s determination to maintain a “window” on potential sources of technology that it has set up joint ventures with many large and small companies worldwide, including links with Matsushita, Canon, Nikon, Minolta, Fuji, and Apple.

Management Comfort

The degree of comfort that management has with a given technology manifests itself at the level of the individual R&D manager or management team, rather than at the level of the organization as a whole. Management comfort is multifaceted. One aspect is related to a management team’s familiarity with the technology. Another reflects the degree of confidence that the team can succeed in a new technical area, perhaps because of a research group’s track record of success in related fields. Attitude to risk is also a factor [27].

All else being equal, the more comfortable a company’s managers feel with a given technology, the more likely that technology is to be developed in-house. For example, Ricardo-AEA Technology’s core technologies of plant life extension, environmental sciences, modeling, and land remediation treatment all derive from its nuclear industry background. Top management’s comfort with these technologies has led them to encourage staff to build on these skills and to use these as a springboard for diversification into new scientific areas.

Managing Alliances for Learning

So far, we have discussed collaboration as a means of accessing market or technological know-how or acquiring assets. However, alliances can also be used as an opportunity to learn new market and technological competencies – in other words, to internalize a partner’s know-how. Seen in this light, the success of an alliance becomes difficult to measure.

Collaboration is an inherently risky activity, and less than half achieve their goals. A study of almost 900 joint ventures found that only 45% were mutually agreed to have been successful by all partners [28]. Other studies confirm that the success rate is less than 50% [29].

It is difficult to assess the success of a collaborative venture, and in particular, termination of a partnership does not necessarily indicate failure if the objectives have been met. For example, around half of all alliances are terminated within 7 years, but in some cases, this is because the partners have subsequently merged. It is common for a collaborative arrangement to evolve over time, and objectives may change. For example, a licensing agreement may evolve into a joint venture. Finally, an apparent failure may result in knowledge or experience that may be of future benefit. An alliance is likely to have a number of different objectives – some explicit, others implicit – and outcomes may be planned or unplanned. Therefore, any measure of success must be multidimensional and dynamic in order to capture the different objectives as they evolve over time. Reasons for failure include strategic divergence, procedural problems, and cultural mismatch. Table 11.3 presents the most common reasons for the failure of alliances, based on a meta-analysis of the 16 studies. The studies reviewed differ in their samples and methodologies, but 11 factors appear in a quarter of the studies, which provides some level of confidence.

TABLE 11.3 Common Reasons for the Failure of Alliances (Review of 16 Studies)

Source: Derived from Duysters, G., G. Kok, and M. Vaandrager, Crafting successful strategic technology partnerships. R&D Management, 1999. 29(4), 343–51.

Reason for Failure % Studies Reporting Factor (n = 16)
Strategic/goal divergence 50
Partner problems 38
Strong–weak relation 38
Cultural mismatch 25
Insufficient trust 25
Operational/geographical overlap 25
Personnel clashes 25
Lack of commitment 25
Unrealistic expectations/time 25
Asymmetric incentives 13

Firms have different expectations of alliances, and these affect their evaluation of success. Those firms that view product development collaboration as discrete events with specific aims and objectives are more likely to evaluate the success of the relationship in terms of the project cost and time and ultimate product performance. However, a small proportion of firms view collaboration as an opportunity to learn new skills and knowledge and to develop longer term relationships. In such cases, measures of success need to be broader. If learning is a major goal, it is necessary for partners to have complementary skills and capabilities, but an even balance of strength is also important. The more equal the partners, the more likely an alliance will be successful. Both partners must be strong financially and in the technological, product, or market contribution they make to the venture. A study of 49 international alliances by management consultants McKinsey found that two-thirds of the alliances between equally matched partners were successful, but where there was a significant imbalance of power, almost 60% of alliances failed [30]. Consequently, in the case of a formal joint venture, equal ownership is the most successful structure, 50–50 ownership being twice as likely to succeed as other ownership structures. This appears to be because such a structure demands continuous consultation and communication between partners, which helps anticipate and resolve potential conflicts and problems of strategic divergence. Our own study of Anglo–Japanese joint ventures identified three sources of strategic conflict between parent firms: product strategy, market strategy, and pricing policy. These were primarily the result of coupling complementary resources with divergent strategies, what we refer to as the “trap of complementarity.” In essence, parents with complementary resources almost inevitably have different long-term strategic objectives. Too many joint ventures are established to bridge the gaps in short-term resources, rather than for long-term strategic fit [31].

This suggests that firms must learn to design alliances with other firms, rather than pursue ad hoc relationships. By design, we do not mean the legal and financial details of the agreement, but rather the need to select a partner that can contribute what is needed, and needs what is offered, of which there is sufficient prior knowledge or experience to encourage trust and communication, to allow areas of potential conflict such as overlapping products or markets to be designed out. Partners must specify mutual expectations of respective contributions and benefits. They should agree on a business plan, including contingencies for possible dissolution, but allow sufficient flexibility for the goals and structure of the alliance to evolve. It is important that partners communicate on a routine basis, so that any problems are shared. Without such explicit design, collaboration may make product development more costly, complex, and difficult to control, as shown in Table 11.4. Thus, while the failure of an alliance is most likely to be the result of strategic divergence, the success of an alliance depends to a large extent on what can be described as operational and people-related factors, rather than strategic factors such as technological, market, or product fit, as Table 11.5 illustrates.

TABLE 11.4 The Effects of Collaboration on Product Development

Source: Adapted from Bruce, M., F. Leverick, and D. Littler, Complexities of collaborative product development. Technovation, 1995. 15(9), 535–52, with kind permission from Elsevier Science Ltd, The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington OX5 1GB, UK.

Agree/Strongly Agree Disagree/Strongly Disagree
Makes product development more costly 51 22
Complicates product development 41 35
Makes development more difficult to control 41 38
Makes development more responsive to supplier needs 36 26
Allows development to adapt better to uncertainty 27 43
Accelerates product development 25 58
Makes development more responsive to customer needs 22 50
Allows development to respond better to market opportunities 15 63
Enhances competitive benefits arising through development 12 65
Facilitates the incorporation of new technology in development  7 70

TABLE 11.5 Factors Influencing Success of Collaboration

Source: Adapted from Bruce, M., F. Leverick, and D. Littler, A management framework for collaborative product development. In M. Bruce and W.G. Biemans, eds, Product development: Meeting the challenge of the design–marketing interface, 1995. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, p. 171.

Factor Respondents Freely Mentioning Factor (n = 106)
Establishing ground rules 67
Clearly defined objectives agreed by all parties 41
Clearly defined responsibilities agreed by all parties 19
Realistic aims 10
Defined project milestones 11
People factors 54
Collaboration champion 22
Commitment at all levels 11
Top management commitment 10
Personal relationships 10
Staffing levels  3
Process factors 45
Frequent communication 20
Mutual trust/openness/honesty 17
Regular progress reviews 13
Deliver as promised  9
Flexibility  3
Ensuring equality 42
Mutual benefit 22
Equality in power/dependency 11
Equality of contribution  9
Choice of partner 39
Culture/mode of operation 13
Mutual understanding 12
Complementary strengths 12
Past collaboration experience  2

The most important operational factors are agreement on clearly stated aims and responsibilities, and the most important people factors are high levels of commitment, communication, and trust. A survey of 135 German firms gives us a better idea of the relative importance of these different factors [32]. The study found that firms take people-related, economic, and technological factors into consideration, but that these three groups of variables are largely independent of each other. Factor analysis confirms that the people-related factors are more significant than either the economic or technological considerations, specifically creation of trust, informal networking, and learning. However, managers often put greater effort into the “harder” technical and operational issues, than into the “softer” but more important people issues, and focus more on “deal making” to form alliances, than on the processes necessary to sustain them. One study of alliances between high-technology firms found that more than half of the problems in the first year of an alliance relate to the relationship, rather than the strategic or operational factors. The most common problems were poor communication – quality and frequency – and conflicts due to differences in national or corporate cultures [33]. The study identified three strategies for minimizing these cultural mismatches. First, for one partner to adopt the culture of the other (unlikely outside an acquisition). Second, to limit the degree of cultural contact necessary through the operational design of the project. Finally, to appoint cultural translators or liaisons to help identify, interpret, and communicate different cultural norms.

Other factors that contribute to the success of an alliance include the following [34]:

  • The alliance is perceived as important by all partners.
  • A collaboration “champion” exists.
  • A substantial degree of trust between partners exists.
  • Clear project planning and defined task milestones are established.
  • Frequent communication between partners, in particular, between marketing and technical staff.
  • The collaborating parties contribute as expected.
  • Benefits are perceived to be equally distributed.

Mutual trust is clearly a significant factor, when faced with the potential opportunistic behavior of the partners; for example, failure to perform or the leakage of information. Trust may exist at the personal and organizational levels, and researchers have attempted to distinguish different levels, qualities, and sources of trust [35]. For example, the following bases of trust in alliances have been identified:

  • Contractual – honoring the accepted or legal rules of exchange, but can also indicate the absence of other forms of trust
  • Goodwill – mutual expectations of commitment beyond contractual requirements
  • Institutional – trust based on formal structures
  • Network – because of personal, family, or ethnic/religious ties
  • Competence – trust based on reputation for skills and know-how
  • Commitment – mutual self-interest, committed to the same goals

These types of trust are not necessarily mutually exclusive, although overreliance on contractual and institutional forms may indicate the absence of the types of trust. Goodwill is normally a second-order effect based on network, competence, or commitment. In the case of innovation, problems may occur where trust is based on the network, rather than competence or commitment, as discussed earlier. Clearly, high levels of interpersonal trust are necessary to facilitate communication and learning in collaboration, but interorganizational trust is a more subtle issue. Organizational trust may be defined in terms of organizational routines, norms, and values, which can survive changes in individual personnel. In this way, organizational learning can take place, including new ways of doing things (operational or lower-level learning) and doing new things through diversification (strategic or higher-level learning). Organizational trust requires a longer time horizon to ensure that reciprocity can occur, as for any specific collaborative project, one partner is likely to benefit disproportionately. In this way, organizational trust may mitigate against opportunistic behavior. However, in practice, this may be difficult where partners have different motives for an alliance or differential rates of learning.

In Chapter 4, we examined the nature of core competencies. Conceiving of the firm as a bundle of competencies, rather than technology or products, suggests that the primary purpose of collaboration is the acquisition of new skills or competencies, rather than the acquisition of technology or products. Therefore, a crucial distinction must be made between acquiring the skills of a partner and simply gaining access to such skills. The latter is the focus of contracting, licensing, and the like, whereas the internalization of a partner’s skills demands closer and longer contact, such as formal joint ventures or strategic alliances.

It is possible to identify three factors that affect learning through alliances: intent, transparency, and receptivity, as listed in Table 11.6. Intent refers to a firm’s propensity to view collaboration as an opportunity to learn new skills, rather than to gain access to a partner’s assets. Thus, where there is intent, learning takes place by design rather than by default, which is much more significant than mere leakage of information. Transparency refers to the openness or “knowability” of each partner and, therefore, the potential for learning. Receptivity, or absorptiveness, refers to a partner’s capacity to learn. Clearly, there is much a firm can do to maximize its own intent and receptivity and minimize its transparency. Intent to learn will influence the choice of partner and form of collaboration. Transparency will depend on the penetrability of the social context, attitudes toward outsiders, that is, clannishness, and the extent to which the skills are discrete and encodable. Explicit knowledge, such as designs and patents, are more easily encoded compared to tacit knowledge. This suggests that a harmonious alliance may not necessarily represent a win-win situation. On the contrary, where two partners attempt to extract value from their alliance in the same form, whether in terms of short-term economic benefits or longer-term skills acquisition, managers are likely to frequently engage in arguments over value sharing. Where partners have different goals, for example, one partner seeks short-term benefits whereas the other seeks the acquisition of new skills, the relationship tends to be more harmonious, at least until one partner is no longer dependent on the other. For example, where a firm works with a university or commercial research organization, the goals of the alliance are likely to be very different, and therefore, the factors influencing a successful outcome may differ, as Table 11.7 shows.

TABLE 11.6 Determinants of Learning Through Alliances

Source: Adapted from Hamel, G., Learning in international alliances. Strategic Management Journal, 1991. 12, 91.

Factors that Promote Learning
A. Intent to Learn
1. Competitive posture Cooperate now, compete later
2. Strategic significance High, to build competencies, rather than to fix a problem
3. Resource position Scarcity
4. Relative power balance Balance creates instability, rather than harmony
B. Transparency or Potential for Learning
5. Social context Language and cultural barriers
6. Attitude toward outsiders Exclusivity, but absence of “not invented here”
7. Nature of skills Tacit and systemic, rather than explicit
C. Receptivity or Absorptive Capacity
8. Confidence in abilities Realistic, not too high or too low
9. Skills gap Small, not too substantial
10. Institutionalization of learning High, transfer of individual learning to organization

TABLE 11.7 Factors Influencing the Success of Relationships Between Firms and Contract Research Organizations

Source: Derived from Mora-Valentin, E.M., A. Montoro-Sanchez, and L.A. Guerras-Martin, Determining factors in the success of R&D cooperative agreements between firms and research organizations. Research Policy, 2004. 33, 17–40.

Significant Factor For Firm For Research Organization
Previous links Significant Significant
Commitment Significant Significant
Partner’s reputation Not significant Significant
Definition of objectives Significant Not significant
Communication Not significant Significant
Conflict Significant Not significant
Organizational design Not significant Not significant
Geographical proximity Not significant Not significant

Therefore, the preferred structure for an alliance will depend on the nature of the knowledge to be acquired, whereas the outcome will be determined largely by a partner’s ability to learn, which is a function of skills and culture. Tactical alliances are most appropriate to obtain migratory or explicit knowledge, but more strategic relationships are necessary to acquire embedded or tacit knowledge [36]. Alliances for explicit knowledge focus on trades in designs, technologies, or products, but by the very nature of such knowledge, this provides only temporary advantages because of its ease of codification and movement. Alliances for embedded knowledge present a more subtle management challenge. This involves the transfer of skills and capabilities, rather than discrete packages of know-how. This requires personnel to have direct, intimate, and extensive exposure to the staff, equipment, systems, and culture of the partnering organization. However, the absorptive capacity of an organization is not a constant and depends on the fit with the partner’s knowledge base, organizational structures, and processes, such as the degree of management formalization and centralization of decision-making and research [37]. Studies suggest that knowledge creation in an alliance is more likely to occur where there is a clear intent and specific goals exist, but conversely, individual autonomy within a joint project is associated with a reduction in knowledge creation. One of the most significant factors influencing knowledge creation and learning in an alliance is the use of formal environmental scanning, and this effect increases with the complexity of projects [38]. There appear to be two reasons for the importance of scanning in such alliances. First, the need to identify relevant knowledge in the environment, and second, to ensure that the developments continue to be relevant to the changing environment.

The conversion of tacit to explicit knowledge is a critical mechanism underlying the link between individual and organizational learning [39]. Through a process of dialog, discussion, experience sharing, and observation, individual knowledge is amplified at the group and organizational levels. This creates an expanding community of interaction, or “knowledge network,” which crosses intra- and interorganizational levels and boundaries. These knowledge networks are a means to accumulate knowledge from outside the organization, share it widely within the organization, and store it for future use. Therefore, the interaction of groups with different cultures, whether within or beyond the boundaries of the organization, is a potential source of learning and innovation.

Organizational structure and culture will determine absorptive capacity in interorganizational learning. Culture is a difficult concept to grasp and measure, but it helps to distinguish between national, organizational, functional, and group cultures [40]. Differences in national culture have received a great deal of attention in studies of cross-border alliances and acquisitions, and the consensus is that national differences do exist and that these affect both the intent and ability to learn. In general, British and American firms focus more on the legal and financial aspects of alliances, but rarely have either the intent or ability to learn through alliances. In contrast, French, German, and Japanese firms are more likely to exploit opportunities for learning [41]. The issue of national stereotypes aside, there may be structural reasons for these differences in the propensity to learn.

For example, Japanese firms have good historical reasons for exploiting alliances as opportunities for learning. Initially, Western firms typically entered Japan through alliances in which they provided technology in return for access to Japanese sales and distribution channels. This exchange of technology for market access appeared to offer value to both sides. However, while the Western partner often remained dependent on the Japanese partner for distribution and sales, the Japanese partner typically built up its technological skills and became less reliant on the Western partner. As a result, European and American partners began to lose technological leadership in many fields and were forced to trade distribution and sales channels at home for access to the Japanese market. Therefore, collaboration has shifted from relatively simple and well-defined licensing agreements or joint ventures to more complex and informal relationships, which are much more difficult to manage.

Most recently, firms from the United States and Europe have begun to use alliances for operational learning. Operational learning provides close exposure to what competitors are doing in Japan and how they are doing it. For example, to learn how Japanese partners manage their production facilities, supplier base, or product development process. This is not possible from a distance and requires close alliances with potential competitors. However, fewer firms in the West have fully exploited the potential of alliances for strategic learning, that is, the acquisition of new technological and market competencies.

In contrast, many American and British firms find it difficult to learn through alliances. This appears to be because firms focus on financial control and short-term financial benefits, rather than the longer-term potential for learning. For example, firms will attempt to minimize the number and quality of people they contribute to a Japanese joint venture and the time committed. As a result, little learning takes place and little or no corporate memory is built up.

At the lower level of analysis, different functional groups and project teams may have different cultures. For example, the differences between technical and marketing cultures are well documented and are a major barrier to communication within an organization [42]. When such groups are required to communicate across organizations, the potential for problems is even greater. There is some evidence that employees attempt to trade information based on the perceived economic interests of their firms, but that these perceptions differ. A study of 39 managers involved in alliances in the steel industry identified three clusters of behavior regarding information trading: value-oriented, competition-oriented, and complex decision-makers [43]. Value-oriented employees base their behavior on the importance of the information to their own firm, independent of its potential value to the partner. Competition-oriented employees base their behavior solely on the value of the information to competitors. The complex decision-makers include both considerations and also the potential for trading information. Some firms develop reputations for being very secretive, while others are seen as more open. No doubt, this contrasting approach to knowledge sharing will interest enthusiasts of game theory, but the empirical evidence suggests that firms that share their knowledge with their peers and competitors – for example, through conferences and journals – have a higher innovative performance than those that do not share, controlling for the level of R&D spending and number of patents [44]. The reasons for this apparent reward for generosity include the need to motivate and recruit researchers and a strategy to be perceived as a technology leader to influence technological trajectories and attract alliance partners.

11.5 Collaborating with Suppliers to Innovate

Alliances can be characterized in a number of different ways. For example, whether they are horizontal or vertical. Horizontal relationships include cross-licensing, consortia, and collaboration with potential competitors of sources of complementary technological or market know-how, as discussed in the previous section. In this section and the next, we review vertical relationships, including subcontracting, and alliances with suppliers and customers. The primary motive of horizontal alliances tends to be access to complementary technological or market know-how, whereas the primary motive for vertical alliances is cost reduction. An alternative way of viewing alliances is in terms of their strategic significance or duration, as shown in Table 11.8. In these terms, contracting and licensing are more tactical, whereas strategic alliances, formal joint ventures, and innovation networks are more strategic and more appropriate structures for learning.

TABLE 11.8 Types of Horizontal and Vertical Collaboration

Type of Collaboration Typical Duration Advantages (Rationale) Disadvantages (Transaction Costs)
Subcontract/ supplier relations Short term Cost and risk reduction Reduced lead time Search costs, product performance, and quality
Licensing Fixed term Technology acquisition Contract cost and constraints
Consortia Medium term Expertise, standards, share funding Knowledge leakage Subsequent differentiation
Strategic alliance Flexible Low commitment market access Potential lock-in knowledge leakage
Joint venture Long term Complementary know-how Dedicated management Strategic drift cultural mismatch
Network Long term Dynamic, learning potential Static inefficiencies

The subcontracting or “outsourcing” of noncore activities has become popular in recent times. Typically, arguments for subcontracting are framed in terms of strategic focus, or “sticking to the knitting,” but in practice, most subcontracting or outsourcing arrangements are based on the potential to save costs: suppliers are likely to have lower overheads and variable costs and may benefit from economies of scale if serving other firms.

Resource dependence and agency theory are more commonly used to explain vertical relationships and are concerned with the need to control key technologies in the value chain. The perceptions of the practices of Japanese manufacturers have led many firms to form closer relationships with suppliers, and indeed, closer links between firms, their suppliers, and customers may help to reduce the cost of components, through specialization and sharing information on costs. However, factors such as the selection of suppliers and users, timing and mode of their involvement, and the novelty and complexity of the system being developed may reduce or negate the benefit of close supplier–user links [45].

The quality of the relationship with suppliers and the timing of their involvement in development are critical factors. Traditionally, such relationships have been short-term, contractual arm’s-length agreements focusing on the issue of the cost, with little supplier input into design or engineering. In contrast, the “Japanese” or “partnership” model is based on long-term relationships, and suppliers make a significant contribution to the development of new products. The latter approach increases the visibility of cost–performance trade-offs, reduces the time to market, and improves the integration of component technologies, as demonstrated by Case Study 11.3. In certain sectors, particularly machine tools and scientific equipment, there is a long tradition of collaboration between manufacturers and lead users in the development of new products. Figure 11.3 presents a range of potential relationships with suppliers. Note that in this diagram, we are not suggesting any trend from left to right, but rather that different types of relationship are appropriate in different circumstances, in essence, an argument for carefully segmenting supply needs and suppliers, instead of the wholesale adoption of simplistic fashions such as “partnerships” or business-to-business (the so-called B2B) supply intranets.

Schematic illustration depicting how objectives and nature of supply market influence supplier relationships.

FIGURE 11.3 How objectives and nature of supply market influence supplier relationships.

On the vertical axis, we have objectives ranging from cost reduction, quality improvement, lead-time reduction through to product and process innovation. On the horizontal axis, we distinguish between three types of supply market:

  • Homogeneous – all potential suppliers have very similar performance
  • Differentiated – suppliers differ greatly and one clearly superior
  • Indeterminate – suppliers differ greatly under different conditions

In the case of homogeneous supply conditions and a primary objective to reduce costs, we would argue that a traditional market/contractual relationship is the ideal arrangement. In its most recent form, this might be achieved by means of a B2B intranet exchange or club, whereby potential suppliers to a specific customer or sector pool their price and other data or bid for specific contracts. Examples include Covisint in the automobile industry, established by Ford, General Motors, and DaimlerChrysler, and MetalSite formed by a group of the largest steel producers in the United States. Such developments are not confined to manufacturing, and British Airways, American, United, Delta, and Continental have established an electronic procurement hub for routine supplies with an annual turnover of $32 billion. In the United Kingdom, the retailers Kingfisher, Tesco, and Marks & Spencer have joined the Worldwide Retail Exchange (WWRX) in an effort to reduce the cost of purchases by up to 20%. Savings of 5–10% are more typical of such exchanges, but as with other applications of Internet technology, the most significant savings are in transaction costs rather than the goods purchased. Estimates and efficiencies vary, but reports suggest that transactions costs can be just 10% of conventional supply chains. Such developments attempt to exploit buyer power and make supplier prices more transparent. They are the closest thing in the real world to the market of “perfect information” found in economics textbooks. Nonetheless, there are still some concerns that these might evolve into cartels controlled by the existing dominant companies and thereby restrict new entrants and potential competition. However, where the supply market is more differentiated, other types of relationship are likely be more appropriate. In this case, some form of “partnership” or “lean” relationship is often advocated, based on the quality and development of lead-time benefits experienced by Japanese manufacturers of consumer durables, specifically cars and electronics. Lamming identifies several defining characteristics of such partnership or “lean” supply relations [46]:

  • Fewer suppliers, longer-term relations
  • Greater equity – real “cost transparency”
  • Focus on value flows – the relationship, not the contract
  • Vendor assessment, plus development
  • Two-way or third-party assessment
  • Mutual learning – share experience, expertise, knowledge, and investment

These principles are based on a distillation of the features of the best Japanese manufacturers in the automobile and electronics sectors, and more recent experiments in other contexts, such as aerospace in the United Kingdom and United States [47], and as such may represent best practice under certain conditions. Nishiguchi compared supplier relations in Japan and the United Kingdom and found that lean or partnership approaches had significant advantages over market relations, including more supportive customers and less erratic trade [48]. This resulted in measurable differences in operational performance, such as a reduction in inventory held by customers of 90% and tool development time reduction by some 70%. However, trade-offs existed. In the lean relationships, customers were rated by suppliers as being significantly more demanding than in the market relationships and involved a much higher degree of monitoring by customers. Perhaps of greater strategic significance, in the lean relationships, the suppliers’ sales were dominated by a few key customers, and asset specificity, a measure of how much a suppliers’ plant and equipment are dedicated to a particular customer, was much higher.

These two factors make suppliers in lean relations very vulnerable to the fortunes of their key customers. For example, in the United Kingdom, the retail chain Marks & Spencer was often presented as the model of supplier relations, but following its poor market and financial performance in the late 1990s, many of its long-term supply “partners” have been abandoned or ordered to cut costs or be deselected. Nevertheless, “partnership” models have fast become the norm in both the private and public sectors, irrespective of the supply market conditions or objectives of the relationship. For example, one study found that the main explanation for the adoption of lean supply practices was managerial choice, rather than any rationale based on external factors such as industry structure or supply needs [49].

However, in the case of indeterminate supply markets, a partnership or lean supply strategy may be suboptimal or even dysfunctional. We shall revisit the case of Japanese business groups later in this chapter, but in anticipation of that discussion, there is evidence that such rigid supply structures may offer static efficiencies in terms of cost savings, quality improvement, and reduction in development lead time, but may suffer dynamic inefficiencies when it comes to developing novel technologies, products, and processes. On the one hand, the increase in the global sourcing of technology has reduced the chance that an existing “partner” will be the most appropriate supplier, and on the other hand, the tacit nature or “stickiness” of technological knowledge suggests that a market transaction would be inadequate [50]. Therefore, where innovation is the primary objective of the supply relationship, and the supply market is neither homogeneous nor clearly differentiated, a temporary, ad hoc relationship with a supplier may be more appropriate. These have some features common to horizontal strategic alliances, in that they are clearly focused, project-based forms of collaboration. In such cases, the relationship is neither market nor partnership, but a hybrid. Loose coupling is appropriate where multitechnology products are characterized by uneven rates of advance in the underlying technologies, and in such cases, technology consultants or systems integrators act as a buffer between the suppliers and users of the technology [51]. For suppliers, technological competencies and problem-solving capabilities are associated with high gross margins and a larger share of overseas business [52]. A survey of companies offering specialist services to support new product development found that the most common service offered was industrial design (58% of firms), but 30% offered a complete range of services, including R&D, market research, design, development, and implementation of production processes [53]. The United States accounts for almost half of such firms, and within Europe, the United Kingdom accounts for more than half.

Table 11.9 lists some of the management practices found to contribute to a supplier relationship for successful new product development. This list suggests a number of good practices common to partnership or lean approaches, but unbundles these practices from the need for long-term, stable codependent relationships. The low rating given to colocation and shared equipment suggests a more arm’s-length relation, albeit highly integrated for the purposes of the project. Note the relatively high ranking of the need for consensus that the right supplier has been chosen.

TABLE 11.9 Successful Management Practices to Promote Supplier Innovation

Source: Derived from Ragatz, G.L., R.B. Handfield, and T.V. Scannell, Success factors for integrating suppliers into new product development. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 1997. 14, 190–202.

Factor Most Successful Least Successful Difference*
Strength of supplier’s top management commitment 6.14 5.22 0.91
Direct cross-functional, intercompany communication 6.05 4.87 1.18
Strength of customer’s top management commitment 5.70 4.95 0.75
Familiarity with supplier’s capability prior to project 5.64 4.58 1.07
Customer requirements information sharing 5.12 4.22 0.90
Joint agreement on performance measures 5.07 4.20 0.88
Supplier membership/participation on customer’s project team 5.02 3.73 1.29
Technology sharing 4.84 3.77 1.07
Strength of consensus that right supplier was selected 4.83 3.88 0.95
Formal trust development practices 4.14 3.07 1.07
Common and linked information systems 4.07 2.96 1.11
Shared education and training 3.44 2.29 1.15
Risk/reward-sharing schemes 3.13 2.47 0.65
Colocation of customer/supplier personnel 2.95 1.84 1.11
Technology information sharing 2.44 1.62 0.82
Shared plant and equipment 2.44 1.62 0.82

*All differences statistically significant at 5% level.

1 = no use, 7 = significant/extensive. N = 83.

11.6 User-led Innovation

Lead users are critical to the development and adoption of complex products. As the title suggests, lead users demand new requirements ahead of the general market of other users, but are also positioned in the market to significantly benefit from the meeting of those requirements [54]. Where potential users have high levels of sophistication, for example, in B2B markets such as scientific instruments, capital equipment, and IT systems, lead users can help to codevelop innovations and are therefore often early adopters of such innovations. The initial research by Von Hippel suggests that lead users adopt an average of seven years before typical users, but the precise lead time will depend on a number of factors, including the technology life cycle. A recent empirical study identified a number of characteristics of lead users [55]:

  • Recognize requirements early – are ahead of the market in identifying and planning for new requirements.
  • Expect high level of benefits – due to their market position and complementary assets.
  • Develop their own innovations and applications – have sufficient sophistication to identify and capabilities to contribute to development of the innovation.
  • Perceived to be pioneering and innovative – by themselves and their peer group.

This has two important implications. First, those seeking to develop innovative complex products and services should identify potential lead users with such characteristics to contribute to the codevelopment and early adoption of the innovation. For example, see Case Study 11.4. Second, lead users, as early adopters, can provide insights into forecasting the diffusion of innovations. For example, a study of 55 development projects in telecommunications computer infrastructure found that the importance of customer inputs increased with technological newness and, moreover, the relationship shifted from customer surveys and focus groups to codevelopment because “conventional marketing techniques proved to be of limited utility, were often ignored, and in hindsight were sometimes strikingly inaccurate” [56].

In addition to the well-established role of lead users, there are a range of different types of users and the methods of engaging these, as shown in Figure 11.4. Research Note 11.2 reviews different types of user innovations.

Schematic illustration presenting the types of user innovation.

FIGURE 11.4 Types of user innovation.

11.7 Extreme Users

An important variant that picks up on both the lead user and the fringe needs concepts lies in the idea of extreme environments as a source of innovation. The argument here is that the users in the toughest environments may have needs that, by definition, are at the edge – so any innovative solution that meets those needs has possible applications back into the mainstream. An example would be antilock braking systems (ABS), which are now a commonplace feature of cars but which began life as a special add-on for premium high-performance cars. The origins of this innovation came from a more extreme case, though – the need to stop aircraft safely under difficult conditions where traditional braking might lead to skidding or other loss of control. ABS was developed for this extreme environment and then migrated across to the (comparatively) easier world of automobiles.

Looking for extreme environments or users can be a powerful source of stretch in terms of innovation – meeting challenges that can then provide new opportunity space. As Roy Rothwell put it in the title of a famous paper, “tough customers mean good designs” [57]. For example, stealth technology arose out of a very specific and extreme need for creating an invisible airplane – essentially something that did not have a radar signature. It provided a powerful pull for some radical innovation, which challenged fundamental assumptions about aircraft design, materials, power sources, and so on and opened up a wide frontier for changes in aerospace and related fields [58]. The “bottom of the pyramid” concept mentioned earlier also offers some powerful extreme environments in which very different patterns of innovation are emerging. Case Study 11.5 provides examples of such innovations.

As we saw in Chapter 5, there has been significant growth in the use of mobile phone networks as a platform for providing financial services in emerging areas such as Africa, and these offer a powerful laboratory for new concepts, which companies such as Nokia and Vodafone are working closely to explore [59]. The potential exists to use this kind of extreme environment as a laboratory to test and develop concepts for wider application – for example, Citicorp has been experimenting with a design of automatic teller machine (ATM) based on biometrics for use with the illiterate population in rural India. The pilot involves some 50,000 people, but as a spokesman for the company explained, “we see this as having the potential for global application.”


The potential for users, either as individuals or as groups, to become involved in the design and production of products has clearly been recognized for some time. However, these conceptions of user–supplier innovation all tend to depict a relationship in which suppliers are able, in some way or another, to harness the experience or ideas of users and apply them to their own product development efforts. Many now argue that we are seeing a dramatic shift toward more open, democratized, forms of innovation that are driven by networks of individual users, not firms. Users are now visibly active within all stages of the innovation process, from concept generation, through development and diffusion. Users may now be actively engaged with firms in the codevelopment of products and services, and the innovation agenda may no longer be entirely controlled by firms.

In innovation studies, the term “user” generally takes a supplier-centric perspective, and in this context, the “user” (e.g., lead user, final user, user innovation, learning by using) tends to be at the level of the firm. Users tend to be characterized as consumers whose needs must be understood, as “tough customers” who make exacting demands, or as “lead users,” who may modify or develop existing products in response to their exacting and nonstandard needs, potentially foreshadowing future demand. It is also understood that users may be drawn into firms’ product development processes by developing and distributing supplier-designed “toolkits” [60].

Users may be drawn into the linear model of innovation in this way, but some forms of user activity represent the emergence of a parallel system of innovation that does not share the same goals, drivers, and boundaries of mainstream commercial activity. Users are seen as having an active role in seeking to shape or reshape their relationship with innovation, beyond the prescribed application or use, or developing an agenda that may conflict with the producer. In this way, the boundary between producers and users becomes less distinct, with some users able to develop and extend technologies or use them in entirely novel and unexpected ways. Innovation can become far more open and democratized. Such lack of compliance by users with producers and promoters of innovations need not be viewed as a deviant activity, but can become more central to the processes of innovation and diffusion. This has potentially significant implications for market relationships, business models, and intellectual property.

Democratic Innovation and Crowdsourcing

In 2006, journalist Jeff Howe coined the term crowdsourcing in his book The power of crowds. Crowdsourcing is where an organization makes an open call to a large network to provide some voluntary input or perform some function. The core requirements are that the call is open and that the network is sufficiently large, the “crowd.” However, the potential inputs and functions of crowdsourcing are diverse, ranging from competitions for individual ideas, through to collaborative peer production of innovation.

Crowdsourcing can be implemented in many ways, but is typically enabled by ICT. Two common, but contrasting, approaches are peer communities and competitions and events.

Peer or User Communities

Within some communities, users will freely share innovations with peers, termed “free revealing.” For example, online communities for open-source software, music hobbyists, sports equipment, and professional networks. Participation is driven mostly by intrinsic motivations, such as the pleasure of being able to help others or to improve or develop better products, but also by peer recognition and community status. The elements valued are social ties and opportunities to learn new things rather than concrete awards or esteem [61]. Such knowledge sharing and innovation tend to be more collective and collaborative compared to idea competitions.

Sometimes, user-led innovation involves a community that creates and uses innovative solutions on a continuing basis. Good examples of this include the Linux community around operating systems or the Apache server community around Web server development applications, where communities have grown up and where the resulting range of applications is constantly growing – a state that has been called “perpetual beta” referring to the old idea of testing new software modules across a community to get feedback and development ideas [62]. A growing range of Internet-based applications make use of communities – for example, Mozilla and its Firefox and other products, Propellerhead and other music software communities, and the emergent group around Apple’s i-platform devices such as the iPhone [63].

Increasing interest is being shown in such “crowdsourcing” approaches to cocreating innovations – and to finding new ways of creating and working with such communities. The principle extends beyond software and virtual applications – for example, Lego makes extensive use of communities of developers in its Lego Factory and other online activities linked to its manufactured products. Adidas has taken the model and developed its “mi Adidas” concept where users are encouraged to cocreate their own shoes using a combination of websites (where designs can be explored and uploaded) and in-store mini-factories where user-created and customized ideas can then be produced.


In a competition, a problem or challenge is set, and potential solutions or ideas are invited. Rewards range from peer or public recognition and community status, but more commonly feature some extrinsic motivation such as free products or cash prizes. For example, Dell’s crowdsourcing platform Idea Storm, which received more than 15,000 ideas, of which over 400 have been implemented. Contributions and rewards tend to be more individual and competitive than in peer or user communities.

In a similar fashion, Facebook chose to engage its users in helping to translate the site into multiple languages rather than commission an expert translation service. Its motive was to try and compete with MySpace, which in 2007 was the market leader, available in five languages. The Facebook “crowdsource” project began in December 2007 and invited users to help translate around 30,000 key phrases from the site. Eight thousand volunteer developers registered within 2 months, and within 3 weeks, the site was available in Spanish, with pilot version in French and German also online. Within 1 year, Facebook was available in over 100 languages and dialects – and similar to Wikipedia, it continues to benefit from continuous updating and correction via its user community.

Another important feature of crowdsourcing across user communities is the potential for dealing with the “long tail” problem – that is, how to meet the needs of a small number of people for a specific innovation? By mobilizing user communities around these needs, it is possible to share experience and cocreate innovation; an example is given on the website where communities of patients suffering from rare diseases and their carers are brought together to enable innovation in areas that lie at the edge of the mainstream health system radar screen. Research Note 11.3 identifies other challenges of implanting user innovation.

11.8 Benefits and Limits of Open Innovation

We discussed the use of open innovation in Chapter 6 as a way of searching and identifying external sources of innovation. However, open innovation can also be applied to the later stages of the innovation process, including development and commercialization. The open-innovation model emphasizes that firms should acquire valuable resources from external firms and share internal resources for new product/service development, but the question of when and how a firm sources external knowledge and shares internal knowledge is less clear. The concept of open innovation is currently very popular in innovation management research and practice, but can be criticized for being too vague and prescriptive.

The original idea of open innovation was that firms should (also) exploit external sources and resources to innovate, a notion that is difficult to contest [64], but this is not a new idea, simply a repackaging of existing research and practice [65]. However, wider dissemination of the concept shows that it is difficult to research and implement, to the point it has now become “all things to all people,” lacking explanatory or predictive power. There have been numerous studies of open innovation, but still the empirical evidence on the utility of open innovation is limited, and practical prescriptions overly general. Research ranges from individual case studies, which are difficult to generalize, to simple survey-based counts of external sources and partners, which reveal little about the conditions, mechanisms, or limitations of open innovation [66].

The simple dichotomy between open and closed approaches is unhelpful and not realistic, so instead we need to explore the different degrees and types of openness and the extent to which a firm can benefit from external and internal resources and knowledge in the innovation process (Figure 11.5). This provides an opportunity to investigate the use of various collaboration strategies and the types and contexts of sources of innovation, so managing different types and degrees of interfirm relationship with external companies to create value will involve different degrees of openness for innovation [67].

Schematic illustration presenting the strategies to support open innovation.

FIGURE 11.5 Strategies to support open innovation.

There are many approaches to open innovation, depending on the number and type of sources and partners with which the company collaborates and phases of the innovation process that the company opens to external contributions. Having a totally open strategy for innovation is rarely the best option, rather different degrees and ways of openness can be pursued successfully, including adopting a totally closed approach [68]. For example, some firms will passively respond to external opportunities when these occur, whereas others will proactively seek out such opportunities, a so-called prospector strategy [69].

A number of models are emerging around enabling open innovation – for example, Nambisan and Sawhney identify four [70]. The “orchestra” model is typified by a firm such as Boeing, which has created an active global network around the 787 Dreamliner with suppliers as both partners and investors and moving from “build to print” to “design and build to performance.” In this mode, they retain considerable autonomy around their specialist tasks, while Boeing retains the final integrating and decision-making – analogous to professional musicians in an orchestra working under a conductor.

By contrast, the “creative bazaar” model involves more of a “crowdsourcing” approach in which a major firm goes shopping for innovation inputs – and then integrates and develops them further. Examples here would include aspects of the “” approach being used by P&G, Eli Lilly, and others, or the Dial Corporation in the United States, which launched a “Partners in innovation” website, where inventors could submit ideas. BMW’s Virtual Innovation Agency operates a similar model.

A third model is what they term “Jam central,” which involves creating a central vision and then mobilizing a wide variety of players to contribute toward reaching it. It is the kind of approach found in many precompetitive alliances and consortia where difficult technological or market challenges are used – such as the 5th Generation Computer project in Japan – to focus efforts of many different organizations. Once the challenges are met, the process shifts to an exploitation mode – for example, in the 5th Generation program, the precompetitive efforts by researchers from all the major electronics and IT firms led to generation of over 1000 patents, which were then shared out among the players and exploited in “traditional” competitive fashion. Philips deploys a similar model via its InnoHub, which selects a team from internal and external businesses and staff and covering technology, marketing, and other elements. They deliberately encourage fusion of people with varied expertise in the hope that this will enhance the chances of “breakthrough” thinking.

Their fourth model is called “Mod Station,” drawing on a term from the personal computer industry, which allows users to make modifications to games and other software and hardware. This is typified by many open-source projects such as Sun Microsystems’s OpenSPARC, Google’s Android developer platform (and before that Nokia’s release of the Symbian operating system), which open up to the developer community in an attempt to establish an open platform for creating mobile applications. It reflects models used by the BBC, Lego, and many other organizations trying to mobilize external communities and amplify their own research efforts while retaining an ability to exploit the new and growing space.

Other models that might be added include NASA’s “infusion” approach in which a major public agency uses its Innovative Partnerships Programme (IPP) to codevelop key technologies such as robotics. The model is essentially one of drawing in partners who work alongside NASA scientists – a process of “infusion” in which ideas developed by NASA or by one or more of the partners are worked on. There is particular emphasis on spreading the net widely and seeking partnerships with “unusual suspects” – companies, university departments, and others, which might not immediately recognize that they have something of value to offer [71].

All of these models of open innovation feature different roles of, and interactions with, users. In all cases, internal and external sources of innovation combine in different ways and are complementary rather than simple alternatives. Research Note 11.4 explores this interaction in more detail.

Table 11.10 identifies the potential benefits of applying open innovation and the key management challenges this presents. In each case, four fundamental factors will influence the best approach to exploit open innovation in practice:

  • Conditions and context, for example, environmental uncertainty and project complexity [72]
  • Control and ownership of resources [73]
  • Coordination of knowledge flows [74]
  • Creation and capture of value [75]

TABLE 11.10 Potential Benefits and Challenges of Applying Open Innovation

Six Principles of Open Innovation Potential Benefits Challenges to Apply
Tap into external knowledge Increase the pool of knowledge
Reduce reliance on limited internal knowledge
How to search for and identify relevant knowledge sources
How to share or transfer such knowledge, especially tacit and systemic
External R&D has significant value Can reduce the cost and uncertainty associated with internal R&D and increase depth and breadth of R&D Less likely to lead to distinctive capabilities and more difficult to differentiate
External R&D also available to competitors
Do not have to originate research in order to profit from it Reduce costs of internal R&D, more resources on external search strategies and relationships Need sufficient R&D capability in order to identify, evaluate, and adapt external R&D
Building a better business model is superior to being first to market Greater emphasis on capturing rather than creating value First-mover advantages depend on technology and market context
Developing a business model demands time-consuming negotiation with other actors
Best use of internal and external ideas, not generation of ideas Better balance of resources to search and identify ideas, rather than generate Generating ideas is only a small part of the innovation process
Most ideas unproven or no value, so cost of evaluation and development high
Profit from others’ intellectual property (inbound OI) and others’ use of our intellectual property (outbound IP) Value of IP very sensitive to complementary capabilities such as brand, sales network, production, logistics, and complementary products and services Conflicts of commercial interest or strategic direction
Negotiation of acceptable forms and terms of IP licenses


In this chapter, we have explored the rationale, characteristics, and management of external relationships to develop and exploit innovation, ranging from joint ventures and alliances, supplier and user-led innovation, to more fully open-innovation strategies and practices.

Essentially, firms collaborate to reduce the cost, time, or risk of access to unfamiliar technologies or markets. The precise form of collaboration will be determined by the motives and preferences of the partners, but their choice will be constrained by the nature of the technologies and markets, specifically the degree of complexity and tacitness. The success of an alliance depends on a number of factors, but organizational issues dominate, such as the degree of mutual trust and level of communication. The transaction costs approach better explains the relationship between the reason for collaboration and the preferred form and structure of an alliance. The strategic learning approach better explains the relationship between the management and organization of an alliance and the subsequent outcomes.

  1. Organizations collaborate for many reasons, to reduce the cost, time, or risk of access to unfamiliar technologies or markets.
  2. The precise form of collaboration will be determined by the motives and preferences of the partners, but their choice will be constrained by the nature of the technologies and markets, specifically the degree of knowledge complexity and tacitness.
  3. The success of an alliance depends on several factors, but organizational issues dominate, such as the degree of mutual trust and level of communication.
  4. Open innovation is a very broad and therefore popular concept, but needs to be applied with care as its relevance is sensitive to the context. The appropriate choice of partner and specific mechanisms will depend on the type of innovation project and environmental uncertainty.
  5. User innovation is a special case of open innovation. It is much more than simply good market research or listening to customers. Users can contribute to all phases of the innovation process, acting as sources, designers, developers, testers, and even the main beneficiaries of innovation.
  6. In most cases, open-innovation and internal-innovation capabilities are complementary, rather than substitutes.

Chapter 11: Concept Check Questions

  1. Which of these is NOT a typical motivation for a strategic alliance?
A. Build critical mass through co‐option
B. Differentiate existing products and services
C. Enter new markets through co‐specialized resources
D. Learn new competencies from partners
Correct or Incorrect?


  1. Which of the following is a common problem with innovation alliances?
A. Achievement of economies of scale
B. Sharing of knowledge
C. Spreading costs and risks
D. Agreement of product strategy
Correct or Incorrect?


  1. Which of these technology factors do not generally influence the form of collaboration?
A. Choice of partner
B. Competitive significance
C. Complexity
D. Codifiability
Correct or Incorrect?


  1. Which of the following is a major feature of open innovation?
A. Creating value
B. Capturing value
C. Creating intellectual property
D. Generation of ideas
Correct or Incorrect?


  1. Which of the following is a potential disadvantage of open innovation?
A. Reduces the technological uncertainty of development
B. Reduces the costs of internal R&D
C. Increases the reliance on complementary capabilities
D. Increases the pool of knowledge
Correct or Incorrect?


Further Reading

The literature on innovation collaboration and networks is large, fragmented, and still growing, but the following provide a good introduction: Innovation, alliances, and networks in high-tech environments, edited by Fiorenza Belussi and Luigi Orsi (Routledge, 2015); O. Jones, S. Conway, and F. Steward, Social interaction and organizational change: Aston perspectives on innovation networks (Imperial College Press, London, 2001); International Journal of Innovation Management, Special Issue on Networks, 2(2) (1998); R. Gulati, “Alliances and networks,” Strategic Management Journal, 19, 293–317 (1998); and F. Belussi and F. Arcangeli, “A typology of networks,” Research Policy, 27, 415–28 (1998). For a less academic treatment of alliances, Bleeke and Ernst provide a practical guide, albeit a little dated, for managers of collaborative projects in Collaborating to compete (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1993), written by two management consultants at McKinsey & Co., and based on a survey of international alliances and acquisitions. In Alliance advantage (Harvard Business School Press, 1998), Yves Doz and Gary Hamel develop a framework to help understand and better manage alliances, drawing on their earlier work on learning through alliances.

On the more specific subject of customer–supplier alliances, Jordan Lewis provides a practical guide based on studies of a number of American and British present and past exemplars such as Motorola and Marks & Spencer in The connected corporation (Free Press, 1995). More academic and rigorous treatments of customer–supplier alliances are provided by Alex Brem and Joe Tidd in Perspectives on supplier innovation (Imperial College Press, 2012), Richard Lamming’s Beyond partnership (Prentice-Hall, 1993), and Toshihiro Nishiguchi in Strategic industrial sourcing: The Japanese advantage (Oxford University Press, 1994), the latter two based mainly on the experience of the automobile industry. For user innovation, the classic text is Eric von Hippel’s The sources of innovation (Oxford University Press, 1995), but for more recent and broader reviews, see Steve Flowers and Flis Henwood’s Perspectives on user innovation (Imperial College Press, 2010) and the special issue on user innovation. International Journal of Innovation Management, 12(3), 2008.

The open-innovation movement includes a lot of relevant work on collaboration and networks, and Henry Chesbrough, Wim Vanhaverbeke, and Joel West have edited a good overview of the main research themes in Open innovation: Researching a new paradigm (Oxford University Press, 2008). Recently, there has been a lot of work on open innovation, much of it not very original or insightful, but a good place to start is three journal special issues: Research Policy, 2014, 43(5); R&D Management, 2010, 40(3); and Technovation, 2011, 31(1). For more critical accounts of open innovation, see Joe Tidd’s Open innovation management, research and practice (Imperial College Press, 2014); Paul Trott and Hartmann, D. (2009) Why open innovation is old wine in new bottles, International Journal of Innovation Management 13(4), 715–36; and Mowery, D.C. (2009) Plus ca change: Industrial R&D in the third industrial revolution, Industrial and Corporate Change, 18(1), 1–50. For a review of crowdsourcing, see Alex Brem, Joe Tidd and Tugrul Daim (2018) Managing Innovation – Understanding and Motivating Crowds. World Scientific, London.

Case Studies

Additional case studies are available on the companion website, including the following:

  • Adidas describing some of its work in user innovation
  • The Lego identifying ways in which it engages with users as codesigners


  1. 1. Denicolai, S., M. Ramirez, and J. Tidd, Creating and capturing value from external knowledge: The moderating role of knowledge intensity. R&D Management, 2014. 44(3), 248–264; McGee, J. and M. Dowling, Using R&D cooperative arrangements to leverage managerial experience. Journal of Business Venturing, 1994. 9, 33–48.
  2. 2. Schweitzer, J., How contracts and culture mediate joint transactions of innovation partnerships. International Journal of Innovation Management, 2016. 20(1), 1650005; Hauschildt, J., External acquisition of knowledge for innovations – A research agenda. R&D Management, 1992. 22(2), 105–10; Brusconi, S., A. Prencipe, and K. Pavitt, Knowledge specialization and the boundaries of the firm. Administrative Science Quarterly, 2002. 46(4), 597–621.
  3. 3. Welch, J. and P. Nayak, Strategic sourcing: A progressive approach to the make or buy decision. Academy of Management Executive, 1992. 6(1), 23–31.
  4. 4. Bettis, R., S. Bradley, and G. Hamel, Outsourcing and industrial decline. Academy of Management Executive, 1992. 6(1), 7–21.
  5. 5. Henttonen, K., P. Hurmelinna-Laukkanen, and P. Ritala, Managing the appropriability of R&D collaboration, R&D Management, 2016. 46(1), 145–158; Atuaheme-Gima, K. and P. Patterson, Managerial perceptions of technology licensing as an alternative to internal R&D in new product development: An empirical investigation. R&D Management, 1993. 23(4), 327–36; Chiesa, V., R. Manzini, and E. Pizzurno, The externalization of R&D activities and the growing market of product development services. R&D Management, 2004. 34, 65–75.
  6. 6. Robins, J. and M. Wiersema, A resource-based approach to the multi-business firm. Strategic Management Journal, 1995. 16(4), 277–300.
  7. 7. Granstrand, O., et al., External technology acquisition in large multi-technology corporations. R&D Management, 1992. 22(2), 111–33.
  8. 8. Tyler, B. and H. Steensma, Evaluating technological collaborative opportunities: A cognitive modeling perspective. Strategic Management Journal, 1995. 16, 43–70.
  9. 9. Bidault, F. and T. Cummings, Innovating through alliances: Expectations and limitations. R&D Management, 1994. 24(2), 33–45.
  10. 10. Scott Swan, K. and B. Allred, A product and process model of the technology-sourcing decision. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 2003. 20, 485–96.
  11. 11. Rothaermel, F. and D. Deeds, Exploration and exploitation alliances in biotechnology: A system of new product development. Strategic Management Journal, 2004. 25, 201–21.
  12. 12. Miotti, L. and F. Sachwald, Cooperative R&D: why and with whom? An integrated framework of analysis. Research Policy, 2003. 32, 1481–99.
  13. 13. Teher, B., Who cooperates for innovation, and why? An empirical analysis. Research Policy, 2002. 31, 947–67.
  14. 14. Doz, Y. and G. Hamel, Alliance advantage: The art of creating value through partnering. 1998, Harvard Business School Press, Boston, MA.
  15. 15. Carr, C., Globalisation, strategic alliances, acquisitions and technology transfer: Lessons from ICL/Fujitsu and Rover/Honda and BMW. R&D Management, 1999. 29(4), 405–21.
  16. 16. Mauri, A. and G. McMillan, The influence of technology on strategic alliances. International Journal of Innovation Management, 1999. 3(4), 367–78.
  17. 17. Añón Higón, D., In-house versus external basic research and first-to-market innovations, Research Policy, 2016. 45(4), 816–829; Jay Lambe, C. and R. Spekman, Alliances, external technology acquisition, and discontinuous technological change. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 1997. 14, 102–16.
  18. 18. Duysters, G. and A. de Man, Transitionary alliances: An instrument for surviving turbulent industries? R&D Management, 2003. 33, 49–58.
  19. 19. Berg, S., J. Duncan, and P. Friedman, Joint venture strategies and corporate innovation. 1982, Gunn & Ham, Cambridge, MA.
  20. 20. Balakrishnan, S. and M. Koza, “An information theory of joint ventures.” In L. Gomez-Mejia and M. Lawless, eds, Advances in global high technology management: Strategic alliances in high technology. 1995, JAI Press, Greenwich, CN, Vol. 5, Part B, pp. 59–72.
  21. 21. Krubasik, E. and H. Lautenschlager, “Forming successful strategic alliances in high-tech businesses.” In J. Bleeke and D. Ernst, eds, Collaborating to compete. 1993, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, pp. 55–65.
  22. 22. Duysters, G., G. Kok, and M. Vaandrager, Crafting successful strategic technology partnerships. R&D Management, 1999. 29(4), 343–51; Hagedoorn, J., Inter-firm R&D partnerships: An overview of major trends and patterns since 1960. Research Policy, 2002. 31, 477–92; Giarrantana, M. and S. Torrisi, “Competence accumulation and collaborative ventures: Evidence from the largest European electronics firms and implications for EU technological policies.” In S. Lundan, ed., Network knowledge in international business. 2002, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 196–215.
  23. 23. Tidd, J. and M. Trewhella, Organizational and technological antecedents for knowledge acquisition and learning. R&D Management, 1997. 27(4), 359–75.
  24. 24. Rothaermel, F., Complementary assets, strategic alliances, and the incumbent’s advantage: An empirical study of industry and firms effects in the biopharmaceutical industry. Research Policy, 2001. 30, 1235–51.
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  66. 66. Examples of the numerous simple survey-based counts, many based on the EU Community Innovation Survey (CIS), include: Laursen, K. and A. Salter, Open for innovation: The role of openness in explaining innovation performance among UK manufacturing firms. Strategic Management Journal. 2006, 27(2): 131–50; Poot, T., D. Faems, and W. Vanhaverbeke. Toward a dynamic perspective on open innovation: A longitudinal assessment of the adoption of internal and external innovation strategies in the Netherlands. International Journal of Innovation Management, 2009. 13(2): 177–200; Mention, A-L., Co-operation and co-opetition as open innovation practices in the service sector: Which influence on innovation novelty? Technovation, 2011. 31(1), 44–53.
  67. 67. Lazzarotti, V. and R. Manzini, Different modes of open innovation: A theoretical framework and an empirical study. International Journal of Innovation Management, 2009. 13, 615–636; Lichtenthaler, U., Open innovation in practice: An analysis of strategic approaches to technology transactions. IEEE Transactions of Engineering Management, 2008. 55, 148–157.
  68. 68. Lazzarotti, V. and R. Manzini, Different modes of open innovation: A theoretical framework and an empirical study. International Journal of Innovation Management, 2009. 13, 615–636; Lichtenthaler, U. Open innovation in practice: An analysis of strategic approaches to technology transactions. IEEE Transactions of Engineering Management, 2008. 55, 148–157.
  69. 69. Enkel, E. and K. Bader, “How to balance open and closed innovation: Strategy and culture as influencing factors,” in Tidd, J., Open innovation research, management and practice. 2014, Imperial College Press, London.
  70. 70. Nambisan, S. and M. Sawhney, The global brain: Your roadmap for innovating smarter and faster in a networked world. 2007, Philadelphia Wharton School Publishing.
  71. 71. Cheeks, N., How NASA uses “infusion partnerships,” in PDMA Visions. 2007, Product Development Management Association: Mount Laurel, N.J. pp. 9–12.
  72. 72. Añón Higón, D., In-house versus external basic research and first-to-market innovations. Research Policy, 2016. 45(4), 816–829; Bahemia, H, B. Squire, A contingent perspective of open innovation in new product development projects. International Journal of Innovation Management, 2010. 14(4), 603–627; Huizingh, E.K.R.E., Open innovation: State of the art and future perspectives. Technovation, 2011. 13(1), 2–9; Schweitzer, F.M., O. Gassmann, and K. Gaubinger, Open innovation and its ability to embrace turbulent environments. International Journal of Innovation Management, 2011. 15(6), 1191–1208.
  73. 73. Denicolai, S., M. Ramirez, and J. Tidd, Overcoming the false dichotomy between internal R&D and external knowledge acquisition: Absorptive capacity dynamics over time. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2016. 104, 57–65; Remneland-Wilkhamn, B., et al., Open innovation, generativity and the supplier as peer. International Journal of Innovation Management, 2011. 15(1), 205–230; Klioutch, I. and J. Leker, Supplier involvement in customer new product development: New insights from the supplier’s perspective. International Journal of Innovation Management, 2011. 15(1), 231–248.
  74. 74. Colombo, G., C. Dell’era, and F. Frattini, New product development service suppliers in open innovation practices: Processes and organization for knowledge exchange and integration. International Journal of Innovation Management, 2011. 15(1), 165–204; Fredberg, T., M. Elmquist, and S. Ollila, Managing open innovation-present findings and future directions. VINNOVA Report. VINNOVA – Verket för Innovationssystem/Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems, 2008, Stockholm, Sweden.
  75. 75. Hopkins, M.M., et al., Generative and degenerative interactions: Positive and negative dynamics of open, user-centric innovation in technology and engineering consultancies. R&D Management, 2011. 41(1), 44–60; Remneland-Wilkhamn, B., et al., Open innovation, generativity and the supplier as peer. International Journal of Innovation Management, 2011. 15(1), 205–230.
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