
The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below



accessorial charges

Account Management Program

administrative elements, of EMS

ad valorem

Advanced Passenger Information System (APIS)

advising bank

Agency for International Development (AID) shipments


C-TPAT recommendations for

forms for export using

forms for import using

ocean- vs.

potential increases in rates of



all-risk cargo insurance

Animal Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)

antiboycott regulations

Anti-Dumping Agreement (WTO)


arbitration agreements

arrival notice

“as is”

assignments under letters of credit


by CBP

for hazmat transportation


Automated Broker Interface (ABI)

Automated Commercial Environment (ACE)

automated documentation

Automated Export System (AES)

Automated Manifest System (AMS)

back to back letter of credit arrangement

balance of trade




Bass Pro, Inc.

bill of lading



special shipping needs on




bonded warehouse

see also custom-bonded warehouses

bond inspections


Border and Transportation Security (BTS)

boycott screening

break bulk cargo

Bretton Woods Conference

broadcast industry


bunker adjustment fee (BAF)

Bureau of Citizenship and Immigrations Services (USCIS)

Bureau of Customs and Border Protection (CBP)

audits by

CBP Officers and Agriculture Specialists in

Commercial Customs Operations Advisory Committee

compliance and security expectations of

guidelines from

Office of Trade Relation

and other government departments

recordkeeping required by

and Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Act

and stakeholder engagement

tips for new importers and exporters from

User Fee Advisory Committee

Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS)

and export management

fines and penalties from

guidelines of EMS and

license exceptions from

recordkeeping required by

buy-back deductibles

Canada Customs Invoice

carnet (ATA)

carriage and insurance paid to (CIP)

carriage paid to (CPT)


in China

in global supply chain

of hazardous materials


for perishable freight

relationships with

relationships with multiple

reputations of

sustainable relationships with

cash against documents, airfreight export forms of

CBP Agriculture Specialists

CBP Officers

CBP Trade Symposium

Census Bureau

certificat de livraison directe

certificate of analysis

certificate of free sale

certificate of origin

Certificate of Origin

Certificate of Registration

chambers of commerce

China, shipping with

claims procedures, for political risk insurance


CNE&D risk coverage

collect freight arrangements



Commerce Control List (CCL)

Commerce Country Chart

commercial banks

commercial credits, parties to

Commercial Customs Operations Advisory Committee (COAC)

commercial invoice requirements

commission agent

commitment, of personnel

commodity classifications

commodity specialist


issues in, for business with China

and political risk

for political risk insurance

of special shipping needs

and transportation problems

communications industry

comparison method of export payment

competitive advantage

competitive bidding

compliance and security management

Advanced Passenger Information System in

Automated Commercial Environment in

Automated Export System in

and bioterrorism

case studies

and CBP

Container Security Initiative in


and Department of Homeland Security

for E-commerce

education and training in

and Four-Hour Advanced Notification

Free and Secure Trade program in

government contracts in

Green Customs Project in

Homeland Security Act in

for importers


Operation Safe Commerce in

ownership of

penalties in

for radioactive cargo

recordkeeping in

senior management in

structure for

for supply chains

and Trade Act (2002)

and Transportation Security Act (2002)

and 24-Hour Manifest Rule

and USA Patriot Act

Vehicle and Cargo Inspection System in

see also trade compliance

compliance managers


Consolidated Screening List



consularization stamp


container positioning

Container Security Initiative (CSI)

contingency plans

contract frustration


in China

government, in compliance and security management

long-term, with carriers

for political risk insurance


of import supply chain

and trade compliance

of U.S. exports, for China

Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)

cost, insurance, freight (CIF)

cost and freight (CFR)

Cost and freight (CFR)




in ocean- vs. airfreight

in purchasing


country of origin marking

credit and support reference material

credit risk insurance


currency inconvertibility

custom-bonded warehouses (CBWs)

benefits of using

and bond inspections

disposal of merchandise in

and duty interest

leveraging with

manufacturing of merchandise in

misuse of

permissible activities for

setting up

time frames for

U.S. Customs supervision of

customhouse brokers


in China

examinations by

penalties from

Customs Act (1962)

customs bonds

customs business

customs power of attorney

customs regulations

Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT)

in compliance and security management

for import operations

in import supply chain

damaged goods

dangerous goods certificate

Declaration for Free Entry of Returned American Products

Declaration for Importation or Exportation of Fish or Wildlife

deductibles, buy-back

deemed exports

delivered at place (DAP)

delivered at terminal (DAT)

delivered duty paid (DDP)

Delivery Certificate for Purposes of Drawback

delivery schedules

delivery systems, EDI

Delivery Verification Certificate

denied party screening

Department of Commerce

Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

Department of State License, airfreight export forms of

Department of Transportation (DOT)

destinations control statement

distribution system


dock receipt

documentary collection



for export management

for import supply chain

in insurance

Domestic International Sales Corporation (DISC)

domestic shipping


Drake, Shirley


Drawback Entry form

drop-shipment certificate



duty interest



with China

compliance and security management for

guidelines for

protecting receivables in

and technology

education, see internal training

electrical appliances, equipment and accessories

electronic data interchange (EDI) facilities

electronic export information (EEI)


embargoed country screening

Emergency Preparedness and Response (EPR)

emergency response telephone number

entertainment industry

Entry/Immediate Delivery

Entry Summary form

equipment, shipped on temporary basis

European Community (EC)

Export Administration Regulations (EAR)

Export Assistance Centers

export credit

export credit insurance

Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM Bank)

export licenses

export management

and Bureau of Industry and Security

documentation for

Incoterms in

internal education and training in

trade compliance in

export management company

Export Management Systems (EMS)

administrative elements

development of

elements and objectives of

guidelines of BIS and

marine cargo insurance in

review module

screening elements


comparison method of payment for



documents/forms for

fines and penalties on

payment options for

tracking of

export trading company

ex works (EXW)

ex works (EXW) from factory

fair trade

Federal Maritime Commission (FMC)

financial guarantees, unfair calling of

financing, insurance for

Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

force majeure

Foreign Commercial Service

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (1977)

Foreign Credit Insurance Association (FCIA)

foreign sales agent

Foreign Trade Division (Census Bureau)

foreign trade zones (FTZs)


Four-Hour Advanced Notification


free alongside (FAS)

free alongside ship (FAS)

Free and Secure Trade (FAST) program

free carrier (FCA)

free domicile

free on board (FOB)

Free or Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ)

free port

free trade

free trade affirmations

free trade agreements (FTAs)


logistics for perishable

special needs of

see also specific types

freight all kinds (FAK)

freight forwarders

freight rates

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)

Generalized System of Preferences (GSP)

global security management

global supply chain management

global trade

government contracts

Green Customs Project

Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS)

hazardous materials (hazmat)

airfreight export forms of


logistics for

Health and Sanitary Certificate



Homeland Security Act

Homeland Security Transition Planning Office (TPO)


Import Compliance Issues Review and Customs and Border Protection Guidelines

import license

import operations

compliance and security management for

C-TPAT for

in global supply chain

meeting packing, marking, and labeling requirements

purchasing decisions by

imports, documents/forms for

import supply chain

and country of origin marking


customhouse brokers in

and drawback

and duties/taxes

and goods damaged during inspection

informed compliance in

invoice requirements for

management of

and power of attorney

reasonable care standard for

record retention in

returned merchandise in

trade compliance in

ultimate consignee in

valuation in

in bond



in export management

FOB terms in

in purchasing


types of

Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection (IAIP)

informed compliance

inherent vice

inspection, goods damaged during

insurable interests


all-risk cargo

competitive markets for

credit risk insurance

export credit

for foreign purchases

and Incoterms


for perishable freight

for risk management

during shipping process

for small and medium-sized enterprises

see also political risk insurance

Insurance Services Office, Inc. (ISO)

integrated carrier

intellectual property rights (IPR)


internal audit

internal compliance management

internal distribution, in China

internal training

in compliance and security management

for dangerous materials

development of

in export management

on hazmat transportation

on Incoterms

sources of

International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)

international import-export compliance managers

international networking

International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC)

International Trade Administration Resource Outline

International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR)

international world trade clubs

inventory, of hazmat shipping materials



for imports


requirements for

irrevocable confirmed letter of credit

irrevocable letter of credit

irrevocable unconfirmed letter of credit

ISO 9000

ISO war risk exclusion

joint venture

known shipper

labeling requirements, see packing, marking, and labeling requirements

landed costs

land transportation

legal counsel


letter of credit (L/C)

in export management

for ocean freight exports

other forms of payment vs.



of carriers

insurance covering

legal, in global supply chain

liability insurance

license exceptions, from BIS


limits of liability

loading process

local leverage


commodity classifications in

consolidations in

controlling inbound


for equipment shipped internationally on temporary basis

freight forwarders for

and freight rates

and global supply chain pitfalls

for hazardous materials

key phone numbers for

managing bankruptcies in

negotiating skills for

and ocean- vs. airfreight

performance standards for

for perishable freight


service providers for

of shipping with China

and specialized shipping

technology in

and transportation services strikes

and wood packaging materials

long-term contracts, with carriers

loss control

in bankruptcies

for political risk coverage

and political risk insurance

in political risk insurance

mala fide

Management directorate

management information, EDI for

manufacturers, C-TPAT for

manufacturing drawback


marine insurance


marketplace, for insurance

market research

marking requirements, see packing, marking, and labeling requirements

marks and numbers

material safety data sheets (MSDS)

mature companies, learning from

MID certificates

Multipurpose Application form

National Institute for World Trade

negotiating skills


no license required (NLR)

non-vessel operating common carriers (NVOCCs)

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

Notice of Intent to Export, Destroy or Return Merchandise for Purposes of Drawback

ocean freight

airfreight vs.

C-TPAT recommendations for

forms for exports using

Ocean Shipping Reform Act of 1998 (OSRA)

ocean transportation intermediaries, C-TPAT for

Office of Foreign Asset Controls (OFAC)

Office of Inspector General

Office of Private Sector Liaison

Office of State and Local Government Coordination

Office of Trade Relation (OTR)

One Face at the Border program

open account

Operation Safe Commerce

order bill of lading

order processing systems, of EMS

ORM-D materials

overseas interests, protecting

Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC)

overseas sales, insurance needs for

overseas suppliers

ownership, of compliance and security management

packing, marking, and labeling requirements

controlling shipping issues with

country of origin marking

for international shipments

marks and numbers

meeting, in shipments from foreign suppliers

paperless release

payment terms


performance standards


perishable freight


attracting qualified

consultants as

creative marketing by

insurance needs for

key skill sets of

landed costs of

learning from mature companies about

networking by

resources and networks for

sales executives as


political risk

political risk insurance

coverage analysis of

historical perspective of

for small and medium-sized enterprises

specialists for

types of coverage

political risk intelligence

power of attorney

and compliance and security management


in export management

and import supply chain


preshipment conditions

preshipment inspections

prima facie

product literature center

product registration

product specifications

proforma invoice



attention to details in

choosing overseas suppliers for

costs in

delivery schedules in

Incoterms in

product specifications in

of request for proposal process

sustainable relationships with carriers and service providers in

purchasing agent

radioactive cargo

reasonable care standard

receivables, protecting


in compliance and security management

in export management

for foreign purchases

for hazmat transportation

record retention

red clause credit

registration forms, for ocean freight exports

regulatory requirements

see also trade compliance

rejected merchandise drawback


with carriers and service providers

and global supply chain

in international sales

of personnel


Request for Information form

request for proposal (RFP)

Research and Special Programs Administration (RSPA)

reserve trade missions


returned merchandise

revocable letter of credit

revolving credit

risk management

and competitive insurance markets

for foreign purchases

with Incoterms

insurance needs for

and loss control

and marine insurance


and political risk insurance

specialists in international

and spread of risk

and trade disruption

for transporters and exporters


combining, in political risk insurance

spread of


RoHS directive

Rules of Origin Agreement (WTO)

sales executives, global

Schedule B Number

Science and Technology (S&T) directorate

“scorecard,” in RFP

screening elements, of EMS

security endorsement

security management

technology for

see also compliance and security management

security plans, for hazmat materials

segregation, of hazardous materials

senior management endorsement

September 11 terrorist attacks

service providers

in China

as experts in global supply chain

for logistics

sustainable relationships with

trade compliance by

service requirements, of political risk insurance

settling fees

shipment size

Shipper’s Export Declaration Form 7525-V


with China


insurance during


on temporary basis

tracking of

shipping information, electronic transfer for

Small Business Administration (SBA)

Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Act (SMREFA)

Societe Generali Surveillence (SGS) inspection

Solid Wood Packing Material Certificates (SWPM)

specialized shipping

stakeholder engagement

standard operating procedures (SPOs), for trade compliance

stand by letter of credit

state governments

Statement by Ultimate Consignee and Purchaser

Statement of Registration

Statement of Work (SOW) template

strikes, in transportation services


in compliance and security management

in import supply chain

U.S. Customs, of warehouses

supply chain management resources

banks as

chambers of commerce as

colleges and universities as

consultants as

Department of Commerce as

international world trade clubs as

periodicals as

Small Business Administration

state and federal governments as

trading companies as

on websites

world trade centers as




and automated documentation

companies providing

and competitive advantage

and E-commerce

and EDI facilities

in logistics

and management information

temporary basis, international shipping on

temporary import bonds (TIBs)

terminal handling charge

terms and conditions

of marine insurance

of political risk insurance

third-party logistics

through bill of lading

time draft

time frames, for warehousing

time or usance credit

time sensitive freight

title, transfer of

tracking, of shipments

tracking of shipments

trade acceptance

Trade Act (2002)

trade compliance

in export management

for import operations

in import supply chain

and Incoterms

by service providers

technology for

trade disruption

trade finance guidelines

trade missions

trading companies

training, see internal training

transferable letter of credit

transfer risk

transmittal letter

Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)

Transportation Security Act (2002)

transportation services strikes

truck export forms

twenty-foot equivalent (TEU)

24-Hour Manifest Rule


ultimate consignee


unfair calling, of financial guarantees

uniform commercial code (UCC)

Uniform Customs and Practice

United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)

United Parcel Service (UPS)

United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)

United States Coast Guard (USCG)

United States Secret Service (USSS)


UN specification packaging

unused merchandise drawback

U.S. Customs supervision

U.S. government

contact list for

Export Assistance Centers

export controls of

lists of foreign suppliers by

supply chain management resources in

U.S. Munitions List (USML)

U.S. pavilions

U.S. Principal Party In-Interest (USPPI)

USA Patriot Act

User Fee Advisory Committee (UFAC)

validation process


in export management

in import supply chain

for insurance purposes

value-added services

value-added tax (VAT)

Vehicle and Cargo Inspection System (VACIS)

volume weight

warehouse receipt




weight, volume vs. gross

weight breaks


with average

wood packaging materials

world trade centers

World Trade Organization (WTO)

Anti-Dumping Agreement

Rules of Origin Agreement

written quotes, obtaining


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