Chapter 64
Total Clicks

Measurement Need

The marketer’s use of social media has multiple objectives. A key goal is to determine whether the time and money invested in supporting the company’s social media efforts results in the members of its social media audience clicking onto their website.


Total Clicks = WOM × Direct Clicks


WOM = word of mouth (based on Chapter 63

Direct clicks = only those clicks that are directly to the site; no referral clicks

Example: Continuing with the example from Chapter 63, the WOM of 4.8 is multiplied by the 1,000,000 direct clicks:

WOM = 4.8 × 1,000,000

= 4,800,000


Total clicks provide insight about the potential multiplier gained from WOM. The data is from the WOM metric multiplied by the direct clicks.

Customers develop a sense of what doing business with a company is like during the process of buying the firm’s offerings. Marketers know that making the customer’s experience positive can encourage the customer to voluntarily share their positive experience with others. Total clicks helps marketers understand the impact that a single customer has on developing additional customer relationships.

iMark Jeffrey, Data-Driven Marketing: The 15 Metrics Everyone in Marketing Should Know (John Wiley & Sons, 2010), 185.

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