Using the confine method

The confine method can be used with a fact, as shown in the following code:

Puppet::Type.type(:mynewtype).provide(:myprovider) do
confine :osfamily => :redhat

The confine method could also use exisits to base its conditions on whether a certain file is present on the system under management. The following example demonstrates how the provider is restricted to only those systems where Puppet's .config file exists:

Puppet::Type.type(:mynewtype).provide(:myprovider) do
confine :exisits => Puppet[:config]

Another possibility is to base the conditions of the confine method on certain Puppet features (they are all listed in the source code directory at, as shown in the following code:

Puppet::Type.type(:mynewtype).provide(:myprovider) do
confine :feature => :selinux

Finally, confine can accept a Boolean expression to restrict your provider, as shown in the following code:

Puppet::Type.type(:mynewtype).provide(:myprovider) do
confine :exisits => Puppet[:config]
confine :true => begin
if File.exists?(Puppet[:config])
File.readlines(Puppet[:config]).find {|line| line =~ /^s*[agent]/ }
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