

32-bit processors

AWE, limitations of, 453

extended system support, 454

upgrading to 64-bit, 449–450

virtual address space, 451

64-bit processors

addressable memory, 452

benefits of, 450

comparing SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005, 454–455



dimensions in Analysis Services 2005, 414

metadata, 64

properties in Analysis Services 2005, 410

Resource database, 31

system metadata, 32

catalog security, 33–34

catalog views, 32–33

system tables, 64

active-active clusters, 87

Activity Monitor (SQL Server Management Studio), 110

monitoring locking and blocking, 278–281

addressable memory of 64-bit proces- sors, 452

administering HTTP SOAP endpoints, 328–329

Agent log files, viewing, 109–110

Aggregate transformation, 361

alignment, 271

ALTER INDEX statement, T-SQL enhancement, 190

ALTER permission, 204

AMO (Analysis Management Objects), 57, 405–406

implementing, 406, 408

required assembly references, 406

Analysis Services 2000. See also Analysis Services 2005

failover clustering support, 396

migrating to Analysis Services 2005, 415–416

Analysis Services 2005, 9, 392

ANSI SQL-92, SQL Server 2005 compliance, 213

databases, backing up, 412

dimensions, enhancements to, 401

new features

Intellicube, 399

multiple fact tables, 399

Optimize Schema option, 410

partitioning, 409–410

projects, 113

properties, accessing, 410

security, 412

granular permissions, 413–414

role-based, 414

selective aggregation, 394

tasks, 360

UBO, 409

XMLA support, 403–405


management tools, 146

SMO, 147–150

WMI, 150–151

SNAC, 52

WMI, 57–58

WMIL, managed objects, 58

appdomains, 338

application design, performance objectives

.NET runtime integration, 291

asynchronous messaging, 290

HTTP SOAP support, 292

mutliple active result sets, 291

query notifications, 291

T-SQL enhancements, 291

APPLY relational operator, 184


catalog views, 345–346

dependencies, viewing, 336

dropping from database, 336

in .NET Framework, 333

properties, modifying, 336

references, AMO requirements, 406


assigning permissions to signed module users, 228–229

ASSL (Analysis Services Scripting Language), 403

associating xml data type with XSD schema, 305

Association algorithm, 402

asymmetric keys, 219

asynchronous messaging, 67

benefits of, 422

database integration, 423

asynchronous mode (database mirroring), 248

asynchronous triggers, 68, 435–440


auditing, 219

AUs (allocation units), 37

authentication, 80, 196

endpoint-based, 196–197

limitations of in SQL Server 2000, 198

password policy support, 199

CREATE LOGIN DDL statement, options, 199–200

creating SQL Authenticated logins, 200

credentials, 200

disabling SQL Authenticated logins, 201

native password complexity, 199

SQL Browser, 197–198


reports, 113–114

SSIS packages, 111–112

authoring tools. See management and authoring tools

authorization, 201

granular permissions control, 202

ALTER permission, 204

CONTROL permission, 204

GRANT statement, 203

hierarchical permission model, 204–207

IMPERSONATE permission, 204

object-scoped permissions, 203

server-scoped permissions, 203

TAKE OWNERSHIP permission, 204

metadata, securing, 217–218

module execution context, 207

EXECUTE AS clause, 208–212

limitations of ownership chaining, 207–208

terminology, 202

user-schema separation, 212

creating schemas, 214

default schemas, 215–217


automatic failover, 244

automating UBO, 411

availability, enhancements to, 243–244

database mirroring, 244–249

database snapshots, 249–254

dedicated administrator connection, 258–259

early restore access, 259–260

failover clustering, 254–255

index operations, 256–257

instant file initialization, 260

mult-instance support, 258

replication, 255–256

AWE (Address Windowing Extensions), 254, 449, 451

dynamic AWE, 22

limitations of in 32-bit environments, 453


Back Up Database task, 362

backing up

Analysis Services databases, 412

databases with SQL Server Management Studio, 106

backup operations. See also restores

mirrored backup media, 238–239

performing on Service Broker applica- tions, 434

verifying, 239–240

base objects, 191

base-64 encoding and decoding functions (C#), 343–345

batch processing

query plans, 26–27

Service Broker solutions, 440

BIDS (Business Intelligence Development Studio), 110, 355, 363, 395

Breakpoint window, 365

Call Stack window, 365

Command window, 365


For Loop container, 356

Foreach Loop container, 355

Sequence container, 356–357

Task Host container, 356

Debug window, 365

Immediate window, 365

Locals window, 365

Output window, 365

Properties window, 364

Solution Explorer, 364

SSIS Designer window, 364

Toolbox window, 364

Watch window, 365

BizTalk Server versus Service Broker, 441

BLOBs (binary large objects), 266

blocked process report, 118–120

blocked process threshold, 86, 271–276

blocking, monitoring, 278–281

blocking analysis, 271

Books Online, 93

BPool, 21

breaking changes to SQL Server 2005, 48–49

Breakpoint window (BIDS), 365

breakpoints, 365

building blocks of XML web services, 324–325

bulk loading XML data, 310–312

BULK rowset provider, 186–187

business intelligence, 89–91, 390

Business Intelligence Development Studio. See BIDS

business intelligence framework, 90



base-64 encoding and decoding, 343–345

stored procedures, saving XML data to file, 341–343

calculating query plan cost, 27–28

Call Stackwindow (BIDS), 365

calling xml data type methods, 313

capturing blocked process reports, 118–120

catalog security, 33–34

catalog views, 32–33, 64, 188, 345–346

for Service Broker, 441–442


certificates, 221, 234

Character Map transformation, 361

Check Database Integrity task, 363

checksum I/O transactions, validating, 240

cleansing data, 387

clients, SSIS, 352

CLR (common language runtime), 9, 62, 334

appdomains, 338 clr, 338

as replacement for extended stored procedures, 9

hosting, design goals, 337

integration with SQL. See also SQLCLR integration

benefits of, 339–340

catalog views, 345–346

challenges, 340

examples, 341–345

monitoring activity, 346–347

CLS (Common Language Specification), 332

clusters, active-active, 87

code access security in .NET Framework, 233–234

color-coding of SSIS execution status, 366


non-key, including in indices, 68

partition columns, 38

persisted computed columns, 68–70, 265

COM objects, WMI providers, 58

Command window (BIDS), 365

command-line switches (SQLCMD), 133–136

command-prompt utilities, 366

DTExec, 367

DTExecUI, 366

DTUtil, 368

commands (SQLCMD), 138

common caching framework, 22


Service Broker and BizTalk Server, 441

Service Broker and Indigo, 441

Service Broker and MSMQ, 441

SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005, 454

compatibility views, 64, 188

computed columns, 26, 68, 70, 265

Conditional Split transformation, 360


blocked process threshold, 272–274, 276

database mail, 143–145

database mirroring, 245–247

NUMA affinity, 24

tables with SQL Server Management Studio, 107–108

consolidation, 452


creating for tables, 107–108

precedence constraints, 351

constructing XML with XQuery, example, 315–316

constructors (XQuery), 312

containers, 351, 355

For Loop container, 356

Foreach Loop container, 355

Sequence container, 356–357

Task Host container, 356

context switches, 16

contracts, 425, 432

CONTROL permission, 204

control-flow tasks, 358

Analysis Services tasks, 360

data-oriented tasks, 360

process-oriented workflow tasks, 358

Scripting tasks, 360

SQL Server tasks, 358

controlling system metadata access, 30–32

catalog security, 33–34

catalog views, 32–33

conversation groups, 427

conversations, 426

cooperative thread scheduling, 337

copy-on-write operation, database snap- shots, 251

Copy/Map transformation, 361

cost of query plans, calculating, 27–28

counters (Perfmon), 125, 445

covering indices, 262

creating, 263

versus non-key included columns, 264

CREATE ASSEMBLY DDL statement, 335

CREATE ENDPOINT statement (T-SQL), 72

CREATE LOGIN DDL statement, options, 199–200


assemblies, 335

asymmetric keys, 220

contracts, 432

database master keys, 221

database snapshots, 250–251


for database mirroring, 247

HTTP, 326–328

Service Broker, 431


covering indices, 263

nonclustered, 263

on computed columns, 265

on xml type columns, 266–267

primary XML indices, 317–318

secondary XML indices, 317–318

message types, 431–432

new databases with SQL Server Management Studio, 106

new logins, 110

plan guides, 282–286

queues, 432–433

reports, 113–114

schema, 214

services, 433

SQL authenticated logins, 200

symmetric keys, 220

synonyms, 191

typed XML, 306–310


data encryption

asymmetric keys, 219

symmetric keys, 219–221

key management, 221–224

CTEs (common table expressions), 73–74, 159–163

CTS (Common Type System), 332

cubes, 391

creating from scratch, 416

data sparsity, 394

Intellicube, 399

multiple fact tables, support for on Analysis Services 2005, 399

perspectives, 399

processing, 412


DAC (dedicated administrator connec- tion), 142

data-oriented tasks, 360

data collection, Service Broker solutions, 440

Data Conversion transformation, 361

data encryption

asymmetric keys, 219

key management, 221

symmetric keys, 219–224

data explosion, 393

data flow engine (SSIS), 354

data flow tasks, 351, 354

destination adapters, 362

source adapters, 360

transformations, 360

data marts, 390

data mining, 391, 402

Data Mining Model Training transforma- tion, 361

Data Mining Query transformation, 361

Data Mining Wizard, 403

data source views, 397

data sparsity, 394

data types, xml, 59–60

data warehousing, 387, 390

Database Mail, 57

configuring, 143–145

monitoring, 145–146

Database Maintenance tasks, 362–363

database master keys

creating, 221

encryption, 225

database mirroring, 7

benefits of, 245–246

configuring, 246–247

monitoring, 249

operation modes, 247–248

pausing, 247

server instances, 244

split-brain scenario, 244

database snapshots, 87, 249

copy-on-write operation, 251

creating, 250–251

of mirrored databases, 250

recovering deleted tables, 253–254

sparse files, 251–252

Database Tuning Advisor, 83


DBAs (database administrators), perform- ing developer responsibilities, 10

DDL triggers, 56, 167–171

deadlock information, viewing, 278

deadlock graphs, 83, 121–123

Debug window (BIDS), 365

declaring variables of xml data type, 304

decrypting data, 220–221

Dedicated Administrative Console feature, 6

dedicated administrator connections, 258–259

default schema, 215–217

defragmenting indices, 87

DENSE RANK function, 77, 179–180

dependencies of assemblies, viewing, 336

deprecated features, 47–48

Derived transformation, 360

design goals of CLR hosting in SQL Server 2005, 337

designing SSIS packages, 368, 372–377, 380

logging, 371

SSIS expressions, 370

SSIS Object model, 368–370

destination adapters, 362

Developer Edition, 41

dialog conversations, 426

starting, 433–434

terminating, 434

dialog security, 446

Dimension Processing transformation, 361

dimension-level security, 414

dimensions, 391

enhancements to Analysis Services 2005, 401

fact dimensions, 401

many-to-many, 402

member properties, 401

members, 391

multiple hierarchy dimensions, 402

reference dimensions, 401

virtual, 401


Service Broker, 430

SQL authenticated logins, 201

disconnected editing, 98

discontinued features, 47–48

Discover method (XMLA), 403

distributing server-side processing, 440

DMVs (dynamic management views), 189

monitoring Service Broker, 442–443

monitoring SQLCLR activity, 346–347

DRI (declarative referential integrity) actions, 187–188

dropping assemblies from database, 336

DSO (Decision Support Objects), 57, 405

DSVs (data source views), 388

DTA (Database Tuning Advisor), 84–85, 125–131, 271

DTExec, 367

DTExecUI, 366

DTMF (Distributed Management Task Force), 58

DTS (Data Transformation Services), 5

DTS 2000 packages, migrating to SSIS, 384–385

DTS runtime engine, 353

DTUtil, 368

Dynamic AWE, 22

dynamic management objects, 86, 292–294

dynamic management views, 188–189


early restore access, 259–260

editions, 40

email, database mail, 57

configuring, 143–145

monitoring, 145–146

Emergency mode, invoking, 242

ENABLE BROKER option, 288


database engine features, 229

row versioning, 29

Service Broker, 430

encryption. See data encryption

ending dialog conversations, 434

endpoints, 8, 196–197

for database mirroring, creating, 247

HTTP, creating, 326–328

HTTP SOAP, administering, 328–329

Service Broker, 428, 431


to Agent security, 232

to auditing, 219

to availability, 243–249

server instances, 244

split-brain scenario, 244

database snapshots, 249–254

dedicated administrator connection, 258–259

early restore access, 259–260

failover clustering, 254–255

index operations, 256–257

instant file initialization, 260

multi-instance support, 258

replication, 255–256

to FOR XML clause, 320–323

to reliability, 237


checksum I/O transactions, validat- ing, 240

Emergency mode, 242

mirrored backup media, 238–239

online restoration, 240

page restorations, 241

piecemeal restoration, 241

verifying backup and restore media, 239–240

to SQL Server 2005 Setup, 43–45

to T-SQL, 153

ALTER INDEX statement, 190

BULK rowset provider, 186–187

CTEs, 159–163

DDL triggers, 167–171

DRI actions, 187–188

dynamic management views, 188–189

error handling, 165–167

event notifications, 171–176

EXCEPT operator, 192–193

INTERSECT operator, 192–193

large object data types, 163–165

metadata views, 188–189

OUTPUT clause, 185–186

ranking functions, 177–180

NTILE, 180

RANK, 179–180


relational operators, 180–184

server configuration options, 191

SET SHOWPLAN XML statement, 193

SET STATISTICS XML operator, 193

snapshot isolation, 176

statement-level recompilation, 191

synonyms, 191–192

TABLESAMPLE clause, 157–158

TOP operator, 155–157

Enterprise Edition, 40

environment variables (SQLCMD), 136–137

EPIC (Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing), 450

error handling, 75–76, 165–167

ETL (extraction, transformation and loading), 387

Evaluation Edition, 41

event notifications, 56, 171–176

EVENTDATA() function, 168

events, SSIS, 353–354


of exist() method, 314

of query() method, 313

of SQLCLR integration

base-64 encoding and decoding, 343–345

catalog views, 345–346

saving XML data to file, 341–343

of value() method, 314

of xml data type, 302–303

EXCEPT operator, T-SQL enhancement, 192–193

EXECUTE AS clause, 208–212

Execute method (XMLA), 403

Execute Process task, 359

Execute SQL task, 358

executing queries in parallel, 28–29

execution contexts, 27

defining for modules, 207

EXECUTE AS clause, 208–212

limitations of ownership chaining, 207–208

execution plans, 27

Executive DTS 2000 Package task, 358

Executive Package task, 358

exist() method, 313–314

Express Edition, 40, 72

Express Manager, 114

expressions, 370

FLWOR, 315–316

XQuery, 312

extended stored procedures, 9, 334

extended system support, 454

extending virtual memory on 32-bit processors, 451

external activation, 429

extracting data from XML documents, 312


fact dimensions, 401

fact tables, 391

failover clustering, 243, 254–255, 396


of SQL Server 2005 Profiler, 116–118

of SQL Server Management Studio, 98–99

File Extractor transformation, 361

File Inserter transformation, 361

fixing fragmented indices, 87

FLWOR expressions (XQuery), 312, 315–316

For Loop container, 356

FOR XML clause, enhancements to, 320–323

Foreach Loop container, 355

fragmented indices, fixing, 87

Full-Text Search, enhancements to, 93

fully-qualified objects, naming conven- tions, 213



OPENXML(), 320

ranking, 77

Fuzzy Grouping transformation, 361

Fuzzy Lookup transformation, 361

G – H

garbage collection algorithm, 332

GRANT statement, 203

grantees, 202

grantors, 202

granular permissions

controlling, 202

ALTER permission, 204

CONTROL permission, 204

GRANT statement, 203

hierarchical permission model, 204–207

IMPERSONATE permission, 204

object-scoped permissions, 203

server-scoped permissions, 203

TAKE OWNERSHIP permission, 204

in Analysis Services 2005, 413–414

graphing deadlocks, 121–123, 278

hardware requirements for installation

SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition 32-Bit, 41

SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition 64-Bit, 42

hierarchical permission model, 204–207

high availability, 237, 243–244

high-protection mode, 247

hints, 286

HOLAP (Hybrid OLAP), 392

host protection attributes, 338

hot add memory, 22


endpoints, administering, 328–329

support for, 298

hyperthreading, 71


I/O list, 17

I/O transactions, validating, 240

Immediate window (BIDS), 365

IMPERSONATE permission, 204


AMO, 406–408

UBO, 410

improving physical database design, covering indices, 262–263


including non-key columns in nonclus- tered indices, 262–264

index operations, 256–257

indexed views, 71, 271


creating for tables, 107–108

fragmentation, repairing, 87

non-key columns, including, 68

nonclustered, including non-key columns, 262–264

on computed columns, creating, 265

on xml type columns, 60

partitioning, 8, 38, 70

primary XML indices, 316–318

secondary XML indices, 316–318

inheritance model, 33

initializing transactional subscriptions from backups, 256

initiating dialog conversations, 433–434

initiators, 426

INSERT statements, 303–304


multiple instances of Analysis Services, 258

SQL Server 2005, SAC, 229–232

SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition 32-Bit, hardware requirements, 41

SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition 64-Bit, hardware requirements, 42

instance classes, 148


endpoints, 196–197

multi-instance support, 258

instant file initialization, 88, 260

integrated messaging and database systems, benefits of, 423

integration of SQL and CLR. See SQLCLR integration

Intellicube, 399

internal activation, 429

internal tables, sys.sysobjvalues, 25

Internet Help feature, 52

INTERSECT operator, T-SQL enhance- ment, 192–193

invoking Emergency mode, 242

IPF (Intel Itanium Processor Family), 450

isolation levels, READ UNCOMMITTED, 65

ITW (Index Tuning Wizard), 269

J – K – L

key management, 221–224

keyboard shortcuts, Query Editor, 104


PIVOT, 77–78


UNPIVOT, 77–78

KPIs (key performance indicators), 399

large object data types, T-SQL enhance- ments, 163–165

large page allocator, 21


of ownership chaining, 207–208

of SQL Server 2000 authentication, 198


Locals window (BIDS), 365

locking, monitoring, 278, 280–281

log shipping, 243

Logged Lineage transformation, 361

logging, 371

logins, creating, 110

Lookup transformation, 362


managed code, 62, 334

managed objects, 58

management and authoring tools, 97

BIDS, 110

Analysis Services projects designer, 113

Express Manager, 114

Reporting Services, 113–114

SSIS package designer, 111–112

SQL Server Management Studio, 97–99

built-in web browser, 103

creating new databases, 106

modifying server instance proper- ties, 106

Object Explorer window, 100–102

performing database backups, 106

performing server registration, 105

Query Editor window, 103–105

Registered Servers window, 100

tables, 107–108

managing system metadata access, 30–32

catalog security, 33–34

catalog views, 32–33

many-to-many dimensions, 402

markup languages, XML. See XML

MARS (multiple active results sets), 29

max specifier, 61

measures, 391

member properties, 401

members, 391

memory management, 20

architectural components, 21

BPool, 21

common caching framework, 22

Dynamic AWE, 22

hot add memory, 22

NUMA, 23

plan cache, 26

reserved address space, 21

resource monitor, 23

Merge Join transformation, 361

merge replication, 89

Merge transformation, 361

message forwarding, 429



benefits of, 422

database integration, 423

BizTalk Server, comparing with Service Broker, 441

Indigo, comparing with Service Broker, 441

MSMQ, 441

sending and receiving messages, 434

Service Broker, 234

catalog views, 441–442

contracts, 425

conversation groups, 427

creating message types, 431–432

dialog conversations, 426

endpoints, 428

message forwarding, 429

message types, 424–425

monitoring, 442–443

Perfmon counters, 445

poison messages, 428

Profiler trace events, 444

queues, 425

remote service bindings, 428

routes, 427

security, 446–447

sequenced messages, 424

service programs, 426

services, 425

troubleshooting, 445–446

unsequenced messages, 424


accessing, 64

restricting access to, 217–218

views, 188–189


modify(), 319–320

xml data type methods (XQuery), 313

Microsoft .NET Framework. See .NET Framework

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 tools, equiva- lent SQL Server 2005 tools, 96

Microsoft’s Trustworthy Computing initia- tive, 412


DTS 2000 packages to SSIS, 384–385

from Analysis Services 2000 to Analysis Services 2005, 415–416

mirror database, 87

mirrored backup media, 238–239

mirroring, 244

benefits of, 245–246

configuring, 246–247

monitoring, 249

operation modes, 247–248

pausing, 247

server instances, 244

split-brain scenarios, 244

versus log shipping, 87

Mobile Edition, 40

modify() method, 313, 319–320


assembliy properties, 336

server instance properties with SQL Server Management Studio, 106

module execution context, 207

EXECUTE AS clause, 208–212

limitations of ownership chaining, 207–208

modules, signed, 226–229

MOLAP (Multidimensional OLAP), 392


blocking, 276

database mail, 145–146

database mirroring, 249

locking and blocking, 272, 276–281

Service Broker, 442–443

SQLCLR activity, 346–347

monolog, 426

MPIO (multi-path I/O), 36

MSMQ (Microsoft Message Queuing), 422, 441

multi-instance support, 258

multi-page allocator, 21

Multicast transformation, 360

multiple fact tables, support for on Analysis Services 2005, 399

multiple hierarchy dimensions, 402

multiple instance support, 395


n-tier model, 11

Naïve Bayes algorithm, 402

namespaces, 213, 300

naming conventions for fully-qualified objects, 213

native password complexity, 199

.NET Framework

assemblies, 333

base class library, 332

benefits of, 332

CLR, 334

CLS, 332

code access security, 233–234, 333

CTS, 332

garbage collection algorithm, 332

host protection attributes, 338

interoperability with Win32 and COM code, 333

object-oriented programming features, 333

SQLCLR integration, 62, 331

benefits of, 339–340

catalog views, 345–346

challenges, 340

comparing with T-SQL, 153–155

examples of, 341–345

monitoring activity, 346–347

type verification, 333

.NET programming model, 62

neural network algorithm, 402

new features

Dedicated Administrative Console, 6

endpoint-based authentication, 8

failover clustering support, 396

for Analysis Services 2005, 399

multiple instance support, 395

Resource database, 6

setup features, 43–45

SQL Server Management Studio, 5


system catalog, 6

UDM (unified dimensional model), 396

new technologies, Service Broker, 67

nodes, SQL Server Management Studio, 101–102

nodes() method, 313

non-key included columns, 68, 264

non-preemptive scheduling, 17

non-recursive CTEs, 159

nonclustered indices

creating, 263

including non-key columns, 262–264

Notification Services, 92

NTILE ranking function, 180

NTITLE function, 77

NUMA (non-uniform memory access), 7, 23–24, 71


Object Explorer window (SQL Server Management Studio), 100–102

object-scoped permissions, 203

obtaining query execution plans as XML text, 124

offline restorations, 241

OLAP (online analytical processing)

Analysis Services, 392

business intelligence, 390

cubes, 391

data sparsity, 394

dimensions, 391

measures, 391

relational reporting, 396

storage modes, 392

OLE DB Command transformation, 361

OLTP (online transaction processing), 390

online index operations, 29, 256–257

online restoration, 240

OPENROWSET function, 297

OPENXML function, 320

operation modes, database mirroring, 247–248

operations and configuration tools

Database Mail

configuring, 143–145

monitoring, 145–146

SQL Server Configuration Manager, 131–133


command-line switches, 133–136

commands, 138

dedicated administrator connection, 142

environment variables, 136–137

startup scripts, 142

variables, 141–142

OPTIMIZE FOR hint, 286

Optimize Schema option (Analysis Services 2005), 410

optimizing queries on xml type columns, 268–269

OUTPUT clause, 185–186

Output window (BIDS), 365

ownership chaining, 82, 207–208. See also module execution context


packages, 351

designing, 368, 371–377, 380

logging, 371

SSIS expressions, 370

SSIS Object model, 368–370

DTS 2000, migrating to SSIS, 384–385

PAE (Physical Addressing Extension), 451

page restoration, 241

parallel index operations, 256–257

parallel processing, Service Broker solu- tions, 440

parallelism, 26–29


partition columns, 38

Partition Process transformation, 362

partitioning, 8, 38, 409–410

alignment, 271

indices, 70

rows, ranking, 77


creating, 80

encrypting/decrypting data, 220–221

password policy support

CREATE LOGIN DDL statement, options, 199–200

creating SQL Authenicated logins, 200

credentials, 200

disabling SQL Authenicated logins, 201

native password complexity, 199

path expressions (XQuery), 312

PATH indices, 268

pausing database mirroring, 247

peer-to-peer transactional replication, 89, 255

Performance Counters Correlation, 83

performance enhancement tools, 115

DTA, 125–131

Performance Monitor, counters, 125

SQL Server 2005 Profiler

blocked process report, 118–120

deadlock graphs, 121–123

features, 116–118

XML showplans, 123–125

Performance Monitor, counters, 125, 445

performance tuning



hyperthreading, 71

indexed views, 71

NUMA, 71

statement-level recompilation, 288–290


database backups with SQL Server Management Studio, 106

server administration with SQL Server Management Studio, 105

permission buckets (SQLCLR), imported assemblies, 63–64


assigning to signed module users, 228–229

granular control, 202

.NET Framework, 233–234

ALTER permission, 204

Analysis Services 2005, 413–414

CONTROL permission, 204

GRANT statement, 203

hierarchical permission model, 204–207

IMPERSONATE permission, 204

object-scoped permissions, 203

server-scoped permissions, 203

TAKE OWNERSHIP permission, 204


persisted computed columns, 68–70, 265

perspectives, 399

physical database design

covering indices, creating, 262–263

indices on computed columns, creat- ing, 265

piecemeal restoration, 241

pipelines, 387

PIVOT keyword, 77–78

PIVOT relational operator, 180, 183

plan cache, 26, 288

plan guides, 282–286

poison messages, 428

precedence constraints, 351

preemptive threading model, 337

primary XML indices, 266–267, 316–318

principal, 202

principal database, 87, 244

prinicipal of least privileges, 202

proactive caching, 397–398

proactive performance monitoring, 276

processes, 16

processing cubes, 412


32-bit, limitations of AWE, 453


addressable memory, 452

benefits of, 450

upgrading to, 449–450

Profiler, 83, 444

progress reporting (SSIS), 365

projects (SQL Server Management Studio), 98

prolog (XQuery), 312


accessing in Analysis Services 2005, 410

of assemblies, modifying, 336

of server instances, modifying with SQL Server Management Studio, 106

Properties window (BIDS), 364

PROPERTY indices, 268

property promotion, 304–305

providers, WMI, 58

proxy accounts, 233

public keys, certificates, 221



executing in parallel, 28–29

execution plans, obtaining as XML text, 124

optimizing. See query optimization

performance tuning, plan guides, 282–286

performing on XML data, 312

Xpath, syntax, 301


expressions, 312

FLWOR expressions, 315–316

XML DML, 319–320

query body (XQuery), 312

Query Editor window (SQL Server Management Studio), 103–105

keyboard shortcuts, 104

query hints, 286

query notifications, 291

query optimization

column-level change tracking, 25

on xml type columns, 268–269

statistics management, 24


computed columns, 26

enhanced DBCC SHOW STATISTICS results, 26

parallelism, 26

sample size formula, 26

string statistics, 26

query plans, 26

cost, calculating, 27–28

execution contexts, 27

execution plans, 27

recompilation, 27

query() method, 313

querying languages, WQL, 58

queues, 425, 432–433


RANK function, 77, 179–180

ranking functions, T-SQL enhancements, 177

DENSE RANK, 179–180

NTILE, 180

RANK, 77, 179–180


READ COMMITTED isolation level, 8, 29, 65

READ UNCOMMITTED isolation level, 65

real-time log shipping. See database mirroring

Rebuild Index task, 363

receiving messages, 434

recompilation, 27

RECOMPILE hint, 286

recovering deleted tables with database snapshots, 253–254

recursion, infinite loops, 75

recursive CTE, 74, 159

redundancy, mirrored backup media, 238–239

reference dimensions, 401

Registered Servers window, 100

relational engine, 59

relational operators, T-SQL enhancements

APPLY, 184

PIVOT, 180, 183

UNPIVOT, 180, 183

relational reporting (OLAP), 396

reliability, 237


backup and restore operations verifica- tion, 239–240

Emergency mode, invoking, 242

I/O transaction validation, 240

mirrored backup media, 238–239

online restorations, 240

page restorations, 241

piecemeal restorations, 241

Reorganize Index task, 363

repairing fragmented indices, 87

REPEATABLE READ isolation level, 65

replication, 3, 243

enhancements to, 255–256

merge replication, 89

of Oracle data, 89

of schema changes, 88

peer-to-peer transactional, 89

Replication Monitor, 256

Report Builder, 91

Reporting Services, 91, 113–114

reserved address space, 21

reserved page allocator, 21

Resource database, 6, 30–31, 64

resource monitor, 23

resource waiter list, 17

restores. See also backup operations

early restore access, 259–260

online, 240

page, 241

performing on Service Broker applica- tions, 434

piecemeal, 241

verifying, 239–240

restricting access to metadata, 217–218

RMO (Replication Management Objects), 57, 256

ROLAP (Relational OLAP), 392

role-based security, Analysis Services 2005, 414

routes, 427

routing tasks to scheduler, 20

Row Count transformation, 362

ROW NUMBER function, 77, 178


Row Sampling transformation, 362

row versioning, 29, 65–67, 176, 276–277

rows, ranking, 77

runnable list, 17


SAC (Surface Area Configuration), 229–232

saving XML data to file, C# stored proce- dure, 341–343

scalability, 65–67, 421

scalable application architectures, 421

SCC (System Configuration Checker), 43, 52


cooperative thread scheduling, 337

nonpreemptive, 17

scheduling nodes, 18


collections, 309

creating, 214

default, 215–217

replication, 255

user-schema separation, 212

versus user, 81

Script Component transformation, 362

scripter classes, 148

scripting languages, ASSL, 403

Scripting tasks, 360

scrubbing data, 387

secondary XML indices, 267, 316–318

securables, 202

secure by default, 80

secure by deployment, 80


Agent security, enhancements to, 232

auditing, 219

authentication, 80

endpoint-based, 196–197

limitations of in SQL Server 2000, 198

native password complexity, 199

password policy support, 199–201

passwords, 80

SQL Browser, 197–198

authorization, 201

granular permissions control, 202–207

metadata, restricting access to, 217–218

module execution context, 207–212

terminology, 202

user-schema separation, 212–217

code access security in .NET Framework, 233–234


data encryption, 219–221

key management, 221–224

dimension-level, 414

encryption, 82

of Analysis Services, 412–414

ownership chaining, 82

proxy accounts, 233

role-based, 414

SAC, 229–232

Service Broker, 234, 446–447

signed modules, 226–227

assigning permissions to users, 228–229

user schema separation, 35

security architecture, 8

selective aggregation, 394

semicolon, statement operator, 163

sending messages, 434

sequence clustering, 402

Sequence container, 356–357

sequenced messages, 424

SERIALIZABLE isolation level, 65

server configuration options, T-SQL enhancments, 191

server-scoped permissions, 203

server-side processing, Service Broker solutions, 440

Service Broker, 9–12, 67, 234, 423

applications, 435–439

batch processing, 440

data collection, 440

parallel processing, 440

server-side processing, distributing, 440

applications, backing up and restoring, 434

availability, 11

catalog views, 441–442

contracts, 425, 432

conversation groups, 427

dialog conversations, 426

starting, 433–434

terminating, 434

disabling, 430

enabling, 430

endpoints, 428, 431

message types, 424–425, 431–432

messages, 424

forwarding, 429

sending and receiving, 434

monitoring, 442–443

Perfmon counters, 445

poison messages, 428

Profiler trace events, 444

queues, 425, 432–433

remote service bindings, 428

routes, 427

security, 446–447

sequenced messages, 424

service programs, 426

services, 425, 433

terminology, 424

troubleshooting, 445–446

unsequenced messages, 424

service programs, 426

services, 425, 433

SET SHOWPLAN XML statement, T-SQL enhancement, 193

SET STATISTICS XML statement, T-SQL enhancement, 193

setup enhancements, 43–45

Setup Progress dialog box, 45

showplans, 123

signed modules, 226–229

single-page allocator, 21

Slowly Changing Dimension transforma- tion, 362

SMO (SQL Server Management Objects), 57, 147–150

SMP (symmetric multiprocessing), 23, 71

SNAC (SQL Native Client), 52

snapshot isolation, 7–8, 276. See also snapshots

isolation levels, 29, 65

row versioning, 65–67

T-SQL enhancements, 176

snapshots, 249

copy-on-write operation, 251

creating, 250–251

recovering deleted tables, 253–254

sparse files, 251–252

snowflake schema, 392

software requirements for installation, 42

Solution Explorer, 364

Sort transformation, 362

source adapters, 360

source data adapters, 387

sparse files, database snapshots, 251–252

split-brain scenarios, 244

SQL Authentication, 196

SQL Browser, 197–198

SQL DMO (Distributed Management Objects), 57

SQL Profiler tool, 395

SQL Server Management Studio, 97–99

built-in web browser, 103

creating new databases, 106

database backups, performing, 106

modifying server instance properties, 106

Object Explorer window, 100–102

Query Editor window, 103–105

Registered Servers window, 100

server administration, 105

tables, 107–108

SQL Server 2005 Express Edition, 72

SQL Server 2005 Profiler

blocked process report, 118–120

deadlock graphs, 121–123

features, 116–118

XML showplans, 123–125

SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 4, upgrading to SQL Server 2005, 46–47

SQL Server Books Online, 93

SQL Server Configuration Manager, 54, 131–133

SQL server log files, viewing, 109–110

SQL Server Management Studio, 5, 53, 366

projects, 98

usability enhancements, 99

SQL Server Mobile Edition, 72

SQL Server tasks, Execute SQL task, 358

SQLCLR integration

assemblies, 62

benefits of, 339–340

catalog views, 345–346

challenges, 340

comparing with T-SQL, 153–155

examples of

base-64 encoding and decoding, 343–345

saving XML data to file, 341–343

monitoring activity, 346–347

permission buckets, imported assem- blies, 63–64


command-line switches, 133–136

commands, 138

dedicated administrator connection, 142

environment variables, 136–137

startup scripts, 142

variables, 141–142

SQLOS, 16, 18

memory management, 20

architectural components, 21

BPool, 21

common caching framework, 22

Dynamic AWE, 22

hot add memory, 22

reserved address space, 21

resource monitor, 23

non-preemptive scheduling, 18

threads, max worker threads server configuration option, 19–20

UMS, 16

SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services), 5, 8, 90, 349, 390

BIDS, 363

Breakpoint window, 365

Call Stack window, 365

Command window, 365

Debug window, 365

Immediate window, 365

Locals window, 365

Output window, 365

Properties window, 364

Solution Explorer, 364

SSIS Designer window, 364

Toolbox window, 364

Watch window, 365

clients, 352

command-prompt utilities

DTExec, 367

DTExecUI, 366

DTUtil, 368

Configuration Wizard, 383

control flow, separation from data flow, 351

core components, 350

data flow engine, 354

Designer window, 364

destination adapters, 362

DTS runtime engine, 353

events, 353–354

expressions, 370

Import/Export Wizard, 351, 383

Migration Wizard, 383–387

object model, 368–370

packages, designing, 111–112, 368–377, 380

progress reporting, 365

source adapters, 360

SQL Server Management Studio, 366

tasks, 350

control-flow tasks, 358–360

data-flow tasks, 354

process-oriented workflow tasks, 358

transformations, 360

Windows service, 352

SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio), 395

Standard Edition, 40

star schema, 391

starting dialog conversations, 433–434

startup scripts (SQLCMD), 142

statement-level recompilation, 27, 191, 288–290


ALTER INDEX, new T-SQL enhance- ment, 190

semicolon operator, 163

statistics management, 24


column-level change tracking, 25

computed columns, 26

enhanced DBCC SHOW STATISTICS results, 26

parallelism, 26

sample size formula, 26

string statistics, 26

storage engine, 59

AUs, 37

datafile autogrow, 36

instant file initialization, 36

MPIO, 36

partitioning, 38

stored procedures (C#), saving XML data to file, 341–343

string statistics, 26

supported platforms on SQL Server 2005, 454

supported technologies

CLR, 9–10

snapshot isolation, 7–8

XML, 8

Surface Area Configuration tool, 8

symmetric keys, 219–224

synchronous mode (database mirroring), 248

synonyms, new T-SQL enhancement, 191–192

sys.sysobjvalues table, 25

system catalog, 6

system metadata

access, controlling, 32–34

Resource database, 30–31

system tables, accessing, 64


T-SQL (Transact-SQL), 9, 334

comparing with .NET integration, 153–155

CREATE ENDPOINT statement, 72

CTEs, 73–75

enhancements to, 153

ALTER INDEX statement, 190

APPLY relational operator, 184

BULK rowset provider, 186–187

CTEs, 159–163

DDL triggers, 167–171

DRI actions, 187–188

dynamic management views, 188–189

error handling, 165–167

event notifications, 171–176

EXCEPT operator, 192–193

INTERSECT operator, 192–193

large object data types, 163–165

metadata views, 188–189

OUTPUT clause, 185–186

PIVOT relational operator, 180, 183

ranking functions, 177–180

server configuration options, 191

SET SHOWPLAN XML statement, 193

SET STATISTICS XML statement, 193

snapshot isolation, 176

statement-level recompilation, 191

synonyms, 191–192

TABLESAMPLE clause, 157–158

TOP operator, 155–157

UNPIVOT relational operator, 180, 183

triggers, 55


configuring with SQL Server Management Studio, 107–108

partitioning, 8, 38, 70

TABLESAMPLE clause, 157–158

TABLESAMPLE keyword, 76

TAKE OWNERSHIP permission, 204

targets, 426

Task Host container, 356

tasks, 18

control-flow tasks

Analysis Services tasks, 360

data-oriented tasks, 360

process oriented workflow tasks, 358

Scripting tasks, 360

SQL Server tasks, 358

data-flow tasks, 351, 354

destination adapters, 362

source adapters, 360

transformations, 360

routing to scheduler, 20

SSIS, 350

tasks (SSIS), 351

TCP-C benchmarks, 451

TDS (Tabular Data Stream), 9, 196

terminating dialog conversations, 434


context switches, 16

cooperative thread scheduling, 337

max worker threads server configura- tion option, 19–20

scheduling, 16–18

worker threads, 18

time series algorithm, 402

timer list, 17

Toolbox window (BIDS), 364


API Management, 146

SMO, 147–150

WMI, 150–151

ITW, 269

management and authoring, 97

BI Development Studio, 110–114

Express Manager, 114

SQL Server Management Studio, 97–108

Microsoft SQL Server 2000, equivalent SQL Server 2005 tools, 96

operations and configuration

Database Mail, 143–146

SQL Server Configuration Manager, 131–133

SQLCMD, 133–134, 136–138, 141–142

performance enhancement, 115

DTA, 125–131

Performance Monitor, counters, 125

SQL Server 2005 Profiler, 116–125

features, 116–118

TOP operator, 155–157

TP-Lite, 11

tracing XQuery activity, 316

transactional publications, initializing subscriptions, 256

transactional replication, peer-to-peer, 89, 255

transactions, row versioning, 29

transformations, 360

translations, 399

transport protocols, endpoints, 197

transport security, 446

triggers, 167

asynchronous, 68

Service Broker solutions, 435–440

DDL, 56

T-SQL, 55


Database Mail, 145–146

Service Broker, 445–446

Trustworthy Computing Initiative, 195

tuning performance



DTA, 84–85

ENABLE BROKER option, 288

typed XML, 305

columns, 59

creating, 306–310


UBO (usage-based optimization), 409

automating, 411

implementing, 410

UBO Wizard, 411

UDM (unified dimensional model), 396–398

UMS (User Mode Scheduler), 16–17

Union All transformation, 362

unmanaged code, 62, 334

UNPIVOT keyword, 77–78

UNPIVOT relational operator, 180, 183

UnPivot transformation, 362

unreachable remote services, 426

unsequenced messages, 424

untyped XML, 59, 306

Upgrade Advisor, 49


processors to 64-bit, 449–450

to SQL Server 2005, 46–47

usage-based optimization, 394

user-schema separation, 35, 81, 212

creating schemas, 214

default schemas, 215–217

utilities, Wiloqutl.exe, 45

utility classes, 148


valid XML documents, 299


checksum I/O transactions, 240

XML data with typed XML, 305

VALUE indices, 268

value() method, 313–314


SQLCMD, 141–142

XML data type, declaring, 304

VAS (virtual address space), 20

BPool, 21

of 32-bit processors, 451

reserved address space, 21

verifying backup and restore media, 239–240


assembly dependencies, 336

deadlock information, 278

views, DSVs, 388

virtual allocator, 21

virtual dimensions, 401


W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), 297

Watch window (BIDS), 365

WBEM (Web-Based Enterprise Management), 58

web services support, 72, 298, 323–325

well-formed XML documents, 298–299

“Whidbey”, 333

Wiloqutl.exe, 45

Windows Authentication, 196

Window Communication Foundation, 441

witness server, 87

WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation), 57–58, 150–151

worker list, 17

worker threads, 18

Workgroup Edition, 40

WOW64 mode, 454

WQL (WMI Query Language), 58

WSDL (Web Services Description Language), 325

X – Y – Z

XML (eXtensible Markup Language), 297

bulk loading data, 310–312

FOR XML clause, enhancements to, 320–323

indices, 60

namespaces, 300

OPENROWSET function, 297

primary indices, 316–318

saving data to file, C# stored proce- dure, 341–343

schema collections, 309

secondary indices, 316–318

special characters, 299

special tags, 299

textual nature of, 298

typed XML. See typed XML

valid documents, 299

web services, 323–325

well-formed documents, 298

xml data type, 59–60, 165, 266, 301

associating with XSD schema, 305

example, 302–303

full-text indices, 319

indexing, 266

INSERT statements, 303–304


exist() method, example, 314

query() method, example, 313

value() method, example, 314

modifying, 319–320

primary XML indices, 266–267

property promotion, 304–305

queries, optimizing, 268–269

secondary XML indices, 267

showplans, 123–125

variables, declaring, 304

XMLA (XML for Analysis), 395

Discover method, 403

Execute method, 403

support for in Analysis Services, 403–405

XPath, 301

XQuery, 8

constructing XML, example, 315–316

expressions, 312

FLWOR expressions, 315–316

functions, 316

operators, 316

tracing, 316

xml data type methods, 313

XML DML, 319–320

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