Inspecting Process Injection and API Hooking

In this chapter, we are going to explore more advanced techniques that are used by malware authors for various reasons, including bypassing firewalls, tricking reverse engineers, monitoring and collecting user information in order to steal credit card data and for other purposes.

We will be diving into various process injection techniques, including DLL injection and process hollowing (an advanced technique that was introduced by Stuxnet) and explain how to deal with them. Later, we will look at API hooking, IAT hooking, and other hooking techniques that are used by malware authors and how to handle them.

By the end of this chapter, you will have extended your knowledge of the Windows platform and be able to analyze more complex malware. You will learn how to analyze injected code inside other processes, detect it through memory forensics, and detect different types of API hooking techniques and analyze them to detect Man-in-The-Browser (MiTB) attacks or any other attacks.

To make the learning process seamless, this chapter is divided into the following sections: 

  • Understanding process injection
  • DLL injection
  • Working with process injection
  • Dynamic analysis of code injection
  • Memory forensics techniques for process injection
  • Understanding API hooking
  • Working with API hooking
  • Exploring IAT hooking

Understanding process injection

Process injection is one of the most well-known techniques malware authors use to bypass firewalls, perform memory forensics techniques, and slow down inexperienced reverse engineers by adding malicious functionality to legitimate processes and hiding it this way. In this section, we will cover the theory behind process injection and why it is commonly used in various APT attacks nowadays. 

What's process injection?

In the Windows operating system, processes are allowed to allocate, read, and write in another process's virtual memory, as well as create new threads, suspend threads, and change these threads' registers, including the instruction pointer (EIP/RIP). Process injection is a technique that's implemented by malware authors so that they can inject code or a whole library (DLL) inside another process's memory and execute that code (or the entry point of that DLL) inside the space of that process.

In Windows 7 and higher, it's not permitted to perform an injection into core Windows processes such as explorer.exe or into other users' processes. But it's still OK to inject code into the current user's browsers and other processes.

This technique is legitimately used by multiple endpoint security products to monitor applications and for sandboxing (as we will see in the API hooking section), but it's also misused by malware authors.

Why process injection?

For malware authors, process injection helps them to do the following:

  • Bypass trivial firewalls that block internet connections from all applications except browsers or other allowed apps. By injecting code into one of these applications, malware can communicate with the C&C without any warning or blocking from the firewall.
  • Evade debuggers and other dynamic analysis or monitoring tools by running the malicious code inside another unmonitored and not debugged process.
  • Hook APIs in the legitimate process the malware injected its code into, which can give more monitoring abilities over the victim's behavior.
  • Maintain persistence for fileless malware. By injecting its code into a background process, malware can maintain persistence on a server that rarely gets rebooted.

Now, we will dive deeper into various process injection techniques, how they work, and how to deal with them. We will start with the most simple, straightforward technique: DLL injection.

DLL injection

The Windows operating system allows processes to load dynamic link libraries into other processes for security reasons, sandboxing, or even graphics. In this section, we will explore the legitimate straightforward ways to inject a DLL into a process, as well as the other techniques that allow attackers to inject code into a process using Windows APIs.

Windows-supported DLL injection

Windows has created special registry entries for DLLs so that they can be loaded in every process that meets certain criteria. Many of them allow the malware DLL to be injected into multiple processes, including browsers and other legitimate processes. There are many of these registry entries available, but we will explore the most common ones here.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWindowsAppInit_DLLs

This registry entry was among the most misused registry entries by malware to inject DLL code into other processes and maintain persistence. The libraries specified here are loaded together with every process that loads user32.dll (the system library used mainly for the UI).

In Windows 7, it requires DLLs to be signed and it's disabled by default for Windows 8 and beyond. However, it still can be misused by setting the RequireSignedAppInit_DLLs value to False and LoadAppInit_DLLs value to True (see the following screenshot). Attackers require administrative privileges to be able to set these entries, which can be resolved, for example, with the help of social engineering:

Figure 1: Using the AppInit_DLLs registry entry to inject the malware library into different browsers 
Now, let's move to the next commonly misused registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerAppCertDlls

The libraries in this registry entry are loaded in each process that calls at least one of the following functions:

  • CreateProcess
  • CreateProcessAsUser
  • CreateProcessWithLogonW
  • CreateProcessWithTokenW
  • WinExec

This allows the malware to be injected into most browsers (as many of them create child processes to manage different tabs) and other applications as well. It still requires administrative privileges since HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE is not writable for normal users on a Windows machine (Vista and above):


This path loads a shell extension (a DLL file) in order to add additional features to the main Windows shell (explorer.exe). Basically, it can be misused to load the malware library as an extension to explorer.exe. This path can be easily created and modified without any administrative privileges.

There are other registry entries available that can inject the malware library into other processes, as well as multiple software solutions, like Autoruns by Sysinternals, that allow you to see whether any of these registry entries have been exploited for malicious use on the current system:

Figure 2: Autoruns.exe application in Sysinternals Suites

These are some of the most common legitimate ways how malware can inject its DLLs into different processes. Now, we will explore the more advanced techniques that require the use of different Windows APIs to allocate, write, and execute malicious code inside other processes.

A simple DLL injection technique

This technique uses the LoadLibrary API as a way to load a malicious library using Windows PE loader and execute its entry point. The main goal is to inject the path of the malicious DLL into the process using the VirtualAllocEx API and WriteProcessMemory. Then, it creates a thread into that process using CreateRemoteThread, with the address of the LoadLibrary API as the thread start address. When passing the DLL path as an argument to that thread (which is passed to the LoadLibrary API), the Windows PE loader will load that DLL into the process and execute its code flawlessly:

Figure 3. Simple DLL injection mechanism

 The exact steps the malware generally follows are like so:

  1. Get the targeted process handle via its PID using the OpenProcess API. This handle will be used to access, read, and write to this process.
  2. Allocate a space in that process virtual memory using the VirtualAllocEx API. This space will be used to write the full path of the malicious DLL file.
  1. Write a path of the malware DLL to the process using the WriteProcessMemory API.
  2. Load and execute this DLL using CreateRemoteThread and provide the LoadLibraryA address as the start address, and the address of the DLL path as an argument.

Alternative APIs can also be used, for example, the undocumented RtlCreateUserThread instead of CreateRemoteThread.

This technique is simple compared to the techniques we will cover in the following sections. However, this technique leaves traces of the malicious DLL in the process information. Any simple tool such as listdlls.exe from Sysinternals Suite can help incident response engineers to detect this malicious behavior. In addition, this technique won't work for fileless malware since the malware DLL file must be present on a hard disk before it can be loaded using LoadLibraryA.

In the next section, we will cover more advanced techniques. They still rely on the APIs we described earlier, but they include more steps to make process injection successful.

Working with process injection

In this section, we will cover the intermediate to advanced techniques of process injection. These techniques leave no trace on a disk and can enable fileless malware to maintain persistence. Before we cover these techniques, let's talk about how the malware finds the process that it wants to inject into—in particular, how it gets the list of the running processes with their names and PIDs.

Getting the list of running processes

For malware to get a list of the running processes, the following steps are required:

  1. Create a snapshot of all of the processes running at that moment. This snapshot contains information about all running processes, their names, process IDs, and other important information. It can be acquired using the CreateToolhelp32Snapshot API. Usually, it is executed when TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS is given as an argument (to take a snapshot of the running processes, not threads or loaded libraries).
  1. Get the first process in this list using the Process32First API. This API gets the first process in the snapshot and starts the iteration over the list of processes.
  2. Loop on the Process32Next API to get each process in the list, one by one, with its name and process ID, as shown in the following screenshot:
Figure 4: Process searching using CreateToolhelp32Snapshot

Once the desired process has been found, the malware then goes to the next phase by executing the OpenProcess API with the process's PID, as we learned in the previous section.

Code injection

This technique sounds very similar to DLL injection. The difference here is actually in the executed code inside the target process. In this technique, the malware injects a piece of assembly code (as an array of bytes) and executes it using the CreateRemoteThread API. This piece of code is position-independent and we can say it's PE-independent. It has the ability to load its own import table, access its own data, and execute all of the malicious activities inside the targeted process. 

The steps that the malware follows for this code injection techniques are like so:

  1. Search for the targeted process using CreateToolhelp32Snapshot, Process32First, and Process32Next.
  2. Get the process handle using the OpenProcess API.
  3. Allocate memory inside this process using VirtualAllocEx (or CreateSectionEx, which can be used in pretty much the same way) with the size of the whole piece of the assembly code to be injected.
  4. Copy that code into the targeted process using WriteProcessMemory, as we have seen already.
  5. Execute this code using the CreateRemoteThread API. Some malware gives the name or the PID of the malware process to this injected code so that it can terminate the malware (and possibly delete its file and all of its traces) to ensure there's no clear evidence of the malware's existence.

In the following screenshot, we can see an example of a typical code injection:

Figure 5: Code injection example

It's very similar to the DLL injection in regards to the steps that were used for process injection, but most of the hard work is in this piece of assembly code. We will dive deeper into this type of position-independent PE independent code (that is, shellcode) in Chapter 7Handling Exploits and Shellcode. We will cover how it identifies its own place in memory, how it accesses the APIs, and how it performs malicious tasks.

Advanced code injection-reflective DLL injection

This position-independent code (shellcode) can go one step further and load a malicious DLL into the targeted process's memory from memory rather than from the disk. In this case, the payload PE file gets injected together with a custom PE loader (implemented either as shellcode or as part of this file) into the targeted process, and this loader will be responsible for loading this payload manually.

First, malware allocates memory with the size of the ImageBase and follows the PE loading steps including import table loading and fixing the relocation entries (in the relocation table, check Chapter 2, Basic Static and Dynamic Analysis for x86/x64), as shown in the following screenshot:

Figure 6: PE loading process in shellcode

This technique looks similar in terms of results to DLL injection, but it doesn't require the malicious DLL to be stored on the hard disk and it doesn't leave usual traces of this DLL inside the Process Environment Block (PEB). So, memory forensics applications that only rely on PEB to detect DLLs wouldn't be able to detect this loaded DLL in memory.

Stuxnet secret technique-process hollowing

Hollow process injection (process hollowing) is an advanced technique that was introduced in Stuxnet malware before it became popular in the APT attacks domain. Process hollowing is simply a matter of removing the targeted process's PE memory image from its virtual memory and replacing it with the malware executable file.

For example, the malware creates a new process of svchost.exe. After the process is created and the PE file of svchost is loaded, the malware removes the loaded svchost PE file from its memory and then loads the malware executable PE file to the same place and executes it as a svchost process.

This mechanism completely disguises the malware executable in a legitimate coat as the Process Environment Block (PEB) and the equivalent EPROCESS object still hold information about the legitimate process. This helps malware to bypass firewalls and memory forensics tools. 

The process of this form of code injection is quite different from the previous ones. Here are the steps the malware has to take in order to do this:

  1. Create a legitimate process in suspended mode, which creates the process and its first thread, but don't start the thread (the thread is in suspended mode):

Figure 7: Creating a process in suspended mode
  1. Unload the legitimate application's memory image using VirtualFreeEx (hollowing out the process).
  2. Allocate the same space in memory (the same as the unloaded PE image) for the malware PE image (the VirtualAllocEx API allows the malware to choose the preferred address to be allocated if it's free).
  3. Inject the malware executable into that space by loading the PE file and fixing its import table (resolving it's relocation table if needed).
  4. Change the thread's starting point to the malware's entry point using the SetThreadContext API. The GetThreadContext API allows the malware to get all of the registers' values, thread state, and all of the necessary information for the thread to be resumed after this, whereas the SetThreadContext API allows the malware to change these values, including the EIP/RIP register (instruction pointer) so that it can set it to the new entry point.
  1. The last step is to resume this suspended thread to execute the malware from that point:

Figure 8: SetThreadContext and ResumeThread 

This is the most well-known technique of process hollowing. There are other techniques that don't unload the actual process and include both the malware and the legitimate application executables together or use the CreateSection API to inject the malware code as an object. 

Now, we will have a look at how we can extract the injected code and analyze it in our dynamic analysis process or in our memory forensics process.

Dynamic analysis of code injection

The dynamic analysis of process injection is quite tricky. The malware escapes the debugged process into another one in order to run the shellcode or load the DLL. Here are some tricks that may help you to debug the injected code.

Technique 1—debug it where it is

The first technique, which is preferred by many engineers, is to not allow the malware to inject the shellcode but rather to debug the shellcode in the malware's memory as if it were already injected. Generally, malware injects its shellcode inside another process and executes it from a specific point in that shellcode. We can locate that shellcode inside the malware's binary (or memory if it gets decrypted) and just set the EIP/RIP register (New origin here in OllyDbg) to this shellcode's entry point and continue the execution from there. It allows us to execute this shellcode inside a debugged process and even bypass some checks for the name of the process this shellcode is supposed to run in.

The steps to perform this technique are as follows:

  1. Once the malware calls VirtualAllocEx to allocate space for the shellcode in the targeted process memory, save the returned address of that allocated space (let's say the returned address was 0x300000).
  2. Set a breakpoint on WriteProcessMemory and save the source and the destination addresses. The source address is the address of that shellcode inside the malware process's memory (let's say 0x450000) and the destination will probably be the returned address from VirtualAllocEx.
  3. Now, set a breakpoint on CreateRemoteThread and get the entry point (and the arguments, if there are any) of that shellcode in the targeted process (let's say it will be 0x30012F).
  4. Now, calculate the entry point's address inside the malware process's memory, which in this case will be 0x30012F - 0x300000 + 0x450000 = 0x45012F.
  5. If a virtual machine is used for debugging (which is definitely recommended), save a snapshot and then set the EIP value to the shellcode's EntryPoint (0x45012F), set any necessary arguments, and continue debugging from there.

This technique is very simple and easy to debug and handle. However, it works only with simple shellcodes and doesn't work properly with multiple injections (multiple calls of WriteProcessMemory), process hollowing, or with complicated arguments. It needs cautious debugging after it in order to not receive bugs or errors from having this shellcode running in a process that's different from what it was intended to be executed in.

Technique 2—attach to the targeted process

Another simple solution is to attach to the targeted process before the malware executes CreateRemoteThread or modify the CreateRemoteThread's creation flags to CREATE_SUSPENDED, like this:


To be able to do so, we need to know the targeted process that the malware will inject into. This means that we need to set breakpoints on the Process32First and Process32Next APIs and analyze the code in-between searching for the APIs, such as strcmp or equivalent code, to find the required process to inject into. Not all calls are just for process injection; for example, they can also be used as an anti-reverse engineering trick, as we will see in Chapter 5, Bypassing Anti-Reverse Engineering Techniques.

Technique 3—dealing with process hollowing

Unfortunately, the previous two techniques don't work with process hollowing. In process hollowing, the malware creates a new process in a suspended state, which makes it unseen by OllyDbg and similar debuggers. Therefore, it's hard to attach to them before the malware resumes the process and the malicious code gets executed, undebugged, and unmonitored. 

As we already mentioned, in process hollowing, the malware hollows out the legitimate application PE image and loads the malicious PE image inside the targeted process memory. The simplest way to deal with this is to set a breakpoint on WriteProcessMemory and dump the PE file before it's loaded into the targeted process memory. Once the breakpoint is triggered, follow the source argument of WriteProcessMemory and scroll up until the start of the PE file is found (usually, it can be recognized by the MZ signature and common This program cannot run in DOS mode text, which is shown in the following screenshot):

Figure 9: PE file in hex dump in OllyDbg

Some malware families use CreateSection and MapViewOfSection instead of WriteMemoryProcess. These two APIs, as we described earlier, create a memory object that we can write the malicious executable into. This memory object can also be mapped to another process as well. So, after the malware writes the malicious PE image to the memory object, it maps it into the targeted process and then uses CreateRemoteThread to start execution from its entry point.

In this case, we can set a breakpoint on MapViewOfSection to get the returned address of the mapped memory object (before the malware writes any data to this memory object). Now, it is possible to set a breakpoint or write on this returned address in order to catch any writing operation to this memory object (writing to this memory object is equivalent to WriteProcessMemory).

Once your breakpoint on write hits, we can find what data is getting written to this memory object (most probably a PE file in the case of process hollowing) and the source of the data that contains all of the PE files that are unloaded so that we can easily dump it to disk and load it in OllyDbg as if it was injected into another process.

This technique, in brief, is all about finding the PE file before it gets loaded and dumping it as a normal executable file. Once we get it, we get the second stage payload. Now, all we need to do is debug it in OllyDbg or analyze it statically (for example, using IDA Pro or any other similar tool).

Now, we will take a look at how to detect and dump the injected code (or injected PE file) from a memory dump using a memory forensics tool called Volatility, which may get even more complicated than dealing with process injection using dynamic analysis.

Memory forensics techniques for process injection

Since one of the main reasons to use process injection is to hide malware presence from memory forensics tools, it gets quite tricky to detect it using memory forensics techniques. In this section, we will take a look at different techniques that we can use to detect different types of process injections.

Here, we will be using a tool called Volatility. This tool is a free, open source program for memory forensics that can analyze memory dumps from infected machines. So, let's get started.

Technique 1—detecting code injection and reflective DLL injection 

The main red flags that help in detecting injected code inside a process is that the allocated memory that contains the shellcode or the loaded DLL is always allocated with EXECUTE permission and doesn't represent a mapped file. When a module (an executable file) gets loaded using Windows PE Loader, it gets loaded with an IMAGE flag to represent that it's a memory map of an executable file. But when this memory page is allocated normally using VirtualAlloc, it gets allocated with a PRIVATE flag to show that it is allocated for data:

Figure 10: OllyDbg memory map window—loaded image memory chunk and private memory chunk

It's not common to see private allocated memory having the EXECUTE permission, and it's also not common (which most shellcode injections do) to have the WRITE permission with the EXECUTE permission (READ_WRITE_EXECUTE).

In Volatility, there is a command called malfind. This command finds hidden and injected code inside a process (or the entire system). This command can be executed (given the image name and the OS version) with a process ID as an argument if the scan for a specific process is required, or without a PID in order to scan the entire system, as shown in the following screenshot:

Figure 11: The malfind command in Volatility detects a PE file (MZ header)

As we can see, the malfind command detected an injected PE file (by MZ header) inside an Adobe Reader process at the address 0x003d0000.

Now, we can dump all memory images inside this process using the vaddump command. This command dumps all memory regions inside the process, following the EPROCESS kernel object for that process and its virtual memory map (and its equivalent physical memory pages) using what's called Virtual Address Descriptors (VADs), which are simply mappers between virtual memory and their equivalent physical memory. vaddump will dump all of the memory regions into a separate file, as shown in the following screenshot:

Figure 12: Dumping the 0x003d000 address using the vaddump command in Volatility

For injected PE files, we can dump them to disk (and reconstruct their headers and sections back, but not import tables) using dlldump instead of vaddump, as shown in the following screenshot:

Figure 13: Using dlldump given the process ID and the ImageBase of the DLL as --base 

After that, we will have a memory dump of the malware PE file (or shellcode) to scan and analyze. It's not a perfect dump, but we can scan it with strings tool or perform static analysis on it. We may need to fix the addresses of the import table manually by patching these addresses in OllyDbg and dumping them again or directly debugging them.

Technique 2—detecting process hollowing

When the malware hollows out the application PE image from its process, Windows removes any connections between this memory space and the PE file of that application. So, any allocation at that address becomes private and doesn't represent any loaded image (PE file).

However, this unlink only happens in the EPROCESS kernel object and not in the PEB that is accessible inside the process memory. In Volatility, there are two commands that you can use to get a list of all of the loaded modules inside a process. One command lists the loaded modules from the PEB information (from user mode), which is dlllist, and the other one lists all loaded modules from EPROCESS kernel object information (kernel mode), which is ldrmodules. Any mismatch in the results between both commands could represent a hollow process injection, as shown in the following screenshot:

Figure 14: lsass.exe at the 0x01000000 address is not linked to its PE file in ldrmodules

There are multiple types of mismatch, and they represent different types of process hollowing, such as the following:

  • When the application module is not linked to its PE file, like in the preceding screenshot, it represents that the process is hollowed out and that the malware is loaded to the same place.
  • When the application module appears in the dlllist results and not at all in the ldrmodules results, it represents that the process is hollowed out and that the malware is possibly loaded at another address. The malfind command could help us to find the new address or dump all memory regions in that process using vaddump and scan them for PE files (search for MZ magic).
  • When the application appears in both commands' results and linked with the PE filename of the application, but there's a mismatch of the module address in both results, it represents that the application is not hollowed out, but the malware has been injected and PEB information has been tampered with to link to the malware instead of the legitimate application PE image.

In all of these cases, it shows that the malware has injected itself inside this process using the process hollowing technique, and vaddump or procdump will help to dump the malware's PE image.

Technique 3—detecting process hollowing using the HollowFind plugin

There is a plugin called HollowFind that combines all of these commands. It finds a suspicious memory space or evidence of a hollowed out process and returns these results, as shown in the following screenshot:

Figure 15: The HollowFind plugin for detecting hollow process injection

This plugin can also dump the memory image into a chosen directory:

Figure 16: The HollowFind plugin for dumping the malware's PE image

So, that's it for process injection and how to analyze it dynamically using OllyDbg (or any other debugger), as well as how to detect it in a memory dump using Volatility.

In the next section, we will cover another important technique that's used by malware authors, known as API hooking. It's usually used in combination with process injection for man-in-the-middle attacks or for hiding malware presence using user-mode rootkits techniques.

Understanding API hooking

API hooking is a common technique that's used by malware authors to intercept calls to Windows APIs in order to change the input or output of these commands. It is based on the process injection technique we described earlier. 

This technique allows malware authors to have full control over the target process and therefore the user experience from their interaction with that process, including browsers and website pages, antivirus applications and its scanned files, and so on. By controlling the Windows APIs, the malware authors can also capture sensitive information from the process memory and the API arguments.

Since API hooking is used by malware authors, it has different legitimate reasons to be used, such as malware sandboxing and backward compatibility for old applications. Therefore, Windows officially supports API hooking, as we will see later in this chapter.

Why API hooking?

There are multiple reasons why malware would incorporate API hooking in its arsenal. Let's go into the details of this process and cover the APIs that malware authors generally hook in order to achieve their goals:

  • Hiding malware presence (rootkits): For the malware to hide its presence from users and antivirus scanners, it may hook the following APIs:
    • Process listing APIs such as Process32First and Process32Next so that it can remove the malware process from the results
    • File listing APIs such as FindFirstFileA and FindNextFileA
    • Registry enumeration APIs such as RegQueryInfoKey and RegEnumKeyEx 
  • Stealing banking details (banking Trojans): For the malware to capture HTTP messages, inject code into a bank home page, and capture sent username and pin codes, it usually hooks the following APIs:
    • Internet communication functions such as InternetConnectAHttpSendRequestAInternetReadFile, and other wininet.dll APIs. WSARecv and WSASend from ws2_32.dll are another possibility here.
    • Firefox APIs such as PR_Read, PR_Write, PR_Close.
  • Other uses: Hooking CreateProcessA, CreateProcessAsUserA, and similar APIs to inject into child processes or prevent some processes from starting. Hooking LoadLibraryA and LoadLibraryExA is also possible.

Both the A and W versions of WinAPIs (for ANSI and Unicode, respectively) can be hooked in the same way.

Working with API hooking

In this section, we will look at different techniques for API hooking, from the simple methods that can only alter API arguments to more complex ones that were used in different banking Trojans, including Vawtrak.

Inline API hooking

To hook an API, the malware generally prefers to modify the first few bytes (typically, this is five bytes) of the API assembly code and replace them with jmp <hooking_function> so that it can change the API arguments and maybe skip the call to this API and return a fake result (like an error or just NULL). The code change generally looks like this:

Before Hooking: 
mov edi, edi
push ebp
mov ebp, esp

After Hooking:
jmp hooking_function

So, the malware replaces the first five bytes (which, in this case, are three instructions) with one instruction, which is jmp to the hooked function. Windows supports API hooking and has added an extra instruction, mov edi, edi, which takes two bytes of space, which makes the function prologue 5 bytes in size. This makes API hooking a much easier task to perform.

The hooking_function saves the replaced five bytes at the beginning of the API and uses them to call the API back, for example, like this:

<change API parameters>
mov edi, edi
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
jmp API+5 ;jump to the API after the first replaced 5 bytes

This way, hooking_function can work seamlessly without affecting the program flow. It can alter the arguments of the API and therefore control the results, and it can directly execute ret to the program without actually calling the API.

Inline API hooking with trampoline

In the previous simple hooking function, the malware can alter the arguments of the API. But when you're using trampolines, the malware can also alter the return value of the API and any data associated with it. The trampoline is simply a small function that only executes jmp to the API and includes the first missing five bytes (or three instructions, in the previous case), like this:

mov edi, edi
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
jmp API+5 ;jump to the API after the first replaced 5 bytes

Rather than jumping back to the API, which in the end returns control to the program, the hooking function calls the trampoline as a replacement of the API and the trampoline returns to the hooking function with the return value of the API to be altered by the hooking function before returning back to the program, as shown in the following screenshot:

Figure 17: Hooking function with Trampoline

The code of the hooking function looks more complex:

<change API parameters>
push API_argument03
push API_argument02
push API_argument01
call trampoline ;jmp to the API and return with the API return value
<change API return value>
ret ;return back to the main program

This added step gives malware more control over the API and its output, which makes it possible, for example,  to inject JavaScript code into the output of InternetReadFile, PR_Read, or other APIs to steal credentials or transfer money to a different bank account.

Inline API hooking with a length disassembler

As we have seen in the previous techniques, API hooking is quite simple when you use the mov edi, edi instruction at the beginning of each API, which makes the first five bytes predictable for API hooking functionality. Unfortunately, this can't always be the case with all Windows APIs, so sometimes malware families have to disassemble the first few instructions to avoid breaking the API.

Some malware families such as Vawtrak use a length disassembler to replace a few instructions (with a size equal or greater than five bytes) with the jmp instruction to the hooking function, as shown in the following screenshot. Then, they copy these instructions to the trampoline and add a jmp instruction to the API:

Figure 18. The Vawtrak API hooking with a disassembler

The main goal of this is to ensure that the trampoline doesn't jmp back to the API in the middle of the instruction and to make the API hooking work seamlessly without any unpredictable effects on the hooked process behavior.

Detecting API hooking using memory forensics

As we already know, API hooking is generally used together with the process injection, and dealing with API hooking in dynamic analysis and memory forensics is very similar to dealing with process injections. Adding to the previous techniques of detecting process injection (using malfind or hollowfind), we can use a Volatility command called apihooks. This command scans the process's libraries, searching for hooked APIs (starting with jmp or a call), and shows the name of the hooked API and the address of the hooking function, as shown in the following screenshot:

Figure 19. The Volatility command apihooks for detecting API hooking

We can then use vaddump (as we described earlier in this chapter) to dump this memory address and use IDA Pro or any other static analysis tool to disassemble the shellcode and understand the motivation behind this API hooking.

Exploring IAT hooking

IAT hooking (import address table hooking) is another form of API hooking that isn't widely used. This hooking technique doesn't require any disassembler, code patching, or a trampoline. The idea behind it is to modify the import table's addresses so that they point to the malicious hooking functions rather than the actual API. In this case, the hooking function executes jmp on the actual API address (or call after pushing the API arguments to the stack) and then returns to the actual program, as shown in the following diagram:

Figure 20. IAT hooking mechanism

This hooking is not effective against the dynamic loading of APIs (using GetProcAddress and LoadLibrary), but it's still effective against many legitimate applications that have most of their required APIs in the import table.


In this chapter, we have covered two very well-known techniques that are used by many malware families: process injection and API hooking. These techniques are used for many reasons, including disguising the malware, bypassing firewalls, maintaining persistence for fileless malware, man-in-the-browser attacks, and more.

We have covered how to deal with code injection in the dynamic analysis process, as well as how to detect code injection and API hooking and how to analyze them in the memory forensics process.

After reading this chapter, you will have a greater understanding of complex malware and how it can be injected into legitimate processes. This will help you to analyze cyberattacks incorporating various techniques and protect your organization from future threats more effectively.

In Chapter 5, Bypassing Anti-Reverse Engineering Techniques, we will cover other techniques that are used by malware authors to make it harder for reverse engineers to analyze it and understand its behavior.

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