Developing Resources in the Import/Export Supply Chain Management

This chapter focuses on the trade assistance that is available to importers and exporters. In addition, the types of information that many organizations involved in trade assistance can provide are presented. Developing resource assistance in importing and exporting is a critical step to successful global supply chain management.


Many chambers of commerce provide services for members interested in importing and exporting. Services range from providing certificates of origin to supplying contacts with foreign companies and distributors. More active chambers of commerce are involved with international trade promotions and import and export workshops. They also provide access to business executives experienced in international trade.

The American Chambers of Commerce Abroad office is a valuable source of market information in any foreign country. It can supply leads on local trade opportunities, actual and potential competition, and periods of trading activity. Detailed service is supplied free to members of affiliated organizations; nonmembers usually are charged for some services.

A particularly active chamber, the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, has established a network of trade opportunities throughout Hispanic-speaking countries.


Export development programs are rapidly increasing at the state level and, in some cases, county and city levels. The assistance these groups offer includes education, identification of potential markets and trade leads, and help with obtaining financing and vehicles to promote exporting, like trade missions and trade shows.


The scope of services provided by this governmental agency is vast. The International Trade Administration (ITA) is a part of the Department of Commerce and deals with U.S. exports. The ITA has many divisions, each with a variety of services and products to help companies planning to export. Working with the Department of Commerce used to be daunting, but the process has been streamlined. Now all that is necessary is to contact the U.S. Foreign Commercial Service district office nearest you for information on everything from financing aid to sales leads. There are sixty-eight Department of Commerce district and branch offices throughout the United States and Puerto Rico.

U.S. businesses can participate in trade shows and trade missions sponsored or supported by the Department of Commerce. Trade missions target specific countries or groups of countries with promising export opportunities. For a description of the various trade shows and trade missions the Department of Commerce participates in, consult the Export Programs Guide, which can be obtained by calling the Trade Information Center (TIC). The TIC can also provide additional information on upcoming trade events.

Exporters can advertise U.S.-made products or services in Commercial News USA, a catalog/magazine published ten times a year to promote U.S. products and services in overseas markets. Commercial News USA is disseminated to business readers worldwide by U.S. embassies and consulates and international electronic bulletin boards, and selected portions are reprinted in certain newsletters. Advertisement fees are based on the size of the listing. For more information, call ABP International, visit the Commercial News USA website at http://www.cnewsusa.com, or contact your local Department of Commerce District Office.

U.S. exporters can also advertise in the International Broadcasting Bureau (IBB), which is part of the United States Information Agency. IBB is the umbrella organization of Voice of America (VOA), Worldnet TV, and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. VOA broadcasts almost 700 hours of programming to an estimated audience of 86 million each week. They can peg a company’s ads to different language broadcasts about a subject (for example, science and technology, health and medicine) or target the ads to a specific region or country. For additional information, contact the IBB.

The Department of Commerce’s Trade Opportunities Program provides daily private and public trade leads from U.S. embassies abroad. These leads are printed in the Journal of Commerce and other private-sector newspapers and are also available via the Economic Bulletin Board. Information on this bulletin board is accessible by Internet, modem, and fax. TIC fax retrieval document #7080 has detailed cost and ordering information for the Electronic Bulletin Board.

The Country Directories of International Contacts provides lists, categorized by country, of foreign directories of importers (showing name, address, telephone number, and other information), governmental agencies, trade associations, and other organizations in countries where the Commercial Service maintains a presence. This list represents the primary sources of contact information that each Commercial Service post thought was useful and does not represent an endorsement of any of the services listed.

The Agent/Distributor Service is a customized search on behalf of U.S. companies seeking foreign representation. U.S. commercial officers abroad conduct the agent/distributor search based on requirements specified by the requesting company. The search for agents and distributors takes sixty to ninety days and costs $250 per market. This service can be ordered from the local Department of Commerce District Office.

The Gold Key Service is custom-tailored for U.S. companies planning to visit a foreign country. It combines orientation briefings, market research, introductions to potential partners, interpreter service for meetings, and assistance in developing a marketing strategy. The local Department of Commerce District Office can provide more information on this service.

The International Buyer Program supports major domestic trade shows featuring products and services of U.S. industries with high export potential. U.S. and Foreign Commercial Service offices worldwide recruit qualified foreign buyers to attend the shows. The shows are extensively publicized in embassy and regional commercial newsletters, catalogs/magazines, foreign trade associations, chambers of commerce, travel agents, governmental agencies, corporations, import agents, and equipment distributors in targeted markets.

More information about the Agent/Distributor Service, Trade Opportunities Program, Gold Key Service, International Buyer Program, and other programs of the U.S. Commercial Service is available on the Commercial Service website, http://www.ita.doc.gov/tic, or by calling a trade specialist.

The Department of Commerce also organizes certain overseas events to promote U.S. businesses, including the following:

Trade missions. Focusing on one industry or service sector, trade missions provide detailed marketing information, advanced planning and publicity, and logistical support to participants. They also arrange appointments with potential buyers, governmental officials, and others. Participants pay between $2,000 and $5,000 depending on locations and number of countries visited. The missions usually consist of five to twelve U.S. business executives.

Product literature center. Trade development industry specialists at ITA represent U.S. companies at various major international trade shows by distributing product or service literature. In addition, trade specialists at these centers identify potential customers for companies displaying their literature.

Reverse trade missions. The United States Trade and Development Agency does not fund traditional trade missions to foreign countries, but it may fund visits to the United States by high-level foreign governmental officials to meet with U.S. industry and governmental representatives. These foreign officials represent procurement authorities of specific projects interested in purchasing U.S. equipment and services. The missions are usually cofounded by U.S. industry.

U.S. pavilions. About eighty to one hundred worldwide trade fairs are selected annually by the Commerce Department for recruitment of a U.S. pavilion. Selection priority is given to events in viable markets that are suitable for new-to-exporter new-to-market “export ready” companies. Fees range from $2,500 to $12,000.


The SBA’s programs assist new and existing exporters who want to expand their operations. The SBA provides eligible companies with export information, financial assistance, legal advice, and training from its field offices in cities throughout the United States.


A world trade center brings together many kinds of businesses and governmental agencies involved in foreign trade and supplies a variety of services, from trade research and opportunities to information on governmental regulations and training programs. There are currently eighty world trade centers worldwide. For a nominal fee, you can obtain a directory of the centers from the World Trade Centers Association.


Approximately 300 large U.S. banks have international banking departments. Located in major U.S. cities, these banks maintain correspondent relationships with smaller banks throughout the country and with banks in foreign countries. Banks frequently provide consultation and guidance free of charge to clients because their income is derived from loans to exporters and from fees for special services. Banks are sources of advice on export regulations, currency exchanges, and collection of foreign receivables. In addition, they can assist with export financing and provide credit information on potential overseas buyers.


Clubs for those involved in international trade banks, traders, shippers, forwarders, customs brokers, and other service organizations conduct educational programs and organize promotional events to stimulate interest in world trade. Membership in a local association gives a company access to knowledgeable advice and benefits like services, discounts, and contacts in affiliated foreign clubs.


Trading companies can take full responsibility for the export end of the business, from market research to documentation. This can relieve you of all details except filling the orders.


The databases maintained by state colleges and universities often are a valuable resource. Contact the international business department or the business school to inquire if it has information relevant to your situation. You may be able to hire a graduate student to help with market research, as many schools have programs that grant course credit to students involved in this type of extracurricular work. The National Institute of World Trade (www.niwt.org) is an excellent educational resource.

SUNY Stony Brook on Long Island in New York (stonybrook.edu) has been an aggressive higher educational conduit for global supply chain and purchasing/sourcing classes at both a professional and an MBA level. Additionally, Hofstra on Long Island is also pursuing international and supply chain related classes directed towards carriers and service providers working in the transportation sector.


International trade consultants can advise and assist a company with all aspects of foreign marketing, from market identification to establishing contacts with necessary resources like advertising agencies, product service facilities, and local attorneys. Trade consultants usually specialize by product category and global area. When using a trade consultant, determine the consultant’s level of experience, ask for references, and agree on the fee in advance.

Blue Tiger International (bluetigerintl.com) works with various associations providing significant access to supply chain security and compliance regulatory information. It runs a semiannual program on teaching import/export security/compliance management with “testing and certification.”


One must develop several resources that provide timely information on competitors, vendors, service providers, governmental issues, and industry trends. The author reads over sixty magazines, newsletters, and periodicals every month. Below is a recommended sampling that is useful for import and export supply chain executives.

imageThe Export Practitioner—Telephone: (202) 463-1250;

website: www.exportprac.com

imageThe Exporter—Telephone: (212) 269-2016;

website: www.exporter.com

imageExport America—Telephone: (866) 512-1800;

website: www.exportamerica.doc.gov

imageLogistics Management—Telephone: (847) 390-2377;

website: www.Logisticsmgmt.com

imageAmerican Shipper—Telephone: (212) 233-3589;

website: www.americanshipper.com

imageGlobal Logistics & Supply Chain Strategies—Telephone: (516) 829-9210;

website: www.glscs.com

imageInbound Logistics—Telephone: (212) 629-1560;

website: www.inboundlogistics.com

imageThe Journal of Commerce—Telephone: (888) 215-6084;

website: www.joc.com

imageTraffic World—Telephone: (888) 215-6084;

website: www.trafficworld.com

imageAir Cargo World—Telephone: (202) 661-3387;

website: www.aircargo.com

imageAFSM International—Telephone: (239) 275-7887;

website: www.afsmi.org

imageShipping Digest—Telephone: (888) 215-6084;

website: www.shippingdigest.com

There is an array of other quality options that might fit your specific needs better. In our Internet listing on the following page, several other options are identified.


imageNational Institute of World Trade—Telephone: (516) 359-6232;

website: www.niwt.org

imageAmerican Management Association—Telephone: (212) 586-8100;

website: www.amanet.org

imageGlobal Training Center—Telephone: (800) 860-5030;

website: [email protected]

imageFarmingdale State University—Telephone: (631) 420-2246;

website: www.farmingdale.edu

imageGlobal Maritime and Transportation School—Telephone: (516) 773-5161;

website: www.usmma.edu/gmats


1travel.com: www.onetravel.com

A U.K. service for small businesses that provides preliminary information on trade: www.dti.uk/ots/explorer/rade.html

ACW (Air Cargo Week): www.aircagoweek.com

Addresses & Salutations: www.bspage.com

AES Direct (Automated Export System): www.aesdirect.gov

Africa Online: www.africaonline.com

AgExporter: www.fas.usda.gov

Air Cargo World: www.aircargoworld.com

AIRCARGO News: www.air-cargo-news.com

Airforwarders Association: www.air-forwarders.org

Airline Toll-Free Numbers and Websites: www.princeton.edu/main/air800.html

American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA): www.aapa-ports.org

American Computer Resources, Inc.: www.the-acr.com

American Countertrade Association (ACA): www.countertrade.org

American Institute for Shippers’ Associations (AISA): www.shippers.org

American Journal of Transportation (AJOT): www.ajot.com

American River International: www.worldest.com

American Shipper: www.americanshipper.com

American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association (ASLRRA): www.aslrra.org

American Stock Exchange: www.amex.com

American Trucking Association (ATA): www.trucking.org

ASX Traders: www.asx.com

ATA Carnet (Merchandise Password): www.uscib.org

ATMs Around the World: www.fita.org/marketplace/travel.html#atm

Aviation Consumer Action Project: www.acap1971.org

Aviation Week: www.aviationnow.com

Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS): www.bis.doc.gov

Bureau of National Affairs, Int’l Trade Reporter Export Reference Manual: www.bna.com

Business Advisor: www.business.gov

Business Traveler Info Network: www.business-trip.com

Career China: www.dragonsurf.com

Cargo Systems: www.cargosystems.net

Cargovision: [email protected]

Census Bureau, Foreign Trade Division: www.census.gov/foreign trade/

Central Europe Online: www.centraleurope.com

Chicago Stock Exchange: www.chicagostockex.com

Chinese News (in English): www.einnews.com/china

Classification Schedules: www.census.gov/ftp/pub/foreign-trade/www/schedules.html

Commerce Business Daily: www.cbdnet.gpo.gov

Commercial Carrier Journal (CCJ): www.etrucking.com

Commercial Encryption Export Controls: www.bxa.doc.gov/Encryption/Default.htm

Compliance Consulting of Importers/Exporters: www.compliancemaven.com

Correct Way to Fill Out the Shipper’s Export Declaration: www.census.gov/ftp/pub/foreign-trade/www/correct.way.html

Country Risk Forecast: www.controlrisks.com/html/index.php

Create Your Own Newspapers: www.crayon.com

Culture and Travel: www.ciber.bus.msu.edu/busres/static/culture-travel-language.htm

Currency: www.oanda.com

Daily Intelligence Summary: www.dtic.mil/

Database at the UN World Bank: www.worldbank.org/data/onlinedatabases/onlinedatabases

Department of Transportation: www.dot.gov

Diverse Languages of the Modern World: www.unicode.org

DOT’s Office of Inspector General: www.oig.dot.gov

Dr. Leonard’s Healthcare Catalog: www.drleornards.com

Dun & Bradstreet: www.dnb.com

Economic Times (India): www.economictimes.com

Economist: www.economist.com

Electronic Embassy: www.embassy.org

Embassies & Consulates: www.embassyworld.com

Embassy Web: www.embassy.com

European Union (EU): www.europa.eu.int

Excite Travel: www.excite.com/travel

Export Administration Regulations (EAR): www.ntis.gov/products/type/database/export-regulations.asp

Export Assistant: www.cob.ohio-state.edu

Export Hotline: www.exporthotline.com Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM Bank): www.exim.gov

Export Legal Assistance Network (ELAN): www.fita.org/elan

Export Practitioner (Export Regulations): www.exportprac.com

Far Eastern Economic Review: www.feer.com

Federal Register Notice on the Status of AES and AERP: www.access.gpo.gov

Federation of International Trade Associations (FITA): www.fita.org

Financial Times: www.ft.com

For Female Travelers: www.journeywoman.com

Global Business: www.gbn.org

Global Business Information Network: www.bus.indiana.edu

Global Information Network for Small and Medium Enterprises: www.gin.sme.ne.jp/intro.html

Global Law & Business: www.law.com

Glossary of Internalization and Localization Terms: www.bowneglobal.com/bowne.asp?page=9&language=1

Glossary of Ocean Cargo Insurance Terms: www.tsbic.com/cargo/glossary.htm

Government Resources: www.ciber.bus.msu.edu/busres/govrnmnt.htm

Hong Kong Trade Development Counsel (TDC): www.tdctrade.com

iAgora Work Abroad: www.iagora.com/pages/html/work/index.html

IMEX Exchange: www.imex.com

Import Export Bulletin Board: www.iebb.com

Inbound Logistics: www.inboundlogistics.com

Incoterms 2000: www.iccwbo.org/home/menu_incoterms.asp

Independent Accountants International: www.accountants.org

Information on Diseases Abroad: www.cdc.gov

Inside China Today: www.einnews.com

Intellicast Weather (four-day forecast): www.intellicast.com/LocalWeather/World

Intermodal Association of North America (IANA): www.intermodal.org

International Air Transport Association (IATA): www.iata.org

International Association for Medical Assistance to Travelers (IAMAT): www.iamat.org

International Business: Strategies for the Global Marketplace Magazine: www.internationalbusiness.com

International Chamber of Commerce (ICC): www.iccwbo.org

International Commercial Law Monitor: www.lexmercatoria.org

International Economics and Business: dylee.keel.econ.ship.edu/econ/index.html

International Executive Service Corps (IESC): www.iesc.org

International Freight Association (IFA): www.ifa-online.com

International Law Check: www.law.comindex.shtml

International Maritime Organization (IMO): www.imo.org

International Monetary Fund (IMF): www.imf.org

International Society of Logistics (SOLE): www.sole.org

International Trade Administration (ITA): www.ita.doc.gov

International Trade Shows and Business Events: www.ciber.bus.msu.edu/busre

International Trade/Import-Export Jobs: www.internationaltrade.org/jobs.html

International Trade/Import-Export Portal: www.imakenews.com

Intershipper: www.intershipper.com

IWLA: www.warehouselogistics.org

Journal of Commerce Online: www.joc.com

Latin Trade: www.latintrade.com

Libraries: www.libraryspot.com/librariesonline.htm

Library of Congress: www.loc.gov

Local Times Around the World: www.times.clari.net.au

Logistics Management & Distribution Report: www.manufacturing.net/magazine/logistic

London Stock Exchange: www.londonstockexchange.com

Mailing Lists: www.ciber.bus.msu.edu/busres/maillist.htm

Marine Digest: www.marinedigest.com

Market Research: www.imakenews.com

Matchmaker Site: www.ita.doc.gov/efm

Medical Conditions Around the World: www.cdc.gov/travel/blusheet.htm

More Trade Leads: www.ibrc.bschool.ukans.edu

NAFTA Customs: www.nafta-customs.org

National Association of Foreign Trade Zones: www.NAFTZ.org

National Association of Purchasing Management (NAPM): www.napm.org

National Association of Rail Shippers (NARS): www.railshippers.com

National Business Travel Association: www.biztraveler.org

National Customs Brokers & Forwarders Association of America (NCBFAA): www.ncbfaa.org

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST): www.nist.gov

National Law Center For Inter-American Free Trade: www.natlaw.com

National Motor Freight Traffic Association (NMFTA): www.nmfta.org

New Records Formats for Commodity Filing and Transportation Filing: www.customs.ustreas.gov

New York Times: www.nytimes.com

North American Industry Classification System (NAICS): www.census.gov/epcd/www/naics.html

Office of Anti-Boycott Compliance: www.bxa.doc.gov/AntiboycottCompliance

Online Chambers of Commerce: www.online-chamber.com

Online Newspapers: www.onlinenewspapers.com

Original Notice/Bureau of Census re: a classification of the definition of the exporter of record for SED rep. Purp.: www.access.gpo.gov

Overseas Private Investment Corp. (OPIC): www.opic.gov

Pacific Dictionary of International Trade and Business: www.pacific.commerce.ubc.ca/ditb/search.html

PACMAN: www.compliancemaven.com

Passenger Rights: www.passengerrights.com

PIERS (Port Import/Export Reporting Service): www.PIERS.com

Ports and Maritime Service Directory: www.seaportsinfo.com

Professional Association of Import/Export Compliance Managers: www.compliancemaven.com

Resources for International Job Opportunities: www.dbm.com/jobguide/internat.html

Reuters: www.reuters.com

Russia Today: www.russiatoday.com

SBA: www.sbaonline.com

SBA Office of International Trade: www.sba.gov/oit

SBA Offices and Services: www.sba.gov/services

Schedule B Export Codes: www.census.gov/foreign-trade/schedules/b

Search Engine: www.google.com

Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE): www.score.org

Shipping International: www.aajs.com/shipint

Shipping Times (Singapore): www.business-times.asia1.com.sg/shippingtimes

SIC Codes: www.trading.wmw.com/codes/sic.html

Small Business Administration (SBA): www.sba.gov

Small Business Association: www.sbaonline.gov

Small Business Development Centers (SBDC): www.sba.gov/sbdc

Statistical Data Sources: www.ciber.bus.msu.edu/busres/statinfo.htm

STAT-USA & NTDB: www.stat-usa.gov

Telephone Directories on the Web: www.teldir.com

The Expeditor: www.theexpeditor.com

The Exporter: www.exporter.com

The Global Business Forum: www.gbfvisa.com

The Import-Export Bulletin Board: www.iebb.com/sell.html

The International Air Cargo Association (TIACA): www.tiaca.org

The Times: www.londontimes.com

The Trading Floor: www.trading/wmw.com

Tokyo Stock Exchange: www.tse.or.jp

Trade and Development Agency (TDA): www.tda.gov

Trade Compass: www.tradecompass.com

Trade Information Center (TIC): www.ita.doc.gov/td/tic

Trade Law Website: www.hg.org/trade.html

Trade Net: www.tradenet.gov

Trade Point USA: www.tradepoint.org

Trade Statistics: www.ita.doc.gov/media

Trading Floor Harmonized Code Search Engine: www.trading.wmw.com

Traffic World: www.trafficworld.com

Transportation Intermediaries Association (TIA): www.tianet.org

Transportation Jobs & Personnel: www.quotations.com/trans.htm

Travlang: www.travlang.com

UN Conference on Trade and Development: www.uncad-trains.org

UN International Trade Center (ITC): www.intracen.org

Unibex: www.unibex.com

United Nations (UN): www.un.org

United States-Mexico Chamber of Commerce: www.usmcoc.org/nafta.html

Universal Travel Protection Insurance (UTPI): www.utravelpro.com

U.S. Business Advisor: www.business.gov

U.S. Census Bureau: www.census.gov

U.S. Census Bureau Economic Indicators: www.census.gov/econ/www

U.S. Census Bureau Foreign Trade Division Harmonized Tariff Classification Schedule: www.census.gov/foreign-trade/www/schedules.html

U.S. Council for International Business (USCIB): www.uscib.org

U.S. Customs Services: www.cbp.gov

U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC): www.doc.gov

U.S. Department of Commerce Commercial Service: www.export.gov/com_svc/

U.S. Department of Commerce International Trade Administration: www.ita.doc.gov

U.S. Export Assistance Centers (USEAC): www.export.gov/eac.html

U.S. Export Portal: www.export.gov

U.S. Federal Maritime Commission (FMC): www.fmc.gov

U.S. Foreign Trade Zones: www.ia.ita.doc.gov/ftzpage

U.S. Government Glossary and Acronym of International Trade Terms: www.joc.com/handbook/glossaryofterms.shtml

U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO): www.uspto.gov

U.S. State Department Travel Advisory: www.travel.state.gov

U.S. Trade Representative (USTR): www.ustr.gov

USA/Internet: www.stat-usa.gov

USDA Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS): www.fas.usda.gov

USDA Shipper and Export Assistance (SEA): www.ams.usda.gov/tmd/tsd USDOC

Trade Information Center: www.trade.gov/td/tic

Various Utilities and Useful Information: www.ciber.bus.msu.edu/busres/statics/online-tools-utilities.htm

Wall Street Journal: www.wsj.com

Wells Fargo: www.wellsfargo.com

World Academy: www.theworldacademy.com

World Bank Group: www.worldbank.org

World Chambers of Commerce Network: www.worldchambers.com

World Customs Organization (WCO): www.wcoomd.org

World Factbook: www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/index.html

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO): www.wipo.int

World Newspapers Online: www.virtourist.com/newspaper

World Trade Analyzer: www.tradecompass.com

World Trade Centers Association (WTCA): www.iserve.wtca.org

World Trade Magazine: www.worldtrademag.com

World Trade Organization (WTO): www.wto.org

World Wide Shipping: www.ship.com

WorldPages: www.worldpages.com

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