Chapter 1. UITableView Touch Up

Chances are that you have built a simple app before. If you have, there's a good probability that you have used UITableView. The UITableView is a core component in many applications. Virtually all applications that display a list of some sort make use of UITableView.

Because UITableView is such an important component in the world of iOS I want you to dive in to it straight away. You may or may not have looked at UITableView before but that's okay. You'll be up to speed in no time and you'll learn how this component achieves that smooth 60 frames per seconds (fps) scrolling that users know and love. If your app can maintain a steady 60fps your app will feel more responsive and scrolling will feel perfectly smooth to users, which is exactly what you want. We'll also cover new UITableView features that make it even easier to optimize your table views.

In addition to covering the basics of UITableView, you'll learn how to make use of the Contacts.framework to build an application that shows a list of your users' contacts. This is similar to what the native Contacts app does on iOS.

The contacts in the UITableView component will be rendered in a custom cell. You will learn how to create such a cell, using Auto Layout. Auto Layout is a technique that will be covered throughout this book because it's an important part of every iOS developer's tool belt. If you haven't used Auto Layout before, that's okay. This chapter will cover a few basics, and the layout is relatively simple, so you can gradually get used to it as we go.

To sum it all up, this chapter covers:

  • Configuring and displaying the UITableView
  • Fetching a user's contacts through the Contacts.framework
  • UITableView delegate and data source
  • Creating a custom UITableViewCell
  • UITableView performance characteristics

Setting up the User Interface (UI)

Every time you start a new project in Xcode, you have to pick a template for your application. These templates will provide you with a bit of boiler plate code or sometimes they will configure a very basic layout for you. Throughout this book, the starting point will always be the Single View Application template. This template will provide you with a bare minimum of boilerplate code. This will enable you to start from scratch every time, and it will boost your knowledge of how the Xcode-provided templates work internally.

In this chapter, you'll create an app called HelloContacts. This is the app that will render your user's contacts in a UITableView. Create a new project by selecting File | New | Project. Select the Single View template, give your project a name (HelloContacts), and make sure you select Swift as the language for your project. You can uncheck all CoreData- and testing-related checkboxes; they aren't of interest right now. Your configuration should resemble the following screenshot:

Setting up the User Interface (UI)

Once you have your app configured, open the Main.storyboard file. This is where you will create your UITableView and give it a layout. Storyboards are a great way for you to work on an app and have all of the screens in your app visualized at once.

If you have worked with UITableView before, you may have used UITableViewController. This is a subclass of UIViewController that has a UITableView set as its view. It also abstracts away some of the more complex concepts of UITableView that we are interested in. So, for now, you will be working with the UIViewController subclass that holds UITableView and is configured manually.

On the right-hand side of the window, you'll find the Object Library. The Object Library is opened by clicking on the circular icon that contains a square in the bottom half of the sidebar. In the Object Library, look for a UITableView. If you start typing the name of what you're looking for in the search box, it should automatically be filtered out for you. After you locate it, drag it into your app's view. Then, with UITableView selected, drag the white squares to all corners of the screen so that it covers your entire viewport.

If you go to the dynamic viewport inspector at the bottom of the screen by clicking on the current device name as shown in the following screenshot, and select a larger device such as an iPad or a smaller device such as the iPhone SE, you will notice that UITableView doesn't cover the viewport as nicely. On smaller screens, the UITableView will be larger than the viewport. On larger screens, UITableView simply doesn't stretch:

Setting up the User Interface (UI)

This is why we will use Auto Layout. Auto Layout enables you to create layouts that will adapt to different viewports to make sure it looks good on all of the devices that are currently out there. For UITableView, you can pin the edges of the table to the edges of the superview, which is the view controller's main view. This will make sure the table stretches or shrinks to fill the screen at all times.

Auto Layout uses constraints to describe layouts. UITableView should get some constraints that describe its relation to the edges of your view controller. The easiest way to add these constraints is to let Xcode handle it for you. To do this, switch the dynamic viewport inspector back to the view you initially selected.

First, ensure UITableView properly covers the entire viewport, and then click on the Resolve Auto Layout Issues button at the bottom-right corner of the screen and select Reset to Suggested Constraints:

Setting up the User Interface (UI)

This button automatically adds the required constraints for you. The added constraints will ensure that each edge of UITableView sticks to the corresponding edge of its superview. You can manually inspect these constraints in the Document Outline on the left-hand side of the Interface Builder window.

Setting up the User Interface (UI)

Make sure that everything works by changing the preview device in the dynamic viewport inspector again. You should verify that no matter which device you choose now, the table will stretch or shrink to cover the entire view at all times.

Now that you have set up your project with UITableView added to the interface and the constraints have been added, it's time to start writing some code. The next step is to use Contacts.framework to fetch some contacts from your user's address book.

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