Chapter 7. SoapUI Integration with Jenkins and HP QC

As the world of testing has advanced over the past few years, we have seen testers who can code and developers who can test with the evolution of the software industry. Testing and development have both played a major role. There is always tension and fighting between the development and testing, but let's try to realize that both teams are fighting for the same objective: The delivery of a quality software product to the client. With time, the release cycles of products and budgets have shrunk. Which has shortened the dev and test cycle and hence has raised a need for new roles and technology which can help deliver the product faster and with good quality. It would not be wrong if we say Quality Assurance has moved towards Business Assurance.

Before we move ahead, let's see what we will learn in this chapter. We will discuss:

  • DevOps
  • Jenkins Integration with SoapUI
  • HP QC integration with SoapUI

The preceding factors have given birth to DevOps, so what is DevOps? Let's have a look.


DevOps is a bit of development, QA, and operations. The following figure might give a better idea:


The preceding figure shows that the DevOps team is an intersection of all three major teams.

So as you see in the preceding figure DevOps is a role which is an integration of all three teams in SDLC.

The DevOps Team has good communication with both QA and Dev for the following reasons:

  • Development explains to them how the system works and how the deployment scripts should be coded
  • QA explains to them how to test the deployed system and write additional tests and automate them
  • Operation team keeps them aware of any changes that happen to the system after production

Now let's have a look at how test Automation has a role to play in DevOps.

As we have seen, DevOps people need to write tests with QA that help to validate the build. So here comes the need for test automation. DevOps automate the sanity or smoke test suite and hook it up with any Continuous Integration tools like Jenkins. What happens now is, whenever a new build is built and deployed on any server, the sanity test automatically gets executed and publishes the report to the destined stakeholders.

So here comes the question: how do we integrate SoapUI with Jenkins or bamboo? We have already seen in previous chapters how to create a build.xml file to run SoapUI tests with Ant and generate a report.

We will now see multiple ways to integrate SoapUI test cases with Jenkins

But before moving on to that, lets have a look at what Jenkins is and what it does.

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