

account level (multiaccount structure), Navigating the HD wallet tree structure
accounts, Transaction Outputs and Inputs
addr message, Network Discovery
address (see bitcoin address)
addresses, Wallet Addresses and Receiving TransactionsWallet Addresses and Receiving Transactions
addresses, bitcoin, Bitcoin AddressesCompressed private keys
Base58 encoding, Bitcoin AddressesBase58 and Base58Check Encoding
Base58Check encoding, Bitcoin AddressesBase58 and Base58Check Encoding
converting compressed keys to, Compressed public keys
created by Multibit, Quick Start
defined, Introduction
generally, Bitcoin AddressesBase58 and Base58Check Encoding
implementing in Python, Implementing Keys and Addresses in PythonImplementing Keys and Addresses in Python
key formats, Key FormatsCompressed private keys
multi-signature addresses, Pay-to-Script Hash (P2SH) and Multi-Sig Addresses
Pay-to-Script Hash (P2SH), Pay-to-Script Hash (P2SH) and Multi-Sig Addresses
Pay-to-Script-Hash (P2SH), Pay-to-script-hash addresses
public keys vs., Bitcoin Addresses
sharing, Quick Start
vanity, Vanity AddressesVanity address security
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Encrypted Private Keys (BIP0038)
alert messages, Alert Messages
alt chains, A Taxonomy of Alternative Currencies and Chains
timeline of, Alt Coins
alt coins, Alt CoinsDarkcoin
anonymity focused, Anonymity-Focused Alt Coins: CryptoNote, Bytecoin, Monero, Zerocash/Zerocoin, DarkcoinDarkcoin
consensus innovation, Consensus Innovation: Peercoin, Myriad, Blackcoin, Vericoin, NXT
evaluating, Evaluating an Alt Coin
monetary parameter alternatives, Monetary Parameter Alternatives: Litecoin, Dogecoin, Freicoin
timeline of, Alt Coins
AML (Anti-Money Laundering) banking regulations, Getting Your First Bitcoins
Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC), Mining and the Hashing Race, Bytecoin
mining with, Successfully Mining the Block
ATMs, bitcoin, Getting Your First Bitcoins
authentication path, Merkle Trees script, Compiling Bitcoin Core from the Source Code


b-money, History of Bitcoin
cold-storage wallets, Physical Bitcoin Storage
of random wallets, Nondeterministic (Random) Wallets
of wallets, Wallet Backup, Plain-text Dump, and Restore
paper wallets, Paper WalletsPaper Wallets
backupwallet command (bitcoin-cli), Wallet Backup, Plain-text Dump, and Restore
balanced trees, Merkle Trees
balances, Transaction Outputs and Inputs
banking regulations and bitcoin, Getting Your First Bitcoins
Base-64 representation, Base58 and Base58Check Encoding
Base58 encoding, Bitcoin AddressesBase58 and Base58Check Encoding
Base58Check encoding, Bitcoin AddressesBitcoin Addresses
bitcoin address, complete code for, Base58 and Base58Check Encoding
decoding to hex, Decode from Base58Check to hex
extended keys and, Extended keys
from hex, Encode from hex to Base58Check
prefixes, listed, Base58 and Base58Check Encoding
WIF prefix for, Encode from hex to Base58Check
base58check-decode command (sx tools), Decode from Base58Check to hex
bi-twin prime chains, Primecoin
binary hash tree, Merkle Trees
bip, Quick Glossary
BIP0016, Pay-to-Script Hash (P2SH) and Multi-Sig Addresses
BIP0032, Hierarchical Deterministic Wallets (BIP0032/BIP0044)Experimenting with HD wallets using sx tools
BIP0038, Encrypted Private Keys (BIP0038)
BIP0039, Mnemonic Code Words
BIP0043, Navigating the HD wallet tree structure
BIP0044, Hierarchical Deterministic Wallets (BIP0032/BIP0044)Experimenting with HD wallets using sx tools, Encrypted Private Keys (BIP0038)
paper wallets, generating, Paper Wallets
bitcoin, Quick Glossary, What Is Bitcoin?Sending and Receiving Bitcoins
acquiring, Getting Your First Bitcoins
death of owner and, Survivability
defined, What Is Bitcoin?
development of, History of Bitcoin
establishing ownership of, Introduction
forms of, Getting Started
implementation of, Transactions, Blocks, Mining, and the BlockchainSpending the Transaction
precursors to, What Is Bitcoin?
rate of issuance, What Is Bitcoin?, Introduction
sending/receiving, Sending and Receiving BitcoinsSending and Receiving Bitcoins
storage, physical, Physical Bitcoin Storage
system security, Developing Bitcoin Systems Securely
wallet setup, Quick Start
bitcoin address, Quick Glossary
bitcoin ATMs, Getting Your First Bitcoins
bitcoin client, Bitcoin Core: The Reference ImplementationControlling btcd
Bitcoin Core, Bitcoin Core: The Reference ImplementationCreating, Signing, and Submitting Transactions Based on Unspent Outputs
Bitcoin Core client, Bitcoin Core: The Reference ImplementationCreating, Signing, and Submitting Transactions Based on Unspent Outputs
alerts, configuring, Alert Messages
and full nodes, Full Nodes
client status, getting, Getting Information on the Bitcoin Core Client Status
compiling from source code, Compiling Bitcoin Core from the Source CodeCompiling Bitcoin Core from the Source Code
disk space requirement for, Running Bitcoin Core for the First Time
documentation, Compiling Bitcoin Core from the Source Code
genesis block in, The Genesis Block
JSON-RPC API for, Using Bitcoin Core’s JSON-RPC API from the Command LineCreating, Signing, and Submitting Transactions Based on Unspent Outputs
running, Running Bitcoin Core for the First Time
source code, downloading, Compiling Bitcoin Core from the Source Code
using from command line, Using Bitcoin Core’s JSON-RPC API from the Command LineCreating, Signing, and Submitting Transactions Based on Unspent Outputs
Bitcoin improvement proposals, Bitcoin Improvement ProposalsBitcoin Improvement Proposals
bitcoin ledger, outputs in, Transaction OutputsSpending conditions (encumbrances)
bitcoin network, Peer-to-Peer Network ArchitectureAlert Messages
alert messages, Alert Messages
architecture of, Peer-to-Peer Network Architecture
bloom filters and, Bloom FiltersBloom Filters and Inventory Updates
broadcasting transactions to, Broadcasting Transactions to the Bitcoin Network
defined, Peer-to-Peer Network Architecture
discovery, Network DiscoveryNetwork Discovery
extended, The Extended Bitcoin Network
nodes, Nodes Types and Roles
origin of, History of Bitcoin
propagating transactions on, Propagating Transactions on the Bitcoin Network
transaction pools, Transaction Pools
bitcoin-cli command line helper, Using Bitcoin Core’s JSON-RPC API from the Command LineCreating, Signing, and Submitting Transactions Based on Unspent Outputs
backupwallet command, Wallet Backup, Plain-text Dump, and Restore
createrawtransaction command, Creating, Signing, and Submitting Transactions Based on Unspent OutputsCreating, Signing, and Submitting Transactions Based on Unspent Outputs
decoderawtransaction command, Exploring and Decoding TransactionsExploring and Decoding Transactions, Creating, Signing, and Submitting Transactions Based on Unspent OutputsCreating, Signing, and Submitting Transactions Based on Unspent Outputs
dumpwallet command, Wallet Backup, Plain-text Dump, and Restore
getaddressesbyaccount command, Wallet Addresses and Receiving TransactionsWallet Addresses and Receiving Transactions
getbalance command, Wallet Addresses and Receiving TransactionsWallet Addresses and Receiving Transactions
getblock command, Exploring Blocks
getblockhash command, Exploring Blocks
getinfo command, Getting Information on the Bitcoin Core Client Status
getnewaddress command, Wallet Addresses and Receiving TransactionsWallet Addresses and Receiving Transactions
getrawtransaction command, Exploring and Decoding TransactionsExploring and Decoding Transactions
getreceivedbyaddress command, Wallet Addresses and Receiving TransactionsWallet Addresses and Receiving Transactions
gettransaction command, Exploring and Decoding TransactionsExploring and Decoding Transactions
gettxout command, Creating, Signing, and Submitting Transactions Based on Unspent OutputsCreating, Signing, and Submitting Transactions Based on Unspent Outputs
importwallet command, Wallet Backup, Plain-text Dump, and Restore
listtransactions command, Wallet Addresses and Receiving TransactionsWallet Addresses and Receiving Transactions
listunspent command, Creating, Signing, and Submitting Transactions Based on Unspent OutputsCreating, Signing, and Submitting Transactions Based on Unspent Outputs
sendrawtransaction command, Creating, Signing, and Submitting Transactions Based on Unspent OutputsCreating, Signing, and Submitting Transactions Based on Unspent Outputs
signrawtransaction command, Creating, Signing, and Submitting Transactions Based on Unspent OutputsCreating, Signing, and Submitting Transactions Based on Unspent Outputs
wallet setup with, Wallet Setup and Encryption
walletpassphrase command, Wallet Setup and Encryption, Quick Start
Bitcoin Core, downloading, Bitcoin Core: The Reference Implementation
Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System. (Nakamoto), History of Bitcoin, Sending and Receiving Bitcoins, Sending and Receiving Bitcoins
bitcoind client (see Bitcoin Core client)
BitcoinJ library, Alternative Clients, Libraries, and Toolkits, The Extended Bitcoin Network
bitcoins, buying for cash, Getting Your First Bitcoins, Sending and Receiving Bitcoins
Bitmessage, NXT
Bits of Proof (BOP), Alternative Clients, Libraries, and Toolkits
Bitstamp currency market, Getting Your First Bitcoins
Blake algorithm, Consensus Innovation: Peercoin, Myriad, Blackcoin, Vericoin, NXT
block, Quick Glossary
block hash, Block Identifiers: Block Header Hash and Block Height
block header hash, Block Identifiers: Block Header Hash and Block Height
block headers, Block Header
computing power and, The Extra Nonce Solution
constructing, Constructing the Block Header
getting on SPV nodes, Simplified Payment Verification (SPV) Nodes
block height, Block Identifiers: Block Header Hash and Block Height
block templates, Managed pools
blockchain, Quick Glossary
blockchain apps, A Taxonomy of Alternative Currencies and Chains
blockchain explorer websites, Transactions, Blocks, Mining, and the Blockchain website, Sending and Receiving Bitcoins, Transactions, Blocks, Mining, and the Blockchain
blockchains, IntroductionMerkle Trees and Simplified Payment Verification (SPV)
assembling, Assembling and Selecting Chains of BlocksBlockchain Forks
assembling blocks into, Aggregating Transactions into Blocks
creating on nodes, Exchanging “Inventory”
downloading with bittorrent clients, Compiling Bitcoin Core from the Source Code
forks, Blockchain ForksBlockchain Forks
full nodes and, Full Nodes
genesis block, The Genesis Block
linking blocks to, Linking Blocks in the Blockchain
main, Assembling and Selecting Chains of Blocks
merkle trees and, Merkle TreesMerkle Trees
Namecoin, Namecoin
on full nodes, Full Nodes
on new nodes, Exchanging “Inventory”
on SPV nodes, Simplified Payment Verification (SPV) Nodes
selecting, Assembling and Selecting Chains of BlocksBlockchain Forks
size of, and compressed public keys, Compressed public keys
storing unrelated information in, Data Output (OP_RETURN)
synchronizing for Bitcoin Core, Running Bitcoin Core for the First Time, Transactions, Blocks, Mining, and the Blockchain website, Transactions, Blocks, Mining, and the Blockchain
assembling, Aggregating Transactions into Blocks
assembling chains of, Assembling and Selecting Chains of BlocksBlockchain Forks
candidate, aggregating, Aggregating Transactions into Blocks
exploring, Exploring Blocks
header hash, Block Identifiers: Block Header Hash and Block Height
headers, Block Header
height, Block Identifiers: Block Header Hash and Block Height
identifiers, Block Identifiers: Block Header Hash and Block Height
linking to blockchain, Linking Blocks in the Blockchain
mining, Mining the BlockDifficulty Target and Retargeting
on new nodes, Exchanging “Inventory”
selecting chains of, Assembling and Selecting Chains of BlocksBlockchain Forks
structure of, Structure of a Block
validating new, Validating a New Block
bloom filters, Bloom FiltersBloom Filters and Inventory Updates
BOINC open grid computing, Gridcoin
btcd, btcd, The Extended Bitcoin Network
client, Alternative Clients, Libraries, and Toolkits
controlling, Controlling btcd
installing, Installing btcd
Buterin, Vitalik, Implementing Keys and Addresses in Python
Byzantine Generals Problem, History of Bitcoin


candidate blocks
age of transactions, Transaction Age, Fees, and PriorityTransaction Age, Fees, and Priority
aggregating, Aggregating Transactions into Blocks
priority of transactions, Transaction Age, Fees, and PriorityTransaction Age, Fees, and Priority
transaction fees, Transaction Age, Fees, and PriorityTransaction Age, Fees, and Priority
chaining transactions, Transaction Chaining and Orphan Transactions
chains, alternative, A Taxonomy of Alternative Currencies and Chains
noncurrency, Noncurrency Alt ChainsEthereum
change level (multiaccount structure), Navigating the HD wallet tree structure
change, making, Transaction Outputs and Inputs
CheckBlock function (Bitcoin Core client), Validating a New Block
CheckBlockHeader function (Bitcoin Core client), Validating a New Block
CHECKMULTISIG implementation, Multi-Signature
checksum, Base58 and Base58Check Encoding
child key derivation (CKD) function, Private child key derivation
hardened, Hardened child key derivation
public, Public child key derivation
using, Using derived child keys
child private keys, Private child key derivation
index numbers for, Index numbers for normal and hardened derivation
using, Using derived child keys
client status, getting, Getting Information on the Bitcoin Core Client Status
clients, alternative, Alternative Clients, Libraries, and ToolkitsControlling btcd
btcd, btcd
coin type level (multiaccount structure), Navigating the HD wallet tree structure
coinbase data, Coinbase DataCoinbase Data
fees and, Coinbase Reward and Fees
coinbase reward, calculating, Coinbase Reward and Fees
coinbase transaction, The Generation TransactionCoinbase Data, Getting Your First Bitcoins
CoinJoin, Transaction Chaining and Orphan Transactions
cold-storage wallets, Physical Bitcoin Storage
paper wallets as, Paper WalletsPaper Wallets
public child key derivation and, Public child key derivation
colored coins, Colored Coins
compressed keys
converting to bitcoin addresses, Compressed public keys
encoding/decoding from Base58Check, Encode from hex (compressed key) to Base58Check encoding
compressed private keys, Compressed private keys
compressed public keys, Compressed public keysCompressed public keys
configure script, Compiling Bitcoin Core from the Source Code
confirmation of transactions, Sending and Receiving Bitcoins
confirmations, Quick Glossary
consensus, IntroductionConsensus Attacks
attacks, Consensus AttacksConsensus Attacks
decentralized, Decentralized Consensus
innovation, Consensus Innovation: Peercoin, Myriad, Blackcoin, Vericoin, NXT
mining blocks successfully, Successfully Mining the Block
transactions independent verification, Independent Verification of Transactions
validating new blocks, Validating a New Block
consensus attacks
51% attacks, Consensus Attacks
denial of service attack, Consensus Attacks
contracts, in Ethereum, Ethereum
corporations, multi-sig governance and, Multi-sig and Governance
counterfeiting, What Is Bitcoin?
createrawtransaction command (bitcoin-cli), Creating, Signing, and Submitting Transactions Based on Unspent OutputsCreating, Signing, and Submitting Transactions Based on Unspent Outputs
credit card payment system, Security Principles
counterfeiting, What Is Bitcoin?
cryptocurrency, Public Key Cryptography and Cryptocurrency
cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generator (CSPRNG), Generating a private key from a random number
cryptography, What Is Bitcoin?
Cunningham prime chains, Primecoin
cURL HTTP client, Getting the Right Inputs
currencies, alternative, A Taxonomy of Alternative Currencies and Chains, Alt CoinsDarkcoin
anonymity focused, Anonymity-Focused Alt Coins: CryptoNote, Bytecoin, Monero, Zerocash/Zerocoin, DarkcoinDarkcoin
evaluating, Evaluating an Alt Coin
monetary parameter alternatives, Monetary Parameter Alternatives: Litecoin, Dogecoin, Freicoin
currency creation, Bitcoin Economics and Currency CreationBitcoin Economics and Currency Creation
currency markets, Getting Your First Bitcoins


data centers, mining with, Mining and the Hashing Race
data structure, Transaction Structure
data, converting to Base58Check, Base58 and Base58Check Encoding
death of owners, Survivability
decentralized consensus, Decentralized Consensus
decoderawtransaction command (bitcoin-cli), Exploring and Decoding TransactionsExploring and Decoding Transactions, Creating, Signing, and Submitting Transactions Based on Unspent OutputsCreating, Signing, and Submitting Transactions Based on Unspent Outputs
deflationary money, Bitcoin Economics and Currency Creation
demurrage currency, Freicoin
denial of service attack, Consensus Attacks
denial-of-service attack
Script language and, Turing Incompleteness
deterministic key generation, Wallets
deterministic wallets, Deterministic (Seeded) Wallets
hierarchical, Hierarchical Deterministic Wallets (BIP0032/BIP0044)Experimenting with HD wallets using sx tools
mnemonic code words, Mnemonic Code Words
difficulty, Quick Glossary
difficulty retargeting, Quick Glossary, Difficulty Target and Retargeting
difficulty target, Difficulty Representation
block generation rate and, Difficulty Target and Retargeting
computing power and, The Extra Nonce Solution
constructing block headers and, Constructing the Block Header
defined, Proof-Of-Work Algorithm
electricity cost and, Difficulty Target and Retargeting
extra nonce solution and, The Extra Nonce Solution
hashing power and, Mining and the Hashing Race
in block header, Block Header
retargeting, Difficulty Target and RetargetingDifficulty Target and Retargeting
digital notary services, Data Output (OP_RETURN)
disk space requirement for Bitcoin Core, Running Bitcoin Core for the First Time
Dogecoin, Key Utility (KU)
domain name service (DNS), Namecoin
double-spend attack, Consensus Attacks
double-spend problem, What Is Bitcoin?
dual-purpose mining, Dual-Purpose Mining Innovation: Primecoin, Curecoin, Gridcoin
dumpprivkey command (bitcoin-cli), Generating a private key from a random number
dumpwallet command (bitcoin-cli), Wallet Backup, Plain-text Dump, and Restore


eavesdroppers, Security Principles
ECC (see elliptic curve cryptography)
ecommerce servers, keys for, Public child key derivation
electricity cost and target difficulty, Difficulty Target and Retargeting
Electrum wallet, Mnemonic Code Words
elliptic curve cryptography, Elliptic Curve Cryptography ExplainedElliptic Curve Cryptography Explained
addition operator, Elliptic Curve Cryptography Explained
in Python, Implementing Keys and Addresses in Python
elliptic curve multiplication, Generating a Public Key
emergent consensus, Decentralized Consensus
criteria for, Independent Verification of Transactions
encrypted private keys, Encrypted Private Keys (BIP0038)
encryptwallet command (bitcoin-cli), Wallet Setup and Encryption
encumbrance, Transaction Outputs, Spending conditions (encumbrances)
exchange rate, finding, Sending and Receiving Bitcoins
exodus addresses, Mastercoin
extended bitcoin network, The Extended Bitcoin Network
extended keys, Extended keys
extra nonce solution to increasing difficulty targets, The Extra Nonce Solution


generation transaction
coinbase data, Coinbase DataCoinbase Data
coinbase rewards and, Coinbase Reward and Fees
fees and, Coinbase Reward and Fees
structure of, Structure of the Generation Transaction
generator point, Generating a Public Key
genesis block, Quick Glossary, Introduction, The Genesis Block
getaddressesbyaccount command (bitcoin-cli), Wallet Addresses and Receiving TransactionsWallet Addresses and Receiving Transactions
getbalance command (bitcoin-cli), Wallet Addresses and Receiving TransactionsWallet Addresses and Receiving Transactions
unconfirmed transactions and, Wallet Addresses and Receiving Transactions
getblock command (bitcoin-cli), Exploring Blocks
getblockhash command (bitcoin-cli), Exploring Blocks
GetBlockTemplate (GBT) mining protocol, Managed pools
getheaders message, Simplified Payment Verification (SPV) Nodes
getinfo command (bitcoin-cli), Getting Information on the Bitcoin Core Client Status
getnewaddress command (bitcoin-cli), Wallet Addresses and Receiving TransactionsWallet Addresses and Receiving Transactions, Generating a private key from a random number
getpeerinfo command, Network Discovery
getrawtransaction command (bitcoin-cli), Exploring and Decoding TransactionsExploring and Decoding Transactions
getreceivedbyaddress command (bitcoin-cli), Wallet Addresses and Receiving TransactionsWallet Addresses and Receiving Transactions
gettransaction command (bitcoin-cli), Exploring and Decoding TransactionsExploring and Decoding Transactions
gettxout command (bitcoin-cli), Creating, Signing, and Submitting Transactions Based on Unspent OutputsCreating, Signing, and Submitting Transactions Based on Unspent Outputs
GetWork (GWK) mining protocol, Managed pools
GitHub, downloading Bitcoin Core from, Compiling Bitcoin Core from the Source Code
Go programming language, btcd
governance, Multi-sig and Governance
graphical processing units (GPUs), Generating vanity addresses
processing power of, Mining and the Hashing Race
Graphical Processing Units (GPUs), Bytecoin
Groestl algorithm, Consensus Innovation: Peercoin, Myriad, Blackcoin, Vericoin, NXT


importwallet command (bitcoin-cli), Wallet Backup, Plain-text Dump, and Restore
inflation, resisting, Bitcoin Economics and Currency Creation
inputs, defined, Bitcoin Transactions, Transaction Structure
insecure networks, transmitting bitcoin over, Broadcasting Transactions to the Bitcoin Network, Transactions, Blocks, Mining, and the Blockchain
inv messages, Exchanging “Inventory”
inventory updates, bloom filters and, Bloom Filters and Inventory Updates
isStandard() function, Multi-Signature


JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), Getting Information on the Bitcoin Core Client Status
Just a Bunch Of Keys (JBOK) wallets, Nondeterministic (Random) Wallets


main blockchain, Assembling and Selecting Chains of Blocks
managed pools, Managed pools
MAX_BLOCKS_IN_TRANSIT_PER_PEER constant, Exchanging “Inventory”
MAX_ORPHAN_TRANSACTIONS constant, Transaction Chaining and Orphan Transactions
memory pool, Aggregating Transactions into Blocks
merkle path, Merkle Trees
merkle trees, Merkle TreesMerkle Trees
constructing block headers with, Constructing the Block Header
SPV and, Simplified Payment Verification (SPV) Nodes, Merkle Trees and Simplified Payment Verification (SPV)
Merkle trees
constructing, Merkle Trees
merkleblock message, Merkle Trees and Simplified Payment Verification (SPV)
messages, sending in blockchain, Bitmessage
meta chains, A Taxonomy of Alternative Currencies and Chains
meta coin platforms, A Taxonomy of Alternative Currencies and Chains, Meta Coin PlatformsCounterparty
colored coins, Colored Coins
counterparty protocol, Counterparty
meta-coin platforms
mastercoin protocol, Mastercoin
miner, Quick Glossary
miners, Introduction
mining, IntroductionConsensus Attacks
aggregating transactions and, Aggregating Transactions into Blocks
algorithms regulating, What Is Bitcoin?
blockchains, Bitcoin Mining
blocks, Mining the BlockDifficulty Target and Retargeting
currency creation, Bitcoin Economics and Currency CreationBitcoin Economics and Currency Creation
difficulty bits, Difficulty Representation
difficulty targets, Difficulty Representation
dual-purpose, Dual-Purpose Mining Innovation: Primecoin, Curecoin, Gridcoin
hardware, alerts and, Alert Messages
hashing race and, Mining and the Hashing RaceP2Pool
nodes, Mining Nodes
profitability of, Bitcoin Mining
proof-of-work algorithm and, Proof-Of-Work AlgorithmProof-Of-Work Algorithm
transactions in blocks, Mining Transactions in Blocks
validating new blocks, Validating a New Block
mining pools, Mining PoolsMining Pools
managed pools, Managed pools
on the bitcoin network, The Extended Bitcoin Network
P2Pool, P2Pool
mining rigs, Mining Nodes
mnemonic code words, Mnemonic Code Words
Electrum wallet and, Mnemonic Code Words
Trezor wallet and, Mnemonic Code Words
mobile clients, Getting Started
monetary parameter alternatives, Monetary Parameter Alternatives: Litecoin, Dogecoin, Freicoin
Moore’s Law, Mining and the Hashing Race
multi-signature account, Consensus Attacks
multi-signature addresses, Pay-to-Script Hash (P2SH) and Multi-Sig Addresses
security and, Multi-sig and Governance
multi-signature scripts, Multi-Signature
limits on, Multi-Signature
P2SH and, Pay-to-Script-Hash (P2SH)Redeem script and isStandard validation
multiaccount structure, Navigating the HD wallet tree structure
Multibit client, Quick Start


offline transactions, Constructing a Transaction
OpenSSL cryptographic library, Generating a Public Key
operating systems, bitcoin security and, User Security Best Practices
OP_RETURN operator, Data Output (OP_RETURN)
origination of transactions, Transaction Lifecycle
orphan blocks, Assembling and Selecting Chains of Blocks
orphan transaction pool, Transaction Chaining and Orphan Transactions, Transaction Pools
storage, Transaction Pools
orphan transactions, Transaction Chaining and Orphan Transactions
outputs, defined, Bitcoin Transactions, Transaction Structure


P2Pool, P2Pool
paper wallets, Paper WalletsPaper Wallets, Physical Bitcoin Storage
BIP0038 encryption and, Encrypted Private Keys (BIP0038)
spending, Paper Wallets
parent blocks, Introduction
pay-to-public-key, Pay-to-Public-Key
Pay-to-Public-Key-Hash (P2PKH), Pay-to-Script Hash (P2SH) and Multi-Sig Addresses
pay-to-public-key-hash (P2PKH), Pay-to-Public-Key-Hash (P2PKH)Pay-to-Public-Key-Hash (P2PKH)
bloom filters and, Bloom Filters
Pay-to-Script Hash (P2SH), Pay-to-Script Hash (P2SH) and Multi-Sig Addresses
Pay-to-script-hash (P2SH), Pay-to-Script-Hash (P2SH)Redeem script and isStandard validation
addresses, Pay-to-script-hash addresses
benefits of, Benefits of pay-to-script-hash
pay-to-script-hash (P2SH)
bloom filters and, Bloom Filters
coinbase data and, Coinbase Data
isStandard validation, Redeem script and isStandard validation
redeem script for, Redeem script and isStandard validation
Pay-to-Script-Hash (P2SH)
locking scripts, Redeem script and isStandard validation
payment networks, traditional, Security Principles
peer-to-peer networks, Peer-to-Peer Network Architecture
automatic management, overriding, Network Discovery
connections, Network Discovery
discovery by new nodes, Network DiscoveryNetwork Discovery
picocoin, Alternative Clients, Libraries, and Toolkits
point at infinity (ECC), Elliptic Curve Cryptography Explained
pool operator of mining pools, Managed pools
Previous Block Hash, Constructing the Block Header
prime number exponentiation, Public Key Cryptography and Cryptocurrency
private key (see secret key)
private keys, Private KeysGenerating a private key from a random number
CKD function and, Private child key derivation
compressed, Compressed private keys
creating by hand, Private Keys
deployments without, Public child key derivation
encrypted, Encrypted Private Keys (BIP0038)
exposing with bitcoind, Generating a private key from a random number
exposing with paper wallets, Paper Wallets
format, Private key formats
generating from random numbers, Generating a private key from a random numberGenerating a private key from a random number
processing power and hash racing, Mining and the Hashing RaceP2Pool
proof of stake, Consensus Innovation: Peercoin, Myriad, Blackcoin, Vericoin, NXT
proof of work, Proof-Of-Work Algorithm
proof-of-work, Quick Glossary
proof-of-work algorithm, History of Bitcoin
alternative, Alt Coins
for Darkcoin, Darkcoin
Proof-Of-Work algorithm, Proof-Of-Work AlgorithmProof-Of-Work Algorithm
protein folding algorithms, Curecoin
public child key derivation, Public child key derivation
indexes for, Index numbers for normal and hardened derivation
public key (see bitcoin address)
public key cryptography, Public Key Cryptography and Cryptocurrency
elliptic curve cryptography, Elliptic Curve Cryptography ExplainedElliptic Curve Cryptography Explained
implementation of, Public Key Cryptography and Cryptocurrency
public keys, Private and Public Keys
bitcoin addresses vs., Bitcoin Addresses
compressed, Compressed public keysCompressed public keys
compression, Compressed public keys
formats of, Public key formats
generating, Public Keys, Generating a Public KeyGenerating a Public Key
purpose level (multiaccount structure), Navigating the HD wallet tree structure
pybitcointools, Implementing Keys and Addresses in PythonImplementing Keys and Addresses in Python
pybitcointools library, Alternative Clients, Libraries, and Toolkits
pycoin library, Alternative Clients, Libraries, and Toolkits, pycoin
implementing addresses in, Implementing Keys and Addresses in PythonImplementing Keys and Addresses in Python
implementing keys in, Implementing Keys and Addresses in PythonImplementing Keys and Addresses in Python
pycoin library, pycoin
Python ECDSA library, Implementing Keys and Addresses in Python


QR codes
payment requests as, Buying a Cup of Coffee


RACE Integrity Primitives Evaluation Message Digest (RIPEMD), Bitcoin Addresses
random wallets, Nondeterministic (Random) Wallets
backing up, Nondeterministic (Random) Wallets
redeem script, Pay-to-Script-Hash (P2SH)
release candidates, Compiling Bitcoin Core from the Source Code
release tags, Compiling Bitcoin Core from the Source Code
reward, Quick Glossary
RIPEMD160, Bitcoin Addresses
risk, security, Balancing Risk
root of trust, The Root of Trust
root seeds, HD wallet creation from a seed


Satoshi client (see Bitcoin Core client)
satoshis, Transaction Outputs and Inputs
defined, Buying a Cup of Coffee
script hashes, Pay-to-Script Hash (P2SH) and Multi-Sig Addresses
Script language, Scripting LanguageScripting Language, Transaction Script Language Operators, Constants, and SymbolsTransaction Script Language Operators, Constants, and Symbols
binary arithmetic operators, Transaction Script Language Operators, Constants, and Symbols
boolean logic operators, Transaction Script Language Operators, Constants, and Symbols
conditional flow operators, Transaction Script Language Operators, Constants, and Symbols
cryptographic function operators, Transaction Script Language Operators, Constants, and Symbols
flow-control/loops in, Turing Incompleteness
numeric operators, Transaction Script Language Operators, Constants, and Symbols
push operators, Transaction Script Language Operators, Constants, and Symbols
reserved operator codes, Transaction Script Language Operators, Constants, and SymbolsTransaction Script Language Operators, Constants, and Symbols
stack manipulation operators, Transaction Script Language Operators, Constants, and Symbols
statelessness of, Turing Incompleteness
string operators, Transaction Script Language Operators, Constants, and Symbols
symbols, Transaction Script Language Operators, Constants, and Symbols
scripts, Transaction Scripts and Script LanguageStateless Verification
construction of, Script Construction (Lock + Unlock)
language for, Scripting LanguageScripting Language
scrypt algorithm, Alt Coins
scrypt-N algorithm, Consensus Innovation: Peercoin, Myriad, Blackcoin, Vericoin, NXT
secondary chains, Assembling and Selecting Chains of Blocks
secp256k1 curve standard, Elliptic Curve Cryptography Explained
generator point definition in, Generating a Public Key
secret key, Quick Glossary
Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA), Bitcoin Addresses
security, Bitcoin SecurityConclusion
centralized controls and, Developing Bitcoin Systems Securely
child private keys and, Using derived child keys
consensus attacks, Consensus AttacksConsensus Attacks
death of owner and, Survivability
encrypted private keys, Encrypted Private Keys (BIP0038)
extended public keys and, Hardened child key derivation
governance, Multi-sig and Governance
hardened child key derivation, Hardened child key derivation
immutability of blockchain and, Introduction
multi-signature addresses and, Multi-sig and Governance
of private keys, Encrypted Private Keys (BIP0038)
of vanity addresses, Vanity address security
of wallet backups, Encrypted Private Keys (BIP0038)
principles of, Security Principles
root of trust, The Root of Trust
survivability, Survivability
user, User Security Best PracticesConclusion
vanity addresses and, Vanity address security
seed nodes, Network Discovery
seeded wallets, Deterministic (Seeded) Wallets
CKD function and, Private child key derivation
HD wallets, HD wallet creation from a seed
mnemonic code words, Mnemonic Code Words
sendrawtransaction command (bitcoin-cli), Creating, Signing, and Submitting Transactions Based on Unspent OutputsCreating, Signing, and Submitting Transactions Based on Unspent Outputs
SHA256, Bitcoin Addresses
SHA3 algorithm, Consensus Innovation: Peercoin, Myriad, Blackcoin, Vericoin, NXT
share chains, P2Pool
shopping carts, public keys for, Public child key derivation
sibling chains (to main chain), Assembling and Selecting Chains of Blocks
signrawtransaction command (bitcoin-cli), Creating, Signing, and Submitting Transactions Based on Unspent OutputsCreating, Signing, and Submitting Transactions Based on Unspent Outputs
simplified payment verification (SPV) nodes, Simplified Payment Verification (SPV) NodesSimplified Payment Verification (SPV) Nodes
defined, Nodes Types and Roles
verification, Simplified Payment Verification (SPV) Nodes
Simplified Payment Verification (SPV) nodes
bloom filters and, Bloom FiltersBloom Filters and Inventory Updates
merkle trees and, Merkle Trees and Simplified Payment Verification (SPV)
Skein algorithm, Consensus Innovation: Peercoin, Myriad, Blackcoin, Vericoin, NXT
smart contracts, Data Output (OP_RETURN)
smartphones, bitcoin clients for, Getting Started
solo miners, Mining Pools
stack, defined, Scripting Language
stateless verification of transactions, Stateless Verification
stock certificates, Data Output (OP_RETURN)
colored coins as, Colored Coins
Stratum (STM) mining protocol, Peer-to-Peer Network Architecture, Managed pools
survivability, Survivability
sx tools, Libbitcoin and sx Tools
commands in, Available Commands with sx ToolsAvailable Commands with sx Tools
decoding Base58Check to/from hex, Decode from Base58Check to hex
HD wallets and, Experimenting with HD wallets using sx tools
installing, Installing sx
modifying private key formats with, Private key formats
syncing the blockchain, Exchanging “Inventory”


target difficulty, Quick Glossary
timestamping blocks, Constructing the Block Header
in block header, Block Header
toolkits, alternative, Alternative Clients, Libraries, and ToolkitsControlling btcd
transaction, Quick Glossary
transaction database index, Exploring and Decoding Transactions
transaction malleability, Exploring and Decoding Transactions
transaction pools, Transaction Pools
adding blocks to, Aggregating Transactions into Blocks
storage, Transaction Pools
transaction utility (tx), Transaction Utility (TX)
transactions, Buying a Cup of CoffeeBob’s view, IntroductionRedeem script and isStandard validation
accepting without confirmations, Bob’s view
adding to ledger, Adding the Transaction to the Ledger
age of, Transaction Age, Fees, and PriorityTransaction Age, Fees, and Priority
aggregating into blocks, Aggregating Transactions into Blocks
broadcasting to network, Broadcasting Transactions to the Bitcoin Network
chaining, Transaction Chaining and Orphan Transactions
common forms of, Common Transaction FormsCommon Transaction Forms
constructing, Constructing a TransactionBob’s view
creating, Creating Transactions
creating from the command line, Creating, Signing, and Submitting Transactions Based on Unspent OutputsCreating, Signing, and Submitting Transactions Based on Unspent Outputs
decoding, Exploring and Decoding TransactionsExploring and Decoding Transactions
defined, Bitcoin Transactions
expiration, lack of, Transaction Age, Fees, and Priority
exploring, Exploring and Decoding TransactionsExploring and Decoding Transactions
fees, Adding Fees to TransactionsAdding Fees to Transactions, Introduction
independent verification of, Independent Verification of Transactions
inputs, Transaction InputsTransaction Inputs
inputs, getting, Getting the Right InputsGetting the Right Inputs
lifecycle of, Transaction LifecyclePropagating Transactions on the Bitcoin Network
locktime, Transaction Structure
mining in blocks, Mining Transactions in Blocks
multi-signature scripts, Multi-Signature
orphan, Transaction Chaining and Orphan Transactions
outputs, Transaction OutputsSpending conditions (encumbrances)
outputs, creating, Creating the Outputs
pay-to-public-key-hash, Pay-to-Public-Key-Hash (P2PKH)Pay-to-Public-Key-Hash (P2PKH)
Pay-to-script-hash, Pay-to-Script-Hash (P2SH)Redeem script and isStandard validation
priority of, Transaction Age, Fees, and PriorityTransaction Age, Fees, and Priority
propagating, How it propagates, Propagating Transactions on the Bitcoin Network
script language for, Transaction Scripts and Script LanguageStateless Verification
signing from the command line, Creating, Signing, and Submitting Transactions Based on Unspent OutputsCreating, Signing, and Submitting Transactions Based on Unspent Outputs
simple example of, Buying a Cup of CoffeeBuying a Cup of Coffee
spending, Spending the Transaction
statelessness of, Stateless Verification
storing unrelated information in, Data Output (OP_RETURN)
structure of, Transaction Structure
submitting from the command line, Creating, Signing, and Submitting Transactions Based on Unspent OutputsCreating, Signing, and Submitting Transactions Based on Unspent Outputs
taking off blockchain, Developing Bitcoin Systems Securely
transmitting, Transmitting the transaction
unconfirmed, pools of, Transaction Pools
unspent transaction output (UTXO), Transaction Outputs and Inputs
validation, Transaction Scripts and Script LanguageStateless Verification
verification criteria for, Independent Verification of Transactions
wallets, receiving, Wallet Addresses and Receiving TransactionsWallet Addresses and Receiving Transactions
transmitting transactions, Transmitting the transaction
Trezor wallet, Mnemonic Code Words, Hardware Wallets
public key derivation and, Public child key derivation
Turing Complete, Turing Incompleteness
tx messages, Simplified Payment Verification (SPV) Nodes
txindex option (Bitcoin Core), Exploring and Decoding Transactions
txout notation, Wallets
Type-0 nondeterministic wallet, Nondeterministic (Random) Wallets
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