
Thanks to Tracy Syrstad for being a great coauthor.

Bob Umlas is the smartest Excel guy I know and is an awesome technical editor. At Pearson, Loretta Yates is an excellent acquisitions editor. Thanks to the Kughens for guiding this book through production. I updated this edition in residence at the Kola Mi Writing Camp. My sincere thanks to the staff there for keeping me on track.

Along the way, I’ve learned a lot about VBA programming from the awesome community at the message board. VoG, Richard Schollar, and Jon von der Heyden all stand out as having contributed posts that led to ideas in this book. Thanks to Pam Gensel for Excel macro lesson #1. Mala Singh taught me about creating charts in VBA.

My family was incredibly supportive during this time. Thanks to Mary Ellen Jelen, Robert F. Jelen, Barbara Jelen, and Robert K. Jelen.


Thank you to all the moderators at the MrExcel forum who keep the board organized, despite the best efforts of the spammers. Thank you to Joe4, RoryA, and Petersss for helping process all the forum’s contact emails.

Programming is a constant learning experience, and I really appreciate the clients who have encouraged me to program outside my comfort zone so that my skills and knowledge have expanded.

World of Warcraft is how I de-stress. I’d like to give a special thank you to my in-game friends who help make the game so much fun and let me unwind: Louisiv (for teaching me how to tank), War (best co-tank ever), Amabeast (for pushing me out of my comfort zone), Chraz (for keeping my toon alive), and Jagdeule (for showing me how great an MM hunter could be).

And last, but not least, thanks to Bill Jelen. His site,, is a place where thousands come for help. It’s also a place where I, and others like me, have an opportunity to learn from and assist others.


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