
We started our journey with Entity Framework by knowing what difference it made when compared with the legacy approach at a high level. We also looked at building the .NET environment and creating and configuring the .NET Core web application with Entity Framework. We explored NuGet packages and package manager, which will be extensively used in the entire book. We also identified and installed the packages required for the Entity Framework in this chapter. Using the Code-First approach, we built the schema, configured them with EF and created and seeded the database with schema and seed data. Finally, we consumed the built schema in our MVC application using the scaffolding tool (which was installed along the way), and also looked at the usage of the database context in the controllers. The Code-First approach can be used for building new systems, but we need a different approach for existing systems. That's where the Database-First approach comes into the picture. Let's explore this in Chapter 2, The Other Way Around – Database First Approach.

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