This book is the product of a high-performance team.

It would not have been possible without the time, talents, and emotional leverage provided to me by dozens of amazing partners. I am forever grateful for their contributions.

Thank you to my beautiful wife, Amelia. Everything I have and all that I am is because of you. I look forward to a lifetime of adventures together.

Thank you to the entire team at Berrett-Koehler for helping me find the heart of this book and get it to the finish line. Thanks to Jeevan Sivasubramaniam for reaching out and bringing me into the BK family in the first place. And thanks to Sarah Modlin for her passionate voice and true commitment to the quality of this project. Berrett-Koehler has been an amazing partner that never let me settle for anything less than the best this book could possibly be. It is better because of you.

Thank you to Chris Coke and Carlisle for giving me stories to tell in the first place, and for giving me a platform to share those stories with the world. Without you, the impossible never would have happened. I look forward to pushing the boundaries together in the future.

Personal thanks to Jeff and Shelby Fautt for their unwavering belief in what I do, both on the water and in the classroom. To Ian Hogg, who showed me by example that family is the foundation of success. To Garry Spence, who is one of the greatest examples of an authentic leader I have ever met. And to Mike Durbin, for refusing to let a single spliced comma, broken tense, or split infinitive go uncorrected.

Finally, thank you to my teams past, present, and future. Thank you for giving me more than I earn and better than I deserve. Our road is filled with impossible challenges. But I’m loving every minute of it.

Adventure is everywhere. Go live yours.

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