Other Faster Web tools

Many other Faster Web tools exist that can help you optimize the performance of your web applications and websites. Amongst these many tools are those suggested by Google on their Faster Web site for developers (https://developers.google.com/speed/). One tool that will help you further analyze the performance issues of web applications is PageSpeed Insights.

This tool quickly identifies any possible performance optimizations for your web application, based on the URL you submit. To further analyze the effects of using Cloudflare for the Linux for PHP website, let's submit the URL to the PageSpeed Insights tool.

Here are the initial results before using Cloudflare:

Results of the performance analysis of the linuxforphp.net website when NOT using Cloudflare

And, here are the results after adding the Cloudflare reverse proxy server:

Results of the performance analysis of the linuxforphp.net website when using Cloudflare

Not only can we see that the general performance of the website is much better, but PageSpeed Insights also gives suggestions as to how we can further optimize the web application.

The initial recommendations of this tool, before the switch to Cloudflare, were as follows:

Suggestions to optimize the performance of the linuxforphp.net website when NOT using Cloudflare

And, then, after the switch to Cloudflare:

Suggestions to optimize the performance of the linuxforphp.net website when using Cloudflare

As we can see, the list of optimization suggestions is much shorter, but if we were to leverage browser caching for certain specific image files that can be found on the site, eliminate some render-blocking JavaScript and CSS, reduce image sizes and try to reduce server response time in general, we would most certainly get a perfect score!

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