
Sharding, Amazon, and the Birth of NoSQL

Step 1 - Shard database. Step 2 - shoot yourself.

—Twitter user @Dmitriy, 2009

Bob: So, how do I query the database?

IT guy: It’s not a database. It’s a Key-Value store. . . .

You write a distributed map-reduce function in Erlang.

Bob: Did you just tell me to go **** myself?

IT guy: I believe I did, Bob.”

—Fault Tolerance cartoon, @jrecursive, 2009

The last time we saw a major new brand of relational database was around 1995, with the first release of MySQL. In 1995, the World Wide Web in the United States was barely two years old—the Netscape browser had been released only the year before. In terms of computer systems, it was a different era.

In the 10 years between 1995 and 2005, the Internet was transformed from a dial-up curiosity to arguably the most important communication system in our civilization, a foundation for international commerce, and soon to be a centerpiece of our social lives. Despite that, the database systems used in 2005 had the same names as those used in 1995. Surveying the software landscape in 2005, you would be excused for thinking that there was nothing new under the database sun.

Behind the scenes, however, the ability of the relational database to sustain the needs of web applications had been stretched to the breaking point. Out of this pressure arose a new breed of web-scale transactional database systems—what we now call NoSQL.

Scaling Web 2.0

The World Wide Web was initially conceived and implemented as a global collection of linked static documents. Indeed, the vast majority of the web still consists of read-only static content. Google developed many of the technologies introduced in the last chapter to provide an index and search capability across these documents.

But to retailers and other businesses, the web promised to deliver much more than simply a place to store online catalogs and white papers. The idea of web-based retail outlets promised to revolutionize modern commerce. And although this concept of e-commerce resulted in the biggest boom and bust of our generation, the promise was eventually realized and today you can purchase virtually anything online.

The World Wide Web of static pages is often referred to as Web 1.0, and the World Wide Web of dynamically created content with transactional capability is referred to as Web 2.0. However, version 2.0 was not the result of a controlled architectural redevelopment; rather, it resulted from web developers scrambling to cope with ever-increasing demands for functionality, performance, and scale.

How Web 2.0 was Won

The first web servers provided accessed to hyperlink documents written in HTML. There were no database systems involved, and there was no ability to conduct business or any transactional activity.

Early websites that wanted to provide some form of user interaction—, for instance—used the Common Gateway Interface (CGI). CGI allowed an HTTP request to invoke a script rather than display a HTML page. Early dynamic webpages would then invoke scripts written in the Perl language, which would connect to a database and generate HTML code on the fly based on database contents. In this way, a website could display a catalog based on data held within a database or could personalize a page based on a user’s profile.

CGI-based approaches gave way to more elegant and cohesive frameworks such as Java J2EE and ASP.NET, though huge numbers of websites based on the PHP language still follow the CGI model. However, regardless of the framework employed, the common pattern entailed a web application server displaying information dynamically generated from database content.

It’s easy to scale up the web layer in this architecture. Just as there can be many clients for every database in the client/server architecture, there can be as many web servers as you like communicating with a single back-end database. So a bottleneck in the web server layer can be fixed simply by adding more web servers.

However, fixing bottlenecks at the database layer was not so simple. While there were a few database clustering solutions available at the beginning of the twenty-first century, it was generally difficult to achieve linear scalability with these solutions, and none had ever demonstrated scalability at the level required by the larger e-commerce sites.

During the early stages of Web 2.0, the solution to database performance was simply to buy a more powerful database server. Database servers were getting more capable every year, and storage servers could provide databases with massive IO capacity. So during the initial Internet bubble, companies like EMC and Oracle did very well, because it made sense for these early Web 2.0 companies to buy the most powerful database possible and thereby sustain the absurdly optimistic growth curves they expected.

Two factors led to the abandonment of this scale-up solution. First, the crash brought financial reality back into the equation, and the surviving web companies needed financially prudent solutions. Businesses wanted a solution that could start small and grow as required. Second, as Web 2.0 companies reached global scale, they found that even the most massive centralized database server could not meet their needs. Scaling up had run out of steam.

Furthermore, even if the scale-up solution had delivered the capacity required, it still represented a potential single point of failure, and it could not provide equitable response time across a global market.

The Open-source Solution

Following the crash, open-source software became increasingly valued within Web 2.0 operations. Linux supplanted proprietary UNIX as the operating system of choice, and the Apache web server became dominant. During this period, MySQL overtook Oracle as the Database Management System (DBMS) of choice for website development.

MySQL was then and is still now far less scalable than Oracle; it generally runs on less powerful hardware and is less able to take advantage of multicore processors. However, Web developers came up with a couple of tricks to get MySQL to go further.

First, they used a technology called Memcached to avoid database access as much is possible. Memcached is an open-source utility that provides a distributed object cache. Object-oriented languages could cache an object-oriented representation of database information across many servers. By reading from these servers rather than the database, the load on the database could be reduced.

Second, web developers took advantage of MySQL replication. Replication allows changes to one database to be copied to another database. Read requests could be directed to any one of these replica databases. Write operations still had to go to the master database however, because master-to-master replication was not possible. However, in a typical database application—and particularly in web applications—reads significantly outnumber writes, so the read replication strategy makes sense.

Figure 3-1 illustrates the transition from single web server and database server to multiple web servers, Memcached servers, and read-only database replicas.


Figure 3-1. Scaling up with Memcached servers and replication

Memcached and read replication increase the overall capacity of MySQL-based web applications dramatically. However, both these techniques can only increase the read capability of the system. When the system reaches a bottleneck on database write activity, a more dramatic solution is required.


Sharding allows a logical database to be partitioned across multiple physical servers.

In a sharded application, the largest tables are partitioned across multiple database servers. Each partition is referred to as a shard. This partitioning is based on a Key Value, such as a user ID. When operating on a particular record, the application must determine which shard will contain the data and then send the SQL to the appropriate server. Sharding is a solution used at the largest websites; Facebook and Twitter are the most well-known examples. At both of these websites, data that is specific to an individual user is concentrated in MySQL tables on a specific node.

Figure 3-2 illustrates the Memcached and replication configuration shown earlier in this chapter with sharding added. In this example, there are three shards, and for simplicity’s sake, the shards are labeled by first letter of the primary key. As a result, we might imagine that rows with the key GUY are in shard 2, while key BOB would be allocated to shard 1. In practice, it is more likely that the primary key would be hashed to ensure even distribution of keys to servers.


Figure 3-2. Memcached/replication architecture from Figure 3-1, with sharding added

The exact number of servers being used at Facebook is constantly changing and not always publicly disclosed, but in around 2011 they did reveal that they were using more than 4,000 shards of MySQL and 9,000 Memcached servers in their configuration. This sharded MySQL configuration supported 1.4 billion peak reads per second, 3.5 million row changes per second, and 8.1 million physical IOs per second. As we will see, sharding involves significant operational complexities and compromises, but it is a proven technique for achieving data processing on a massive scale.

Sharding is simple in concept but incredibly complex in practice.  The application must contain logic that understands the location of any particular piece of data and the logic to route requests to the correct shard. Sharding is usually associated with rapid growth, so this routing needs to be dynamic.  Requests that can only be satisfied by accessing more than one shard thus need complex coding as well, whereas on a nonsharded database a single SQL statement might suffice.

Death by a Thousand Shards

Sharding—together with caching and replication—is arguably the only way to scale a relational database to massive web use. However, the operational costs of sharding are huge. Among the drawbacks of a sharding strategy are:

  • Application complexity. It’s up to the application code to route SQL requests to the correct shard. In a statically sharded database, this would be hard enough; however, most massive websites are adding shards as they grow, which means that a dynamic routing layer must be implemented. This layer is often in addition to complex code being required to maintain Memcached object copies and to differentiate between the master database and read-only replicas.
  • Crippled SQL. In a sharded database, it is not possible to issue a SQL statement that operates across shards. This usually means that SQL statements are limited to row-level access. Joins across shards cannot be implemented, nor can aggregate GROUP BY operations. This means, in effect, that only programmers can query the database as a whole.
  • Loss of transactional integrity. ACID transactions against multiple shards are not possible—or at least not practical. It is possible in theory to implement transactions across databases in some database systems—those supporting Two Phase Commit (2PC)—but in practice this creates problems for conflict resolution, can create bottlenecks, has issues for MySQL, and is rarely implemented.
  • Operational complexity. Load balancing across shards becomes extremely problematic. Adding new shards requires a complex rebalancing of data. Changing the database schema also requires a rolling operation across all the shards, resulting in transitory inconsistencies in the schema. In short, a sharded database entails a huge amount of operational effort and administrator skill.

Relational database vendors—Oracle, in particular—tried to create a relational database implementation that could provide the scalability of a sharded database without the ACID and relational compromises or operational headaches. Oracle’s Real Application Clusters (RAC) is the most significant example of a transparently scalable, ACID compliant, relational cluster.

In Oracle RAC databases, each database node works with data located on shared storage devices. This shared disk clustering is in contrast to the shared nothing model employed by other clustered databases, which are more suited to data warehousing workloads. (We’ll compare shared disk and shared nothing architectures in more detail in Chapter 8.)

New database nodes in RAC can be added without any data rebalancing, and a sort of distributed memory cache is implemented across these database nodes. Oracle RAC showed a lot of promise, and indeed is widely implemented. However, it failed as an alternative to the MySQL sharded model, for three reasons: First, it was too expensive. Second, it failed to demonstrate the level of scalability required at the biggest websites. Third, it became apparent that no ACID compliant database could ever satisfy the needs of the world’s biggest websites. This last restriction was a sort of “laws of physics” constraint articulated in what has come to be known as CAP theorem.

CAP Theorem

In 2000, Eric Brewer outlined the “CAP” conjecture, which was later granted theorem status when a mathematical proof was provided. The CAP theorem says that in a distributed database system, you can have at most only two of Consistency, Availability, and Partition tolerance.  Consistency means that every user of the database has an identical view of the data at any given instant. Availability means that in the event of a failure, the database remains operational. Partition tolerance means that the database can maintain operations in the event of the network’s failing between two segments of the distributed system.

In 2000, the issue of partition tolerance was somewhat theoretical. Most systems resided in a single data center, and redundant network connectivity within that data center prevented any partition from ever occurring. If the data center failed, perhaps a failover data center would be bought online. However, there were almost no true multiple data center applications.

But as web systems became global in scope and aspired to continual availability, partition tolerance became a real issue. Consider the distributed application shown in Figure 3-3. In the event of the network partition shown, the system has two choices: either show each user a different view of the data, or shut down one of the partitions and disconnect one of the users.


Figure 3-3. Network partition in a distributed database application

Oracle’s RAC solution, which of course supported the ACID transactional model, would choose consistency. In the event of a network partition—known in Oracle circles as the “split brain” scenario—one of the partitions would choose to shut down. However, in the context of a global social network application, or a worldwide e-commerce system, the desired solution is to maintain availability even if some consistency between users is sacrificed.

Eventual Consistency

CAP theorem provides a stark choice: if you want your system to be undisturbed by network partitions, you must sacrifice strict consistency between partitions.

However, even without considerations of CAP theorem, ACID transactions were increasingly untenable in large-scale distributed websites. This relates more to performance than to availability. In any highly available database system, multiple copies of each data element must be maintained in order to allow the system to continue operating in the event of node failure. In a globally distributed system, it becomes increasingly desirable to distribute nodes around the world to reduce latency in various locations. To ensure strict consistency, though, it becomes necessary to ensure that a database change is propagated to multiple nodes synchronously and immediately. When one of those nodes is on the other side of the planet, this creates an unavoidable increase in latency.

For banks, this sort of latency penalty is unavoidable. However, for many websites, including social networks and certain e-commerce operations, this worldwide synchronous consistency is unnecessary. It doesn’t matter if my friend in Australia can see my tweet a few seconds before my friend in America. As long as both friends can see the tweet eventually, I’m happy.

This concept of eventual consistency has become a key characteristic of many NoSQL databases. The concept was most notably outlined by Werner Vogels, CTO of Amazon, and was implemented in Amazon’s Dynamo key-value store.

Amazon’s Dynamo

Amazon had pioneered many of the web technologies used in early Web 2.0, particularly the use of the Perl language to glue together databases and web front ends. Early Amazon used Oracle databases as the primary repository for catalogs, customer details, and orders. The load placed on the Oracle database was tremendous, and several notable Amazon outages were associated with database failures.

Amazon tried splitting the website into multiple functional areas, each of which could have its own dedicated database. They were also very early adopters of service-oriented architecture (SOA), in which logical services such as get-product-details would be resolved not by SQL queries but by web service calls.  This abstracted the database from the application layer and allowed Amazon to experiment with alternative database technologies.

In 2007, Amazon revealed details of an alternative nonrelational system that had been developed internally to address the requirements of their massive online website.1 This system—called Dynamo—was built with the following requirements in mind:

  • Continuous availability: Even the shortest application outage was incredibly costly for Amazon. The data store simply had to remain available under all foreseeable circumstances.
  • Network partition tolerant: As a global e-commerce vendor with customers and data centers all around the world, Amazon was most concerned that a network partition should not force a loss of availability, even if that loss of availability was isolated to a particular geography.
  • No-loss conflict resolution: Another of Amazon’s key requirements was that no order or shopping cart update should ever be lost. So for instance, if the user added items to his or her shopping cart from two different computers, both items should show up in the final cart. Furthermore, there should be no circumstances under which someone was blocked from adding an item to his or her cart, which implied that there be no exclusive write locks on objects.
  • Efficiency: The system needed to respond quickly, since it was well understood that even small delays in website response time resulted in a significant reduction in online sales. Online customers were notoriously fickle and impatient.
  • Economy: This system needed to be able to run on commodity hardware.
  • Incremental scalability: It should be possible to grow the system by adding servers in small increments without manual maintenance or downtime.

Amazon was willing to compromise on a lot of features of existing databases in order to achieve these goals.

Principally, the data store should relax consistency—within limits—if necessary in order to ensure availability.  The phrase “within limits” is important here: the system should favor availability over consistency, but in a predictable, controllable, and manageable way. Also, the trade-off between consistency and availability should be configurable—the application should be able to choose what happens if there is a network partition, for instance.

Additionally, the data store need only support primary key-based access and need not support a data model: the values retrieved by a key lookup would be unstructured binary objects. Unlike Google’s BigTable, which had the design goal of storing massive files, the assumption for Dynamo was that most objects would be small—under 1 MB.

Dynamo—and many of the systems that it inspired—explicitly attempted to achieve a different outcome in terms of CAP theorem. Rather than try to always achieve consistency at the expense of network partition tolerance, Dynamo would allow (though not require) consistency to be sacrificed instead. See Figure 3-4.


Figure 3-4. Dynamo and ACID RDBMS mapped to CAP theorem limits

Dynamo has served as an architectural model for quite a few nonrelational databases. (We’ll look into the gory details of Dynamo internals in Chapters 8 and 9.) Some of the key architectural characteristics of Dynamo include:

  • Consistent hashing: Consistent hashing is a scheme that uses the hash value of the primary key to determine the nodes in the cluster responsible for that key and that allows nodes to be added or removed from the cluster with minimal rebalancing overhead. See below for more details.
  • Tunable consistency: The application can specify trade-offs between consistency, read performance, and write performance. It’s possible in Dynamo to specify strong consistency, eventual consistency, or weak consistency. See below for more details.
  • Data versioning: Since write operations will never be blocked, it is possible that there will be multiple versions of an object in the system. Sometimes these can be merged by the data store itself, but sometimes they will need to be resolved by the application or user. For instance, if the buyer updates his or her shopping cart from two computers, the resulting cart may have duplicate items that he or she may need to remove.

There are lots of complex design features in the Dynamo system; many of these will be discussed in Chapters 8 and 9. However, it would be remiss to continue without at least a little bit of elaboration on two of the key features: consistent hashing and tunable consistency.

Consistent Hashing

When we hash a key value, we perform a mathematical computation on the key value and use that computed value to determine where to store the data. One reason to use hashing is so that we are able to evenly distribute the data across a certain number of slots. The most simple example is to use the modulo function, which returns the remainder of a division. If we want to hash any number into 10 buckets, we can use modulo 10; then key 27 would map to bucket 7, key 32 would map to bucket 2, key 25 to bucket 5, and so on.

Using this method, we could map keys evenly across 10 servers. When we want to determine which node should store a particular item, we would calculate its modulo and use the result to locate the node. In practice, hashing functions are more complex than a simple modulo function, and a good hash function always distributes the hash values evenly across nodes, regardless of any skew in key values.

Hashing works great as a way of distributing data evenly across a fixed number of nodes. But we have a problem if we add or remove a node—we have to recalculate the hash values and redistribute all the data. For instance, if we wanted to add a new server in the modulo 10 example above, we would recalculate hashes using modulo 11 and then we would have to move almost every data item accordingly. Consistent hashing works by hashing key values and applying a consistent method for allocating those hashed values to specific nodes.

By convention and possibly federal law, consistent hashing schemes are represented as rings— because the hash values “loop around” to 0. Figure 3-5 shows what happens when a node is added to an existing cluster. Only those keys currently mapped to the “neighbors” of the new node need remapping.


Figure 3-5. Adding a new node to the consistent hashing scheme

The remapping process when a new node is added is still an expensive operation, and in practice Dynamo-based databases often employ a “virtual nodes” workaround to further reduce the overhead. This mechanism is explained in detail in Chapter 8.

Tunable Consistency

Dynamo allows the application to choose the level of consistency applied to specific operations. NWR notation describes how Dynamo will trade off consistency, read performance, and write performance:

  • N is the number of copies of each data item that the database will maintain.
  • W is the number of copies of the data item that must be written before the write can complete.
  • R is the number of copies that the application will access when reading the data item.

When W = N, Dynamo will always write every copy before returning control to the application—this is what ACID databases do when implementing synchronous replication.  If the application is more concerned about write performance than read performance, then it could set W = 1, R = N. Then each read must access all copies to determine which is correct, but each write only has to touch a single copy of the data before returning control (other writes propagate to all copies as a background task).

Probably the most common configuration is N > W > 1. More than one write must complete, but not all nodes need to be updated immediately. Another common setting is W + R > N; this ensures that the latest value will always be included in a read operation, even if it is mixed in with “older” values. This is sometimes referred to as quorum assembly.

Figure 3-6 shows examples of various NWR settings. Depending on the settings, Dynamo can trade off consistency, reliability, and performance.


Figure 3-6. Tunable consistency in Dynamo

Dynamo and the Key-value Store Family

Systems that implement one of the primary characteristics of Dynamo—the idea of a binary value retrieved by primary key only—became generically known as key–value stores.  Just as Google’s GFS and MapReduce papers became the blueprint for Hadoop, Amazon’s Dynamo paper became the blueprint for many key-value stores.

Web developers who were struggling with the operational complexity entailed by sharding and other heroic database techniques had already started experimenting with various nonrelational designs. However, with the release of Amazon’s Dynamo paper, these developers had a proven architectural model to build on. The result was a relatively sudden burst of Dynamo-inspired systems in 2008–2009. These systems were the first recognizable NoSQL databases.

It’s true that not all key–value stores were based explicitly on the Dynamo model. However, the list of Dynamo-inspired systems is impressive, and it includes active databases such as Riak, LinkedIn’s Voldemort, Cassandra, and of course, Amazon’s own DynamoDB. Some of these systems, such as Riak and Voldemort, are more or less exact copies of the Dynamo architecture, while others use Dynamo in conjunction with other concepts. For instance, Apache’s Cassandra implements Dynamo’s consistent hashing and tunable consistency models, combined with a variation on the BigTable data model.

Although Dynamo represents the most popular and well-articulated key-value store architecture, there are certainly key-value stores that owe little or nothing to the Dynamo design. These include systems such as Redis and Oracle NoSQL.


We’ve seen that the challenge of maintaining highly available global websites proved inconsistent with the ACID transaction model. Brewer’s CAP theorem—as well as practical experience—argue that a system cannot aspire to both strong consistency and global availability in the event of an imperfect network like the Internet. For most massive websites, continual availability may be more important than perfect consistency.

Attempts to deploy relational databases on the scale required by the largest web properties involved the use of caching (Memcached, in particular), read-only replication, and sharding. This architectural pattern effectively broke both the relational and the ACID properties of the database: once a database has been sharded, ACID consistency and ad hoc SQL query access are lost. Nevertheless, the sharding solution has proved to be effective at sites such as Twitter and Facebook.

Amazon—the pioneer of Internet retailers—abandoned the RDBMS as the core database in favor of an internally developed, nonrelational key-value store called Dynamo. Dynamo implements eventual consistency rather than strict consistency; updates to data are eventually guaranteed to be propagated throughout the system, but may not be seen by every user instantaneously.

Dynamo has been a strong influence on the design of many other key-value stores, such as Riak and Cassandra, and is the basis for Amazon’s cloud-based database DynamoDB. Systems such as Dynamo enforce no structure on their payload. This makes them impenetrable to all but programmers. As we will see in the next chapter, another class of databases—the document databases—extend the key-value concept by requiring that values be structured in a self-describing format such as XML or JSON.


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