

  1. Access control

  2. ActionScript

  3. Address book

  4. Adverts

    1. app set up

    2. banner ad view

    3. DBannerViewDelegate protocol

    4. iAds test settings

    5. interstitial ads

    6. rectAdView

  5. App Store submission process

    1. adding icon set

    2. app configuration

    3. App ID register

    4. archive

    5. distribution certificate

    6. distribution provisioning profile

    7. iTunes Connect platform

      1. adding app information

      2. application information page

      3. iTunes Connect dashboard

      4. record creation

      5. screenshot gallery

      6. uploading

    8. stages

    9. uploading

      1. review process monitor

      2. submission for review

  6. Array

  7. Attributes inspector

  8. Automatic code signing

  9. Automatic reference counting (ARC)


  1. Booleans

  2. BoolForKey


  1. Call stack

  2. Call tree and CPU usage

  3. Camera and images

    1. action sheet

    2. editing

      1. alert controller

      2. applyFilter function

      3. CGSizeApplyAffineTransform

      4. CIColorControls filter

      5. filter

      6. image saving handler

      7. saveToGallery

    3. openCameraVC and openGalleryVC function

    4. picking image, gallery

    5. showing image on screen

    6. taking photos

    7. UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions

    8. UIGraphicsEndImageContext

    9. UIImagePickerController

    10. UIImagePickerControllerDelegate

    11. user interface design

  4. Certificate signing request (CSR)

  5. Characters

  6. Classes

    1. access and visibility

    2. accessing properties

    3. adding methods

    4. computed properties

    5. deinitializer and initializer methods

    6. extending functionality

    7. initializer

    8. lazy properties

    9. memory management

    10. overload method

    11. properties

    12. property observers

    13. reference types

    14. self properties

    15. stored properties

    16. subscripts addition

    17. syntax

  7. Closures

    1. ActionScript

    2. implicit return

    3. inline

    4. literal translation

    5. operator function

    6. shorthand name

    7. Swift

    8. trailing

  8. Cloud

    1. CloudKit

  1. error messages

  2. records retrival

  3. saving and deleting records

  1. Cloud data manager

    1. addItem method

    2. callback function

    3. class definition

    4. fetchCloudItems method

    5. removeItemAtIndex method

  2. CloudKit

    1. asset

    2. container

    3. relationships between records

    4. shopping list app

      1. account selection

      2. adding new items

      3. cloud data manager

      4. dashboard

      5. deleting items

      6. iCloud account

      7. iCloud settings

      8. iCloud usage

      9. set up

      10. table view

      11. UITableViewDataSource

      12. UITableViewDelegate

      13. user interface

  3. Comments making

  4. Common base classes

  5. Compiler

  6. Conditional statements

    1. guard

    2. if

    3. switch

      1. case statements overlap

      2. double

      3. multiple matches

      4. range matches

      5. string

      6. syntax

      7. tuples

      8. value binding

      9. where clauses

  7. Constraints

  8. Containers

  9. Control transfer

    1. break

    2. continue

    3. fallthrough

    4. labels

    5. return

  10. CoreData

  11. CreateViewController

    1. array

    2. choiceTextFields array

    3. data model

    4. declaring CreateViewController

    5. deleting text fields

    6. designing

    7. elements

    8. MARK

    9. outlets and actions

    10. tab bar controller

    11. text fields

  12. Creating certificates

    1. CSR

    2. notification provider

    3. p12 certificate

    4. push notifications

  13. Custom operator

  14. Custom view controller


  1. Date Picker controller

  2. Debug

    1. breakpoint

    2. change value at runtime

    3. console

    4. getDayOfWeek

    5. HelloXcode App

    6. label

    7. memory view

    8. print

    9. updateDayOfWeek method

    10. Value Changed event

    11. variables

    12. variables view

  3. Debug gauges

  4. Debugging

    1. breakpoints

    2. concurrent code

      1. call stack

      2. deadlock situation

      3. dispatch queues

      4. finding waiting code

      5. semaphores

    3. debug gauges

    4. debugger controls

    5. LLDB command

    6. memory view

    7. symbol types

  5. Defining and calling functions

  6. Deinitializer methods

  7. Delegation design pattern

  8. dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier method

  9. Development tools

    1. application loader

    2. file merge

    3. instruments

    4. internationalization

    5. organizer

    6. VCS

SeeVersion control system (VCS)
  1. Dictionary

  2. Disable App Transport Security

  3. Distribution certificate


  1. E-mail

    1. canSendMail method

    2. composing

    3. delegation

    4. sending

  2. Enumeration / enum

    1. associated value

    2. autoincremented raw values

    3. integer raw values

    4. integers declaration

    5. making choice

    6. raw values

    7. rules

  3. Errors handling

    1. ActionScript

    2. catching, handling, and rethrowing

    3. error type, defining

    4. Swift

    5. throwing error

    6. try-catch statement

  4. Extended detail

  5. Extensions


  1. Facebook post

    1. isAvailableForServiceType(_:)

    2. message posting

    3. setup

    4. viewing post on timeline

  2. FibonacciSpaceships project

  3. Filter

  4. findFibonacciNumber

  5. FindPrimeNumbers app

  6. Floating-point types

  7. Forecast data model

  8. Function parameters

    1. in-out and variable parameters

    2. providing default values

    3. variadic parameter

  9. Function types


  1. Garbage collection (GC)

  2. General app information

  3. Generic function

    1. calling

    2. constraints

    3. declaring

    4. and polymorphism

    5. Swift

    6. syntax

  4. getDayOfWeek

  5. getMessageFromCode

  6. Graphics processing unit (GPU)


  1. HelloXcode app

  2. Horizontal stack view


  1. Inheritance

  2. Initializer methods

  3. Instrument templates

  4. IntegerForKey

  5. Integers

  6. iOS app

    1. AppDelegate.swift

    2. asset

    3. Assets.xcassets

    4. Info.plist

    5. LaunchScreen.storyboard

    6. Main.storyboard

    7. MVC

SeeModel-View-Controller (MVC)
  1. Outlets creation

  2. project and project group

  3. target-action pattern

  4. ViewController.swift

  1. iOS appication project

    1. creation

    2. IDE

      1. editor area

      2. navigator area

      3. toolbar area

      4. utilities area

  2. iOS simulator

  3. Is operator

  4. iTunes Connect platform

    1. adding app information

    2. application information page

    3. iTunes Connect dashboard

    4. record creation

    5. screenshot gallery

    6. uploading

      1. App Archive

      2. application loader

      3. new app archive

      4. review process monitor

      5. submission for review

      6. validation dialog


  1. Jump bar


  1. Key Path


  1. Label

  2. LaunchScreen.storyboard

  3. layer.cornerRadius

  4. LoadSettings

  5. Loop

    1. backward-iterating loop

    2. for

    3. for-in

      1. array

      2. ignoring counter

    4. repeat-while

    5. while


  1. Main.storyboard

  2. Making phone call

  3. Managing devices

  4. Maps and location

    1. adding map capabilities

    2. location manager and delegate

    3. permission

    4. receiving location updates

    5. running location app

    6. storyboard

  5. maxChoicesChanged

  6. maxOptionsLabel

  7. maxOptionsStepper

  8. Memory management

  9. Memory view

  10. MessageUI framework

  11. Model-View-Controller (MVC)

    1. controller group

    2. file group

    3. layers

    4. setting up, controller

    5. view creation

  12. Module

  13. Motion sensors

    1. accelerometer

    2. creation

    3. gyroscope

    4. magnetometer

    5. manager

    6. motion data representation

    7. project storyboard


  1. Naming arguments

  2. Nested types

  3. Network communication logic

    1. downloading images

    2. error messages

    3. getForecast Method

    4. JSON request

    5. NSURLSession

    6. WeatherForecastService Class

  4. Networking

    1. Disable App Transport Security

    2. forecast data model

    3. forecast in table view

    4. user interface design

    5. weather forecast web service

  5. NSCoder

  6. NSNotificationCenter

  7. NSUserDefaults class


  1. Object library

  2. OpenGL

  3. OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL)

  4. Open Main.storyboard

  5. Open VoteViewController.swift

  6. Operator overloading

    1. compound assignment operator

    2. enumeration

    3. infix operator

    4. prefix/postfix operator

  7. Operators

    1. arithmetic

    2. assignment

    3. bitwise

    4. comparison

    5. compound assignment

    6. custom operators

    7. logical

    8. nil coalescing

    9. overflow

    10. pattern-matching

    11. range

    12. ternary conditional

  8. Optionals

    1. assigning function

    2. binding

    3. chaining

    4. declaring variable

      1. non-optional type

      2. optional type

    5. forced unwrapping

    6. implicitly unwrapping

    7. unwrapping

  9. Organizer window

  10. Outlet

    1. definition

    2. ViewController class

  11. Overloading functions


  1. Persisting local data

    1. app, set up

    2. Cloud

  1. CoreData

  2. file paths

  3. iOS file system

  4. NSCoder

  5. NSUserDefaults

  6. reading text file

  7. saving text file

  8. serializing and deserializing

  9. showMessage method

  1. Primitive types

    1. boolean

    2. character

    3. floating-point

    4. integers

    5. strings

  2. Printing

  3. Programming concepts

  4. Protocol

    1. conformation

    2. defining

    3. extension

  5. Provisioning

    1. criteria

    2. definition

    3. entitlements


  1. Queries


  1. Records

  2. References

    1. comparison

    2. strong

    3. types

    4. types definition

    5. unowned

    6. weak

  3. Remote notifications

    1. creating certificates

      1. CSR

      2. notification provider

      3. p12 certificate

      4. push notifications

    2. device token request

    3. display notification

    4. issues fixing

    5. notification provider

    6. participants

    7. push notifications

    8. registration steps

    9. sending notification

  4. ResetVotes method

  5. resultsAsPercentSwitch

  6. ResultsViewController

  7. ResultsViewController class

  8. ResultsViewController.swift

  9. Running App

    1. Apple ID selection

    2. connecting iOS device

    3. signing identity


  1. Sampling

  2. Semaphores

  3. Set

  4. setInteger—another method

  5. SettingsViewController

  6. SettingsViewController.swift

  7. setUpCell method

  8. Signing identity

  9. SimpleVote project

  10. Single View Application project

  11. Size classes

  12. SMS, composing and sending

  13. Social media framework

    1. accounts configuration

      1. Facebook

      2. Twitter

    2. facebook post

      1. isAvailableForServiceType(_:)

      2. message posting

      3. setup

      4. viewing post on timeline

    3. SLRequest class

    4. Twitter message

      1. composing

      2. message posting

      3. posting

    5. user interface design

  14. Sorting, integer array

  15. SpriteKit, 2D games

    1. GameScene class

    2. GameScene.sks

    3. GameScene.swift

    4. GameViewController.swift

    5. GPU

    6. moving, sprite around

    7. nodes

    8. Scene-Creating Routines

    9. scene editor

    10. set up

    11. SKAction class

    12. SKPhysycsBody class

    13. SKView

  16. SpriteKit, 3D apps

    1. applying materials

    2. camera

    3. light

    4. object selection

    5. objects types

    6. OpenGL

    7. project creation

    8. scene

    9. spaceship model, animating

    10. structure

  17. SpriteKit scene editor

  18. Storyboard

    1. elements

    2. Image View

    3. label view

    4. scenes

  19. Strings

    1. creation and initialization

    2. inadvertently copying

    3. values insertion

  20. Structures

    1. memory management

    2. mutating methods

    3. vs. classes

  21. Subscripts

    1. defining

    2. multidimensional

    3. non-numeric indices

    4. overloading

    5. range

    6. varieties

  22. Switch statement

  23. Symbolic breakpoint

  24. Syntax


  1. tableView(_:cellForRowAtIndexPath:)

  2. tableView(_:numberOfRowsInSection:)

  3. Target-Action pattern

  4. TestFlight

  5. Testing

    1. benefits

    2. code coverage

    3. FindPrimeNumbersTests

    4. functional unit test

    5. performance test

    6. project navigator

    7. types

    8. unit tests

    9. user interface tests

  6. Time Profiler

  7. Tuples

  8. Twitter message

    1. composing

    2. posting

  9. Type aliases

  10. Type casting

  11. Types

    1. casting

    2. nested types

    3. primitive

SeePrimitive types
  1. queries

  2. safety and inference


  1. UIAlertActionStyle

  2. UIAlertControllerStyle.ActionSheet.

  3. UIAlertControllerStyle.Alert

  4. UIButton inherits

  5. UIImagePickerController

  6. UI layout techniques

    1. auto layout

      1. constraints

      2. image view

      3. label view

      4. preview window

      5. size inspector

      6. sizes and positions

      7. text field view

      8. trailing edge constraint

      9. width multiplier

    2. resolving layout issues

    3. size layout

  7. UIPickerView

  8. UISegmentedControl

  9. UITableViewDataSource

  10. UITableViewDataSource Protocol

  11. UIViewController’s viewDidLoad method

  12. UIViewController’s viewWillAppear method

  13. Unique identifier (UI)

  14. unwindToVoting

  15. Update Frames

  16. updateMaxChoicesLabel

  17. Use Auto Layout

  18. User Defined Runtime Attributes

  19. User interfaces (UIs)

    1. attributes inspector

    2. boilerplate Single View Application project

    3. buttons with borders

    4. cell, table view

    5. custom view controller

    6. data model

    7. data, table view

    8. design, cells

    9. displaying data

    10. editor area

    11. elements

    12. horizontal stack view

    13. launch screen

    14. layer.cornerRadius

    15. navigation view controller

    16. navigator area

    17. placeholders, data model

    18. segues

    19. sending notifications

    20. storyboard

    21. table

      1. Helper methods

      2. ResultsViewController

      3. storyboard

      4. Text View

      5. Vertical Stack View

      6. View Controller Class

      7. Vote View Controller

    22. table view

    23. toolbar area

    24. trigger transitions

    25. UIButton’s layer member

    26. User Defined Runtime Attributes

    27. user preferences

      1. constraints

      2. design, settings view

      3. loading

      4. maxChoicesChanged

      5. outlets

      6. SettingsViewController

      7. stepper control

      8. storing

      9. view controller

    28. utilities area

    29. vertical stack view

    30. view controller

    31. VoteLite project

    32. Vote View Controller

    33. vote view, runtime

    34. voting

  20. User interface (UI) design

  21. Use Size Classes


  1. Variables and constants, declaration

  2. Version control system (VCS)

    1. commit window

    2. findFibonacciNumber

    3. game project creation

    4. GameScene properties

    5. Git and subversion

    6. GIT repository

    7. repository

    8. revisions

    9. types

  3. Version Release

  4. Vertical stack view

  5. View Controller Class

  6. ViewController.swift

  7. viewWillAppear method

  8. viewWillAppear Method

  9. VoteData

  10. VotePro Project

    1. alerts

      1. helper methods

      2. showAbsentVoteAlert

      3. style

      4. UIAlertControllerStyle.ActionSheet.

      5. UIAlertControllerStyle.Alert

      6. Vote button

      7. VoteViewController

    2. container view controllers

    3. project navigator

    4. SimpleVote project

    5. Single View Application project

    6. tab bar

      1. Results View Controller

      2. ResultsViewController.swift

      3. Table View, VoteViewController

      4. tabManager

      5. UIViewController

      6. View controllers/Containers group

      7. viewWillAppear method

      8. vote and abstain actions

      9. VoteTabBarController class

      10. VoteTabBarController

      11. Vote View Controller

    7. tab bar controller

  11. VoteTabBarController

  12. VoteTabBarController class

  13. VoteViewController

  14. VoteViewController class

  15. VoteViewController.swift


  1. Weather forecast web service

    1. OpenWeatherMap

      1. API key

      2. JSON format

      3. registration page

X, Y, Z

  1. Xcode

    1. definition

    2. download

      1. official release

      2. Xcode beta

    3. playground set up

    4. running Xcode

      1. documentation settings

      2. installation folder

      3. iOS SDK

      4. location settings

      5. license agreement

      6. location settings

    5. signing identity

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