

3.5mm headphone jack, 6

3D photos, 248

aligning, 244


accessibility settings, 288


actions, Music app, 81

Amazon MP3 within doubleTwist, 127


adding in Contacts app, 52

doubleTwist, creating, 22

removing from Contacts app, 57

actions, accessing Music app, 81


accounts, Contacts app, 52

alarms, 219-220

camera effects, 235


from email, 61

to Favorites, 69

to Home screens, 70-71

manually, 62-63

events/appointments in Calendar app, 224-226

Facebook accounts to contacts, 52-54

Gmail accounts, 152-156

hidden networks, 138

IMAP accounts, 171-174

Microsoft Exchange accounts, 166-167

to contacts, 55-57

POP3 accounts, 171-174

songs to playlists, 85

VPNs, 145

widgets to Home screens, 283-284

additional charges, 204

address fields, hidden, 184

Agenda view, 222

alarms, managing, 218-220

album menus, 241-242

albums, managing/sharing, 242-243

aligning 3D pictures, 244

always-on mobile data, 144

Amazon MP3, 116

accessing within doubleTwist, 127

finding music, 119

music, purchasing, 120-121

setting up, 117-119

Android, updating, 291-292

Android apps, searching for, 257-258

APOP (Authenticated Post Office Protocol), 173

application groups, starting, 18-19

application icons, Home screen, 9

appointments, adding to Calendar app, 224-226


Android apps, searching for, 257-258

Calendar. See Calendar app

Clock. See Clock app

deleting, 262-263

using Market, 264-265

downloading paid and free, 260-262

finding, 258-260

force stopping, 298-299

Friend Stream, 186

Messages. See Messages app

Peep, 186

starting, 18-19

switching between, 19

updating, 265-266

assisted dialing, 35

attaching files to messages, 208-209


adding in Mail application, 180

adding to email, Gmail, 158


back button, 5

balances, checking with Google Voice, 46

batteries, optimizing, 293-297

battery life, extending, 293

Blockbuster On Demand, 103, 109-112


sharing video, 92-93

support for voice dialing, 31

Bluetooth devices

advanced settings, 136

changing options, 134-135

connecting to, 131-132

disconnecting from, 135

pairing to, 132-134

profiles, 135

Bluetooth FTP Server, 136

Bluetooth Message Access, 137

Bluetooth passkey, 133

bookmarks, managing, 185-186

brightness, dimming screen brightness, 294


customizing settings, 190-194

navigating, 183-184

browser cache, 192


inbox, Mail application, 178

mobile browsing, 191-192


Calendar app, 222

navigating, 223-224

adding events or appointments, 224-226

editing events or appointments, 226

responding to event invitations, 229

settings, 228

views, 222-223

call settings, configuring Phone, 34-36


conference calling, 33

missed calls, 28-29

options while on, 32

placing, 30

receiving, 28

Camera application, 234

adding camera effects, 235

focus, 235

photo settings

changing, 236-238

recording videos, 98-101

video, in-camera effects, 101

camera effects, adding, 235

camera mode button, 5


Dual 5 Megapixel camera with autofocus, 6

Dual LED camera flash, 6

front-facing camera, 4


for batteries, 293

for EVO 3D exterior, 300

cellular network settings, 142

changing mobile settings, 143


keyboards, 279-280

lock screens, 278

scenes, 274

wallpaper, 269-270

Gallery pictures, 272-273

Live Wallpaper, 271

clearing history, 192

Clock app, navigating, 217-218

alarms, 218-220

weather, 220-222

Cloud Drive, uploading, 118

Cloud Player, Amazon MP3, 117

combined inboxes, Mail application, 175-176

communicating with contacts, 72



Gmail, 158-160

Mail application, 178-180

messages, 205-207

conference calling, 33


doubleTwist photo options

Mac OSX, 252

Windows, 253

Google Checkout, 255-256


to Bluetooth devices, 131-132

to VPNs, 146

to Wi-Fi, 137-139

contact information, sending, 71-72



from email, 61

manually, 62-63

to Favorites, 69

to Home screens, 70-71

communicating with, 72

deleting, 63

Details, 63-65

dialing from, 30

editing, 63

exporting to Micro-SD cards, 74-75

importing to Micro-SD cards, 73

joining manually, 66-67

separating, 68

transferring from old phones, 52

Contacts app, 51

adding accounts, 52

display options, 59-60

Facebook accounts, adding, 52-54

Microsoft Exchange accounts, adding, 55-57

People list, 58-59

removing accounts, 57

Contacts icon, hidden, 206

Context menu, 20

copied text, 17

copying video, doubleTwist, 127-128

cropping photos, 245

customizing browser settings, 190-194


date and time, setting, 216

Day view, 222


apps, 262-263

using Market, 264-265

contacts, 63

events in Calendar app, 226

invitations, 227

messages, 211

playlists, 87

scenes, 276

songs from playlists, 85

videos, 96

VPNs, 147

Details screen, contacts, 63-65


assisted dialing, 35

from contact entries, 30

international numbers, 27

with your voice, 31

dictionary, adding words to, 13

Digital Rights Management (DRM), 123

digital zoom quality, 235

dimming screen brightness, 294

disconnecting from Bluetooth devices, 135

display options, Contacts app, 59-60

doubleTwist, 251

accessing Amazon MP3, 127

configuring photo options

Mac OSX, 252

Windows, 253

creating accounts, 22


on Mac OSX, 22-23

on Windows, 21


creating, 126-127

synchronizing, 123-125

running and mounting EVO 3D, 122

transferring photos, 251

video, copying, 127-128


apps, paid and free, 260-262

files, 194

dragging, 11

status bar, 9

DRM (Digital Rights Management), 123

Dual 5 Megapixel camera with autofocus, 6

Dual LED camera flash, 6



alarms, 219-220

contacts, 63

events/appointments in Calendar app, 226

photos, 243-244

text, 17

videos, 97

VPNs, 147


adding contacts from, 61


Gmail, 158-160

in Mail application, 178-180

flagging, Mail application, 177

Gmail. See Gmail


in Gmail, 160-163

in Mail application, 180-181

sharing video, 93

email signatures, Gmail, 164

event invitations, responding to, 229

event reminders, responding to, 227


adding to Calendar app, 224-226

editing/deleting in Calendar app, 226

EVO 3D, caring for exterior, 300

exporting contacts to Micro-SD cards, 74-75

extending battery life, 293

external features, 3-6


Facebook, Quick Contact bar, 73

Facebook accounts, adding to contacts, 52-54

Favorites, adding contacts, 69


attaching to messages, 208-209

downloading, 194

filtering videos, YouTube, 115


apps, 258-260

music, Amazon MP3, 119

flagging email messages, Mail application, 177

focus, Camera application, 235

force stopping apps, 298-299

form data, saving, 193

forwarding additional charges, 204

free apps, downloading, 260-262

Friend Stream, 186

front-facing camera, 4


Gallery, 238-239

pictures for wallpaper, 272-273

video, 88-90

deleting, 96

editing, 97

sharing via Bluetooth, 92-93

sharing via email/Gmail, 93

sharing via MMS, 91

sharing via YouTube, 95-96

Gmail, 151

adding accounts, 152-156

composing emails, 158-160

reading emails, 160-163

reporting spam, 162

responding to invitations, 229

settings, 164-165

sharing video, 93

signatures, 164

Stars and Labels, 163

Google Checkout, configuring, 255-256

Google Talk, 59

Google Voice, 38-43

sending SMS and checking balances, 46

settings, 47

synchronization and notifications, 48

upgrading, 43-44

Google voicemails, playing back and managing, 45

GPS location, 186

The Green Hornet 3D, 112


headphone jack, 6

help, finding, 301

hidden address fields, 184

hidden networks, adding, 138


clearing, 192

reviewing, 196

Home button, 5

Home screen, 8-9

adding contacts, 70-71

Home screens

jumping between, 10


adding, 283-284

moving, 285

removing, 286

Home screen indicator, 9


IMAP, adding accounts, 171-174

importing contacts to Micro-SD cards, 73

in-camera effects, 101

inbox, browsing in Mail application, 178

inboxes, combined or separate (Mail application), 175-176



on Mac OSX, 22-23

on Windows, 21

synchronization software, 21

international numbers, dialing, 27


joining contacts, manually, 66-67

jumping between home screens, 10


keyboards, 12-15

changing, 279-280

speaking instead of typing, 15

Swype keyboard, 16, 281-282

trace, 282


languages, 287

launcher, Home screen, 9

light sensors, 4

Live Wallpaper, 271

Lock screen

changing, 278

modifying, 8

playing music from, 82

locking messages, 211


mac addresses, 142



configuring photo options, 252

installing, 22-23

moving pictures, 248-249

Mail application, 165, 175

adding new Microsoft Exchange accounts, 166-167

browsing inbox, 178

combined or separate inboxes, 175-176

composing email, 178-180

flagging email, 177

IMAP accounts, adding, 171-174

navigating main screen, 176-178

POP3 accounts, adding, 171-174

reading email, 180-181

main screen, Mail application, 176-178


alarms, 218-219

adding and editing, 219-220

bookmarks, 185-186

Google Voicemails, 45

multiple windows, 188

photos in albums, 242-243

Market, deleting apps, 264-265

Meeting Invitations view, 223

Menu button, 5


attaching files, 208-209

composing, 205-207

deleting, 211

locking, 211

maximum size, 209

receiving, 209-211

speaking, 207

working with, 212

Messages app, 199-202

composing messages, 205-207

settings, 202-205

Micro-SD cards

exporting contacts to, 74-75

importing contacts to, 73

Micro-USB port, 6

Microsoft Exchange

account settings, 168-171

adding accounts, 166-167

Microsoft Exchange accounts, adding to contacts, 55-57

missed calls, 28-29

MMS (Multimedia Messages), 203

attaching files, 208-209

sharing video, 91

mobile browsing, 191-192

mobile settings, changing, 143

modifying Lock screen, 8

monitoring power usage, 297

Month view, 223

Most Viewed, 195

mounting EVO 3D while running doubleTwist, 122

movies, 101-103

Blockbuster On Demand, 103, 109-112

moving widgets to Home screens, 285

Multimedia Messages (MMS), 203

attaching files, 208-209


finding, Amazon MP3, 119

purchasing, Amazon MP3, 120-121

usage restrictions, 123

Music app, 77-79

accessing more actions, 81

exploring, 79-80

working and listening to music, 82



browser, 183-184

Calendar app, 223-224

adding events or appointments, 224-226

editing events or appointments, 226

Clock app, 217-218

alarms, 218-220

weather, 220-222

main screen, Mail application, 176-178

networks, adding hidden networks, 138

notifications, Google Voice, 48


optimizing batteries, 293-297

options, setting for web pages, 189

Options menus, 20

order of songs in playlists, changing, 86


paid apps, downloading, 260-262

pairing with new Bluetooth devices, 132-134

Parrallax Barrier technology, 5

passkey, Bluetooth, 133

Peep, 186, 201

People list, Contacts app, 58-59

personalize icon, Home screen, 9

Phone, 26-27

conference calling, 33


call settings, 34-36

sound settings, 36-37


from contact entries, 30

international numbers, 27

with your voice, 31

missed calls, 28-29

options while on calls, 32

placing calls, 30

receiving calls, 28

photo settings, changing, 236-238


3D photos, 248

aligning, 244

album menus, 241-242

albums, managing/sharing, 242-243

cropping, 245

editing, 243-244

Gallery, 238-239

printing, 246

screenshots, taking, 240

synchronizing with your computer, 246

connecting as a disk drive, 247

moving pictures (Mac OSX), 248-249

moving pictures (Windows), 249

transferring with doubleTwist, 251

pinching, 11

placing calls, 30

playing videos, YouTube, 113-114

playing back Google voicemails, 45

playlists, 82

adding songs to, 85

changing order of songs, 86


on computers, 88

with doubleTwist, 126-127

deleting, 87

deleting songs from, 85

renaming, 87

synchronizing doubleTwist, 123-125

playlists, creating new, 83-85

POP3 accounts, adding, 171-174

power button, 4

power usage, monitoring, 297

preinstalled apps, deleting, 263

printing photos, 246

priority settings, Message app, 203

product descriptions, 261

profiles, Bluetooth devices, 135

proximity sensors, 4


movies, 111

music, Amazon MP3, 120-121


Quick Contact bar, Facebook, 73

QuickText, 202

quitting apps, force stopping, 298-299


radios, turning off, 294

reading email

Gmail, 160-163

Mail application, 180-181


calls, 28

messages, 209-211

recording videos with Camera app, 98-101

regions, 287


accounts, Contacts app, 57

widgets to Home screens, 286


playlists, 87

scenes, 276

renting movies from Blockbuster, 111

reporting spam, Gmail, 162


to event invitations, 229

to event reminders, 227

reviewing history, 196

Roaming Auto-retrieve, 203

rotating screens, 12

running doubleTwist and mounting EVO 3D, 122


saving form data, 193

scenes, 273

changing, 274

creating, 275

deleting, 276

renaming, 276

screen brightness, dimming, 294


rotating, 12

unlocking, 7

screenshots, taking, 240

Search button, 5, 202

search settings, 289

searching for Android apps, 257-258


contact information, 71-72

SMS, Google Voice, 46

separate inboxes, Mail application, 175-176

separating contacts, 68


photos, albums, 242-243


via Bluetooth, 92-93

via email/Gmail, 93

via MMS, 91

via YouTube, 95-96

signatures, Gmail, 164

skins, 276-277

sleep mode, 295

sliding, 11

SMS (text messages)

attaching files, 208-209

sending with Google Voice, 46


adding to playlists, 85

deleting from playlists, 85

sound settings, configuring Phone, 36-37

spam, reporting (Gmail), 162

speakerphone, 6

speaking messages, 207

speaking instead of typing, 15

Sprint Hotspot, 147-149

advanced settings, 148-149

starting, 147-148

Sprint Radio, 129

Sprint TV & Movies app, 101-103

Blockbuster On Demand, 103, 109-112

Status bar, Home screen, 9

SSL, 174

Stars and Labels, Gmail, 163


application groups, 18-19

applications, 18-19

Sprint Hotspot, 147-148

static IP addresses, 142

status bar, dragging, 9

swiping, 11

switching between applications, 19

Swype keyboard, 16, 281-282

synchronization, Google Voice, 48

synchronization software, installing, 21


photos with your computer, 246

connecting as a disk drive, 247

moving pictures (Mac OSX), 248-249

moving pictures (Windows), 249

playlists, doubleTwist, 123-125


task killers, 298

text, 17

TLS, 174

touch, 11

touch and hold, 11

touchscreens, 5, 11-12

trace keyboard, 282


contacts from old phones, 52

photos with doubleTwist, 251

turning off

radios, 294

vibration settings, 296

TV, 101-103

Blockbuster On Demand, 103, 109-112


unlocking screens, 7


Android, 291-292

apps, 265-266

upgrading Google Voice, 43-44

uploading Cloud Drive, 118

usage restrictions, 123

USB ports, Micro-USB port, 6


vibration settings, turning off, 296


copying with doubleTwist, 127-128

Gallery, 88-90

sharing video via Bluetooth, 92-93

sharing video via email/Gmail, 93

sharing video via MMS, 91

sharing video via YouTube, 95-96

in-camera effects, 101

video settings, changing, 99-100


filtering, YouTube, 115


deleting, 96

editing, 97

playing, YouTube, 113-114

recording with Camera app, 98-101

views, Calendar app, 222-223

voice, dialing numbers with, 31

voicemails (Google), playing back and managing, 45

volume up/down button, 5

VPNs (virtual private networks), 145

adding, 145

connecting to, 146

deleting, 147

editing, 147


wallpaper, changing, 269-270

Gallery pictures, 272-273

Live Wallpaper, 271

weather, 220-222

web pages, setting options, 189


history, reviewing, 196

Most Viewed, 195

Week view, 223

Wi-Fi, 137, 142

advanced options, 140-141

connecting to, 137-139

network options, 139

unable to connect, 139

WPS (Wi-Fi protected setup), 138


adding to Home screens, 283-284

Home screen, 9

moving to Home screens, 285

removing to Home screens, 286



configuring photo options, 253

installing, 21

moving pictures, 249

windows, managing multiple, 188

words, adding to dictionary, 13

WPS (Wi-Fi protected setup), 138


YouTube, 112

changing settings, 116

main screen, 112

sharing video, 95-96


filtering, 115

playing, 113-114


zooming, 235

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