


  • bad faith, 78
  • badmouthing, 311
  • bail, 318
  • Ballentine's Legal Dictionary and Thesaurus, 200
  • bankruptcy, 47
  • bankruptcy law, 130, 132–133
  • bar, 55, 318
  • bar associations, paralegal divisions of, 21
  • battery, 64, 70
  • Beatty, Richard H. (author)
    • The Resume Kit, 28
  • below, 318
  • bench, 55, 318
  • bench conference, 318
  • bench trial, 55
  • best evidence rule, 318
  • beyond a reasonable doubt, 56, 64, 81, 318
  • bias, 318
  • bicameral, 44
  • big firms, working for, 11–12
  • bill of particulars, motion for, 95, 318
  • billable hours, technology for managing of, 280
  • billing systems, 294–295
  • Black Book Online, 342
  • Black's Law Dictionary, 200
  • Black's Law Dictionary Online, 315
  • Bloomberg Law, 212, 213, 343
  • The Bluebook, 214, 215, 216
  • body of the complaint, 319
  • bond, 319
  • breach of contract, 57, 69, 78, 137, 138
  • breach of fiduciary duty, 78
  • bribery, 67
  • brief
  • brief of a case, 319
  • brief of an opinion, 319
  • brief of appellee, 89
  • brief of the appellant, 89
  • Brown v. Board of Education, 41
  • burden of proof, 56, 64, 98, 170, 319
  • bureaucracy, 13, 45, 58–63
  • burglary, 66
  • business entries, 319
  • business law, 131–132
  • business licenses, 131
  • by-laws, 131


  • cabinet departments, 58
  • Caher, James P. (author)
    • Personal Bankruptcy Laws For Dummies, 132
  • Caher, John M. (author)
    • Personal Bankruptcy Laws For Dummies, 132
  • calendar system, 288–290
  • calendars, 279–280, 288–291
  • California, regulation of paralegals in, 16, 21
  • caption, in complaint, 157
  • caption of pleading, 319
  • Career Builder, 342
  • case administrator, paralegal as, 9
  • case brief, 319
  • case citators, 208
  • case law, 40, 46, 123, 124, 207, 212, 282, 307
  • case management, technology for, 280
  • case of first impression, 41, 118
  • Casemaker, 343
  • cases, citing of, 215
  • Casetext, 343
  • cause of action, 69, 75, 90, 93, 94, 95, 101, 239, 319
  • cc (courtesy copies), 155
  • ceremonial marriages, 126
  • certificate of mailing, 157, 160
  • certificate of service, 160, 168
  • certification, 22–24
  • Certified Legal Professional (CLP) exam, 23
  • Certified Paralegal (CP), 20, 22–23
  • challenge for cause, 223, 224, 319
  • challenge to the array, 223, 224, 319
  • challenge to the venire, 224
  • challenges
  • change of venue, 93, 319
  • change of venue, motion for, 149
  • charge to jury, 320
  • charging documents, 80–81, 218
  • charter, 320
  • checklists
    • in legal interviewing, 189–194, 196
    • in legal investigation, 177–179
    • for trial notebook, 220
  • checks and balances, 42–46
  • The Chicago Manual of Style, 15th Edition, 264
  • child custody matters, 8, 12, 50, 126
  • child molestation, 66
  • child rape, 66
  • choice of venue, 93, 320
  • Circuit Court of Appeals, 49, 121
  • circuit courts, 49, 50, 51
  • circuits, 49
  • circumstantial evidence, 320
  • citation format, 214–216
  • city courts, 53
  • civil case, carrying through of, 90–99
  • civil law
    • contract law, 76–78
    • defined, 57, 320
    • enacted law also known as, 120
    • equitable relief and money damages, 68–69
    • injunctions, 68
    • monetary damages, 69
    • overview, 68
    • specific performance, 69
    • tort law, 69–76
  • civil procedure, 102–111
    • distinguishing between procedural law and substantive law, 102
  • civil process
    • conducting pre-trial conferences, 97
    • dealing with discovery, 95–97
    • deciding on venue, 93
    • determining jurisdiction, 90–93
    • initiating of, 90–93
    • plodding along in post-trial, 98–99
    • Rules 8, 11, and 12, 105–107
    • sending demand letter, 90
    • traveling through trial, 97–98
  • civil suit, 54, 57, 63, 103, 320
  • CJS (Corpus Juris Secundum), 201, 204
  • claim for relief, 320
  • clergy-penitent privilege, 320
  • clerk, 320. See also court clerks
  • client confidentiality, 302. See also attorney-client confidentiality
  • clients
    • helping out after death of, 128
    • interviews with, 187–194
    • meeting with, 82–84
    • preserving client-lawyer relationship, 236–238
    • resisting urge to gossip about, 312
  • Clio, 344
  • closed questions, 190
  • closing statements or arguments, 98, 133, 153, 320
  • CLP (Certified Legal Professional) exam, 23
  • codefendant, 320
  • codes, of paralegal associations, 240–244
  • Cole, criss-cross directory, 180
  • collecting judgments/collection of judgment, 98–99, 153, 320
  • collections, 230
  • Colman Nourian, 27
  • common law, 39, 48, 69, 77, 120
  • common law marriages, 126
  • communication skills, 16, 306
  • compact, 48
  • comparative negligence, 41–42, 73
  • compel, motion to, 97, 150
  • compensation, 10, 11–12, 13
  • competency to testify, 114, 320
  • complainants, 68
  • complaints, 80, 81–82, 94, 111, 148, 156–159, 320, 338. See also third-party complaints
  • computers
    • operation of in law office, 276
    • use of in courtroom, 283–285
  • concurring opinion, 320
  • conflicts of interest, 93, 236, 237, 242, 281, 303
  • Congress, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 58, 59–60, 120, 320
  • congresspersons, 44
  • consequential damages, 73
  • consideration, 76, 77, 129
  • constitution, 321. See also U.S. Constitution
  • contempt, 321
  • contest, 321
  • contingency fee basis, 133, 294
  • contingent fee agreement, 146
  • contract
    • breaches of, 57
    • elements of valid contract, 77
    • employment contracts, 131
    • undoing of, 78
  • contract cohabitation, 126
  • contract law, 68, 76–78, 137
  • contract litigation, 78
  • contributory negligence, 42, 73
  • conversion, tort of, 71
  • copyrights, 142
  • Cornell University Law School Legal Information Institute, 343
  • corporate bank account, 131
  • corporate law, 8, 10, 11, 12, 131
  • corporate name registration, 131
  • corporation counsel, 321
  • Corpus Juris Secundum (CJS), 201, 204
  • corroborate, 178, 321
  • cosmic law theory, 39
  • CosmoLex, 344
  • cost bill, 229
  • counterclaim, 94, 148, 321
  • county courts, 51, 93
  • court clerks, being polite and patient with, 310
  • court documents, 180
  • courts. See specific courts
  • courts of general jurisdiction, 51, 89
  • courts of last resort, 47, 49–50, 51, 52
  • courts of limited jurisdiction, 51
  • cover letter, 26, 28–30, 338
  • Cover Letters For Dummies (Kennedy), 28
  • CP exam, 22–23
  • criminal case, 79–89
  • criminal law, 63–68, 321
  • criminal mischief, 67, 68
  • criminal post-trial procedure, 87–89
  • criminal pre-trial procedure, 82–86
  • criminal trial notebook checklist, 340
  • criminal trial procedure, 86–87
  • criss-cross directory, 180
  • cross claim, 94, 106, 148, 321
  • cross examination/cross-examine, 60, 62, 96, 98, 108, 115, 219, 228, 283, 321



  • education, continuing yours, 309
  • eFiling, 105
  • ejectment, 71
  • Ellis Island, New Jersey v. New York, 48
  • emails, 249, 279
  • emancipation of minors, 126
  • eminent domain, 323
  • employment contracts, 131
  • en banc, 89, 323
  • enacted law, 120, 121, 122
  • English Grammar For Dummies (Woods), 306
  • enlargement of time, motion for, 150
  • entertainment law, 8, 9, 137–138, 141
  • entrapment defense, 65
  • equal protection, 118, 323–324
  • error of law, 52, 88, 99
  • escheat, 324
  • estate, 324
  • estate planning, 125, 127–130, 244, 309, 312
  • ethical concerns
    • dealing with others in and out of law office, 238–239
    • example of, 9
    • following chain of responsibility, 234–235
    • maintaining integrity of profession, 240
    • obeying all applicable attorneys' ethics rules, 303–304
    • overview, 231–232
    • preserving client-lawyer relationship, 236–238
    • reporting ethics violations of other legal professionals, 302
    • Rules of Professional Conduct, 235–240
    • sorting through codes of paralegal associations, 240–244
    • unauthorized practice of law, 233–234
  • ethics
    • defining of in field of law, 232–233
    • importance of, 232–235
    • real-world ethics, 244
    • ten most important rules of, 301–304
    • websites about ethics rules, 341
  • evidence
    • admissible evidence, 80, 108, 112, 316
    • best evidence rule, 318
    • chronological organization of, 185
    • circumstantial evidence, 320
    • defined, 324
    • demonstrative evidence, 322
    • direct evidence, 113, 322
    • federal rules of, 111–116
    • foundation for, 325
    • gathering of, 176–185
    • identifying of, 183–184
    • introduce into, 327
    • move into evidence, 329
    • objection to evidence, 329
    • opinion evidence, 329
    • organizing of, 184–185
    • physical evidence, 219, 330
    • preponderance of, 56, 331
    • presentation of, 279
    • protecting of, 183, 184
    • tangible evidence, 84–85, 116, 183–184, 279, 335
    • testimonial evidence, 114, 116, 183, 184, 335
  • ex contractu, 68
  • ex delicto, 68
  • ex parte hearing, 324
  • examiner, 324
  • excited utterance, 116, 324
  • executive branch, 42, 43, 45–46, 324
  • exhibit, 324
  • expert opinions, 115
  • expert witnesses, 107, 114, 115, 136, 218, 229, 324
  • external memo, 162, 339


  • Facebook, conducting searches on, 180
  • facts, uncovering of, 107–110
  • failing to discover, Rule 37, 110
  • failure to state a cause of action, 324
  • false imprisonment, 66, 70
  • family law practice, 126
  • Fastcase, 343
  • federal cabinet departments, 58
  • Federal Circuit Court, 49
  • Federal Communications Act, 45
  • Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 58
  • federal court summons, 148
  • federal district courts, 47, 152, 338
  • federal enacted law, 122
  • federal holidays, 105
  • federal judicial system, 47
  • federal question jurisdiction, 47
  • Federal Reporter, 201
  • Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (Fed.R.Civ.P.) (FRCP), 102–111, 158, 324, 342
  • federal rules of evidence, 112–116
  • Federal Rules of Evidence (Fed.R.Evid.) (FRE), 112, 342
  • Federal Supplement, 201
  • Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 58
  • federalism, 42
  • felonies, 65–67, 80, 81, 324
  • felony assault, 66
  • felony murder rule, 66
  • file an amended pleading, motion to, 150
  • file management, 296–298
  • filed (in court), 324
  • filing a case, taking responsibility for (Rule 11), 106
  • filing system, 295–297
  • Findlaw, 26, 213, 341, 343
  • first impression, case of, 41, 118
  •, 342
  • foreign national, 92
  • forgery, 67, 129
  • formal advocacy, 60, 61–62
  • forum, 325
  • forum non conveniens, 325
  • foundation for evidence, 325
  • fraud, 75, 129, 302
  • FRCP (Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Fed.R.Civ.P.), 102–111, 158, 324, 342
  • FRE (Federal Rules of Evidence, Fed.R.Evid.), 112, 342
  • Freedom of Information Act, 45
  • freelance paralegal business, 34–35
  • freelance rate sheet, 27, 35, 338
  • Freelancing For Dummies (Drake), 35
  • FTC (Federal Trade Commission), 58


  • gambling, 67
  • garnishment, 98, 153, 325
  • general damages, 73, 229
  • general verdict, 325
  • general verdict with interrogatories, 325
  • Gibson Arnold & Associates, 27, 342
  • glossary, 315–336
  • God-made law, 39
  • good law, 202, 208, 211, 282
  • good time, 325
  • Google Calendar, 280
  • Google Docs, 278
  • Google products, 277
  • Google Sheets, 278
  • Google Slides, 279
  • Gookin, Dan (author)
    • Microsoft Office For Dummies, 278
  • government, working for, 12–13
  • grammar, 249–257
  • grand jury, 81, 325
  • granting cert, 49
  • gun theft, 67


  • harm, 70–71, 134
  • Harvard Law Review, 121
  • headnote number (in Shepard's Citations), 209–210
  • hearing
  • hearing officer, 63, 325
  • hearsay, 115–116, 325
  • help, how to ask for, 305
  • homicide, crime of, 65–66
  • House of Representatives, 44
  • humor, sense of, importance of having, 311
  • hung jury, 88


  • icons, explained, 3
  • identity theft, 67, 84
  • illegitimacy, 126
  • impanel, 326
  • impeach a witness, 326
  • impeachment, 85
  • in camera, 326
  • in issue, 326
  • in limine, motion, 150, 329
  • in personam jurisdiction, 91–92, 326
  • in question, 326
  • in rem jurisdiction, 91, 92, 326
  • in vitro fertilization, 126
  • indecent liberties, 66
  •, 26, 342
  • independent contractor, working as, 13
  • indictments, 80–81, 326
  • indigent, 326
  • inferior courts, 51, 123
  • informal advocacy, 60–61, 62
  • information
    • also known as complaints, 80, 81–82
    • disclosing of, 107–108
    • sharing of with supervising attorney, 303
    • sources of in legal investigation, 179–183
  • information and belief, 326
  • InfoTracer, 342
  • infra, 326
  • initial appearance, 326
  • injunctions, 68
  • injunctive relief, 76
  • intake memo, 146
  • integrity, 240, 310
  • intellectual property (IP) law, 8, 102, 139, 140, 141–142, 230, 312
  • intent, 326
  • intentional infliction of emotional distress, 70
  • intentional misrepresentation, 74, 75
  • intentional torts, 69, 70–71
  • interlocutory appeal, 326
  • intermediate courts of appeals, 52
  • internal memo, 162, 168, 339
  • Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 45, 58
  • Internet, cautions with playing on, 282
  • Internet Legal Research Group, 213, 343
  • interrogatories, 95, 109, 151, 152, 172–173, 326, 339
  • interrogatories in aid of judgment, 230
  • intestate, 128
  • introduce into evidence, 327
  • invasion of privacy, 74
  • investigating, 8–9, 340, 342
  • invoice, 295, 340
  • irreplaceability, never act as though you're irreplaceable, 311
  • issue, 177
  • issues on appeal, 327


  • job boards, 26–27
  • job hunt/job search, 25–28, 338, 341–342
  • joint and several liability, 73, 327
  • judge-made law, 69, 120, 121, 327
  • judges, 55
  • judgment, 229–230, 327
  • judgment creditor, 327
  • judgment debtor, 230, 327
  • judgment non obstante verdicto (JNOV), 151, 327
  • judgment notwithstanding verdict, motion for, 151, 327
  • judgment on the merits, 327
  • judgment on the pleadings, motion for, 150
  • judgment-proof, 327
  • judicial branch, 42, 43, 46, 327
  • judicial review, 59–60, 61, 63
  • jurisdiction, 46, 90, 91–92, 327. See also specific jurisdictions
  • jury, 327
  • jury charge, 327
  • jury instructions, 153, 173, 219, 328, 339
  • jury nullification, 54
  • jury panel seating chart, 225, 328, 340
  • jury selection, 86, 112, 219, 221–225, 284
  • jury system, 54–56
  • jury trial, 55–56, 221
  • jury's reaction, 86, 227–228
  • justices of the peace, 51


  • Kennedy, Joyce Lain (author)
    • Cover Letters For Dummies, 28
    • Resumes For Dummies, 28
  • KeyCite, 210–211
  • kidnapping, 66
  • knowledge, for paralegals, 13–16, 305–308


  • law. See also specific types of
    • areas of where paralegals often make highest salaries, 11–12
    • categories of, 57–78
    • error of, 52, 88, 99
    • how a bill becomes, 45
    • interpretations of, 39
    • researching and analyzing of, 8
    • statutory law, 44
  • Law Crossing, 342
  • Law For Dummies (Ventura), 127, 129, 132, 138
  • Law Guru, 213
  • Law Match, 341
  • law office
    • billing systems, 294–295
    • calendar system, 288–290
    • creating invoices, 295
    • to-do list, 292–294
    • document control register, 290
    • file management, 296–298
    • management systems, 287–294
    • online resources on administration of, 340
    • tickler system, 290–292
  •, 341
  • Lawyers Weekly Jobs, 341
  • lay witnesses, 115
  • leading question, 328
  • legal analysis, 164, 165, 166, 167–168
  • legal authority
  • legal dictionary, 200, 310, 315
  • legal documents
    • answer to complaint, 160–162
    • charging documents, 80–81
    • complaints, 156–159
    • demand letters, 154–156
    • digesting of, 322
    • disclosure and discovery, 170–173
    • discovery, 151–153
    • effective document drafting, 153–173
    • handling trial documents, 173
    • how to draft fundamental legal documents, 308
    • keeping track of, 85
    • memorandum of law, 162–168
    • motions, 149–151, 168–170. See also specific motions
    • online resources on, 338–339
    • pleadings, 148–149
    • preliminary documents, 146–153
    • preparation of, 145–173
    • records, 180–183
    • request for production and inspection of, 97, 152, 332, 339
    • trial and post-trial, 153
  • legal encyclopedias, 119, 121, 201, 203, 204, 205
  • legal environment, 9, 309–312
  • legal holidays, 105
  • legal interviewing, 187–198
  • legal investigation, 177–183
  • legal memorandum, 162–168
  • legal precedence, 40–42
  • legal process, 42, 287–288, 338
  • legal research
    • American Law Reports (ALR), 203, 205
    • Bloomberg Law, 213
    • case citators, 208
    • citation format, 214–216
    • computerized legal research, 211–214
    • conducting, 200–202
    • digests, 206–207
    • Internet, 213–214
    • legal encyclopedias, 203, 204
    • Lexis Advance, 212–213
    • online resources on, 340
    • other resources, 211
    • as paralegal role, 8
    • reining in, 202–203
    • relying on tools of the trade, 203–211
    • reporters, 203, 208
    • searching for applicable law in four easy steps, 200–202
    • Westlaw, 212. See also Westlaw
    • Westlaw's KeyCite, 210–211
  • legal secretary, doing paralegal work as, 18
  • Legal Staff, 341
  • legal staffing agencies, 27
  • legal system, supporting efforts to improve, 304
  • Legal Thesaurus/Dictionary (Statsky), 200
  • legal writing ability, 15
  • legal writing style
    • avoiding plagiarism, 274
    • corresponding carefully, 248–249
    • effortless emails, 249
    • employing parallel structure, 260
    • grammar, 249–254
    • letters that impact, 248
    • mastering mechanics, 265–271
    • overview, 247
    • positioning modifiers, 259
    • proofreading, 273–274
    • punctuation, 260–265
    • recognizing elements of sentence, 254–257
    • sentence structure, 257–260
    • structuring finished product, 271–273
    • using active voice, 259
  • legislative branch, 42, 43, 44–45, 328
  • letters, writing of, 248
  • letters rogatory, 96
  • Lexis Advance, 202, 203, 206, 210, 212–213, 343
  • LexisNexis, 212, 213, 275, 282
  • liability
    • joint and several liability, 73, 327
    • parental liability, 126
    • product liability, 8, 12, 68, 69, 75–76, 107
    • strict liability, 69, 75
    • vicarious liability, 74
  • liable, 73–74, 75, 135, 149, 328
  • liaison, paralegal as, 9, 127
  • libel, 54, 74
  • licensing agreements, 142
  • life skills, 15–16
  • limitations, knowing yours, 307
  • LinkedIn, 28, 33, 34, 35, 180
  • lis pendens, 328
  • litigation, 11, 328
  • litigation process
    • carrying through civil case, 89–99
    • constructing criminal case, 79–89
  • local judicial systems, 53
  • locations, where paralegals work, 11–13


  • magistrate, 328
  • majority opinion, 328
  • malicious prosecution, 75
  • management systems, 287–294
  • mandate, 89
  • mandate of court, 328
  • mandatory authority, 121–123, 124, 202
  • manifest assent, 77
  • manslaughter, 65, 66
  • marital communications privilege, 328
  • Marshall, Thurgood (justice), 41
  • master witness list, 226, 227, 340
  • material, 113
  • matter of right, 52. See also appeal as a matter of right
  • mechanics, in legal writing, 265–271
  • medical malpractice, 12, 107, 109, 115, 133–134, 135–136
  • memoranda of law, 28, 40, 146, 151, 162–168, 170, 171
  • Microsoft Excel, 278
  • Microsoft Office, 277
  • Microsoft Office 2019 For Dummies (Wang), 278, 279
  • Microsoft Office For Dummies (Gookin), 278
  • Microsoft Outlook, 279, 280
  • Microsoft PowerPoint, 279
  • Microsoft Word, 264, 278, 337
  • minors, emancipation of, 126
  • misdemeanors, 51, 53, 65, 66, 67–68, 80, 328
  • misplaced modifiers, 259
  • mitigate, 73, 94
  • Model Code of Ethics and Professional Responsibility (NFPA), 242–243, 341
  • Model Rules of Professional Conduct (ABA), 235–236, 238, 239, 240, 341
  • Model Standards and Guidelines for Utilization of Legal AssistantsParalegals (NALA), 241, 341
  • monetary damages, 68, 69, 92, 98
  • money laundering, 67
  •, 26, 342
  • more definite statement, motion for, 94–95, 149
  • motion for a bill of particulars, 95, 318
  • motion for a more definite statement, 94–95, 149
  • motion for a new trial, 87, 99, 151, 328
  • motion for change of venue, 149
  • motion for directed verdict, 150–151, 322
  • motion for enlargement of time, 150
  • motion for judgment notwithstanding verdict, 151, 327
  • motion for judgment on the pleadings, 150
  • motion for more definite statement, 94–95, 149
  • motion for protective order, 150
  • motion for summary judgment, 110–111, 150, 169–170, 329, 339
  • motion in limine, 150, 329
  • motion to amend judgment, 151
  • motion to compel, 97, 150
  • motion to dismiss, 81, 95, 149, 329
  • motion to file an amended pleading, 150
  • motion to quash service of summons, 94, 149
  • motion to recuse, 93, 149, 253
  • motion to strike, 94, 149
  • motion to suppress, 329
  • motions. See also specific motions
    • defined, 149, 328
    • drafting of, 168–170
    • types of pre-trial motions, 149–151
    • types of trial and post-trial motions, 150–151
  • movant, 170, 329
  • move into evidence, 329
  • municipal courts, 53
  • murder, 65, 66
  • MyCase, 344


  • NALP, 342
  • NALS, 20, 22, 23, 243, 341
  • NALS Code of Ethics, 341
  • name changes, 126
  • National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 41
  • National Association of Legal Assistants (NALA), 20, 22, 23, 240, 241–242, 341
  • National Federation of Paralegal Associations Legal Career Center, 341
  • National Federation of Paralegal Associations (NFPA), 20, 22, 240, 242–243, 341
  • natural law, 39
  • NCCP (North Carolina Certified Paralegal), 23
  • negligence, 71–73, 102, 134–136, 158. See also comparative negligence; contributory negligence
  • negligent homicide, 66
  • negligent torts, 69, 71–74
  • networking, 27–28
  • New Jersey v. New York, 48
  • new trial, motion for, 87, 99, 151, 328
  • New York Court of Appeals, 51, 89
  • no bill, 81
  • no contest (nolo contendere) plea, 85, 329
  • nolle prosequi, 329
  • nonauthority, 122, 124, 340
  • nonprobate instruments, 128
  • nonreligious law, 39
  • non-tort cases, 146
  • North Carolina Certified Paralegal (NCCP), 23
  • North Carolina Paralegal Association, requirements of, 23
  • notice of appeal, 88, 99, 153, 329
  • notice to set, 151, 168, 170, 171, 339
  • nuisance, 69, 71, 76
  • nunc pro tunc, 329


  • obiter dicta, 122
  • objection to evidence, 329
  • off the record, 329
  • offer, as initiating contract, 77
  • on all fours, 121
  • online directories, 179–180
  • online job boards, 26–27
  • online profile, 33–34
  • online resources, 2, 281–283, 337–344
  • on-point, 119, 121, 122, 123–124, 162, 201, 202, 207, 208, 214, 231
  • open-ended questions, 190
  • opening statement, 98, 157, 219, 329
  • opinion
    • brief of an opinion, 319
    • concurring opinion, 320
    • defined, 120
    • dissenting opinion, 323
    • expert opinions, 115
    • majority opinion, 328
    • opinion evidence, 329
    • opinion of the attorney general, 329
    • opinion of the court, 123, 330
    • reasonableness of, 115
  • opinion evidence, 329
  • opinion of the attorney general, 329
  • opinion of the court, 123, 330
  • order, 339
  • ordinances, 53, 54, 59, 72, 119, 120, 122, 123
  • organization skills, 306
  • “Outline of the Law” (West), 201


  • PACE Registered Paralegal (RP), 20, 23
  • panels, 89
  • paper chase. See legal documents
  • paralegal
    • attempt at regulation of, 16
    • defining qualifications of, 241
    • designating duties paralegal can perform, 241–242
    • don't count on normal work schedule, 312
    • role of, 306
    • securing position as, 25–35
    • setting up shop, 34–35
    • sharing information with supervising attorney, 303
    • skills, knowledge, and training needed, 13–18
    • what a paralegal does, 9–10
    • where paralegals work, 11–13
  • Paralegal 411, 342
  • Paralegal Advanced Competency Exam (PACE exam), 23
  • paralegal associations
    • codes of, 240–244
    • how to weigh value of, 308
    • to join or not to join, 19–22
    • list of, 337
    • paralegal divisions of bar associations, 21
    • state and local paralegal associations, 20–21
    • types of, 20
  • Paralegal CORE Competency Exam (TM a.k.a. PCCE R), 23
  • paralegal entrepreneur, 13
  • paralegal personality, 14–15
  • paralegal status, disclosing yours, 302
  • parental liability and torts, 126
  • parol evidence rule, 330
  • passive voice, 259
  • patent and trademark law, 8, 12
  • patents, 141, 142
  • paternity, 126
  • patience, with court clerks, 310
  • PCCE (R), 23
  • Peachtree, 294
  • People Records Asset Search, 342
  • people's court, 51
  • peremptory challenges, 98, 223–224, 330
  • perfect job, finding of, 25–28
  • Perfect Practice, 344
  • PerfectLaw, 344
  • perjury, 67, 114, 197
  • Personal Bankruptcy Laws For Dummies (Caher and Caher), 132
  • personal injury, 50, 68, 71, 107, 113, 115, 133–136, 180, 233, 297
  • personal recognizance, 330
  • personal service, 91, 104, 157, 330
  • personality, paralegal personality, 14–15
  • persuasive authority, 121, 122, 123–124
  • petition, 94, 111, 156, 330
  • Petition for Certiorari, 49
  • petition for review, 49, 89
  • petitioner, 88, 330
  • physical evidence, 219, 330
  • physical or mental examination, request for, 97, 152, 153, 332
  • placement services, 26, 27
  • plagiarism, 274
  • plaintiffs, 68, 330
  • plea bargain, 85, 86, 330
  • plead, 330
  • pleadings
    • answers and replies, 148
    • complaints, 148
    • defined, 330
    • drafting of, 105–107
    • motion for judgment on, 150
    • third-party complaints, 149
    • verification of, 336
    • what goes into (Rule 8), 106
  • Plessy v. Ferguson, 41
  • PLS (Professional Legal Secretary) exam, 23
  • police reports, 82–83, 191
  • poll the jury, 330
  • post-trial, 87–89, 98–99, 153
  • PP (Professional Paralegal) exam, 23
  • PracticePanther, 344
  • prayer for relief, 157, 158, 160, 331
  • precedent, 40, 41, 122
  • preliminary hearing, 81, 331
  • premeditated murder, 65
  • prenuptial and antenuptial agreements, 126
  • preponderance of the evidence, 56, 331
  • presiding juror, 173
  • presumption, 331
  • presumption of innocence, 64
  • pre-trial conferences, 97, 153, 331
  • pre-trial procedures, 82–86, 97
  • pre-trial statement, 153
  • pre-trial tasks, 94–97
  • Prezi, 279
  • Prezi For Dummies (Diamond), 279
  • prima facie case, 64, 69, 71, 73, 74, 75, 148, 331
  • primary authority, 119–120, 121, 124, 204, 211, 340
  • privacy, invasion of, 74
  • private nuisance, 76
  • privilege, 9, 113–114, 318, 320, 323, 331
  • privilege against self-incrimination, 331
  • pro bono, 12, 22, 243, 304
  • pro se, 2, 3, 76, 331
  • probable cause, 80, 81, 331
  • probate, 9, 50, 68, 127, 128, 133
  • probation, 65, 67, 331
  • problem solving, enjoying of, 311
  • procedural law, 57, 102, 331
  • procedural rules, 102–111
  • process, 148, 331. See also civil process; due process; legal process; litigation process; service of process
  • product liability, 8, 12, 68, 69, 75–76, 107
  • Professional Legal Secretary (PLS) exam, 23
  • Professional Paralegal (PP) exam, 23
  • professional responsibility, rules of, 308
  • Prohibition, repeal of, 54
  • proof
  • proof of service, 104
  • proofreading, 273–274
  • prosecute, 332
  • prostitution, 67
  • protective order, motion for, 150
  • proved, 116
  • proximate cause, 72, 177
  • public nuisance, 76
  • public policy, 40
  • Public Record Center, 342
  • public records, 180–183
  • public sector, 12–13
  • punctuation, in legal writing, 260–265
  • punitive damages, 73, 229


  • qualify a witness, 332
  • quash service of summons, motion to, 94, 149
  • quasi in rem jurisdiction, 91, 92, 332
  • quasi-intentional torts, 69, 74–75
  • quasi-judicial, 45, 59, 332
  • questions
    • asking of, Rule 33, 109
    • closed questions, 190
    • leading question, 328
    • open-ended questions, 190
    • preparation of for attorney, 228
  • QuickBooks, 294, 295
  • quid pro quo, 76, 268


  • racial segregation, law allowing, 41
  • rape, crime of, 66
  • real estate law, 102, 133, 137, 138–139
  • reasonable likelihood, 80
  • reasonableness of opinion, 115
  • recidivist, 332
  • reckless burning, 66
  • records, 180–183, 332
  • recuse, motion to, 93, 149, 253
  • redirect, 98, 228
  • redirect examination, 332
  • Reed, Mary (author)
    • Divorce For Dummies, 127
  • referee, 332
  • regulations
    • attempt at for paralegals, 16
    • as type of enacted primary authority, 120
  • relevancy, 113
  • relevant, 332
  • remand, 332
  • remittitur, 332
  • rendered (of decision), 40, 41, 151
  • replevin, 71
  • reply, 95, 332
  • reporters, 203, 208
  • request for admissions, 95, 97, 109–110, 151, 170, 171, 332, 339
  • request for physical or mental examination, 97, 152, 332
  • request for production and inspection of documents, 97, 152, 332, 339
  • res gestae, 333
  • res ipsa loquitur, 72
  • res judicata, 333
  • research, 307, 343. See also legal research
  • research skills, 15
  • respondeat superior, 74, 268–269
  • respondents, 68, 88, 333
  • responding on time (Rule 12), 106–107
  • restitution, 76, 84, 90, 333
  • restraining order, 67, 68, 126
  • The Resume Kit (Beatty), 28
  • resumes, 30–33, 338
  • Resumes For Dummies (Kennedy), 28
  • retainer agreement, 90, 146–147, 333
  • review
    • appellate review, 317
    • defined, 333
    • discretionary review, 52, 53
    • judicial review, 59–60, 61, 63
    • petition for, 49, 89
  • robbery, 66
  • Rocky Mountain Paralegal Association, 20–21
  • Roe v. Wade, 41
  • rule on witnesses, 86, 333
  • rulemaking, 45, 60
  • rules of court, 56, 111, 333
  • rules of evidence and procedure, online resources on, 342
  • Rules of Professional Conduct, 235–240


  • salary, 10, 11–12, 13
  • samples
    • answer, 338
    • answer and third-party complaint, 338
    • answer to third-party complaint, 339
    • answer with Colorado caption format, 161–162
    • attorney's memo requesting prospective witness interview, 195
    • complaint, 159
    • complaints, 338
    • cover letters, 29, 338
    • criminal trial notebook checklist, 340
    • demand letter, 156
    • demand letters, 338
    • to-do list (in law office), 293
    • external memo, 339
    • freelance rate sheet, 338
    • individual calendar, 291
    • internal memo, 339
    • internal memo in support of motion, 339
    • interrogatories, 172–173, 339
    • invoice, 340
    • jury instructions, 339
    • jury panel seating chart, 225, 340
    • master calendar, 289
    • master witness list, 227, 340
    • memorandum of law, 163–167
    • motion for summary judgment, 169–170, 339
    • notice to set, 339
    • order, 339
    • police officer's narrative report, 191
    • request for admissions, 339
    • request for production of documents, 339
    • resumes, 32, 338
    • scenario of initial client interview process, 191
    • summons, 338
    • timesheet, 340
    • trial notebook checklist: criminal, 220
    • witness interview checklist, 196
  • satisfy, 333
  • secondary authority, 119, 121, 123, 124, 340
  • secular law, 39
  • self-defense, 64
  • self-regulating, attorneys as, 235
  • Senate, 44
  • senators, 44
  • sentence, 333
  • sentences, 254–260
  • separation agreements, 126
  • serious bodily harm, disclosing information to prevent, 302–303
  • serve, 333
  • service marks, 141
  • service of process, 104, 149, 178, 333
  • set for trial, 333
  • setting up shop, 34–35
  • settlement, 333
  • sexual assault, 66
  • Shepardizing, 202, 209, 210, 213
  • Shepard's Citations, 124, 202, 203, 208–209
  • Shepard's EXPRESS Citations, 210
  • shoplifting, 67
  • slander, 74
  • small firms, working for, 12
  • Social Security Administration (SSA), 12–13, 58
  • software applications, 277–281, 294, 295, 340, 343–344
  • sovereignty, 42
  • special damages, 72–73, 229
  • special verdict form, 173, 334
  • specific performance, 68, 69
  • speech, parts of, 249–250
  • spelling mistakes, examples of, 44
  • spontaneous declaration, 334
  • spreadsheets, 278–279
  • stalking, 66
  • standard of proof, 334
  • stare decisis doctrine, 40, 41, 117, 118, 119, 121, 334
  • state a cause of action, 334
  • state courts, 40, 50, 51, 53, 115, 122, 132, 171
  • state enacted law, 122
  • state legislatures, 45, 120
  • state procedural rules, 111
  • state trial courts, 51
  • stating the case, 158
  • Statsky, William (author)
    • Legal Thesaurus/Dictionary, 200
  • statute of limitations, 103, 334
  • statute(s)
    • citing of, 215
    • defined, 44
    • a.k.a. act, 45
    • ordinance as analogous to, 53
    • as type of enacted primary authority, 120
  • statutory law, 40, 44
  • stay execution of the judgment, 334
  • stipulate, 334
  • stipulations, 97
  • stock issuance, 131
  • strict liability, 69, 75
  • strike, motion to, 94, 149
  • subject-matter jurisdiction, 334
  • subpoena duces tecum, 171, 334
  • subpoenas, 85, 96, 127, 134, 171, 334
  • subscription, a.k.a. attorney's signature, 156, 158, 171, 334
  • substantive law
    • areas of most commonly practiced by paralegals, 125–142
    • bankruptcy law, 130, 132–133
    • business law, 131–132
    • defined, 57, 102, 334
    • as distinguished from procedural law, 102
    • domestic law, 125–127
    • entertainment law, 137–138
    • estate planning, 125, 127–130
    • intellectual property (IP) law, 139, 141–142
    • medical malpractice, 132, 135–136
    • personal injury, 132–135
    • real estate law, 137, 138–139
    • tax law, 139–141
  • substituted service, 104, 335
  • summary, 335
  • summary judgment, motion for, 110–111, 150, 169–170, 329, 339
  • summons, 94, 104, 148, 335, 338
  • superior courts, 51
  • supermajority, 44
  • supervision, by licensed attorney, 9
  • suppress, motion to, 329
  • supra, 335
  • Supremacy Clause, 335
  • Supreme Court Reporter, 201
  • surrogacy, 126
  • suspense file, 292
  • sustain, 335


  • Table of Cases (in West's digests), 207
  • take under advisement, 335
  • tangible evidence, 84–85, 116, 183–184, 279, 335
  • tax evasion, 140
  • tax law, 140–141
  • technology
    • how to use, 307
    • use of in law, 275–285
  • 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, 49
  • testimonial evidence, 114, 116, 183, 184, 335
  • testimony, 197–198, 227–228
  • Texas, exams in specific areas of law to recognize paralegal's achievements, 23
  • text, in complaint, 157–158
  • third-party complaints, 149, 162, 180, 253, 335, 338, 339
  • Thomson Reuters (publisher), 206
  • tickler file, 292
  • tickler system, 290–292, 335
  • time, recording of (in law office), 294–295
  • timesheet, 340
  • to-do list (in law office), 292–294
  • Topic Outline (in West's digests), 207
  • tort cases, 146
  • tort law, 69–76, 134
  • tortfeasor, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 335
  • torts
    • defined, 335
    • intentional torts, 69, 70–71
    • negligent torts, 69, 71–74
    • as one of two categories of civil law actions, 57
    • parental liability and, 126
    • quasi-intentional torts, 69, 74–75
    • tort of conversion, 71
  • Total Client Service Library (TCSL), 206
  • town courts, 53
  • trademarks, 141
  • training, 16–18
  • transcript, 108, 335
  • trespass to chattels, 71
  • trespass to land, 71
  • trial, traveling through, 97–98
  • trial and error, importance of, 176
  • trial brief, 86, 97, 153, 162, 173
  • trial court, 47, 49, 51, 52, 55, 68, 88, 89, 92, 99, 120, 124, 153, 253, 335
  • trial de novo, 52, 335
  • trial notebooks, 97, 173, 217–220
  • trial performance, 217–230
  • trial procedures, online resources on, 340
  • tribunal, 57, 61, 62, 118, 335
  • true bill, 81
  • trusts, 127


  • unauthorized practice of law, 301
  • undue influence, 128, 129, 130
  • A Uniform System of Citation, 124, 214, 215, 269
  • United State Supreme Court Reports, Lawyers' Edition, 201
  • United States Reports, 201
  • U.S. Bankruptcy Court, 47, 90, 92, 132
  • U.S. Claims Court, 92
  • U.S. Code, 58, 59, 119, 201, 202, 215
  • U.S. Constitution, 47, 92, 118, 119, 120, 122, 123, 201, 202
  • U.S. Copyright Office, 142
  • U.S. Court of Appeals, 50, 201, 335
  • U.S. Court of Claims, 47, 49
  • U.S. Court of International Trade, 47, 49, 92
  • U.S. Department of Justice, 12
  • U.S. District Courts, 47, 49, 50, 92, 119, 132, 201, 336, 338
  • U.S. government, branches of, 42–46, 58
  • U.S. jury system, 54–56
  • U.S. Reports, 208
  • U.S. Supreme Court
    • appeals from highest court in state as being heard by, 52
    • appeals to, 49
    • Brown v. Board of Education, 41
    • as court of last resort, 49–50
    • defined, 336
    • as having original jurisdiction on certain cases, 48
    • hierarchy of, 53
    • as highest court in land, 48, 50
    • lower courts as having to rule as U.S. Supreme Court did, 40
    • New Jersey v. New York, 48
    • no mandatory case authority for, 123
    • number of appeals heard annually, 49
    • number of petitions received by annually, 49
    • Plessy v. Ferguson, 41
    • Roe v. Wade, 41
    • United States Reports, 201
  • U.S. Tax Court, 47, 49, 92
  • U.S. Treasury Department, 13, 58


  • vandalism, 67
  • venire, 224
  • Ventura, John (author)
  • venue, 93, 149, 319, 320, 336
  • verbatim transcript, 152
  • verdict, 336
  • verification of pleadings, 336
  • vicarious liability, 74
  • victimless crimes, 67
  • victims, meeting with, 82–84
  • video conferencing, 283
  • village courts, 53
  • voir dire, 98, 219, 221–225, 336


  • Wang, Wallace (author)
    • Microsoft Office 2019 For Dummies, 278, 279
  • warrant, 336
  • web conferencing, 283
  • Webster's New World Dictionary Online, 315
  • West Key Number System, 206, 207
  • West Publishing, 206–207, 275
  • Westlaw, 202, 203, 212, 275, 282, 343
  • Westlaw's KeyCite, 210–211
  • West's digests, 201
  • wherefore clause, 336
  • wills, 127, 128, 129, 130
  • wireless technology, 284
  • with prejudice, 95, 323
  • without prejudice, 95, 104, 323
  • witness contract list/sheet, 85
  • witnesses
    • interviews with, 195–196
    • keeping track of, 226–227
    • meeting with, 82–84
  • Woods, Geraldine (author)
    • English Grammar For Dummies, 306
  • word processing, 277–278, 294
  • Words and Phrases, 200
  • writ, 336
  • writ of certiorari, 49, 336
  • writing skills, 15
  • writing style, 30. See also legal writing style
  • wrongful institution of legal proceedings, 75


  • Zenger, John Peter (defendant), 54
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