


Access Control

access control administration, 65

access control business logic, 75

access control concepts, 4

access control entry (ace), 11

access control gaps, 115

access control head end, 494

access control integration, 52

access control list (acl), 10

access control lists, 4

access control mechanism, 6

access control mechanisms, 10

access control node, 47

access control restrictions, 1

access control system, 490

access control systems, 1

access control violation monitoring, 513

Access decisions, 4

Access security, 54

Account permissions, 85

Account Timeouts, 57

Accounting, 60

Accounting (AAA), 40

Active Directory (AD), 53

Active monitoring, 45

Actual result, 120

Administrative Change Control, 143

Administrator, 31

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), 160, 260

AES, 179

Agents, 62

AH, 246

Alerting, 63, 174

Alternate Facility, 468

Alternate Site, 468

Alternate Site Selection, 432

Annual Loss Expectancy (ALE), 352

Anonymous users, 72

Anti-Malware, 182

Anti-Spam, 183

Anti-Terrorism, 481

Applicability Statement 2 (AS2), 254

Applications, 9

Applications of Cryptography, 240

Appropriate permissions, 35

APT, 274

Architectural Solutions, 404

Architecture Effectiveness, 114

Architectures, 37

Arms Embargo, 485

Assessors, 120

Asset, 352, 362

asset protection, 495

asset vulnerabilities, 498

Assigning groups, 85

Assurance Paradigm, 380

Assurance through Evaluation, 381

Asymmetric Attacks, 319

Asymmetric cryptography, 285

Asymmetric cryptosystems, 264

Asynchronous stream ciphers, 263


attack by deception, 359

attack by e-mail, 358

attack models, 318

attack surface, 45

attack vectors, 355

attacks against keys, 321


audit for misuse, 86

audit log, 6

audit log access, 42

audit log review, 57

audit readiness, 336

audit records, 61

auditing, 35

Australia Group (AG), 486


authenticated users, 72

authentication, 20, 40, 100, 241

authentication factors, 120

authentication header (ah), 205

authentication information, 54

authentication tool, 111

Author, 418

Authorization, 40

Authorized, 65

Automated deployment, 99

Automation, 4

Availability, 6, 7, 152

Awareness training, 406


Back-end database access, 75

Back-end systems, 253

Backdoors, 123

Backup Strategies, 451

Badge Equipment, 492

Bandwidth, 47

bandwidth utilization, 175

Bare metal backup, 452

Basic Service Set (BSS), 176

BCM policy, 446

BCMS, 446

BCP, 462

BCP/DRP architecture, 455

Bind, 53

Biometrics, 56

biometric authentication tools, 107

Black box, 271

Block Cipher Modes, 259

Boundary router, 157

Bridge CA, 308, 317

Brute Force Attacks, 322

BS 25999-1, 447

BS 25999-2, 446

Buisness Continuity Planning (BCP), 427

Business, 364

Business Building, 495

Business Continuity, 427

Business Impact Analysis, 432

Business Impact Analysis (BIA), 444, 465

Business rule enforcement, 75

Business to Business (B2B), 253

Business to Consumer (B2C), 253


Cacls tool, 15

Capability Maturity Model (CMM), 384

Capacity, 43


Card Types, 492

Causes of Vulnerabilities, 380

CCMP, 179

CCTV, 514

Cellular Message Encryption Algorithm (CMEA), 260

Central switch, 73

Centralized access, 76

Centralized Access Control, 40

Certificates, 193

certificate authorities, 193

certificate chains, 308, 309

certificate issuance, 306

certificate management, 98

certificate practice framework (CPF), 298

certificate revocation, 310

certificate revocation list (CRL), 294

Certification, 416

certification/validation body (CB), 369

certification authorities, 9

Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP), 200, 251

Change of Privilege Levels, 79

Channel DLP, 186

Checked, 377

Chosen-ciphertext attack, 319

Chosen-plaintext attack, 319

Churn, 226

Cipher-Based Message Authentication Code (CMAC) Mode, 259

Cipher Block Chaining (CBC), 259

Cipher Block Chaining MAC algorithm (CBC-MAC), 260

Cipher Feedback (CFB), 259

Ciphertext-only attack, 318

Circuit-Switched, 136

Circumvent controls, 115

Classifications, 22

Clock synchronization, 61

Cloud, 457


Code of, 228

Codes (ROSC), 228

Cold Site, 456

Collaboration, 69

Collision resistance, 268

Commerce Control List, 482

Commercial-Off-the-Shelf (COTS), 10

Common Criteria (CC), 366

Common Criteria (CC) Part 1, 368

Common Criteria (CC) Part 2, 371

Common Criteria (CC) Part 3, 373

Common Criteria Assurance, 381

The Common Criteria Evaluation Assurance Scale, 381

Common Implementations, 43

Communication protection, 76

Communications, 131

Complexities in administration, 26

Compliance, 63, 336, 495

Components, 24

Compression, 267

Computational Overhead, 274

Confidential data, 225

Confidentiality, 4, 6, 7, 241

Configuration Files, 17

Construction, 511

Consumer to Consumer (C2C), 253

Content-aware DLP, 185

Content Addressable Storage (CAS), 252

Content Filtering, 182

Context, 363

Contingency mode, 469

Continuous, 389

Continuous operation strategy, 471

Continuous synchronization, 47

Control changes, 81

Cooperative effort, 52

Corporate Governance, 436

Corrective action, 120

Correlation, 63, 174

Cost–Benefit Analysis (CBA), 459

Cost Control, 495

Cost sensitivity, 122

Counter (CTR) Mode, 259

Countermeasure strategies, 116

Countries of Concern, 485

Crackers, 360

Credentials, 43

Critical function, 467

Critical Staff, 432

Critical System Ranking form, 466

Critique, 417

Cross-Certificates’ Revocation, 317

Cross-Certification, 314

Cross-Certified Mesh, 308

Cross-Domain Risks, 215

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF), 215

Cross-site scripting attacks, 77

Cryptanalytic Attacks, 318

Crypto Ignition Key (CIK), 251

Crypto Information in Transit, 287

Crypto Periods, 280

Cryptographic Algorithms, 209

Cryptographic Areas, 325

Cryptographic Compliance Monitoring, 331

Cryptographic hash function, 272

Cryptographic hashes, 64

Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS), 254

Cryptographic Standards Compliance, 332, 333

Cryptographic Strength, 278

Cryptography, 237

Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC), 138


Dashboards, 63, 174

Data Aggregation, 63

Data at rest, 242

Data Centers, 502

Data Encryption Standard (DES), 260

Data in flight, 242

Data Integrity, 278

Data Loss Prevention (DLP), 185

Data presentation, 76

Data Stored in Electronic Form, 449

Data Valuation, 362

Data Value, 363

Database Management System (DBMS), 70

Database Management Systems, 9, 56

Debarred List, 485

Decentralized Access Control, 46

Dedicated, 171

Dedicated Authentication Bases, 304

Defense-in-Depth, 405

Defense in depth, 116

Defined, 391, 392

Defined Threat Matrix, 498

Deliverables, 432

Delta CRLs, 313

Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), 49

Denial of Service (DoS), 168

Denied Persons List, 484

Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF), 410

Dependencies, 86

Depth, 382

Design Considerations, 45, 47

Design Process, 413

Design Validation, 318, 415, 511

Developer, 31

Development, 24

Development (OECD), 228

Device backup, 46

Device Type, 96

Differential cryptanalysis, 319

Differential Fault Analysis, 323

Differential Power Analysis, 323

Diffie–Hellman (DH) key, 265

Digital, 255

Digital Rights Management (DRM), 19

Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA), 330

Digital Signing, 271

Directive 2002/58/EC, 365

Directive 95/46/EC, 365

Directories, 52

Directory Access Protocol (DAP), 53

Disaster Recovery Planning, 465

Disaster Recovery Planning (DRP), 427

Discretionary Access Control (DAC), 11

Disk Imaging, 452

Distributed, 46

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS), 185

DLP-lite, 186

Document workflow, 30

Documentation, 419

Documenting the Plan, 433, 460

Domain Name System (DNS), 189

Domain Parameters, 290

DR Plan, 464

Dual Control, 88

Dual Data Center, 456

Duplicated groups, 80


E-commerce, 253

E-Commerce Protocols, 191

E-mail, 56

E-mail Filtering, 57

EAP, 43

EAR License Requirements, 485

Ease of computation, 267

EBCDIC password, 281

Ecurity reference monitor, 39

Electronic Code Book (ECB), 259

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), 254

Electronic Distribution of Wrapped Keys (Key Transport), 288

Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 247

Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA), 255

Emergent vulnerabilities, 116

Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP), 205, 208

Encapsulating Security Protocol (ESP), 245

Encryption, 28, 141

Encryption Control Protocol (ECP), 247

Encryption products, 56

End-to-End Delay, 139

End Entity (EE), 301

Endpoint Security, 214

Enforcing Security Policies, 117

Enrollment time, 108

Enterprise Architecture Frameworks, 410

Enterprise DLP, 186

Entities, 120

Entity, 101

Entity List, 485

Enumerate risk, 122

Enumeration, 29

Ephemeral key agreement keys, 277

ESP, 246

Estimated Annual Cost (EAC), 352

European Union Data Protection Directive, 336

Evacuation Drills, 505

Evaluation Assurance Level (EAL), 369, 373

Event Management (SIEM), 173

Events per second, 174

Executable binary files, 18

Execute, 12

execution permission, 13

executions, 18

Exercise controls, 118

Expected result, 120

Explicit Authentication, 302

Explicit definition of duties, 26

Explicit role, 34

Export Administration Regulations (EAR), 482

Export Control regulations, 481

Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP), 252

External Hot Sit, 456

Extranet, 153

Extranet VPN:, 247


Face-to-Face, 304

Facebook, 190

Facial Recognition, 110

Facility Risk, 496

Facsimile, 151

Facsimile Communications, 134

Fail secure, 90

Failures in least privilege, 80

Federal Communications Commission of the United States (FCC), 161

Federated Access Control, 50

FEMA Emergency Management Guide for Business, 505

Fibre Channel (FC), 250

Fibre Channel Security Protocol (FC-SP), 250

FICON, 250

File Synchronization, 453

File Transfer Protocol (FTP), 165

Filter information, 14

Financial controls,, 436

Fingerprints, 109

FIPS 1402, 243

Firewalls, 162

Firewalls vs. Routers, 165

Foreign National, 482

Forensics, 174

Formal inspection, 417

Formally Verified Design, 379

Frequency Division Multiplexer (FDM), 134

Frequency of use, 91

Frequent evaluations, 35

Friendly Countries, 485

Front-end systems, 253

Functionally Tested, 377


Galois/Counter Mode (GCM), 260

Gaps, 36

Gatekeeper, 42, 146

Gateway, 146

Generic Attribute Profile (GATT), 249

Geographical Considerations, 94

Governance, 495

Granted Rights, 78

Group 3 Facsimile Protocol (G3), 151

Groups, 79

Guard Force, 490

Guest OS, 220


The H.323 Protocol, 144

Hackers, 359

Hand Geometry, 109

Hardware Security Modules (HSMs), 251

Hash Function Attacks, 320

Hash Functions, 267

Hashing, 256

Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), 416

HMAC, 271

Hoaxes, 359

Holographic labels, 251

Host-based firewalls, 18

Host-based IDS (HIDS), 168

HR data, 502

HSPD-12, 493

HTTP Tunneling, 175

HTTPS, 184

Human-Made Risks, 440

Human Factor, 461

Human resource management, 106

HVAC, 502

Hybrid Cloud, 455

Hybrid Networks, 153

HyperText Transmission Protocol (HTTP), 191

Hypervisor, 220


Identification, Friend or Foe (IFF), 250

Identify purpose, 81

Identity Management, 54, 75

IDS Architecture, 167

IDS Load Balancer, 170

IETF RFC documents, 40

Image Backup Systems, 453

Imaginary functionality, 99

Implementation, 432

implementation considerations, 108

Inappropriate permissions, 85

Inappropriate Roles, 32

Incident Response, 509

Incomplete, 390

Increased complexity, 77

Incremental-Forever Backup, 452

Independent Basic Service Set, 177

Individual Authentication, 303

Industry, 506

Industry Risks, 442

Information Gathering, 465

Information presentation, 75

Information protection needs, 413

Information System Security Engineering (ISSE), 413

Information systems architecture, 347

Information Technology Sector Coordinating Council (ITSCC), 441

Information Technology Government Coordinating Council (ITGCC), 441

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), 156

Infrastructure Basic Service Set, 177

Infrastructure BSS, 178

Inherent Rights, 77

Initial, 391

Initialization Vector (IV), 259

Inline Sensor, 170

Instant Messaging, 362

Institute of Electrical, 247

Integrity, 6, 7, 241

Inter-VM, 220

Intergroup Coordination, 397

Internal Hot Site, 456

International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA), 261

International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), 53, 368

International Monetary Fund (IMF), 228

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 53, 368

International Privacy Laws, 336

International Telecommunications Union, 151

International Telecommunications Union–Telecommunications Standardization Sector (ITU-T), 53

International Traffic In Arms Regulations (ITAR), 483, 485

Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), 160, 191

Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), 245

Internet Key Exchange (IKE), 205

Internet Protocol (IP), 191

Internet versus Intranet, 152

Interoperability, 215, 255

Interpretation, 113

Intra-VM, 220

Intrusion Detection, 57

Intrusion Prevention System, 172

Intrusion tactics, 515

IP Security (IPSec), 199

IRC, 362

Iris, 110

ISO Guidelines

ISO/IEC 24762, 448

ISO/IEC 27000 Series, 382

ISO/IEC 27001, 449

ISO/IEC 27005, 352

ISO/IEC 27031, 448

ISO/IEC 31010, 437

ISO/IEC 9594, 53

ISO/PAS 22399, 448

ISO 22301:2012, 447

ISO 31000, 437

ISO 7498, 400

ISO Guide 73, 437

ISO reference model, 187

ITAR Licensing Policy, 485


Jitter, 140


Kerberos, 251


key creation, 284

key destruction, 284, 330

key distribution, 287, 298

key encrypting key, 277

key escrow, 295

key exchange, 256

key generation algorithm, 272

key life cycle, 283

key management, 91, 276

key management interoperability protocol (KMIP), 252

key recovery, 297

key size, 278

key storage, 290

key strength, 281

key update, 293

key usage, 306



L2TP Packet Exchange, 204

Label sensitive data, 14

Lack of scalability, 97

Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP), 201

Layer controls, 99

Layered Architecture, 401

LEAF, 296

Least Functionality, 27

Least Privilege, 25

Legal, 364

Level of protection, 498

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), 53

Limit access to essential objects only, 14

Limited enforcement, 97

Limiting access, 12

Line of Business systems, 4

Linear cryptanalysi, 319

Listen, 62

Location, 92

Log Aggregation, 174

Log diversity, 62

Logical Addresses, 96

Logical controls, 89

Logistics, 461


MAC address, 172

Magnetic Strip, 103

Magnetic Stripe, 492

Maintenance, 219, 433

Maintenance of data, 516

Malicious code, 4, 69

Malicious entity, 13

Malicious Macros, 361

Malware Scanning, 57

Man-in-the-Middle attack, 320

Managed, 391, 392

Managed Backup Services, 454

Managed devices, 328

Management console, 328

Management server, 328

Manager/team lead, 417

Mandatory Access Control (MAC), 21

Manual Key Distribution, 288

Manual processes, 122

Manual registration, 97

Manual tracking, 58

MD5, 269

MDC-2, 269

MDx-MAC scheme, 270

Media, 469

Meet-in-the-Middle attack, 322

Membership attributes, 81

Merkle–Damgård, 268

Message Authentication Code (MAC), 260

Message Authentication Codes (MACs), 267

Message Encryption, 244

Methodically Designed, 378

Methodically Tested, 377

Methodology, 119, 1

Methods of “Vector” Attack, 355

Methods of Disclosure, 481

Meyer-Schilling, 269

Microsoft Point-to-Point Encryption (MPPE), 199

Middle-tier security, 77

Military/Space Technologies, 485

Ministry of Economy, Trade, Industry (METI), 487

Mirror Backup, 452

Misallocation of privileges, 25

Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), 486

MITRE Corporation, 384

Mobile Code, 185

Mobile Unit, 457

Moderator, 417

Modified CRL-Based Models, 312

Monitor weaker controls, 122

Monitored, 65

Monitoring for noncompliance, 14

Moore’s law, 279

MTLS, 329

Multiple accounts, 85

Multiple roles, 35

Multipoint Control Unit (MCU), 147

Multipoint Controller, 147

Mutual influence, 37

Mutual risk, 52


National Information Assurance Partnership (NIAP), 370

National Institute of Standards, 352

National Security Agency (NSA), 255, 367

National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP), 370

Natural Hazard Risks, 438

Neighbors, 442

Netlog, 190

Network-Based Access Control, 97

Network-Based Cryptanalytic Attacks, 320

Network Architecture, 152

Network authentication, 55

Network Behavior Analysis (NBA), 168

Network Calling, 148

Network Devices, 9

Network equipment, 56

Network management, 56

Network mapping, 95

Network Operations Center (NOC), 502

Network security, 131

Network sniffing, 93

Network Tap, 170

Network Time Protocol (NTP), 61

Network Types, 153

Networked applications, 56

NIST Special Publication 800–34 Rev 1, 449

Non-disclosure agreements (NDA), 227

Non-repudiation, 240, 241, 278

Nondiscretionary Access Control, 18

Nonstandard location, 93

Notified of the changes, 498

NSA Suite B, 332

Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG), 486


Objects, 5, 85

OCSP, 313

OCSP Request, 314

OCSP Response, 314

Off-Site Journaling, 449

Off the shelf, 459

Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), 484

Offline Cross-Certification, 316

Offsite Backup, 468

One-key-pair, 300

One-Way Algorithms, 270

Ongoing Maintenance, 470

Online Certificate Request, 302

Online Cross-Certification, 316

Onsite, 468

Open Database Connectivity (ODBC), 76

The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF), 409

Open source solutions, 122

Open System Interconnectivity (OSI) model, 10

Operating Systems, 9

Operational conflicts, 64

Operational phase, 283

Operationally Critical Threat, 352

Optimizing, 393

Orange Book, 367

Ordinary User, 31

Organization Drivers, 494, 516

Organization for Economic Co-operation, 228

Organization Process Definition, 399

Organizational Entity, 301

Origin authentication, 269

Originator Controlled (ORCON), 19

Originator Usage Period (OUP), 279

Orphaned groups, 80

Orphaned Linux firewall, 36

Out of the box, 459

Outbound Traffic Filtering, 184

Output Feedback (OFB), 259

Outsourcing, 457

Overlaps, 36

Oversight, 219, 395


P2P File-Sharing Networks, 362

Packet-Switched, 136

Packet Loss Rate, 140

PAS 200, 448

Passive Sensor, 170

Password Authentication Protocol (PAP), 200, 251

Password hashes, 74

Password splitting, 59

Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS), 334, 402

PD 25111, 448

PD 25666, 448

Peak Request Rate, 312

Peer-to-Peer (P2P), 70

Peer Reviews, 398, 416

Penetration testing, 118

Penetration Tests, 511

Per-role basis, 35

Performance Characteristics, 107

Performed, 390

Perimeter area, 511

Perimeter Controls, 156, 166

Periodic Audit, 470

Periodic review, 81

Permissions, 5, 30

Perpetrator, 511

Personal Area Networks (PANs), 248

Personal Identification Number (PIN), 491

Personalization, 493

Personnel Protection, 495

Physical, 96

Physical access controls, 477

Physical Security, 42, 477

physical security needs, 494

physical security policies, 480

physical security risks, 489

PIV credential, 493

PKI Registration, 300

Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS), 249

Plan Development, 468

Plan Maintenance Strategies, 462

Planning Phases, 432

Planning Team, 432

Platform as a Service (PaaS), 156

Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), 199, 247, 251

Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP), 199


policy deficiencies, 115

policy enforcement, 99

policy enforcement design, 185

policy of denial, 486

Polling, 62

Portable tape media, 252

Postoperational phase, 284

Power Loss, 90

PPTP Security, 200

Pre-shared keys, 209

Preimage resistance, 268

Preoperational phase, 283

Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), 245

PREVIEW program of the European Commission, 439

Primary access control, 76

Prior to connecting a device, it, 96

Privacy, 254

Privacy-Enhanced Mail (PEM), 245

Private Cloud, 455

Private Networks, 153


process change management, 399

process definition, 396

process validation, 57

Processing, 24

Product Assurance Evaluation Criteria, 366

Productivity, 495

Project Plan, 465

Proof of Possession, 305

Protected bench network, 218

Protected Health Information (PHI), 335

Protection constraints, 498

Protection Plans, 503

Protection Profile (PP), 369

Protection requirements, 291

Protocol details, 91

Proximity Cards, 104, 492

Proxy access control system, 41

Proxy controlled authentication, 74

Proxy servers, 50

Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), 55

Public Networks, 153

Pulse Code Modulation (PCM), 135


Qualified Security Assessor, 402

Qualitative Risk Analysis, 353

Quality Engineer, 418

Quantitative Process Management, 398

Quantitative Risk Analysis, 352

Quantitatively Managed, 393


Radio Frequency (RF), 171

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), 250


Random Number Generators (RNGs), 285

Read-and-copy., 12

Read permission, 12

Reader, 418

Reading up, 22

Reciprocal Agreement, 457

Recommendations, 29

Recorder, 418


recovery plan, 468

Recovery Point Objective (RPO), 445

recovery procedures, 468

recovery requirements, 429

recovery strategies, 460

recovery strategy, 456

Recovery Time Objective (RTO), 445

Recovery Time Objectives (RTO’s), 454

Redundancy, 46, 152

Regulatory Requirements, 364

Related-Key attacks, 322

Remote Access, 246

Remote Access VPN, 247

Remote maintenance, 49

Remote MONitoring (RMON), 218

Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs), 196

Remote Replication, 449

Removable media, 18

Repeatability, 119

Replay attack, 320

Report of findings, 29

Report on Governance Principles for South Africa (King III), 228

Reporting, 174

Reports on the Observance of Standards, 228

Requests for Proposals (RFP), 348

Requests for Proposals (RFPs), 420

Requirement, 120

Requirement number, 120

Resource attributes, 81

Resource intensive, 91

Restricted Work Areas, 501

Retention, 63

Retina, 110

Reviewed, 378

Reviewers, 418

RFC 3193, 209

RFC 4510, 53

Rights, 5, 30

Rigid protocol, 89

Rigor, 382


risk-based considerations, 121

risk-based cryptographic architecture, 323

risk acceptance, 443

risk analysis, 352, 432, 433

risk analysis matrix, 434

risk assessment, 465

risk avoidance, 444

risk level, 435, 436

risk management – risk assessment techniques, 437

risk mitigation, 434

risk reduction / mitigation, 443

risk theory, 353

risk transfer, 443

Robust, 46

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), 18

Role assignments, 31

Role Based, 81

Router access control capabilities, 73

RSA Decryption Primitive (RSADP), 266

RSA Encryption Primitive (RSAEP), 266

RSA key pair, 286

RSA private key, 286


Rule-Based Access Control, 20


Safeguarding of resources, 516

Scalability, 213

Scalable, 46

Scope, 382

Seal the room, 508

Second preimage resistance, 268

Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME), 254

Secure IP Communication, 245

Secure Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME), 245

Secure Multimedia Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME), 195

Secure Socket Layer (SSL), 407

Secure Sourcing, 224

Secure Wireless Communication, 247

Secured areas, 511

Security, 141

security architects, 465

Security Association (SA), 205

Security Association Database (SADB), 206

security assurance requirements, 369

Security Concept of Operations (SECONOP), 415

Security design, 413

Security effectiveness, 413

Security Event Management (SEM), 62

Security Export Control Policy Division, 488

Security Export Inspection Office, 488

Security Export Licensing Division, 488

Security Functional Requirements, 369

Security Functional Requirements (SFR), 371

Security Functions Policies (SFP), 371

Security Information, 173

Security Information Management (SIM), 62

Security kernel, 38

Security Layer (SASL), 53

Security Manager (SM), 249

Security Manager Protocol (SMP), 249

Security Modems, 160

Security Officer, 31

Security Parameter Index (SPI), 206

Security policy, 5

Security Target (ST), 369

Segmented CRLs, 312

Self-synchronizing, 263

SELinux, 21

Semiformally Designed, 378

Semiformally Verified Design, 378

Sensitive Compartmental Information Facilities (SCIF), 501

Sensitive data, 28

Sensitivity, 23

Separation of Duties, 28

Separation of duty violations, 80

Service Level Agreements (SLA), 348

Service Level Agreements (SLAs), 414

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), 404

Service Set identifier (SSID), 176

Services, 17

Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), 144, 148

Session management, 75

Set-it-and-forget-it, 176

SHA-1, 269

Shared account, 58

Shared database, 46

Shelter-in-Place, 509

Side-Channel Cryptanalysis, 322

Signaling System No. 7, 150

Signets, 251

Significance of Vulnerabilities, 380

Signing algorithm, 272

Simple Authentication, 53

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), 218

Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), 254

Single point of compromise, 43

Single point of failure, 43

Single Point of Management, 42

Site-to-Site VPN, 247

Site Planning, 499

Skipjack, 262

Smart Cards, 492

Smartcards, 56

Social Media, 188

SOCKS, 211

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), 156

Software Code Signing, 255

Software Configuration Management, 395

Software Engineering Institute, 384

The Software Engineering Institute (SEI), 384

Software integrity inventories, 18

Software Product Engineering, 399

Software Project Planning, 394

Software Project Tracking, 395

Software Quality Assurance, 395

Software Quality Management, 398

Software Subcontract Management, 395

Solutions, 215

Spanning Port, 170

Special Publication 800–30, 352

Specialized, 98

Specialized protocols, 58

Specially Designated Nationals List, 485

Split knowledge, 243

Splitting the keys, 288

Spoofed, 103

SQL, 71

SS7, 150

SSL protocol, 192

Staged, 389

Standards, 480

State Sponsors of Terrorism, 485

Statement of Requirements (SOR), 414

Statements of Objectives (SOO), 414

Statements of Work (SOW), 414, 348

Static key agreement keys, 277

Storage, 174

Storage Area Networks (SANs), 250

Storage Encryption, 252

Stored procedures, 71

Strategic Outline for Recovery, 466

Strategies for prevention, 515

Strategy Development, 432

Stream Ciphers, 263

Structurally Tested, 377

Structured walkthrough, 417

Subject, 101

Subnet, 92

Subordinate Hierarchy, 307

Subordinate roles, 31

Suite B cryptography, 255

Supporting, 117

Symmetric Attacks, 319

Symmetric cryptography, 286

Symmetric Cryptosystems, 256

Symmetric data encryption key, 277

Symmetric key agreement key, 277

Symmetric key wrapping key, 277

Symmetric Keys Distribution, 288

Synthetic Full Backup, 451

System assessment, 29

System security, 413

System security architecture, 413

System Security Engineering Methodologies, 413

System security policy, 7

System security requirements, 413




Target of Evaluation (TOE), 372

Task Based, 86

TCP/IP, 187

TCP/IP Protocol Stack, 191

TCP Wrapper, 211

Technical support, 98

Technology (NIST), 243, 352

Technology Transitions Policy Task Force, 162

TEMPEST Separation Matrix, 152

Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP), 179

Terminal, 146

Terrorist Supporting Countries, 485

Test date, 120

Test procedures, 120

Test the Plan, 470

Tested, 378, 379

Testing, 433, 468

Testing Objectives, 117

Testing Paradigms, 118

Testing Strategies, 116

Third-Party Software, 98

Threats, 440

Three-way handshake, 182

Thumb drives, 252

Time of Check/Time of Use (TOC/TOU), 217

Timestamp, 168

Timing attacks, 323

Tiny Encryption Algorithm (TEA), 262

TOE Security Functionality (TSF), 371

Token Management, 106

Top Secret, 22

Topology, 92

Traditional CRL Model, 311

Traffic Analysis attacks, 321

Traffic pattern analysis, 100

Transport Control Protocol, 159

Transport keys, 277

Transport Layer Security (TLS), 191, 407

Transport Mode, 207, 246

Transportation schedules, 469

Triggers, 71

Trust Center, 361

Trust Models, 307

Trusted Cloud Initiative (TCI), 495

Trusted Computing Base (TCB), 38

Trusted List, 309

Tunnel Mode, 207, 246

Tunneling, 196

Twitter, 190

Two-key-pair applications, 299

Twofish, 262

Types of protection, 498


U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), 438

Ublic Key Infrastructure (PKI), 240

Unauthorized Access, 490

Unauthorized duplication of information, 14

Unbalanced architecture design, 331

UNBIX, 211

Unified Threat Management Gateway (UTM), 164

Unique identifier, 113

United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR), 439

United States Munitions List, 483

Universal Serial Bus (USB), 251

Unnecessary rights, 35

Unverified List, 484

Update, 433

US National Institute of Standards, 243

USAccess Program, 493

Usage Controlled (UCON), 19

USB devices, 252

Useful Life, 274

User Account Control, 216

User Awareness, 57

User Datagram Protocol (UDP), 191, 201

User education, 28


Validated, 65

Validating agents, 120

Validation date, 120

Valuation, 364

Vendor List, 469

Verification algorithm, 272

Verification of audit events, 58

Views, 70

Viruses, 362

Visibility, 219

Visually recognizable, 103

Vital Records, 432

Voice, 134

Voice Digitization, 140

Voice Protocols, 144

Voice Security, 141

VoIP Architecture, 139

VPN, 48

VPN Tunneling Protocols, 199

Vulnerability assessment, 119

Vulnerability Evaluation (OCTAVE), 352


Warm Site, 456

Wassenaar Arrangement (WA), 487

Watermarks, 251

Weak internal controls, 26

Web applications, 56

Web Page Attack, 360

Web Services Security (WS-Security), 254

Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA, 179, 248

Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA), 179, 248

Windows Registry, 17

Windows Update, 15

Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP), 179

Wireless, 176

Wireless IDSs (WIDS), 171

Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs), 247

Workflow violation, 35

World Bank, 228

Worms, 360

WPA2), 179

Write actions, 15

Write permission, 13

Writing down, 22

Writing matrix, 23


X.25 protocol, 139

X.500, 53


The Zachman Framework, 412

Zangger Committee, 486

Zones of Control, 181

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