Listing comments

The comments list feature could be added to the system by performing the following steps:

  1. Create a repository interface, ICommentRepository.
  2. Create a repository object, CommentRepository.


  1. Create a query object interface, IGetCommentsByPostQuery.
  2. Create a concrete query object, GetCommentsByPostQuery.
  3. Configure the CommentRepository injection in the Startup file.
  4. Create a View component, CommentsListViewComponent.
  5. Create a ViewDefault.cshtml, under Shared | Components | CommentsList.
  6. Include the current library in the _ViewImports.cshtml to support the custom tag helper.
  7. Add components using the custom tag helper, <vc:comments>.

The preceding listed implementation is performed and available in the following Git repository commit:

The View component rendering of the comments list is displayed in the following screenshot:

The comments list that gets rendered using the View component in the anonymous blog is displayed in the following screenshot:

We have seen the changes required to include Post comments to the system. In the next section, let's focus on how comments are added.

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