
As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are hyperlinked for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.


Adobe Illustrator 13

Adobe Photoshop 13

All In initiative

URL 128

Alpine Linux 103

reference link 103

Android Project 11

Anuket Assured 12

URL 12

Apache CLA 43

Apache Hadoop 49

Apache License, Version 2.0 40, 44

Apache Software Foundation (ASF) 9

Apache Way

reference link 70

ASD, US Centers of Disease Control’s (CDC’s)

reference link 109

Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) 149

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) 109

Awesome List of Awesome Lists 11

Awesome Lists

Awesome 3D Printing 10

Awesome Interviews 10


benevolent dictator 28

Benevolent Dictators for Life (BDFL) 69

Bird of a Feather (BoF) 179

Blender 15

URL 78

Bootstrap.js 142

brand management 46

brand consistency 48

brand, protecting 48, 49

brand usage, enabling for others 49

project name, determining 47

BSD 3-Clause license 44

budget ally 60

Bulletin Board Systems (BBSes) 7


Call to Action (CTA) 167

Camino Web Browser

URL 196

career, in open source

developing 152-155

cat tool 11

Certified Kubernetes program 12, 49

CHAOSS Project 34

checklist, for open sourcing project or code base

legal review 62, 63

technical review 63

Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) 9, 31, 70, 93

COBOL Programming Course 103

reference link 103

code dump 24, 25

commercialization models, open source 141

dependency or component, of larger commercial software package 141, 142

Open Core model 143

service and support 142, 143

common law trademark 49

Commons Clause 41

communication channels, project

discussion forums 84

instant communication channels 84

mailing lists 84

meetings 85

community management 152

Connecticut Bank and Trust (CBT) Company 6

Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 179

Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) 103

Contributor Covenant

URL 119

Contributor License Agreement (CLA) 43, 44


bringing, with mentorship 103, 104

conditions, for becoming maintainer 104-106

future maintainer, qualities 101, 102

searching, with mentor potential 101


copyleft license 38-40

URL 38

Corporate Contributor License Agreement (CCLA) 43

counter-culture 101

creatives 15

crowdfunding 78

curl project 187

references 187

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) 171

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) 171


Darwin Core 10

URL 10

decentralized community 5

Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO) 44-46

Digital Rights Management (DRM) 41

diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) 122

do-ocracy 68, 69


Eclipse 9

elected governance 70

end-users support 90

commercial support 92

community and developer management 91

issues, managing 90, 91


URL 10


sponsoring 157, 158

executive sponsor 60


Facebook 153

Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, and Google (FAANG) companies 55

Firebug announcement 200

Firefox 201

flaming 117



URL 158

FOSSology 34

foundation funding model 79, 80

full-stack developer 54

Full-Time Employees (FTE) 59

future maintainer

technical skills, versus soft skills 102


getting started guides 86-88


URL 13

GitHub 152, 175

GitHub Archive Program

URL 204

GitLab 152, 175


GNU Affero General Public License 41

GNU Affero General Public License version 3 (AGPL v3) 43

GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) 7

GNU Debugger 7

GNU Emacs 7

GNU General Public License 40

GNU General Public License, Version 2 41

GNU project 7

GNU Public License (GPL) 7, 15

Google Wave 197

governance 30

Graphical User Interface (GUI) 198

grep command 11

growing contributors, into maintainers

current maintainers, enabling to step back 100, 101

ideas and energy, bringing into project 99

need for 98

stress, alleviating on current maintainers 98, 99

growth measuring 122

awareness stage 123

project adoption 124, 125

project diversity 125, 126

growth metrics 126

commits/committers 126

diversity 127, 128

usage metrics 127



hosting 158

hallway track 95

herding cats 112


URL 192

Hugo 54

human brain 108, 109

cultural and life experiences, impact 109

limbic system 108

prefrontal lobe 108




IBM 701 Electronic Data Processing Machine 6

iCalendar standard 55

inclusive decision-making 112

methodology 113, 114

open communication and collaboration 113

trivial decisions 114-117

trivial decisions, strategies 115

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) 92

Inkscape 13

URL 13

Innersource Commons

URL 159

innersourcing 159

intellectual property (IP) 159

Internal Revenue Service (IRS) 80

International Business Machines (IBM) 6

Internet Information Services (IIS) 150


Jekyll 54



Kubernetes 12, 31

URL 12

Kubernetes Certified Support Provider program (KCSP)

URL 92

Kubernetes Service Provider Program 12


Laminas project 174

leadership 183

transitioning leadership 184

LF Energy Foundation (LFE) 80

versus Python Software Foundation (PSF) 80

LibreOffice 196

URL 13


considerations 41, 42

limbic system 108

LinkedIn 153

Linux 7

Linux, Apache, PHP, MySQL (LAMP) stack 142

Linux Foundation

URL 158


Markdown format 175

marketing runway, open source projects

discussion channels 176-178

social media 178

website and blog 174-176

marks management 46

Mastodon 153

Mautic 166

URL 166

Mautic, open source marketing case study 166-170

impacts 171

purpose 171


URL 192

MeeGo 197

Memcached 11

URL 11


sponsoring 158

meritocracy 68

Microsoft Office 13

Model-View-Controller (MVC) approach 11

MongoDB 43

Mozilla Firefox 13

URL 13

Mozilla Foundation 9

Mozilla project 8

MS-DOS v1.25 24

MS-DOS v2.0 24


National Basketball Association (NBA) 34

National Football League (NFL) 34

Netscape Communications Company 8

Netsuite Communicator 8, 24

next-level outreach and driving engagement 178

case studies and user stories 181

events and meetups 179

media and analysts 180, 181


URL 10

non-permissive license 40, 41


open collaboration 5

OpenCore Legacy Patcher project

reference link 123

URL 132

OpenOffice project 196

Open Shading Language GitHub repository 175

open source 4

commercialization models 141

emergence 7

history 6-8

used, for finding talent 155, 156

using, as portfolio 148

vendor-neutral home 8, 9

Wikipedia link 4 4

open-source communities 93

online forums 94

regional meetups and events 95

social channels 94

Open Source Definition 5

open source governance 68

Benevolent Dictators for Life (BDFL) 69

documenting 74, 75

do-ocracy 68, 69

elected governance 70

financial support 77

single-vendor governance 71

technical councils 69

vendor-neutral foundation governance 72

open source governance documentation

discoverability 75, 76

flexibility 76

simplicity 76

open source governance, financial support

crowdfunding 78

foundation funding model 79, 80

single-organization funding 79

tip jar funding model 77, 78

open source governance, roles

contributors 73

leaders 74

maintainers 74

users 73

open source implementation 9

high-quality free software, providing 13

information sharing, amongst enthusiasts 10

technology ecosystems, establishing 12

underlying technology 11

Open Source Initiative 5

open source marketing 166

Mautic case study 166-171

Open Source Program Offices (OSPOs) 26, 61, 160

open source project, interactions

angry contributor 111

observations 111, 112

rude maintainer 110

open source projects 14

Blender 15

characteristics 20-24

commercial usage 138, 139

marketing runway 174

patterns and anti-patterns 27

PHP 14

RaSCSI 16, 17

slow down, identifying 194, 195

sunsetting 193, 194

sustainability cycle 139

Zowe 15

open source projects, key points

being authentic 173

collaboration, with community 172, 173

inclusivity 173

right message at right stage 172

open source projects, patterns and anti-patterns

benevolent dictatorship, versus leading by committee 28, 29

community, embracing 33

competitors. collaboration 31, 32

focusing, on strengths 34

forks 29, 30

open communication 28

over-governance 30, 31

tools and resources, using for weaknesses 34

writing, down everything 32, 33

open source projects, sunsetting

announcement 199, 200

code velocity and community participation slow down 195, 196

decline, in technology space 196

end users, working on transitioning 200, 201

funding and investment dry up 197, 198

post-sunsetting 201

process 198

sunsetting, aligning in community 198

open source, strategy

code dump, intelligent 24, 25

expectations, when releasing code 26, 27

Open Core 26

open sourcing code

versus, creating open source project 24

open sourcing code, within organization

ability, to focus investments 56

development costs, lowering 54

faster time to market 55, 56

features/functionality, adding for customers 55

O’Reilly’s Open Source Convention (OSCON) 149

outbound licensing 42


URL 151


Pandoc 11

URL 11

permissive license 39, 40

versus non-permissive license 38, 39

Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) 196

Personal Home Page/Forms Interpreter (PHP/FI) 14

PHP 14

PHP community 149, 150

opportunities, exploring 151

phpMyAdmin 47

PiFire 10

URL 10

PiSCSI project

reference link 140

Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) 56

post-sunsetting 201

asset ownership, home finding for 203, 204

code repositories, marking as archived 202, 203

issue trackers, marking as archived 202, 203

project come back, from sunsetting 204

prefrontal lobe 108

press and analyst relations (PR/AR) skillset 180

project, for commercial usage

branding and IP management 144

conformance programs 146

recognition programs 144-146

references 144

setting up 143

project leadership

burnout, avoiding 133, 134

expectation management 131, 132

generalists, to specialists 129-131

growing 128, 129

scaling 128, 129

time management 131, 132

Project Management Professional (PMP)-certified 99

project-related infrastructure

sponsoring 156, 157

Python Software Foundation (PSF) 79

versus LF Energy Foundation (LFE) 80


RaSCSI 16, 17


components 75

Red Hat


Red Ocean, Blue Ocean strategy 168

repolinter 21

Representational State Transport (REST) 15

Return on Investment (ROI) 64

Ruby on Rails 11

Rule of 3 123


SBOM 142

scratch-your-own-itch pattern 53

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 153

SecurityExplained 10

URL 10

sed 11

Server Side Public License (SSPL) 43

SHARE community 6

SHARE Operating System 6

single-organization funding 79

challenges 79

single-vendor governance 71

use cases 71

Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) interface 16

Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) 34

Software Developer Diversity Initiative

URL 128

Software Discovery Tool 103

reference link 103

Software Package Data Exchange® (SPDX®) 142

URL 142

Software Package Data Exchange (SPDX) project 39

Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound (SMART) 64, 160

stepping back process 190

appropriate availability 190

new leaders, endorsing 191

support network, setting up for new maintainers 191, 192

Stuff We All Get (SWAG) 157

succession planning 187

enablement, for new leaders 188, 189

plan building 187

project operation, documenting 187

timelines, for new leaders 188, 189

success, measuring for open source to organization 64

goals, setting 64

organization contribution, showcasing 65

Sugar Community Edition 26

SugarCRM 26

Sugar Enterprise 26

Sugar Professional 26

sunsetting 194

support, for open sourcing code

allies, obtaining 60

business case, building 58, 59

expectations, setting 61

obtaining 57

sustainability cycle, open source projects

products 140

profits 140, 141

projects 139

working 139


talent, from open source communities

annual goals, setting 160, 161

internal awards or incentives program, creating 162

open source engagement, measurement and management 159, 160

retaining and recognizing 159

Technical Advisory Council (TAC) 80

technical allies 60

technical councils 69

Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) 70

Technical Steering Committee (TSC) 70

tip jar funding model 77, 78

challenges 78

Tivoization 41

TODO Group 26

URL 154

toxic behavior

remedying 117-119

transitioning leadership 184

career change 184

project stalling 185, 186

retirement 185

trauma 109

Twitter 153


Ubertooth 10

URL 10

unconscious bias 118

UNIX clone 7


vendor-neutral foundation governance 72


walled garden 94

welcoming project

contributors, welcoming 88, 89

getting started guide, creating 85-88

infrastructure, setting up 84, 85

newcomers, recognizing 89, 90

setting up 84

Wix 149

working upstream 29, 55

Write the Docs community

URL 130


Zephyr Project

URL 156

Zowe 15

Zowe Conformance Program 12, 49

URL 12

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