List of Figures

Chapter 1. Java 8, 9, 10, and 11: what’s happening?

Figure 1.1. Programming-language ecosystem and climate change

Figure 1.2. Unix commands operating on streams

Figure 1.3. Passing method compareUsingCustomerId as an argument to sort

Figure 1.4. Passing the method reference File::isHidden to the method listFiles

Figure 1.5. A possible problem with two threads trying to add to a shared sum variable. The result is 105 instead of an expected result of 108.

Figure 1.6. Forking filter onto two CPUs and joining the result

Chapter 2. Passing code with behavior parameterization

Figure 2.1. Different strategies for selecting an Apple

Figure 2.2. Parameterizing the behavior of filterApples and passing different filter strategies

Figure 2.3. Parameterizing the behavior of filterApples and passing different filter strategies

Figure 2.4. Behavior parameterization versus value parameterization

Chapter 3. Lambda expressions

Figure 3.1. A lambda expression is composed of parameters, an arrow, and a body.

Figure 3.2. Tasks A and B are surrounded by boilerplate code responsible for preparation/cleanup.

Figure 3.3. Four-step process to apply the execute-around pattern

Figure 3.4. Deconstructing the type-checking process of a lambda expression

Figure 3.5. Recipes for constructing method references for three different types of lambda expressions

Figure 3.6. Using andThen versus compose

Figure 3.7. A transformation pipeline using andThen

Figure 3.8. Area under the function f(x) = x + 10 for x from 3 to 7

Chapter 4. Introducing streams

Figure 4.1. Chaining stream operations forming a stream pipeline

Figure 4.2. Filtering a menu using a stream to find out three high-calorie dish names

Figure 4.3. Streams versus collections

Figure 4.4. Internal versus external iteration

Figure 4.5. Intermediate versus terminal operations

Chapter 5. Working with streams

Figure 5.1. Filtering a stream with a predicate

Figure 5.2. Filtering unique elements in a stream

Figure 5.3. Truncating a stream

Figure 5.4. Skipping elements in a stream

Figure 5.5. Incorrect use of map to find unique characters from a list of words

Figure 5.6. Using flatMap to find the unique characters from a list of words

Figure 5.7. Using reduce to sum the numbers in a stream

Figure 5.8. A reduce operation—calculating the maximum

Figure 5.9. The Pythagorean theorem

Chapter 6. Collecting data with streams

Figure 6.1. The reduction process grouping the transactions by currency

Figure 6.2. The aggregation process of the summingInt collector

Figure 6.3. The reduction process calculating the total number of calories in the menu

Figure 6.4. Classification of an item in the stream during the grouping process

Figure 6.5. Equivalence between n-level nested map and n-dimensional classification table

Figure 6.6. Combining the effect of multiple collectors by nesting one inside the other

Figure 6.7. Logical steps of the sequential reduction process

Figure 6.8. Parallelizing the reduction process using the combiner method

Chapter 7. Parallel data processing and performance

Figure 7.1. A parallel reduction operation

Figure 7.2. iterate is inherently sequential.

Figure 7.3. The fork/join process

Figure 7.4. The fork/join algorithm

Figure 7.5. The work-stealing algorithm used by the fork/join framework

Figure 7.6. The recursive splitting process

Figure 7.7. The state transitions of the WordCounter when a new Character c is traversed

Chapter 9. Refactoring, testing, and debugging

Figure 9.1. The strategy design pattern

Figure 9.2. The observer design pattern

Figure 9.3. The chain of responsibility design pattern

Figure 9.4. Examining values flowing in a stream pipeline with peek

Chapter 11. Using Optional as a better alternative to null

Figure 11.1. An optional Car

Figure 11.2. Comparing the map methods of Streams and Optionals

Figure 11.3. A two-level optional

Figure 11.4. Comparing the flatMap methods of Stream and Optional

Figure 11.5. The Person/Car/Insurance dereferencing chain using optionals

Chapter 12. New Date and Time API

Figure 12.1. Making sense of a ZonedDateTime

Chapter 13. Default methods

Figure 13.1. Adding a method to an interface

Figure 13.2. Evolving an API by adding a method to Resizable. Recompiling the application produces errors because it depends on the Resizable interface.

Figure 13.3. Single inheritance versus multiple inheritance

Figure 13.4. Multiple behavior composition

Figure 13.5. The most specific default-providing interface wins.

Figure 13.6. Inheriting from a class and implementing two interfaces

Figure 13.7. Implementing two interfaces

Figure 13.8. The diamond problem

Chapter 14. The Java Module System

Figure 14.1. Three separate concerns with dependencies

Figure 14.2. Core structure of a Java module descriptor (

Figure 14.3. Jigsaw-puzzle-style example of a Java system built from four modules (A, B, C, D). Module A requires modules B and C to be present, and thereby gets access to the packages pkgB and pkgC (exported by modules B and C, respectively). Module C may similarly use package pkgD, which it has required from module C, but Module B can’t use pkgD.

Chapter 15. Concepts behind CompletableFuture and reactive programming

Figure 15.1. A typical mashup application

Figure 15.2. Concurrency versus parallelism

Figure 15.3. Sleeping tasks reduce the throughput of thread pools.

Figure 15.4. Strict fork/join. Arrows denote threads, circles represent forks and joins, and rectangles represent method calls and returns.

Figure 15.5. Relaxed fork/join

Figure 15.6. An asynchronous method

Figure 15.7. A simple box-and-channel diagram

Figure 15.8. Timing diagram showing three computations: f(x), g(x) and adding their results

Figure 15.9. The publish-subscribe model

Chapter 16. CompletableFuture: composable asynchronous programming

Figure 16.1. Using a Future to execute a long operation asynchronously

Figure 16.2. Why Stream’s laziness causes a sequential computation and how to avoid it

Figure 16.3. Composing synchronous operations and asynchronous tasks

Figure 16.4. Combining two independent asynchronous tasks

Chapter 17. Reactive programming

Figure 17.1. The key features of a reactive system

Figure 17.2. A blocking operation wastefully keeps a thread busy preventing it from performing other computations.

Figure 17.3. The life cycle of a reactive application using the Flow API

Figure 17.4. Legend of a marble diagram documenting an operator provided by a typical reactive library

Figure 17.5. The marble diagrams for the map and merge functions

Chapter 18. Thinking functionally

Figure 18.1. A mutable shared across multiple classes. It’s difficult to understand what owns the list.

Figure 18.2. A function with side effects

Figure 18.3. A function with no side effects

Figure 18.4. A function throwing an exception

Figure 18.5. Recursive definition of factorial, which requires several stack frames

Figure 18.6. Tail-recursive definition of factorial, which can reuse a single stack frame

Chapter 19. Functional programming techniques

Figure 19.1. comparing takes a function as parameter and returns another function.

Figure 19.2. The data structure is destructively updated.

Figure 19.3. Functional style with no modifications to the data structure

Figure 19.4. No existing data structure was harmed during the making of this update to Tree.

Figure 19.5. Elements of a LinkedList exist (are spread out) in memory. But elements of a LazyList are created on demand by a Function; you can see them as being spread out in time.

Chapter 20. Blending OOP and FP: Comparing Java and Scala

Figure 20.1. Streamlike operations with Scala’s List

Chapter 21. Conclusions and where next for Java

Figure 21.1. Objects versus value types

Figure 21.2. The life cycle of future Java releases

Appendix C. Performing multiple operations in parallel on a stream

Figure C.1. The StreamForker in action

Figure C.2. The StreamForker building blocks

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