
Each partition of a Microservice can have a configurable number of replicas. These replicas ensure that your service is highly available. The individual replicas that are executing the code of your Microservices are displayed at this level:

Service Fabric Explorer – application hierarchy

To explore the tool further, click on the application instance node, fabric:/HelloWorldApplication, in the left menu and in the DETAILS pane, click the ACTIONS button and then click the Delete Application menu. In the following dialog box, confirm that you want to delete your application instance:

Service Fabric Explorer – ACTIONS button

Prior to deleting the application, the explorer will prompt you to confirm whether you want to carry out the operation:

Confirmation to delete application

Once the UI of the application refreshes, your application instance will be removed from the list of available application instances:

Updated list of applications after delete

Note that we have only deleted an application instance, so the application type is still preserved. Click on the Create app instance link to provision another instance of the application:

Create application instance
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