Chapter 6. Using Active Directory

Active Directory directory service is an extensible and scalable directory service that enables you to manage network resources efficiently. As an administrator, you’ll need to be very familiar with how Active Directory technology works, and that’s exactly what this chapter is about. If you haven’t worked with Active Directory technology before, one thing you’ll note immediately is that the technology is fairly advanced and has many features. To help manage this complex technology, I’ll start with an overview of Active Directory and then explore its components.

Introducing Active Directory

Active Directory is the heart of Microsoft Windows Server 2003. Just about every administrative task you’ll perform will affect Active Directory in some way. Active Directory technology is based on standard Internet protocols and has a design that helps you clearly define your network’s structure.

Active Directory and DNS

Active Directory uses the Domain Name System (DNS). DNS is a standard Internet service that organizes groups of computers into domains. Unlike Windows NT 4 domains, which have a flat structure, DNS domains are organized into a hierarchical structure. The DNS domain hierarchy is defined on an Internet-wide basis, and the different levels within the hierarchy identify computers, organizational domains, and top-level domains. DNS is also used to map host names, such as, to numeric Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) addresses, such as Through DNS, an Active Directory domain hierarchy can also be defined on an Internet-wide basis or the domain hierarchy can be separate and private.

When you refer to computer resources in this type of domain, you use the fully qualified domain name (FQDN), such as Here, zeta represents the name of an individual computer, microsoft represents the organizational domain, and com is the top-level domain (TLD). TLDs are at the base of the DNS hierarchy and are organized geographically, by using two-letter country codes, such as CA for Canada; by organization type, such as com for commercial organizations; and by function, such as mil for U.S. military installations.

Normal domains, such as, are also referred to as parent domains. They have this name because they’re the parents of an organizational structure. Parent domains can be divided into subdomains, which can be used for different offices, divisions, or geographic locations. For example, the FQDN for a computer at Microsoft’s Seattle office could be designated as Here, jacob is the computer name, seattle is the subdomain, and is the parent domain. Another term for a subdomain is a child domain.

As you can see, DNS is an integral part of Active Directory technology–so much so, in fact, that you must configure DNS on the network before you can install Active Directory. Working with DNS is covered in Chapter 20. You can install Active Directory by running the Active Directory Installation Wizard (click Start, click Run, type dcpromo in the Open field, and then click OK). If DNS isn’t installed already, you will be prompted to install DNS. If there isn’t an existing domain, the wizard helps you create a domain and configure Active Directory in a new domain. The wizard can also help you add child domains to existing domain structures.


In the rest of this chapter, I’ll often use the terms directory and domains to refer to Active Directory and Active Directory domains, respectively, except when I need to distinguish Active Directory structures from DNS or Windows NT structures.

Getting Started with Active Directory

Active Directory provides both logical and physical structures for network components. Logical structures are:

  • Organizational units. A subgroup of domains that often mirrors the organization’s business or functional structure

  • Domains. A group of computers that share a common directory database

  • Domain trees. One or more domains that share a contiguous namespace

  • Domain forests. One or more domain trees that share common directory information Physical structures are:

  • Subnets. A network group with a specific Internet Protocol (IP) address range and network mask

  • Sites. One or more subnets; they’re used to configure directory access and replication.

Working with Domain Structures

Logical structures help you organize directory objects and manage network accounts and shared resources. Logical structures include domain forests, domain trees, domains, and organizational units. Sites and subnets, on the other hand, are physical structures that help you map the physical network structure. Physical structures serve to facilitate network communication and to set physical boundaries around network resources.

Understanding Domains

An Active Directory domain is simply a group of computers that share a common directory database. Active Directory domain names must be unique. For example, you can’t have two domains, but you could have a parent domain with and child domains. If the domain is part of a private network, the name assigned to a new domain must not conflict with any existing domain name on the private network. If the domain is part of the global Internet, the name assigned to a new domain must not conflict with any existing domain name throughout the Internet. To ensure uniqueness on the Internet, you must register the parent domain name before using it. You can register a domain through any designated registrar. A current list of designated registrars can be found at InterNIC (

Each domain has its own security policies and trust relationships with other domains. Domains can also span more than one physical location, which means a domain could consist of multiple sites and those sites could have multiple subnets, as shown in Figure 6-1. Within a domain’s directory database, you’ll find objects defining accounts for users, groups, and computers as well as shared resources, such as printers and folders.

Network diagram for a wide area network (WAN) with multiple sites and subnets.

Figure 6-1. Network diagram for a wide area network (WAN) with multiple sites and subnets.


User and group accounts are discussed in Chapter 8. Computer accounts and the various types of computers used in Windows Server 2003 domains are discussed in the section entitled "Working with Active Directory Domains," later in this chapter.

Domain functions are limited and controlled by the domain functional level. Four domain functional levels are available:

  • Windows 2000 mixed. Supports domain controllers running Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, and Windows Server 2003

  • Windows 2000 native. Supports domain controllers running Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003

  • Windows Server 2003 interim. Supports domain controllers running Windows NT 4.0 and Windows Server 2003

  • Windows Server 2003. Supports domain controllers running Windows Server 2003

For a further discussion of domain functional levels, see the section entitled "Using Windows NT and Windows 2000 Domains with Active Directory," later in this chapter.

Understanding Domain Forests and Domain Trees

Each Active Directory domain has a DNS domain name, such as When one or more domains share the same directory data, they’re referred to as a forest. The domain names within this forest can be discontiguous or contiguous in the DNS naming hierarchy.

When domains have a contiguous naming structure, they’re said to be in the same domain tree. An example of a domain tree is shown in Figure 6-2. In this example, the root domain has two child domains– and These domains in turn have subdomains. All the domains are part of the same tree because they have the same root domain.

Domains in the same tree share a contiguous naming structure.

Figure 6-2. Domains in the same tree share a contiguous naming structure.

If the domains in a forest have discontiguous DNS names, they form separate domain trees within the forest. As shown in Figure 6-3, a domain forest can have one or more domain trees. In this example, the and domains form the roots of separate domain trees in the same forest.

Multiple trees in a forest have discontiguous naming structures.

Figure 6-3. Multiple trees in a forest have discontiguous naming structures.

You access domain structures in Active Directory Domains And Trusts, which is shown in Figure 6-4. Active Directory Domains And Trusts is a snap-in for the Microsoft Management Console (MMC), and you can also access it on the Administrative Tools menu. You’ll find separate entries for each root domain. In the figure, the active domain is

Use Active Directory Domains And Trusts to work with domains, domain trees, and domain forests.

Figure 6-4. Use Active Directory Domains And Trusts to work with domains, domain trees, and domain forests.

Forest functions are limited and controlled by the forest functional level. Three forest functional levels are available:

  • Windows 2000. Supports domain controllers running Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, and Windows Server 2003

  • Windows Server 2003 interim. Supports domain controllers running Windows NT 4.0 and Windows Server 2003

  • Windows Server 2003. Supports domain controllers running Windows Server 2003

The Windows Server 2003 forest functional level offers the most current Active Directory features. When all domains within a forest are operating in this mode, you’ll get improvements for global catalog replication and improved replication efficiency for Active Directory data, and because link values are replicated, you might see improved intersite replication as well. You’ll be able to deactivate schema class objects and attributes, use dynamic auxiliary classes, rename domains, and create one-way, two-way, and transitive forest trusts.

Understanding Organizational Units

Organizational units are subgroups within domains that often mirror an organization’s functional or business structure. You can also think of organizational units as logical containers into which you can place accounts, shared resources, and other organizational units. For example, you could create organizational units named HumanResources, IT, Engineering, and Marketing for the domain. You could later expand this scheme to include child units. Child organizational units for Marketing could include OnlineSales, ChannelSales, and PrintSales.

Objects placed in an organizational unit can only come from the parent domain. For example, organizational units associated with can contain objects for this domain only. You can’t add objects from to these containers, but you could create separate organizational units to mirror the business structure of

Organizational units are very helpful in organizing the objects around the organization’s business or functional structure. Still, this isn’t the only reason to use organizational units. Other reasons to use organizational units are as follows:

  • Organizational units allow you to assign a group policy to a small set of resources in a domain without applying this policy to the entire domain. This helps you set and manage group policies at the appropriate level in the enterprise.

  • Organizational units create smaller, more manageable views of directory objects in a domain. This helps you manage resources more efficiently.

  • Organizational units allow you to delegate authority and to easily control administrative access to domain resources. This helps you control the scope of administrator privileges in the domain. You could grant user A administrative authority for one organizational unit and not for others. Meanwhile, you could grant user B administrative authority for all organizational units in the domain.

Organizational units are represented as folders in Active Directory Users And Computers, as shown in Figure 6-5. This utility is a snap-in for the MMC, and you can also access it on the Administrative Tools menu.

Use Active Directory Users And Computers to manage users, groups, computers, and organizational units.

Figure 6-5. Use Active Directory Users And Computers to manage users, groups, computers, and organizational units.

Understanding Sites and Subnets

A site is a group of computers in one or more IP subnets. You use sites to map your network’s physical structure. Site mappings are independent from logical domain structures, so there’s no necessary relationship between a network’s physical structure and its logical domain structure. With Active Directory, you can create multiple sites within a single domain or create a single site that serves multiple domains. There’s also no connection between the IP address ranges used by a site and the domain namespace.

You can think of a subnet as a group of network addresses. Unlike sites, which can have multiple IP address ranges, subnets have a specific IP address range and network mask. Subnet names are shown in the form network/bits-masked, such as Here, the network address and network mask are combined to create the subnet name


Don’t worry, you don’t need to know how to create a subnet name. In most cases, you enter the network address and the network mask and then Windows Server 2003 generates the subnet name for you.

Computers are assigned to sites based on their location in a subnet or a set of subnets. If computers in subnets can communicate efficiently with one another over the network, they’re said to be well connected. Ideally, sites consist of subnets and computers that are all well connected. If the subnets and computers aren’t well connected, you might need to set up multiple sites. Being well connected gives sites several advantages:

  • When clients log on to a domain, the authentication process first searches for domain controllers that are in the same site as the client. This means local domain controllers are used first, if possible, which localizes network traffic and can speed up the authentication process.

  • Directory information is replicated more frequently within sites than between sites. This reduces the network traffic load caused by replication while ensuring that local domain controllers get up-to-date information quickly. You can also customize how directory information is replicated using site links. For example, you could designate a bridgehead server to handle replication between sites. This places the bulk of the intersite replication burden on a specific server rather than on any available server in a site.

You access sites and subnets through Active Directory Sites And Services, as shown in Figure 6-6. Since this is a snap-in for the MMC, you can add it to any updateable console. You can access Active Directory Sites And Services on the Administrative Tools menu as well.

Use Active Directory Sites and Services to manage sites and subnets.

Figure 6-6. Use Active Directory Sites and Services to manage sites and subnets.

Working with Active Directory Domains

Although both Active Directory and DNS must be configured on a Windows Server 2003 network, Active Directory domains and DNS domains have different purposes. Active Directory domains help you manage accounts, resources, and security. DNS domains establish a domain hierarchy that’s primarily used for name resolution. Windows Server 2003 uses DNS to map host names, such as, to numeric TCP/IP addresses, such as To learn more about DNS and DNS domains, see Chapter 20.

Active Directory is designed to work with systems running Windows Server 2003 as well as systems running Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows XP, and Windows 2000. If the necessary client software is installed, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows XP, and Windows 2000 systems access the network as Active Directory clients. Windows NT systems (and Windows 95 or Windows 98 systems not upgraded with Active Directory client software) access the network as if they were in a Windows NT domain, provided Active Directory’s domain functional level allows this and a Windows NT domain is configured.

Using Windows 2000 and Later Computers with Active Directory

Computers running Windows 2000, Windows XP Professional, and Windows Vista can make full use of Active Directory. These computers access the network as Active Directory clients and have full use of Active Directory features. As clients, these systems can use transitive trust relationships that exist within the domain tree or forest. A transitive trust is one that isn’t established explicitly. Rather, the trust is established automatically based on the forest structure and permissions set in the forest. These relationships allow authorized users to access resources in any domain in the forest.

Systems running Windows Server 2003 provide services to other systems and can act as domain controllers or member servers. A domain controller is distinguished from a member server because it runs Active Directory. You promote member servers to domain controllers by installing Active Directory. You demote domain controllers to member servers by uninstalling Active Directory. You handle both processes through the Active Directory Installation Wizard.

Domains can have one or more domain controllers. When there are multiple domain controllers, the controllers automatically replicate directory data with one another using a multimaster replication model. This model allows any domain controller to process directory changes and then replicate those changes to other domain controllers.

Because of the multimaster domain structure, all domain controllers have equal responsibility by default. You can, however, give some domain controllers precedence over others for certain tasks, such as specifying a bridgehead server that has priority in replicating directory information to other sites. In addition, some tasks are best performed by a single server. A server that handles this type of task is called an operations master. There are five operations master roles, and you can assign each to a different domain controller. For more information, see the section entitled "Understanding Operations Master Roles," later in this chapter.

All Windows 2000, Windows XP Professional, Windows Vista, and Windows Server 2003 computers that join a domain have computer accounts. Like other resources, computer accounts are stored in Active Directory as objects. You use computer accounts to control access to the network and its resources. A computer accesses a domain using its account, which is authenticated before the computer can access the network.

Real World

Windows Server 2003 uses Active Directory’s global catalog to authenticate both computer and user logons. If the global catalog is unavailable, only members of the Domain Admins group can log on to the domain. The reason for this is that the universal group membership information is stored in the global catalog and this information is required for authentication. In Windows Server 2003, you have the option of caching universal group membership locally, which solves this problem. For more information, see the section entitled "Understanding the Directory Structure," later in this chapter.

Using Windows 95 and Windows 98 with Active Directory

Systems running Windows 95 and Windows 98 can work with Active Directory in two ways. They can access the network as part of a Windows NT domain, or they can access the network as part of an Active Directory domain. Both techniques depend on a specific network configuration.

Accessing the Network Through a Windows NT Domain

When Windows 95 and Windows 98 systems are used on the network but Active Directory clients aren’t installed, these systems can access the network as part of an existing Windows NT domain. Keep the following in mind:

  • When Active Directory is in mixed-mode operations, a primary domain controller (PDC) emulator or backup domain controller (BDC) must be available to authenticate logons.

  • When Active Directory is in native-mode operations, a BDC must be available to authenticate logons.

  • When acting as part of a Windows NT domain, Windows 95 and Windows 98 systems can access only resources available through Windows NT one-way trusts, which must be explicitly established by administrators. This remains true whether the system is using a Windows Server 2003 domain controller or a Windows NT BDC.

Accessing the Network as an Active Directory Client

When using native-mode operations, Windows 95 and Windows 98 systems can access the network as part of an Active Directory domain. To allow a system to access the network as part of an Active Directory domain, you must install Active Directory client software on the system. With the client software, these systems have full use of Active Directory features and can use transitive trust relationships that exist within the domain tree or forest. Transitive trust relationships allow authorized users to access resources in any domain in the domain tree or forest automatically.


Transitive trusts are automatically configured during installation of a domain controller, and you might not need to configure explicit trust relationships. Still, Windows Server 2003 does support explicit trust relationships, and you can establish these relationships if necessary. The main reasons to establish an explicit trust are to enable user authentication in another domain or to simplify the trust path in a complex domain forest.

Installing Active Directory Clients

You install Active Directory client on a Windows 95 or Windows 98 system by completing the following steps:

  1. Log on to the Windows 95 or Windows 98 system you want to configure as a client. Then insert the Windows 2000 Server or Windows Server 2003 distribution CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.

  2. Open the Run dialog box by clicking Start and then clicking Run.

  3. Type E:ClientsWin9XDsclient.exe, where E is the drive letter of the CD-ROM drive, and click OK. Or, click Browse to search the distribution CD-ROM. In the Clients folder you’ll find a subfolder called Win9X. This folder should contain the client executable. Select the client executable, click Open, and then click OK.

  4. Running the client executable transfers a few essential files to the client and then starts the Directory Service Client Setup Wizard. Read the welcome page, and then click Next.

  5. Install the client software by clicking Next. The wizard detects the system configuration and then installs the necessary client files on the system.

  6. Click Finish to complete the operation and restart the system.

  7. Click Start, choose Settings, and then choose Control Panel. In the Control Panel, double-click Network.

  8. In the Configuration tab, select the Ethernet adapter card entry and then click Properties. Make sure that the TCP/IP settings are configured properly to access the Active Directory domain. Configuring TCP/IP settings is discussed in Chapter 16.

  9. In the Identification tab, check the computer name and workgroup information provided. The computer name and workgroup should be set as explained in Chapter 16.

  10. If you changed settings, you’ll probably need to restart the computer. After the computer restarts, log on to the system using an account with access permissions in the Active Directory domain. You should be able to access resources in the domain.


Windows 95 and Windows 98 systems running as clients don’t have computer accounts and aren’t displayed in Network Neighborhood. You can, however, view session information for Windows 95 and Windows 98 running as Active Directory clients. Start Computer Management, double-click System Tools, double-click Shared Folders, and then select Sessions. Current user and computer sessions are displayed in the details pane. For more information on shared resources, see Chapter 14.

Using Windows NT and Windows 2000 Domains with Active Directory

All Windows NT and Windows 2000 computers must have computer accounts before they can join a domain. To support Windows NT and Windows 2000 domains, Active Directory has the following domain functional levels:

  • Windows 2000 mixed mode. When operating in Windows 2000 mixed mode, the directory can support Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000, and Windows NT domains. Although being able to work with Windows NT, Windows 2000, and Windows Server 2003 is an advantage, domains operating in this mode can’t use many of the latest Active Directory features, including universal groups, group nesting, group type conversion, easy domain controller renaming, update logon timestamps, and Kerberos key distribution center (KDC) key version numbers.

  • Windows 2000 native mode. When operating in Windows 2000 native mode, the directory supports Windows Server 2003 and Windows 2000 domains only. Windows NT domains are no longer supported. Domains operating in this mode aren’t able to use easy domain controller renaming, update logon timestamps, and Kerberos KDC key version numbers.

  • Windows Server 2003 interim mode. When operating in interim mode, the directory supports Windows Server 2003 and Windows NT domains only. Windows 2000 domains aren’t supported. This mode allows the upgrade from a Windows NT domain directly to a Windows Server 2003 domain without having to upgrade through Windows 2000. It’s similar to the Windows 2000 mixed-mode domain, but it supports only servers running Windows NT and Windows Server 2003.

  • Windows Server 2003 mode. When operating in Windows Server 2003 mode, the directory supports only Windows Server 2003 domains. Windows NT and Windows 2000 domains are no longer supported. The good news, however, is that a domain operating in Windows Server 2003 mode can use all the latest Active Directory features, including universal groups, group nesting, group type conversion, easy domain controller renaming, update logon timestamps, and Kerberos KDC key version numbers.

Using Windows 2000 Mixed Mode Operations

You set the domain functional level when you install Active Directory on the first Windows Server 2003 domain controller in a domain. If your domain uses Windows NT 4.0 Server, Windows 2000 Server, and Windows Server 2003, you’ll want to use mixed-mode operations (at least initially).

In mixed-mode operations, systems that are configured to use Windows NT domains access the network as if they were part of a Windows NT domain. These systems can include Windows 95 and Windows 98 systems that aren’t running the Active Directory client, Windows NT workstations, and Windows NT servers. Although the role of Windows NT workstations doesn’t change, Windows NT servers have a slightly different role. Here, Windows NT servers can act as BDCs or member servers only. The Windows NT domain no longer has a PDC. Instead, the Windows NT domain has a Windows Server 2003 domain controller that acts as a PDC to replicate read-only copies of Active Directory and to synchronize security changes to any remaining Windows NT BDCs.

The Windows Server 2003 domain controller acting as a PDC is automatically configured as a PDC emulator operations master. You can assign this role to another Windows Server 2003 domain controller at any time. A controller acting as a PDC emulator supports two authentication protocols:

  • Kerberos. Kerberos is a standard Internet protocol for authenticating users and systems and the primary authentication mechanism for Windows Server 2003.

  • NTLM. NT LAN Manager (NTLM) is the primary Windows NT authentication protocol. It’s used to authenticate computers in a Windows NT domain.


Windows Server 2003 also supports Secure Socket Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) authentication. This authentication mechanism is used with secure Web servers.

Using Windows 2000 Native Mode Operations

After upgrading the PDC, BDCs, and other Windows NT systems, and if you still have Windows 2000 domain resources, you can change to the Windows 2000 native mode operations and then use only Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003 resources in the domain. Once you set the Windows 2000 native mode operations, however, you can’t go back to mixed mode. Because of this, you should use native mode operations only when you’re certain that you don’t need the old Windows NT domain structure or Windows NT BDCs.

When you change to Windows 2000 native mode, you’ll notice the following:

  • NTLM authentication is no longer supported.

  • The PDC emulator can no longer synchronize data with any existing Windows NT BDCs.

  • You can’t add any Windows NT domain controllers to the domain.

In Windows Server 2003, you switch from Windows 2000 mixed mode to Windows 2000 native mode operations by raising the domain functional level.

Using Windows Server 2003 Interim Mode Operations

If you’re upgrading from a Windows NT domain structure to Windows Server 2003, you don’t have to use mixed-mode operations. You can use the Windows Server 2003 interim mode instead. Interim mode is an option only for the first Windows NT domain controller upgraded to Windows Server 2003. Here, you upgrade the Windows NT 4.0 PDC first and, when prompted during upgrade, you should set the forest functional level to Windows Server 2003 interim mode. This level has all the features of the Windows 2000 forest functional level.

When your domain is operating in Windows Server 2003 interim mode, the domain functions very similarly to Windows 2000 mixed-mode operations. The exception to this is that Windows 2000 domain controllers aren’t supported.

After you upgrade the PDC, you can upgrade the remaining BDCs. Microsoft recommends having a backup BDC offline that you can go back to just in case anything goes wrong. When you’re sure everything is working, you might want to consider raising the domain and forest level functions so that your organization can take advantage of the latest Active Directory enhancements.

Using Windows Server 2003 Mode Operations

After you’ve upgraded the Windows NT structures in your organization, you can look to upgrading to Windows Server 2003 domain structures. You do this by upgrading Windows 2000 domain controllers to Windows Server 2003 domain controllers and then, if desired, you can change the functional level to support only Windows Server 2003 domain structures.

Before being allowed to update Windows 2000 domain controllers, you’ll be prompted to prepare the domain for Windows Server 2003 before continuing. To do this, you’ll need to update the domain forest and the domain schema so that it’s compatible with Windows Server 2003 domains. A tool, called Adprep.exe, is provided to automatically perform the update for you. All you need to do is run the tool on the schema operations master and then on the infrastructure operations master for each domain in the forest. As always, you should test out any procedure in the lab before performing it in an operational environment.

The steps you follow to perform the upgrade are as follows:

  1. Check upgrade compatibility on the schema operations master and the infrastructure operations master for each domain in the forest. After inserting the Windows Server 2003 CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive, click Start and then select Run. Type E:i386winnt32.exe/checkupgradeonly, where E is the drive letter for the CD-ROM drive, in the Open field of the Run dialog box, and then click OK. This starts the Microsoft Windows Upgrade Advisor. Select No, Skip This Step and then click Next. The Microsoft Windows Upgrade Advisor searches the hardware for any incompatibilities. You should note and correct any incompatibilities found before continuing.

  2. You should upgrade all Windows 2000 domain controllers in the forest to Service Pack 2 or later before continuing. Access the Control Panel and then double-click System to check the current service pack. You’ll find the service pack listed in the General tab.

  3. Log on to the schema operations master for the first domain you want to upgrade in the forest, and then insert the Windows Server 2003 CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive. Click Start and then select Run. In the Open field of the Run dialog box, type E:i386adprep.exe/forestprep, where E is the drive letter for the CD-ROM drive, and then click OK. This starts a command prompt window. Read the directions carefully before continuing. Type C to continue or press any other letter to quit.


    To determine which server is the current schema operations master for the domain, start a command prompt and type dsquery server -hasfsmo schema. A directory service path string is returned containing the name of the server, such as: "CN=CORPSERVER01, CN=Servers, CN=Default-First-Site-Name, CN=Sites, CN=Configuration, DC=microsoft, DC=com." This string tells you that the schema operations master is COPRSERVER01 in the domain.

  4. Log on to the infrastructure operations master for the first domain you want to upgrade in the forest and then insert the Windows Server 2003 CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive. Click Start and then select Run. In the Open field of the Run dialog box, type E:i386adprep.exe/domainprep, where E is the drive letter for the CD-ROM drive, and then click OK. This starts a command prompt window. Read the directions carefully before continuing. Type C to continue or press any other letter to quit.


    To determine which server is the current infrastructure operations master for the domain, start a command prompt and type dsquery server -hasfsmo infr.

  5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 for other domains in the forest as necessary.

After upgrading all Windows NT and Windows 2000 domain controllers and member servers, you can raise the domain and forest level functionality to take advantage of the latest Active Directory features. If you do this, however, you can use only Windows Server 2003 resources in the domain. After you set the Windows Server 2003 domain or forest functional level, however, you can’t go back to any other mode. Because of this, you should use Windows Server 2003 mode only when you’re certain that you don’t need old Windows NT domain structures, Windows NT BDCs, or Windows 2000 domain structures.

Raising Domain and Forest Functionality

Domains operating in Windows Server 2003 functional level can use all the latest enhancements for Active Directory domains, including universal groups, group nesting, group type conversion, update logon timestamps, and Kerberos KDC key version numbers. In this mode, administrators will also be able to:

  1. Rename domain controllers without having to demote them first

  2. Rename domains running on Windows Server 2003 domain controllers

  3. Create extended two-way trusts between two forests

  4. Restructure domains in the domain hierarchy by renaming them and putting them at different levels

  5. Take advantage of replication enhancements for individual group members and global catalogs

Domain forests operating in Windows Server 2003 functional level can use all the latest enhancements for Active Directory forests, which means improved global catalog replication and intrasite and intersite replication efficiency, as well as the ability to establish one-way, two-way, and transitive forest trusts.

Real World

The domain and forest upgrade process can generate a lot of network traffic as information is being replicated around the network. Sometimes it can take 15 minutes or longer for the entire upgrade process to complete. During this time, you might experience delayed responsiveness when communicating with servers and higher latency on the network. Because of this, you might want to schedule the upgrade outside of normal business hours. It’s also a good idea to thoroughly test compatibility with existing applications (especially legacy applications) before performing this operation.

You can raise the domain level functionality by completing the following steps:

  1. Click Start, choose All Programs, Administrative Tools, and then select Active Directory Domains And Trusts.

  2. Right-click the domain you want to work with in the console tree and then select Raise Domain Functional Level.

  3. The current domain name and functional level is displayed in the Raise Domain Functional Level dialog box.

  4. To change the domain functionality, select the new domain functional level using the selection list provided and then click Raise. However, you can’t reverse this action. Consider the implications carefully before you do this.

  5. When you click OK, the new domain functional level will be replicated to each domain controller in the domain. This operation can take some time in a large organization.

You can raise the forest level functionality by completing the following steps:

  1. Click Start, choose All Programs, Administrative Tools, and then select Active Directory Domains And Trusts.

  2. Right-click the Active Directory Domains And Trusts node in the console tree and then select Raise Forest Functional Level.

  3. The current forest name and functional level is displayed in the Raise Forest Functional Level dialog box.

  4. To change the forest functionality, select the new forest functional level using the selection list provided and then click Raise. However, you can’t reverse this action. Consider the implications carefully before you do this.

  5. When you click OK, the new forest functional level will be replicated to each domain controller in each domain in the forest. This operation can take some time in a large organization.

Understanding the Directory Structure

Active Directory has many components and is built on many technologies. Directory data is made available to users and computers through data stores and global catalogs. Although most Active Directory tasks affect the data store, global catalogs are equally important. This is because they’re used during logon and for information searches. In fact, if the global catalog is unavailable, normal users can’t log on to the domain. The only way to change this behavior is to cache universal group membership locally. As you might expect, there are advantages and disadvantages to caching universal group membership, which I’ll discuss in a moment.

You access and distribute Active Directory data using directory access protocols and replication. Directory access protocols allow clients to communicate with computers running Active Directory. Replication is necessary to ensure that updates to data are distributed to domain controllers. Although multimaster replication is the primary technique that you use to distribute updates, some data changes can be handled only by individual domain controllers called operations masters. A new feature of Windows Server 2003 called application directory partitions also changes the way multimaster replication works.

With application directory partitions, enterprise administrators (those belonging to the Enterprise Admins group) can create replication partitions in the domain forest. These partitions are logical structures used to control replication of data within a domain forest. For example, you could create a partition to strictly control the replication of DNS information within a domain. This would prevent other systems in the domain from replicating DNS information.

Application directory partitions can appear as a child of a domain, a child of another application partition, or a new tree in the domain forest. Replicas of the application directory partition can be made available on any Active Directory domain controller running Windows Server 2003, including global catalogs. Although application directory partitions are useful in large domains and forests, they add overhead in terms of planning, administration, and maintenance.

Exploring the Data Store

The data store contains information about objects such as accounts, shared resources, organizational units, and group policies. Another name for the data store is the directory, which refers to Active Directory itself.

Domain controllers store the directory in a file called Ntds.dit. This file’s location is set when Active Directory is installed, and it must be on an NTFS file system drive formatted for use with Windows Server 2003. You can also save directory data separately from the main data store. This is true for group policies, scripts, and other types of public information that’s stored on the shared system volume (Sysvol).

Because the data store is a container for objects, the term publish is used when you share directory information. For example, you publish information about a printer by sharing the printer over the network. Similarly, you publish information about a folder by sharing the folder over the network.

Domain controllers replicate most changes to the data store in multimaster fashion. As an administrator for a small or medium-sized organization, you’ll rarely need to manage replication of the data store. Replication is handled automatically, after all, but you can customize it to meet the needs of large organizations or organizations with special requirements.

Not all directory data is replicated. Instead, only public information that falls into one of these three categories is replicated:

  • Domain data. Contains information about objects within a domain. This includes objects for accounts, shared resources, organizational units, and group policies.

  • Configuration dataDescribes the directory’s topology. This includes a list of all domains, domain trees, and forests, as well as the locations of the domain controllers and global catalog servers.

  • Schema data. Describes all objects and data types that can be stored in the directory. The default schema provided with Windows Server 2003 describes account objects, shared resource objects, and more. You can extend the default schema by defining new objects and attributes or by adding attributes to existing objects.

Exploring Global Catalogs

When universal group membership isn’t cached locally, global catalogs enable network logon by providing universal group membership information when a logon process is initiated. Global catalogs also enable directory searches throughout all the domains in a forest. A domain controller designated as a global catalog stores a full replica of all objects in the directory for its host domain and a partial replica for all other domains in the domain forest.


Partial replicas are used because only certain object properties are needed for logon and search operations. Partial replication also means that less information needs to be circulated on the network, which reduces the amount of network traffic.

By default, the first domain controller installed on a domain is designated as the global catalog. So, if there’s only one domain controller in the domain, the domain controller and the global catalog are the same server. Otherwise, the global catalog is on the domain controller that you’ve configured as such. You can also add global catalogs to a domain to help improve response time for logon and search requests. The recommended technique is to have one global catalog per site within a domain.

Domain controllers hosting the global catalog should be well connected to domain controllers acting as infrastructure masters. Infrastructure master is one of the five operations master roles that you can assign to a domain controller. In a domain the infrastructure master is responsible for updating object references. The infrastructure master does this by comparing its data with that of a global catalog. If the infrastructure master finds outdated data, it requests the updated data from a global catalog. The infrastructure master then replicates the changes to the other domain controllers in the domain. For more information on operations master roles, see the section entitled "Understanding Operations Master Roles," later in this chapter.

When there’s only one domain controller is in a domain, you can assign the infrastructure master role and the global catalog to the same domain controller. When two or more domain controllers are in the domain, however, the global catalog and the infrastructure master must be on separate domain controllers. If they aren’t, the infrastructure master won’t find data that’s out of date and, as a result, will never replicate changes. The only exception is when all domain controllers in the domain host the global catalog. In this case, it doesn’t matter which domain controller serves as the infrastructure master.

One of the key reasons to configure additional global catalogs in a domain is to ensure that a catalog is available to service logon and directory search requests. Again, if the domain has only one global catalog and the catalog isn’t available and there’s no local caching of universal group membership, normal users can’t log on and you can’t search the directory. In this scenario, the only users who can log on to the domain when the global catalog is unavailable are members of the Domain Admins group.

Searches in the global catalog are very efficient. The catalog contains information about objects in all domains in the forest. This allows directory search requests to be resolved in a local domain rather than in a domain in another part of the network. Resolving queries locally reduces the network load and allows for quicker responses in most cases.


If you notice slow logon or query response times, you might want to configure additional global catalogs. But more global catalogs usually mean more replication data being transferred over the network.

Universal Group Membership Caching

In a large organization, it might not be practical to have global catalogs at every office location. Not having global catalogs at every office location presents a problem, however, if a remote office loses connectivity with the main office or a designated branch office where global catalog servers reside: Normal users won’t be able to log on; only domain admins will be able to log on. The reason for this is that logon requests must be routed over the network to a global catalog server at a different office and, when there’s no connectivity, this isn’t possible.

As you might expect, there are many ways to resolve this problem. You could make one of the domain controllers at the remote office a global catalog server by following the procedure discussed in the section entitled "Configuring Global Catalogs" in Chapter 7. The disadvantage is that the designated server or servers will have an additional burden placed on them and might require additional resources. You also have to more carefully manage the up time of the global catalog server.

Another way to resolve this problem is to cache universal group membership locally. Here, any domain controller can resolve logon requests locally without having to go through the global catalog server. This allows for faster logons and makes it much easier to manage server outages: Your domain isn’t relying on a single server or a group of servers for logons. It also reduces replication traffic. Instead of replicating the entire global catalog periodically over the network, only the universal group membership information in the cache is refreshed. By default, a refresh occurs every eight hours on each domain controller that’s caching membership locally.

Universal group membership is site-specific. Remember, a site is a physical directory structure consisting of one or more subnets with a specific IP address range and network mask. The domain controllers running Windows Server 2003 and the global catalog they’re contacting must be in the same site. If you have multiple sites, you’ll need to configure local caching in each site. Additionally, users in the site must be part of a Windows Server 2003 domain running in Windows Server 2003 forest functional mode. To learn how to configure caching, see the section of Chapter 7 entitled "Configuring Universal Group Membership Caching."

Replication and Active Directory

The three types of information stored in the directory are domain data, schema data, and configuration data.

Domain data is replicated to all domain controllers within a particular domain. Schema and configuration data are replicated to all domains in the domain tree or forest. In addition, all objects in an individual domain, and a subset of object properties in the domain forest, are replicated to global catalogs.

This means that domain controllers store and replicate schema information for the domain tree or forest, configuration information for all domains in the domain tree or forest, and all directory objects and properties for their respective domains.

Domain controllers hosting a global catalog, however, store and replicate schema information for the forest, configuration information for all domains in the forest, a subset of the properties for all directory objects in the forest that’s replicated between servers hosting global catalogs only, and all directory objects and properties for their respective domain.

To get a better understanding of replication, consider the following scenario, where you’re installing a new network:

  1. You start by installing the first domain controller in domain A. The server is the only domain controller and also hosts the global catalog. No replication occurs because other domain controllers are on the network.

  2. You install a second domain controller in domain A. Because there are now two domain controllers, replication begins. To make sure that data is replicated properly, you assign one domain controller as the infrastructure master and the other as the global catalog. The infrastructure master watches for updates to the global catalog and requests updates to changed objects. The two domain controllers also replicate schema and configuration data.

  3. You install a third domain controller in domain A. This server isn’t a global catalog. The infrastructure master watches for updates to the global catalog, requests updates to changed objects, and then replicates those changes to the third domain controller. The three domain controllers also replicate schema and configuration data.

  4. You install a new domain, domain B, and add domain controllers to it. The global catalog hosts in domain A and domain B begin replicating all schema and configuration data, as well as a subset of the domain data in each domain. Replication within domain A continues as previously described. Replication within domain B begins.

Active Directory and LDAP

The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is a standard Internet communications protocol for TCP/IP networks. LDAP is designed specifically for accessing directory services with the least amount of overhead. LDAP also defines operations that can be used to query and modify directory information.

Active Directory clients use LDAP to communicate with computers running Active Directory whenever they log on to the network or search for shared resources. You can also use LDAP to manage Active Directory.

LDAP is an open standard that many other directory services can use. This makes interdirectory communications easier and provides a clearer migration path from other directory services to Active Directory. You can also use Active Directory Service Interface (ADSI) to enhance interoperability. ADSI supports the standard application programming interfaces (APIs) for LDAP that are specified in Internet standard Request For Comments (RFC) 1823. You can use ADSI with Windows Script Host to script objects in Active Directory.

Understanding Operations Master Roles

Operations master roles accomplish tasks that are impractical to perform in multimaster fashion. Five operations master roles are defined; you can assign them to one or more domain controllers. Although certain roles can be assigned only once in a domain forest, other roles must be defined once in each domain.

Every Active Directory forest must have the following roles:

  • Schema master. Controls updates and modifications to directory schema. To update directory schema, you must have access to the schema master. To determine which server is the current schema master for the domain, start a command prompt and type dsquery server -hasfsmo schema.

  • Domain naming master. Controls the addition or removal of domains in the forest. To add or remove domains, you must have access to the domain naming master. To determine which server is the current domain naming master for the domain, start a command prompt and type dsquery server -hasfsmo name.

These forest-wide roles must be unique in the forest. This means you can assign only one schema master and domain naming master in a forest.

Every Active Directory domain must have the following roles:

  • Relative ID master. Allocates relative IDs to domain controllers. Whenever you create a user, group, or computer object, domain controllers assign a unique security ID to the related object. The security ID consists of the domain’s security ID prefix and a unique relative ID, which was allocated by the relative ID master. To determine which server is the current relative ID master for the domain, start a command prompt and type dsquery server -hasfsmo rid.

  • PDC emulatorWhen using mixed or interim mode operations, the PDC emulator acts as a Windows NT PDC. Its job is to authenticate Windows NT logons, process password changes, and replicate updates to the BDCs. To determine which server is the current PDC emulator master for the domain, start a command prompt and type dsquery server -hasfsmo pdc.

  • Infrastructure master. Updates object references by comparing its directory data with that of a global catalog. If the data is outdated, the infrastructure master requests the updated data from a global catalog and then replicates the changes to the other domain controllers in the domain. To determine which server is the current infrastructure operations master for the domain, start a command prompt and type dsquery server -hasfsmo infr.

These domain-wide roles must be unique in each domain. This means you can assign only one relative ID master, PDC emulator, and infrastructure master in each domain.

Operations master roles are usually assigned automatically, but you can reassign them. When you install a new network, the first domain controller in the first domain is assigned all the operations master roles. If you later create a new child domain or a root domain in a new tree, the first domain controller in the new domain is automatically assigned operations master roles as well. In a new domain forest, the domain controller is assigned all operations master roles. If the new domain is in the same forest, the assigned roles are relative ID master, PDC emulator, and infrastructure master. The schema master and domain naming master roles remain in the first domain in the forest.

When a domain has only one domain controller, that computer handles all the operations master roles. If you’re working with a single site, the default operations master locations should be sufficient. As you add domain controllers and domains, however, you’ll probably want to move the operations master roles to other domain controllers.

When a domain has two or more domain controllers, you should configure two domain controllers to handle operations master roles. Here, you would make one domain controller the operations master and the other the standby operations master. The standby operations master is then used if the primary fails. Be sure that the domain controllers are direct replication partners and are well connected.

As domain structure grows, you might want to split up operations master roles and place them on separate domain controllers to improve responsiveness. Pay particular attention to the current responsibilities of the domain controller you plan to use.

Best Practices

Two roles that shouldn’t be separated are schema master and domain naming master. Always assign these roles to the same server. For the most efficient operations, you’ll usually want the relative ID master and PDC emulator to be on the same server as well. But you can separate these roles if necessary. For example, on a large network where peak loads are causing performance problems, you would probably want to place the relative ID master and PDC emulator on separate domain controllers. Additionally, you usually shouldn’t place the infrastructure master on a domain controller hosting a global catalog. See the section entitled "Exploring Global Catalogs," earlier in this chapter, for details.

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