ICellConsumer interface, Connectable Web Parts
ICellProvider interface, Connectable Web Parts
ICredential interface, Querying for data with .NET and LINQ
ICustomMapping interface, Model extensions and versioning
ID attribute, Site columns, Content types, The Prerequisites tab, Connectable Web Parts
Id attribute, Features and solutions, Features and solutions, The CustomAction element, The CustomActionGroup element, The HideCustomAction element, Deployment of declarative actions
ID property, SPSite and SPWeb, SPSite and SPWeb, SPList and SPListItem, SPList and SPListItem, SPGroup, SPUser, and other security types
IdCulture argument, Site definitions
Identity argument, Claims-based authentication
identity management and refresh, Handling concurrency conflicts
identity provider, Authentication infrastructure
identity provider (IP), Claims-based authentication and WS-Federation
IdEnumerator value, BDC model file
IDisposable interface, Feature receivers, Common and best practices
Idle event, Runtime scheduler and workflow process life cycle
IEnumerable<T>interface, LINQ under the hood, Data retrieval and projection
If Any Value Equals Value condition, Your first workflow with SharePoint Designer 2013
IF-MATCH header, Querying data
IFilterConsumer interface, Connectable Web Parts
IFilterProvider interface, Connectable Web Parts
IgnoreIfAlreadyExists attribute, Content pages, Web Part pages, and galleries
IIdentity interface, SPSite and SPWeb, Building an STS
IIS (Internet Information Services), Architectural overview, SharePoint data fundamentals, SPSite and SPWeb, Creating an autohosted app, A sample remote event receiver, Architecture of Windows Workflow Foundation 4.5, Workflow and SharePoint apps
IISAllowsAnonymous property, SPSite and SPWeb
IISRESET command, Custom site definitions, Custom site definitions
IListConsumer interface, Connectable Web Parts
IListProvider interface, Connectable Web Parts
Image16by16Left attribute, Ribbon commands
Image16by16Top attribute, Ribbon commands
Image32by32 attribute, Ribbon commands
Image32by32Left attribute, Ribbon commands
Image32by32Top attribute, Ribbon commands
images, custom, Custom content
ImageUrl attribute, Features and solutions, The CustomAction element, The CustomActionGroup element, Site and web templates
ImageUrlAltText attribute, Features and solutions
Impersonating property, SPSite and SPWeb
ImportModelReceiver class, .NET custom model
InArgument<T>class, Custom activities
Include method, Data retrieval and projection
IncludeHiddenColumns element, Modeling with SPMetal.exe
IncludeHiddenContentTypes element, Modeling with SPMetal.exe
IncludeHiddenLists element, Modeling with SPMetal.exe
IncludeWithDefaultProperties method, Data retrieval and projection
Index variable, Consuming REST services
indexof() function, Querying data
infrastructure, Authentication and authorization infrastructure, Authentication infrastructure, Claims-based authentication, Authorization infrastructure
of authentication, Authentication and authorization infrastructure, Authentication infrastructure, Claims-based authentication
claims-based authentication, Authentication infrastructure
migrating from classic-mode, Claims-based authentication
overview, Authentication and authorization infrastructure
of authorization, Authorization infrastructure
InheritanceBreaking event, Scopes and types of receivers
InheritanceBroken event, Scopes and types of receivers
InheritanceReset event, Scopes and types of receivers
InheritanceResetting event, Scopes and types of receivers
init parameter, Silverlight Client Object Model
InitData method, The JSOM
InitializeControl method, Classic Web Parts
InitialValue attribute, Deployment of declarative actions
Initiation Form Parameters button, Your first workflow with SharePoint Designer 2013
initiation forms, Your first workflow with SharePoint Designer 2013, Workflow and SharePoint apps
for workflows, Your first workflow with SharePoint Designer 2013, Workflow and SharePoint apps
creating, Workflow and SharePoint apps
overview, Your first workflow with SharePoint Designer 2013
InitiationUrl property, Workflow forms, Farm-level workflow, SharePoint app workflow
INotifyPropertyChanged, Modeling with SPMetal.exe
INotifyPropertyChanging, Modeling with SPMetal.exe
InOutArgument<T>class, Custom activities
InOutArgument<T>property, Custom activities
Input Parameters Configuration wizard step, Accessing a WCF/SOAP service
InsertAllOnSubmit method, Inserting a new item
InsertOnSubmit method, Managing data, Inserting a new item
InsertTable attribute, Ribbon commands
Install-SPFeature cmdlet, Feature element types
installing, Deployment of Workflow Manager 1.0
Workflow Manager 1.0, Deployment of Workflow Manager 1.0
instance service, Security and workflow app principal
interface transformers, Connectable Web Parts
internal authentication, App management configuration and deployment
Internet Information Services (IIS), Architectural overview, SharePoint data fundamentals, SPSite and SPWeb, A sample remote event receiver, Architecture of Windows Workflow Foundation 4.5, Workflow and SharePoint apps
Internet Server Application Programming Interface (ISAPI), SharePoint Online
interop service, Workflow Services Manager
Invalid value, Your first workflow with SharePoint Designer 2013
InvalidOperationException, Silverlight Client Object Model
Invoice content type, More about content types
IP (identity provider), Claims-based authentication and WS-Federation
IP/STS (Identity Provider/Security Token Service), Claims-based authentication and WS-Federation, Building an STS, Building an STS
implementing with WIF, Claims-based authentication and WS-Federation, Building an STS, Building an STS
building relying party, Building an STS
building STS, Building an STS
overview, Claims-based authentication and WS-Federation
IParametersInConsumer interface, Connectable Web Parts
IParametersInProvider interface, Connectable Web Parts
IParametersOutConsumer interface, Connectable Web Parts
IParametersOutProvider interface, Connectable Web Parts
IPostBackEventHandler interface, Server-side custom actions
IQueryable<T>interface, LINQ under the hood, Querying for data with .NET and LINQ
IRemoteEventService service contract, A sample remote event receiver
IRowConsumer interface, Connectable Web Parts
IRowProvider interface, Connectable Web Parts
ISAPI (Internet Server Application Programming Interface), SharePoint Online
IsConnected property, Using Workflow Services Manager
IsDesignTime property, SPControl and SPContext
IsEmptyDynamicValue activity, Visual Studio 2012 for creating workflows
IsOf() function, Querying data
IsPopUI property, SPControl and SPContext, Dialog framework
IsPropertyAvailable method, ClientObject vs. ClientValueObject
IsSiteAdmin property, SPGroup, SPUser, and other security types
Issue.aspx page, Building an STS
IsUsedByDefault property, Creating a custom claims provider
Item content type, Content types
Item property, SPControl and SPContext
Item-Level Permissions, Custom list templates
ItemAdded event, Scopes and types of receivers, A sample remote event receiver
ItemAdded value, The new architecture, Farm-level workflow
ItemAdding event, Scopes and types of receivers, A sample remote event receiver
ItemAttachmentAdded event, Scopes and types of receivers
ItemAttachmentAdding event, Scopes and types of receivers
ItemAttachmentDeleted event, Scopes and types of receivers
ItemAttachmentDeleting event, Scopes and types of receivers
ItemCheckedIn event, Scopes and types of receivers
ItemCheckedOut event, Scopes and types of receivers
ItemCheckingIn event, Scopes and types of receivers
ItemCheckingOut event, Scopes and types of receivers
ItemCount property, SPList and SPListItem
ItemDeleted event, Scopes and types of receivers
ItemDeleting event, Scopes and types of receivers
ItemEventProperties property, Architecture and contracts, A sample remote event receiver
ItemFileConverted event, Scopes and types of receivers
ItemFileMoved event, Scopes and types of receivers
ItemFileMoving event, Scopes and types of receivers
ItemId property, SPControl and SPContext
ItemProperties value, Deployment of declarative actions
Items collection, Deleting an existing document
items in list. See list items, SPList and SPListItem
Items property, SPList and SPListItem
ItemUncheckedOut event, Scopes and types of receivers
ItemUncheckingOut event, Scopes and types of receivers
ItemUpdated event, Scopes and types of receivers
ItemUpdated value, The new architecture, Farm-level workflow
ItemUpdating event, Scopes and types of receivers, A sample remote event receiver
ItemVersionDeleted event, Scopes and types of receivers
ItemVersionDeleting event, Scopes and types of receivers
ITrackEntityState interface, Modeling with SPMetal.exe, Modeling with SPMetal.exe, Managing data
ITrackOriginalValues interface, Modeling with SPMetal.exe, Modeling with SPMetal.exe
IVersioningPersonalizable interface, Deployment and versioning
IWebEditable interface, Editor Parts
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