

  • A/B tests
  • Adobe
  • Adoption:
    • and freemium pricing
    • of InMail
    • unrealistic assumptions about
  • Alternative metric pricing
  • Amazon
    • behavioral pricing at
    • feature shocks at
    • market capitalization for
    • pricing strategy of
  • Amazon Web Services
  • Anchors, price
  • Anchoring tactics
  • Apple
    • customer segmentation at
    • image of innovator for
    • monetization models at
    • price integrity at
    • product flops by
    • promotions at
  • Apple Watch
  • Appliances, feature shocks with
  • Arch Deluxe
  • Ariba
  • Ariely, Dan
  • Asus
  • Auctions
  • Audi
  • Audi Q7
  • Automobile manufacturers. See also specific companies
    • holistic product development by
    • product innovation by
  • Average response trap


  • B2B2C business, at Swarovski
  • B2B settings, see Business-to-business settings
  • B2C (business-to-consumer) settings,. See also specific companies
  • Barriers to entry, low prices as
  • Behavioral pricing
    • avoiding monetization failures with
    • defined
    • Internet start-up company example
    • and tipping at Uber
  • Behavioral pricing tactics
    • anchoring
    • compromise effect
    • pennies-a-day pricing
    • psychological thresholds in
    • signaling quality with price
    • testing
    • upfront costs in
  • Benefit statements:
    • clear
    • in SaaS company example
    • segment-specific
    • of SmugMug
    • in value communications
  • Beta-testing, at LinkedIn
  • Big-bang approach
  • BMW
  • BMW 7 Series
  • Breakthrough products
  • Brevity, of benefits statements
  • Budget, for monetization process
  • Buffett, Warren
  • Build-your-own questions
  • Bundles:
    • premiums for
    • sizes of
  • Bundling
    • avoiding monetization failures with
    • checklist before
    • key principles of
    • at Microsoft
    • at Optimizely
    • pizza and breadstick example
    • successful
    • tips on engaging in
    • and unbundling as strategy
    • unnecessary
  • Business cases for new products
    • avoiding monetization failures with
    • building
    • ingredients of
    • as living documents
    • at Manheim
    • at Porsche
    • willingness-to-pay information in
  • Business Insider
  • Business-to-business (B2B) settings:
    • anchoring in
    • behavioral pricing in
    • compromise effect in
    • “design the product around the price” approach in
    • price endings in
  • Business-to-consumer (B2C) settings,. See also specific companies
  • Buy-in, on pricing strategies
  • Buying centers


  • Cable television industry, feature shocks in
  • Cameras, digital
  • Cannibalization:
    • in auto industry
    • in building of business case
    • product configuration to prevent
  • Capacity, pricing and
  • Carbonite
  • Car clinics
  • Car ownership, Uber as alternative to
  • Chevrolet Cruze
  • China:
    • automobile market in
    • product innovation in
  • Class Pass
  • Clinical development team
  • Cloud computing, behavioral pricing for
  • Coca-Cola:
    • dynamic pricing at
    • undead products at
  • Coke Classic
  • Communication:
  • Company(-ies):
    • benefits of bundling for
    • impact of new product on
    • tailoring monetization of innovations to
  • Competition:
    • matching features with
    • on MOCA
    • price undercutting by
    • products of, in CPM process
    • reactions to new products by
    • selection of monetization model based on
    • and subscription models
    • war-gaming reactions to repricing by
  • Compromise effect
  • Concessions, price
  • Construction industry
  • Consumer needs, Swarovski's understanding of
  • Consumer product companies, undeads for
  • Contract prices
  • Control, in product innovation mindset
  • Controlled A/B tests
  • Convenience, of product configuration
  • Core benefits, messages about
  • Core offerings
  • Corporate culture, see Organizational culture
  • Corporate strategy, changing
  • Costco
  • Cost-plus pricing
  • Cox Enterprises
  • CPM, see Customer Process Monitoring
  • Cross-functional teams:
    • to analyze sales volume
    • creating
    • for deal deconstructions
    • importance of
    • at LinkedIn
    • at Porsche
    • roles and responsibilities of
    • value communications by
    • in willingness-to-pay talks
  • Cross-selling
  • Crystal Ball
  • Culture, organizational, see Organizational culture
  • Customer(s):
    • benefits of product configuration and bundling for
    • designing products for “average,”
    • irrationality of, see Behavioral pricing
    • monetization model based on preferences of
    • performance of
    • perspectives of, in current product innovation mindset
    • segmentation based on size of
    • testing pricing tactics with
    • willingness-to-pay talks with
  • Customer lifetime value
  • Customer Process Monitoring (CPM):
    • institutionalization of
    • making CPM stick at Dräger
    • phases of
    • in product development process
  • Customer research:
    • at Dräger Safety, Inc.
    • messy information from
    • at Optimizely
    • at Porsche
    • at Swarovski
  • Customer segments:
    • bundling based on
    • creating variations of products for
    • describing
    • market sizing to evaluate
    • number of
    • polarization in
    • in pricing strategy
    • product configurations for
    • selective pursuit of
    • tailoring benefit statements for
  • Customer segmentation
    • avoiding monetization failures with
    • by best-in-class companies
    • at Dräger Safety, Inc.
    • golden rule of
    • and leader/filler/killer classification
    • paper company example
    • principles for conducting
    • tracking
    • typical pitfalls with
    • at Uber
    • and undeads
  • Customer segments:
    • fences between
    • observable characteristics of
  • Custom Solutions unit (Swarovski)


  • Daredevil (television series)
  • Davis, Miles
  • Deal deconstructions
  • Deal escalation, tracking
  • DealShield Purchase Guarantee
  • Decision makers
  • Decision making, business case based on
  • Demand curve, see Price elasticity
  • Demographics, segmentation based on
  • “Design the product around the price” approach
    • benefits of
    • current product development vs.
    • at Dräger Safety, Inc.
    • implementation of
    • at LinkedIn
    • at Optimizely
    • pharmaceutical company example
    • at Porsche
    • at Swarovski
    • at Uber
  • Digital cameras
  • Digital device component makers
  • Direct questions, in willingness-to-pay talks
  • Documents, pricing strategy
  • Dodge Dart:
    • monetization and product development mindset around
    • as product innovation failure
    • sales of
  • Dollar Shave Club
  • Doorbusters
  • Dräger Safety, Inc.
    • changing product development process at
    • “design the product around the price” approach at
    • institutionalization of CPM process at
    • limitations of previous product development process at
    • making monetization process stick at
    • monetization strategy of
    • sales and marketing messages at
  • Dräger Tube
  • Drews, Ralf
  • Dropbox
  • Drucker, Peter
  • Dynamic Perspective (feature)
  • Dynamic pricing
    • advantages of
    • described
    • determining suitability of
    • at Uber


  • Early adopters, pricing strategy catering to
  • eBay
  • EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud)
  • The Economist (magazine)
  • eee PC (product)
  • Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
  • Elasticity, price, see Price elasticity
  • Electronics, feature shocks with
  • Enercon
  • Engineering cultures, monetization failures in
  • Escalated deals, number of
  • Evernote
  • Every Day Low Price promotion
  • Executives:
    • as drivers of monetization approach
    • goal allocations by
    • and hidden gems
    • pricing patience for
    • response to change by
    • view of volume, price, and profit by
  • Expert judgment workshops


  • Facebook
  • Failure(s). See also New product Monetization failures
    • in current product innovation mindset
    • new product
    • in product innovation
  • Fashion sector, Swarovski in
  • Fast Company
  • Features:
    • benefits vs.
    • at Dräger Safety, Inc
    • leader/filler/killer classification for
    • matching competitors
    • at Porsche
    • in product configurations
    • value analysis for
    • and value communications
    • WTP and prioritization of
  • Feature shocks
    • at Amazon
    • building business cases to avoid
    • causes of
    • company culture leading to
    • defined
    • at Dräger Safety, Inc.
    • other monetization failures vs.
    • product configurations to avoid
    • responses to
    • warning signs of
    • willingness-to-pay talks to avoid
  • Fences, between customer segments
  • Fiat Chrysler:
    • monetization and product development mindset in
    • monetization strategy of
    • product innovation at Porsche vs.
  • Fillers (features)
  • Firefly service
  • Fire Phone
  • “First principles,”
  • Fitness clubs
  • Fixed costs, freemium pricing and
  • Fleet Solutions
  • Focus groups
  • Forecasts, sales
  • 4G networks
  • Freed, Andrew
  • Freemium pricing
    • advantages of
    • business case for
    • described
    • determining suitability of
    • at Optimizely
  • Fuzzy front end, of innovation


  • Garmin
  • G/B/B strategies, see Good, better, best strategies
  • General Electric
  • Gillette
  • Global Pricing Study
  • Goal Allocation Exercise
  • Goals:
    • bundling to advance
    • of LinkedIn
    • for pricing strategies
    • selecting pricing strategy based on
    • setting, for new products
  • Goal trade-offs:
    • in business case
    • in pricing strategies
  • Gold, Josh
  • Good, better, best (G/B/B) strategies
  • Goods, price elasticities for
  • “Good enough” mindset
  • Google:
    • monetization model of
    • undeads at
  • Google AdWords
  • Google Glass
  • Google Maps
  • Groupon
  • Guard (product)
  • Gurley, Bill
  • Gut-check
  • Gut feeling, pricing based on


  • Hard bundling
  • Harvard Business Review
  • Harvard Business School
  • Hidden gems
    • building business cases to avoid
    • company culture leading to
    • defined
    • examples of
    • other monetization failures vs.
    • warning signs of
    • willingness-to-pay talks to avoid
  • High-level pricing strategies
  • Honda Civic


  • Implementation, monetization model
  • Implementing “design the product around the price” approach
    • difficulty with
    • jump-start method of
    • organizational culture for
    • pilot program for
    • pitfalls with
    • and scaling up program
  • India, Gillette in
  • Information:
    • from customer research
    • from willingness-to-pay talks
  • Inhaled insulin
  • InMail
  • Innovation:
    • customers' interest in
    • fuzzy front end of
    • in monetization models
    • product, see Product innovation
  • Innovation process:
    • assessing your
    • managers of
  • Innovation teams
  • Inside-out thinking
  • Institutionalization, of CPM process
  • Integration value
  • Integrity, price, see Price integrity
  • Internal gut feeling, pricing based on
  • Internet companies:
    • behavioral pricing at
    • willingness-to-pay talks at
    • willingness-to-pay talks for
  • Inverse correlations
  • iPhone


  • Jayaswal, Vishaal
  • Jewelry sector, Swarovski in
  • Jobs, Steve
  • Jump-Start and Pilot phase
  • Jump-start method


  • Kahneman, Daniel
  • Kalanick, Travis
  • Kamen, Dean
  • Kargruber, Christoph
  • Keighley, Jim
  • Key performance indicators (KPIs)
  • Killers (features)
  • Kindle
  • Kindle Fire
  • Kodak
  • Koomen, Pete
  • KPIs, see Key performance indicators


  • Land and expand strategies:
    • with freemium pricing
    • at Optimizely
    • product configurations for
    • selecting
  • Land-grab scenarios
  • Language:
    • about dynamic pricing
    • for willingness-to-pay talks
  • Leaders (features)
  • LinkedIn
    • benefits statements of
    • “design the product around the price” approach at
    • future of product development for
    • goals of
    • members-first principle at
    • monetization model of
    • monetization process at
    • successful product innovation at
  • LivingSocial
  • Lotus 1-2-3 software
  • Lowballing
  • Lufthansa


  • MacAskill, Chris
  • MacAskill, Don
  • McDonald's
  • Mach 3 razor
  • Manheim:
    • business case for new products at
    • monetization model of
  • Marchionne, Sergio
  • Market(s):
    • entering new
    • identifying target
    • increasing share in
    • pricing strategy and position in
    • seller
  • Market access team
  • Market analysis
  • Marketing:
    • to customer segments
    • at Dräger Safety, Inc.
  • Marketing teams:
    • clinical development, market access, and
    • innovation, R&D, and
    • involving, in product innovation
  • Market leaders
  • Marketplaces, two-sided
  • Market research:
    • for pilot tests
    • at Porsche
    • by salespeople
    • willingness-to-pay talks vs.
  • Market simulation models
  • Market sizing
  • Marketwatch
  • The Matrix
  • Matrix of competitive advantages (MOCA)
  • Matrix pricing model
  • Maximization pricing strategy
  • Members-first principle
  • Membership economy
  • Mercedes
  • Mercedes CLS
  • Mercedes S-Class
  • Mercedes SL
  • Metromile
  • Mettler Toledo
  • Michelin
  • Microsoft
  • Mindset. See also Monetization and product development mindset
    • changing
    • “good enough,”
  • Mini Cooper Countryman
  • Minivations
    • building business cases to avoid
    • causes of
    • company culture leading to
    • defined
    • examples of
    • and Optimizely pricing model
    • other monetization failures vs.
    • product configurations to avoid
    • sales volumes of
    • warning signs of
    • willingness-to-pay talks to avoid
  • Mixed bundling
  • Mobile phone cases, Swarovski crystals on
  • MOCA (matrix of competitive advantages)
  • Modeling, in LinkedIn monetization process
  • Monetization and product development mindset
    • “design the product around the price” approach
    • and innovation failures
    • myths and misconceptions with prevailing
    • at Porsche
  • Monetization hero
  • Monetization models
    • alternative metric pricing
    • defined
    • dynamic pricing
    • freemium pricing
    • importance of
    • innovation in
    • market-based pricing
    • of Michelin
    • price-setting based on
    • and price structures
    • selecting your
    • subscription
  • Monetization of innovations:
    • budget for
    • in guiding philosophy of Porsche
    • importance of
    • at LinkedIn
    • making new process stick
    • rates of successful
    • scaling up new programs for
    • at Swarovski
    • tailoring of, to your company
  • Monetization task force
  • Monetization team
  • Monsanto
  • Monte Carlo simulations
  • Most–least questions
  • Multiproduct companies, scaling up at


  • Negotiations, sales
  • Netflix
  • New Coke
  • New markets, entering
  • New product(s). See also Product innovation
  • New product monetization failures
    • avoiding
    • building business cases to avoid
    • categories of
    • and company culture
    • comparing types of
    • and current product innovation mindset
    • feature shocks
    • hidden gems
    • minivations
    • undeads
  • Newspaper industry, hidden gems in
  • New York Times
  • Noah's Ark (product)
  • No/maybe/yes cultures


  • Observable characteristics, of customer segments
  • Office suite (Microsoft)
  • Online advertising
  • Online music services
  • Online offers, A/B tests of
  • Online subscription company, price thresholds for
  • OpenTable
  • Optimal price
  • Optimizely
    • breakthrough innovations at
    • bundling decision at
    • “design the product around the price” approach at
    • expanding product portfolio at
    • monetization hero at
    • monetization strategy of
    • selecting pricing metrics at
    • WTP talks at
  • Organizational culture:
    • changing
    • for “design the product around the price” approach
    • and new product monetization failures
    • of Porsche
  • Osbourne, Ozzy
  • Outcomes, tracking
  • Outcomes-based services
  • Overall willingness to pay


  • Products,. See also Product configuration
  • Paid pilots (LinkedIn monetization process)
  • Paper company:
    • customer segmentation at
    • product configuration at
  • Park Assist system
  • “Pay as you go” model
  • Penetration pricing strategy
  • Pennies-a-day pricing
  • Per-user pricing
  • Pharmaceutical company
    • cooperation between teams at
    • “customer value–driven new product” approach at
    • definition of success at
    • “design the product around the price” approach at
    • early stages of product development at
    • input from local teams at
    • monetization strategy of
    • R&D processes at
    • risk reduction at
  • Phase III testing
  • Phase II testing
  • Playmobil
  • Porsche,n.
    • business case for new products at
    • changing R&D approach at
    • “design the product around the price” approach at
    • early customer research at
    • feature selection at
    • guiding philosophy of
    • monetization strategy of
    • pricing strategy at
    • product innovation at Fiat Chrysler vs.
    • skimming strategy of
  • Porsche Boxster
  • Porsche Cayenne:
    • business case for
    • customer research about
    • executive involvement in development of
    • feature selection for
    • sales of
    • skimming strategy for
    • as successful product innovation
  • Porsche Macan
  • Porsche 911
  • Porsche Panamera
    • business case for
    • customer research about
    • executive involvement in development of
    • feature selection for
    • sales of
    • skimming strategy for
  • The Porsche Principle
  • Positioning:
    • of benefits statements
    • and bundling/product configuration
    • in market
    • price
    • and value communications
  • Post-launch phase
    • deal deconstructions in
    • high sales in
    • patience in
    • problems in
    • tracking monthly outcomes in
    • war-gaming competition's reactions in
  • Practicality, of customer segmentation
  • Predictably Irrational (Dan Ariely)
  • Premiums, for bundles
  • Premium offerings:
    • behavioral pricing for
    • at LinkedIn
    • product configurations with
  • Pressure-tests, for business cases
  • Price:
    • in business case
    • customer segment valuing
    • defined
    • optimal
    • and sales volume/profit
    • signaling quality with
  • Price anchors
  • Price concessions
  • Price–demand relationship, see Price elasticity
  • Price differentiation
  • Price elasticity:
    • in business cases
    • and dynamic pricing
    • market simulation model to determine
    • and price integrity
    • and price optimization
    • in sales forecasts
    • at Uber
  • Price endings
  • Price floors
  • Price hikes
  • Price increases
  • Price integrity
    • at Apple
    • avoiding monetization failures by maintaining
    • and feature shocks
    • and patience
    • and preparing for post-launch phase
    • and price wars
    • and repricing too early
  • Price low strategy
  • Price optimization
  • Price point
  • Price positioning
  • Price ranges, from WTP talks
  • Price reactions
  • Price setting
  • Price structures, monetization models and
  • Price-tier system
  • Price undercutting
  • Price wars
  • Pricing:
    • alternative metric
    • avoiding monetization failures with
    • behavioral, see Behavioral pricing
    • communication about
    • dynamic
    • for feature shocks vs. minivations
    • freemium
    • market-based
    • with mixed bundling
    • Optimizely's metrics for
    • in product development
    • rational
    • for undeads
    • value
  • Pricing board
  • Pricing office
  • Pricing power
  • Pricing strategies
    • avoiding monetization failures with
    • “business as usual,”
    • creating pricing strategy documents
    • defined
    • high-level
    • of LinkedIn
    • and price elasticity
    • and price integrity
    • price reaction principles in
    • price-setting principles in
    • selecting
    • setting goals for
    • of Swarovski
    • of Uber
    • updating
  • Pricing strategy documents
  • Procter & Gamble
  • Product configurations
    • avoiding monetization failures with
    • key principles of
    • at Optimizely
    • successful
    • tips on engaging in
  • Product development. See also Monetization and product development mindset
    • changing early stages of
    • at Dräger Safety, Inc.
    • and feature shocks
    • future of
    • hidden gems in
    • pricing in
  • Product-driven cultures
  • Product innovation,. See also Monetization of innovations
    • causes of new product failures
    • customer input in
    • failures in
    • importance of successful
    • at Porsche vs. Fiat Chrysler
    • prevailing mindset about
    • and pricing pressure
    • rules for successful
  • Product roadmaps
  • Product valuation
  • Profit(s):
    • and bundling
    • and minivations
    • at Porsche
    • and price integrity
    • and sales volume/price
    • at Swarovski
  • Promotional reactions
  • Psychological thresholds:
    • in behavioral pricing
    • and bundling/product configuration
  • Purchase probability questions
  • Purchase simulations


  • Qualitative discussions, in WTP talks
  • Qualitative research, in CPM
  • Quality:
    • customer segment valuing
    • price as signal of
    • repricing and perception of
  • Quantitative studies, at LinkedIn
  • Quantitative surveys, in CPM
  • Questions, in willingness-to-pay talks


  • R&D, see Research and development
  • Repricing. See also Price integrity
    • early
    • war-gaming competition's reactions to
  • Research. See also Customer research
    • market
    • qualitative
  • Research and development (R&D):
    • cost of
    • customer-value driven approach to
    • at Dräger Safety, Inc.
    • early-stage
    • global
    • at pharmaceutical companies
    • sales/marketing teams and
    • signs of feature shocks from
  • Resistance, organizational
  • Retailers, behavioral pricing by
  • Revenue(s):
    • from behavioral pricing
    • estimating new product,vii
    • at LinkedIn
    • at Optimizely
    • at Porsche
  • Revenue models
  • Risk assumptions
  • Risk-averse cultures
  • Ryanair


  • SaaS companies, see Software as a service companies
  • Sales:
    • bundling/product configuration and
    • and G/B/B strategies
    • of Porsche Cayenne and Panamera
    • of X-zone 5000 gas detector
  • Sales campaigns, at Dräger Safety, Inc.
  • Sales-driven companies
  • Sales forecasts
  • Sales negotiations
  • Sales team(s):
    • and feature shocks
    • and hidden gems
    • innovation and
    • and minivations
    • in product innovation
    • R&D and
    • tracking performance of
    • and undeads
  • Sales volume (volume):
    • in business case
    • higher than expected
    • nonprice actions for improving
    • in post-launch phase
    • and profit/price
    • repricing in response to
  • Samsung
  • Sasson, Steven
  • Satisfaction, customer
  • Scale and Stick phase
  • Scaling up monetization programs
  • Scenario planning
  • Scope creep
  • Segmentation schemes, number of,. See also Customer segmentation
  • Segway PT
  • Seller markets
  • Selling stories, creating
  • Semiconductor companies
  • Service companies, product configurations for
  • Simon-Kucher & Partners,viii
  • Simulations:
    • market simulation models
    • Monte Carlo
    • purchase scenario
  • Siri
  • Siroker, Dan
  • Skimming pricing strategy
  • “Smell test,” at LinkedIn
  • SmugMug
  • Software:
    • bundling of
    • as hidden gem
    • at Optimizely
  • Software as a service (SaaS) companies. See also Optimizely
    • bundling at
    • business case for
    • monetization model of
    • pricing models of
    • value communications at
  • Software industry:
    • behavioral pricing in
    • monetization models in
    • pricing models in
  • Southwest Airlines
  • Speed, customer segment valuing
  • Sporting events, dynamic pricing for
  • Spotify
  • Square
  • Stage gates
  • Start-ups:
    • assessing market potential of new products at
    • behavioral pricing at
    • failure rate for
    • scaling up at
  • Static business cases
  • Strategic decisions, about promotions
  • Subscription economy
  • Subscription model
    • advantages of
    • combinations of other models with
    • described
    • determining suitability of
    • at Netflix
  • Successful product innovation:
    • importance of
    • rules for
  • Supermarkets, dynamic pricing at
  • Supply, for Uber
  • Surcharges
  • Surge pricing
  • Swarovski
    • completing monetization journey at
    • “design the product around the price” approach at
    • evolution of
    • monetization strategy of
    • pricing strategy at
  • Swarovski, Daniel
  • Synergies, in product configuration


  • Technology companies, feature shocks at
  • Telecommunications companies:
    • minivations for
    • monetization models for
    • price integrity at
  • Tesco
  • Testing (product):
    • bundling decision for
    • pricing model for
  • Tests:
    • A/B
    • of behavioral pricing tactics
  • Thaler, Richard
  • Tier-based models:
    • pricing
    • product configuration and bundling
  • Time frame, in pricing strategy
  • Timing, of customer segmentation
  • TK (ton-kilometer) monetization model
  • Toyota Corolla
  • Trade-offs, goal
  • Travel industry, monetization models in
  • Tversky, Amos
  • Two-sided marketplaces


  • Uber
    • “design the product around the price” approach at
    • dynamic pricing at
    • future of product development at
    • monetization model of
    • penetration pricing at
    • pricing strategy of
    • success of
  • Unbundling
  • Undeads
    • building business cases to avoid
    • causes of
    • company culture leading to
    • defined
    • examples of
    • and implementing “design the product around the price” approach
    • other monetization failures vs.
    • product configuration to avoid
    • warning signs of
    • willingness-to-pay talks to avoid
  • United States:
    • failure rate for start-ups in
    • product innovation in
    • view of innovator in
  • Unstructured conversation, in WTP talks
  • Upselling


  • Valeo
  • Value:
    • adding
    • from benefit statements
    • in business case
    • customers' perceptions of
    • in entry-level products
    • and price
    • repricing and perception of
    • in willingness-to-pay talks
  • Value analysis, for features
  • Value communications
    • avoiding monetization failures with
    • creating
    • difficulties with
    • at pharmaceutical company
    • refining
    • SaaS company example
    • at SmugMug
    • by Uber
  • Value differentiation
  • Value proposition:
    • in current product innovation mindset
    • and feature shocks
    • for minivations
    • in selection of monetization model
  • Value-selling spreadsheets
  • Value story
  • Volkswagen
  • Volume, see Sales volume


  • Wall Street Journal
  • Walmart,n.
  • Walt Disney Company
  • War-gaming competitive reactions
  • “Why” questions
  • Wiedeking, Wendelin
  • Willingness to pay (WTP):
    • behavioral pricing and
    • in business cases
    • customer segmentation based on
    • defined
    • at Dräger Safety, Inc.
    • overall
    • price integrity and
    • in pricing strategy selection
    • prioritizing features based on
    • product configuration/bundling based on
    • selecting features based on
    • at Swarovski
  • Willingness-to-pay (WTP) talks
    • avoiding monetization failures with
    • benefits of early
    • in business cases for new products
    • at Gillette
    • methods of conducting
    • necessary information from
    • at Optimizely
    • optimizing price based on
    • at Porsche
    • tips for having
  • WTP, see Willingness to pay
  • WTP talks, see Willingness-to-pay talks


  • Xerox
  • X-zone 5000 gas detector
    • pilot testing CPM with
    • product development process for
    • variations of
    • WTP analysis for


  • Yes/maybe/no cultures


  • Zune
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