How to do it...

In Odoo, all image utilities are placed in the odoo/tools/ file. You need to add an import statement to use these image utilities:

from odoo import tools

The image_resize_images() method of the image utility helps you manage three different image sizes. To do this, you need to add three binary fields to store the different-sized images:

image = fields.Binary(attachment=True) # 1024x1024px
image_medium = fields.Binary(attachment=True) # 128x128px
image_small = fields.Binary(attachment=True) #64x64px

When a user uploads an image from the form view, it is uploaded to full-size. We need to override the create and write methods to convert the image into three different sizes:

def create(self, vals):
return super().create(vals)

def write(self, vals):
return super().write(vals)

This will resize uploaded images and save them in the image, image_medium, and image_small fields.

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