9. Date, Time, and Calendar


In this chapter, you find out how to set the EVO 3D’s date and time, use the Clock application, and use the Calendar app to help manage events. Topics include the following:

• Synchronizing to the correct time

Using the Clock application

• Setting Alarms

Working with the Calendar application

Your EVO 3D is highly capable of helping you manage a busy lifestyle. You can configure the date and time settings to automatically synchronize to the correct time, use the Clock application to set alarms, and manage appointments with the Calendar application. Managing multiple calendars is easy; the Calendar app synchronizes with your Google or Microsoft Exchange Calendars, so you are always up to date.

Setting the Date and Time

Before you begin using the Clock and Calendar apps on your EVO 3D, you want to make sure that your phone has the correct date and time.

1. Press the Menu button while on a Home screen and then tap Settings.


2. Scroll down and tap Date & Time.


3. Tap to enable or disable automatic synchronization of the date and time through Sprint. It is a good idea to leave this setting enabled because it synchronizes your phone wherever you travel.


4. Tap to set the date manually if you have disabled Automatic synchronization.

5. Tap to set the time zone manually if you have disabled Automatic synchronization.

6. Tap to set the time manually if you have disabled Automatic synchronization.

7. Tap to enable or disable the use of 24-hour time format. When you disable this option, time is no longer represented as a.m. or p.m. For example, 2:00 p.m. becomes 14:00.

8. Touch to change the format in which the date is represented. For example, the common format in the United States is 12/31/2011. You could change the format to 31/12/2011, which is normally accepted as the European date format. There are many other formats you can choose from under this setting.

Navigating the Clock Application

The Clock application has a few more bells and whistles than just displaying the date, time, and weather. You can use the Clock app as a world clock, stopwatch, and countdown timer. This application can help you make sure you are always on time, no matter where you are.

As of this publication, there is no official HTC dock accessory available for the EVO 3D, but there are some third-party docks for you to choose from. Generally, the dock serves two purposes: to charge your phone and to automatically launch the Clock application. Keep in mind that not all docks automatically launch the Clock application when you set the phone in the cradle, so do your research before purchasing a dock.

1. Tap Apps from a Home screen.


2. Tap Clock to launch the application.


3. Tap to use the clock as a stopwatch. Notice that when you tap this icon, a new icon appears to the right of it in the shape of an hourglass.


4. Tap to use the clock as a timer.


5. Tap to use as an alarm clock.

6. Tap to use as a world clock.

7. Tap to return to the main Clock application screen.

8. Tap the weather information to access the Weather application and view forecasts for the next few days.


9. Tap to put the application in screensaver mode. When in screensaver mode, the date and time appear onscreen and change position every few minutes.

10. Tap to dim the desk clock screen. After the screen has dimmed, you can tap anywhere on screen to light up the screen again.

Managing Alarms

You can set multiple alarms within the Clock application and for one time only or to be reoccurring. By default, the alarms you set trigger even if you have your EVO 3D set to silent mode and have exited the Clock application.

1. Tap to manage alarms.


2. Tap to add a new alarm.

3. Tap to enable or disable an alarm. A green check mark appears in the box when an alarm is enabled.

4. Tap to edit a specific alarm. You can also use these three placeholder alarms to set a new alarm.

5. Press the Menu button and then tap Settings to change the overall alarm settings.


6. Tap to enable or disable if the alarms you have set are audible, even if you have your phone set to silent mode.


7. Tap to set the alarm volume.

8. Tap to set the duration of the snooze. Your options are between 5 and 30 minutes.

9. Tap to set how the side buttons on your phone respond when you press them while an alarm sounds. You have three choices: None, Snooze, and Dismiss. The default setting is Snooze.

Adding and Editing an Alarm

The steps for adding and editing an alarm are the same. Both tasks are quick and easy to perform.

1. Tap the Add button or touch a specific alarm on the Alarms screen to make a change. The Set Alarm screen opens. This same screen opens if you had tapped a pre-existing alarm on the Alarms screen.


2. Drag up and down in the Hour, Minute, and AM/PM fields to set the time for the alarm.


3. Enter a description for the alarm.

4. Tap to choose an alarm sound for when the alarm triggers. You can choose from ringtones and music.

5. Tap to set the alarm to repeat. This setting is good when you only need to set the alarm for certain days, such as Monday through Friday and not the weekends.

6. Tap vibrate so that your EVO 3D also vibrates when the alarm triggers. This is a good setting if you happen to be in a loud environment when the alarm sounds.

7. Tap Done to accept the changes.

Viewing and Managing Weather

When you touch the weather symbol on the Clock application’s Main screen, you can view hourly and five-day weather forecasts for the city you are in.

1. Tap the weather symbol.


2. The animation on this screen indicates the forecast for your current location. Tap to access more weather details from AccuWeather.com.


3. Tap to add a new forecast for a different location. When you add a new forecast, you can scroll through the different locations on this page by flicking up and down with your finger on the screen.


4. Tap to manually refresh the forecast.

5. Tap to return to the previous screen.

6. Tap Hourly to view the current forecast hour-by-hour.


7. Tap to view a five-day forecast.

Modifying Weather Settings

Inside the weather settings, you are able to set the forecast for a different location, tweak sync schedules, change the temperature scale, and enable sound effects. All you need to do is press the Menu button on your EVO 3D from a weather screen to access the settings.

1. Press Menu and then tap Refresh to manually update the forecast information.


2. Tap to view the edits you have made in the weather app, such as the addition of new location forecasts. This is the place to go to remove locations you no longer need.

3. Tap to add a new forecast location.

4. Tap to view a demo of the various weather animations that are preloaded on your EVO 3D.

5. Tap Settings to access the weather settings.

6. Tap to enable or disable the updating of forecast information upon opening Weather.


7. Tap to enable or disable if weather updates are synced automatically.

8. Tap to set the schedule for when weather information is synced automatically.

9. Tap to change the temperature scale between Fahrenheit and Celsius.

10. Tap to enable or disable sound effects for the Weather app.

The Calendar Application

Your EVO 3D is equipped so that you are able to manage the important stuff, such as doctor appointments, business meetings, and anniversaries. You can view your calendar by day, week, month, or even as a list. You can see an overview of an entire month or a single day in detail. Any changes made within the Calendar app on your EVO 3D are automatically synchronized wirelessly to your Google Calendar.

There are five views in which you can view the contents of your calendar: Agenda, Day, Week, Month, and Meeting Invitations. When you first open the Calendar app, it launches in Agenda view, which provides a comprehensive view of scheduled events in one list. By default, Agenda view shows a limited range of scheduled events. You can instruct the Calendar app to show even more scheduled events on your phone and then flick the screen upward or downward to view the entire list.

The Day view is composed of a list of current events blocked for each hour. You can use your finger to flick up or down to scroll through the list. All events scheduled with the duration of All Day are located at the top of the list. You can flick the screen from right to left to jump ahead in increments of one day.

The Week view is arranged into seven parts with Sunday through Saturday at the top and the hours 12 a.m. to 11 p.m. on the left side. You can flick the screen from right to left to jump ahead in increments of one week.

Month view provides a broad view of events for a given month. Events scheduled for that month appear in a day box. The day box representing today is highlighted within the calendar. Any event designated as an All Day event is highlighted within the day box of the Month view.

The Meeting Invitations view displays all received meeting invitations for which you have not replied.

Navigating the Calendar App

Agenda view offers a great overall perspective for planning and assessing your calendar events one day at a time. The Agenda view displays events from the current day and into the next calendar year, including national holidays.

1. Tap Apps from a Home screen.


2. Tap Calendar. If this is your first time launching the Calendar app, it opens to the Agenda view. If you have launched Calendar before, it opens to the last view you accessed.


3. Events scheduled in your calendar appear in the list. You can also tap to show more events. Tap an event in the list to view information for that day’s event.


4. Tap to view the calendar one day at a time.

5. Tap to view the calendar one week at a time.

6. Tap to view the calendar a month at a time.

7. Tap to view received meeting invitations to which you have not replied.

8. Tap to create a new event.

9. Tap to perform a search within the Calendar app.

10. If you have multiple calendars, tap to select a calendar in which to add your event.

Adding a New Event or Appointment

Your EVO 3D is perfectly equipped for you to manage and create new events while on the go. The events you enter on your phone are automatically updated to your Google Calendar in real time.

1. Tap to view the calendar in Month view.


2. Tap to add a new event. Another way to create an event in Month view is to touch your finger to the desired day box and then choose New event from the menu that appears.

3. Tap to select which Calendar to add the event to. Choose PC Sync to create calendar events on your EVO 3D that you can sync with your computer’s Outlook Calendar with HTC Sync.


4. Tap to enter the event’s name.

5. Tap to enter the date the event starts.

6. Tap to enter the time the event starts.

7. Tap to enter the date the event ends.

8. Tap to enter the time the event ends.

9. Tap in the All Day check box to mark this event as lasting all day. When you mark an event as all day, the time start and end time fields become unavailable for you to adjust.

10. Scroll down to access more entry fields.

11. Tap to change the time zone.


12. Tap to review the new event in Day view.

13. Tap to enter the location for the event.

14. Tap to find the location you just entered on a map. This is a quick way to generate directions if you do not know how to find the location where the event is being held.

15. Tap to enter a description for the event.

16. Scroll down to access more entry fields.

17. Set the minutes before an event that a reminder for the event should trigger.


18. Tap Repetition to set if this event repeats.

19. Tap Save to add the event to your calendar.

20. Tap Cancel to disregard this event entry form.

Editing or Deleting an Event

The details of your appointment, such as date and time, are always subject to change. Calendar makes it easy for you to update your appointment schedules so your information is always current.

1. Tap the event to open it.


2. Press the Menu button and then tap Edit Event to edit the information for that event.


3. Tap to delete the event.

You can delete an event in Day, Agenda, and Week view by holding your finger on the event and then choosing Delete from the menu that appears.

4. Tap to forward the event via Bluetooth, Mail account, or message.

5. Tap to view events as a comprehensive list of all events on your EVO 3D.

6. Tap to print the event details.

When you delete an event invitation that someone sent you, an event decline notice is automatically sent to the event organizer.

Responding to Event Reminders

After an event reminder has triggered, you can choose to snooze or dismiss the reminder.

1. After you have received a reminder in the notification bar, pull down the notification panel and tap the event reminder.


2. Tap to snooze the event reminders for five minutes.


3. Tap to dismiss all event reminders.

4. Tap to view the event details.

Calendar Settings

You can fine-tune the behaviors of the Calendar application, as well as designate which calendars to synchronize information with in the Calendar settings.

1. Press the Menu button from one of the five main Calendar views and then tap Settings.


2. Tap to use the same event reminder settings for all of your calendars. If you disable this setting, you can set different reminder settings for each calendar. After you disable this setting, new options that enable you to tweak each calendar’s settings appear under this option.


3. Tap to choose how soon before an event you want to receive a reminder.

4. Tap to select the default reminder time before an event.

5. Tap to assign a sound to notifications.

6. Tap to show or hide events that you have declined.

7. Tap to change the default view in which Calendar opens.

8. Tap to choose the starting day of the week for month and week views. Your choice is Sunday or Monday.

9. Tap to include weather information in the day view event list.

10. By default, day view displays your current location’s weather conditions. Tap to change to weather information for another location or city.

Responding to an Event Invitation

When someone sends you an event invitation, there are two ways you can respond. You can choose to respond from within your Gmail account or within the Calendar application on your EVO 3D.

Respond to an Invitation in Gmail

When you receive an invite, it appears within your Gmail inbox with the specifics for that event.

1. Open the invite in your Gmail inbox.


2. Tap Yes, Maybe, or No to specify if you plan to attend the event.

Respond to an Invitation in Calendar

When someone sends you an event invitation, it automatically appears in your calendar. The event appears in your calendar even if you have yet to accept the invitation.

1. Launch the Calendar app and locate the new event. Tap to open the event details.


2. Tap Undecided.


3. Select a response to specify if you plan to attend the event.

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