




1/4” connecters 11920
3:1 distance rule 129, 161
5.0 surround 525
5.1 surround 5204, 52930, 553
7.1 surround and higher 5256, 52930, 553
45/45 cutting system 5612
.aac 362
Ableton 267, 273, 312, 343, 345
absorption 6, 95103, 505
Absynth 311
AC power 183, 3979
AC3 codec 355, 52930
accelerators 249
accent microphone 134, 139
accessories 2634, 347
acetates 564
acoustics and studio design 72, 75103, 327, 4034, 4946; absorption 96101; audio for visual/gaming 778; distant miking 1329; echo chamber 103; frequency balance 92101; isolation 75, 8090; mic techniques 123, 126; partitions 8990; professional studio 4, 6, 767; project studio 789; reflections 936, 1013; reverberation 1013; symmetry 912, see also microphone techniques and placement; sound and hearing
active combining amplifiers 393
active crossovers 5023, 5267
Active Sensing messages 304
active traps 101
adaptive filter 4467
ADAT lightpipe 21314, 232
additive synthesis 311
ADK Z-251 171
administration 24
Adobe Audition 446
Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) 362
AEA A440 169
AES 21012
Aftertouch 298
AGC 387
.aif 208, 235, 357, 528
Akai MPC1000 312
AKG C214 109, 170
AKG C460B/CK61 116
AKG C3000 117
AKG D112 167
AKG D321 116
Alesis 214
Alesis DM Dock 341
Alesis IO Dock 340
Alesis SR-18 317
aliasing 200, 204
all-thread 84
Amazon 553, 569
ambience 6, 35, 101, 490; miking 1346, 144, 149; stereo 141, see also room
Ampex 179, 192, 5913
amplifiers (amps) 38995, 420, 51112; guitar 149; monitoring 5023
amplitude 479, 524; DAW software 239, 2413; effects 407, 411; envelope 59; quantization 1989, see also equalization (EQ)
analog: aux send 409; and digital 244, 480, 4834; effects 4035; sync 3723, 379, 385
analog tape recorder (ATR) 89, 302, 357, 17593; backup/archiving 1912; CLASP 192; cleanliness 189; degaussing 189; dynamic range 421; editing 18990; emulation plug-ins 193; heads 1802, 186, 18890; mixing 456, 4823; monitoring modes 1834; plug-in emulation 420; print-through 1867; punch-in 1845; surround re-issues 5312; sync 3812, 387; tape noise 1878; track width 1856; transport 17880; vinyl mastering 564
analog-to-digital (A/D) 445, 2012, 204, 21516
Anderton, Craig 288, 330, 582
animation 368
anti-aliasing 204
Aphex Aural Exiter 419
Aphex Expander/Gate 430
API 1608 Console 459, 474
Apogee UV22 203, 546
Apollo 192, 230, 2502, 435, 440, 546, 550
Apple 208, 529, 569; DAW 223, 235, 248; multimedia 357, 361, 369, see also iOS; Mac
apps 15, 2345, 33747, 512, 596
archiving 192, 2601, 5845
Argosy Halo 585
arrangers 21
artists 21, 41819, 452, 58990; performances 5823
artwork 40, 558, 577
ASIO 2312
asperity noise 1878
associations 28
ATH-M50x 500
ATT 362
attack 59, 4236, 42931, 448
attenuation pad 118
AU 248, 339
Audient 232, 461
audio books 18
Audio Cyclopedia 75
Audio Engineering Society (AES) 21012
Audio Interchange File (AIF) 208, 235, 357, 528
Audio Stream Input/Output (ASIO) 2312
Audio Units (AU) 248, 339
Audio-Video Interleave (AVI) 369
AudioBus 339
AudioSuite 248
Auria Pro 343
Auro3D 5256
authoring 353, 355, 531
auto-locator devices 8
auto-tune 253, 43940
AutoMap 316
automatic dialog replacement (ADR) 77
Automatic Gain Control (AGC) 387
automation 389, 221, 254, 441, 4867, 490
auxiliary (aux) 409, 4667
Avantone Active MixCubes 499
.avi 369
backup 25961, 3512, 5845, 588; analog 1912; patch data 305
baffles 32
balanced line 11920
balanced power 401
balloon example 456
bandpass filter 57, 414
bandwidth 207, 413, 447
bantam connector 120, 478
Barinworx Modus EQ bx1 551
barriers 523, 812
bass 52, 145, 416, 424, 502; guitar 151, 417, 4267, 468; proximity effect 1234; subwoofer 50911; surround 520, 5237; traps 99101
batteries 2256, 400
BD-ROM 356
beat slicing 2689
beats 68
beats-per-minute (bpm) 323, see also tempo
bedroom studio see project studio
Believe (Cher) 440
Bell, Alexander Graham 60
Bell, Mary C. 5923
bells 56
Beyerdynamic 108, 168
bias current 1823
BiCoastal Music 77
bidirectional microphone 11314, 116; placement techniques 148, 158; proximity effect 124; stereo 141
binary 1959, 2045
binary-coded decimal (BCD) 374
binaural localization see spatial positioning
BIOS 226
biphase modulation 373
biscuit 565
bit 2934
bit depth 197, 199, 2023, 2068, 421; mastering 5456; mixing 477, 482; multimedia/web 3568, 365
bit rate 202, 216, 236, 358, 3602, 539
black burst 3845
bleed see leakage
Blu-ray 207, 355, 357, 553; burning 55960; surround 518, 5289, 531
Blue Book 354
Bluetooth 289
Blumlein technique 103, 141, 551, 592
BMI 572
bongos 160, 417
bookings 24
books 18
Boot Camp 223
Bose SoundLink 499
Boston Symphony Hall 7
bounce see export
boundary effects 52, 55, 934, 100, 505; miking 1367, 152; symmetry 912
brain see psychoacoustics
brass 1468, 417, 424, 426
Bricasti M7 435
bricks 84, 97
Bridgeport Music et al. v. Dimension Films 314
Broadcast Wave Format (BWF) 208, 2356, 357, 376
Brooks, Evan 377
Brown, James 317
brown-outs 399400
buffer 232
Burl Audio 230
Bush, Billy 406
business 1011, 256, 28, 41, 56875, 5869, 597
buzzes 397402
bytes 2934
Caballero, Emiliano 458
cabinets 150, 1534
cabling 21617, 2269, 377, 478, 5856; grounding/power 397402; MIDI 28693; sync 382
camera 376, 581; adapter 3401
capacitor 109
Capitol Records 2, 32, 130
car 421, 501
cardioid microphone 11416; placement techniques 149, 152, 158; proximity effect 124; selection 1667, 16971; stereo 1401; surround Decca tree 144
career 269, 516, 5869, 599
carving 489
cathode 38990
caulk 83
CD 2078, 279, 3535, 421, 541, 553; burning 5589; database (CDDB) 353; handling/care 5601; manufacture 5558
CD Baby PRO 572
CD Text 559
CD-Recordable (CD-R) 556
CD-RFS 354
CD-UDF 354
ceiling 867, 924
cello 589, 162
central processing unit see CPU
chairs 585
chamber 436
chamfer 84
change 1, 1011
channel assignment 4745; surround 521
channel fader 4723, 4812
channel input 4636
Channel Pressure 298
Channel Voice 297
Cher 440
chirping 445
chorusing 433
Chrome 364
cinema see film
CinemaScope 517
circuits 397402
clarinet 164
Class Compliance 340
classical 1334, 147, 164, 454, 537
cleaning 189
click track 3234, 579
clicks 446
clipping 209, 391, 394, 4803
clock 21517, 3034
close miking 12631, 155, 454
Closed Loop Analog Signal Processor (CLASP) 192
cloud 260, 352
clutter 5856
cochlea 64
codecs 338, 357, 35963; surround 52930; video 3689
Cole, Nat King 592
combination tones 68
combing 433
communication 221, 349
compact disc see CD
complex waves 57
compositing (comping) 35, 185, 245, 451, 582
compression (dynamics) 334, 389, 4218, 491; DAW 2501; mastering 537, 539, 545, 5489; microphones 151, 163; multiband 4278
compression (file formats) 35963, 3689
compression (wave propagation) 46
computers 90, 2226, 25560, 350, 598; MIDI and 3068; mobile 33747; networking 2601, see also hardware; software
concave surfaces 52, 93
concept album 536
concert see live performance
concrete 84, 97
condenser microphone 10912; boundary 137; directional response 116; output characteristics 118; placement techniques 145, 148, 152; selection 16971; transient response 117
congas 160, 417
constant bit rate (CBR) 360
construction 838
Continue messages 304
contracts 571
Control Change 298300
control panel 309
control room 69, 494; noise isolation 90; reflections 95; symmetry 912
control room mix 457
controller ID 3002, 332
controllers 2335, 2789; drums 31819; editing values 3312; effects 441; iOS 3435; keyboard 31416; MIDI 2912, 3089, 31920
converters: analog-to-digital (A/D) 445, 2012, 204, 21516; digital-to-analog (D/A) 2012, 205, 216
convex surfaces 512, 93
copy-and-paste 2401, 329
copyright 314, 571, 5778, 587
Core Audio 2312, 33840
corners 52, 912, 100
cost factors 756, 79
cover art 40, 558, 577
CPU 90, 223, 226, 2556, 258, 406, 466; MIDI 3089; signal processing 2479
Crosby, Bing 5923
cross-fade 243, 541
crosstalk 382
Cubase/Nuendo 209, 220, 239, 406; dither 203; effects 2501; groove tools 267, 275; iOS 344; mastering 5467; MIDI 245, 299, 321, 326; mixing 462, 470, 486; monitoring 508, 519; ReWire 254; sync 386
Cubasis 343
cue 334, 36; MIDI timecode 3778; mix 457
Cuniberti, John 137
cut-and-paste 2401, 329
cutoff frequency 413
cutting head 5623
cycles 48, 51, 534
cymbal 59, 417
daisy chain 2912
damping 155, 1578
Dante 306
data 25961, 352, 5845, 588
data byte 294
databases 559
DAW see Digital Audio Workstation
DBX NR 188
DC 390, 394
de-esser 163, 251, 425
decay 59, 734, 1023
Decca tree 143
decibel (dB) 604
decoder matrix 1412
degaussing 189
delay 54, 70, 74, 2512, 4324; analog 404, see also latency
desert island reference 450, 488, 491, 506, 528; mastering 536, 543
Desiderata 599
desktop computer 225
difference tones 68
diffraction 523
diffusion 94, 506
Digidesign 231, 248, 594
Digidesign DINR 444
Digidesign ICON 459
Digidesign S6 235
Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) 6, 8, 1112, 309, 136, 21964, 5968; analog integration 192, 405; dither 202; documenting within 262; effects 405, 441; hardware 2216; integration 2201; interconnectivity 2269; interface 22935; levels 209, 476; looping 26773, 2767, 280; mastering 541, 5434, 5478; MIDI 305, 3268, 3313; mixdown 45960, 4838; monitoring 512; portable 15, 3424; project studio 79; punch-in 185; software 23755; sound files 2367; surround 522; sync 3856; virtual insert point 4656
digital delay lines (DDLs) 4323
Digital Signal Processing (DSP) 1712, 203, 219, 224, 266, 405; effects/plug-ins 24752; noise reduction 4434; signal paths 40910
digital technology 195217; amplifiers 3945; analog and 175, 480, 4834; dither 2023; fixed- vs. floating-point 203; Nyquist Theorem 2001; oversampling 201; quantization 1989; recording/reproduction process 2035; sampling 1978; signal distribution 21417; signal-to-error ratio 201; sound file basics 20610; sync 385; transmission 21014
Digital Theater System (DTS) 529
digital-to-analog (D/A) 2012, 205, 216
digitally-controlled amplifier (DCA) 394
direct current (DC) 390, 394
direct injection (DI) 128, 1312, 137, 1501
direct insert 465, 471
direct monitoring 232, 471
direct signal 723, 102, 435
Direct Streaming Digital (DSD) 357, 359
directional response 11216, 172; mic placement 145, 157; proximity/popping 124, 163
directories 259, 263, 328, 521
DirectX 248
disc cutting 561
Discogs 363
Disney, Walt 516
Display-Port 228
dissonance 56
distance rule 129, 161
distance techniques 9, 1328, 14950, 454; drums 155; strings 161
distortion 67, 118, 41011; analog tape recording 183, 1878; bit depth 207; clipping 391, 394; dither 202; jitter 215; loudness 209; mastering 546; mixing 462, 464, 4803; Nyquist Theorem 200
distribution 40, 55372; legal issues 56972; online 5659; signal 21417
distribution amplifiers 393
dither 2023, 546
DJing 18, 2789, 346
docking 3401
documentation 2623, 278, 329, 405, 5801
dogs 196
Dolby 356, 362, 51718, 5234
Dolby Atmos 5256, 529
Dolby Digital (AC3) 3556, 52930
Dolby-A 188
domains 177
doors 878
double bass 162
doubling effect 433
down-mixing 530
downloads 40, 5534, 5659, 572, 597
DRA 356
drivers: audio protocols 231; monitoring 5012; updating 257
DRM 361, 530
drum 135, 326; booth 155; controllers 31819; hand 1601; kit 15460, 431; loops 276; machine 317; pattern grid 326; risers 86, see also floor-tom; hi-hat; kick drum; snare drum
dry track 138
DSP see Digital Signal Processing
DTS 3556
DVD 212, 353, 355, 518, 5289, 531, 553; burning 55960
dynamic microphone 1067; directional response 114; output characteristics 118; placement techniques 145, 149, 1512; selection 1667; transient response 117
dynamic range 33, 2079, 24951, 4201; compression 4218; expansion 42931; limiting 4289; mastering 545, 54851; mic placement 1567, 163; mixdown 37, 469, 477, 481; noise reduction 443
ear 45, 56, 6474, 5067, 579; direction perception 6971; hearing loss 656, 507; loudness 60; psychoacoustics 668; space perception 714
earbuds 500
early reflections 72, 102, 435
Earthquake 523
EBU 21012
echo 94, 434; chamber 103, see also delay
edit 441; MIDI 2856, 32932; nondestructive 23941; software 23843; tape 18990
edit decision list (EDL) 381
effects 8, 38, 138, 24752, 40341; automation/editing 441; compression 4218; delay 4324; dynamic range 4201; equalization 41120; expansion 42930; limiting 4289; mixdown 4667, 490; multiple 4401; noise gate 431; pitch shift 43740; psychoacoustic enhancement 437; reverb 4346; signal paths 40711
Ehrmann, Max 599
eight-to-fourteen modulation (EFM) 556
electret-condenser microphone 112, 137, 169
electro-acoustic devices 50
electromagnetic induction 1067
electromagnetic interference 4012
electromagnetic noise 119, 400
electronic instruments 1534, 30820; iOS 3467; keyboards 31011; percussion 31719; samplers 31214, see also MIDI
electrostatic noise 11819
electrostatic principle 109
email 352
enclosures 5012
End of Exclusive (EOX) 303, 305
engineer 213, 30, 323, 356, 389; assistant 23; maintenance 234; mastering 23, 53540; mixing 4534; monitoring 505; signal processing 41819; tips/tricks 575, 57883, 585
ensemble 21, 133, 244, 433, 454
envelope 5960, 73
equal-loudness curve see Fletcher-Munson
equalization (EQ) 33, 379, 69; amps 392; analog 182; DAW 24950; drums 157; mastering 442, 536, 5478; mixing 4679, 48991; monitoring 494; signal processing 41120, 432; vocals 163
equivalent noise rating 118
error correction 2045, 556
Ethernet 351, 369; audio over (AoE) 22832
ethnic music 161
Europe 375
European Broadcast Union (EBU) 21012, 3756
even harmonics 56
expander 250, 42930
export 237, 247, 2545, 584; loops 2778
EZ CD Audio Converter 558
FabFilter Pro-Q 250
Facebook 28
faders 389, 48990
fans 90, 258
Fantasia 516
Fantom-X7 311
Fantom-XR 312
far-field monitoring 4967
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) 4445
feedback 145, 1601; negative 3912, 395
feeling, threshold of 65
ferrite beads 402
figure-8 11314, 116, 1678
files 20610, 2357, 518; loudness levels 20910; size 35861, 3689; transmission 21014, see also formats
film 1617, 281, 421, 511, 51618, 523, 525; acoustic studio design 77
filters 2001, 2045, 41214, 464
finances 1314, 576
FireWire 223, 2256, 228, 2301, 2878, 3067
FLAC 362, 52930
flanging 433
flash card 355
flats 8990, 128, 153, 157
Fletcher-Munson curve 66, 425, 507, 563
flipped mode 470, 473
floating 80, 845
floating point 203, 209
floor-tom 160, 417
floors, isolation 845
flute 1645
flutter echo 94
FM synthesis 31011, 364
FOH 345
foldback 471, 511
folders 259, 263, 328, 521
folding down 530
Foley 77
Form PA 571, 577
Form SR 571, 578
formants 146, 148, 161
formats 208; compressed 35963; immersive audio 52831; MIDI files 3289, 364; uncompressed 3569
Fourier analysis 57
frame rate 3689, 372, 3745
Fraunhofer 360, 362
Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC) 362, 52930
freelance engineers 234
freewheeling 380, 387
freezing 247, 249
French horn 148
frequency 4753, 55; balance 75, 92101; EQ 41118; isolation 81, 856; mixing 489; noise reduction 447; Nyquist Theorem 200
frequency response 4950, 58, 66, 182, 4934; boundary effects 1367; microphones 116, 145, 156, 1612
Front of House 345
front-to-back discrimination 115
functional traps 101
Funkhaus 73
Furman M-8Lx 399
furniture 585
Future Disc Mastering 40
gain 334, 3912, 4236, 429, 456, 4645; changing 242, 250; optimization 462; structure 4523; trim 4634
Galaxy Studios 5, 17, 515
Galaxy Tape Echo 432
games 1718, 778, 134, 518, 525
GarageBand 265, 346
gating 408, 431, 436, 4478
gender 25
Genelec 497
General MIDI (GM) 284, 3657
Germany 175, 592
gigs see live performance
Gilfoy Sound Studios 593
gobos 8990, 128, 153, 157
Gone with the Wind 240
Good Rule 106, 130, 145, 416, 461, 468
Google 364, 597
Gracenote 353, 55960
Grammys 363, 524
graphic equalizer 415
graphic user interfaces (GUIs) 2723
graphics 3678
Green Book 354
groove tools 265; controllers 2789; hardware 2701; into DAW 2778; obtaining loops 27980; software 2717
grounding 397402
grouping 4756, 490
guitar 132, 14851, 417, 426; bass 151, 417, 4267, 468; effects 433; miking 14851, 166; as transducer 43
gypsum 834
Haddy, Arthur 143
hall 436
Hammond organ 153
hand drum 1601
hard drive 191, 223, 226, 25660
hard knee 423
hardware 25561; DAW 2216; groove 2701; MIDI 30620; sequencers 320; sync 383, see also controllers
harmonica 166
harmonics 559, 67, 69, 417; bass guitar 151; clipping 391; effects 4378; vocals 162
Harper, Ben 126
HDCD 354
headphones 336, 500, 51112
headroom 482
HEAR 507
Hear Technologies 512
hearing see ear; sound and hearing
hertz (Hz) 48
hi-hat 160, 417, 424
High-Definition Audio 2068, 5534
high-pass filter 41314, 464
history 5915; immersive audio 51618
Hit Factory Criteria 493
hitpoint markers 268
home studio see project studio
horns 1468, 417, 424, 426
House Ear Institute 507
house sync 3845
housekeeping 5856
HRM-16 512
Huber, David Miles 458, 599
hum 119, 1312
humanizing 3301, 4334
hums 397402
hypercardioid pattern 114, 116, 160, 168
I/O 229, 232, 307, 4612; iOS 3401; patching 4789
iConnect MIDI4plus 308
ID numbers 3002, 332
iD22 507
imaging 912
immersive audio see surround
impedance (Z) 21011, 216, 391; microphones 110, 112, 11820, 131, 149
in-ear monitor 5001
in-the-box 8, 378, 45960, 51920
indexes 5556
industry see business
information 598
inner ear 64
innovation 11
input strip 461, 484, see also I/O
insert 40710, 465
insertion loss 412
instrument controllers 234
insurance 588
integrated circuit (IC) 593
integration 2201, 350
Intel 228
interaural differences 6971
interface 285; digital audio 22935; MIDI 307; surround 5201
interleaving 2045, 255
International Telecommunications Union (ITU) 5223
Internet 3, 1011, 1819, 28, 229, 261, 279, 305; distribution 5535, 5659; multimedia 349, 3512, 36970; radio 569; trends 5978
Internet Service Provider (ISP) 3512
iOS 15, 234, 2889, 33747, 5968
IP address 352
ISO-9660 354
IsoAcoustics 499
isolation 6, 31, 75, 8090; cabinets 150; ceilings 867; control room 90; drums 856, 155, 157; floors 845; mic placement 12831, 136, 149; mixing 4546; partitions 8990; for reverb 1023; vocals 1634; walls 824; windows/doors 878, see also leakage; noise
iTunes 3623, 574, 597
iZotope Insight 209, 508
iZotope Ozone 552
iZotope RX5 4456
jacks 4789; MIDI 28990
Jackson, Michael 1301, 142
jam sync 308, 380, 387
Japan 375
jazz 147, 158, 454
jitter 206, 21516, 385
Joliet 354
K-Stereo Ambience Recovery 551
key 267, 330
key input 408, 431
keyboard 31011; controllers 234, 31416; drum controller 318; electronic 1534; mic selection 166; piano 1513; sampling 31213; workstation 320
Keys, Alicia 4
kick drum 417, 426, 431; miking 1558, 1667
kickboard 153
KMR Audio 5
Komplete Kontrol 234, 316, 406
Kontact Virtual Sampler 312
LA Record Plant 593
labeling 323, 38
lacquer 564
land 563
lane 245
laptops 2256, 499, 598
latency 2312
lathe 5614
law 245, 5748, 587
leakage 345, 55, 824, 116, 138, 454; drums 15660; guitar 150; mic placement 12831; off-axis 125; piano 1513; vocals 163, see also isolation; noise
least significant bit (LSB) 205, 3002, 546
Legacy 470
legal issues 56972
Leslie cabinet 1534
levels 334, 3840, 5964, 667; balancing 5045; digital recording 20910; mastering 5367, 546; metering 47983; mixdown 456, 489; monitoring 5067, see also dynamic range; gain
Lexicon plug-in 440
LFE (subwoofer) 50911, 520, 5239
Library of Congress 571, 5778, 587
lightpipe 211, 21314, 232, 521
limiter 334, 38, 250, 4289, 550
line level 117
line trims 463
listening 4502, 4967, 499501
Little Richard 593
live performance 273, 279, 284, 333, 436; iOS 3436; recording 16, 134, 324, 4545
local area network (LAN) 2601, 351
localization 6971
locking 247, 249
logarithm (log) 601, 63
Logic 220, 462
London Bridge Studios 77
longitudinal timecode (LTC) 3789, 3812, 387
looping 2668, 2719, 3467, 439
LoopMash 276, 347
lossless 2078, 3569, 362, 52930
lossy 206, 35963
Loudness Wars 209, see also gain; levels
low frequency effect (LFE) 50911, 520, 5239
low-pass filter 2001, 2045, 41314, 464
LP see vinyl
LPCM 356
LSB 205, 3002, 546
lyrics 262
M/S 1413, 551
Mac 2225, 231, 248, 306, see also Apple
MacBook Pro 225, 228
Macintosh HFS 354
Mackie DC16 345
Mackie FRS-2800 394
Mackie HR824mk2 495, 498
Mackie Onyx 461, 474, 476
Mackie Universal Control 233, 486
MADI 212
magnetic oxide 177, 180; shed 189
magnetism 17684, 189
maintenance engineers 23
managers 246, 587
Manley Massive Passive 412
Manley Slam! 550
Manley Stereo Variable Mu 549
manuals 330, 589
manufacturing 40, 55565
marimba 161
Mark of the Unicorn 248
markers 262
marketing 1011, 41, 554, 566, 568
MAS 248
Maschine 278, 316
masking 69
Mass in C Minor (Mozart) 147
Massenburg, George 159, 515
Massy, Sylvia 464
master sync mode 356
master/slave 3837
mastering 3940, 477, 53352, 5834; dither 2023, 546; DIY? 5415; dynamics 54851; engineer 23, 5357; EQ 5478; for internet 566; loudness 209; ownership 571; plug-ins 5512; safety master 1912; sound files 5456; surround 522; vinyl 564
materials 824, 87, 97
mathematics 478, 51, 601, 64, 80, 200
matrix 564
media see multimedia
Melodyne Editor 439
memory 156, 2234, 226, 309, 312
metadata 353, 3623, 376, 5667, 569
meter display 424
metering 210, 47983, 5045, 5278
metronome 3234, 579
Meyer, Chris 377
microbar 65
microphone (mic) 316, 10521, 513; balanced/unbalanced 11921; condenser 10912; directional response 11216; dynamic 1067; EQ 41819; frequency response 50, 116; harmonic balance 58; low frequency rumble 123; off-axis pickup 1245; output characteristics 11719; popping 124; preamps 121, 4635; proximity effect 1234; ribbon 1078; selection 16673; as transducer 435; transient response 117; trims 463
microphone techniques and placement 6, 12266, 4034; accent mic 139; brass 1468; close placement 12631; Decca tree 143; distant placement 1328; guitar 14851; harmonica 166; keyboards 1514; M/S 1413; percussion 15461; psychoacoustics 69; recording direct 1312; spaced pair 140; stereo/immersive 13943; strings 1612; surround 1434; tuned percussion 1601; voice 1624; woodwind 1646; X/Y 1401
Microsoft 208, 2234, 231, 235, 248, 357, 361, 369
mid-side (M/S) 1413, 551
MIDI 367, 281335, 581; audio to 26970, 3278; computer and 3068; controller ID 3002; DAW 234, 237, 2456; General 284, 3657; groove software 2734; instruments 30820; iOS 338, 341; keyboard 31011; keyboard controller 31416; message 2939; microphones 136, 138; multimedia 3637; music notation/printing 3345; percussion 31719; ReWire 2534; sampler 31214; sequencer 32034; system interconnections 28793; System messages 3036
MIDI Clock 271
MIDI Manufacturers Association (MMA) 300
MIDI timecode (MTC) 246, 303, 308, 3769, 381, 3836
mini-jacks 119
minorities 25
mission statement 577
mixing 7, 379, 69, 89, 333, 44991, 583; auxiliary send 4667; channel assignment 4745; channel fader 4723; channel input 4636; console/desk/board 78, 38, 45861; DAW 2467; digital console/controller 4838; dynamics 469; equalization 4679; gain optimization 4623; grouping 4756; immersive audio 51821; iOS 342, 345; loudness 209; mastering and 5434; metering 47983; miking 1356, 138, 142; monitoring 46972, 477; output section 4734, 477; patch pay 4789; signal path 4602; signal processing 41819, 427; software 2545; technology 45860
MMA 300
mobile 1415, 33747, 350, 596
modes, MIDI 2967
modulation noise 1878
monitoring (audio) 334, 36, 39, 493513, 583; analog tape recording 1834; direct insert 471; far-field 4967; immersive audio 5218; in-line 4701; isolation 834; mixing 4567, 46972, 477; near-field 4979, 506; psychoacoustics 67; speaker design 5015; symmetry 91; taking care of your hearing 656, see also speakers
monitors (screen display) 224, 2578, 485
monophonic (mono) 1402, 2967, 5089, 562
Moog 419
Mopho 311
most significant bit (MSB) 284
motivation 278
MOTU Audio System (MAS) 231, 248
MOTU Ultralite 230
movies see film
Mozart 147
MPEG 360, 369
MPEG-1 355
MPEG-2 355
MPEG-3 (MP3) 19, 3601
MPEG-4 (MP4) 361, 529
MTC 246, 303, 308, 3769, 381, 3836
Mullin, Jack 175, 592
multiband 2501, 447, 550
Multichannel Audio Digital Interface (MADI) 212
multimedia 18, 34970; delivery formats 35663; delivery media 3512; graphics 3678; MIDI 3637; physical media 3536; video 3689
multiport network 2923
multitrack 301, 295, 324, 594
music industry see business
Musical Instrument Digital Interface see MIDI
mute 146, 148, 472
Nanologue 347
National Television Standards Committee (MTSC) 3745
Native Instruments 316, 406
Native Kontrol Standard (NKS) 316
near-field monitoring 4979, 506
Needham, Mark 79
negative feedback 3912, 395
neoprene 845
network access points (NAPs) 352
networking (computing) 226, 2601, 351
networking (MIDI) 2923
networking (social) 279, 587
Neumann KH310 498
Neumann M50 143
Neumann TLM102 1701
Neve 121, 131, 212, 459, 549
New England Digital 594
nibble 294, 378
Nocturn 316, 406
noise 80, 84, 132, 258; analog tape recording 187; calibration 5278; dither 2023; electromagnetic 119, 400; electrostatic 11819; gate 431, 4478; grounding/power 397402; jitter 215; line balance 119, 121; reduction 176, 188, 387, 42930, 4438, see also isolation; leakage
non-drop code 3745
nondestructive edit 23941
normaled connection 478
normalization 242, 428, 546
notation printing 3345
notch filters 415
Note-On/Off 297, 309, 320, 324
notepad 262
Novation 316, 406
Nuendo see Cubase
Nyquist Theorem 2001, 205
obstacles 523, 812
octave 56
odd harmonics 56, 58
off-axis pickup 1245
offset times 3812
Olson, Harry F. 101
.omf 236
Omni On/Off 2967
omnidirectional microphone 11314, 116, 454, 495; Decca tree 143; off-axis coloration 125; placement techniques 145, 148; proximity/popping 124
OmniMic V2 Precision Measurement System 495
Omnisphere 311
Open Media Framework Interchange (OMFI) 236
operating system (OS) 2224, 256, 406; iOS 33847
operational amplifier (op-amp) 391
Orange Book 354
orchestral music 4, 18, 139, 143
organ 133, 153, 417
oriented strand board (OSB) 85
OS X 231, 248
oscillators 431
output bus 473, 477; surround 522, see also I/O
Oven Studios 4
overdrive 176, 394, 480
overdub 4, 6, 347, 89, 418; analog tape recording 1834; DAW 2445; microphones 144, 149, 164; mixing 4578; monitoring 511; piano 153
overhead mics 1589
overload distortion 118
oversampling 200
overtones 556, 67; brass 1467; guitar 1489; strings 1612; woodwind 164
ownership 571
Oxford plug-ins 412, 419, 546
oxide 177, 180, 189
Oxide Tape Recorder 420
Ozone 546
PA 161
pad 267
pain, threshold of 65
Paisley Park 5
pan pots 4724
Pandora 569
panning 71, 143, 149
parallel patching 479
parallel processing see sidechain
parametric equalizers 415
Parnell, Mandy 533
partials 556, see also overtones
partitions 8990, 128, 153, 157
passband 41314
patch bay 4789
patch data 305
patch map 3667
pattern sequencing 325
payment 572
PC 2223, 248, 306
PCIe 228
PCM 2045, 208, 235, 355, 357, 5289
peak meter 483
peak program meters (PPMs) 479
peak-to-peak value 48, 59, 4801
peaking filter 41213
people 20
perceptual coding 35960
percussion 56, 15461, 417; General MIDI 367; MIDI 31720; tuned 1601
performance rights organizations (PROs) 572
period 51
peripherals 3067
phantom power 108, 11112, 288
phase 535, 93; -reverse 464; effect 4323; microphones 136, 140, 1589; monitoring 50910, 513; speakers 5034
Phillips 357; sound files 21113
phonorecord 571, 578
piano 1513, 417
pickup see microphone
pink noise 495, 504, 527
pinna 64, 701
pitch 678; shift 2523, 2668, 2702, 330, 43740; vinyl manufacture 5634
Pitch Bend Change 298
pixels 3679
planning see preparation
plasterboard 84
plate 436
playback 203, 205; MIDI 3323
plug-ins 310, 4056, 596; analog tape emulation 176, 193; DAW 237, 24853; groove/loop-based 2767; mastering 5512; mixing 4656; noise reduction 4448; sound-shaping 41920
PMC QB1-A 497
polarity 11216; drum miking 156, 158; mic selection 172; speakers 5034; stereo 1401
polyphonic 2967, 31113
Polyphonic Key Pressure 297
polyvinyl chloride (PVC) 177
Poniatoff, Alexander M. 592
popping 124, 145, 163
pops 446
port 309; vs. jack 292
portable studio 1415, see also mobile
post-production 77
posture 585
power 63, 2256, 397402
power amplifiers 3934, 511
power conditioning 399400, 588
power phases 4001
power supply 11012
Powerplay Pro-8 512
practice 577, 579, 599
preamplifier (preamp) 392, 4635; microphone 11012, 11819, 121
Precision Limiter 550
Precision Multiband 550
preparation 2930, 146, 323, 387, 5734, 5768; mastering 5389; for mixing 454
Presonus ADL-600 464
Presonus DigiMAX D8 121, 232
Presonus HP4 512
Presonus Studio 230, 238
Presonus StudioLive 484
pressure-zone trap 100
Primacoustic Recoil Stabilizer 499
print-through 1867
printing: music notation 3345, see also export
Pro Convert 236
Pro Tools 220, 222, 248, 2501, 275, 299, 321, 432, 521; mixing 462, 474, 486
processor see CPU
producers 212, 30, 540, 5745, 57883; mixdown 38; overdub 367; signal processing 41819
Producers and Engineers Wing 191, 208, 357, 363, 524, 528
professional studio 311, 57880; control room 69; design 767; digital age 1011; management 24; mic techniques 122; monitoring 51113; retro revolution 910
professionalism 589
Program Change 298
project studio 1014, 23, 29, 597; acoustic design 76, 789; making it pay for itself 1314; mic techniques 122
Propellerhead 2534, 268, 2735, 310
Proper, Darcy 533
ProTools Multiband Dynamics 550
proximity effect 1234, 1567, 163
psychoacoustics 668, 359, 437, 447; auditory perception 669; direction perception 6971; space perception 714
publishing rights 570
pulse-code modulation see PCM
Pulse-Density Modulation 359
punch-in 35, 1845, 2434, 3245, 451, 458
Putnam, Bill 592
PZM-6D 137
Q 249, 41215
Quadraphonic Sound (Quad) 517, 520, 593
quantization 1989, 2012, 207, 3301
quarter-frame messages 303, 378
quarter-wavelength trap 100
QuickTime 361, 369, 529
R/2R network 205
rack-toms 15960, 417
Radial Engineering 137
radiation patterns 59
radio 252, 5089, 572; internet 569
radio frequency (RF) 397, 4001
Radiobu 78
RAID 260, 351
random access memory (RAM) 156, 2234, 226, 309, 312
rarefaction 46
raster graphics 367
Raven 79, 234
RCA 117, 516
re-issues 5312
read mode 487
read-only memory (ROM) 309
Real-Time Audio Suite (RTAS) 248
reamping 1378
Reaper 238
Reason 254, 2735
recording 304, 4548; digital process 2035; direct 1312; iOS 3414; monitoring 51113; preparation/tips 579, 5813; sequencer 3226; software 23843, see also acoustics and studio design; professional studio; project studio
Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) 212
ReCycle 2689
Red Book 353, 541, 558
redundant array of independent drives (RAID) 260, 351
reference tones 191
reference track 452, 540
reflections 435; miking 1367, 148; monitoring 497, 5056; sound/hearing 512, 55, 70, 723; studio design 6, 918, 102
regions 23940
rehearsal 577, 579, 599
release 59, 4246, 42931, 448
reproduction see playback
research 1920
resistance 118, 205, 3901
resistors 11011
resonances 4978
Resource Information File Format (RIFF) 208, 235, 357
resumes 28
retro 910, 126, 175, 591, 596
reverberation (reverb) 38, 734; effects processing 404, 4346, 466; miking 1412; studio design 75, 1013
reverse 436
ReWire 2534, 275, 277, 310
REX files 2689
rhythm 265, see also groove tools
RIAA 212
ribbon microphone 1078, 111, 145; directional response 11314; noise rating 118; selection 1679; transient response 117
rights 570
ring tones 284
ripping 19, 314, 597
risers 856, 157
Rock Ridge 354
Rockwool 84, 89, 98
Roland 270, 317, 365
roll-off 124, 132, 149
Romeo 354
room 10, 723, 436; miking 126, 1346, 144, 149; mixing 488, 490; monitoring 3226, 506, see also acoustics and studio design
root-mean-square (rms) 48, 59, 428, 4801, 546
royalties 363, 5702
Royer Labs R-121 108, 1678
RT60 1023
RTAS 248
rubber band control 254, 4878
rumble 123
rundown 33, 36
running order 536, 5401
S/MUX IV 213
S/PDIF 21113
safety master 1912
sales 41, 5657, 569, 572
sample rate 196201, 204, 2067, 216, 236; mastering 539, 5456; multimedia/web 3569; pitch shift 438; sync 385
sample-and-hold (S/H) 202, 2045
samplers 31214
samples see groove tools; looping
saturation 3901, 420
saving files 254, 25960, 405, 48990; MIDI 3289
sawtooth waves 57
saxophone 165
Schmitt, Al 125, 130
SCMS 212
scoring 2456
scratch vocals 88, 164
screenshots 263
SD card 355
SDDS 355
Secure Digital Music Initiative (SDMI) 362
selectable frequency equalizer 414
selective synchronization (sel-sync) 1834
sends 40910, 4657, 511
sensitivity rating 117
separation, acoustic 75, 101, 128, 1523
separation loss 189
sequencing (electronic) 2456, 2734, 285, 295, 32035; audio to MIDI 3278; MIDI documentation 329; MIDI editing 32932; MIDI mixing 333; MIDI playback 3323; MIDI recording 3226; MIDI to audio 327; saving MIDI files 3289
sequencing (running order) 536, 5401
Serial Copy Management System (SCMS) 212
servers 2601, 3512
setting up 580
Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor 596
sharing 261
shelving filter 413, 469
shielding 402
Shure MV88 342
Shure PGA181 169
Shure SM57 166
Shure SM58 107, 117
sibilance 1623, 417
sidechain 408, 41011, 431
Sides, Alan 122, 1423
signal chain/path 40711, 4601; mastering 5445
signal distribution 21417
signal processor 403, 4667, see also Digital Signal Processing (DSP); effects; plug-ins
signal-to-error ratio 201, 207
signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio 1878, 2012, 456
simple waves 57
sine waves 48, 535, 578
single-ended noise reduction 4457
Skibba, Martin 458
Skywalker Sound 17, 283
slap echo 94
Slate Digital 597
slip time 331
slope 414, 429; ratio 423
SMPTE 191, 246, 303, 308, 37281, 385, 387; offset times 3812; signal distribution 382
snare drum 59, 158, 160, 417, 4267, 431, 468; mic selection 166
social networking 587
Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers see SMPTE
soffits 834, 496
soft knee 423
software 23755, 257, 5889; comping 245; DJ 2789; drum replacement 319; DSP effects 2478; DSP plug-ins 24853; exporting to file 2545; fixing sound 2434; groove 2717; MIDI sequencing/scoring 2456; mixdown/effects automation 254; mixers 4838; real-time mixing 2467; recording/editing 23843; ReWire 2534; sequencers 3201; video/picture sync 246, see also digital signal processing (DSP); plug-ins
solid state drive (SSD) 223, 226
Solid State Logic (SSL) 21213, 236; Duality Console 458, 463, 469, 472, 477; Nucleus 233
solo 334, 139, 472
Song Position Pointer (SPP) 303
Song Select messages 303
Sonnox 250, 412, 546
Sony 21112, 357, 362
Sony MDR-7506 500
Sony/Phillips Digital Interface (S/PDIF) 21113
sound files see files; formats
sound and hearing 4374; diffraction 523; direction perception 6971; loudness levels 604; pressure waves 456; reflection 512; space perception 714; transducers 435, see also ear
sound hole 1489, 162
sound lock 88
sound-pressure level (SPL) 602, 656, 81, 583; miking 118, 146; monitoring 5045, 507; surround 5278
sound-shaping 419
Soundexchange 572
Soundness SoundSoap 444
soundtracks 281, 283, 51617
spaced pair 140, 1589, 161
Spark Drum Machine 278
spatial positioning 7, 378, 6971, 437, 500
speakers 4935, 583; active/passive 5023, 526; balancing levels 5045; design 5015; frequency response 50; harmonic balance 58; immersive 51617; polarity 5034; studio playback 513; surround 5226; symmetry 912; types 496501, see also monitoring
specs 50, 206, 216
spectral content 411; analyzer 5078
spring 436
square waves 578, 373, 379
SSD 223, 226
SSL see Solid State Logic
stampers 557, 565
standing waves 934, 494
Start messages 304
status byte 294
Steinberg 447; DAW 2301, 248, 2534; groove tools 2756; immersive 5201; iOS 341, 343, see also Cubase/Nuendo
stems 18, 53940
step time 325, 334
stepped resistance network 205
stereophonic (stereo) 474, 509; + sub 50910; compression 425; history 51618; miking 122, 1336, 13943, 149, 152; mixing up/down 5301
Stop messages 304
stop-band filter 204, 413
streaming 554, 5689
strings 578, 1612, 417
Studer A800 192
studio see acoustics and studio design; professional studio; project studio
Studio Metronome 16
studio musicians 21
StudioLive 342, 345
studs 823
Stylus RMX 276
subcodes 5556
subtractive synthesis 311
subwoofer 50911, 520, 5239
summing amplifiers 393
Super Audio CD (SACD) 357
supercardioid pattern 114, 158
surface density 812
surge protection 399400, 588
surround 17, 51532; authoring 531; formats 52831; history 51618; miking 1434, 149; mixing 51821; monitoring 5218; re-issues 5312
sustain 59
Swartau, Bill 592
Swedien, Bruce 1301, 142
symmetry 912, 494
Synchron Stage 7
synchronization (sync) 266, 308, 37188; jam sync 380; MIDI 3769, 3836; monitoring mode 1834; timecode 3729
Synclavier 5945
synthesizers (synths) 270, 2745, 2956, 305, 31011, 347, 426
System messages 3036; -Common 303; - Exclusive (sys-ex) 28990, 293, 3046, 377; Real-Time 303; Reset 304
tagging see metadata
tails-out 1867, 192
tape see analog tape recorder (ATR)
Tascam Digital InterFace (TDIF) 214
tax 13
TC Electronic 440, 531
TDM 248
technology: history 5915; trends 5959, see also digital technology
Telefunken 107, 1667, 173
television 350, 51718
tempo 252, 2669, 2712, 323, 439; -based delay 434, see also synchronization (sync); time
temporal fusion 73
Tesla, Nikola 592
test pressing 558
Thomson Multimedia 360
thresholds: of hearing/feeling/pain 65; signal processing 4217, 4468, 54950
Thunderbolt 223, 2256, 228, 2301, 2878, 306
timbre 58, 67, 73, 127, 488
time 13, 21517; -based effects 409, 411, 4326; quantization 1989, 2012, 207, 3301; sampling 1978; shift/stretch 2523, 2668, 2712, 4389, see also synchronization (sync); tempo
Time Domain Multiplex (TDM) 248
timecode word 3735, see also MIDI timecode (MTC); SMPTE
Timing Clock messages 3034
Todd-AO 517
tonal balance see timbre
Toslink see lightpipe
total transport logic (TTL) 179
touch 2345, 337, 4834, 5978
Touchable 345
Townsend Labs Sphere L22 1712
track sheets 323
transducers 435, 64, 105, 196
transients 117, 156, 4256, 429
transistors 38990, 394
transitions 38, 541
transmission loss (TL) 814, 878
transmission standards 21014
transports 17880
transposition 330
trauma, acoustic 65
treble 132, 428
trends 5959
triangle waves 57
triggering 319, 326
Trilogy Studios 4
triode 390
Tritschler, J. 9
trombone 59, 147
trumpet 1467
TT connector 120, 478
tuba 147
tube (valve) 11011, 171, 173, 404; amps 38991; EQ 415
tumbas 160
Tune Request messages 303
TuneCore 572
tuning 34; drums 1556; speakers 4946, 510
turnover frequency 413
tweeters 5234
UAD 192, 2502, 4289, 435, 440, 546, 550
UK 109, 471
Ultrapatch PX2000 478
unbalanced lines 1201
underlay 84
Uniform Resource Locator (URL) 352
uninterruptible power supply (UPS) 400, 588
United States 375
Universal Audio 2–610 121
Universal Audio 2–610S 464
Universal Audio 1176LN 422
Universal Audio API Vision Strip 448
Universal Audio Precision Multiband 447
Universal Recording 592
universal serial bus see USB
up-mixing 5301
updates 224, 257, 588
upper partials see overtones
US 572; Court of Appeals 314
USB 223, 2257, 2301, 2878, 3067
V-Control Pro 234, 344, 486
valve see tube
variable bit rate (VBR) 360
VCA grouping 476
vector graphics 368
Velcro 585
velocity 501, 72, 313
ventilation 258
Vertigo Sound VSM-3 142
vibraphones 161
vibrato 1534
video 246, 3689, 531; acoustic studio design 77; audio for 1617; sync 3745, 379, 381, 3848
video cassette recorder (VCR) 518
vintage 107, 171, 173
vinyl 517, 553; manufacture 5615; mastering 5334
violin and viola 578, 1612, 417
virtual pot (V-pot) 484
Virtual Studio Technology (VST) 231, 248
visibility 87, 90, 130
vocals 511; booths 89, 128, 130; effects 433; miking 1624, 166, 170; mixing 452, 469, 489; processing 417, 426; scratch 88, 164; studio tips 579, 582
vocoder 408
voice coil 107
voice (electronic) 296, 309, 313
voice (human) see vocals
voltage (V) 62, 38991, 399400
voltage-controlled amplifier (VCA) 394
volume see dynamic range; gain; levels
VST 231, 248
VTR 379
VU metering 47983
Wallace, Roy 143
wallboards 83
walls 52, 934, 148; isolation 824
Warm Audio EQP-WA 415
warping 253, 268
wattage see power
.wav 208, 235, 357, 528
wave propagation 457
waveform 4760; amplitude 478; envelope 5960; frequency 4750; harmonic content 559; phase 535; simple/complex 57; velocity 50; wavelength 513
wavelength 513
Waves L1 Ultramaximizer 429
wavetable synthesis 311
WDM 231
website 567, 587, see also Internet
Wells, Frank 20
wet/dry 411
White Book 354
Wi-Fi 234
Williamson, Greg 346
windows 878
Windows Media Audio (WMA) 361
Windows (Microsoft) 208, 2234, 231, 235, 248, 357
wireless 234, 2889, 512
wiring see cabling
Wisseloord Studios 533
.wma 361
women 25
woodwind 1646, 417
word length see bit depth
wordclock 21617, 246
Wordpress 28
write mode 487
writer 5701
X-fade 243, 541
X/Y stereo 135, 1401;
guitar 1489
XLR 11920
xylophones 56, 161
Yamaha HS8 498
Yamaha KX49 234
Yellow Book 354
YouTube 554, 569, 574
Z see impedance
Z channels 867
zero-crossing points 239
zones 313
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