© Kasun Indrasiri and Prabath Siriwardena 2018
Kasun Indrasiri and Prabath SiriwardenaMicroservices for the Enterprisehttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-3858-5_1

1. The Case for Microservices

Kasun Indrasiri1  and Prabath Siriwardena1
San Jose, CA, USA

Enterprise software architecture always evolves with new architectural styles owing to the paradigm shifts in the technology landscape and the desire to find better ways to build applications in a fast but reliable way.

The microservices architecture has been widely adopted as an architectural style that allows you to build software applications with speed and safety. The microservices architecture fosters building a software system as a collection of independent autonomous services (developed, deployed, and scaled independently) that are loosely coupled. These services form a single software application by integrating all such services and other systems.

In this chapter, we explore what microservices are, the characteristics of microservices with real-world examples, and the pros and cons of microservices in the context of enterprise software architecture.

To better understand what microservices are, we need to look at some of the architectural styles used prior to microservices, and how the enterprise architecture has evolved to embrace the microservices architecture.

From a Monolith to a Microservices Architecture

Exploring the evolution of enterprise architecture from monolithic applications to microservices is a great way to understand the key motivations and characteristics of microservices. Let’s begin our discussion with monolithic applications.

Monolithic Applications

Enterprise software applications are designed to facilitate numerous business requirements. In the monolithic architecture style, all the business functionalities are piled into a single monolithic application and built as a single unit.

Consider a real-world example to understand monolithic applications further. Figure 1-1 shows an online retail application, which is built using the monolithic architecture style.
Figure 1-1

Online retail application developed with a monolithic architecture

The entire retail application is a collection of several components, such as order management, payments, product management, and so on. Each of these components offers a wide range of business functionalities. Adding or modifying a functionality to a component was extremely expensive owing to its monolithic nature. Also, to facilitate the overall business requirements, these components had to communicate with each other. The communications between these components were often built on top of proprietary protocols and standards, and they were based on the point-to-point communication style. Hence, modifying or replacing a given component was also quite complicated. For example, if the retail enterprise wanted to switch to a new order management system while keeping the rest, doing so would require quite a lot of changes to the other existing components too.

We can generalize the common characteristics of monolithic application as follows:
  • Designed, developed, and deployed as a single unit.

  • Overwhelmingly complex for most of the real-world business use cases, which leads to nightmares in maintaining, upgrading, and adding new features.

  • It’s hard to practice Agile development and delivery methodologies. Since the application has to be built as a single unit, most of the business capabilities that it offers cannot have their own lifecycles.

  • You must redeploy the entire application in order to update any part of it.

  • As the monolithic app grows, it may take longer and longer to start up, which adds to the overall cost.

  • It has to be scaled as a single application and is difficult to scale with conflicting resource requirements. (For example, since a monolithic application offers multiple business capabilities, one capability may require more CPU while another requires more memory. It’s hard to cater to the individual needs of these capabilities.)

  •  One unstable service can bring the whole application down.

  • It’s very difficult to adopt new technologies and frameworks, as all the functionalities have to build on homogeneous technologies/frameworks. (For example, if you are using Java, all new projects have to be based on Java, even if that are better alternative technologies out there.)

As a solution to some of the limitations of the monolithic application architecture, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) emerged.


SOA tries to combat the challenges of large monolithic applications by segregating the functionalities of monolithic applications into reusable, loosely coupled entities called services. These services are accessible via calls over the network.
  • A service is a self-contained implementation of a well-defined business functionality that is accessible over the network. Applications in SOA are built based on services.

  • Services are software components with well-defined interfaces that are implementation-independent. An important aspect of SOA is the separation of the service interface (the what) from its implementation (the how).

  • The consumers are only concerned about the service interface and do not care about its implementation.

  • Services are self-contained (perform predetermined tasks) and loosely coupled (for independence).

  • Services can be dynamically discovered. The consumers often don’t need to know the exact location and other details of a service. They can discover the service’s metadata via a service metadata repository or a service registry. When there’s a change to the service metadata, the service can update its metadata in the service registry.

  • Composite services can be built from aggregates of other services.

With the SOA paradigm, each business functionality is built as a (coarse-grained) service (often implemented as Web Services) with several sub-functionalities. These services are deployed inside an application server. When it comes to the consumption of business functionalities, we often need to integrate/plumb multiple such services (and create composite services) and other systems. Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) is used to integrate those services, data, and systems. Consumers use the composite services exposed from the ESB layer. Hence, ESB is used as the centralized bus (see Figure 1-2) that connects all these services and systems.
Figure 1-2

SOA/ESB style based online retail system

For example, let’s go back to our online retail application use case. Figure 1-2 illustrates the implementation of the online retail application using SOA/web services. Here we have defined multiple web services that cater to various business capabilities such as products, customers, shopping, orders, payments, etc. At the ESB layer, we may integrate such business capabilities and create composite business capabilities, which are exposed to the consumers. Or the ESB layer may just be used to expose the functionalities as it is, with additional cross-cutting features such as security. So, obviously the ESB layer also contains a significant portion of the business logic of the entire application. Other cross-cutting concerns such as security, monitoring, and analytics may also be applied at the ESB layer. The ESB layer is a monolithic entity where all developers share the same runtime to develop/deploy their service integrations.


Exposing business functionalities as managed services or APIs has become a key requirement of the modern enterprise architecture. However, web services/SOA is not really the ideal solution to cater to such requirements, due to the complexity of the Web Service-related technologies such as SOAP (used as the message format for inter-service communication), WS-Security (to secure messaging between services), WSDLs (to define the service contract), etc., and the lack of features to build an ecosystem around APIs (self-servicing, etc.)

Therefore, most organizations put a new API Management/API Gateway layer on top of the existing SOA implementations. This layer is known as the API façade, and it exposes a simple API for a given business functionality and hides all the internal complexities of the ESB/Web Services layer. The API layer is also used for security, throttling, caching, and monetization.

For example, Figure 1-3 introduces an API gateway on top of the ESB layer. All the business capabilities offered from our online retail application are now being exposed as managed APIs. The API management layer is not just to expose functionalities as managed APIs, but you will be able to build a whole ecosystem of business capabilities and their consumers.
Figure 1-3

Exposing business functionalities as managed APIs through an API Gateway layer

With the increasing demand for complex business capabilities, the monolithic architecture can no longer cater to the modern enterprise software application development. The centralized nature of monolithic applications results in the lack of being able to scale applications independently , inter-application dependencies that hinder independent application development and deployment, reliability issues due to the centralized nature and the constraints on using diverse technologies for application development. To overcome most of these limitations and to cater to the modern, complex, and decentralized application needs, a new architecture paradigm must be conceived.

The microservices architecture has emerged as a better architecture paradigm to overcome the drawbacks of the ESB/SOA architecture as well as the conventional monolithic application architecture.

What Is a Microservice?

The foundation of the microservices architecture is about developing a single application as a suite of small and independent services that are running in their own processes, developed and deployed independently.

As illustrated in Figure 1-4, the online retail software application can be transformed into a microservices architecture by breaking the monolithic application layer into independent and business functionality oriented services. Also, we got rid of the central ESB by breaking its functionalities into each service, so that the services take care of the inter-service communication and composition logic.
Figure 1-4

An online retail application built using a microservices architecture

Therefore, each microservice at the microservices layer offers a well-defined business capability (preferably with a small scope), which are designed, developed, deployed, and administrated independently.

The API management layer pretty much stays the same, despite the changes to the ESB and services layers that it communicates with. The API gateway and management layer exposes the business functionalities as managed APIs; we have the option of segregating the gateway into independent per-API based runtimes.

Since now you have a basic understanding of the microservices architecture, we can dive deep into the main characteristics of microservices.

Business Capability Oriented

One of the key concepts of the microservices architecture is that your service has to be designed based on the business capabilities, so that a given service will serve a specific business purpose and has a well-defined set of responsibilities. A given service should focus on doing only one thing and doing it well.

It’s important to understand that a coarse-grained service (such as a web service developed in the SOA context) or a fine-grained service (which doesn’t map to a business capability) is not a suitable fit into the microservices architecture. Rather, the service should be sized purely based on the scope and the business functionality. Also, keep in mind that making services too small (i.e., oriented on fine grained features that map to business capabilities) is considered an anti-pattern.

In the example scenario, we had coarse-grained services such as Product, Order, etc. in SOA/Web Services implementation (see Figure 1-3) and when we move into microservices, we identified a set of more fine-grained, yet business capability-oriented services, such as Product Details, Order Processing, Product Search, Shopping Cart, etc.

The size of the service is never determined based on the number of lines of code or the number of people working on that service . The concepts such as Single Responsibility Principle (SRP), Conway's law, Twelve Factor App, Domain Driven Design (DDD), and so on, are useful in identifying and designing the scope and functionalities of a microservice. We will discuss such key concepts and fundamentals of designing microservices around business capabilities in Chapter 2, “Designing Microservices”.

Autonomous : Develop, Deploy, and Scale Independently

Having autonomous services could well be the most important driving force behind the realization of the microservices architecture. Microservices are developed, deployed, and scaled as independent entities. Unlike web services or a monolithic application architecture, services don’t share the same execution runtime. Rather they are deployed as isolated runtimes by leveraging technologies such as containers. The successful and increasing adaptation of containers and container management technologies such as Docker, Kubernetes, and Mesos are vital for the realization of service autonomy and contribute to the success of the microservices architecture as a whole. We dig deep into the deployment aspect of microservices in Chapter 8, “Deploying and Running Microservices”.

The autonomous services ensure the resiliency of the entire system as we have isolated the failures along with service isolation. These services are loosely coupled through messaging via inter-service communication over the network. The inter-service communication can be built on top of various interaction styles and message formats (we cover these things in detail in Chapter 3, “Inter-Service Communication”). They expose their APIs via technology-agnostic service contracts and consumers can use those contracts to collaborate with that service. Such services may also be exposed as managed APIs via an API gateway.

The independent deployment of services provides the innate ability to scale services independently. As the consumption of business functionalities varies, we can scale the microservices that get more traffic without scaling other services.

We can observe these microservices’ characteristics in our e-commerce application use case, which is illustrated in Figure 1-3. The coarse-grained services, such as Product, Order, etc., share the same application server runtime as in the SOA/Web Services approach. So, a failure (such as out of memory or CPU spinning) in one of those services could blow off the entire application server runtime. Also, in many cases the functionalities such as product search may be very frequently used compared to other functionalities. With the monolithic approach, you can’t scale the product searching functionalities because it shares the same application server runtime with other services (you have to share the entire application server runtime instead). As illustrated in Figure 1-4, the segregation of these coarse-grained services into microservices makes them independently deployable, isolates failures into each service level, and allows you to independently scale a given microservice depending how it is consumed.

No Central ESB: Smart Endpoints and Dumb Pipes

The microservices architecture fosters the elimination of the Enterprise Service Bus (ESB). The ESB used to be the where most of the smarts lived in the SOA/Web Services based architecture. The microservices architecture introduces a new style of service integration called smart endpoints and dumb pipes instead of using an ESB. As discussed earlier in this chapter, most of the business functionalities are implemented at the ESB level through the integration or plumbing of the underlying services and systems. With smart endpoints and dumb pipes, all the business logic (which includes the inter-service communication logic) resides at each microservice level (they are the smart-endpoints) and all such services are connected to a primitive messaging system (a dumb pipe), which doesn’t have any business logic.

Most naive microservices adopters think that by just transforming the system into a microservices architecture, they can simply get rid of all the complexities of the centralized ESB architecture. However, the reality is that with microservices architecture, the centralized capabilities of the ESB are dispersed into all the microservices. The capabilities that the ESB has offered now have to be implemented at the microservices level.

So, the key point here is that the complexity of the ESB won’t go away. Rather it gets distributed among all the microservices that you develop. The microservices compositions (using synchronous or asynchronous styles), inter-services communication via different communication protocols, application of resiliency patterns such as circuit breakers, integrating with other applications, SaaS (e.g., Salesforce), APIs, data and proprietary systems, and observability of integrated services need to be implemented as part of the microservices that you develop. In fact, the complexity of creating compositions and inter-services communication can be more challenging due to the number of services that you have to deal with in a microservices architecture (services are more prone to errors due to the inter-service communications over the network).

Most of the early microservices adopters such as Netflix just implemented most of these capabilities from scratch. However, if we are to fully replace ESB with a microservices architecture, we have to select specific technologies to build those ESB’s capabilities at our microservices level rather re-implementing them from scratch.

We will take a detailed look at all these requirements and discuss some of the available technologies to realize them in Chapter 3, “Inter-service Communication” and Chapter 7, “Integrating Microservices”.

Failure Tolerance

As discussed in the previous section, microservices are more prone to failures due to the proliferation of the services and their inter-service network communications. A given microservice application is a collection of fine-grained services and therefore a failure of one or more of those services should not bring down the entire application. Therefore, we should gracefully handle a given failure of a microservice so that it has minimum impact on the business functionalities of the application. Designing microservices in failure-tolerable fashion requires the adaptation of the required technologies from the design, development, and deployment phases.

For example, in the retail example, let’s say the Product Details microservices is critical to the functionality of the e-commerce application. Hence we need to apply all the resiliency-related capabilities, such as circuit breakers, disaster recovery, load-balancing, fail-over, and dynamic scaling based on traffic patterns, which we discuss in detail in Chapter 7, “Integrating Microservices”.

It is really important to mimic all such possible failures as part of the service development and testing, using tools such as Netflix’s Chaos Monkey. A given service implementation should also be responsible for all the resiliency related activities; such behaviors are automatically verified as part of the CICD (continuous integration, continuous delivery) process.

The other aspect of failure tolerance is the ability to observe the behavior of the microservices that you run in production. Detecting or predicting failures in a service and restoring such services is quite important. For example, suppose that you have monitoring, tracing, logging, etc. enabled for all your microservices in the online retail application example. Then you observe a significant latency and low TPS (Transactions Per Second) in the Product Search service. This is an indication of a possible future outage of that service. If the microservices are observable, you should be able to analyze the reasons for the current symptoms. Therefore, even if you have employed chaos testing during the development phase, it’s important to have a solid observability infrastructure in place for all your microservices to achieve failure tolerance. We will discuss the observability techniques in detail in Chapter 13, “Observability”.

We cover failure tolerance techniques and best practices in Chapter 7, “Integrating Microservices” and Chapter 8, “Deploying and Running Microservices” in detail.

Decentralized Data Management

In a monolithic architecture, the application stores data in single and centralized logical databases to implement various functionalities/capabilities of the application. In a microservices architecture, the functionalities are dispersed across multiple microservices. If we use the same centralized database, the microservices will be no longer independent from each other (for instance, if the database schema is changed by one microservice, that will break several other services). Therefore, each microservice must have its own database and database schema.

Each microservice can have a private database to persist the data that requires implementing the business functionality offered by it. A given microservice can only access the dedicated private database and not the databases of other microservices.

In some business scenarios, you might have to update several databases for a single transaction. In such scenarios, the databases of other microservices should be updated through the corresponding service API only (they are not allowed to access the database directly).

The decentralized data management gives you the fully decoupled microservices and the liberty of choosing disparate data-management techniques (SQL or NoSQL etc., different database management systems for each service). We look at the data management techniques of the microservices architecture in detail in Chapter 5, “Data Management”.

Service Governance

SOA governance was one of a key driving forces behind the operational success of SOA; it provides the cooperation and coordination between the different entities in an organization (development teams, service consumers, etc.). Although it defines a comprehensive set of theoretical concepts as part of SOA governance, only a handful of concepts are being actively used in practice. When we shift into a microservices architecture, most of the useful governance concepts are discarded and the governance in microservices is interpreted as a decentralized process, which allows each team/entity to govern its own domain, as it prefers. Decentralized governance is applicable to the service development, deployment, and execution process, but there’s a lot more to it than that. Hence we deliberately didn’t use the term decentralized governance .

We can identify two key aspects of governance: design-time governance of services (selecting technologies, protocols, etc.) and runtime governance (service definitions, service registry and discovery, service versioning, service runtime dependencies, service ownerships and consumers, enforcing QoS, and service observerability).

Design-time governance in microservices is mostly a decentralized process where each service owner is given the freedom to design, develop, and run their services. Then they can use the right tool for the job, rather than standardize on a single technology platform. However, we should define some common standards that are applicable across the organization (for example, irrespective of the development language, all code should go through a review process and automatically be merged into the mainline).

The runtime governance aspect of microservices is implemented at various levels and often we don’t call it runtime governance in a microservices context (service registry and discovery is one such popular concept that is extremely useful in a microservices architecture). So, rather than learn about these concepts as a set of discrete concepts, it’s easier to understand them if we look at the runtime-governance perspective.

Runtime governance is absolutely critical in the microservices architecture (it is even more important than SOA runtime governance), simply because of the number of microservices that we have to deal with. The implementation of runtime governance is often done as a centralized component. For example, suppose that we need to discover service endpoints and metadata in our online retail application scenario. Then all the services have to call a centralized registry service (which can have its own scaling capabilities, yet a logically centralized component). Similarly, if we want to apply QoS (quality of service) enforcements such as security, by throttling centrally, we need a central place such as an API Manager/gateway to do that. In fact, some of the runtime governance aspects are implemented at the API gateway layer too.

We’ll look at microservices governance aspects in detail in Chapter 6, “Microservices Governance” and API Management in Chapter 10, “APIs, Events and Streams”.


Service observability can be considered a combination of monitoring, distributed logging, distributed tracing, and visualization of a service’s runtime behavior and dependencies. Hence observability can be also considered part of runtime governance. With the proliferation of fine-grained services, the ability to observe the runtime behavior of a service is absolutely critical. Observability components are often a centralized component in the microservices implementation and each service pushes data into those components (rather, observability runtimes pull data from services). Observability is useful for identifying and debugging potential issues, while services are in production and can be also used for business functionality purposes (such as monetization). We’ll discuss the wide range of tools and techniques for building observable services in Chapter 13, “Observability”.

Microservices: Benefits and Liabilities

As with any architecture or technology, there are benefits and liabilities with the microservices architecture. Since you have a good understanding of the key microservices characteristics, this is a good time to talk about them. Let’s start with the benefits of microservices.


One of the main reasons for the popularity of the microservices architecture are the benefits that it provides over the conventional software architecture patterns. Let’s have a closer look at the key benefits of the microservices architecture.

Agile and Rapid Development of Business Functionalities

The microservices architecture favors autonomous service development, which helps us with Agile and rapid development of business functionalities. In a conventional architecture, converting a business functionality to a production-ready software application functionality takes many cycles, primarily due to the size of the system, codebase, and dependencies. With autonomous service development, you just need to focus on the interface and the functionality of the service (not the functionality of the entire system, which is far more complex), as all the other services only communicate through the network calls via service interfaces.


Due to its autonomous nature, microservices are also replaceable. Since we are building services as an independent entity, which is communicating via network calls and defined APIs, we can easily replace that functionality with another better implementation. Being focused on a specific functionality, having a limited scope and size, and deploying it in an independent runtime, all make it much easier to build a replaceable service.

Failure Isolation and Predictability

Replaceability also helps us to achieve failure isolation and prediction. As discussed, a microservices-based application cannot blow up like a conventional monolithic application due to the failure of any given component or service. Having proper observability features also helps us to identify or predict potential failures.

Agile Deployment and Scalability

Ease of deployment and scaling could well be the most important value proposition of microservices. With the modern cloud-based container native infrastructures, the ability to easily deploy a service and scale it dynamically is becoming trivial. Since we are building capabilities as autonomous services, we can easily leverage all such container and cloud-native technologies to facilitate Agile deployment and scalability.

Align with Organizational Structure

Since microservices are business capability oriented, they can well be aligned with the organizational/team structure. Often a given organization is structured in a way that it delivers the business capabilities. Therefore, the ownership of each service can easily be given to the teams who own the business functionality. Therefore, given that a microservice focuses on specific business functionality, you can pick a relatively small team to own that microservice. This has a positive impact on the development team, because the scope of a given service is simple and well defined. That way, the team can fully own service’s entire lifecycle.


Most of the liabilities of the microservices architecture are primarily due to the proliferation of services that you need to cope with.

Inter-Service Communication

Inter-service communication complexity could possibly be more challenging than the implementation of the actual services. As discussed earlier, the smart endpoints and dumb pipes concept forces us to have inter-service communication logic as part of our microservices. The service developers have to spend a substantial amount of time on plumbing microservices together to create a composite business functionality.

Service Governance

Having a number of services communicated over the network also complicates the governance and observability aspect of services. If you don’t have the proper governance and observability tools in place, it will be a nightmare to identify service dependencies and detect failures. For example, service lifecycle management, testing, discovery, monitoring, quality of service, and various other service governance capabilities will become more complex with a microservices architecture.

Heavily Depends on Deployment Methodologies

The success of deploying and scaling microservices is heavily dependent on the adoption of containers and container orchestration systems. If you don’t have such an infrastructure in place, you will need to invest time and energy on it (and don’t even think about having a successful microservices architecture without containers). Ultimately, a successful microservices architecture is also up to the teams and people. The ownership of services, thinking about making service lightweight and container-native, not having a central point to integrate services, etc., requires organization-level engineering culture changes.

Complexity of Distributed Data and Transaction Management

Since a microservices architecture promotes localizing the data to a given service, distributed data management will be quite daunting. The same applies to distributed transactions. Implementing transaction boundaries that span across multiple microservices will be quite challenging.

How and When to Use Microservices

We discussed how the microservices architecture has evolved from the conventional centralized enterprise architecture, covered the key characteristics of it, and discussed the pros and cons of using it. However, we need to have a solid set of guidelines on when to use the microservices architecture and when to avoid it.
  • The microservices architecture is ideal when your current enterprise architecture requires modularity.

  • If the business problem that you are trying to solve with your software application is quite simple, you may not need microservices at all (having a simple monolithic web application and a database is usually sufficient).

  • Your software application has to embrace container-based deployment.

  • If your system is far too complex to be segregated into microservices, you should identify the areas into which you can introduce microservices with minimal impact. Then, start implementing a small use case on microservices and build the required ecosystem components around that.

  • Understanding business capabilities is quite critical for designing microservices. Understanding microservices design techniques, as explained in Chapter 2, “Designing Microservices,” are essential prior to service implementation

  • For each specific microservice domain (such as data management, inter-service communication, security, etc.), we discuss in detail the best practices and anti-patterns in the upcoming chapters.


The key objective of this chapter is to give you an overview on the current state of the enterprise architecture and how microservices fit into it. In this chapter, we discussed how enterprise architecture has been evolving from monolithic applications to microservices. And we discussed how the role of ESB and API gateway changes when we move into microservices. We also discussed the key characteristics of the microservices architecture and its pros and cons, which will be the foundation to understand the rest of this book.

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