
Automated SQL Tuning

Starting with Oracle Database 11g and higher, Oracle provides several tools that help automate the SQL tuning process. This chapter focuses on the following automated SQL tuning tools:

  • Automatic SQL Tuning Advisor
  • SQL tuning sets (STS)
  • Tuning task feature
  • SQL Tuning Advisor
  • Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM)

The Automatic SQL Tuning Advisor is a preset background database job (11g and higher) that by default runs daily. This task examines high resource-consuming statements captured in the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) and generates tuning advice (if any) for each statement analyzed. As part of automated SQL tuning, you can configure characteristics such as the automatic acceptance of some recommendations like SQL profiles (see Chapter 12 for details on SQL profiles).

Central to SQL tuning tools are SQL tuning sets. A SQL tuning set (STS) is a database object that contains one or more SQL statements and the associated execution statistics. You can populate a SQL tuning set from multiple sources, such as historical SQL recorded in the automatic workload repository (AWR) or SQL currently in memory. It’s critical that you be familiar with SQL tuning sets. This feature is used as an input to several of Oracle’s performance tuning and management tools, such as the SQL Tuning Advisor, SQL Plan Management, SQL Access Advisor, and SQL Performance Advisor. Additionally, you can use SQL tuning sets to capture a set of SQL statements in production and transport them to a test environment (where you can tune the statements without impacting production).

A tuning task defines that SQL statements are used for input to the SQL Tuning Advisor. A tuning task can be populated from the following sources:

  • The text of a single SQL statement
  • A SQL statement currently in memory
  • A historical SQL statement in the AWR
  • A SQL tuning set (consisting of one or more SQL statements)

The SQL Tuning Advisor is a tool that provides advice on how to improve the performance of SQL statements. This tool can be invoked via the DBMS_SQLTUNE package, SQL Developer, or Enterprise Manager. The SQL Tuning Advisor offers advice in the form of:

  • Rewriting the SQL
  • Adding indexes
  • Implementing a SQL profile or plan baselines
  • Generating statistics

The Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) analyzes information in the AWR and provides recommendations on database performance issues, including high resource-consuming SQL statements. The main goal of ADDM is to help you reduce the overall time (the DB time metric) spent by the database processing user requests. This tool can be invoked from an Oracle-provided SQL script, the DBMS_ADDM package, or Enterprise Manager.

image Note  All of the prior listed tools require an extra license from Oracle. You may not have a license to run these tools. Even if you don’t have one, we still recommend that you know how these tools function. For example, you might have a manager asking if these automated tools are worth the cost, or you might be working with a developer who is investigating the use of these tools in a test environment. As a SQL tuning guru, you need to be familiar with these tools, as you will sooner or later encounter these automated features.

With the advent of automated SQL tuning features, anybody from novice to expert can generate solutions for SQL performance problems. This opens the door for new ways to address problematic SQL. For example, imagine your boss (who has access to automated SQL tuning tools) coming to you each morning with tuning recommendations and asking what the plan is to implement enhancements. This is different from SQL tuning being mainly the purview of SQL tuning experts.

Automated SQL tuning features are not a panacea for SQL performance angst. If you are an expert SQL tuner, there’s no need to fear your skills are obsolete or your job is lost. There will always be a need to verify recommendations and successfully implement solutions. A human is still required to review the automated SQL tuning output and confirm the worthiness of fixes.

Still, there’s been a change in the way SQL performance problems can be identified and solutions can be recommended. Some old-school folks may disagree and argue that you can’t allow just anybody to generate SQL tuning advice. Regardless, Oracle has made these automated tools accessible and usable by the general population. Therefore you need to understand the underpinnings of these features and how to use them.

Before investigating the recipes in this chapter, take a long look at Figure 11-1. This diagram demonstrates how the various automated tools interact and in what scenarios you would use a particular feature. Refer back to this diagram as you work through the recipes in this chapter. Particularly notice that you can easily use SQL statements found in the AWR or SQL currently in memory as input for various Oracle tuning tools. This allows you to systematically identify and use high-resource SQL statements as the target for various performance tuning activities.


Figure 11-1. Oracle’s automatic SQL tuning tools

The first several recipes in this chapter deal with the Automatic SQL Tuning Advisor tool. You’ll be shown how to determine if and when the automated job is running and how to modify its characteristics. The middle section of this chapter focuses on how to create and manage SQL tuning sets. SQL tuning sets are used widely as input to various Oracle performance tuning tools. Lastly, the chapter shows you how to create tuning tasks, run the SQL Tuning Advisor, and execute the ADDM to generate performance recommendations for SQL statements.

11-1. Displaying Automatic SQL Tuning Job Details


You want to determine if the Automatic SQL Tuning job is enabled and regularly running. If the job is enabled, you want to display other aspects, such as when it starts and how long it executes.


Use the following query to determine if any Automatic SQL Tuning jobs are enabled:

SELECT client_name, status, consumer_group, window_group
FROM dba_autotask_client
ORDER BY client_name;

The following output shows that there are three enabled automatic jobs running, one of which is the SQL Tuning Advisor:

------------------------------- ---------- --------------- ---------------
auto optimizer stats collection ENABLED    ORA$AUTOTASK    ORA$AT_WGRP_OS
auto space advisor              ENABLED    ORA$AUTOTASK    ORA$AT_WGRP_SA
sql tuning advisor              ENABLED    ORA$AUTOTASK    ORA$AT_WGRP_SQ

Run the following query to view the last several times the Automatic SQL Tuning Advisor job has run:

SELECT task_name, status, TO_CHAR(execution_end,'DD-MON-YY HH24:MI')
FROM dba_advisor_executions
ORDER BY execution_end;

Here is some sample output:

------------------------ ------------ ------------------------

How It Works

When you create a database (11g or higher), Oracle automatically implements three automatic maintenance jobs:

  • Automatic SQL Tuning Advisor
  • Automatic Segment Advisor
  • Automatic Optimizer Statistics Collection

These tasks are automatically configured to run in maintenance windows. A maintenance window is a specified time and duration for the task to run. You can view the maintenance window details with this query:

SELECT window_name,TO_CHAR(window_next_time,'DD-MON-YY HH24:MI:SS')
,sql_tune_advisor, optimizer_stats, segment_advisor
FROM dba_autotask_window_clients;

Here’s a snippet of the output for this example:

-------------------- --------------------------- -------- -------- --------
SUNDAY_WINDOW        26-MAY-13 06:00:00          ENABLED  ENABLED  ENABLED
TUESDAY_WINDOW       28-MAY-13 22:00:00          ENABLED  ENABLED  ENABLED

There are several data dictionary views related to the automatically scheduled jobs. See Table 11-1 for descriptions of these views.

Table 11-1. Automatic Maintenance Task View Descriptions

View Name



Statistical information about automatic jobs


Window history of job execution


Currently running automatic scheduled jobs


History of automatic scheduled job runs


Schedule of automated tasks for next 32 days


Information regarding current and past tasks


Operations for automated tasks


Displays windows that belong to the MAINTENANCE_WINDOW_GROUP


Displays status information for current and past automated maintenance tasks


Displays historical information for automated maintenance task windows

11-2. Displaying Automatic SQL Tuning Advisor Advice


You’re aware that Oracle automatically runs a daily job that generates SQL tuning advice. You want to view the advice.


If you’re using Oracle Database 11g Release 2 or higher, here’s the quickest way to display automatically generated SQL tuning advice (run this from SQL*Plus):


Depending on the activity in your database, there may be a great deal of output. Here’s a small sample of the advice:

Tuning Task Name                        : SYS_AUTO_SQL_TUNING_TASK
Tuning Task Owner                       : SYS
Workload Type                           : Automatic High-Load SQL Workload
Execution Count                         : 37
Current Execution                       : EXEC_3032
Execution Type                          : TUNE SQL
Scope                                   : COMPREHENSIVE
Global Time Limit(seconds)              : 3600
Per-SQL Time Limit(seconds)             : 1200
Completion Status                       : COMPLETED
Started at                              : 05/22/2013 22:00:03
Completed at                            : 05/22/2013 22:00:53
Number of Candidate SQLs                : 2
Cumulative Elapsed Time of SQL (s)      : 3


On Linux/Unix systems, it’s quite easy to automate the e-mailing of output from a SQL script. First encapsulate the SQL in a shell script, and then use a utility such as cron to automatically generate and e-mail the output. Here’s a sample shell script:

# Source oracle OS variables
export ORACLE_SID=O12C
export ORACLE_HOME='/ora01/app/oracle/product/'
BOX=`uname -a | awk '{print$2}'`
sqlplus -s <<EOF
cat $OUTFILE | mailx -s "SQL Advice: $1 $BOX" [email protected]
exit 0

Here’s the corresponding cron entry that runs the report on a daily basis:

# SQL Advice report from SQL auto tuning
16 11 * * * /orahome/oracle/bin/sqladvice.bsh
1>/orahome/oracle/bin/log/sqladvice.log 2>&1


In this manner, you can automatically receive the output of the Automatic SQL Tuning Advisor.

How It Works

The “Solution” section describes a simple method to display in-depth automatic tuning advice for high-load queries in your database. Depending on the activity and load on your database, the report may contain no suggestions or may provide a great deal of advice. The advice can be of the following types:

  • New/fresh statistics
  • SQL profiles
  • Addition of indexes
  • Modifying the SQL statement

The Automatic SQL Tuning Advisor uses the high-workload SQL statements identified in the AWR as the target SQL statements to report on. The advice report consists of one or more of the following general subsections:

  • General information
  • Summary
  • Details
  • Findings
  • Explain plans
  • Alternate plans
  • Errors

The general information section contains high-level information regarding the start and end time, number of SQL statements considered, cumulative elapsed time of the SQL statements, and so on.

The summary section contains information regarding the SQL statements analyzed—for example:

                      Global SQL Tuning Result Statistics
Number of SQLs Analyzed                      : 2
Number of SQLs in the Report                 : 1
Number of SQLs with Findings                 : 1
Number of SQLs with SQL profiles recommended : 1
    SQLs with Findings Ordered by Maximum (Profile/Index) Benefit, Object ID
object ID  SQL ID        statistics profile(benefit) index(benefit) restructure
---------- ------------- ---------- ---------------- -------------- -----------
       196 0g55kd7p78gnb                      31.74%

The details section contains information describing specific SQL statements, such as the owner and SQL text. Here is a small sample:

 Statements with Results Ordered by Maximum (Profile/Index) Benefit, Object ID
Object ID  : 196
Schema Name: SYS
SQL ID     : 0g55kd7p78gnb
SQL Text   : SELECT registration_id FROM registrations ...

The findings section contains recommendations such as accepting a SQL profile or creating an index—for example:

1- SQL Profile Finding (see explain plans section below)
  A potentially better execution plan was found for this statement.
  The SQL profile was not automatically created because the verified benefit
  was too low.
  Recommendation (estimated benefit: 31.74%)
  - Consider accepting the recommended SQL profile.
    execute dbms_sqltune.accept_sql_profile(task_name =>
            'SYS_AUTO_SQL_TUNING_TASK', object_id => 196, replace => TRUE);

Where appropriate, the original execution plan for a query is displayed along with a suggested fix and new execution plan. This allows you to see the before and after plan differences. This is very useful when determining if the findings (such as adding an index) would improve performance.

Lastly, there is an error section of the report. For most scenarios, there typically will not be an error section in the report.

The “Solution” section showed how to execute the REPORT_AUTO_TUNING_TASK function from a SQL statement. This function can also be called from an anonymous block of PL/SQL. Here’s an example:

VARIABLE tune_report CLOB;
  :tune_report := DBMS_AUTO_SQLTUNE.report_auto_tuning_task(
    begin_exec   => NULL
   ,end_exec     => NULL
   ,type         => DBMS_AUTO_SQLTUNE.type_text
   ,level        => DBMS_AUTO_SQLTUNE.level_typical
   ,section      => DBMS_AUTO_SQLTUNE.section_all
   ,object_id    => NULL
   ,result_limit => NULL);
SET LONG 1000000
PRINT :tune_report

The parameters for the REPORT_AUTO_TUNING_TASK function are described in detail in Table 11-2. These parameters allow you a great deal of flexibility to customize the advice output.

Table 11-2. Parameter Details for the REPORT_AUTO_TUNING_TASK Function

Parameter Name



Name of beginning task execution; NULL means the most recent task is used.


Name of ending task; NULL means the most recent task is used.


Type of report to produce; TEXT specifies a text report.


Level of detail; valid values are BASIC, TYPICAL, and ALL.


Section of the report to include; valid values are ALL, SUMMARY, FINDINGS, PLAN, INFORMATION, and ERROR.


Used to report on a specific statement; NULL means all statements.


Maximum number of SQL statements to include in report

11-3. Generating a SQL Script to Implement Automatic Tuning Advice


You’ve reviewed the automatic SQL tuning advice (see Recipe 11-2 for details). Now you want to generate a SQL script that can be used to implement the tuning advice.


Use the DBMS_SQLTUNE.SCRIPT_TUNING_TASK function to generate the SQL statements to implement the advice of a tuning task. You need to provide as input the name of the automatic tuning task. The default task name generated by the automatic SQL tuning advice is SYS_AUTO_SQL_TUNING_TASK (run this from SQL*Plus):


Here is a small snippet of the output for this example:

-- Script generated by DBMS_SQLTUNE package, advisor framework --
-- Use this script to implement some of the recommendations    --
-- made by the SQL tuning advisor.                             --
--                                                             --
-- NOTE: this script may need to be edited for your system     --
--       (index names, privileges, etc.) before it is executed. --
execute dbms_sqltune.accept_sql_profile(task_name => 'SYS_AUTO_SQL_TUNING_TASK',
 object_id => 196, replace => TRUE);

You can edit the script as required and then execute it directly from SQL*Plus to implement the automatic tuning advice.

How It Works

The DBMS_SQLTUNE.SCRIPT_TUNING_TASK function generates the SQL required to implement the advice recommended by the Automatic SQL Tuning Advisor (such as new statistics, creating profiles, indexes, or re-writing the SQL statement). If the tuning task doesn’t have any advice to give, then there won’t be any SQL statements generated in the output. SYS_AUTO_SQL_TUNING_TASK is the default name of the Automatic SQL Tuning task. If you’re unsure of the details regarding this task, then query the DBA_ADVISOR_LOG view:

select task_name, execution_start from dba_advisor_log
where task_name='SYS_AUTO_SQL_TUNING_TASK'
order by 2;

Here’s some sample output for this example:

TASK_NAME                      EXECUTION
------------------------------ ---------

11-4. Modifying Automatic SQL Tuning Features


You’ve noticed that sometimes the Automatic SQL Tuning Advisor job recommends that a SQL profile be applied to a SQL statement (see Chapter 12 for details on SQL profiles). The default behavior of the automatic tuning advice job is to not automatically accept SQL profile recommendations. You want to modify this behavior and have the job place any SQL profiles that it recommends into an accepted state.


Use the DBMS_AUTO_SQLTUNE.SET_AUTO_TUNING_TASK_PARAMETER procedure to modify the default behavior of the Automatic SQL Tuning Advisor. For example, if you want SQL profiles to be automatically accepted, you can do so as follows:

    parameter => 'ACCEPT_SQL_PROFILES', value => 'TRUE'),

You can verify that auto SQL profile accepting is enabled via this query:

SELECT parameter_name, parameter_value
FROM dba_advisor_parameters
AND  parameter_name ='ACCEPT_SQL_PROFILES';

Here is some sample output:

------------------------------ ------------------------------

To disable automatic acceptance of SQL profiles, pass a FALSE value to the procedure:

    parameter => 'ACCEPT_SQL_PROFILES', value => 'FALSE'),

How It Works

The DBMS_AUTO_SQLTUNE.SET_AUTO_TUNING_TASK_PARAMETER procedure allows you to modify the default behavior of the Automatic SQL Tuning Advisor job. You can view all of the current settings for the automated job via this query:

SELECT parameter_name,parameter_value
FROM dba_advisor_parameters
AND  parameter_name IN ('ACCEPT_SQL_PROFILES',

Here’s some sample output:

------------------------------ ------------------------------
MAX_AUTO_SQL_PROFILES          10000

The prior parameters are described in Table 11-3.

Table 11-3. Description of SET_AUTO_TUNING_TASK_PARAMETER Parameters

Parameter Name



Determines if SQL profiles are automatically accepted


Number of days to save task history


Limit of SQL profiles accepted per execution of tuning task


Maximum limit of SQL profiles automatically accepted

You can also use Enterprise Manager to modify the behavior of the Automatic SQL Tuning Advisor. Click on the “Performance” tab, then “Advisors home”, then “SQL Advisors”, then “Automatic SQL Tuning Advisor Results.” You should be presented with a screen similar to Figure 11-2.


Figure 11-2. Managing Automatic SQL Tuning with Enterprise Manager

From this screen, you can configure, view results, disable, and enable various aspects of Automatic SQL Tuning job.

11-5. Disabling and Enabling Automatic SQL Tuning


You want to completely disable and later re-enable the Automatic SQL Tuning Advisor job.


Use the DBMS_AUTO_TASK_ADMIN.DISABLE procedure to disable the Automatic SQL Tuning Advisor job. For example:

  client_name => 'sql tuning advisor',
  operation => NULL,
  window_name => NULL);

You can report on the status of the automatic tuning job via this query:

SELECT client_name,status,consumer_group
FROM dba_autotask_client
ORDER BY client_name;

Here’s some sample output:

CLIENT_NAME                              STATUS   CONSUMER_GROUP
---------------------------------------- -------- --------------------
auto optimizer stats collection          ENABLED  ORA$AUTOTASK
auto space advisor                       ENABLED  ORA$AUTOTASK
sql tuning advisor                       DISABLED ORA$AUTOTASK

To re-enable the job, use the DBMS_AUTO_TASK_ADMIN.ENABLE procedure as shown:

  client_name => 'sql tuning advisor',
  operation => NULL,
  window_name => NULL);

How It Works

You might want to disable the Automatic SQL Tuning Advisor job because you have a very active database and want to ensure that this job doesn’t impact the overall performance of the database. The DBMS_AUTO_TASK_ADMIN.ENABLE/DISABLE procedures allow you to turn on and off this automated job. These procedures take three parameters (see Table 11-4 for details).

Table 11-4. Parameter Descriptions for DBMS_AUTO_TASK_ADMIN.ENABLE and DISABLE Procedures




Name of client; query DBA_AUTOTASK_CLIENT for details.


Name of operation; query DBA_AUTOTASK_OPERATION for details.


Operation name of the window

The behavior of the procedures varies depending on which parameters you pass in:

  • If CLIENT_NAME is provided and both OPERATION and WINDOW_NAME are NULL, then the client is disabled.
  • If OPERATION is provided, then the operation is disabled.
  • If WINDOW_NAME is provided, and OPERATION is NULL, then the client is disabled in the provided window name.

The prior parameters allow you to control at a granular detail the schedule of the automatic task. Given the prior rules, you would disable the Automatic SQL Tuning Advisor job during the Tuesday maintenance window as follows:

  client_name => 'sql tuning advisor',
  operation => NULL,
  window_name => 'TUESDAY_WINDOW'),

You can verify that the window has been disabled via this query:

SELECT window_name,TO_CHAR(window_next_time,'DD-MON-YY HH24:MI:SS')
FROM dba_autotask_window_clients;

Here is a snippet of the output:

------------------ --------------------------- --------
SUNDAY_WINDOW      26-MAY-13 06:00:00          ENABLED
THURSDAY_WINDOW    30-MAY-13 22:00:00          ENABLED
TUESDAY_WINDOW     28-MAY-13 22:00:00          DISABLED

11-6. Modifying Maintenance Window Attributes


You realize that the automatic tasks (such as the Automatic SQL Tuning Advisor job) run during regularly scheduled maintenance windows. You want to limit the time the job runs and so lessen the impact the job has on overall database performance.


Here’s an example that changes the duration of the Sunday maintenance window to 2 hours:

  name => 'SUNDAY_WINDOW',
  attribute => 'DURATION',
  value => numtodsinterval(2, 'hour'));

You can confirm the changes to the maintenance window with this query:

SELECT window_name, next_start_date, duration
FROM dba_scheduler_windows;

Here is a snippet of the output:

WINDOW_NAME        NEXT_START_DATE                          DURATION
------------------ ---------------------------------------- ---------------
SUNDAY_WINDOW      26-MAY-13 AM MST7MDT     +000 02:00:00
SATURDAY_WINDOW    25-MAY-13 AM MST7MDT     +000 20:00:00

How It Works

The key to understanding how to modify a maintenance window is that it is an attribute of the database job scheduler and therefore must be modified via the DBMS_SCHEDULER package. Starting with Oracle 11g and higher, when you create a database, by default three automatic maintenance jobs are configured:

  • Automatic SQL Tuning
  • Statistics gathering
  • Segment advice

You can view the high-level details of these jobs via this query:

SELECT client_name, status, consumer_group, window_group
FROM dba_autotask_client
ORDER BY client_name;

Here is some sample output:

----------------------------------- -------- -------------------- --------------------
auto optimizer stats collection     ENABLED  ORA$AUTOTASK         ORA$AT_WGRP_OS
auto space advisor                  ENABLED  ORA$AUTOTASK         ORA$AT_WGRP_SA
sql tuning advisor                  ENABLED  ORA$AUTOTASK         ORA$AT_WGRP_SQ

These jobs automatically execute in preconfigured daily maintenance windows. A maintenance window consists of a day of the week and the length of time the job runs.

You can view the future 1 month’s worth of scheduled jobs via this query:

SELECT window_name, to_char(start_time,'dd-mon-yy hh24:mi'), duration
FROM dba_autotask_schedule
ORDER BY start_time;

Here is a small sample of the output:

------------------ ------------------------ ---------------
FRIDAY_WINDOW      24-may-13 22:00          +000 04:00:00
SATURDAY_WINDOW    25-may-13 06:00          +000 20:00:00
SUNDAY_WINDOW      26-may-13 06:00          +000 02:00:00

image Tip  See Oracle’s Database Administrator’s Guide (available on the Oracle Technology Network web site) for further details on managing scheduled jobs.

11-7. Creating a SQL Tuning Set Object


You’re working on improving a business process comprised of multiple SQL statements. This requires that you create a SQL tuning set object that will be used to associate a set of SQL statements (and corresponding statistics).


Use the DBMS_SQLTUNE.CREATE_SQLSET procedure to create a SQL tuning set object—for example:

  sqlset_name => 'HIGH_IO',
  description => 'High disk read tuning set'),

The prior code creates an STS named HIGH_IO. The tuning set does not yet contain any SQL statements (see Recipes 11-9, 11-11, and 11-12 for details on adding SQL statements to an STS).

How It Works

A SQL tuning set object must be created before populating a tuning set with SQL statements. You can view any defined SQL tuning sets in the database by querying the DBA_SQLSET view:

SQL> select owner, name, id, created, statement_count from dba_sqlset;

Here is some sample output:

OWNER      NAME                         ID CREATED   STATEMENT_COUNT
---------- -------------------- ---------- --------- ---------------
MV_MAINT   HIGH_IO                       1 23-AUG-13               0

If you need to drop a SQL tuning set object, then use the DBMS_SQLTUNE.DROP_SQLSET procedure to drop a tuning set. The following example drops the previously created SQL tuning set:


11-8. Viewing Resource-Intensive SQL in the AWR


You want to view SQL statements in the AWR that are consuming the most resources. This will lay the foundation for understanding how you can populate a SQL tuning set with high resource-consuming SQL statements recorded in the AWR.


First determine what snapshots are available and which range you would like to report on:

SELECT snap_id, instance_number, end_interval_time
FROM dba_hist_snapshot
ORDER BY snap_id;

Next use the DBMS_SQLTUNE.SELECT_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORY function to extract SQL stored in the AWR. This particular query selects queries in the AWR between snapshots 1669 and 1671 ordered by the top 10 in the disk reads usage category:

SELECT sql_id
,disk_reads, cpu_time, elapsed_time
            null, null, 'disk_reads',null, null, null, 10))
ORDER BY disk_reads DESC;

Here is a small snippet of the output:

-------------- -------------------- ---------- ------------- -------------
achffburdff9j   delete from "MVS"."     101145     814310000     991574249
5vku5ap6g6zh8  INSERT /*+ BYPASS_RE      98172      75350000      91527239

image Note  See Recipe 11-9 for details on using DBMS_SQLTUNE.SELECT_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORY to populate a SQL tuning set with resource intensive SQL statements stored in the AWR.

How It Works

The DBMS_SQLTUNE.SELECT_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORY function is used to retrieve high resource-usage SQL from the AWR. Table 11-5 provides details regarding the SELECT_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORY function parameters.

Table 11-5. Parameter Descriptions of the SELECT_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORY Function




Non-inclusive beginning snapshot ID


Inclusive ending snapshot ID


Name of AWR baseline


SQL predicate to filter SQL statements from workload; if not set, then only SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, MERGE, and CREATE TABLE statements are captured.


Not currently used


Order by clause on selected SQL statement(s), such as elapsed_time, cpu_time, buffer_gets, disk_reads, and so on; N can be 1, 2, or 3. The elapsed_time and cpu_time are measured in seconds.


Filter for choosing top N% for ranking measure


Limit of the number of SQL statements returned in the result set


List of SQL statement attributes (TYPICAL, BASIC, ALL, and so on)


Include/exclude recursive SQL (HAS_RECURSIVE_SQL or NO_RECURSIVE_SQL)

You have a great deal of flexibility in how you use this function. A few examples will help illustrate this. Say you want to retrieve SQL from the AWR that was not parsed by the SYS user. Here is the SQL to do that:

SELECT sql_id, substr(sql_text,1,20)
,disk_reads, cpu_time, elapsed_time, parsing_schema_name
FROM table(
'parsing_schema_name <> "SYS"',

The following example retrieves the top 10 queries ranked by buffer gets for non-SYS users:

SELECT sql_id, substr(sql_text,1,20)
,disk_reads, cpu_time, elapsed_time, buffer_gets, parsing_schema_name
FROM table(
 begin_snap => 1669
,end_snap => 1671
,basic_filter => 'parsing_schema_name <> "SYS"'
,ranking_measure1 => 'buffer_gets'
,result_limit => 10

In the prior queries, the SYS keyword is enclosed by two single quotes (in other words, those aren’t double quotes around SYS).

You can also automatically calculate and pass in a pair of AWR snapshot IDs to the DBMS_SQLTUNE.SELECT_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORY function. For example, say you wanted to view the highest CPU-consuming SQL in the last 7 days for non-SYS users:

COL bsnap NEW_VALUE begin_snap
COL esnap NEW_VALUE end_snap
SELECT MAX(snap_id) bsnap
FROM dba_hist_snapshot
WHERE begin_interval_time < sysdate-7;
SELECT MAX(snap_id) esnap
FROM dba_hist_snapshot;
COL sql_text            FORMAT A40
COL sql_id              FORMAT A15
COL parsing_schema_name FORMAT A15
COL cpu_seconds         FORMAT 999,999,999,999,999
SELECT sql_id, sql_text
,disk_reads, cpu_time cpu_seconds, elapsed_time, buffer_gets, parsing_schema_name
FROM table(
 begin_snap => &begin_snap
,end_snap => &end_snap
,basic_filter => 'parsing_schema_name <> "SYS"'
,ranking_measure1 => 'cpu_time'
,result_limit => 10

The prior examples give a small sampling of the power of the DBMS_SQLTUNE.SELECT_WORKLOAD_REPOSTIORY function. This lays the foundation for using this tool to automatically populate a SQL tuning set with high-resource usage SQL in the AWR.

11-9. Populating a SQL Tuning Set from High-Resource SQL in AWR


You want to create a SQL tuning set and populate it with the top resource-consuming SQL statements found in the AWR.


Use the following steps to populate a SQL tuning set from high resource-consuming statements in the AWR:

  1. Create a SQL tuning set object.
  2. Determine begin and end AWR snapshot IDs.
  3. Populate the SQL tuning set with high-resource SQL found in AWR using the DBMS_SQLTUNE package.

The prior steps are detailed in the following subsections.

Step 1: Create a SQL Tuning Set Object

Create a SQL tuning set. This next bit of code creates a tuning set named IO_STS:

    sqlset_name => 'IO_STS',
   description => 'STS from AWR'),

Step 2: Determine Begin and End AWR Snapshot IDs

If you’re unsure of the available snapshots in your database, you can run an AWR report or select the SNAP_ID from DBA_HIST_SNAPSHOTS:

select snap_id, begin_interval_time
from dba_hist_snapshot order by 1;

Step 3: Populate the SQL Tuning Set with High-Resource SQL Found in AWR

Now the SQL tuning set is populated with the top 15 SQL statements ordered by disk reads. The begin and end AWR snapshot IDs are 1668 and 1695, respectively:

  base_cur dbms_sqltune.sqlset_cursor;
  OPEN base_cur FOR
    SELECT value(x)
    FROM table(dbms_sqltune.select_workload_repository(
      1668,1695, null, null,'disk_reads',
      null, null, null, 15)) x;
    sqlset_name => 'IO_STS',
    populate_cursor => base_cur);

The prior code populates the top 15 SQL statements contained in the AWR ordered by disk reads. The DBMS_SQLTUNE.SELECT_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORY function is used to populate a PL/SQL cursor with AWR information based on a ranking criterion. Then the DBMS_SQLTUNE.LOAD_SQLSET procedure is used to populate the SQL tuning set using the cursor as input.

How It Works

The DBMS_SQLTUNE.SELECT_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORY function can be used in a variety of ways to populate a SQL tuning set using queries in the AWR. You can instruct it to load SQL statements by criteria such as disk reads, elapsed time, CPU time, buffer gets, and so on. See Table 11-5 for descriptions for parameters to this function. When designating the AWR as input, you can use either of the following:

  • Begin and end AWR snapshot IDs
  • An AWR baseline that you’ve previously created (see Chapter 7 for details)

You can view the details of the SQL tuning set (created in the “Solution” section) via this query:

SELECT sqlset_name, elapsed_time
,cpu_time, buffer_gets, disk_reads, sql_text
FROM dba_sqlset_statements
WHERE sqlset_name = 'IO_STS';

11-10. Viewing Resource-Intensive SQL in Memory


You want to view resource-consuming SQL statements currently in memory. This will lay the foundation for understanding how you can populate a SQL tuning set with high resource-consuming SQL statements stored in memory.


Use the DBMS_SQLTUNE.SELECT_CURSOR_CACHE function to view current high resource-consuming SQL statements in memory. This query selects SQL statements in memory that have read more than a million blocks from disk:

SELECT sql_id, substr(sql_text,1,20)
,disk_reads, cpu_time, elapsed_time
FROM table(DBMS_SQLTUNE.SELECT_CURSOR_CACHE('disk_reads > 1000000'))
ORDER BY sql_id;

Here is some sample output:

------------- -------------------- ---------- ---------- ------------
0s6gq1c890p4s  delete from "MVS"."    3325320 8756130000   1.0416E+10
b63h4skwvpshj BEGIN dbms_mview.ref    9496353 1.4864E+10   3.3006E+10

image Note  See Recipe 11-11 for details on using DBMS_SQLTUNE.SELECT_CURSOR_CACHE to populate a SQL tuning set with resource-intensive SQL statements in the shared pool (memory).

How It Works

The DBMS_SQLTUNE.SELECT_CURSOR_CACHE function is used to display high resource-usage SQL currently in the shared pool memory area. See Table 11-6 for a description of the SELECT_CURSOR_CACHE function parameters.

Table 11-6. Parameter Descriptions of the SELECT_CURSOR_CACHE Function




SQL predicate to filter SQL in the cursor cache


Currently not used


ORDER BY clause for the SQL returned


Filter for the top N percent queries for the ranking measure provided; invalid if more than one ranking measure provided


Top number of SQL statements filter


List of SQL attributes to return in result set


Include recursive SQL

You have a great deal of flexibility in how you use the SELECT_CURSOR_CACHE function. For example, this next query selects the top 10 queries in memory in terms of CPU time for non-SYS users:

SELECT sql_id, substr(sql_text,1,20), disk_reads
,cpu_time, elapsed_time
,buffer_gets, parsing_schema_name
FROM table(
 basic_filter => 'parsing_schema_name <> "SYS"'
,ranking_measure1 => 'cpu_time'
,result_limit => 10

Here’s another example that selects SQL in memory but excludes statements parsed by the SYS user and also returns statements with an elapsed time greater than 1 second (1,000,000 microseconds):

SELECT sql_id, substr(sql_text,1,20)
,disk_reads, cpu_time, elapsed_time
FROM table(DBMS_SQLTUNE.SELECT_CURSOR_CACHE('parsing_schema_name <> "SYS"
                                             AND elapsed_time > 1000000'))
ORDER BY sql_id;

In the prior query, the SYS keyword is enclosed by two single quotes (in other words, those aren’t double quotes around SYS). The SQL_TEXT column is a LOB data type and is truncated to 20 characters so that the output can be displayed on the page more easily. Here is some sample output:

------------- -------------------- ---------- ---------- ------------
byzwu34haqmh4 SELECT /* DS_SVC */           0     140000      1159828

Once you have identified a SQL_ID for a resource-intensive SQL statement, you can view all of its execution details via this query:

FROM table(DBMS_SQLTUNE.SELECT_CURSOR_CACHE('sql_id = "byzwu34haqmh4"'));

Note that the SQL_ID in the prior statement is enclosed by two single quotes (not double quotes).

11-11. Populating a SQL Tuning Set from Resource-Consuming SQL in Memory


You want to populate a tuning set from high resource-consuming SQL statements that are currently in the memory.


Use the DBMS_SQLTUNE.SELECT_CURSOR_CACHE function to populate a SQL tuning set with statements currently in memory. This example creates a SQL tuning set named HIGH_DISK_READS and populates it with high-load resource-consuming statements not belonging to the SYS schema and having disk reads greater than 1,000,000:

-- Create the tuning set
-- Populate the tuning set from the cursor cache
  OPEN cur FOR
  FROM table(
  'parsing_schema_name <> "SYS" AND disk_reads > 1000000',
    populate_cursor => cur);

In the prior code, notice that the SYS user is bookended by sets of two single quotes (not double quotes). The SELECT_CURSOR_CACHE function loads the SQL statements into a PL/SQL cursor, and the LOAD_SQLSET procedure populates the SQL tuning set with the SQL statements.

How It Works

The DBMS_SQLTUNE.SELECT_CURSOR_CACHE function (see Table 11-6 for function parameter descriptions) allows you to extract from memory SQL statements and associated statistics into a SQL tuning set. The procedure allows you to filter SQL statements by various resource-consuming criteria, such as the following:


This allows you a great deal of flexibility on how to filter and populate the SQL tuning set.

If you want to view the SQL statements contained within the STS, then query the DBA_SQLSET_STATEMENTS view. This query shows the details of the STS created previously in the “Solution” section:

SELECT sqlset_name, elapsed_time
,cpu_time, buffer_gets, disk_reads, sql_text
FROM dba_sqlset_statements
WHERE sqlset_name = 'HIGH_DISK_READS';

11-12. Populating a SQL Tuning Set With All SQL in Memory


You’re experiencing performance problems with a production database. You want to populate a SQL tuning set with all SQL statements currently in memory. The idea being that you can use the SQL Tuning Advisor to analyze the SQL statements as a set to better determine which statements should be tuned.


Use the following steps to populate a SQL tuning set from high resource-consuming statements in memory:

  1. Create a SQL tuning set object.
  2. Populate the SQL tuning set with high-resource SQL found in memory via the DBMS_SQLTUNE.CAPTURE_CURSOR_CACHE_SQLSET procedure.

The prior steps are detailed in the following subsections.

Step 1: Create a SQL Tuning Set Object

The following code creates a SQL tuning set named PROD_WORKLOAD:

  -- Create the tuning set
    sqlset_name => 'PROD_WORKLOAD'
   ,description => 'Prod workload sample'),

Step 2: Populate the SQL Tuning Set With High-Resource SQL Found in Memory

Use the DBMS_SQLTUNE.CAPTURE_CURSOR_CACHE_SQLSET procedure to capture all of the SQL currently stored in the cursor cache (in memory). This example creates a SQL tuning set named PROD_WORKLOAD and then populates by sampling memory for one hour (3,600 seconds) and waiting 20 seconds between each polling event:

    sqlset_name     => 'PROD_WORKLOAD'
   ,time_limit      => 3600
   ,repeat_interval => 20);

How It Works

The DBMS_SQLTUNE.CAPTURE_CURSOR_CACHE_SQLSET procedure allows you to poll for queries and memory and use any queries found to populate a SQL tuning set. This is a powerful technique that you can use when it’s required to capture a sample set of all SQL statements currently in memory.

You have a great deal of flexibility on instructing DBMS_SQLTUNE.CAPTURE_CURSOR_CACHE_SQLSET to capture SQL statements in memory (see Table 11-7 for details on all parameters). For example, you can instruct the procedure to capture a cumulative set of statistics for each SQL statement by specifying a CAPTURE_MODE of DBMS_SQLTUNE.MODE_ACCUMULATE_STATS.

Table 11-7. CAPTURE_CURSOR_CACHE_SQLSET Parameter Descriptions



Default Value


SQL tuning set name



Total time in seconds to spend sampling



While sampling, amount of time to pause in seconds before polling memory again



Either INSERT, UPDATE, or MERGE statements when new statements are detected



When capture option is UPDATE or MERGE, either replace statistics or accumulate statistics. Possible values are MODE_REPLACE_OLD_STATS or MODE_ACCUMULATE_STATS.



Filter type of statements captured



SQL tuning set owner; NULL indicates the current user.



Include (or not) recursive SQL; possible values are HAS_RECURSIVE_SQL, NO_RECURSIVE_SQL.


    sqlset_name     => 'PROD_WORKLOAD'
   ,time_limit      => 60
   ,repeat_interval => 10

This is more resource-intensive than the default settings, but produces more accurate statistics for each SQL statement.  For example, you may want to use values other than the default settings because you suspect there are queries being flushed out of memory quickly and the default sampling of every 300 seconds is too long of a period to capture these statements.

11-13. Displaying the Contents of a SQL Tuning Set


You have populated a SQL tuning set and want to verify its characteristics such as the SQL statements and corresponding statistics.


You can determine the name and number of SQL statements for SQL tuning sets in your database via this query:

SELECT name, created, statement_count
FROM dba_sqlset;

Here is some sample output:

-------------------- --------- ---------------
IO_STS               26-MAY-13              15

Use the following query to display the SQL text and associated statistical information for each query within the SQL tuning set:

SELECT sqlset_name, elapsed_time, cpu_time, buffer_gets, disk_reads, sql_text
FROM dba_sqlset_statements;

Here is a small snippet of the output. The SQL_TEXT column has been truncated in order to fit the output on the page:

--------------- ------------ ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------------------------
IO_STS              235285363   45310000      112777       3050 INSERT ......
IO_STS               52220149   22700000      328035      18826 delete from.....

How It Works

Recall that a SQL tuning set consists of one or more SQL statements and the corresponding execution statistics. This information is viewable from the DBA_SQLSET_* views. Table 11-8 describes the type of SQL tuning set information contained within each of these views.

Table 11-8. Views Containing SQL Tuning Set Information

View Name



Displays information regarding SQL tuning sets


Displays bind variable information associated with SQL tuning sets


Shows execution plan information for queries in a SQL tuning set


Contains SQL text and associated statistics


Shows whether a SQL tuning set is active

You can also use the DBMS_SQLTUNE.SELECT_SQLSET function to retrieve information about SQL tuning set. For example:

SELECT sql_id, elapsed_time
,cpu_time, buffer_gets
,disk_reads, sql_text

Whether you use the DBMS_SQLTUNE.SELECT_SQLSET function or directly query the data dictionary views depends entirely on your personal preference.

11-14. Selectively Deleting Statements from a SQL Tuning Set


You want to prune SQL statements from an SQL tuning set that don’t meet a performance measure, such as queries that have less than 2,000,000 disk reads.


First view the existing SQL information associated with an STS:

select sqlset_name, disk_reads, cpu_time, elapsed_time, buffer_gets
from dba_sqlset_statements;

Here is some sample output:

------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ------------ -----------
IO_STS                            3112941 3264960000   7805935285     2202432
IO_STS                            2943527 3356460000   8930436466     1913415
IO_STS                            2539642 2310610000   5869237421     1658465
IO_STS                            1999373 2291230000   6143543429     1278601
IO_STS                            1993973 2243180000   5461607976     1272271
IO_STS                            1759096 1930320000   4855618689     1654252

Now use the DBMS_SQLTUNE.DELETE_SQLSET procedure to remove SQL statements from the STS based on the specified criterion. This example removes SQL statements that have less than 2,000,000 disk reads from the SQL tuning set named IO_STS:

    sqlset_name  => 'IO_STS'
   ,basic_filter => 'disk_reads < 2000000'),

How It Works

The key to understanding that you can modify SQL tuning set is understanding that a SQL tuning set consists of the following:

  • One or more SQL statements
  • Associated metrics/statistics for each SQL statement

Because the metrics/statistics are part of the SQL tuning set, you can remove SQL statements from a SQL tuning set based on characteristics of the associated metrics/statistics. You can use the DBMS_SQLTUNE.DELETE_SQLSET procedure to remove statements from the STS based on statistics such as the following:


If you want to delete all SQL statements from a SQL tuning set, then don’t specify a filter—for example:

SQL> exec  DBMS_SQLTUNE.DELETE_SQLSET(sqlset_name  => 'IO_STS'),

11-15. Transporting a SQL Tuning Set


You’ve identified some resource-intensive SQL statements in a production environment. You want to transport these statements and associated statistics to a test environment, where you can tune the statements without impacting production.


The following steps are used to copy a SQL tuning set from one database to another:

  1. Create a staging table in source database.
  2. Populate the staging table with SQL tuning set data.
  3. Copy the staging table to the destination database.
  4. Unpack the staging table in the destination database.

The prior steps are elaborated on in the following subsections.

Step 1: Create a Staging Table in the Source Database

Use the DBMS_SQLTUNE.CREATE_STGTAB_SQLSET procedure to create a table that will be used to contain the SQL tuning set metadata. This example creates a table named STS_TABLE with the MV_MAINT schema:

  table_name => 'STS_TABLE'
 ,schema_name => 'MV_MAINT'),

In the prior code, you must specify a non-SYS schema name (otherwise, you’ll get this error: ORA-19381: cannot create staging table in SYS schema). If you omit the SCHEMA_NAME parameter, the table will be created in the currently connected schema executing the code.

Step 2: Populate Staging Table with STS Data

Now populate the staging table with SQL tuning set metadata using DBMS_SQLTUNE.PACK_STGTAB_SQLSET. In the following code, the SQL tuning set name is PROD_WORKLOAD:

  sqlset_name          => 'PROD_WORKLOAD'
 ,sqlset_owner         => 'SYS'
 ,staging_table_name   => 'STS_TABLE'
 ,staging_schema_owner => 'MV_MAINT'),

If you’re unsure of the name of the SQL tuning set you want to transport, run the following query to get the details:

SELECT name, owner, created, statement_count
FROM dba_sqlset;

Here is some sample output:

-------------------- ---------- --------- ---------------
HIGH_IO              MV_MAINT   23-AUG-13               0
PROD_WORKLOAD        SYS        23-AUG-13             148
IO_STS               MV_MAINT   23-AUG-13              15

Step 3: Copy the Staging Table to the Destination Database

You can copy the table (created in Step 1) from one database to the other via Data Pump, the old exp/imp utilities, or by using a database link. This example creates a database link in the destination database and then copies the table from the source database:

create database link source_db
connect to mv_maint
identified by foo
using 'source_db';

In the destination database, the table can be copied directly from the source with the CREATE TABLE AS SELECT statement:

SQL> create table STS_TABLE as select * from STS_TABLE@source_db;

Step 4: Unpack the Staging Table in the Destination Database

Connect to the destination database as the user that owns the SQL tuning set. Then use the DBMS_SQLTUNE.UNPACK_STGTAB_SQLSET procedure to take the contents of the staging table and populate the data dictionary with the SQL tuning set metadata. This example unpacks all SQL tuning sets contained within the staging table:

  sqlset_name        => '%'
 ,replace            => TRUE
 ,staging_table_name => 'STS_TABLE'
 ,staging_schema_owner=> 'MV_MAINT'),

How It Works

A SQL tuning set consists of one or more queries and corresponding execution statistics. You will occasionally have a need to copy a SQL tuning set from one database to another. For example, you might be having performance problems with a production database but want to capture and move the top resource-consuming statements to a test database where you can diagnose the SQL (within the SQL tuning set) without impacting production.

Keep in mind that an STS can be used as input for any of the following tools:

  • SQL Tuning Advisor
  • SQL Access Advisor
  • SQL Plan Management
  • SQL Performance Analyzer

The prior tools are used extensively to troubleshoot and test SQL performance. Transporting a SQL tuning set from one environment to another allows you to use these tools in a testing or development environment.

image Note  SQL tuning sets can be transported to Oracle Database 10g R2 or higher versions of the database only.

11-16. Creating a Tuning Task


You realize that as part of manually running the SQL Tuning Advisor, you need to first create a tuning task.

image Tip  Refer to Figure 11-1 for the details on the flow of processes required when manually running the SQL Tuning Advisor.


Use the DBMS_SQLTUNE.CREATE_TUNING_TASK procedure to create a SQL tuning task. You can use the following as inputs when creating a SQL tuning task:

  • Text for a specific SQL statement
  • SQL identifier for a specific SQL statement from the cursor cache in memory
  • Single SQL statement from the AWR given a range of snapshot IDs
  • SQL tuning set name (see Recipes 11-7 through 11-12 for details on how to create and populate a SQL tuning set)

Examples of the prior techniques for creating a SQL tuning task are described in the following subsections.

image Note  The user creating the tuning task needs the ADMINISTER SQL MANAGEMENT OBJECT system privilege.

Text for a Specific SQL Statement

This example provides the text of a SQL statement when creating the tuning task:

  tune_task VARCHAR2(30);
  tune_sql  CLOB;
  tune_sql := 'select count(*) from emp';
    sql_text    => tune_sql
   ,user_name   => 'MV_MAINT'
   ,scope       => 'COMPREHENSIVE'
   ,time_limit  => 60
   ,task_name   => 'tune_test1'
   ,description => 'Provide SQL text'

SQL ID for a Specific SQL Statement from the Cursor Cache

First identify the SQL_ID and PLAN_HASH_VALUE by querying V$SQL:

SELECT sql_id, plan_hash_value , sql_text
FROM v$sql where sql_text like '%&mytext%'
and sql_text not like '%FROM v$sql%';

Once you have the SQL_ID, and PLAN_HASH_VALUE, you can provide those values as input to DBMS_SQLTUNE.CREATE_TUNING_TASK:

  tune_task VARCHAR2(30);
  tune_sql  CLOB;
    sql_id          => '1ybqt7wu5hwas'
   ,plan_hash_value => '3956160932'
   ,task_name       => 'tune_test2'
   ,description     => 'Provide SQL ID'

Single SQL Statement from the AWR Given a Range of Snapshot IDs

You may need to use the AWR repository as a source of information for a SQL statement that has been aged out of memory. Here’s an example of creating a SQL tuning task by providing a SQL_ID and range of AWR snapshot IDs:

  tune_task VARCHAR2(30);
  tune_sql  CLOB;
    sql_id      => '1tbu2jp7kv0pm'
   ,begin_snap  => 21690
   ,end_snap    => 21864
   ,task_name   => 'tune_test3'

If you’re not sure which SQL_ID (and associated query) to use, then run this query:

SQL> select sql_id, sql_text from dba_hist_sqltext;

If you’re unaware of the available snapshot IDs, then run this query:

SQL> select snap_id, end_interval_time from dba_hist_snapshot order by snap_id;

The following query provides information about which SQL statement was recorded during which snapshot:

select snap_id, sql_id, plan_hash_value
from dba_hist_sqlstat
order by snap_id;

image Tip  By default, the AWR contains only high resource-consuming queries. You can modify this behavior and ensure that a specific SQL statement is included in every snapshot (regardless of its resource consumption) by adding it to the AWR via the following:

SQL> exec dbms_workload_repository.add_colored_sql('98u3gf0xzq03f'),

SQL Tuning Set Name

If you have the requirement of running the SQL Tuning Advisor against multiple SQL queries, then a SQL tuning set is required. To create a tuning task using a SQL tuning set as input, do so as follows:

SQL> variable mytt varchar2(30);
SQL> exec :mytt := DBMS_SQLTUNE.CREATE_TUNING_TASK(sqlset_name => 'PROD_WORKLOAD', -
                                                    task_name => 'tune_test4'),
SQL> print :mytt

How It Works

Before manually executing the SQL Tuning Advisor, you first need to define what SQL statements will be used as input. You do this by creating a SQL tuning task and associating SQL statements with the tuning task. Oracle provides a great deal of flexibility on how you add SQL statements to a tuning task. As shown in the “Solution” section, you can do the following:

  • Hard-code the text for a specific SQL query
  • Use a SQL query currently in memory
  • Use a SQL query in the AWR
  • Define a SQL tuning set when tuning multiple queries

The prior techniques provide a variety of ways to identify SQL statements to be analyzed by the SQL Tuning Advisor. Once you’ve created a tuning task, you can view its details via this query:

select owner, task_name, advisor_name, how_created, created
from dba_advisor_tasks
where advisor_name = 'SQL Tuning Advisor'
order by created;

Once you have created a tuning task, you can now manually execute the SQL Tuning Advisor (Recipe 11-17). If you need to drop the tuning task, you can do so as follows:

SQL> exec dbms_sqltune.drop_tuning_task(task_name => '&&task_name'),

11-17. Running the SQL Tuning Advisor


You want to manually execute SQL Tuning Advisor and get tuning advice for a SQL statement.


You can run the SQL Tuning Advisor from several different tools:

  • SQL*Plus
  • SQL Developer
  • Enterprise Manager

Examples of accessing the SQL Tuning Advisor are shown in the following subsections:

From SQL*Plus

Use the following steps to run the SQL Tuning Advisor form SQL*Plus:

  1. Create a tuning task (see Recipe 11-16 for complete details); this defines which SQL statements will be tuned. This can be a single SQL statement or several SQL statements within a SQL tuning set.
  2. Execute the tuning task.
  3. Display the results of the tuning task.

This example runs the SQL Tuning Advisor for a single SQL statement. First a tuning task is created.

  tune_task VARCHAR2(30);
  tune_sql  CLOB;
  tune_sql := 'select a.emp_id, b.dept_name ' ||
              'from emp a, dept b ' ||
              'where a.dept_id = b.dept_id';
    sql_text    => tune_sql
   ,user_name   => 'MV_MAINT'
   ,scope       => 'COMPREHENSIVE'
   ,time_limit  => 60
   ,task_name   => 'tune_test5'
   ,description => 'Tune a SQL statement.'

Next the tuning task is executed:

SQL> exec dbms_sqltune.execute_tuning_task(task_name => 'tune_test5'),

Lastly, a report is generated that displays the tuning advice:

SQL> set long 10000 longchunksize 10000 linesize 132 pagesize 200
SQL> select dbms_sqltune.report_tuning_task('tune_test5') from dual;

Here is some sample output:

1- Statistics Finding
  Table "MV_MAINT"."DEPT" was not analyzed.
  - Consider collecting optimizer statistics for this table.
2- Index Finding (see explain plans section below)
  The execution plan of this statement can be improved by creating one or more
  Recommendation (estimated benefit: 97.98%)
  - Consider running the Access Advisor to improve the physical schema design
    or creating the recommended index.
    create index MV_MAINT.IDX$$_21E10001 on MV_MAINT.EMP("DEPT_ID");

The prior output has specific recommendations on generating statistics for a table in the query and adding an index. You’ll need to test the recommendations to ensure that performance does improve before implementing them in a production environment.

From SQL Developer

If you have access to SQL Developer 3.0 or higher, then it’s very easy to run the SQL Tuning Advisor for a query. Follow these simple steps:

  1. Open a SQL worksheet.
  2. Type in the query.
  3. Click the button associated with the SQL Tuning Advisor.

You will be presented with any findings and recommendations. If you have access to SQL Developer (it’s a free download available on Oracle’s OTN website), this provides a simple way to run the SQL Tuning Advisor.

image Note  Before running SQL Tuning Advisor from SQL Developer, ensure the user that you’re connected to has the ADVISOR system privilege granted to it.

From Enterprise Manager

You can also run the SQL Tuning Advisor from within Enterprise Manager. Login to Enterprise Manager and follow these steps:

  1. From the main database page, click on the “Performance” tab.
  2. Select the “Advisors Home” page and then select the SQL Advisors page.
  3. Click the “SQL Tuning Advisor” link.

You should be presented with a page similar to the one shown in Figure 11-3.


Figure 11-3. Scheduling SQL Tuning Advisor jobs from Enterprise Manager

From here you can run a SQL Tuning Advisor tuning task on the top SQL statements in memory, or historical SQL in the AWR, or provide a SQL tuning set as input.

How It Works

The SQL Tuning Advisor helps automate the task of tuning poorly performing queries. The tool is fairly easy to use, and it provides suggestions on how to tune a query, such as the following:

  • Rewriting the SQL
  • Adding indexes
  • Implementing a SQL profile or plan baselines
  • Generating statistics

The SQL Tuning advisor is easily accessed through the DBMS_SQLTUNE package, Enterprise Manager, or SQL Developer. This easy access provides everybody on the team a way to identify problematic SQL queries and generate potential tuning advice.

One key to understanding how the SQL Tuning Advisor operates is that the query optimizer can operate in two different modes: normal and tuning. When a user runs a SQL statement, the optimizer operates in normal mode and quickly identifies a reasonable execution plan. In this mode, the optimizer spends only a fraction of a second to try to determine the best plan.

Whereas when the SQL Tuning Advisor analyzes a query, it runs the optimizer in tuning mode. In this mode, the optimizer can take several minutes to analyze each step of the execution plan and generate an execution plan that is potentially much more efficient than the plan generated under normal mode.

This is somewhat similar to a computer chess game. When you allow the chess software to spend only a second or less on each move, it’s easy to beat the game. However, if you allow the chess game to spend a minute or more on each move, in this mode the game makes much more optimal decisions.

11-18. Generating SQL Tuning Advice from the Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor


You’re having performance issues. You realize that the Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) report is a good place to get initial advice on identifying problematic SQL statements and potential recommendations. Therefore you want to run an ADDM report.


You can view an ADDM report from the following tools:

  • SQL*Plus script
  • DBMS_ADDM package
  • Enterprise Manager

These techniques are elaborated on in the following subsections.

SQL Approach

You can run the ADDM report manually as shown:

SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/addmrpt.sql

You’ll be prompted to specify a beginning and ending snapshot. Here’s some sample output:

Instance     DB Name        Snap Id    Snap Started    Level
------------ ------------ --------- ------------------ -----
O12C         O12C              1766 29 May 2013 08:00      1
                               1767 29 May 2013 09:00      1
                               1768 29 May 2013 10:00      1
Specify the Begin and End Snapshot Ids
Enter value for begin_snap:

You’ll then be prompted for a report name:

The default report file name is addmrpt_1_26468_26486.txt. To use this name,
press <return> to continue, otherwise enter an alternative.
Enter value for report_name:

After the report executes, you can inspect the output. There’s a Top SQL Statements section that reports on tuning recommendations for the top resource-consuming SQL statement. Here’s some sample output:

Finding 1: Top SQL Statements
Impact is .79 active sessions, 72.17% of total activity.
SQL statements consuming significant database time were found. These
statements offer a good opportunity for performance improvement.
   Recommendation 1: SQL Tuning
   Estimated benefit is .58 active sessions, 53.07% of total activity.
      Investigate the INSERT statement with SQL_ID "2nw0mmysuma43" for
      possible performance improvements. You can supplement the information
      given here with an ASH report for this SQL_ID.
      Related Object
         SQL statement with SQL_ID 2nw0mmysuma43.
         INSERT INTO bling
         ( registration_id,company


The DBMS_ADDM package is available with Oracle Database 11g R2 or higher. When using the DBMS_ADDM package, you must pass in a valid range of begin and end AWR snapshot IDs. Query the DBA_HIST_SNAPSHOT view if you’re not sure of what snapshots are available. Here’s an example of running DBMS_ADDM:

SQL> var task_name varchar2(30);
SQL> exec DBMS_ADDM.ANALYZE_DB(:task_name, 1766, 1767);
SQL> print :task_name

Here is some sample output displaying the task name:


Next the ADDM report is displayed:


The output can be quite lengthy. Here is a small snippet recommending that you run the SQL Tuning Advisor for a specific SQL statement:

   Run SQL Tuning Advisor on the DELETE statement with SQL_ID
   Related Object
      SQL statement with SQL_ID 0s6gq1c890p4s.
      delete from "MVS"."MGMT_DB_FEAT_USE_ECM_LATEST"
   The SQL spent 98% of its database time on CPU, I/O and Cluster waits.
   This part of database time may be improved by the SQL Tuning Advisor.

Enterprise Manager

First, login to Enterprise Manager. From the main login page, you can access the ADDM reports in Enterprise Manager as follows:

  1. Click the “Performance” tab.
  2. Click on the “Advisors Home” link
  3. Then click on the “ADDM” link

You should be presented with a page similar to the one shown in Figure 11-4.


Figure 11-4. Running ADDM from Enterprise Manager

From this page, you can run ADDM to analyze current performance or investigate past performance issues.

How It Works

The ADDM analyzes AWR snapshots every hour (by default) and produces performance recommendations. The suggestions are ranked by the expected benefit of implementing a recommendation. Listed next are the types of recommendations you can expect from ADDM:

  • Expensive SQL statements
  • Expensive PL/SQL
  • RAC issues
  • CPU bottlenecks
  • Memory sizing recommendations
  • Database configuration recommendations
  • I/O bottlenecks

If you are having database performance issues, the ADDM report is an excellent place to first look for bottlenecks and problem areas of the database. The ADDM also details top resource-consuming SQL statements and makes recommendations on how to tune these queries.

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