Exploring categorical variables

When it comes to an understanding of your categorical variables, there're many different ways to go about it. We can easily use the base R table() function on a feature. If you just want to see how many distinct levels are in a feature, then dplyr works well. In this example, we examine type, which has three unique levels:

dplyr::count(gettysburg, dplyr::n_distinct(type))

The output of the preceding code is as follows:

# A tibble: 1 x 2
`dplyr::n_distinct(type)` n
<int> <int>
3 587

Let's now look at a way to explore all of the categorical features utilizing tidyverse principles. Doing it this way always allows you to save the tibble and examine the results in depth as needed. Here is a way of putting all categorical features into a separate tibble:

gettysburg_cat <-
gettysburg[, sapply(gettysburg, class) == 'character']

Using dplyr, you can now summarize all of the features and the number of distinct levels in each:

gettysburg_cat %>%

The output of the preceding code is as follows:

# A tibble: 1 x 9
type state regiment_or_battery brigade division corps army july1_Commander Cdr_casualty
<int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
3 30 275 124 38 14 2 586 6

Notice that there're 586 distinct values to july1_Commander. This means that two of the unit Commanders have the same rank and last name. We can also surmise that this feature will be of no value to any further analysis, but we'll deal with that issue in a couple of sections ahead.

Suppose we're interested in the number of observations for each of the levels for the Cdr_casualty feature. Yes, we could use table(), but how about producing the output as a tibble as discussed before? Give this code a try:

gettysburg_cat %>% 
dplyr::group_by(Cdr_casualty) %>%
dplyr::summarize(num_rows = n())

The output of the preceding code is as follows:

# A tibble: 6 x 2
Cdr_casualty num_rows
<chr> <int>
1 captured 6
2 killed 29
3 mortally wounded 24
4 no 405
5 wounded 104
6 wounded-captured 19

Speaking of tables, let's look at a tibble-friendly way of producing one using two features. This code takes the idea of comparing commander casualties by army:

gettysburg_cat %>%
janitor::tabyl(army, Cdr_casualty)

The output of the preceding code is as follows:

army   captured killed mortally wounded   no  wounded  wounded-captured
Confederate 2 15 13 165 44 17
Union 4 14 11 240 60 2

Explore the data on your own and, once you're comfortable with the categorical variables, let's tackle the issue of missing values.

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