About the Authors

Lonzell Watson has been fascinated with technology ever since he disassembled his first Commodore 64 computer in grade school and then attempted to put it back together. He went on to work a 100-mile paper route for an entire year, just to buy his first Apple computer, and he has been writing about technology ever since. After paying his way through college by creating his first mobile computer service and repair company named CompuClean, Lonzell went on to work as an IT consultant for clients including the J. Peterman Company, Time Warner Communications, and Verizon Wireless.

Lonzell is the award-winning author of Teach Yourself Visually iPad, for which he won the 2010 International Award of Excellence from the Society for Technical Communication. This work also earned Lonzell the Distinguished Technical Communication award and Best of Show 2010 from the STC. Lonzell was also presented the Award of Excellence for Teach Yourself Visually iPhoto ′09 in 2009. He is the author of other popular titles, including Teach Yourself Visually iPad 2, My Samsung Galaxy Tab, Canon VIXIA HD Digital Field Guide, Final Cut Pro 6 for Digital Video Editor’s Only, and Teach Yourself Visually Digital Video.

Currently, Lonzell teaches Digital Asset Creation to graduate students at Bellevue University and is a freelance technical writer and instructional designer whose courseware has been used to train the CIA, FBI, NASA, and all branches of the U.S. Armed Forces. He is a frequent contributor to StudioMonthly.com and is an author for Lynda.com. Lonzell’s writing has been syndicated, with hundreds of published tutorials and tips that help demystify consumer electronics and software. He holds a master’s degree in Instructional Design and Development and is the owner of Creative Intelligence LLC, an instructional design and technical writing company (creativeintel.com).

Craig James Johnston has been involved with technology since his high school days at Glenwood High in Durban, South Africa, when his school was given some Apple II Europluses. From that moment technology captivated him, and he has owned, supported, evangelized, and written about it.

Craig has been involved in designing and supporting large-scale enterprise networks with integrated email and directory services since 1989. He has held many different IT-related positions in his career ranging from sales support engineer to mobile architect for a 40,000-smartphone infrastructure at a large bank.

In addition to designing and supporting mobile computing environments, Craig writes about it for BYTE Magazine at BYTE.com and CrackBerry.com, a leading BlackBerry blog. Craig also cohosts the CrackBerry.com, BYTE Wireless Radio, and BYTE Apple Radio podcasts. You can see Craig’s previously published work in his books Professional BlackBerry, My BlackBerry Curve, My Palm Pre, My Nexus One, My Motorola Atrix 4G, and My BlackBerry PlayBook.

Craig also enjoys high-horsepower, high-speed vehicles and tries very hard to keep to the speed limits while driving them.

Originally from Durban, South Africa, Craig has lived in the United Kingdom, the San Francisco Bay Area, and New Jersey where he now lives with his wife, Karen, and a couple of cats.

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