Extracting spatial information from flat data

As we have some flat data already in our database, it's time to extract the spatial information. So far all the datasets, used Cartesian coordinate systems so our job is really straightforward:

drop table if exists data_import.earthquakes_subset_with_geom; 
place,Points of Interest in TXT format
ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(longitude, latitude), 4326) as geom
into data_import.earthquakes_subset_with_geom
from data_import.earthquakes_csv;

This example extracts a subset of data and puts data into a new table with coordinates being expressed as a geometry type, rather than two columns with numeric data appropriate for Lon and Lat.

In order to quickly preview the data, we dump the table's content to KML using ogr2ogr (this is a little spoiler on the next chapter on exporting the data from PostGIS indeed):

ogr2ogr -f "KML" earthquakes_from_postgis.kml PG:"host=localhost port=5434 user=postgres dbname=mastering_postgis" data_import.earthquakes_subset_with_geom -t_srs EPSG:4326

Such KML can be viewed for example in Google Earth (you can use the original KML downloaded from USGS just as a cross check for the output data):

More examples of extracting the spatial data from different formats are addressed in the ETL chapter.
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