

  1. absolute percentage error (APE)
  2. accountability, for unconstrained demand forecast
  3. accurate demand forecasts
  4. actionable information, versus data
  5. adoption
  6. aggregation, of data
  7. Amazon
  8. analytical outputs
  9. analytics
    1. about
    2. anticipatory
    3. applying to downstream data
    4. case study
    5. consumption-based modeling
    6. current state
    7. demand planning
    8. future state
    9. gaps and interdependencies
    10. predictability
    11. segmentation of products
    12. statistical models
    13. strategic roadmap
  10. analytics methods
  11. analytics technology
  12. anticipatory analytics
  13. APE (absolute percentage error)
  14. ARIMA (autoregressive integrated moving average)
  15. ARIMAX (autoregressive integrated moving average with causal variables)
  16. automated consumer engagement
  17. automation
  18. autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA)
  19. autoregressive integrated moving average with causal variables (ARIMAX)
  20. average forecast accuracy


  1. barriers, to adopting downstream data
  2. baseline history
  3. benefits
  4. big data
    1. See also data
    2. See also downstream data
    3. about
    4. actionable information versus data
    5. case study
    6. cleansing demand history
    7. consumer/customer orientation
    8. demand management data challenges
    9. demand signal analytics (DSA)
    10. demand-signal repositories (DSRs)
    11. downstream data
    12. eliminating information silos
    13. growth of
    14. how much to use
    15. sales & operations planning (S&OP)
    16. structured process supported by technology
    17. technology
    18. as a trend impacting supply chain
  5. bullwhip effect
  6. business priorities, core
  7. The Business Forecasting Deal: Exposing Myths, Eliminating Bad Practices, Providing Practical Solutions (Gilliland)


  1. case studies
    1. analytics
    2. big data
  2. Cecere, Lora
  3. centers of forecasting excellence
  4. CEP (complex event processing)
  5. challenges, current
  6. champion
  7. change management
  8. Chase, Charles
  9. cleansing demand history
  10. coefficient of variation (CV)
  11. collaboration
    1. cross-functional
    2. with external value chain partners
  12. collaborative (consensus) planning
  13. commercial teams, role of
  14. complex event processing (CEP)
  15. consensus (collaborative) planning
  16. consumer centricity
  17. consumer engagement, automated
  18. consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies
  19. consumer panels
  20. consumer/customer orientation
  21. consumption-based modeling
    1. about
    2. case study
    3. using MTCA
    4. using multi-tiered causal analysis
  22. continued demand volatility, as a trend impacting supply chain
  23. continuous business process improvements
  24. corporate culture
  25. CPG (consumer packaged goods) companies
  26. cross-functional collaboration
  27. Crum, Colleen
    1. Demand Management Best Practices
  28. current state
    1. about
    2. analytics
    3. versus future state
    4. goals and objectives
    5. people
    6. process
    7. technology
  29. customer loyalty
  30. CV (coefficient of variation)


  1. data
    1. versus actionable information
    2. aggregation of
    3. quality and availability of
    4. requirements for
    5. structured
    6. time series
    7. transactional
  2. data availability, storage and processing
  3. data cleansing
  4. data scientists
  5. DDVNs (demand-driven value networks)
  6. delivered in-full, on-time (DIFOT)
  7. demand
    1. changing
    2. fitting supply to
    3. fitting to supply
    4. linking with supply
  8. demand analysts
  9. demand data
    1. used for forecasting and planning
    2. what companies should use
  10. demand forecasts
    1. See also forecasting
    2. accuracy of
    3. developing
    4. improving performance
    5. process flow
    6. unconstrained
  11. demand history, cleansing
  12. demand management
    1. about
    2. champion
    3. data challenges of
    4. importance of
    5. primary obstacles to achieving
    6. value of
  13. Demand Management Best Practices (Crum and Palmatier)
  14. Demand Management Best Practices: Process, Principles and Collaboration (Wight)
  15. demand model, building
  16. demand pattern recognition, use of downstream data for
  17. demand planning
    1. about
    2. analytics
    3. background
    4. demand data used for
    5. demand information used by
    6. forecast methodology
    7. formalizing process of
    8. improving
    9. migration path for
    10. model hierarchy
    11. model selection and interpretation
    12. model selection criteria
    13. scenario analysis
    14. structure of
    15. support for
    16. supporting information
  18. demand sensing
  19. demand shaping
  20. demand shifting (steering)
  21. demand signal analytics (DSA)
    1. about
    2. benefits of
    3. combined with DSR and DSV
  22. demand signal repository (DSR)
    1. about
    2. benefits of demand signal analytics
    3. combined with DSV and DSA
    4. importance of
    5. user benefits of
    6. what they are
  23. demand signal visualization (DSV)
  24. demand stability
  25. demand-driven
    1. becoming more
    2. process of forecasting and planning
  26. demand-driven supply chain, transitioning to a
  27. demand-driven value networks (DDVNs)
  28. demand planning brief
  29. DIFOT (delivered in-full, on-time)
  30. direct store delivery (DSD)
  31. domain knowledge
  32. downstream data
    1. See also big data
    2. See also data
    3. about
    4. applying analytics to
    5. importance of
    6. improving forecast accuracy using
    7. use of
    8. use of for demand pattern recognition
  33. DSA
    1. See demand signal analytics (DSA)
  34. DSD (direct store delivery)
  35. DSiM (SAP Hanna Demand Signal Management)
  36. DSR
    1. See demand signal repository (DSR)
  37. DSV (demand signal visualization)
  38. dynamic regression (predictive analytics)


  1. EDI [electronic data interchange] (wholesaler data)
  2. EDIS (event-driven information systems)
  3. end-to-end partner communication and collaborative execution, as a trend impacting supply chain
  4. environment, competitiveness of
  5. ERP applications
  6. ESM (exponential smoothing methods)
  7. event stream processing (ESP)
  8. event-driven information systems (EDIS)
  9. evolutionary new products
  10. exception, forecast by
  11. executive alignment, to support change management
  12. executive-level sponsorship
  13. exponential smoothing methods (ESM)
  14. external factors
  15. external value chain partners, collaboration with


  1. fast-moving products
  2. feedback, via social media
  3. finance function
  4. financial plan
  5. flexibility
  6. forecast accuracy
    1. about
    2. average
    3. improving
    4. measuring
  7. forecast error
  8. forecast value added (FVA)
  9. forecast value added line
  10. forecastability
  11. forecasting
    1. See also demand forecasts
    2. demand data used for
    3. demand information used by
    4. by exception
    5. lean
    6. methodologies
    7. models for
    8. one-number
    9. process of
    10. size or volume of
    11. statistical
    12. strategic
    13. tactical
    14. tools for
  12. future state
    1. about
    2. analytics
    3. versus current state
    4. goals and objectives
    5. people
    6. process
    7. technology
  13. FVA (forecast value added)


  1. gaps and interdependencies
    1. about
    2. analytics
    3. goals and objectives
    4. people
    5. process
    6. technology
  2. Gilliland, Mike
    1. The Business Forecasting Deal: Exposing Myths, Eliminating Bad Practices, Providing Practical Solutions
  3. goals and objectives
    1. current state
    2. future state
    3. gaps and interdependencies
    4. strategic roadmap
  4. governance model
  5. growth, delivering
  6. gut feeling judgment


  1. Hadoop
  2. Ho
  3. hold-n-roll
  4. holistic modeling
  5. holistic supply chain
  6. Holt-Winters Additive Exponential Smoothing
  7. Holt-Winters Multiplicative Exponential Smoothing
  8. Holt-Winters Three Parameter Exponential Smoothing
  9. horizontal processes
    1. about
    2. versus vertical rewards


  1. IMS (Intercontinental Marketing Services)
  2. influences, changing
  3. information processing, speed of
  4. information silos, eliminating
  5. in-memory processing
  6. in-sample/out-of-sample measurement
  7. inside out focus
  8. integrated enterprise technology solutions
  9. intent
  10. Intercontinental Marketing Services (IMS)
  11. interdependencies
    1. See gaps and interdependencies
  12. internal champion
  13. internal factors
  14. International Telecommunication Union (ITUs) Global Standards Initiative
  15. Internet of Things (IoT)
  16. inventory movement
  17. inventory optimization (IO)
  18. IoT (Internet of Things)
  19. ITUs (International Telecommunication Union) Global Standards Initiative


  1. key performance indicators (KPIs)


  1. large-scale automatic hierarchical forecasting
  2. latency/minimal latency, reducing
  3. leadership
  4. lean forecasting
  5. lifecycle management
  6. loyalty programs


  1. MAPE (mean absolute percentage error)
  2. market volatility and fragmentation
  3. marketing, reasons for
  4. Mass Mechanizing and Club channels
  5. mdigital-driven
  6. mean absolute percentage error (MAPE)
  7. Microsoft Excel
  8. migration path
  9. model hierarchy
  10. models
    1. building
    2. comparing
    3. consumption-based modeling
    4. forecasting
    5. governance
    6. hierarchy of
    7. holistic
    8. refitting
    9. selecting and interpreting
    10. selection criteria
    11. testing
  11. moving averaging
  12. MTCA (multi-tiered causal analysis)
  13. multiple regression
  14. multi-tiered causal analysis (MTCA)


  1. Nestle Chocolate Company
  2. network design
  3. new products
  4. new world order
  5. next generation demand management, moving to


  1. objectives
    1. See goals and objectives
  2. Omni-channel
  3. one-number forecasting
  4. online shopping
  5. OOS (out-of-stock)
  6. operations planning
  7. opportunities, current
  8. outlier
  9. out-of-stock (OOS)
  10. outside-in thinking
  11. Ovide, Shira


  1. Palmatier, George
    1. Demand Management Best Practices
  2. paradigm shift
  3. PE (percentage error)
  4. people
    1. about
    2. current state
    3. future state
    4. gaps and interdependencies
    5. strategic roadmap
  5. percentage error (PE)
  6. performance metrics
    1. about
    2. forecast value added (FVA)
    3. forecastability
    4. Ho
    5. in-sample/out-of-sample measurement
    6. mean absolute percentage error (MAPE)
    7. using
  7. persistent cost pressures, as a trend impacting supply chain
  8. phased approach
  9. POC (proof-of-concept)
  10. point-of-sale (POS) data
  11. polarized supply chain
  12. POS (point-of-sale) data
  13. post reconciliation of performance
  14. POVs (proof-of-values)
  15. predictability
  16. predictive analytics (dynamic regression)
  17. pretechnology roadmap
  18. prioritizing markets
  19. process
    1. about
    2. centers of forecasting excellence
    3. current state
    4. demand management champion
    5. demand sensing and shaping
    6. demand-driven forecasting and planning
    7. forecasting models
    8. future state
    9. gaps and interdependencies
    10. key components of
    11. large-scale automatic hierarchical forecasting
    12. paradigm shift
    13. skill requirements
    14. strategic roadmap
    15. time series data
    16. transactional data
  20. process performance (efficiency)
  21. product chaining
  22. product innovation
  23. product portfolio, quadrants of
  24. products
    1. evolutionary new
    2. fast-moving
    3. hierarchy of
    4. new
    5. revolutionary new
    6. segmenting
    7. short-life-cycle
    8. slow-moving
    9. steady-state
  25. profit, increasing
  26. promotional data
  27. promotional volume
  28. proof-of-concept (POC)
  29. proof-of-values (POVs)


  1. randomness
  2. request for information (RFI)
  3. revolutionary new products
  4. RFI (request for information)
  5. risk, minimizing


  1. sales & operations planning (S&OP)
    1. about
    2. big data and
    3. failure of
    4. formula for
    5. objective of
    6. principles of
    7. process goals, purpose and needs
    8. results of
    9. in supply chain
  2. same-day delivery
  3. SAP Hanna Demand Signal Management (DSiM)
  4. scalability
  5. scalable technology
  6. scenario analysis
  7. SCM (supply chain management)
  8. segmenting
    1. markets
    2. products
  9. sensing demand signals
  10. shaping future demand
  11. short-life-cycle products
  12. silos
  13. skill requirements
  14. SKUs (stock-keeping units)
  15. slow-moving products
  16. social media
  17. S&OP
    1. See sales & operations planning (S&OP)
  18. spreadsheet applications
  19. standardization
  20. statistical forecasting
  21. statistical methods
  22. statistical models
  23. statistical skills (people), lack of
  24. steady-state products
  25. stock-keeping units (SKUs)
  26. strategic forecasts
  27. strategic roadmap
    1. about
    2. analytics
    3. current state
    4. current state versus future state
    5. future state
    6. gaps and interdependencies
    7. goals and objectives
    8. people
    9. process
    10. technology
  28. structured data
  29. structured judgment
  30. supply
    1. fitting demand to
    2. fitting to demand
    3. linking with demand
  31. supply chain
    1. digitalization of
    2. equation for
    3. focal points for
    4. holistic
    5. journey of
    6. management elements of
    7. polarized
    8. sales & operations planning (S&OP) in
    9. starting the journey
    10. traditional view of
    11. trends impacting
  32. Supply Chain Insights LLC (website)
  33. supply chain management (SCM)
  34. supply plan/supply supportability analysis
  35. supporting information
  36. sustainable
  37. synchronization, improvement of with sales & operations planning (S&OP)
  38. syndicated scanner data


  1. tactical forecasts
  2. technology
    1. about
    2. analytics
    3. big data and
    4. current state
    5. future state
    6. gaps and interdependencies
    7. scalable
    8. strategic roadmap
    9. structured process supported by
  3. templates, for data gathering
  4. 3D printing
  5. time series analysis
  6. time series data
  7. top-down approach
  8. traditional supply chain equation,
  9. transactional data
  10. transactions, focus on
  11. trends, that impact supply chain


  1. unconstrained demand forecast, accountability for


  1. VA (visualization analytics)
  2. value, to the company
  3. vertical rewards, versus horizontal processes
  4. visualization analytics (VA)
  5. volume, increasing


  1. weighted absolute percentage error (WAPE)
  2. weighted MAPE (WMAPE)
  3. what-if scenario
  4. wholesaler data (electronic data interchange [EDI])
  5. Wight, Oliver
    1. Demand Management Best Practices: Process, Principles and Collaboration
  6. WMAPE (weighted MAPE)
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