

α-chymotrypsin, 90
α-phase, 125
advanced bioactive ceramic biomaterials
biodegradable ceramic biomaterials, 187–209
bioactive glasses, 206–8
calcium phosphates, 192–206
development for tissue engineering, 188–91
advanced synthetic polymer biomaterials, 71–93
poly(2-oxazoline)s, 75–7
chemical versatility, 76
selection of reported poly(2-oxazoline)s structures that allow post-polymerisation modification, 77
poly(alkyl carbonate)s, 7–8
poly(anhydride)s, 82–3
synthesis of poly(anhydride) using thiolene polymerisation, 82
poly(ester)s and poly(ester) block copolymers, 72–5
strategy for preparation of hetero-bifunctional poly(ε-caprolactone), 75
poly(ether)s, 78–80
carbonate monomers for ring opening polymerisation preparation of functional aliphatic polycarbonates, 79
first-generation amine poly(ethylene glycol) derivatives for amine conjugation, 80
polypeptides, 81–2
fibre mats of synthetic anionic copolypeptide of L-glutamic acid and L-tyrosine produced by electrospinning, 81
poly(urethane)s, 83–92
aromatic chain extenders with varying spacer length, 85
AIGIS antibacterial envelope, 21
alendronate, 200–1
alginate, 45–8
magnetite-containing alginate beads, 47
structures of alginate epimers, 45
alginic acid, 45
alloys, 149–50
alumina, 174–5
aluminosilicates, 115
amino-propyltriethoxysilane, 107
anhydrous calcium phosphate, 197–9
anodic oxidation, 164
Antheraea mylitta, 55
apoptosis, 156–8
Aquacel Ag, 21
austenitic stainless steel, 122


β-phase, 125
bacteriophage capsids
for drug delivery, 56–7
Bifidobacterium breve, 48
bio-inert hard shell packaging, 12
bioactive glasses, 206–8
biological responses to ionic dissolution products, 208
biocompatibility, 127
cytotoxicity of metallic biomaterials, 148–65
effect of load and wear on implant degradation, 150, 153–4
macrophage-mediated inflammatory events, 154–8
metals and alloys, 149–50
osteoclast-mediated bone resorption, 160–2
osteolysis as function of implant-associated mechanotransduction, 162–3
role of bacterial endotoxins in triggering particle-induced inflammatory response, 158–60
surface modification as means of enhancing biocompatibility and corrosion resistance, 163–5
biocompatible hard shell packaging, 12
biodegradable ceramic biomaterials
advanced bioactive ceramic biomaterials, 187–209
bioactive glasses, 206–8
calcium phosphates, 192–206
development for tissue engineering, 188–91
biodegradable metals, 136–40
stability of Mg coating deposited by means of physical vapour deposition, 137
biofunctional polymers immobilisation, 164–5
bioinert ceramic biomaterials
advanced applications, 173–84
fabrication techniques, 179–83
hardness, high compressive strength and wear resistance, 173–9
bioinert refractory polycrystalline compounds
alumina, 174–5
microstructure of internal surface of alumina tubes, 175
hardness, high compressive strength and wear resistance, 173–9
leucite, 178–9
surface crystallisation of leucite in SiO2-Al2O3-K2O-Na2O glass, 179
zirconia, 176–8
tetragonal to monoclinic transformation increases fracture toughness, 177
advanced synthetic and hybrid polymer from inorganic and mixed organic-inorganic sources, 100–16
geopolymers, 114–15
organic-inorganic hybrid polymers, 112–14
poly(phosphazene)s, 109–12
silicon-based inorganic polymers, 102–9
synthetic inorganic polymers, 101–2
advanced synthetic polymer biomaterials from organic sources, 71–93
poly(2-oxazoline)s, 75–7
poly(alkyl carbonate)s, 77
poly(anhydride)s, 82–3
poly(ester)s and poly(ester) block copolymers, 72–5
poly(ether)s, 78–80
polypeptides, 81–2
poly(urethane)s, 83–92
applications, 2–4
current trends in design and fabrication, 22–3
development and realisation, 4–8
implantable device design, 1–23
device-associated infections, 19–22
implantable systems design, 8–19
Bombyx mori, 55
bone cell lysis, 150
bone formation, 190–1
bone morphology, 189–90


calcium phosphate-based injectable bone cements, 192–3
calcium phosphate dehydrate, 196–7
calcium phosphates, 192–206
anhydrous calcium phosphate, 197–9
resorption behaviour of monetite granules vs bovine hydroxyapatite, 198
calcium phosphate dehydrate, 196–7
hydroxyapatite, 204–6
differential morphologies of hydroxyapatite nano- and micro-crystals, 205
octacalcium phosphate, 199–201
SEM image of crystalline octacalcium phosphate-coated titanium disc, 200
schematic of in vivo interactions with calcium phosphate ceramics, 195
tricalcium phosphate, 201–4
phase equilibrium diagram proposed to describe phase relationships, 202
carbides, 124
cardiac electro-physiological mapping activities, 8
casting method, 128
cell growth stimulation, 188
cell viability, 140
cellular-mediated inflammatory response, 150
ceramic scaffolds, 188–9
chemical treatment, 164
chemical vapour deposition, 164
chemotactic sensing, 5
chitin, 34–45
complex carrier structures, 43–5
derivatives and their potential as vehicles for targeted drug delivery, 40–3
layer-by-layer self-assembly of polyelectrolyte capsules incorporated with several functionalities, 44
wound management, 36–7
chitosan, 34–45
amphiphilic chitosan derivatives for drug delivery, 41–2
applications, 36
chitosan-based tissue scaffolds, 37–9
complex carrier structures, 43–5
layer-by-layer self-assembly of polyelectrolyte capsules incorporated with several functionalities, 44
structure–property relationship of chitosan, 35
chitosan-collagen hydrogels, 37
chitosan-EDTA conjugates, 40
chitosan-sulfobutylether-β-cyclodextrin nanoparticles, 40
chlorobenzene, 92
Co-Cr alloys, 123–4
cobalt-based alloys, 123–4
collagen, 48–50
in vitro micro-vessel formation by endothelial cells on collagen-glycosaminoglycan scaffold, 49
computer-aided hard machining, 180, 182–3
corrosion resistance, 127
biocompatibility of metallic biomaterials, 148–65
effect of load and wear on implant degradation, 150, 153–4
macrophage-mediated inflammatory events, 154–8
metals and alloys, 149–50
osteoclast-mediated bone resorption, 160–2
osteolysis as function of implant-associated mechanotransduction, 162–3
role of bacterial endotoxins in triggering particle-induced inflammatory response, 158–60
surface modification as means of enhancing biocompatibility and corrosion resistance, 163–5


debris-induced inflammation, 150
decalin, 92
dental amalgam, 129
diisocyanates, 84
direct precipitation, 201
DNA damage, 156
dry pressing, 181–2


econazole nitrate, 40
electro-chemical anodic oxidation, 164
encapsulation protective coating, 139–40
1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide, 54


fabrication techniques, 179–83
fatigue behaviour, 133
ferritic stainless steel, 122
ferrogels, 51
fibrinogen, 53–5
fluoride, 201
fracture mechanics theory, 174–5
freeze casting, 192


gas foaming, 192
gelatine, 50–2
drug delivery vehicles, 50
tissue scaffolds and hydrogels, 50–2
varying interpore connectivity of 3-D nanofibrous gelatine scaffold, 51
geopolymers, 102, 114–15
glow discharge plasma techniques, 164
glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane, 107
glycosaminoglycans, 46


haptotaxis, 6
heat pressing, 180
heat treatment, 122
hexamethylene diisocyanate scaffolds, 90
host tissue chemical bonding, 188
hot isostatic pressing, 174, 181
hyaluronic acid, 52–3
hybrid polymer biomaterials
from inorganic and mixed organic-inorganic sources, 100–16
geopolymers, 114—15
organic-inorganic hybrid polymers, 112–14
poly(phosphazene)s, 109–12
silicon-based inorganic polymers, 102–9
synthetic inorganic polymers, 101–2
hydrolysis, 201
hydrothermal treatment, 139–40
hydroxyapatite, 204–6


immunocytes, 57–8
implant degradation
effect of load and wear, 150, 153–4
direct and indirect effects of wear particles, 154
implant migration, 162–3
implant tolerance, 150
implantable device
biomaterials design, 1–23
applications, 2–4
current trends in biomaterials design and fabrication, 22–3
development and realisation, 4–8
device-associated infections, 19–22
in-hospital charges associated with cardiac implantable electrophysiological device infection, 20
implantable systems design, 8–19
Ashby diagram to identify ideal materials for electrically-active tissue-device interfaces, 14
complex implantable system, 10
device development and system requirements, 11–12
device encapsulation, 12–13
electrode material, 13–16
implantable electronics and their applications, 9–11
power supply, 16–19
schematic presentation of set-up of glucose biofuel cell, 18
potential causes for implant failure, 6
in vitro fatigue testing, 126–7
in vitro studies, 156
indirect rapid prototyping, 192
infilling, 182
inorganic mineral phase, 189
inorganic polymers, 101
ion implantation, 164


Kumada-type polycondensation reaction, 16


L-lysine diisocyanates, 86
laser-based processing, 196
laser cladding, 196
laser engineering net shaping, 196
laser irradiation, 196
lipopolysaccharides (LPS), 159
lipoteichoic acid (LTA), 159
load-bearing dental applications, 176
lysine triisocyanate scaffolds, 90


macrophage-mediated inflammatory events, 154–8
death of fibroblast cell in peri-implant space, 157
local neurotoxic effects of metal debris in cells, 155
macrophage toxicity, 156–8
magnesium, 136–7
martensitic stainless steel, 122
martensitic transformation, 130
metallic biomaterials
cytotoxicity and biocompatibility, 148–65
effect of load and wear on implant degradation, 150, 153–4
macrophage-mediated inflammatory events, 154–8
metals and alloys, 149–50
osteoclast-mediated bone resorption, 160–2
osteolysis as function of implant-associated mechanotransduction, 162–3
role of bacterial endotoxins in triggering particle-induced inflammatory response, 158–60
surface modification as means of enhancing biocompatibility and corrosion resistance, 163–5
stainless steel, 121–3
SEM images depicting enhanced antibacterial activity and biocompatibility, 123
Ti and Ti-based alloys, 124–8
influence of thermomechanical processing on development of various microstructures, 126
types and advanced applications, 121–40
biodegradable metals, 136–40
Co-Cr alloys, 123–4
noble metal alloys, 128–9
shape memory alloys, 129–36
metallic implants, 149
metallic particles, 153
metals, 149–50
cytotoxicity biocompatibility of alloys, 149–50
systemic toxicity of small sized debris particles after hip replacement, 151–2
micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS), 9
micro-electrode impedance, 13
microfluidic lab-on-chip biomedical systems, 9
microwave-assisted curing, 108
microwave-assisted polymer fabrication, 92
microwave sintering, 192
minimal load-bearing metallic implants, 153–4
mono-N-carboxymethyl chitosan, 40


N-carboxybutyl-chitosan, 37
N-glucosamine, 37
N-sulfo-chitosan, 40
N-trimethylated chitosan, 40
nanoporous oxide layers, 164
natural polymer biomaterials, 32–58
alginate, 45–8
magnetite-containing alginate beads, 47
structures of alginate epimers, 45
chitin and chitosan, 34–45
amphiphilic chitosan derivatives for drug delivery, 41–2
applications, 36
chitin derivatives and their potential as vehicles for targeted drug delivery, 40–3
chitosan-based tissue scaffolds, 37–9
complex carrier structures, 43–5
layer-by-layer self-assembly of polyelectrolyte capsules incorporated with several functionalities, 44
structure–property relationship of chitosan, 35
wound management, 36–7
collagen, 48–50
in vitro micro-vessel formation by endothelial cells on collagen-glycosaminoglycan scaffold, 49
features and applications of chimeric protein-based biomaterials, 33
fibrinogen, 53–5
future trends, 58
gelatine, 50–2
gelatine-based drug delivery vehicles, 50
gelatine tissue scaffolds and hydrogels, 50–2
varying interpore connectivity of 3-D nanofibrous gelatine scaffold, 51
hyaluronic acid, 52–3
immunocytes as ‘Trojan horses’ for molecule delivery, 57–8
silk fibroin, 55–6
tensile properties of silk polymeric fibres, 55
viral particles and bacteriophage capsids for drug delivery, 56–7
Nephila clavipes, 55
nitinol, 131–2
neurosurgical devices, 134
N, N-dimethylacetamide, 92
noble metal alloys, 128–9


octacalcium phosphate, 199–201
organic-inorganic hybrid polymers, 112–14
metal-containing inorganic polymers, 113–14
synthetic organic polymeric materials, 112–13
osteoclast-mediated bone resorption, 160–2
wear debris triggers processes that lead to inflammation and osteolysis, 161
function of implant-associated mechanotransduction, 162–3
signal transduction and mechanotransduction events of adherent cell, 163
oxidative stress, 158


pancreatic lipase, 90
pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs), 159
peri-prosthetic osteolysis, 150
phase mixing, 192
phosphate bioactive glasses, 206–7
photochemistry, 164
physical vapour deposition, 164
physico-chemical properties, 124, 138
Pichia pastoris KM71, 50
plasma assisted chemical vapour deposition, 127
plasma fibronectin, 107
Pluronic F1217, 54
poly(2-oxazoline)s, 75–7
chemical versatility, 76
poly(alkyl carbonate)s, 77
poly(anhydride), 82–3
poly(carbonate urethane), 89, 91
poly(dichlorophosphazene), 111
poly(ε-caprolactone), 72, 74–5
poly(ester) block copolymers, 72–5
poly(ester)s, 72–5
poly(ether urethane), 91
poly(ether)s, 78–80
poly(ethylene glycol), 78
poly(ethylene glycol)-fibrinogen hydrogel scaffolds, 54
poly(ferrocenyl phosphine)s, 113
poly(glycolic acid), 72
poly(hydroxyurethanes), 87
poly(lactic acid), 72
polymeric ferrocenes, 113
poly(metallocene)s, 113
poly(methylphenylsilane)-b-poly(2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate), 105
poly(methylphenylsilane)-b-poly[oligo(ethyleneglycol)methacrylate], 105
polypeptides, 81–2
poly(phosphazene)s, 109–12
derivatives obtained via nucleophilic substitution of side chains in poly(dichlorophosphazene), 110
poly(sialate), 114
poly(sialate-disiloxo), 115
poly(sialate-siloxo), 114
poly(silane)s, 101, 103–6
poly(silazane)s, 101, 108–9
poly(siloxane)s, 101, 106–8
poly(tetrahydrofurans), 87
poly(urethane)s, 83–92
pseudo-elasticity, 129
pulsed laser deposition, 196


quorum sensing, 5


radio frequency induction plasma spraying process, 196
rare earth elements, 138–9
robocasting, 183


salt leaching, 192
scaffold design, 191
scaffold-mediated tissue remodelling, 191
selective laser sintering, 183
sequential soft machining, 180
shape memory alloys, 129–36
key applications for Nitinol according to its shape memory alloy characteristics, 132
stress-strain response of Nitinol with increasing temperature, 131
shape memory effect, 129
shape recovery, 130
shape replication, 192
silicate, 207
silicon-based inorganic polymers, 102–9
main classes of organosilicon polymers, 102
poly(silane)s, 103–6
poly(silazane)s, 108–9
poly(siloxane)s, 106–8
synthesis of polysilane-poly(ethylene oxide) graft copolymer, 105
synthesis route to silicon-based polymers starting from chlorosilanes, 103
silk fibroin, 55–6
silver-based amalgam, 128
Silvercel, 22
Silverlon CA, 21
sintering process, 176, 181–2, 192
slip casting, 180, 182
slow cooling, 180
SMart prosthesis, 135
sodium alginate polymers, 47
sol-gel approach, 207
sol-gel treatment, 164
solution-based processing, 196
spark plasma sintering, 181
stainless steel, 121–3
stents, 133
stereolithography, 183
synthetic inorganic polymers, 101–2
synthetic polymer biomaterials
from inorganic and mixed organic-inorganic sources, 100–16
geopolymers, 114—15
organic-inorganic hybrid polymers, 112–14
poly(phosphazene)s, 109–12
silicon-based inorganic polymers, 102–9
synthetic inorganic polymers, 101–2


thermal spraying, 164, 196
thiolated chitosan, 40
three-dimensional printing, 183, 192
tissue engineering, 188–91
titanium, 124–8
titanium-based alloys, 124–8
titanium particles, 160
toll-like receptor (TLR), 159
tribocorrosion, 127
tricalcium phosphate, 201–4


vacuum-aided sintering, 180
venous filters, 134
viral particles
for drug delivery, 56–7


wear behaviour, 150
wear-induced deterioration, 150, 153


Young’s modulus, 125–6, 174, 193


zirconia, 176–8
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