Accept request header, Consuming REST services
access control list (ACL), SPSite and SPWeb
Access Control Services (ACS), The SharePoint Chrome control, The new architecture
AccessChecker value, BDC model file
AccessControlList element, BDC model file
accessToken variable, Security
ACL (access control list), SPSite and SPWeb
ACS (Access Control Services), The SharePoint Chrome control, The new architecture
Action element, Creating a code activity
actions, Your first workflow with SharePoint Designer 2013
for workflows, Your first workflow with SharePoint Designer 2013
ActivateOnDefault attribute, Features and solutions
ActivationDependencies element, Features and solutions, Solution deployment
Active Directory Federation Service (AD FS), Claims-based authentication and WS-Federation
Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS), Authentication and authorization infrastructure
active requestor, Claims-based authentication and WS-Federation
Activity Designer Library, Your first workflow project
Activity Library, Your first workflow project
AD FS (Active Directory Federation Service), Claims-based authentication and WS-Federation
AD FS (Active Directory Federation Services), Authentication and authorization infrastructure
Add a Comment action, Your first workflow with SharePoint Designer 2013
Add A Method command, Developing a custom model from scratch
Add and Customize Pages permission, Authorization infrastructure
Add Event Receiver menu item, Feature receivers
Add From Existing Site Columns command, Site columns
Add Items permission, Authorization infrastructure
Add method, SPListCollection, Creating a new title, Creating a new title
Add New Item window, Workflow forms
Add New Project form, Visual Studio 2012, Microsoft Visual Studio 2012
add operator, Querying data
Add Time to Date action, Your first workflow with SharePoint Designer 2013
Add-SPShellAdmin command, Understanding OAuth
Add/Remove Personal Web Parts permission, Authorization infrastructure
AddContentTypeField element, Upgrading solutions and features
AddItem method, SPList and SPListItem, Creating and updating a list item
addNotification method, Content pages, Web Part pages, and galleries
AddObject method, Managing data
addStatus method, Status bar and notification area
AddToDevLeapContacts method, Managing data
AddToDictionary<TKey, TValue>activity, Visual Studio 2012 for creating workflows
AddTo{ListName} method, Managing data, Managing data
AddUser method, SPGroup, SPUser, and other security types, Creating a new user
AdjustHijriDays attribute, Site and web templates
administration, Build, SharePoint Administration via PowerShell
SharePoint Central Administration, Build
via PowerShell, SharePoint Administration via PowerShell
ADO.NET Data Services namespace, Introducing the REST API
Advanced Settings page, Custom list templates, Site columns, Content types
figure of, Site columns
mapping custom content types to lists or libraries using, Content types
parameters on, Custom list templates
AfterDeserialize() method, Deployment and versioning
AfterProperties property, A sample remote event receiver
Ajax method, Managing data
Alerts property, SPGroup, SPUser, and other security types
AllCustomers.aspx, The MetaData element
AllowAppOnlyPolicy attribute, Security infrastructure
AllowClose property, Web Part deployment
AllowConnect property, Web Part deployment
AllowEdit property, Web Part deployment, Web Part deployment
AllowHide property, Web Part deployment
AllowMinimize property, Web Part deployment
AllowOAuthHttp argument, Deployment of Workflow Manager 1.0
AllowsMultipleConnections property, Connectable Web Parts
AllowUnsafeUpdates property, SPSite and SPWeb, SPSite and SPWeb, Transactions
AllowZoneChange property, Web Part deployment
AllUsers property, SPSite and SPWeb
AllUsersWebPart element, Content pages, Web Part pages, and galleries
AllWebs property, SPSite and SPWeb, Resource disposal
AlternateCssUrl attribute, Site and web templates
AlternateHeader attribute, Site and web templates
AlwaysForceInstall attribute, Features and solutions
and operator, Querying data
Announcements template, Creating a new list
Anonymous Access page, Authorization infrastructure
APIs (application programming interfaces), The goal of LINQ
APP file, Publishing a SharePoint app
App Management service, Upgrading apps, App management configuration and deployment
App Parts, Lists, libraries, items, documents, and other apps, Server-side technologies, App Parts and custom UI extensions
overview, Lists, libraries, items, documents, and other apps, App Parts and custom UI extensions
use by developers, Server-side technologies
app principal, The General tab
App Step ribbon button, Security and workflow app principal
app-related receivers, Deployment and registration
App.js file, Using the Client-Side Object Model
AppContextSite() function, Cross-domain calls
AppDatabaseName property, SPSite and SPWeb
AppDatabaseServerReferenceId property, SPSite and SPWeb
appendStatus method, Status bar and notification area
AppEventProperties property, Architecture and contracts, App-related receivers
AppEventReceiver.svc file, App-related receivers
AppIcon.png file, Sample SharePoint-hosted app outline, Creating an autohosted app
AppId property, Using Workflow Services Manager
AppInstalled event, Scopes and types of receivers, Deployment and registration
AppInstance class, Handling a SQL Azure database
Application Management area, SPCA, SharePoint Central Administration
application pages, Images and generic content
application programming interfaces (APIs), The goal of LINQ
application servers, Architectural overview
ApplicationResourceFiles element, Solution deployment
AppliesTo attribute, Deployment of declarative actions
Apply Style Sheets permission, Authorization infrastructure
Apply Themes and Borders permission, Authorization infrastructure
ApplyChanges method, Editor Parts
ApplyElementManifests tag, Upgrading solutions and features
AppManifest.xml file, Sample SharePoint-hosted app outline, Using the Client-Side Object Model, Inside AppManifest.xml, The General tab, The Prerequisites tab, The Prerequisites tab, The Remote Endpoints tab, App-related receivers
General tab, Inside AppManifest.xml
overview, Sample SharePoint-hosted app outline, Using the Client-Side Object Model
Permissions tab, The General tab
Prerequisites tab, The Prerequisites tab
Remote Endpoints tab, The Remote Endpoints tab
sample, App-related receivers
Supported Locales tab, The Prerequisites tab
AppOnlySequence activity, Visual Studio 2012 for creating workflows, Security and workflow app principal
AppPermissionsRequests element, Security infrastructure
AppPrerequisites element, The Prerequisites tab
AppPrincipal element, Provider-hosted apps
ApprovalComment variable, Your first workflow with SharePoint Designer 2013
ApprovalOutcome variable, Your first workflow with SharePoint Designer 2013
ApprovalRequestMessage argument, Your first workflow with SharePoint Designer 2013, Your first workflow with SharePoint Designer 2013, Workflow forms, Workflow forms
Approve Items permission, Authorization infrastructure
Approve method, SPDocumentLibrary and SPFile
Apps You Can Add list, Lists, libraries, items, documents, and other apps
apps, SharePoint, SharePoint apps, Introducing apps, Your first app, Sample SharePoint-hosted app outline, The app website, The app website, Using the Client-Side Object Model, Using the Client-Side Object Model, Inside AppManifest.xml, The General tab, The Prerequisites tab, The Prerequisites tab, The Remote Endpoints tab, App Parts and custom UI extensions, Creating App Parts, Autohosted apps, Autohosted apps, Creating an autohosted app, Handling a SQL Azure database, The SharePoint Chrome control, The SharePoint Chrome control, Publishing apps and the Office Store, Publishing apps and the Office Store, Publishing a SharePoint app, The corporate app catalog, Upgrading apps, Upgrading apps, App management configuration and deployment, Workflow and SharePoint apps, SharePoint app workflow, Security and workflow app principal
App Parts, App Parts and custom UI extensions
app website, The app website
AppManifest.xml file, Using the Client-Side Object Model, Inside AppManifest.xml, The General tab, The Prerequisites tab, The Prerequisites tab, The Remote Endpoints tab
General tab, Inside AppManifest.xml
overview, Using the Client-Side Object Model
Permissions tab, The General tab
Prerequisites tab, The Prerequisites tab
Remote Endpoints tab, The Remote Endpoints tab
Supported Locales tab, The Prerequisites tab
autohosted apps, Autohosted apps, Autohosted apps, Creating an autohosted app, Handling a SQL Azure database, The SharePoint Chrome control
Chrome control, The SharePoint Chrome control
configuring SQL Azure database, Handling a SQL Azure database
converting site to, Creating an autohosted app
creating, Autohosted apps
overview, Autohosted apps
creating, Your first app
custom UI extensions, Creating App Parts
development environment for, Introducing apps
JavaScript Client Object Model (JSOM), Using the Client-Side Object Model
on-premises farm for, Upgrading apps
overview, SharePoint apps
project structure for, Sample SharePoint-hosted app outline
provider-hosted apps, The SharePoint Chrome control
provisioning content, The app website
publishing, Publishing apps and the Office Store, Publishing apps and the Office Store, Publishing a SharePoint app, The corporate app catalog
deploying, Publishing apps and the Office Store
overview, Publishing apps and the Office Store
to corporate app catalog, Publishing a SharePoint app
to Office Store, The corporate app catalog
security infrastructure for, App management configuration and deployment
upgrading, Upgrading apps
workflows in, Workflow and SharePoint apps, SharePoint app workflow, Security and workflow app principal
and security, Security and workflow app principal
defining, Workflow and SharePoint apps
deploying, SharePoint app workflow
apps-extensibility model, Organize
AppUninstalling event, Provisioning content, Scopes and types of receivers, Deployment and registration
AppUpgraded event, Scopes and types of receivers, Deployment and registration
AppWebFullUrl property, App-related receivers
AppWebProxy.aspx page, Managing data
architecture, Architectural overview, Logical and physical architecture, Service applications, Client-side technologies, Remote event receivers, Architecture of remote event receivers, Scopes and types of receivers, Developing Web Parts, Windows Workflow Foundation, SharePoint workflow fundamentals
client-side technologies, Client-side technologies
databases, role of, Service applications
logical and physical architecture, Architectural overview
of remote event receivers, Remote event receivers, Architecture of remote event receivers, Scopes and types of receivers
and contracts, Architecture of remote event receivers
overview, Remote event receivers
scopes, Scopes and types of receivers
of Web Parts, Developing Web Parts
of workflows, SharePoint workflow fundamentals
of WWF, Windows Workflow Foundation
service applications, Logical and physical architecture
ArgumentException exception, Creating a new list item
ASCX files, More about content types, Visual Web Parts
ASP.NET integration, SharePoint Online
ASP.NET task form, Workflow and SharePoint apps
ASP.NET Web Site Administration Tool, Configuring the SQL Server database
Aspnet_isapi.dll file, SharePoint Online
ASPNET_REGSQL.EXE tool, Configuring FBA with SQL Membership Provider
ASPX form file, Reusable workflows
ASPX page file, Creating App Parts
Assemblies element, Solution deployment
Assembly attribute, Content pages, Web Part pages, and galleries, Deployment of declarative actions
Asset Library template, Creating a new list
AssetId property, App-related receivers
Assign a Task action, Your first workflow with SharePoint Designer 2013
AssignedTo property, Workflow and SharePoint apps
Association And Initiation Form Parameters dialog box, Your first workflow with SharePoint Designer 2013
association forms, Your first workflow with SharePoint Designer 2013, Workflow and SharePoint apps
for workflows, Your first workflow with SharePoint Designer 2013, Workflow and SharePoint apps
creating, Workflow and SharePoint apps
overview, Your first workflow with SharePoint Designer 2013
AssociationNavigator value, BDC model file
AssociationUrl property, Farm-level workflow, SharePoint app workflow
Associator value, BDC model file
AsynCodeActivity class, Custom activities
Atom Syndication format, The REST API
Attachments parameter, Custom list templates
Attachments property, SPList and SPListItem
attributes for content types, Content type IDs
authentication, Accessing a database, Authentication and authorization infrastructure, Authentication infrastructure, Claims-based authentication, Migrating from classic to claims-based mode, Windows authentication, Forms-Based Authentication, Configuring FBA with SQL Membership Provider, Configuring FBA with SQL Membership Provider, Configuring the SQL Server database, Configuring SQL Server permissions, Configuring SQL Server permissions, Enabling FBA users or roles, Claims-based authentication, federated identities, and OAuth, Claims-based authentication, federated identities, and OAuth, Claims-based authentication and WS-Federation, Building an STS, Building an STS, SharePoint trusted IPs, Registering the IP and mapping claims, Configuring the target web application, Configuring the target web application, Federating with Windows Azure ACS, Federating with Windows Azure ACS, Federating with Windows Azure ACS, Federating with Windows Azure ACS, Federating with Windows Azure ACS, Federating with Windows Azure ACS, Federating with Windows Azure ACS, Federating with Windows Azure ACS, Understanding OAuth
claims-based authentication, Migrating from classic to claims-based mode, Windows authentication, Forms-Based Authentication
FBA, Forms-Based Authentication
overview, Migrating from classic to claims-based mode
Windows authentication, Windows authentication
claims-based authentication and WS-Federation, Claims-based authentication, federated identities, and OAuth
configuring server-to-server apps, Understanding OAuth
FBA with SQL membership provider, Configuring FBA with SQL Membership Provider, Configuring FBA with SQL Membership Provider, Configuring the SQL Server database, Configuring SQL Server permissions, Configuring SQL Server permissions, Enabling FBA users or roles
configuring SharePoint web.config files, Configuring the SQL Server database
configuring SQL server database, Configuring FBA with SQL Membership Provider
configuring SQL Server permissions, Configuring SQL Server permissions
enabling providers for, Configuring SQL Server permissions
enabling users or roles, Enabling FBA users or roles
overview, Configuring FBA with SQL Membership Provider
implementing IP/STS with WIF, Claims-based authentication and WS-Federation, Building an STS, Building an STS
building relying party, Building an STS
building STS, Building an STS
overview, Claims-based authentication and WS-Federation
infrastructure of, Authentication and authorization infrastructure, Authentication infrastructure, Claims-based authentication
claims-based authentication, Authentication infrastructure
migrating from classic-mode, Claims-based authentication
overview, Authentication and authorization infrastructure
modes for BCS, Accessing a database
OAuth protocol, Federating with Windows Azure ACS
overview, Claims-based authentication, federated identities, and OAuth
trusted IPs, SharePoint trusted IPs, Registering the IP and mapping claims, Configuring the target web application, Configuring the target web application
configuring target web application, Configuring the target web application
creating custom claims provider, Configuring the target web application
overview, SharePoint trusted IPs
registering IP/STS in SharePoint, Registering the IP and mapping claims
with Windows Azure ACS, Federating with Windows Azure ACS, Federating with Windows Azure ACS, Federating with Windows Azure ACS, Federating with Windows Azure ACS, Federating with Windows Azure ACS, Federating with Windows Azure ACS, Federating with Windows Azure ACS
authenticating with Facebook, Federating with Windows Azure ACS
configuring relying parties, Federating with Windows Azure ACS
creating rule groups, Federating with Windows Azure ACS
federating SharePoint with Windows Azure ACS, Federating with Windows Azure ACS
logon page for, Federating with Windows Azure ACS
overview, Federating with Windows Azure ACS
setting up Facebook app, Federating with Windows Azure ACS
Authentication Providers command, Configuring the target web application
AuthenticationMode property, .NET Client-Side Object Model
Authorization HTTP header, Security
authorization infrastructure, Authorization infrastructure
AutoActivateInCentralAdmin attribute, Features and solutions
autohosted apps, SharePoint apps, Autohosted apps, Autohosted apps, Creating an autohosted app, Handling a SQL Azure database, The SharePoint Chrome control
Chrome control, The SharePoint Chrome control
configuring SQL Azure database, Handling a SQL Azure database
converting site to, Creating an autohosted app
creating, Autohosted apps
defined, SharePoint apps
overview, Autohosted apps
AutoProvisioning value, The Prerequisites tab
autoResolveDeletes argument, Handling concurrency conflicts
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