Calculated field type, Custom list templates
Calendar template, Creating a new list
Calendar View, Views
CalendarType attribute, Site and web templates
Call HTTP Web Service action, Your first workflow with SharePoint Designer 2013, Developing workflows, Consuming REST services
callback capability of remote event receivers, App-related receivers
CAML (Collaborative Application Markup Language), The MetaData element, SPList and SPListItem, LINQ under the hood, Data retrieval and projection, Creating App Parts
CamlQuery class, .NET Client-Side Object Model, Paging queries of list items
Canceled value, Your first workflow with SharePoint Designer 2013
Canceling value, Your first workflow with SharePoint Designer 2013
CancelNoError value, Architecture and contracts
CancelWithError value, Architecture and contracts
CancelWithRedirectUrl value, Architecture and contracts
CancelWorkflow method, Using Workflow Services Manager, Using Workflow Services Manager
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), The JSOM
CatalogIconImageUrl property, Web Part deployment
CatalogImageUrl property, Web Part deployment
Category attribute, Deployment of declarative actions
CategoryAttribute attribute, Configurable parameters
CDNs (content delivery networks), The JSOM
ceiling() function, Querying data
Central Admin Site site definition, Site definitions
ChangeConflictCollection class, Handling concurrency conflicts
ChangeConflictException, Advanced topics, Handling concurrency conflicts
ChangeConflicts property, Handling concurrency conflicts
ChangedIdEnumerator value, BDC model file
ChangedItemProperties property, Architecture and contracts, A sample remote event receiver
ChangeListItemConcurrently procedure, Concurrency conflicts
Check Approval Outcome stage, Your first workflow with SharePoint Designer 2013
Check In command, Creating a document library
Check In Item action, Your first workflow with SharePoint Designer 2013
Check Out command, Creating a document library
Check Out Item action, Your first workflow with SharePoint Designer 2013
CheckBox attribute, Ribbon commands
CheckedOutByUser property, SPDocumentLibrary and SPFile
CheckForPermissions method, SPSite and SPWeb
CheckIn method, SPDocumentLibrary and SPFile, Document check-in and checkout, Uploading and downloading documents, Document check-in and checkout
checking documents in and out, Downloading a document, Uploading and downloading documents
overview, Downloading a document
using CSOM, Uploading and downloading documents
CheckInItem activity, Visual Studio 2012 for creating workflows
CheckOut method, SPDocumentLibrary and SPFile, Document check-in and checkout
CheckOutItem activity, Visual Studio 2012 for creating workflows
CheckOutType property, SPDocumentLibrary and SPFile, Document check-in and checkout, Uploading and downloading documents
CheckPermissions method, SPSite and SPWeb, SPList and SPListItem, SPList and SPListItem
Choice field type, Custom list templates, Site columns
ChooseListItem value, Deployment of declarative actions
Chrome control for autohosted apps, The SharePoint Chrome control
ChromeState property, Web Part deployment
ChromeType property, Web Part deployment, Web Part deployment
claims augmentation, Configuring the target web application
claims identity, Authentication infrastructure
Claims namespace, Claims-based authentication
Claims property, Windows authentication
claims-based authentication, Authentication infrastructure, Migrating from classic to claims-based mode, Windows authentication, Forms-Based Authentication, Claims-based authentication, federated identities, and OAuth, Claims-based authentication and WS-Federation, Building an STS, Building an STS, SharePoint trusted IPs, Registering the IP and mapping claims, Configuring the target web application, Configuring the target web application
and WS-Federation, Claims-based authentication, federated identities, and OAuth
FBA, Forms-Based Authentication
implementing IP/STS with WIF, Claims-based authentication and WS-Federation, Building an STS, Building an STS
building relying party, Building an STS
building STS, Building an STS
overview, Claims-based authentication and WS-Federation
infrastructure of, Authentication infrastructure
overview, Migrating from classic to claims-based mode
trusted IPs, SharePoint trusted IPs, Registering the IP and mapping claims, Configuring the target web application, Configuring the target web application
configuring target web application, Configuring the target web application
creating custom claims provider, Configuring the target web application
registering IP/STS in SharePoint, Registering the IP and mapping claims
Windows authentication, Windows authentication
ClaimsIdentity instance, Building a relying party
ClaimsIdentity type, Claims-based authentication, Windows authentication
ClaimsPrincipal type, Claims-based authentication, Building an STS
ClaimType property, Authentication infrastructure
ClaimValue property, Authentication infrastructure
ClaimValueType property, Authentication infrastructure
Classic Web Part, Web Part deployment
classic-mode authentication, Claims-based authentication
ClassName attribute, Deployment of declarative actions, Deployment of declarative actions
ClearDictionary<TKey, TValue>activity, Visual Studio 2012 for creating workflows
Client namespace, Client Object Model, .NET Client-Side Object Model, API reference
Client Object Model, ClientObject vs. ClientValueObject, Silverlight Client Object Model
JSOM, Silverlight Client Object Model
Silverlight Client Object Model, ClientObject vs. ClientValueObject
Client Object Model. See also CSOM, Silverlight Client Object Model
Client Web Part, Microsoft Visual Studio 2012
Client-Side Object Model (CSOM), API reference, A sample remote event receiver, Dialog framework, Overview of BCS, Workflow forms, Workflow Services Manager
client-side rendering (CSR), Custom list templates, Defining a custom view
client-side technologies, Server-side technologies, Client-side technologies, Client-side technologies, ClientObject vs. ClientValueObject, Silverlight Client Object Model, Copying and moving files, Querying for data with .NET and LINQ, Querying for data with .NET and LINQ, Building an STS
architectural overview, Client-side technologies
Client Object Model, ClientObject vs. ClientValueObject, Silverlight Client Object Model
JSOM, Silverlight Client Object Model
Silverlight Client Object Model, ClientObject vs. ClientValueObject
Client Object Model. See also CSOM, Building an STS
overview, Server-side technologies, Client-side technologies
REST API, Copying and moving files, Querying for data with .NET and LINQ, Querying for data with .NET and LINQ
managing data, Querying for data with .NET and LINQ
overview, Copying and moving files
querying for data with .NET and LINQ, Querying for data with .NET and LINQ
Client.dll assembly, Client Object Model
Client.svc, Client Object Model
ClientContext class, Client Object Model, .NET Client-Side Object Model, Creating an autohosted app, A sample remote event receiver
ClientId attribute, Provider-hosted apps
ClientObjectQueryableExtension method, Data retrieval and projection, Data retrieval and projection
ClientOnClickNavigateUrl property, Server-side custom actions
ClientOnClickPostBackConfirmation property, Server-side custom actions
ClientOnClickScript property, Server-side custom actions
ClientOnClickUsingPostBackEvent property, Server-side custom actions
ClientRuntimeContext class, .NET Client-Side Object Model
ClientWebPart element, Creating App Parts
close method, Dialog framework
CLR (Common Language Runtime), Common and best practices, Deployment and versioning
CMS (content management system), SharePoint Foundation
CMSPUBLISHING#0 template, Creating a new site collection, Creating a new website
CNAME record, App management configuration and deployment
code activities, Advanced workflows, Creating a code activity, Creating a code activity
defined, Advanced workflows
for workflows, Creating a code activity, Creating a code activity
creating, Creating a code activity
deploying, Creating a code activity
code argument, Modeling with SPMetal.exe
CodeAccessSecurity element, Solution deployment
CodeActivity activity, Visual Studio 2012 for creating workflows
CodeActivity class, Custom activities, Custom activities
CodeActivityContext argument, Custom activities
CodeBehind attribute, Application pages
Collaboration group, SharePoint Administration via PowerShell
Collaborative Application Markup Language (CAML), The MetaData element, SPList and SPListItem, LINQ under the hood, Data retrieval and projection, Creating App Parts
Collation attribute, Site and web templates
Collection group, Your first workflow project
ColorPicker attribute, Ribbon commands
Column element, Modeling with SPMetal.exe
ColumnAttribute attribute, Modeling with SPMetal.exe
columns, site, Site columns
ComboBox attribute, Ribbon commands
CommadUIHandlers element, Ribbon commands
CommandAction attribute, Ribbon commands
CommandUIDefinition element, Ribbon commands, Ribbon commands, Ribbon commands
CommandUIExtension element, Ribbon commands
CommandUIHandler element, Ribbon commands
Common Language Runtime (CLR), Common and best practices, Deployment and versioning
commonModalDialogClose method, Dialog framework
commonModalDialogOpen method, Dialog framework
communication contract, Connectable Web Parts
Community Portal template, Site collections and websites, Creating a new site collection
Community Site template, Site collections and websites, Content types, Creating a new site collection
CompanyName field, The REST API
CompatibilityLevel property, Creating a new website
CompensableActivity activity, Handling exceptions
Completed value, Your first workflow with SharePoint Designer 2013
CompletedStatus property, Workflow and SharePoint apps
CompositeTask activity, Visual Studio 2012 for creating workflows
concat() function, Querying data
concurrency conflicts, Modifying an existing list item, Advanced topics
in LINQ to SharePoint, Advanced topics
overview, Modifying an existing list item
conditions, Your first workflow with SharePoint Designer 2013
for workflows, Your first workflow with SharePoint Designer 2013
configSections element, Configuring the SQL Server database
configurable Web Parts, Configurable Web Parts, Configurable Web Parts, Configurable parameters
configurable parameters, Configurable Web Parts
Editor Parts, Configurable parameters
overview, Configurable Web Parts
Configuration element, Custom site definitions, Site definitions with Visual Studio
Configuration Wizards area, SPCA, SharePoint Central Administration
ConflictMode argument, Handling concurrency conflicts
Connect To Outlook ribbon command, Offline capabilities
connectable Web Parts, Custom Web Part verbs
ConnectionConsumerAttribute attribute, Connectable Web Parts, Connectable Web Parts
ConnectionPointType property, Connectable Web Parts
ConnectionProvider attribute, Connectable Web Parts
ConnectionProviderAttribute attribute, Connectable Web Parts, Connectable Web Parts
connectionStrings element, Configuring the SQL Server database
Contact content type, Content types, Content types
ContactName property, Accessing a WCF/SOAP service
Contacts template, Creating a new list
ContainsDefaultLists attribute, Site and web templates
ContainsDynamicValueProperty activity, Visual Studio 2012 for creating workflows
Content App, Microsoft Visual Studio 2012
content delivery networks (CDNs), The JSOM
content management system (CMS), SharePoint Foundation
Content pages, Application pages
Content Type Hub service, Content types
content types, Microsoft Visual Studio 2012, Site columns, Site columns, Content types, Content type IDs, More about content types, Creating custom UI extensions
attributes for, Content type IDs
defined, Microsoft Visual Studio 2012
Document content types, More about content types
ID attribute, Content types
menu items scoped for, Creating custom UI extensions
overview, Site columns, Site columns
Content Types parameter, Custom list templates
ContentMarket property, App-related receivers
ContentType element, Content types, Feature element types, Modeling with SPMetal.exe
ContentType property, SPList and SPListItem, Managing data
ContentTypeBinding element, Feature element types, Custom workflow tasks, Custom workflow tasks
ContentTypeId property, SPList and SPListItem, Data retrieval and projection, Workflow and SharePoint apps
ContentTypes property, SPSite and SPWeb, SPList and SPListItem
ContentTypesEnabled property, Feature receivers
ContextInfo namespace, API reference, API reference
ContextPageInfo property, SPControl and SPContext
ContextToken property, Architecture and contracts
ContextualGroup attribute, Ribbon commands
ContextualTabs attribute, Ribbon commands
Continue value, Architecture and contracts
ContinueOnConflict value, Advanced topics
contracts, Architecture of remote event receivers
Contribute permission level, Lists of items and contents, Authorization infrastructure
Control element, Feature element types
Control Flow group, Your first workflow project
ControlAssembly attribute, The CustomAction element, Server-side custom actions
ControlClass attribute, The CustomAction element, Server-side custom actions
Controls attribute, Ribbon commands
Controls.js file, The SharePoint Chrome control
ControlSrc attribute, The CustomAction element
Convert-SPWebApplication cmdlet, Claims-based authentication
Copy Document action, Your first workflow with SharePoint Designer 2013
Copy method, SPList and SPListItem
CopyDynamicValue activity, Visual Studio 2012 for creating workflows
CopyFrom method, SPList and SPListItem
copying files, Document check-in and checkout, Uploading and downloading documents
overview, Document check-in and checkout
using CSOM, Uploading and downloading documents
CopyItem activity, Visual Studio 2012 for creating workflows
CopyTo method, SPList and SPListItem, SPDocumentLibrary and SPFile, Uploading and downloading documents
CoreV15.css style, Creating App Parts
corporate app catalog, publishing to, Publishing a SharePoint app
CorrelationId property, Architecture and contracts
Count Items in a Dictionary action, Your first workflow with SharePoint Designer 2013, Consuming REST services
CountDictionary<TKey, TValue>activity, Visual Studio 2012 for creating workflows
CountDynamicValueItems activity, Visual Studio 2012 for creating workflows
CountInstances method, Using Workflow Services Manager
CountInstancesWithStatus method, Using Workflow Services Manager
Country property, Querying data
Create Alerts permission, Authorization infrastructure
Create All Operations command, Accessing a database
Create Column page, Custom list templates
Create Groups permission, Authorization infrastructure
Create List Item action, Your first workflow with SharePoint Designer 2013
Create List Workflow dialog box, Deployment of Workflow Manager 1.0
Create New Secure Store Target Application wizard, BDC authentication modes, BDC authentication modes, BDC authentication modes
Create Site Collection option, SharePoint Administration via PowerShell
Create Subsites permission, Authorization infrastructure
Create View command, Views
Create View page, Views
create, read, update, delete, and query (CRUDQ), Business Connectivity Services
CreateChildControls method, A Hello World Web Part, Classic Web Parts, Editor Parts, Connectable Web Parts, Server-side custom actions
CreateContex method, Developing a custom model from scratch
Created by a Specific Person condition, Your first workflow with SharePoint Designer 2013
Created By field, Standard list templates
Created field, Standard list templates
Created in a Specific Date Span condition, Your first workflow with SharePoint Designer 2013
CreateDynamicValue activity, Visual Studio 2012 for creating workflows
CreateEditorParts method, Editor Parts, Editor Parts
CreateListItem activity, Visual Studio 2012 for creating workflows
CreateListItem value, Deployment of declarative actions
CreateRemoteEventReceiverClientContext method, Security
Creator attribute, Features and solutions
Creator value, BDC model file
Credentials ribbon group, BDC authentication modes
CreditCardValidationActivity class, Creating a code activity
cross-domain calls for REST API, Managing data
cross-site scripting (XSS), The Remote Endpoints tab, Security: Safe controls and cross-site-scripting safeguards
CRUDQ (create, read, update, delete, and query), Business Connectivity Services
CSOM (Client-Side Object Model), Client Object Model, .NET Client-Side Object Model, Data retrieval and projection, Data retrieval and projection, The JSOM, Creating a new list, Creating and updating a list item, Exception handling with lists, Deleting an existing list item, Deleting an existing list item, Paging queries of list items, Uploading and downloading documents, Uploading and downloading documents, Uploading and downloading documents, API reference, Dialog framework, Overview of BCS, Workflow forms, Workflow Services Manager
authenticating, .NET Client-Side Object Model
ClientObject vs. ClientValueObject, Data retrieval and projection
consuming BCS data, Overview of BCS
data retrieval and projection, Data retrieval and projection
examples, The JSOM, Creating a new list, Creating and updating a list item, Exception handling with lists, Deleting an existing list item, Deleting an existing list item, Paging queries of list items, Uploading and downloading documents, Uploading and downloading documents, Uploading and downloading documents
checking documents in and out, Uploading and downloading documents
copying and moving files, Uploading and downloading documents
creating and updating list item, Creating and updating a list item
creating new document library, Paging queries of list items
creating new list, Creating a new list
deleting existing list item, Deleting an existing list item
exception handling with lists, Exception handling with lists
overview, The JSOM
paging queries of list items, Deleting an existing list item
uploading and downloading documents, Uploading and downloading documents
overview, Client Object Model
Site class, API reference
CSR (client-side rendering), Custom list templates, Defining a custom view
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), The JSOM
culture parameter, API reference
CultureLCID property, Architecture and contracts
Currency field type, Custom list templates, Site columns
Current property, SPControl and SPContext, Silverlight Client Object Model
Current variable, Transactions
custom actions, Customizing the UI, Customizing the UI, The CustomAction element, The HideCustomAction element, Server-side custom actions, Advanced workflows, Creating a declarative activity, Deployment of declarative actions, Creating a code activity, Creating a code activity
CustomAction element, Customizing the UI
CustomActionGroup element, The CustomAction element
for workflows, Advanced workflows, Creating a declarative activity, Deployment of declarative actions, Creating a code activity, Creating a code activity
creating code activities, Creating a code activity
creating declarative activities, Creating a declarative activity
deployment of code activities, Creating a code activity
deployment of declarative actions, Deployment of declarative actions
overview, Advanced workflows
HideCustomAction element, The HideCustomAction element
overview, Customizing the UI
server-side custom actions, Server-side custom actions
custom activities, Hosting and execution
for workflows, Hosting and execution
custom claims provider, Configuring the target web application
Custom group, Site collections and websites
custom list templates, Creating a new list, Standard list templates
Custom Send to Destination setting, Creating a document library
custom tasks, Custom workflow tasks
for workflows, Custom workflow tasks
custom UI extensions, Creating App Parts
custom verbs for Web Parts, Handling display modes
Custom View in SharePoint Designer option, Views
custom views for list definitions, The MetaData element
CustomAction element, Feature element types, Creating custom UI extensions, Creating custom UI extensions, Customizing the UI, The CustomAction element, Server-side custom actions
CustomActionGroup element, Feature element types, The CustomAction element
CustomerID property, Accessing a WCF/SOAP service
CustomerID token, Creating a declarative activity
CustomerService.cs file, Developing a custom model from scratch
CustomersList parameter, Developing a custom model from scratch
CustomizedCssFiles attribute, Site and web templates
CustomJSUrl attribute, Site and web templates
CustomMapping attribute, Model extensions and versioning
CustomPropertyToolPart class, Configurable parameters, Editor Parts
CustomUpgradeAction element, Upgrading solutions and features, Handling FeatureUpgrading events
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