Chapter 7. Arrays and Collections


Whenever you learn a new programming language, you want to know how to store your data. The traditional data structure of choice for sequential data is the humble array. In this chapter, you will learn the various array methods that the JavaScript API provides. We then turn to typed arrays and array buffers—advanced constructs for efficient handling of binary data blocks. Unlike Java or C++, JavaScript does not provide a rich set of data structures, but there are simple map and set classes that we discuss at the end of the chapter.

7.1 Constructing Arrays

You already know how to construct an array with a given sequence of elements—simply write a literal:

const names = ['Peter', 'Paul', 'Mary']

Here is how to construct an empty array with ten thousand elements, all initially undefined:

const bigEmptyArray = []
bigEmptyArray.length = 10000

In an array literal, you can place spreads of any iterable. Arrays and strings, the sets and maps that you will see later in this chapter, as well as NodeList and HTMLCollection from the DOM API, are iterable. For example, here is how to form an array containing the elements of two iterables a and b:

const elements = [...a, ...b]

As you will see in Chapter 9, an iterable object has a somewhat complex structure. The Array.from method collects elements from a simpler array-like object. An array-like object is an object with an integer-valued property with name 'length' and properties with names '0', '1', '2', and so on. Of course, arrays are array-like, but some methods of the DOM API yield array-like objects that aren’t arrays or iterables. Then you can call Array.from(arrayLike) to place the elements into an array.

const arrayLike = { length: 3 , '0': 'Peter', '1': 'Paul', '2': 'Mary'}
const elements = Array.from(arrayLike)
  // elements is the array ['Peter', 'Paul', 'Mary']
  // Array.isArray(arrayLike) is false, Array.isArray(elements) is true

The Array.from method accepts an optional second argument, a function that is called for all index values from 0 up to length − 1, passing the element (or undefined for missing elements) and the index. The results of the function are collected into an array. For example,

const squares = Array.from({ length: 5 }, (element, index) => index * index)
  // [0, 1, 4, 9, 16]

Images Caution

There is a constructor for constructing an array with given elements that you can invoke with or without new:

names = new Array('Peter', 'Paul', 'Mary')
names = Array('Peter', 'Paul', 'Mary')

But it has a pitfall. Calling new Array or Array with a single numeric argument has an entirely different effect. The single argument denotes the length of the array:

numbers = new Array(10000)

The result is an array of length 10000 and no elements!

I suggest to stay away from the Array constructor and use array literals:

names = ['Peter', 'Paul', 'Mary']
numbers = [10000]

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The factory function Array.of doesn’t suffer from the problem of the Array constructor:

names = Array.of('Peter', 'Paul', 'Mary')
littleArray = Array.of(10000) // An array of length 1, same as [10000]

But it offers no advantage over array literals either. (Exercise 2 shows a subtle and uncommon use case for the of method.)

7.2 The length Property and Index Properties

Every array has a 'length' property whose value is an integer between 0 and 232 − 1. The properties whose numeric values are non-negative integers are called index properties. For example, the array

const names = ['Peter', 'Paul', 'Mary']

is an object with a 'length' property (whose value is 3) and index properties '0', '1', '2'. Recall that property keys are always strings.

The length is always one more than the highest index:

const someNames = [ , 'Smith', , 'Jones'] // someNumbers.length is 4

The length is adjusted when a value is assigned to an index property:

someNames[5] = 'Miller' // Now someNames has length 6

You can adjust the length manually:

someNames.length = 100

If you decrease the length, any element whose index is at least the new length gets deleted.

someNames.length = 4 // someNames[4] and beyond are deleted

There is no requirement that an array has an index property for every index between 0 and length − 1. The ECMAScript standard uses the term missing elements for gaps in the index sequence.

To find out whether an element is missing, you can use the in operator:

'2' in someNames // false—no property '2'
3 in someNames // true; there is a property '3'
  // Note that the left operand is converted to a string

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An array can have properties that are not index properties. This is occasionally used to attach other information to an array. For example, the exec method of the RegExp class yields an array of matches, with additional properties index and input.

  // ['12:15pm', '12', '15', 'pm', index: 0, input: '12:15pm']

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A string containing a negative number, such as '-1', is a valid property, but it is not an index property.

const squares = [0, 1, 4, 9]
squares[-1] = 1 // [ 0, 1, 4, 9, '-1': 1 ]

7.3 Deleting and Adding Elements

The calls

let arr = [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25]
const deletedElement = arr.pop() // arr is now [0, 1, 4, 9, 16]
const newLength = arr.push(x) // arr is now [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, x]

delete or add an element at the end of an array, adjusting the length.

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Instead of calling pop and push, you could write

arr[arr.length] = x

I prefer pop and push since they indicate the intent better.

To delete or add the initial element, call

arr = [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25]
const deletedElement = arr.shift() // arr is now [1, 4, 9, 16, 25]
const newLength = arr.unshift(x) // arr is now [x, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25]

The push and unshift methods can add any number of elements at once:

arr = [9]
arr.push(16, 25) // 16, 25 are appended; arr is now [9, 16, 25]
arr.unshift(0, 1, 4) // 0, 1, 4 are prepended; arr is now [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25]

Use the splice method to delete or add elements in the middle:

const deletedElements = arr.splice(start, deleteCount, x1, x2, . . .)

First, deleteCount elements are removed, starting at offset start. Then the provided elements are inserted at start.

arr = [0, 1, 12, 24, 36]
const start = 2
// Replace arr[start] and arr[start + 1]
arr.splice(start, 2, 16, 25) // arr is now [0, 1, 16, 25, 36]
// Add elements at index start
arr.splice(start, 0, 4, 9) // arr is now [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36]
// Delete the elements at index start and start + 1
arr.splice(start, 2) // arr is now [0, 1, 16, 25, 36]
// Delete all elements at index start and beyond
arr.splice(start) // arr is now [0, 1]

If start is negative, it is counted from the end of the array (that is, it is adjusted by adding arr.length).

arr = [0, 1, 4, 16]
arr.splice(-1, 1, 9) // arr is now [0, 1, 4, 9]

The splice method returns an array of the removed elements.

arr = [1, 4, 9, 16]
const spliced = arr.splice(1, 2) // spliced is [4, 9], arr is [1, 16]

7.4 Other Array Mutators

In this section, you will see the mutator methods of the Array class other than those for deleting and adding elements.

The fill method overwrites existing elements with a new value:

arr.fill(value, start, end)

The copyWithin method overwrites existing elements with other elements from the same array:

arr.copyWithin(targetIndex, start, end)

With both methods, start defaults to 0 and end to arr.length.

If start, end, or targetIndex are negative, they count from the end of the array.

Here are some examples:

let arr = [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25]
arr.copyWithin(0, 1) // arr is now [1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 25]
arr.copyWithin(1) // arr is now [1, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25]
arr.fill(7, 3, -1)  // arr is now [1, 1, 4, 7, 7, 25]

arr.reverse() reverses arr in place:

arr = [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25]
arr.reverse() // arr is now [25, 16, 9, 4, 1, 0]

The call


sorts arr in place. The comparison function compares two elements x, y and returns

  • A negative number if x should come before y

  • A positive number if x should come after y

  • 0 if they are indistinguishable

For example, here is how you can sort an array of numbers:

arr = [0, 1, 16, 25, 4, 9]
arr.sort((x, y) => x - y) // arr is now [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25]

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If the comparison function is not provided, the sort method turns elements to strings and compares them—see Exercise 5. For numbers, this might be the world’s worst comparison function:

arr = [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25]
arr.sort() // arr is now [0, 1, 16, 25, 4, 9]

The most useful methods of the Array class are summarized in Table 7-1.

Table 7-1    Useful Functions and Methods of the Array Class




from(arraylike, f)

Produces an array from any object with properties named 'length', '0', '1', and so on. If present, the function f is applied to each element.

Mutating Methods

pop(), shift()

Removes and returns the last element

push(value), unshift(value)

Appends or prepends value to this array and returns the new length

fill(value, start, end)

Overwrites the given range with value. For this and the following methods, the following apply unless otherwise mentioned: If start or end are negative, they are counted from the end of the array. The range includes start and excludes end. The default for start and end are 0 and the array length. The method returns this array.

copyWithin(targetIndex, start, end)

Copies the given range to the target index


Reverses the elements of this array


Sorts this array

splice(start, deleteCount, values...)

Removes and returns deleteCount elements at index start, then inserts the given values at start

Nonmutating Methods

slice(start, end)

Returns the elements in the given range

includes(target, start), firstIndex(target, start), lastIndex(target, start)

If the array includes target at or after index start, these methods return true or the index; otherwise, false or -1


Returns the elements of this array, replacing any arrays of dimension ≤k with their elements. The default for k is 1.

map(f), flatMap(f), forEach(f)

Calls the given function on each element and returns an array of the results, or the flattened results, or undefined


Returns all elements for which f returns a truish result

findIndex(f), find(f)

Return the index or value of the first element for which f returns a truish value. The function f is called with three arguments: the element, index, and array.

every(f), some(f)

Return true if f returns a truish value for every, or at least one, element


Returns a string consisting of all elements turned to strings and separated by the given separator (which defaults to ',')

For sorting strings in a human language, the localeCompare method can be a good choice:

const titles = . . .
titles.sort((s, t) => s.localeCompare(t))

Chapter 8 has more information about locale-based comparisons.

Images Note

Since 2019, the sort method is guaranteed to be stable. That is, the order of indistinguishable elements is not disturbed. For example, suppose you have a sequence of messages that was previously sorted by date. If you now sort it by the sender, then messages with the same sender will continue to be sorted by date.

7.5 Producing Elements

All methods that are introduced from this point on do not mutate the array on which they operate.

The following methods produce arrays containing elements from an existing array.

The call

arr.slice(start, end)

yields an array containing the elements in the given range. The start index defaults to 0, end to arr.length.

arr.slice() is the same as [...arr].

The flat method flattens multidimensional arrays. The default is to flatten one level.

[[1, 2], [3, 4]].flat()

is the array

[1, 2, 3, 4]

In the unlikely case that you have an array of more than two dimensions, you can specify how many levels you want to flatten. Here is a flattening from three dimensions to one:

[[[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[5, 6], [7, 8]]].flat(2) // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]

The call

arr.concat(arg1, arg2, . . .)

yields an array starting with arr, to which the arguments are appended. However, there is a twist: Array arguments are flattened.

const arr = [1, 2]
const arr2 = [5, 6]
const result = arr.concat(3, 4, arr2) // result is [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

Since you can nowadays use spreads in array literals, the concat method is no longer very useful. A simpler way of achieving the same result is:

const result = [...arr, 3, 4, ...arr2]

There is one remaining use case for the concat method: to concatenate a sequence of items of unknown type and flatten just those that are arrays.

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You can control the flattening with the isConcatSpreadable symbol. (Symbols are covered in Chapter 8.)

If the symbol is false, arrays are not flattened:

arr = [17, 29]
arr[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable] = false
[].concat(arr) // An array with a single element [17, 29]

If the symbol is true, then array-like objects are flattened:

[].concat({ length: 2, [Symbol.isConcatSpreadable]: true,
  '0': 17, '1': 29 }) // An array with two elements 17, 29

7.6 Finding Elements

The following calls check whether a specific value is contained in an array.

const found = arr.includes(target, start) // true or false
const firstIndex = arr.indexOf(target, start) // first index or -1
const lastIndex = arr.lastIndexOf(target, start) // last index or -1

The target must match the element strictly, using the === comparison.

The search starts at start. If start is less than 0, it counts from the end of the array. If start is omitted, it defaults to 0.

If you want to find a value that fulfills a condition, then call one of the following:

const firstIndex = arr.findIndex(conditionFunction)
const firstElement = arr.find(conditionFunction)

For example, here is how you can find the first negative number in an array:

const firstNegative = arr.find(x => x < 0)

For this and the subsequent methods of this section, the condition function receives three arguments:

  • The array element

  • The index

  • The entire array

The calls


yield true if conditionFunction(element, index, arr) is true for every element or at least one element.

For example,

const atLeastOneNegative = arr.some(x => x < 0)

The filter method yields all values that fulfill a condition:

const negatives = [-1, 7, 2, -9].filter(x => x < 0) // [-1, -9]

7.7 Visiting All Elements

To visit all elements of an array, you can use a for of loop to visit all elements in order, or the for in loop to visit all index values.

for (const e of arr) {
  // Do something with the element e
for (const i in arr) {
  // Do something with the index i and the element arr[i]

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The for of loop looks up elements for all index values between 0 and length − 1, yielding undefined for missing elements. In contrast, the for in loop only visits keys that are present.

In other words, the for in loop views an array as an object, whereas the for of loop views an array as an iterable. (As you will see in Chapter 12, iterables are sequences of values without gaps.)

If you want to visit both the index values and elements, use the iterator that the entries method returns. It produces arrays of length 2 holding each index and element. This loop uses the entries method, a for of loop, and destructuring:

for (const [index, element] of arr.entries())
   console.log(index, element)

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The entries method is defined for all JavaScript data structures, including arrays. There are corresponding methods keys and values that yield iterators over the keys and values of the collection. These are useful for working with generic collections. If you know that you are working with an array, you won’t need them.

The call arr.forEach(f) invokes f(element, index, arr) for each element, skipping missing elements. The call

arr.forEach((element, index) => console.log(index, element))

is equivalent to

for (const index in arr) console.log(index, arr[index])

Instead of specifying an action for each element, it is often better to transform the elements and collect the results. The call yields an array of all values returned from f(arr[index], index, arr):

[1, 7, 2, 9].map(x => x * x) // [1, 49, 4, 81]
[1, 7, 2, 9].map((x, i) => x * 10 ** i) // [1, 70, 200, 9000]

Consider a function that returns an array of values:

function roots(x) {
  if (x < 0) {
    return [] // No roots
  } else if (x === 0) {
    return [0] // Single root
  } else {
    return [Math.sqrt(x), -Math.sqrt(x)] // Two roots

When you map this function to an array of inputs, you get an array of the array-valued answers:

[-1, 0, 1, 4].map(roots) // [[], [0], [1, -1], [2, -2]]

If you want to flatten out the results, you can call map followed by flat, or you can call flatMap which is slightly more efficient:

[-1, 0, 1, 4].flatMap(roots) // [0, 1, -1, 2, -2]

Finally, the call arr.join(separator) converts all elements to strings and joins them with the given separator. The default separator is ','.

[1,2,3,[4,5]].join(' and ') // '1 and 2 and 3 and 4,5'

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The forEach, map, filter, find, findIndex, some, and every methods (but not sort or reduce), as well as the from function, take an optional argument after the function argument:

arr.forEach(f, thisArg)

The thisArg argument becomes the this parameter of f. That is,

thisArg.f(arr[index], index, arr)

is called for each index.

You only need the thisArg argument if you pass a method instead of a function. Exercise 4 shows how you can avoid this situation.

7.8 Sparse Arrays


An array with one or more missing elements is called sparse. Sparse arrays can arise in four situations:

  1. Missing elements in an array literal:

    const someNumbers = [ , 2, , 9] // No index properties 0, 2
  2. Adding an element beyond the length:

    someNumbers[100] = 0 // No index properties 4 to 99
  3. Increasing the length:

    const bigEmptyArray = []
    bigEmptyArray.length = 10000 // No index properties
  4. Deleting an element:

    delete someNumbers[1] // No longer an index property 1

Most methods in the array API skip over the missing elements in sparse arrays. For example, [ , 2, , 9].forEach(f) only invokes f twice. No call is made for the missing elements at indices 0 and 2.

As you have seen in Section 7.1, “Constructing Arrays” (page 141), Array.from(arrayLike, f) is an exception, invoking f for every index.

You can use Array.from to replace missing elements with undefined:

Array.from([ , 2, , 9]) // [undefined, 2, undefined, 9]

The join method turns missing and undefined elements into empty strings:

[ , 2, undefined, 9].join(' and ') // ' and 2 and  and 9'

Most methods that produce arrays from given arrays keep the missing elements in place. For example, [ , 2, , 9].map(x => x * x) yields [ , 4, , 81].

However, the sort method places missing elements at the end:

let someNumbers = [ , 2, , 9]
someNumbers.sort((x, y) => y - x) // someNumbers is now [9, 2, , , ]

(Eagle-eyed readers may have noted that there are four commas. The last comma is a trailing comma. If it had not been present, then the preceding comma would have been a trailing comma and the array would only have had one undefined element.)

The filter, flat, and flatMap skip missing elements entirely.

A simple way of eliminating missing elements from an array is to filter with a function that accepts all elements:

[ , 2, , 9].filter(x => true) // [2, 9]

7.9 Reduction


This section discusses a general mechanism for computing a value from the elements of an array. The mechanism is elegant, but frankly, it is never necessary—you can achieve the same effect with a simple loop. Feel free to skip this section if you don’t find it interesting.

The map method applies a unary function to all elements of a collection. The reduce and reduceRight methods that we discuss in this section combine elements with a binary operation. The call arr.reduce(op) applies op to successive elements like this:

        op   arr[3]
      op   arr[2]
arr[0]  arr[1]

For example, here is how to compute the sum of array elements:

const arr = [1, 7, 2, 9]
const result = arr.reduce((x, y) => x + y) // ((1 + 7) + 2) + 9

Here is a more interesting reduction that computes the value of a decimal number from an array of digits:

[1, 7, 2, 9].reduce((x, y) => 10 * x + y) // 1729

This tree diagram shows the intermediate results:

         172    9
      17     2
    1    7

In most cases, it is useful to start the computation with an initial value other than the initial array element. The call arr.reduce(op, init) computes

      op   arr[2]
    op   arr[1]
init   arr[0]

Compared with the tree diagram of reduce without an initial value, this diagram is more regular. All array elements are on the right of the tree. Each operation combines an accumulated value (starting with the initial value) and an array element.

For example,

[1, 7, 2, 9].reduce((accum, current) => accum - current, 0)


0 − 1 − 7 − 2 − 9 = −19

Without the initial value, the result would have been 1 − 7 − 2 − 9, which is not the difference of all elements.

The initial value is returned when the array is empty. For example, if you define

const sum = arr => arr.reduce((accum, current) => accum + current, 0)

then the sum of the empty array is 0. Reducing an empty array without an initial value throws an exception.

The callback function actually takes four arguments:

  • The accumulated value

  • The current array element

  • The index of the current element

  • The entire array

In this example, we collect the positions of all elements fulfilling a condition:

function findAll(arr, condition) {
  return arr.reduce((accum, current, currentIndex) =>
    condition(current) ? [...accum, currentIndex] : accum, [])

const odds = findAll([1, 7, 2, 9], x => x % 2 !== 0)
  // [0, 1, 3], the positions of all odd elements

The reduceRight method starts at the end of the array, visiting the elements in reverse order.

                  .    arr[0]
            op   arr[n-2]
        init   arr[n-1]

For example,

[1, 2, 3, 4].reduceRight((x, y) => [x, y], [])


[[[[[], 4], 3], 2], 1]

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Right reduction in JavaScript is similar to a right fold in Lisp-like languages, but the order of the operands is reversed.

Reducing can be used instead of a loop. Suppose, for example, that we want to count the frequencies of the letters in a string. One way is to visit each letter and update an object.

const freq = {}
for (const c of 'Mississippi') {
  if (c in freq) {
  } else {
    freq[c] = 1

Here is another way of thinking about this. At each step, combine the frequency map and the newly encountered letter, yielding a new frequency map. That’s a reduction:

           op   's'
         op   'i'
empty map  'M'

What is op? The left operand is the partially filled frequency map, and the right operand is the new letter. The result is the augmented map. It becomes the input to the next call to op, and at the end, the result is a map with all counts. The code is

  (freq, c) => ({ ...freq, [c]: (c in freq ? freq[c] + 1 : 1) }),

In the reduction function, a new object is created, starting with a copy of the freq object. Then the value associated with the c key is set either to an increment of the preceding value if there was one, or to 1.

Note that in this approach, no state is mutated. In each step, a new object is computed.

It is possible to replace any loop with a call to reduce. Put all variables updated in the loop into an object, and define an operation that implements one step through the loop, producing a new object with the updated variables. I am not saying this is always a good idea, but you may find it interesting that loops can be eliminated in this way.

7.10 Maps

The JavaScript API provides a Map class that implements the classic map data structure: a collection of key/value pairs.

Of course, every JavaScript object is a map, but there are advantages of using the Map class instead:

  • Object keys must be strings or symbols, but Map keys can be of any type.

  • A Map instance remembers the order in which elements were inserted.

  • Unlike objects, maps do not have a prototype chain.

  • You can find out the number of entries with the size property.

To construct a map, you can provide an iterable with [key, value] pairs:

const weekdays = new Map(
  [["Mon", 0], ["Tue", 1], ["Wed", 2], ["Thu", 3], ["Fri", 4], ["Sat", 5], ["Sun", 6], ])

Or you can construct an empty map and add entries later:

const emptyMap = new Map()

You must use new with the constructor.

The API is very straightforward. The call

map.set(key, value)

adds an entry and returns the map for chaining:

map.set(key1, value1).set(key2, value2)

To remove an entry, call:

map.delete(key) // Returns true if the key was present, false otherwise

The clear method removes all entries.

To test whether a key is present, call

if (map.has(key)) . . .

Retrieve a key’s value with

const value = map.get(key) // Returns undefined if the key is not present

A map is an iterable yielding [key, value] pairs. Therefore, you can easily visit all entries with a for of loop:

for (const [key, value] of map) {
  console.log(key, value)

Alternatively, use the forEach method:

map.forEach((key, value) => {
  console.log(key, value)

Maps are traversed in insertion order. Consider this map:

const weekdays = new Map([['Mon', 0], ['Tue', 1], . . ., ['Sun', 6]])

Both the for of loop and the forEach method will respect the order in which you inserted the elements.

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In Java, you would use a LinkedHashMap to visit elements in insertion order. In JavaScript, tracking insertion order is automatic.

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Maps, like all JavaScript collections, have methods keys, values, and entries that yield iterators over the keys, values, and key/value pairs. If you just want to iterate over the keys, you can use a loop:

for (const key of map.keys()) . . .

In programming languages such as Java and C++, you get the choice between hash maps and tree maps, and you have to come up with a hash or comparison function. In JavaScript, you always get a hash map, and you have no choice of the hash function.

The hash function for a JavaScript Map is compatible with key equality: === except that all NaN are equal. Hash values are derived from primitive type values or object references.

This is fine if your keys are strings or numbers, or if you are happy to compare keys by identity. For example, you can use a map to associate values with DOM nodes. That is better than adding properties directly into the node objects.

But you have to be careful when you use other objects as keys. Distinct objects are separate keys, even if their values are the same:

const map = new Map()
const key1 = new Date('1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z')
const key2 = new Date('1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z')
map.set(key1, 'Hello')
map.set(key2, 'Epoch') // Now map has two entries

If that’s not what you want, consider choosing different keys, such as the date strings in this example.

7.11 Sets

A Set is a data structure that collects elements without duplicates.

Construct a set as

const emptySet = new Set()
const setWithElements = new Set(iterable)

where iterable produces the elements.

As with maps, the size property yields the number of elements.

The API for sets is even simpler than that for maps:

  // Adds x if not present and returns set for chaining
  // If x is present, deletes x and returns true, otherwise returns false
set.has(x) // Returns true if x is present
set.clear() // Deletes all elements

To visit all elements of a set, you can use a for of loop:

for (const value of set) {

Alternatively, you can use the forEach method:

set.forEach(value => {

Just like maps, sets remember their insertion order. For example, suppose you add weekday names in order:

const weekdays = new Set(['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun'])

Then the for of loop and forEach method iterate over the elements in this order.

Images Note

A set is considered as a map of [value, value] pairs. Both the keys and values methods yield an iterator over the values, and the entries method yield an iterator over [value, value] pairs. None of these methods are useful when you work with a known set. They are intended for code that deals with generic collections.

As with maps, sets are implemented as hash tables with a predefined hash function. Set elements are considered to be the same if they are the same primitive type values or the same object references. In addition, NaN values equal each other.

7.12 Weak Maps and Sets


An important use case for JavaScript maps and sets is to attach properties to DOM nodes. Suppose we want to categorize certain nodes to indicate success, work in progress, or an error. We could attach the properties directly to the nodes:

node.outcome = 'success'

That generally works fine, but it is a bit fragile. DOM nodes have lots of properties, and trouble lies ahead if someone else, or a future version of the DOM API, uses the same property.

It is more robust to use a map:

const outcome = new Map()
. . .
outcome.set(node, 'success')

DOM nodes come and go. If a particular node is no longer needed, it should be garbage-collected. However, if a node reference resides in the outcome map, that reference will keep the node object alive.

That is where weak maps come in. If a key in a weak map is the only reference to an object, that object is not kept alive by the garbage collector.

Simply use a weak map to collect properties:

const outcome = new WeakMap()

Weak maps have no traversal methods, and the map objects are not iterable. The only methods are set, delete, has, and get. That is enough to set properties and to check the properties of a given object.

If the property that you want to monitor is binary, you can use a WeakSet instead of a WeakMap. Then the only methods are set, delete, and has.

The keys of weak maps and the elements of weak sets can only be objects, not primitive type values.

7.13 Typed Arrays


JavaScript arrays store sequences of elements of any kind, possibly with missing elements. If all you want to store is a sequence of numbers, or the raw bytes of an image, a generic array is quite inefficient.

If you need to store sequences of numbers of the same type efficiently, you can use a typed array. The following array types are available:


All elements are of the given type. For example, an Int16Array stores 16-bit integers between −32768 and 32767. The Uint prefix denotes unsigned integers. An UInt16Array holds integers from 0 to 65535.

When constructing an array, specify the length. You cannot change it later.

const iarr = new Int32Array(1024)

Upon construction, all array elements are zero.

There are no typed array literals, but each typed array class has a function named of for constructing an instance with given values:

const farr = Float32Array.of(1, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125, 0.0625, 0.03215, 0.015625)

As with arrays, there is a from function that takes elements from any iterable, with an optional mapping function:

const uarr = Uint32Array.from(farr, x => 1 / x)
  // An Uint32Array with elements [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64]

Assigning to a numerical array index that is not an integer between 0 and length − 1 has no effect. However, as with regular arrays, you can set other properties:

farr[-1] = 2 // No effect
farr[0.5] = 1.414214 // No effect
farr.lucky = true // Sets the lucky property

When you assign a number to an integer array element, any fractional part is discarded. Then the number is truncated to fit into the integer range. Consider this example:

iarr[0] = 40000.25 // Sets iarr[0] to -25536

Only the integer part is used. Since 40000 is too large to fit in the range of 32-bit integers, the last 32 bits are taken, which happen to represent −25536.

An exception to this truncation process is the Uint8ClampedArray which sets an out-of-range value to 0 or 255 and rounds non-integer values to the nearest integer.

The Uint8ClampedArray type is intended for use with HTML canvas images. The getImageData method of a canvas context yields an object whose data property is an Uint8ClampedArray containing the RGBA values of a rectangle on a canvas:

const canvas = document.getElementById('canvas')
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d')
ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0)
let imgdata = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height)
let rgba = // an Uint8ClampedArray

The companion code for this book has a sample program that turns the canvas contents into negative when you click on it—see Figure 7-1.

canvas.addEventListener('click', event => {
  for (let i = 0; i < rgba.length; i++) {
    if (i % 4 != 3) rgba[i] = 255 - rgba[i]
  ctx.putImageData(imgdata, 0, 0)

Figure 7-1    The canvas content turns into negative when clicked

Typed arrays have all methods of regular arrays, except for:

  • push, pop, shift, unshift—you can’t change the size of a typed array

  • flat, flatMap—a typed array can’t hold arrays

  • concat—use set instead

There are two methods that regular arrays don’t have. The set method copies values from an array or typed array at an offset:

targetTypedArray.set(source, offset)

By default, the offset is zero. The source must fit entirely into the target. If the offset and source length exceed the target length, a RangeError is thrown. (This means you cannot use this method to shift elements of a typed array.)

The subarray method yields a view into a subrange of the elements:

const sub = iarr.subarray(16, 32)

If omitted, the end index is the length of the array, and the start index is zero.

This seems to be just the same as the slice method, but there is an important difference. The array and subarray share the same elements. Modifying either is visible in the other.

sub[0] = 1024 // Now iarr[16] is also 1024

7.14 Array Buffers


An array buffer is a contiguous byte sequence that can hold data from a file, a data stream, an image, and so on. The data from typed arrays are also stored in array buffers.

A number of web APIs (including the File API, XMLHttpRequest, and WebSockets) yield array buffers. You can also construct an array buffer with a given number of bytes:

const buf = new ArrayBuffer(1024 * 2)

Usually, the binary data in an array buffer has a complex structure, such as an image or sound file. Then use a DataView to look at the data inside:

const view = new DataView(buf)

Read values at a given offset with the DataView methods getInt8, getInt16, getInt32, getUInt8, getUInt16, getUInt32, getFloat32, getFloat64:

const littleEndian = true // false or omitted for big-endian byte order
const value = view.getUint32(offset, littleEndian)

Write data with the set method:

view.setUint32(offset, newValue, littleEndian)

Images Note

There are two ways of storing binary data as a sequence of bytes, called “big-endian” and “little-endian.” Consider the 16-bit value 0x2122. In the big-endian way, the more significant byte comes first: 0x21 followed by 0x22. Little-endian is the other way around: 0x22 0x21.

Most modern processors are little-endian, but a number of common file formats (such as PNG and JPEG) use big-endian numbers.

The “big-endian” and “little-endian” terms, while eminently sensible on their own, are actually borrowed from a satirical passage in Gulliver’s Travels.

The buffer of a typed array always uses the endianness of the host platform. If the entire buffer data is an array, and you know that the endianness matches that of the host platform, you can construct a typed array from the buffer contents:

const arr = new Uint16Array(buf) // An array of 1024 Uint16, backed by buf


  1. Implement a function that works exactly like the from function of the Array class. Pay careful attention to missing elements. What happens with objects that have keys whose numeric values are ≥ the length property? With properties that are not index properties?

  2. The Array.of method was designed for a very specific use case: to be passed as a “collector” to a function that produces a sequence of values and sends them to some destination—perhaps printing them, summing them, or collecting them in an array. Implement such a function:

    mapCollect(values, f, collector)

    The function should apply f to all values and then send the result to the collector, a function with a variable number of arguments. Return the result of the collector.

    Explain the advantage of using Array.of over Array (i.e., (...elements) => new Array(...elements)) in this context.

  3. An array can have properties whose numeric values are negative integers, such as '-1'. Do they affect the length? How can you iterate over them in order?

  4. Google for “JavaScript forEach thisArg” to find blog articles explaining the thisArg parameter of the forEach method. Rewrite the examples without using the thisArg parameter. If you find a call such as

    arr.forEach(function() { . . . this.something() . . . }, thisArg)

    where thisArg is this, replace the function with an arrow function. Otherwise, replace the inner this with whatever thisArg is. If the call has the form

    arr.forEach(method, thisArg)

    use an arrow function invoking thisArg.method(. . .). Can you come up with any situation where thisArg is required?

  5. If you do not supply a comparison function in the sort method of the Array class, then elements are converted to strings and lexicographically compared by UTF-16 code units. Why is this a terrible idea? Come up with arrays of integers or objects where the sort results are useless. What about characters above u{FFFF}?

  6. Suppose an object representing a message has properties for dates and for senders. Sort an array of messages first by date, then by sender. Verify that the sort method is stable: Messages with the same sender continue to be sorted by date after the second sort.

  7. Suppose an object representing a person has properties for first and last names. Provide a comparison function that compares last names and then breaks the ties using first names.

  8. Implement a comparison function that compares two strings by their Unicode code points, not their UTF-16 code units.

  9. Write a function that yields all positions of a target value in an array. For example, indexOf(arr, 0) yields all array index values i where arr[i] is zero. Use map and filter.

  10. Write a function that yields all positions at which a given function is true. For example, indexOf(arr, x => x > 0) yields all array index values i where arr[i] is positive.

  11. Compute the spread (that is, the difference between maximum and minimum) of an array using reduce.

  12. Given an array of functions [f1, f2, . . . , fn], obtain the composition function x => f1(f2( . . . (fn(x)) . . . )) using reduceRight.

  13. Implement functions map, filter, forEach, some, every for sets.

  14. Implement functions union(set1, set2), intersection(set1, set2), difference(set1, set2) that yield the union, intersection, or difference of the sets, without mutating the arguments.

  15. Write a function that constructs a Map from an object, so that you can easily construct a map as toMap({ Monday: 1, Tuesday: 2, . . . }).

  16. Suppose you use a Map whose keys are point objects of the form { x:. . ., y:. . . }. What can go wrong when you make queries such as map.get({ x: 0, y: 0 })? What can you do to overcome that?

  17. Show that weak sets really work as promised. Start Node.js with the flag --expose-gc. Call process.memoryUsage() to find out how much of the heap is used. Allocate an object:

    let fred = { name: 'Fred', image: new Int8Array(1024*1024) }

    Verify that the heap usage has gone up by about a megabyte. Set fred to null, run the garbage collector by calling global.gc(), and check that the object was collected. Now repeat, inserting the object into a weak set. Verify that the weak set allows the object to be collected. Repeat with a regular set and show that the object won’t be collected.

  18. Write a function to find the endianness of host platform. Use an array buffer and view it both as a data view and a typed array.

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